Autumn 1 weekly overview foundation

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Week 1

Baseline assessments On entry assessment nursery (F1) and reception (F2) Ourselves All about me. I feel… I am good at… Growth time line: I am 1… I am 2… etc. Focused Texts: How do I feel Expressive Art: What I look like – painting and drawing, self portraits Maths F1: Beginning to categorise objects according to properties such as shape or size. Begins to use the language of size. Maths F2: Order two items by weight or capacity

Week 3

Ourselves Being healthy Focused Texts: My body/ Eat Well Physical – Health and social care: Understanding healthy and unhealthy food choices. Making healthy food e.g. fruit kebabs, vegetable soups Maths F1: Recites number names in sequence Creates and experiments with symbols and marks representing ideas and numbers. Maths F2: Shows an interest in number problems

Week 5

Ourselves Our senses Touch – Messy play, feely box Sight – blindfold walk / drawing Hearing – sound/ listening walks. Making Music Maths F1: Knows that a group of things changes in quantity when something is added or taken away. Uses some number names and number language spontaneously. Maths F2: Orders two or three items by length or height.

Every Child Matters 1: stay safe 2: be healthy 3: enjoy and achieve 4: make a positive contribution 5: achieve economic well being

Ourselves Autumn 1 2014 Role Play: Home Doctors/ Baby clinic/ opticians Vets Visitors: Wk – 15 Sept: Nurse visitor (Provisional) Wk –13th Oct: Vet visitor (Provisional) th

Magical Me – wk 20/10/14 Autumn 1 2014 Role Play: Halloween – witches/wizards den

Week 7

Ourselves Hobbies – Things I like... things I don’t like… things I am good at … things I find tricky. Games and activities past and present Games from around the world Maths F1: Beginning to categorise objects according to properties such as shape or size. Maths F2: Count actions or objects which cannot be moved.

Week 2

Ourselves Myself and my family Focused Texts: My History Making family tree – In my family is… Family portraits Maths F1: Select a small number of objects from a group. Recites number names in sequence Maths F2: Recognises numerals 1-5 (extend when needed) Recites numbers in order to 10.

Week 4

Ourselves Our senses Focused Texts: Food Taste - Food Tasting: sweet, sour, and bitter Smell – Making perfume, Guess that smell, baking Maths F1: Begins to make comparisons between quantities. Maths F2: Describe, talk about and name 2D shapes

Week 6

Ourselves Pets – How to care for animals. What would make a good pet? Unusual pets. Focused Texts: Perfect pets/ Dear zoo Maths F1: Understands some talk about immediate past and future, e.g. ‘before’, ‘later’ or ‘soon’. Maths F2: Describe, talk about and name 2D shapes

Week 8

Magical Me! Look at what I can do… celebration of how magical we all are Making potions – exploring texture and messy play. Discovering irreversible change – Making buns etc. Focused Texts: Winnie the witch series Maths F1: Shows an interest in shape and space by playing with shapes or making arrangements with objects. Maths F2: Beginning to use mathematical names for solid ‘3D’ and flat ‘2D’ shapes, and mathematical terms to describe shapes.

Outdoor Learning Exploring physical development… what my body can do Opportunities for climbing, bike riding, throwing catching and fine motor development

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