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Class 7 and 8 autumn
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term newsletter We hope you have enjoyed the start of the year so far and that you continue to enjoy your time in classes seven and eight! Hopefully this newsletter will answer any questions that you may have, but please feel free to speak to Miss Robinson or Mrs Fell if you would like further clarification on anything. Homework This year we intend to give homework which will support the learning that we have been doing in Maths or Literacy lessons. Homework will be set on a Friday and it will be expected in on the following Friday. Should your child need any help with their homework, they are more than welcome to bring it back to class unfinished in order to check aspects with the teacher. PE Both classes have PE on a Wednesday afternoon. In order to take part in PE children need to bring: • A white T-shirt • Black shorts/jogging bottoms (weather dependent) • Pumps for indoor PE • Trainers for outdoor PE In addition to this we would also like to ask that those with pierced ears either wear earrings that they are able to remove on those days or tape to cover the ear rings. Girls should also have a bobble in order to tie their hair back. Can all PE kit please come with names written in and in a PE bag which also include their name. Literacy We are currently doing a fiction text ‘Charlie and the chocolate factory’, and the children have really enjoyed starting this. We are linking this to our current topic of chocolate. We also plan to look at instructional texts and do some poetry, also linked in with our topic. Numeracy In numeracy we have started the year by looking at number bonds. We will be covering addition and subtraction methods as well as looking at place value. We will start each week by completing a mental maths tests and end the week by completing using and applying activities to put into practice what we have learnt in the week.
_________% Topic Our current topic is ‘Chocolate’. We will study the history of chocolate and look at Date __________________ Date __________________ how it is made. Later in this half term we hope to invite you all to a chocolate tasting afternoon with the children. _________%
Reading Extra to the maths or literacy homework which we will be setting weekly, we also expect the children to read at home. This should be recorded in your child’s planner. A child must have three instances of reading out of school recorded in their planner to avoid going to a 15 minute reading club during golden time on a Friday. In school we are also completing one hour of Read Write Inc. or guided reading per day. Where we learn a variety of letter sounds and use them to complete our reading. Trips and enrichment days We hope to invite you in later in the half term in order to taste food from other countries with your children and next half term in order to help them make their volcanoes. Mornings It is always lovely to see parents in school with their children on a morning and we would like to reiterate that you are more than welcome to come into class with your child. They will be able to show you around the room and the things that we have been doing. With our tight timetable we need to start our register at 8.35am so we would appreciate it if you could leave your child in class at this time. Milk and water Those children who are registered on cool milk (https://www.coolmilk.com/) receive a carton of milk to drink at break time. If you would like your child to receive milk please speak to Mrs. Bailey in the office, who can give you more information. Children are welcome to bring a water bottle into school with them but please ensure it only contains water, unless it is a part of their packed lunch. Thank you for your support We are looking forward to a very productive year. Miss Robinson and Mrs Fell