Wild Center Persona Book - Single Pages

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W I L D 2 0 C E N T E R 1 7 P E R S O N A S

KNOW OUR VISITORS With this exercise, The Wild Center has taken an important step to increase our understanding of our target audience. Our ultimate goal is to increase attendance and appreciation for our facility. This research project analyzed the tendencies and priorities of the people who make up our potential target audience. Our research was aimed at people within a 4-hour drive who might be interested in visiting or learning more about The Wild Center. Together with our research partner, Adworkshop in Lake Placid, we engaged directly with groups of people who expressed even modest interest in history, science, nature and/or culture. With a deep understanding of the traits, preferences, desires, tendencies and motivators of our target audience, we are better equipped to connect our marketing, communications, and future vision to our target audience. Our acknowledgement of who they are allows us to creatively enhance The Wild Center into a place that lures visitors back regularly. While The Wild Center has data sets from various sources, none were specifically focused nor insightful about specific motivators, exhibit preferences and travel habits of our potential visitors. Knowing our visitors is the key to developing successful, wellattended programs, exhibits and events.

WHAT IS A PERSONA? Personas are empathetic examples of the kinds of people who make up our target audience. Through this careful data collection and analysis, which included extensive conversations with survey participants, Adworkshop was able to define the individual needs and wants of each of our audience segments. By creating robust examples of people who embody those traits, using names, ages, and other key demographic measurements, they were able to bring our audiences to life through these various personas.

WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? Personas are an important tool for any marketer’s arsenal. In order to effectively inspire our audiences, we need to understand who they are, how they think, and what matters most to them. The personas that were crafted for us will help us understand our key current and potential audience members better. Instead of marketing at them, we can market directly to them, presenting them with the information most relevant and meaningful to them. The more our audience feels that we value and understand them, the more likely they are to visit The Wild Center and begin a lasting relationship with our brand.Â



With so many different kinds of high-quality exhibits, The Wild Center appeals to a broad range of audience members. Marketing to such a diverse group can be difficult. These personas allow us to more efficiently target the right audience, at the right time, in the right place. We may not always want to reach everyone. In that case, we can choose the persona most fitting to the exhibit or event-at-hand and craft a message specifically for them. If we want to attract all potential visitors, we will create a message that speaks to the common aspects of all four personas. By using these personas to create our messages and choose our target audiences, we avoid wasting marketing dollars on people who won’t be interested and channels that won’t be effective.

KEY DEMOGRAPHICS The Adirondacks and nature can be enjoyed by all demographics. Therefore, Adworkshop created our four key personas based on common behaviors rather than common demographics. While this has provided us with the best outline of our main target audiences, it is impossible to ignore demographic information entirely. To help us better understand each audience segment, Adworkshop has included some key demographic information associated with each persona. You will notice that for some groups, the demographics are quite diverse. However, even the smallest variation from one persona to the next will assist us as we craft our marketing messages.

ACTIVITY PREFERENCES In order to identify what activity preferences each persona exhibits, we asked our participants to identify what kinds of travel best describe them. They were able to select multiple responses for this question. For the kinds of travel, we gave them the options of “Completely unplug and decompress”, “Wellness and rejuvenation (described as reconnecting with self, yoga and exercise)”, “Soft adventure (described as day excursions with the comforts of nice lodging and amenities)”, and “Extreme adventure (classified as endurance and adrenaline oriented activities).”

PREFERRED VENUES Trends in the kinds of venues survey participants selected were key to the creation of the personas. We asked survey participants to choose from a provided list all of the venues they tend to visit when traveling. The options provided were attractions, art museums, history museums, science museums, cultural centers, markets (i.e. food, craft), or none of the above.

TRAVEL PREFERENCES In order to help us outline and understand each persona’s individual travel preferences, we keyed in to what their motivations for traveling are. We provided participants with options for leisure, visit with family, discover new places, be exposed to different cultures, try new things, and learn new things, and requested they select all that applied to them. Since The Wild Center is located deep in the Adirondacks, most people who come to visit must travel a considerable distance. Understanding what drives people to travel to begin with helps us to understand why The Wild Center might become a part of their travels.

CHANNEL PREFERENCES We all source our information differently, and understanding what channels are best for reaching our target audiences is key to developing an effective marketing strategy. By asking survey participants to identify what resources they use to plan vacations, we have gained a better understanding of where we should display our message to get the greatest return on investment.

STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE You will notice that, throughout the persona outlines, special attention is paid to answers that garnered a response rate of more than 60%. With such a diverse pool of respondents, and considering many answers allowed participants to select more than one response, Adworkshop found any response rate greater than 60% to be especially significant.



INTERCEPT SURVEYS Intercept surveys were targeted at both current and prospective visitors to The Wild Center. The goal of the surveys was to understand travel preferences and key behaviors related to target The Wild Center visitors, including how these individuals like to experience and learn about nature, culture and science. The responses were used to identify behavioral trends for both current and prospective visitors so as to design more relevant marketing and ultimately drive attendance. Surveys were administered in four onsite locations and online at www.wildcenter.org, resulting in 384 total responses.

CURRENT AND PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMER INTERVIEWS In collaboration with Adworkshop, an interview guide was developed to identify root causes for behaviors identified during the intercept surveys. Based on contact information collected during the intercept surveys, current and prospective customers were emailed and asked to participate in a 30-minute interview. Fifteen interviews were conducted between April and June of 2017. Â

ANALYSIS FOR PERSONA DEVELOPMENT Intercept surveys and customer interviews were analyzed to identify the key trends and behaviors that shaped the personas of potential Wild Center visitors. Personas were created independently of demographic data (i.e. gender, age, location), resulting in representation from various groups within each persona. Once the persona parameters were outlined, the intercept data was further segmented to understand channel, travel, and activity preferences, as well as some demographic trends, within each persona.

To create a common understanding of persona behaviors, Adworkshop reviewed the behaviors tested during the surveys and interviews and grouped them based on trends and common themes, resulting in the following behavior characteristics:


I feel comfortable in nature; I spend a majority

of my free time outdoors


I try to immerse myself in new experiences


I feel emotionally connected to nature and my

environmental surroundings; I enjoy learning

about different aspects of nature; I strive to

understand the science behind things


I participate in different cultural events related

to where I am


I am a creative person

To create persona-specific ratings for each behavior, Adworkshop calculated the mean score (i.e. average of all respondents’ ratings of the question[s]) of each of the behaviors outlined above. The number associated with each behavior is indicative of the degree to which each persona identifies with that particular behavior. From these segments and the customer conversations, brief storylines were generated for each of the personas to bring them to life.



A Romantic remembers their childhood days spent splashing in puddles and playing outside with the nostalgia of someone who longs for simplicity and purity. Childhood was their time. They were in their own world, where nature was infinite yet immediate and their connection to it palpable. Romantics are driven to find that part of themselves again, to be fulfilled by simple joys, and to share this philosophical appreciation with the special people in their lives, such as their children or partner. They will seek out opportunities to do things outside, away from screens and the seemingly meaningless distractions that monopolize their lives. To a Romantic, being present in mind, body, and spirit is the greatest achievement – one that feels very similar to the simple contentment they felt as a child playing outside.

