Geography Literacy Links
Theme Overview
Narrative unit 1 – stories with familiar settings
6a the locality of the school - Where to heroes and villains live? What sort of areas to they live in? What do their homes look like? 7b carry out fieldwork investigations outside the classroom -
Narrative unit 3 – traditional and fairy stories (heroes and villains) -
How can we make our local environment safer/ cleaner – creating superheroes
Different types of buildings/ homes – link to ourselves/ people who help us/ what a super heroes home would look like
The Three Little Pigs, Billy Goats Gruff, Little Red Riding Hood, The Gingerbread Man, Jack and The Beanstalk
Heroes and
Numeracy Links
Block A: Counting, Partitioning and calculating (2 weeks) – Jack and the bean stalk; touch counting golden coins/ beans, simple addition and subtraction with coins/cows/beans/giants, The Three Little Pigs; problem solving (wolves and pigs)
History 6a Changes in pupils’ own lives and the way of life of their family or others around them - What things have you done in the past which could help to you be a hero? What memories do you have of someone being a hero to you.
Block B: securing number facts, understanding shapes (3 weeks) – The Three Little Pigs; shape pictures – pigs/ houses etc. Block C: Handling data and measures (2 weeks) - Jack and the beanstalk; direct comparison i.e. size/ length, Little Red Riding Hood; sorting food (Granny’s basket), tradition tales; data handling for favorite story character/ villain/ hero
Outcome/ TASC
Understand / describe
Unit 1A Ourselves Recognise and name the main parts of their own our others bodies Identify and use all 5 senses to explore the world around them; see, hear, smell, touch and taste Understand that people and animals grow (describe changes from birth and how they may change as they grow) Recognise and name adults and their babies Understand that humans are animals Explore how people are all different (eye colour/ hair colour) Explore living and non living Healthy eating – what we need to stay alive Possible coverage; Materials and their properties – super heroes clothes/ gadgets
5b explore a variety of ICT skills (keyboard skills for logging on/ locating letters)
3b to present their work effectively Reward poster – villains – link to character descriptions (Lit)
Enrichment Heroes and villains day
5c talking about the use of ICT inside and outside school - discussions on internet
Parent Workshop
See sep. scheme
Design Technology 5c designing and making assignments using a range of materials, including food Heroes and villains (Baking gingerbread men/ baking buns for Little Red Riding Hood) 5b focused practical tasks that develop a range of techniques, skills, process and knowledge Work towards building different types of homes/ a home for a hero or villain
PSHE (SEAL) 1e How to set simple goals -
Link to ourselves -Good to be me, going for goals
People who help us – vet/ doctor/ nurse/ dentist/ police/ firemen 1a I say what I like and dislike, what is fair and unfair, and what is right and wrong (link to heroes/ villains actions)
4a to review what they have done - are pupils able to type successfully?
Rawmarsh scheme – Gym, Dance, Games
Colour mixing / textiles in preparation for parents day mask making. Colour mixing to match the colours in superhero and villain logos. How do we make these colours?
e.g. policeman/ fireman/ vet/
P. E
Re-tell stories
Visit – people who help us (heroes)
5c using a range of material processes (e.g. painting, collage, print, digital media, textiles, sculpture)
characters and stories
4a – I recognise how my behaviour affects people -
Costume making – masks and
Role play/ hot seating – heroes/ villains; children to suggest how they could help
tiaras Music 5b – responding to a range of musical and non musical starting points
R.E -
Creating stories from music/ movement to music/ discussion about music
What music suits superheroes? How could we make a theme for a superhero? What instruments, tempo and volume etc.
Revised scheme