Year 2 autumn 2

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Literacy Links Poetry Unit 1 – Patterns on the page -

AT2 Theme Overview

Firework poems, alliteration / acrostic poems, figurative language

Non Fiction unit 2 explanations -

Explanation – Christian/ Sikh wedding/ roles (Bride/ Groom/ Best man etc.)


Christening/ wedding ceremony/ clothing

Festivals and Celebrations

Non Fiction – letter writing -

1c Express own views own views about people, places and environments. 3a identify and describe what places are like

History 6c To understand the lives of significant men from the history of Britain and the wider world 2a To recognise why people did things, why events happened and what happened as a result Guy Fawkes (The story of Guy Fawkes – Gunpowder plot) Drama; retelling / freeze frames/ conscience tunnel 6d Past events from the history of Britain 2a To recognise why people did things, why events happened and what happened as a result

Invitations (wedding ceremony), letter to Santa (Writing assessment) -

Outcome/ TASC Numeracy Links Block C unit 1 – Handling data and measures (2 weeks) 

Numeracy week; favourite colour firework/ most popular bonfire food, preparing for a wedding – food/ drink/ favours etc.

Christmas concert Christmas cards and calendars Enrichment

Block D unit 1 – Calculating, measuring and understanding shape (2 weeks)

Church visit – St. Lawrence 01302 723244

Block E unit 1 – Securing number facts, relationships and calculating (3 weeks)

Thursday 14th November (10-11.30) Class 5

Party planning – inviting guests; food/ drink/ favors/ budgets and costing etc.

Using and applying – Christmas/ gifts/ elves/ winter animals etc.

Thursday 14th November (1.00-2.30) Class 6

Check times ** invite parent helpers and send out letters in week 1 R.E. Parent Workshop 3f Celebrations; how and why celebrations are important in religion (Festivals such as Divali) -

Big book Divali, explore the story and meaning behind the festival of lights, create their own diva lamp

1a explore a range of religious stories (the special nature of Jesus as shown through the celebration of his birth (Christmas) -

Church visit/ mock wedding ceremony

Exploring and re-enacting the nativity story. Sequencing the nativity story and completing a big write.

3k visiting a place of workshop and focusing on symbols and feelings (symbols found in a church – e.g. water, font, candles, bread and wine, stained glass, cross, crucifix, chalice and paten, icons/ objects found in churches – e.g. bible, lectern, font, altar, musical instruments, vestments) -

Visit to the local church (St. Lawrence)


Explore the features of a church

Christmas concert – week 6 ICT

Remembrance day / poppy Discussion surrounding WW2/ Hitler BBC history

Science Using electricity Christmas lights (the Christmas lights are broken and children need to work out what is wrong with the circuits before creating one) that everyday appliances use electricity; these include things that light up, heat up, produce sounds and move that everyday appliances are connected to the mains and that they must be used safely that some devices use batteries which supply electricity; these can be handled safely to make connections in circuits to the positive and negative poles of the battery to make a complete circuit using a battery, wires and bulbs explore how to make a bulb light, explaining what happened, and using drawings to present results that an electrical device will not work if there is no battery or if there is a break in the circuit to make and test predictions about circuits that will work to make and record observations in drawings to say whether the evidence supports the predictions to explain what happened, drawing on their knowledge of circuits that these circuits can be used to make simple devices

1a gather information from a variety of sources (to Art -To look a clothing of weddings. 3c (2a) using a range of materials and processes (e.g. painting, collage, print making) -To design invitations for mock wedding 4a Using visual and tactile elements including colour, pattern, texture, line, tone, shape, form and space Music 1a Use voices to sing songs, chants and rhymes.1c Rehearse and perform with others. -

Christmas concert


Cards; reindeer/ penguin/ Santa/ Christmas tree 3D card


Calendars; leaf printings, autumn colour/ brusho backgrounds

Design Technology 2d assembly, join and combine materials (textiles) Stockings Split pin character (Santa, snowman)

PSHE 1d I think about myself, learn from my experiences and recognise what I am good at. -

Letter to Santa

PE See Rawmarsh scheme

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