Year 3 autumn newsletter 2013

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Miss Bennett and Miss Tembey would like to offer a warm welcome back to the Autumn Term.

Literacy This term we will be writing setting descriptions about places around Woodlands. We will also be writing reports on our local area. We will also look at how play scripts are written and we will be rewriting part of The Twits book as a play script. We will finish off the term with writing shape poems.

Maths In Maths this term we will be focusing on our number bonds, times tables, calculation methods and shape. In calculation we will be working on our informal written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Other areas of maths will include reading scales and using data handing which will be linked to our topic work.

Themes of study Our topics this term will focus on our local environment and being able to plan safe routes around our community. We will be enjoying a walk around our local area and visiting key places, such as the park and St Lawrence’s church. We will trace our route using satellite images from google maps. In our science work we will be looking at rocks and soils and be spotting rocks used in buildings around our school and local area. We will be investigating which are the hardest rocks. We will then look at teeth and healthy lifestyles in our ‘Eat up and feet up’ topic.

Fruit for breaks/water for class Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school to keep them hydrated. We also welcome children bringing fruit or healthy snack for playtimes.


Our PE lessons are Wednesday and we will need P.E. shorts, Tshirt, trainers and a tracksuit. This term we will be working on our games skills. Whilst in games the children will be learning passing, moving and teamwork skills. Homework Children will receive work to complete in literacy, maths and spellings every Friday with return date by the following Wednesday. The spelling tests will be on a Friday morning. Please listen to your child read at least 3 times per week and record a comment in their homework/reading diary. If they do this they can move up the school reading ladder and earn the chance to win a prize.

Morning learning It will be great if you can join us each morning from 8.30am to 8.40am to take the chance to look at your child’s learning. We also love having parents in to help us, so if you have any spare time and would like to volunteer to work in class please contact the class teacher. Thank you for reading, Miss Bennett & Miss Tembey Y3 class teachers.

Planned trips As a nice introduction to the theme ‘Our locality’ the children will be going on a walk around the park and St. Lawrence’s church to sketch buildings of interest. Next half term we are hoping to go on a trip to Eureka (Halifax) as part of our Eat up and feet up topic.

Rewards Systems We enjoy rewarding good behaviour at Adwick Primary. Good behaviour tickets are given out by all staff if your child has stayed off red all week. Golden tickets are given for children who are a good example to others for following any of the golden rules. Children earn minutes every lesson towards their ‘golden time,’ which takes place on a Friday afternoon, where they get the opportunity to take part in exciting activities throughout the school. We aim to follow the golden rules: 1. Be gentle 2. Work hard 3. Be honest 4. Listen to people 5. Look after property 6. Be kind and helpful

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