Year 1 autumn 2

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Literacy Links Non fiction unit 1 labels, lists and captions Create a list of the people who will be invited to your wedding. Lists of toys you want for Christmas, to be used in the writing assessment (letter to Santa)


Theme Overview

Non fiction unit 2 – instructions. Following instructions to make Christmas cards. Letter to Santa to be used as assessment so introduction to be done. Numeracy Links Block D: Calculating, measuring and understanding shape (2 weeks) Making and measuring Christmas decorations 3Dmodelling, toilet roll tube and cone net for rockets, decorated with 2D shapes. 2D shapes to be drawn using chalk and black sugar paper to make a firework picture (everything to be made from shapes.) Block E: Securing number facts, relationships and calculating (3 weeks) Countdown to Christmas. Paper chains and snow flakes. Budgeting for a wedding. Science Light and dark:  We need light to see - Explaining what objects look like from inside the dark tent  Sources of light – Look at all the different light sources in school. Are there different ones at home, in the street? etc  Light at night - Fire works as a source of light, different coloured lights and how they light up the sky  Seeing in the dark – Observing objects in a “black box”  The sun – Investigate the differences between days when the sun is out and days when it is behind a cloud.  Shiny objects and light sources – Bring in a variety of reflectors and look at the how they work. Do they work in a dark room or just when it is light? ICT ‘5 Pupils will be taught the knowledge skills and understanding through: a Working with a range of information to investigate the different ways it can be presented; Researching remembrance day, what it is and why it is important, to be presented as a poster/PowerPoint b Exploring a variety of ICT tools (e.g. floor turtle, word processing software, adventure game) Pupils will use word processing software in order to create invite to a wedding for children in foundation R.E. Explore a range of religious stories and their meanings – Look at the nativity, why is it important what does it teach us, look at it from Mary and Joseph, Shepherds and Kings perspective. Explore a range of celebrations and rituals Identify what matters to them and others – Nativity link from the gifts the three king bring. What is important at Christmas, family or presents? Is it important to be Christened Christianity – Christmas Sikhism – Understand Divali, look into the different parts of the celebration. Making deva lamps. Study of a local religious community – Visit to the Church How and why some stories are sacred – The nativity Celebrations, how and why celebrations are important in religion- Why are weddings done in Churches Visiting places of worship – Visit to the church Sharing their own beliefs and experiences about religion- Have you been to a wedding? Have you been Christened?

6a The locality of the School and 7b Carry out fieldwork investigations outside the classroom – Where in Doncaster can you get married? History

Festivals and celebrations

6 b The way of life of people in the more distant past who lived in the local area or elsewhere in Britain – Differences in weddings and christening now and in the past. The clothes that were worn for weddings and christenings now and in the past. What was it like for people who lived in England during the war?


Outcome/ TASC

5a Explore a range of starting points for practical work – Show the children a deva lamp and ask them to recreate using clay, the be painted one dry.

Understand the different things we celebrate and the different ways of celebrating.

5 d Investigating different kinds of art, craft and design (Eg in the locality, during visits, on the internet) What other Christmas decorations are there all over the world, choose one to reproduce. 5c Use a range of materials and processes – Handprint seasonal calendar

Design Technology 5c Designing and making assignments using a range of materials, including:


Visit to a place of worship

Textiles - Creating Christmas stockings (follow up with 5a, does the stocking work properly how does it compare to old and new ones.)

Items that can be put together to make products – Collage Christmas card

PSHE SEAL covered in PPA

Parent Workshop Music

Christmas concert to be performed in front of parents. Year one to sing

5c Working independently and in groups of different sizes and as a class and 5d A range of live and recorded music from different times and cultures Listen to and perform a range of Christmas carols in preparation for the Christmas concert

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