Nostalgic, idealistic, philosophical, sensory, sensation-seeking

54% Families 20% have children 18 years and older 8% have children 6 – 8 years 8% have children 0 – 2 years

58% Male 40% between ages 45 – 64

Education: 26% hold Bachelor’s degree 24% hold Master’s degree 19% have some college experience

Activity Preferences

Romantics still enjoy the classic activities they enjoyed when they were young. They want to take their time and enjoy getting outside. They are not afraid to veer off path to create their own mini-adventures. This could mean exploring tide pools on the beach or going on a short hike.

Activity level 75% 50%


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Travel and Lodging Preferences

Camping is the preferred mode of travel for Romantics. This enables them to extend time spent outside and connect with their travel companions (usually their families). Some may opt for the comforts of a hotel, but will spend their days outside on excursions. Their travels tend to be close-to-home, but they try to maximize all of the opportunities within driving distance.

Motivations for Traveling 75%


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Channel Preferences

Heavily reliant on their immediate community for recommendations, the Romantic relies on Facebook and community newsletters for ideas on where to plan their next adventures. Due to their trust in their community, once recommendations are made, Romantics will go directly to the destination website to understand where to stay and what to do. They are also likely to use deal sites such as Groupon to seek out discounts on activities in the area. During their visit, they are likely to use Facebook or Instagram to share their experiences with friends.

Resources used to plan vacations 75%


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Behavioral Characteristics



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Stacey, 46 Rochester, NY Bachelor’s Degree 8- and 10-year-old children

Stacey visited The Wild Center last summer with her family. She had seen photos of her friends’ children crawling on the spider’s web on Facebook and thought it would be the perfect nature adventure for her kids. While they’re not ready to be unleashed on the mountain trails, she enjoyed that they were able to roam outside without too much restriction, something she remembers fondly about her own childhood as well. The nature trails were perfect for exploring and the kids loved watching the otter.

Kevin, 31 Plattsburgh, NY Some college, No children

Kevin heard about The Wild Center from family and friends who have visited, and has seen some articles about it on Facebook. He regularly goes to the Adirondacks with his friends to fish, and thinks Wild Walk looks cool, but he’s worried there isn’t enough else to do in Tupper Lake to warrant a full day’s trip. He might be able to convince the guys though if he promises to make a stop at one of the local breweries, too.

Gary, 50 Syracuse, NY Bachelor’s Degree No children

Gary has never visited or heard of The Wild Center, but it is exactly the kind of activity that might pique his interest as he scrolls through the Tupper Lake tourism website. He already enjoys being outdoors and is interested in planning a trip to the Adirondacks anyway. Wild Walk would be a great way for him to get outside and above the trees without having to climb a peak – his knees just can’t handle that these days.

Paul, 57 Albany, NY Master’s Degree Two children over 18

Paul recently heard of The Wild Center from his sonin-law. He enjoys being outdoors and visiting places like the Adirondack Experience in Blue Mountain, so this might be the perfect fit for his next Adirondack vacation with his wife. The indoor exhibits are a big draw, as he is very interested in learning more about the natural history of the Adirondacks, but he also looks forward to walking the nature trails afterwards to really experience his surroundings.



The Naturalist collects things, ideas, and experiences, and delights in synthesizing all these things into a catalogue of information – some of it arcane – that informs their conversations and perceptions. They delight in adding to this catalogue and sharing their knowledge with the people around them – friends, family, strangers, it doesn’t matter. The Naturalist will find common threads and ground between everything they experience and has no problem making new connections and friendships with people.

Thinker, Analytical, Clinical but emotionally connected, Methodical, Teacher

52% Families

59% Female

20% have children 18 years and older 8% have children 6 – 8 years 8% have children 0 – 2 years

65% between ages 25 – 54 Education: 32% hold Bachelor’s degree 28% hold Master’s degree 17% have some college experience

Activity Preferences

Naturalists enjoy activities that allow them to get close to nature, but also want time to absorb and learn about their surroundings. Nature walks, boating, and nature preserves are their favorite activities. These are usually enjoyed with others, as learning is more fun when done together.

Activity level 75% 50%


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Travel and Lodging Preferences

Naturalists want to feel comfortable. When traveling, comfort can come in many different forms. It can mean camping in a familiar place or enjoying a hotel room after a day of discovery. They usually look for less crowded destinations where they can take their time to learn about new things.

Motivations for Traveling



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Channel Preferences

Always having a thirst for knowledge, the Naturalist will look at travel magazines or regional newsletters to spark inspiration for their travels. When an idea is sparked, they will ask trusted colleagues and friends about the destination to see if it will provide the experience they are looking for, either speaking to them in-person or connecting on Facebook. From there they will Google activities in the area and look on destination websites.

Resources used to plan vacations 75%


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Behavioral Characteristics



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Tyler, 32 Utica, NY Bachelor’s Degree No children

Tyler’s wife heard about The Wild Center from a friend and wants to take a weekend trip to visit. Although he enjoys visiting science museums, he also wants to get out on the water and isn’t sure The Wild Center provides enough to warrant a full weekend trip. That said, it looks like a great way to get to know the Adirondacks better without breaking too much of a sweat.

Hannah, 43 Lake Placid, NY Bachelor’s Degree 2- and 7-year-old children

Hannah loves watching her little ones learn. She takes them to museums whenever she can, and is disappointed she hasn’t made it to The Wild Center with them yet. The kids would flip over the otters, and Wild Walk would be exciting for them to explore on. It is definitely on her list—it just seems that, whenever they have the opportunity to get away for the day, they like to discover new places outside the Tri-Lakes region.

Mark, 51 Burlington, VT Bachelor’s Degree Two kids over 18

Mark heard about The Wild Center from some friends of his after his daughter moved to the area. He stopped by one rainy day when he was visiting her with his wife. He loves science and history museums and is an avid outdoorsman, so The Wild Center was the perfect combination. He felt like they didn’t have enough time to really see everything, but he learned a lot of information that he has been able to share with his Boy Scout troop back home!

Danica, 27 Plattsburgh, NY Master’s Degree No children

As a middle school science teacher, Danica is amazed that she is just learning of The Wild Center. She would love to make time to check out the indoor exhibits and walk the nature trails. It would also be the perfect field trip for her students. They could do an information scavenger hunt around the indoor exhibits and then hit the nature trails to put that knowledge to practical use. It looks like fun, so they may not even realize how much they’re learning!



An Experiencer loves the feeling of trekking into the “unknown.” Thanks to their fully juiced-up phone, they have an idea of where they’re going, but their backup plan is in place in case they lose cell service. Either way, the thrill of new roads and new exits is all-consuming once they’re out of their routine. They research cool places to see, things to do, and, most importantly, places to eat and drink along the way. For them, the drive is all part of the adventure, though checking into their hotel and scrolling through their phone after so long in the car is a must as it gives them time to reconnect before sharing all their amazing experiences.

Socially Savvy, Sharer, Calculating, Self-absorbed, Cautiously Adventurous

52% Families

61% Female

14% have children 18 years and older 10% havechildren 6 – 8 years 9% have children 0 – 2 years

58% between ages 18 – 34 Education: 39% hold Bachelor’s degree 15% hold Master’s degree 23% have some college experience

Activity Preferences

Experiencers like to keep their days interesting, so they will fit multiple types of activities into one day. They can go from trying local fare at markets and in restaurants to visiting local attractions before going sunset hiking — all within a single excursion.

Activity level 75% 50%


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Travel and Lodging Preferences

Experiencers seek uniqueness when they are traveling. They want to go somewhere before anyone else discovers it to share their experience. Traveling internationally and being exposed to different cultures is important to them, in addition to balancing their love for cities and more rural areas. They tend to be interested in venues like The Wild Center, but due to competing places, don’t end up making the effort. Due to their desire for comfort, they usually opt for a hotel or AirBnB.

