Year 2 Newsletter Autumn Term 2013 Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome back after a well-deserved break. We hope that you have enjoyed your summer holiday! We have lots of exciting learning taking place in Year 2 this term, especially during the run up to Christmas. We have already had a visit from a dinosaur expert and next half term we aim to visit a local church. Miss Nicholson will be in Class 6 throughout the week, delivering exciting afternoon sessions. Miss Nicholson
What are we learning this Autumn? · Term
Autumn Term 1
Autumn Term 2
Festivals and Celebrations
Information texts
Explanation texts
Counting, partitioning and calculating Securing number facts Data handling Health and Growth
Calculating and measuring Relationships between numbers Electricity
Literacy Numeracy
Important calendar dates!
Harvest festival – 8.10.2014 at 2.00 in the hall Parents evening - 14.11.2014 Christmas concerts for Year 2 parents will be either o 12.12.2013 at 9.00 in the hall o 13.12.2013 at 10.30 in the hall Parent workshop (3D box modelling – dinosaur land) o Class 5 - 21.10.2013 (1.30-3.00 in the hall) o Class 6 – 22.10.2013 (1.30-3.00 in the hall)
Helping your child at home Your child will receive one piece of maths and literacy homework per week. This will be handed out on a Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday. This will begin next week. Please support us by talking to your child about our traffic light system and reinforcing the golden rules. Don’t forget to look out for your child’s golden ticket every Friday!
Our reading challenge: To support your child’s progress it is important to read with them on a regular basis. We recommend that you read with your child at least three times a week. Any child that has read with their adult on three separate occasions, in one week, can be moved up the reading ladder. Any children that reach the top of the ladder each half term will be rewarded with a whole school treat. Books will be changed twice a week - on a Wednesday and a Friday.
Water bottles We recommend that every child has a water bottle in school. Please send your child with a bottle of fresh water each day, which is clearly labelled.
PE Please make sure that your child has a PE kit in school. Year 2 children have PE on a Wednesday and a Thursday. For indoor PE sessions children must wear a plain white top and a pair of black shorts. For outdoor PE sessions trainers or pumps, tracksuit bottoms and a long sleave top will be needed.