Year 2 spring newsletter spring term 2014 complete

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Year 2 Newsletter Spring Term 2014 Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome back after the half term! The children have really enjoyed their culture week, where they learnt all about Ancient Egypt. They were really interested in learning about hieroglyphics and how mummies were made. Here is a list of topics and activities we will be covering this half term. If you have any questions then please remember our doors and always open – so feel free to speak to Mr. Troy or Miss Jenkins.

What are we learning this Spring? · Term

Spring Term1

Spring Term 2


Treasure hunters (Pirates)



Non fiction texts

Narrative – Familiar settings

Narrative – Extended stories

Counting, partitioning and calculating Securing number facts Data handling Grouping and changing materials

Calculating and measuring Relationships between numbers Forces and movement




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Important calendar dates! 28.01.14 KS1 cake sale and an opportunity to view children’s learning 03.2.14 Pirate dress up day Parent workshop (Raft building) o Class 5 – 20.02.14 (1.30-3.00 in the hall) o Class 6 – 18.02.14 (9.30-11.00 in the hall) Mornings

It is lovely to see parents on a morning. We have a tight time table and would like to ask that children are present for registration at 8.30 sharp, thank you.

Helping your child at home Your child will receive one piece of maths and literacy homework per week. This will be handed out on a Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday. This will begin next week. Please support us by talking to your child about our traffic light system and reinforcing the golden rules. Don’t forget to look out for your child’s golden ticket every Friday!

Our reading challenge: To support your child’s progress it is important to read with them on a regular basis. We recommend that you read with your child at least three times a week. Any child that has read with their adult on three separate occasions, in one week, can be moved up the reading ladder. Any children that reach the top of the ladder each half term will be rewarded with a whole school treat. Books will be changed once a week on a Friday.

Water bottles We recommend that every child has a water bottle in school. Please send your child with a bottle of fresh water each day, which is clearly labelled.

PE Please make sure that your child has a PE kit in school. We advise parents to bring in PE kits on a Monday and take them home on a Friday. Year 2 children have PE on a Wednesday and a Thursday. For indoor PE sessions children must wear a plain white top and a pair of black shorts. For outdoor PE sessions trainers or pumps, tracksuit bottoms and a long sleave top will be needed.

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