Motivations for Traveling



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Channel Preferences

The most social traveler, they check out Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter to see what adventures their network is taking. Based on what they see, they will click directly from the platform to a destination website or Google a location or activity. They will then go back to their favorite social platforms to ask for their connections’ recommendations of what to see and where to go. Often the less ambitious travelers, they will research the quality of the experience with the effort it will take to get there before making their final decision. During their trip, and afterward, they will share their experience across social platforms.

Resources used to plan vacations 75%


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Behavioral Characteristics



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Shelby, 19 Syracuse, NY Some college No children

Shelby is really looking forward to trying some new things while on break from Syracuse University this summer. She and her friends talked about visiting the Adirondacks after finding lots of pretty pictures of mountains and lakes on Instagram. She wouldn’t describe herself as “outdoorsy,” but she loves discovering new places. When The Wild Center came up on Facebook, Shelby thought it might be the perfect way to see the sites without getting too dirty. Wild Walk would be an especially cool spot for selfies, and if they bring their dogs they could participate in a SUP with your Pup program!

Amanda, 23 Albany, NY Bachelor’s Degree No children

Amanda is working on becoming one of those adventurous girls she sees on Instagram, napping in hammocks and picnicking in canoes. While her ultimate goal is to head out West, she thinks the Adirondacks might be a good place to get her feet wet and post a few pictures. Lots of people go to the Adirondacks though, and she needs to do something unique. Maybe she and her boyfriend can make a weekend out of it, hiking and going to farmers’ markets. If only there were somewhere really different she could go!

Jeremy, 32 Lake Placid, NY Bachelor’s Degree 2-year-old child

The Wild Center is Jeremy’s favorite way to spend a day with his son. Everyone loves the pictures of his little guy looking intently at the otters, and his son squeals every time he sees the big stuffed moose. It never gets old either because there are always new things to discover while running around Wild Walk or searching for bugs on the nature trails. He might even pick up some tips and tricks while reading about all the fish he might catch with the guys over the weekend.

Danielle, 43 Plattsburgh, NY Master’s Degree 4-year-old child

When Danielle first saw the ads for The Wild Center and Wild Walk, she couldn’t get over how fun they looked — she had never seen anything like it! She went for the day with her husband and son as soon as they had a free Saturday and they all thought it was awesome. There was so much to do both inside and out, and they even got to see a falcon show. Walking Wild Walk and the nature trails was the perfect way to wear out her son. She made sure to share their experience on Facebook and always recommends it to other moms.



Dreamers are open to the world and new experiences, but don’t like to be too uncomfortable or too far from a hot bath and a good meal at the end of the day. They like to learn and take their time. The need to rush is not present, so they can really dive into their experiences – which mean these experiences have to deliver on their promise. They’re sociable, and enjoy talking.

Caring, Quiet, Social, Respectful, Solitary, Meditative, Reflective

51% Families

56% Female

21% have children 18 years and older 13% have children 6 – 8 years 8% have children 3 – 5 years 8% have children 0 – 2 years,

28% between ages 45 – 54, 24% between ages 25 – 34 Education: 33% hold Bachelor’s degree 26% hold Master’s degree 19% have some college experience

Activity Preferences

Dreamers are meanderers. They like to take their time with activities in order to get the most out of them. This includes walking around a museum or local market, or taking the boat out for morning fishing. Biking is also a preferred way to explore an area.

Activity level 75% 50%


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Travel and Lodging Preferences

Familiarity is key for the Dreamer. They like returning to familiar places, renting the same cottage on a lake year after year, or visiting family. While there, they like to take in the scenery and area they have grown to know over the years. Driving tends to be the preferred mode of travel, with the journey to the destination almost being as important as getting there. Road trips give them the opportunity to visit landmarks and venues along the way.

Motivations for Traveling



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Channel Preferences

Family and friends have the most influence over this group. These conversations are most likely to happen inperson, but they will occasionally use Facebook to see where like-minded friends are going. They will then check deals from a travel organization such as AAA and visit online travel sites such as TripAdvisor to read reviews. From there they will go back to their family or travel companions to discuss. Once the destination is decided upon, they will go to the destination website to plan out their activities.

Resources used to plan vacations 75%


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Behavioral Characteristics



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Tim, 28 New Paltz, NY Bachelor’s Degree No children

Tim loves learning more about the outdoors and is a total history buff. His girlfriend gets frustrated whenever they visit museums because she has to stand and wait while he reads every sign. She prefers zoos, where she can at least watch the animals while he reads the science facts. They visited Lake Placid last winter and enjoyed it, especially the Olympic Museum and skating at the oval. They would like to get back up there this summer. Maybe his parents will have some ideas of new things to do.

Gretchen, 32 Princeton, NJ Master’s Degree 1-year-old child

Gretchen has been called a “career student,” but with the birth of her first child, she is trying to take a little more time off. Since one of her favorite reasons for traveling is visiting museums, her new task is to find ones that are toddler-friendly. The Wild Center looks like a more welcoming environment than most, and the trails and Wild Walk might be a stroller-friendly way to experience Adirondack wilderness! She could even take her parents too and stay at the same cabin in Tupper Lake they vacationed in when she was a kid.

Liz, 52 Watertown, NY Bachelor’s Degree Two children over 18 and a 16-year-old

As the kids get older, Liz is having a harder time coordinating the big family trips. Everyone is always busy. She needs something close by that has enough stuff to do that the kids won’t argue too much. The Adirondacks were always fun with the kids when they were young, but she’ll need to find something new for them to do beyond the usual hiking and cookouts.

Garth, 63 Lake Placid, NY Some college One child over 18

Garth visited The Wild Center last year with his wife after their son left for college. It was the perfect day trip to Tupper Lake. The drive was beautiful and they had dinner at their favorite local restaurant on the way home. He learned a lot about the history of the area and has enjoyed sharing that knowledge with tourists he talks to around town. Maybe they should go back again this year and see if they have any new exhibits.




This is a breakdown of each persona that highlights the responses used to shape that particular group. The persona base number reflects the number of survey participants allocated to each persona segment based on key survey responses. All survey respondents fell within at least one of these four personas, and some fell into more than one category. Data for all responses is provided in an effort to facilitate cross-comparison between personas. The average score on a scale from 1 to 5 is given for each of the behavior responses. Bolded responses indicate the data sets that were used to create the basis of the persona.




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Behaviors For Cross-Comparison Romantic Naturalist Experiencer Dreamer




Motivations for Traveling Romantic























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In order to help us outline and understand each persona’s individual travel preferences, we keyed in to what their motivations for traveling are. We provided participants with options for leisure, visit with family, discover new places, be exposed to different cultures, try new things, and learn new things, and requested they select all that applied to them. Since The Wild Center is located deep in the Adirondacks, most people who come to visit must travel a considerable distance. Understanding what drives people to travel to begin with helps us to understand why The Wild Center might become a part of their travels.

Preferred Venues Romantic















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Trends in the kinds of venues survey participants selected were key to the creation of the personas. We asked survey participants to choose from a provided list all of the venues they tend to visit when traveling. The options provided were attractions, art museums, history museums, science museums, cultural centers, markets (i.e. food, craft), or none of the above.



