Reception Newsletter Autumn Term 2013 Dear Parents and carers, Welcome back. We hope you all enjoyed your break and had a good rest, ready for the next very busy term. We would like to welcome Miss Matthews (our new Class 2 teacher) to our Foundation Stage team.
This term our learning will be based on the themes……… Autumn 1: All about me The children will learn all about themselves and why they are special. They will explore their differences and similarities compared to others. Autumn 2: Celebrations The children will be looking at familiar celebrations such as Harvest and Halloween; they will also gain an insight into other festivals and traditions. Literacy Autumn 1: Name writing, giving meaning to marks, recognising and forming letters. Autumn 2: Writing cvc words and simple sentences. Reading: Children will be explaining stories in their own words. They will also be focusing on strengthening their letter sounds in order to begin sounding out and blending.
Numeracy Autumn 1: Touch counting, reciting numbers, recognising numerals, number songs and recognising 2D shapes. Autumn 2: Simple number problems, measuring and using positional language.
Helping your child at home
Things to remember
Important calendar dates
To support your child’s progress it is
Please remember to bring book bags and PE kits to school.
important to read with them on a regular basis. We recommend that you read with your child at least three times a week. Any child that has read with their adult on three separate occasions, in one week, can be moved up the reading ladder. Any children that reach the top of the ladder each half term will be rewarded with a whole school treat. Please support us in talking to your child about our traffic light system and reinforcing the golden rules. Don’t forget to look out for your child’s golden ticket every Friday.
PE kits should be plain white t-shirt with a round neck and black shorts. Please ensure that clothes are clearly labelled. Reception P.E days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please don’t forget to fill in your child’s special achievements so we can display them on our achievement trees. We recommend that every child has a water bottle in school. Please send your child with a bottle of fresh water each day.
Harvest festival – 8.10.13 – class 1 at 9.30am and class 2 at 2pm
Parents evening – 14.11.13
Foundation Stage concert 17.12.13 class 1 parents 10am
Foundation Stage concert 18.12.13 class 2 parents 2pm.
There will be opportunities for parents to come into school and help (Parent Workshops) dates to follow.