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We would like to welcome all children and their families to their new start in Year One. We hope they have enjoyed the year so far and that they continue to enjoy it throughout the year! Hopefully this newsletter will answer any questions that you may have, but please feel free to speak to Miss Kane or Miss Mellor if you would like further clarification on anything. Homework This year we intend to give homework which will support the learning that we have been doing in Maths or Literacy lessons. Homework will be set on a Friday and it will be expected in on the following Friday. Should your child need any help with their homework, they are more than welcome to bring it back to class unfinished in order to check aspects with the teacher. Records will be kept of whether homework is handed in as we hope to reward those who consistently hand homework in on time. PE Class three have PE on a Monday afternoon and a Tuesday afternoon. Class four have PE on a Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning. In order to take part in PE children need to bring in: A white T-shirt Black shorts/jogging bottoms (weather dependent) Pumps for Tuesday sessions Trainers for the classes other session (where ever possible we would like the children to go out for one of their PE lessons but again this is weather dependent.) In addition to this we ask that children don’t wear earrings on PE days unless they are able to remove them on their own. Children with newly pierced ears (up to 6 weeks) may use tape to cover the ear rings as long they have a note from parents which states that they accept responsibility for any injury that may be occur as a result. Girls should also have a bobble in order to tie their hair back.
Literacy We have begun the year by focussing on traditional tales such as 'Jack and the beanstalk', 'Little Red Riding Hood' and 'The three Billy Goats Gruff'. It has been wonderful to see how much the children have enjoyed these stories. We will follow this up with stories with a familiar setting which will include 'We're going on a Bear hunt' and 'The Gruffalo'.
Numeracy So far in numeracy we have looked at counting, addition and subtraction and it is clear that the children worked very hard on this in reception. We are about to move on to shape and making repeating patterns. Future areas of study will include looking at inputting data into graphs, measuring, making comparisons, and doubling and halving numbers.
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Topic Our current topic is 'Heroes and Villains'. The children have responded to this very well and have been able to identify what they feel makes a hero and a villain. They have also been very excited with our work into superheroes. We have also been studying ourselves in science and learning about our senses. After half term we will be looking at festivals and celebrations which we are particularly excited about as we will be able to look at bonfire night, Christmas and other celebrations. Reading In addition to the maths and literacy homework which we will be setting weekly, we would also really like the children to read at home. We would encourage you to record this in the children's planners. Please remember that if a child manages to read with an adult three times in one week at home they are able to move up the ladder in the 'Adwick Primary reading challenge'. Those pupils at the top of the ladder at the end of the half term will be entered into a prize draw. Where one child will win a prize and the others get a treat. Trips and enrichment days As part of our heroes and villains topic we are pleased to announce that there will be a dressing up day on Friday 9th October in which we hope to see lots of little superheroes in our school. This will lead onto our parent workshop on Thursday 24th October 1.30-2.30. Our upcoming topic of festivals and celebrations will also involve a trip to a local place of worship. Mornings It is always lovely to see parents in school with their children on a morning and we would like to reiterate that you are more than welcome to come into class with your child. They will be able to show you around the room and the things that we have been doing. Milk, fruit and water Each child in our classes is provided with a piece of fruit to eat in their break time. Those children who are registered on cool milk (https://www.coolmilk.com/) also receive a carton of milk to drink at break time. If you would like your child to receive milk please speak to Mrs. Dowey in the office, who can give you more information. Please remember our doors our always open if you would like to speak to us. Miss Kane and Miss Mellor. Important Dates Harvest Festival- 8th October at 9.30 Christmas Concerts- 11th December at 2.00