When marketing to Romantics, focus on areas where they can do the most self-discovery. Focus on “craft your own experience” messaging. These individuals would appreciate a “create your own itinerary” feature on your website. This could be a unique landing page where users learn about and choose the exhibits they are most interested in online before starting their onsite experience. Some pre-made itineraries could also be made available upon arrival at The Wild Center. The online itineraries could be featured in digital advertising with clicks pushing directly to the unique landing page. Romantics are prone to distraction, since there are always new places to discover. Use messaging around the freedom to roam around the various Wild Center activities and remind them that their pass is good for two consecutive days, so they don’t need to hurry from one exhibit to the next. Create a two-day campaign. Reflect the possibilities of a two-day visit in sample itineraries. Encourage participation in unique programs that may take up a significant amount of time on either day (paddling expeditions, animal encounters, etc.) Wild Walk was the top area of interest for this group, with nature walks being a secondary interest. Invest in additional photo and video assets that feature Wild Walk and your nature trails. These assets can be used in highly visual and compelling traditional and digital advertising. Stress that these activities are self-guided, but feature professionals along the way who are capable of answering any questions you may have. Solidify a memory or moment at The Wild Center they can take with them. To encourage post-visit engagement, make a consistent effort to have this group share their experiences and publish them on website and social channels to tell their individual experiences/stories and ultimately The Wild Center’s story. Build out a content hub on the website to share and publish these usergenerated content (UGC) experiences. Messaging Keywords: Discover, explore, hands-on, attractions, outdoors



Due to the Naturalist’s desire to discover new information, focus on the uniqueness of The Wild Center’s multiple learning opportunities, from indoor exhibits and live animals to Wild Walk. Develop a quiz about the Adirondacks and the region’s unique environment. Answers can feature some of The Wild Center’s exhibits and encourage them to click to specific sections of the website to learn more. Since Naturalists like time to digest information, advertise less-crowded days and offer discounts for slower times. Make sure they are aware of the cafe and other areas on campus where they can take time to observe. Target this persona group around shoulder seasons. Promote behind-the-scenes tours that would provide them with more professional, in-depth information and would also be in smaller groups. Promote special discovery programs or events. Create messaging on the expertise of The Wild Center staff and their connection to the area. Feature staff profiles that speak to the professionalism and expertise of The Wild Center staff. These can be full profiles on the website, or simple snippets featured in online videos, broadcast video, and print/ digital advertising. Build post-visit engagement. Encourage visitors to apply the knowledge and experience they acquired at The Wild Center during the rest of their time out in the Adirondacks. One way is to create a “Now What?” section with trip/adventure ideas for them to do, such as “paddle here to witness otters in the wild” or “hike to this fire tower to see this type of flora.” This should be somewhat structured and formal so the visitor buys into the idea and shares their experience after The Wild Center, keeping The Wild Center brand top-of-mind even after they leave the venue. Messaging Keywords: Environment, exhibits, science, learn, discover, explore



Experiencers are top prospects for special exhibits and events that will entice them to visit and return. They enjoy being “first,” so push new exhibits such as iForest to them. Feature new exhibits and events via social media advertising. Leverage newsletters to assure these individuals are hearing about new exhibits and upcoming events first. The Experiencer has a propensity to want to find unique experiences, and is willing to travel in order to do so. However, due to the museum’s location, simply focusing on The Wild Center’s unique differentiators is not enough. For this persona group, it is essential to convince them to visit the region as a whole as well. Wild Walk, iForest, otters – these are just some of the exhibits that make The Wild Center unique and worth making a trip for. Focus on these “only at The Wild Center” opportunities. Promote packages. Offer discounts if they stay with participating lodging properties, or team up with local restaurants to offer coupons or discounts if they visit both locations. Consider networking with other like clubs/organizations to offer deals and discounts on membership reciprocity, i.e. any Adk Mountain Club member gets a small discount on a Wild Center membership. Leverage social media more to target these customers. Videos on social media are especially persuasive. A website clicks campaign would drive traffic from The Wild Center’s social channels to the site. A “likes” campaign would increase followers on social media channels. Create virtual tours of The Wild Center that can live on the website and be promoted on social media. Bring in influencer marketers to visit The Wild Center who will then write about it or promote it on their own social channels. Try a social takeover. Influencers or staff members can take over select social media accounts for the day, showing the different ways they explore or a day in the life at The Wild Center. Leverage more user-generated content on social media channels – this will encourage further participation and interaction with The Wild Center brand. Messaging Keywords: Adventure, experience, unique, new, attractions, discover, share



Due to the Dreamer’s affinity for history and spending time with friends and family, focus on exhibits where they can learn together. Promote Wild Walk as a great place to discover together. Promote small-group programs or experiences that they can participate in with their family and friends exclusively (behind-the-scenes tours, paddling expeditions, etc.). Include messaging in local newsletters and activity bulletins. Dreamers may be regular visitors to the area, but not yet familiar with The Wild Center. Place flyers/brochures at local lodgings and campgrounds – especially in Lake Placid. Even bulletin boards can be an option for this persona group. They are in the area – we just need to get them to The Wild Center. Work with local tourism associations to be included in newsletters and email blasts. Make sure special events are included on local bulletins and online calendars. Focus advertising to this group outside of peak season. Many are older and retired, and therefore have more time to consider visiting during those periods. Push fall foliage visits and prominently display off-season hours on The Wild Center website. Run a special campaign targeting this persona in the off-season. Focus on what makes The Wild Center experience unique during those off-season hours (i.e. Experience winter at The Wild Center, etc.) Offer multi-generational trip planning and offerings to accommodate them if they come with the family. Messaging Keywords: Discover, learn, history, science, environment, together, new this year




Resources used to plan vacations Romantic











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We all source our information differently, and understanding what channels are best for reaching your target audiences is key to developing an effective marketing strategy. By asking survey participants to identify what resources they use to plan vacations, we are able to identify where you should display your message to get the greatest return on investment.

Activity level Romantic











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In order to identify what activity preferences each persona exhibits, we asked our participants to identify what kinds of travel best describes them. They were able to select multiple responses for both questions. For the kinds of travel, we gave them the options of “Completely unplug and decompress,” “Wellness and rejuvenation” which we described as reconnecting with self, yoga and exercise, “Soft adventure” described as day excursions with the comforts of nice lodging and amenities, and “Extreme adventure” which we classified as endurance and adrenaline oriented activities.

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How Did You Hear About the Wild Center? Dreamer









What Do You Remember Most About the Wild Center? Romantic











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Why Have You Not Visited TWC? Dreamer









Have you Ever Visited The Wild Center? yes









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Beth How old are you? Where do you live? I’m 57 and I live in Liverpool NY. What do you do for a living? I work in customer service at Wegman’s. Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I live with my parents, have no children, and am not married. What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? Work, time spent at home, and I like to play with my dog, check things out on the computer and color. What do you like to do for fun? I like to go to Adirondacks, specifically Lake Placid and Old Forge. I have been to The Wild Center and have gone on Lake Placid boat tours. Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? My parents and I take a yearly Adirondacks trip. Other than that, we did go to Disney many years ago. Who did you go on the trip with? My parents What did you do while you were there? We visited the Olympic jumps and Adirondack Wildlife Refuge. I enjoyed seeing the wolves and getting pictures of the eagle.






I feel comfortable in nature.

Haven’t hiked much, but enjoys being outside

I spend a majority of my free time outdoors.

