Year 6 autumn newsletter 2013

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Mr Batley, Mrs Brooks, Miss Cropper and Mrs Davis would like to offer a warm welcome back to the Autumn Term. This is the start of an important year for your children and will mainly focus on preparing them for their SATs, which will take place on the week beginning 12th May 2014. Literacy


Literacy lessons will be planned from the objectives set out in the Primary Framework. Units covered will include; reading and writing stories, poetry, and biographies.

Numeracy lessons will be planned from the objectives set out in the Primary Framework. Units covered will include; addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percentages and also handling data.

Topic This half term, our theme of study is going to be titled “Coal.� We are going to be taking a look at where coal comes from, its impact on life in Doncaster and also how mining techniques have developed, from Victorian times to the present day. Wherever possible, we shall be linking all areas of the curriculum to this theme, for example, in art we will be using charcoal and other monochrome mediums In D&T children will be designing and making their own Cornish pasties. We are keen to enhance your child’s learning by inviting you into the classroom to share your expertise, therefore, if you (or grandparents) have an interest in or have worked in the mining industry, we would be grateful if you could come into school and take part in some activities. You can let me know if you can help by, phoning school, sending in a note or just popping in to say hello. Fruit and Water

Reading Reward

Children are encouraged to bring a piece of fruit as a snack at break times and a bottle of water which can be kept in the classroom for use during the day.

Once again we will be encouraging the children to read at home three times a week and throughout the year rewards will be available for these children

PE is on Fridays. Please remember to bring the correct kit on this day, including trainers as some sessions will take place outside, weather permitting.

Caphouse Colliery

Parent Workshop

To enhance the children’s learning this half term we are visiting Caphouse Colliery. Here the children will be given a unique opportunity to travel 140 metres underground down one of Britain's oldest working mines.

This half term we will be holding a parent workshop where you are welcome to come into school for the afternoon, celebrate the children’s work so far and take part in activities. More details will sent out at a later date

Homework Diary This year your child will bring home a homework diary, this serves many purposes. It is where you record listening to your child read, and also where homework will be noted down by the children. Notes can also be passed between teacher and parents in this diary. We ask that you check this diary each weekend and sign to say you have done this. Homework will consist of one piece of English and Maths each week. This will be given out on a Thursday and should be returned by the following Tuesday.

Golden Rules We are gentle We are kind and helpful We listen We are honest We work hard We look after property Please encourage your children to follow the Golden Rules.

If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact us either by contacting the school office or coming in for a chat after school. Mr Batley and Mrs Brooks

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