Spring 1 newsletter year 5

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Mr Dukes and Mr Potter would like to welcome everyone back this Spring. We’ve had two weeks to settle back in and the children are showing some excellent progress in their learning this year so far. We would like to reiterate that this is an important year for your children and we will be looking to make a lot of progress over the year. Between 8:30 and 8:40 is our morning wish time and you’re more than welcome to come in and offer your children support for their tasks.

Mathematics Literacy Literacy lessons will be planned from the objectives set out in the Primary Framework. We will be linking our Literacy with our Rivers theme. Units covered will include; Explanations, Creating Images and Stories which Raise Issues and Dilemmas. We would like to thank you in advance for supporting your child with homework and by  listening to them read every night.

Numeracy lessons will be planned from the objectives set out in the Primary Framework. Units covered will be; place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, data handling, measures and shape and space. We would like to thank you in advance for supporting your child with their homework; this includes learning their multiplication and division facts.

Topic Our topic this term is ‘Rivers’. We will be looking at the technical language surrounding this topic. We will be looking at how a river forms, where the river travels and what effects the river has on the local environment. During our studies we will be visiting Highfields Lake, and pond dipping for local wildlife. Also, during topic we will be learning about the water cycle and transferring this learning into our Literacy ‘Explanations’ topic. Parents are invited to join their children in making a water cycle simulator on the Thursday 13th February.

Homework Homework will be given out on Thursday and is expected to be handed in on Mondays.

PE Swimming mornings.




Games is on Thursday with qualified sports coaches.

Again, we would like to thank you for supporting your child with their homework this year. Could you please remind children to bring in their reading books every day?

Please ensure your child has the correct kit on these days, as set out in the school handbook.

PSCHE ICT ICT this half term will provide the children with an opportunity to use the internet to research our Rivers topic. We will also be using ICT to produce bar charts in numeracy and producing information texts in Literacy.

Golden Rules Our Golden Rules are to: Be Gentle Be kind and helpful Listen to people Be honest Work hard Look after property

In circle time this term we will be using our SEAL programme to learn about Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning. We will also be discussing the importance of high expectations and following our golden rules.

Water and Fruit Break We encourage children to bring a water bottle into school. They can keep it in their classroom during the day. Please ensure they are only filled with water. Also, we encourage children to bring in fruit for playtime. After all, it is a long morning and they do get hungry!

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