Not a majority, but some time, doesn’t notice the bugs when she’s in the Adirondacks

I try to immerse myself in new experiences. I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings. I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature. I strive to understand the science behind things. I am a creative person.

Sometimes, but enjoys returning to favorite places Yes, emotionally connected, loves seeing the animals Yes, learn about how animals fit into the ecosystem Just animals and nature Yes, creative, enjoys coloring, cross-stitch, sets up displays at work

I experience nature and my surroundings independently.

With other people, they share what you’re seeing

I prefer to share my experiences with others.

Likes to be with other people

I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

Sometimes, but nothing too crazy

What were the highlights? I like to see the different scenery and love the fresh air of the Adirondacks. Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? No. What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you? The scenery. Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel? I usually go on the internet, look at Adirondack Life magazine and check the Lake placid website. Why do you find these resources helpful? They tell about things we can do when we are visiting the area and outline what is new from year to year. Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel? I requested information from the Lake Placid Chamber a long time ago. Some of those resources were helpful but are now outdated. Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel? I requested information from the Lake Placid Chamber a long time ago. Some of those resources were helpful but are now outdated. Why type of venues do you like visiting when you are on vacation? like visiting history museums and science museums. What do you look for when you are there? Things that tell about the area and different activities to participate in. I love The Wild Center because they have both of those things. Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If

so, why? The Wild Center. I love watching the otters, I enjoy the layout, the movies, and the history. I liked learning about how the area became the Adirondacks. It’s a really nice museum, very hands on. I haven’t done Wild Walk yet. Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? No. Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center?

What appealed to you about visiting? The nature and the animals. Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? My parents and I stayed at the Wawbeek when they were breaking ground and we heard about it then. We have gone every year since then. Why or why not would you visit again? Will be returning this year. Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting?

If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit? Maybe they could provide kennels for dogs, that way people don’t need to leave the dog in the car.

Bonn How old are you? Where do you live? I am 27 and live in Plattsburgh. What do you do for a living? I work at Novabus building transportation buses. Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I’m divorced and am living at home with mom, Step Dad and my four-year-old son. What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? I go to the gym, work, and spend time with my son, though I only have him part time. What do you like to do for fun? I like going to concerts, traveling, taking cruises, hiking, fishing, kayaking, and going to the beach to relax. Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? I recently went to Boston to go whale watching and visit the aquarium. We ended up going to a science museum too. Who did you go on the trip with? My girlfriend. What did you do while you were there? We visited the aquarium and a science museum. What were the highlights? The aquarium Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? The weather affected our plans. We couldn’t go whale watching. What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you? Honestly, the drive – I enjoy getting there and seeing so much around me on the way. Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel? I use Trip Advisor, list articles, google things neaby, and use tourism websites. Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel? No. What kinds of placed do you enjoy visiting when you’re on vacation? All kinds of places, I’m open to everything. What do you look for when you are there? All of them, open to anything, the weather drives a lot of his travel decisions Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why? Biodome in Montreal, has an insect and a planetarium too. Very cool, took his son and was surprised to see the improvements over the years Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? No. Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center? I have heard about it, but I haven’t been.






I feel comfortable in nature. I spend a majority of my free time outdoors. I try to immerse myself in new experiences.

Growing up, he was in an adventure program that taught outdoor skills and recreation Spends more time outside when he’s with his son Likes to visit new places

I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings. I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature. I strive to understand the science behind things. I am a creative person.

Likes science museums Comes up with new ways to do things and likes thinking about things differently

I experience nature and my surroundings independently. I prefer to share my experiences with others.

Enjoys spending time with family and friends

I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

Likes experiencing new foods/culturs

What appealed to you about visiting? Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? Why or why not would you visit again? Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting? If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit?

Dave How old are you? Where do you live? I’m 66 years old I live in West Skylar. What do you do for a living? I’m retired. Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I’m married, and have two grown children and two grandchildren. What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? Out relatives are out of town, so we go visit them. We’ll be going to Indiana at the end of June. Grand kids keep me busy too. They live two miles down the road. What do you like to do for fun?

Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? The last time we took a trip was last May. Every spring we go to Blue Mountain and rent a cottage.





I feel comfortable in nature. I spend a majority of my free time outdoors. I try to immerse myself in new experiences. I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings. I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature. I strive to understand the science behind things. I am a creative person.

Who did you go on the trip with? This particular trip was with my wife, oldest son and his family.

I experience nature and my surroundings independently.

What did you do while you were there? I did a lot of fishing

I prefer to share my experiences with others.

What were the highlights? We normally stop at Buttermilk falls and go Haus’ store in Indian Lake.


I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? Getting everyone’s butt in the car What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you?

Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel? My smart phone. I do a little research on itineraries, go on quite a few websites and get updates. Getting maps and catalogues helps too. I don’t know who they come from, but NY state send things. An email comes every day and has 6-8 articles with things to do in the Catskills. Why do you find these resources helpful? Sometimes I see something and think - we should try that! Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel?

Why kinds of venues do you like visiting when you are on vacation? I enjoy visiting history museums, science museums and cultural centers What do you look for when you are there? I like learning the history of the Adirondacks when I’m in Blue Lake at the Adirondack Experience. I usually stay a whole day there. I’m interested in logging industry. The last time we went, in one building they had a horse drawn hearse, clothing, etc. Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why?

Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center? I have visited the Wild Center four times, and enjoy walking around and watching the otter. I ike to walk around but have never stayed for the Seminars. I was really looking forward to Wild Walk. One of the advertisements

said “walk above the trees” and we did that! If you are afraid of heights, don’t look over the edge. We had a family reunion in 2013 and on that trip we took the trail all the way to the river. We stopped at the overlook there and there were deer across the river we were able to watch. I told everyone I would meet them at the defibrillator...it was a little hard on the way up. My grandkids really enjoyed the picnic area. Looking in the window of different animals was really unique.I definitely liked seeing the science behind everything. I found out that in NY there is a frog that freezes all winter and then thaws out in the spring. What appealed to you about visiting?

Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? I learned about it through an email. I think it was a Chamber of Commerce email that was a map of “things to do in the area”. I went on the web and looked on their website. Why or why not would you visit again? I would definitely go again. I won’t go in the summer because it will be too busy. I tell my friends to go, too! Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting?

If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit? They are really diverse, so I’m not sure. It’s hard to see it all in one day. Sure, they will be changing. I would like something like a sample itinerary based on my interests. I thought the staff was good. The facility was clean and organized. The exhibits were pretty. There’s definitely enough different things to do with my family.

Deana How old are you? Where do you live? I’m 46, and live in Webster, NY


What do you do for a living? I work for a national non-profit for education, and education equity, Horizons National. The company runs 51 programs across 17 states.

I feel comfortable in nature.

Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? My husband is a teacher and I have two daughters, 14 and 12. Our family owns a Christmas tree farm.

I try to immerse myself in new experiences.

What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? Work, my children’s school activities (I volunteer with some of their activities), maintaining the family business and our involvement with the local trails organization. What do you like to do for fun? I like to hike and be outdoors. My family skis but I do not. I enjoy visiting museums, seeing plays and musicals, and going on family trips. I recently enjoyed a trip to the Carnegie museum in Pittsburgh, visited family on Cape Cod, and took a family trip to Acadia National Park in Maine. Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? Last August our family drove through Vermont and New Hampshire on our way to Acadia, and then returned via Cape Cod where we visited family.





I spend a majority of my free time outdoors.

I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings. I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature.

