Fs2 autumn 1 ourselves

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Personal, Social and Emotional Development The children will learn the Golden rules and behaviour expectations of the classroom. The children will learn why they are special by looking at their interests they way they look etc. They will also look at differences they have with other children by comparing. Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities. Confident to speak to others about own needs, wants, interests and opinions. Understands that own actions affect other people, for example, becomes upset or tries to comfort another child when they realise they have upset them. Aware of the boundaries set, and of behavioural expectations in the setting. They work as part of a group or class, and understand and follow the rules. Physical Development The children will use dress independently during role play areas and for PE. The children will start making marks and begin to form some letters. Dancing – head shoulders etc The children will learn what contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Dresses with help Experiments with different ways of moving. Begins to use anticlockwise movement and retrace vertical lines Begins to form recognisable letters. Shows some understanding that good practices with regard to exercise, eating, sleeping and hygiene can contribute to good health. They manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs successfully, including dressing and going to the toilet independently. Communication and Language The children will have the opportunity to talk about themselves and others where they will be able to develop their speaking and listening skills. The children will have the opportunity to learn new vocabulary – e.g naming body parts, fruit and veg etc The children will have opportunities to learn new songs related to the topic – head shoulders knees and toes etc Listens to others one to one or in small groups, when conversation interests them. Uses vocabulary focused on objects and people that are of particular importance to them. Listens and responds to ideas expressed by others in conversation or discussion. Extends vocabulary, especially by grouping and naming, exploring the meaning and sounds of new words. Children express themselves effectively They give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately

Understanding the World

Theme Overview Autumn 1 2013 Ourselves/ Halloween

Enrichment Parent and baby/ toddler to visit. Dentist to visit Eureka trip Halloween party day

Parent Workshop Large life size collages

Literacy The children will practise writing their names. The children will focus writing CVC words – lip, leg, bat, cat etc Spooky rhyming words (Halloween) When children are writing they will focus on initial sounds. The children will have the opportunity to write lists and label – shopping lists, labelling body parts. Hears and says the initial sound in words. Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together and knows which letters represent some of them. Gives meaning to marks they make as they draw, write and paint. Begins to break the flow of speech into words. Continues a rhyming string. Uses some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, representing some sounds correctly and in sequence. Writes own name and other things such as labels,captions

The children will look at our local environment that we live in and how this varies for other people. They will look at differences and similarities they have with other children. They will look at different occupations and discuss their aspirations. The children will look at how our bodies change over time. Shows interest in the lives of people who are familiar to them. Recognises and describes special times or events for family or friends. Shows interest in different occupations and ways of life. Knows some of the things that make them unique, and can talk about some of the similarities and differences in relation to friends or family. Developing an understanding of growth, decay and changes over time. Children talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. They know that other children don’t always enjoy the same things, and are sensitive to this. They talk about the features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another.

Mathematics The children will strengthen touch counting skills – body parts etc They will practise number recognition. The children will measure using taller and shorter. The children will create repeated patterns – Halloween, fruit printing As a whole class the children will be introduced to data handling – class’ most popular eye colour etc. Selects the correct numeral to represent 1 to 5, then 1 to 10 objects. Uses the language of ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to compare two sets of objects. Finds the total number of items in two groups by counting all of them. Records, using marks that they can interpret and explain. Selects a particular named shape Orders two or three items by length or height. Uses familiar objects and common shapes to create and recreate patterns and build models. They recognise, create and describe patterns.

Expressive Art & Design The children will have opportunities to create collages – funny bones, healthy meal plate. The children will create repeated patterns The children will use paint to create pictures of different fruit and veg. Sings a few familiar songs Uses various construction materials. Begins to build a repertoire of songs and dances. Manipulates materials to achieve a planned effect.

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