Nursery autumn 2 overview celebrations

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Understanding of the world Skill: To understand that everyone has a birthday. Children to learn about birthdays and find out what month their birthday is in. Skill: To understand the word ‘Celebration’ What is a celebration? Talk about family parties/weddings etc. What happens at a celebration? Recognises and describes special times or events for family or friends. Enjoy joining in with family customs and routines. Attend KS1 Wedding Have a birthday Party FS Skill: To recognise the poppy and begin to understand what it stands for. Look at the symbol of the poppy and talk about remembering people. Skill: To understand the meaning of Christmas. Nativity Skill: To understand people from other cultures may celebrate in a different way to us: Diwali/Diva Lamps Comments and asks questions about aspects of their familiar world. Talks about why things happen.

Theme Overview Autumn 2 Festivals and Celebrations Enrichment Birthday Party Attending KS1 Wedding

Parent workshop Concert/Nativity

Outcomes Christmas Nativity

Physical Development On-going Skills (Cross-Curricular) Uses one-handed tools and equipment Holds pencil near point between first two fingers and thumb and uses it with good control Can copy some letters Tumble Tots Session (P.E) Move freely with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways, such as slithering, shuffling, rolling, jumping, skipping, sliding and hopping. Runs skilfully and negotiates space successfully, adjusting speed or direction to avoid obstacles.

Personal, social and Emotional Development On-going throughout all activities Demonstrates friendly behaviour, initiating conversations and forming good relationships with peers and familiar adults. Can select and use activities and resources with help. Confident to talk to other children when playing, and will communicate freely about home and community Christmas/Nativity Can usually adapt behaviour to different events, social situations and changes in routine.

Mathematics Maths Week Skill: Children to recognise numbers. Skill: Children to count using correct number names. Children to count a variety of objects associated with Bonfire Night/Fireworks. Skill: Children to solve problems. Children to look at the request card to see what each person would like for their Bonfire tea. How many toffee apples are we going to need? Etc. Know that numbers identify how many objects are in a set. Skill: To paint objects to represent a number. Children to select a numeral and paint the same number of objects underneath. (Fireworks focus) Begin to represent numbers using fingers, marks on paper or pictures. Skill: To create a simple pattern. Children to design their own wrapping paper for presents. Show an interest in shape and space by playing with shapes or making arrangements with objects. Skill: To count objects and select the matching number. Children to count a variety of Christmas presents and select the correct numeral to match. Know that numbers identify how many objects are in a set. Skill: To recognise ‘more’. Children to identify which group has more when comparing two groups of objects. Compare two groups of objects, saying when they have the same number.

Communication and Language Skill: To listen to a story. Children to listen to a variety of picture books linked to the theme. Listen to stories with increasing attention and recall. Skill: To follow directions. Christmas Nativity Is able to follow directions (if not intently focused on own choice of activity) Beginning to understand why and how questions. Skill: To retell the Christmas Story Children to use picture cards to retell the story of Baby Jesus. Skill: To talk about a familiar event. Children to talk about a family celebration they have been to. Can tell a simple past even in correct order. Uses vocabulary focused on objects and people that are of particular importance to them. Skill: To use new words in my sentences. (Orally) Linked to Birthdays/Celebrations. Skill: To use winter vocabulary Children to talk about what they can see, hear, feel, do. Builds up the vocabulary that reflects the breath of their experiences.

Literacy RWI: 2 Letters per week Link sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet. Skill: To write. (Writing Assessment) Children to write a letter to Santa. Skill: To write. Children to create a party invitation/birthday card. Gives meaning to marks they make as they draw, write and paint. The Christmas Story/Christmas Themed Stories Joins in with repeated refrains and anticipates key events and phrases in rhymes and stories. Skill: To recognise familiar characters. Children to understand who the main characters are in a story. How can we describe them? What are they like‌kind/cruel etc. Describes main story setting, events and principle characters. Suggest how the story might end.

Expressive arts and design Christmas Nativity Sing a few familiar songs Use available resources to create props to support role-play. Skills: To draw, To paint, To colour mix, To cut, To stick. (Ongoing) Activities Glitter Firework Pictures/Bonfire Pictures Divas Creating birthday cards/xmas cards and calendars Winter Pictures Understand that they can use lines to enclose a space, and then begin to use theses shapes to represent objects. Capture experiences and responses with a range of media, such as music, dance, paint and other materials or words.

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