I try to get out into nature on a regular basis. My family sees the value, but it has to be on my terms. I garden and make it a point to walk on trails or in the neighborhood. I want to see and try new things, foods, cultures, and places. It’s a part of who we are and our well-being. I find nature to be fascinating and sometimes wish I could study the environment.

I strive to understand the science behind things.

I am more interested in seeing the tree than understanding the make-up of the tree, but nature has it all figured out and we have lots to learn.

I am a creative person.

Not as an artist, but as a craftsman and innovator. I find joy in creativity.

I experience nature and my surroundings independently.

I’m not one to go on guided hikes or tours.

I prefer to share my experiences with others.

I go with family.

I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

I’m trying to make a concerted effort to experience diversity.

Who did you go on the trip with? My husband and daughters. What did you do while you were there? In Vermont, we visited breweries and Ben & Jerry’s, drove through the Green Mountains, and stopped in the flagship L.L. Bean store. In Acadia, we stayed in a B&B, hiked, biked, and took tours within the park. What were the highlights? Acadia was beautiful, especially the hikes around the lakes. I enjoyed time spent with my family, great food, and an artisan lantern maker gave us a tour of his shop. Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? Managing expectations. That time of year can be crowded, but avoiding the busy areas wasn’t hard. What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you? Discovering a little bit of the unknown. Seeing how history fits into an area and getting off the beaten path. We like finding the “local” niche spots. Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel? The internet, Google searches, word of mouth, and family recommendations. Why do you find these resources helpful? They’re efficient. Locals can also help guide you to local experiences. Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel? I used to use the AAA travel guides when they came free with membership. What types of venues to you enjoy visiting when you are on vacation? Art museums, history museums, science museums, cultural centers and markets.

Can you tell us more about why you like to visit those types of venues? I like to come away feeling like I’ve done something different and had a real experience. I like places where I can learn and make the experience my own. Those kinds of places appeal to each person differently. What do you look for when you are there? Real, local experiences and the “wow” factor Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why? The corning museum of glass, because it was very interactive. National parks like mirror woods and Ellis Island because of the history component. And Charleston in general because there was a strong sense of history and local culture. Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? Orlando and Disney – it was too crowded and not an authentic experience. It felt like fake fun. Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center? My family has been in the winter, but I was not with them. What appealed to you about visiting? I want to learn more about the Adirondacks and it fits with what we like to learn about: hisotry and local connections. The Wild Walk intrigues me too. Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? Word of mouth and both family and family friends had visited. I also visited the website. Why or why not would you visit again? I know the whole family would like to revisit and experience Wild Walk. Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting?

If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit? Maybe make it seem closer and more accessible from Lake Placid – it’s a little far.

Denise How old are you? Where do you live? 61, West of Albany 30 minutes What do you do for a living? I’m a retired RN. Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I’m married and have one daughter who lives in Georgia with my two grandsons. I retired about a year and a half ago. I like to travel locally and out of state. My husband retired from GE. What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? I go to the gym every morning and enjoy kayaking, archery, and bike riding. My husband hunts. What do you like to do for fun? I enjoys bike riding, the rail trails ride, and we are avid motorcyclists. Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? Our last trip was to Georgia and Florida for almost a month. We were on the west coast of Florida for kayaking, and Daytona Beach for bike week. Who did you go on the trip with? I went with my husband, visited my daughter and stayed with her for a long weekend. What did you do while you were there? We brought bikes so we rode a little, walked on the beach, and went manatee watching. What were the highlights? Having my daughter and grandsons come down to Daytona to visit for a long weekend. It’s always nice seeing family.






I feel comfortable in nature. I spend a majority of my free time outdoors. I try to immerse myself in new experiences. I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings. I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature. I strive to understand the science behind things. I am a creative person.

Has been a girl scout as a girl and a leader as an adult - loved getting the girls out in nature, hiking and camping, taken a few courses on leave no trace Kayaks and biking and motorcycling

One of the excursions in Hawaii is a zipline tour - she’s not fond of heights We feel so comfortable in the outdoors Leave no trace courses, becoming an outdoors woman program by DEC Doesn’t really care why it works, just that it works I have my moments

I experience nature and my surroundings independently.

Usually likes to be outside with others

I prefer to share my experiences with others.

Likes being with other people for pretty much all her experiences

I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

Volunteers at the proctor’s theater in Schenectady - wide range of shows

Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? No.

Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? My husband had emergency surgery — other than that, the planning is easy because we’ve been doing it for 30 years.

Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center? I have heard of the Wild Center but haven’t been. My daughter went two years ago for the Wild Walk.

What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you? I like it when everything goes smoothly and you have things planned and there are no bumps in the road.

What appealed to you about visiting? I would like to visit sometime this summer. The hands on portion and reading more about the Adirondacks really appeals to me.

Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel? Websites. I Google the area I’m going to and see what pops up. Sometimes I’ll call for literature or AAA brochures.

Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? My daughter told me about it when she was visiting and I have visited the website since.

Why do you find these resources helpful? They make it easy to compare accommodations and attractions. Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel?

What kinds of venues do you enjoy visiting when you’re on vacation? History museums Can you tell us more about why you like to visit those types of venues?

What do you look for when you are there? The history of the area. I like to find out how old things are. Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why? I can’t remember if it was in Canada or Minnesota, but we came across a history area and enjoyed the sights. We like finding the historical landmarks along a route.

Why or why not would you visit again? Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting?

If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit? Run more advertisement, especially digital.

Devon How old are you? Where do you live? I am 27 years old and live in , Barneveld, NY What do you do for a living? I am a High school English teacher Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I am married with no children. What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? I enjoy reading, watching Netflix, work related activities like grading. What do you like to do for fun? I spend time with friends and family having bonfires, dinner and drinks, traveling, and kayaking. Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? I traveled to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware for a wedding. Who did you go on the trip with? My husband. What did you do while you were there? We walked along the boardwalk, played mini golf, went , shopping, and went to the beach. What were the highlights? We enjoyed exploring the boardwalk and beach. Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? Parking was difficult and expensive. What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you? We had unique experiences and enjoyed delicious food. Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel? I use online booking websites like Orbitz, Hotels.com, and local tourism websites. Why do you find these resources helpful? They provide answers to all my basic questions in a manner that makes places easy to locate and easily accessible based on the convenience of my time schedule. They give me easy access to reviews from people who also traveled there about their own positive and negative experiences. Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel? She would like information about the main town such as access to parking including on site parking or street parking, any parking fees, availability of public transportation. What kinds of venues do you enjoy visiting when you’re on vacation? I like visiting markets. What do you look for when you are there? Cuisine that is a local specialty or outside of my normal tastes, things that are unique to that area such as hiking or sightseeing, and local wildlife. Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why? Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center?

What appealed to you about visiting? I was interested in seeing the otters.






I feel comfortable in nature. I spend a majority of my free time outdoors. I try to immerse myself in new experiences. I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings. I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature. I strive to understand the science behind things. I am a creative person.

Enjoys being in the outdoors but not an avid hiker or up to extreme outdoor experiences Likes to be outside doing yard work or going for walks but fair skinned and has to be careful about excessive sun exposure

likes to try new things but also a little reserved or shy with new scenarios. Likes small challenges but nothing too dangerous or extreme. Enjoys nature and nature related activities like zoos, hiking, etc. but also quick to shriek at a scary bug Likes learning new things but not necessarily a favorite activity Likes to enjoy the simplicity of nature and not over analyze it Strives to be creative but it isn’t a natural instinct

I experience nature and my surroundings independently.

