Mr. Batley, Mrs. Brooks, Miss Cropper and Mrs. Davis would like to thank you for all your support in the Autumn term and hopes it continues throughout the year. As this is an important year in terms of national tests (SATs), your child has been invited to SAT Preparation Sessions - these will begin towards the end of January and will be on Mondays and Tuesdays. Letters regarding this have already gone home but some slips have not yet been returned, please do so as soon as possible, or ask for another letter from us if you’ve lost it.
Literacy lessons will be planned from the objectives set out in the Primary Framework. Units covered will include; reading and playscripts, poetry, and journalistic writing. Your child is also in a Fresh Start group which is tailored to their specific needs.
Numeracy lessons will be planned from the objectives set out in the Primary Framework. Units covered will include; addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percentages and also handling data, as well as skills based on reasoning and problem-solving.
Topic This half term our theme is ‘Canals’. We are learning about the purposes of canals in the past as industrial ‘motorways’ and their changing role as popular leisure activities. Wherever possible, we shall be linking all areas of the curriculum to this theme, for example, in art we will be using watercolours to help depict canal scenes, urban and rural, in perspective. In D&T children will be designing an imaginary creature and its habitat – this leads on from our discrete science work based around animals and their habitats. Our parent workshop this half term is linked closely to our D&T work. Fruit and Water Children are encouraged to bring fruit for break. Children can also bring a bottle of water which can be kept in the classroom for use during the day.
Reading Reward Once again we will be encouraging the children to read at home three times a week and throughout the year - rewards will be available for these children
Trip This term we will be visiting Crucial Crew in March. (A letter with more details will follow shortly.) This is an opportunity for your child to develop their social skills in preparation for the transition to secondary school later this year. P.E. is on Mondays. Please remind your child to bring their full, correct kit on this day; this includes trainers as some sessions will take place outside, weather permitting. Children who do not bring kits will be told to observe the lesson and makes notes about it so that their learning experience is not completely lost.
Outwood Transition Work
Parent Workshop
As part of school’s transition programme, children go to Outwood Academy on a fortnightly basis. This allows them to become familiar with the setting they will attend in September as well as begin to prepare them for the work they will be doing there.
This half term we will be holding a parent workshop where you are welcome to come into school for the afternoon, celebrate the children’s work so far and take part in activities. Tea or coffee and biscuits will be served afterwards, as per usual. More details will sent out shortly.
Morning Wish Time In a morning, your child is given the opportunity to look back at the previous days learning and make improvements; you are welcome to join us for this 10 minutes session. Reading Record and Homework Diary Please continue to encourage your child to read frequently at home. The Adwick Primary Reading Challenge is helping children do this. It was encouraging to note that a current Year 6 child won the prize for reading last year, £40 worth of books was given in a recent assembly! Homework times have now changed. One mathematics and one English homework will be given out on Fridays and expected back in on Wednesdays when it can be marked and returned to your child to bring home so you can see how they have done in their work. Please continue to use the diary as a means of communicating notes to school. Golden Rules We are gentle We are kind and helpful We listen We are honest We work hard We look after property Please encourage your children to follow the Golden Rules.
If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact us either by contacting the school office or coming in for a chat after school. Mr Batley and Mrs Brooks