Very sociable person and does some small activities outdoors alone but more inclined to do them with family or friends.

I prefer to share my experiences with others.

More at ease experiencing new situations with those she cares about.

I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

Likes to try new cultural experiences but only if they fall within her realm of comfort

Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? We drove by while visiting a friend who lives in the area. Why or why not would you visit again? We did not end up visiting, but would be interested in visiting for the wildlife. Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting?

If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit? Take advantage of social media for advertising!

Doug How old are you? Where do you live? I’m 62, and I live in Northeast Marietta, GA What do you do for a living? I’m retired. I was an educational Administrator and worked in various levels of education. Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I’m married, no children What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? Cycling and volunteer activities with the Atlanta Symphony orchestra. And gardening. What do you like to do for fun? Cycling, photography, and travelling with my spouse. Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? We recently went to England, and typically go in December. Who did you go on the trip with? I went with my spouse. What did you do while you were there? We sailed over on Queen Mary, spent some time there, and then sailed back. We Visited London and Oxford, and stayed near Windsor. What were the highlights? It’s a special place for me and my spouse. We enjoyed the ship and the home we stayed in. We saw friends and visited places we hadn’t been to in a long time. Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? No, not that I can recall. What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you? I like to be taken care of and indulged in a beautiful place we don’t normally get to experience. I like to be coddled. Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel? We book through an agent with Amex platinum travel. It’s been the same agent for over ten years. She knows our preferences on location. Why do you find these resources helpful? Our agent already knows what they like. Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel? We browse the internet. What kinds of venues do you enjoy visiting when you’re on vacation? I’m interested in historical destinations. That interest drives a lot of decisions and determines scenic places we spend time outside of enjoying general sights. What do you look for when you are there? Very high end restaurants and luxury venues that are 5 stars. Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why? The Point in Saranac Lake and a variety of old castles in England. Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? Rome, we had very poor hotel accommodations






I feel comfortable in nature.

Yes, generally. He generally knows what to expect

I spend a majority of my free time outdoors.

Cycling and gardening take him outdoors. 60/40 split with 40 being spent outdoors

I try to immerse myself in new experiences.

Nothing extreme, but likes trying new things

I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings.

Enjoys being in his gardens and watching the birds - something he looks forward to every day. The view of nature

I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature.

Took photo classes at Botanical gardens and enjoyed visiting the Wild Center

I strive to understand the science behind things. I am a creative person.

Was an educator Was a music teacher, plays cello and piano, enjoys photography

I experience nature and my surroundings independently.

Typically with spouse

I prefer to share my experiences with others.

Usually is with someone else - not a loner - but likes to be alone when photographing things

I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

Was part of a cultural group/program called friendship force that does lodging swaps/exchanges

Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center? I visited two years ago. What appealed to you about visiting? I enjoyed the setting, did some of the walks and could have stayed longer if not constrained by time. Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? I was visiting my sister in Saratoga and she told us about it. Why or why not would you visit again? The exhibits were well done, but mostly I enjoyed the outdoor aspects. We would visit again. Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting? If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit?

Shannon How old are you? Where do you live? I’m 31, and I live in Wiscosin What do you do for a living?

Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I have 4 girls and am a single parent. What activities take up most of your time in a typical week?

What do you like to do for fun? We don’t always get to do a ton because I work a lot. The local YMCA has a water park. I like to bring them to a children’s museum with different sections and activities. There is river and a park nearby. My parents live near the great lakes. Recently I am considering taking the girls camping, but I decided not to go on my alone. I like to find used toys so I can save for a family vacation. For birthdays and Christmas I did small gifts so I can plan for something fun to do. Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? I like my vacations to be family friendly vacation, the girls like to be active and doing things. Things that interested me about Wild Center are the outdoor activities and the museum area. My girls could run around without being told can to stop and not touch things. I would like to take them to do something different that you don’t get to see and do around home. Personally I don’t like crowds ( I don’t want to go to Disney World). When we go on vacation, we want to have fun and relax, not be stuck in line waiting for an activity. I am always looking for more places to go and get away from the crowded areas (indoors in case of weather). I like to do some small trips close by, but then bigger trips where girls get to see more of the country. Who did you go on the trip with? We went with my parents. What did you do while you were there?

What were the highlights? We all enjoyed the bonfire and roasting marshmallow. My girls don’t have the opportunity to run and play any more without restriction and we gotten out of touch with getting outsides. I could see my girls in the nest area and having their own stories and make believe adventure in the nest. Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you? Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel?

Why do you find these resources helpful? I stumbled across Wild Center link on Facebook (just popped up), looked at the website, and searched Tupper Lake to see what else was in the area - what else is there to do in the area, where we could stay. I did not find one site that is really helpful. I was trying to find hotels in the area and not one site that was helpful. I signed up for Chamber of Commerce for mail communications. Some contain travel information (i.e. Colorado, New Mexico, Texas). I like the magazines, they are fun because we can all gather around the magazines “Is that something you want to see?”. This way everyone feels included on what we might do. Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel? would like to see recommended hotels — “If you stay here, you can get your tickets.” Links to different things you might want to see (i.e. state park) plan a whole vacation versus just a single place. We have dogs, so recommendations for dog






I feel comfortable in nature. I spend a majority of my free time outdoors. I try to immerse myself in new experiences.

Hiking and experiencing is the best way for her to experience nature. Need something that is a vacation for the kids, but also a vacation for her. Want the kids to be tired when she gets back to the hotel room. Go do something active, have a meal, go for a swim and then relax for the evening.

I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings. I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature. I strive to understand the science behind things. I am a creative person. I experience nature and my surroundings independently. I prefer to share my experiences with others. I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

We have done pick your own pumpkin, hay ride, corn maze, petting zoo, etc. One farm sets up a way to observe the animals, but have different silly activities for kids to play on, jump over, etc. I like to find local vendors (cheese, milk, etc.).

friendly areas is great. Even Google search doesn’t help there. What kinds of venues do you enjoy visiting when you’re on vacation? I like visiting Science Museums and Markets. can you tell us more about why you like to visit those types of venues? Those kinds of places are a great learning experience, there are things that the girls do not typically get to do and see. Since I have girls, science is not pushed to them, so I like to expose them to that type of experience. The girls hear how things work, but it is so different when you can actually touch. The more hands on and interactive, the better. Especially for little kids because it is hard for them to just look. Most people are visual learners. I look for experiences that tie those things into a fun activity and help them with their understanding, increase curiosity, etc. Learning through discovering What do you look for when you are there? Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why? Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center? What appealed to you about visiting? Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? Why or why not would you visit again?

Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? I have not previously looked in this area ; going to New York hadn’t crossed her mind because when I hear New York I think of NYC. I was considering Colorado, Nevada, Badlands, etc. I hadn’t considered the area until I saw it on Facebook. Wild Walk is what caught my eye, and the fact that there is more to it. I liked the other options there too. Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting?

If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit? They should reach out different parent social media sites. I like to see things come up on Parents.com where they highlight good family destinations. Getting out there on social media, that is where I find most things. I am in a Mom’s group in my area and people are constantly asking for “family friendly” day trips. We are connected with the YMCA and we are constantly doing bus trips. Maybe they have gotten to a place where advertising is WOM - referral program? Example trip itineraries, sample three day trip, wild walk, indoors. Partnering with other local places and putting together package deals.

Glen How old are you? Where do you live? I’m 51 and live right near the Pennsylvania border. What do you do for a living? I teach at Sutton Hall University. Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I’m a single father of twin seven-year-old boys. What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? We’re switching from karate to baseball right now, and we spend a lot of time outdoors at sporting events. What do you like to do for fun? I like to go bowling, to the parks, and we go camping at least twice a year. Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? We recently went to Baltimore and the Baltimore Aquarium. I was suprised how fast it went. The kids were interested, but not into everything. We went and explored the submarine. I have a 45 minute rule - try everything for 45 minutes. We had the ability in the Submarine to get in the bunks and see the controls. Who did you go on the trip with? My kids. What did you do while you were there? Went to the Aquarium.






I feel comfortable in nature.

I would describe us as pretty outdoorsy. This winter was really warm, so even when there was snow it was slushy.

I spend a majority of my free time outdoors. I try to immerse myself in new experiences. I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings. I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature.

The kids enjoy checking out bones and such at museums.

I strive to understand the science behind things. I am a creative person. I experience nature and my surroundings independently.

It gets harder as they get older to do things togethe

I prefer to share my experiences with others. I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

What were the highlights? The submarine. Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? Nope! We had a great time, stayed overnight and then came back the next morning. What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you?

Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel? The most important thing is finding a hotel and knowing there is going to be food around that’s better than fast food. Why do you find these resources helpful? I like when tourism websites have a page with five to six attractions and a suggested itinerary for each. We were also looking at northern Michigan and they had 1-10 day itineraries that suggested activities by age of kids. Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel? Most of my friends have older kids, but a lot of things have changed. A lot of things have opened up in terms of physical outdoor activities. I have used social media ad will ask on Facebook for recommendations. What kinds of venues do you enjoy visiting when you’re on vacation? Attractions, history museums, science museums, and cultural centers. can you tell us more about why you like to visit those types of venues?

What do you look for when you are there? It has to be more than a museum. The more activities the better. Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why? Another place that was really good was the Williamsburg area, especially the Colonial part. The Jamestown/Yorktown part

engages the kids because there are ships and more play areas. In Jamestown there are people that are working on the archeology and kid exhibits. We also went to William and Mary - have a bounce house and a miniature golf course. Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center? What appealed to you about visiting? Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? Why or why not would you visit again?

Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? I was big into the Scouts around the 1980 Olympics and my uncle did a lot with the Sierra club. I was looking at Michigan and Killington, but the Adirondacks is easier to get to. The Wild Center’s two-day ticket thing is a great value. When you have kids, things can go south quickly. Wild Walk is the biggest and most appealing attraction. Also the aquarium center - my boys might be interested in that. Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting? I heard about it online. The only thing I didn’t see was more information about dining and grocery stores in the area. I would want to camp, but I like to keep it simple. I don’t want to go to McDonalds. I wouldn’t plan a trip around an event, but I would go if one was going on. We could stay in the Tupper Lake area and then go to Long Island or to visit other family in upstate. If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit? Make it more accessible for children and grandparents if they wanted to come. All the ski places are trying to do summer stuff, so it is important to compete with that. Use the science aspect as the comparative advantage. Play up the proximity to Lake Placid and Lake George.

Brianna How old are you? Where do you live? I’m 21 and I live in Plattsburgh. What do you do for a living? I am a student at Plattsburgh State Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I live with my boyfriend, and we have no children. What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? I spend most of my time rock climbing and hiking. What do you like to do for fun? I spend time with friends and family, bonfires, dinner and drinks, travel, kayaking Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? I recently went to Maine. Who did you go on the trip with? I went with my boyfriend. What did you do while you were there? We were camping and one rainy day and we went to coffee shops and checked out the town. What were the highlights? The biggest highlight on the Maine trip was we went rock climbing into a cove and we had to lower ourselves down over the ocean.






I feel comfortable in nature. I spend a majority of my free time outdoors. I try to immerse myself in new experiences. I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings. I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature. I strive to understand the science behind things. I am a creative person. I experience nature and my surroundings independently. I prefer to share my experiences with others. I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? The weather wasn’t great. What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you? Company, food, interactions with strangers. Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel? I use the internet. I Google and see what shows up on links. I read a lot of blogs mostly and for flights and hotes I use Expedia and Sky Picker. Why do you find these resources helpful? Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel? What kinds of venues do you enjoy visiting when you’re on vacation?

What do you look for when you are there? Good food, nice town. Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why?

Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? No, not really. I haven’t had really bad experiences. Once I went ota campground and when we got there it was not comfortable and kind of sketchy. Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center? What appealed to you about visiting? Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? Why or why not would you visit again?

Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? It is just beautiful, except the bugs.

Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting? If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit?

Keri How old are you? Where do you live? 30, I live in downtown Syracuse, which is also where I grew up, but I lived in Boston for a while too. What do you do for a living? I work for a company that collects and analyzes data on cancer treatments and then sells those analytics to pharmaceutical companies. Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I am single, no children, boyfriend, I live alone. What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? I spend time with my family and friends, work, time spent outdoors, travels a lot for work (on the road.)






I feel comfortable in nature. I spend a majority of my free time outdoors.

That’s where she finds stress relief, enjoys the quiet of nature, head clearing, fun to share Lots of outdoor activities

I try to immerse myself in new experiences.

Visits other cultures

I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings.

Stress relief, provides well-being

I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature.

Does guided tours to learn more about the nature aspects she is visiting

What do you like to do for fun? I travel to the Adirondacks frequently, I am an avid hiker, Saranac Sixer, mountain biker, trail riding, swimmer, I go to the gym, I am very active, but I prefers workouts to be outside.

I strive to understand the science behind things.

Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? Recently went to Long Beach (LA) Cali to visit my sister, we went to San Diego with a friend and went to Joshua Tree National park to camp, hike and rock climb. While visiting my sister I biked in LA, did yoga in the park that I found on an app, I hiked at a cliffside trail and tried to catch sunsets.

I experience nature and my surroundings independently.

Recenters and decompresses

I prefer to share my experiences with others.


I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

Does some searching on local events calendars or tries local food and drink, interacts with locals

Who did you go on the trip with? With a friend and visited a sister What did you do while you were there? See above. I often go off on side trips when I am traveling for work as well. What were the highlights? Spending time with her sister Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? My budget didn’t match up with my sister’s. What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you? I love being in cities and outdoors, and I enjoy finding the balance between the two. A good example was a recent trip to Norway where I visited Oslo and enjoyed the people and the cafe culture and Burgen where I saw some landmarks and made some new friends. All the days in the middle I spent camping, hiking, visiting islands, and renting bikes. Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel? Flights on skyscanner or google flights — flexible on dates for the best price — or Skiplag. For activities: destination websites or google, pinterest, and other people’s itineraries. Why do you find these resources helpful? Great flight deals are great I can take a trip for half the price of an all-inclusive vacation. Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel? Bus and train info is hard to find, especially in Europe, I find hosts at AirBnBs to be helpful What kinds of venues do you enjoy visiting when you’re on vacation? I avoid highly trafficked areas for the most part, but I will

I am a creative person.

Background in science Creative in finding solutions, but not in imagination or artistic

still see major attractions, breweries, museums are not a focal point, but maybe art or science, likes outdoor exhibits/parks/markets. What do you look for when you are there? I look for something that feels new or different - meeting new people from that area, unique experience. Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why? I enjoyed the London Olympics, Wembley (?) stadium, soccer game with Great Britain playing. Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? I was disappointed in Antelope canyon, it was beautiful, but there were massive crowds with huge tour groups. Very commercialized. Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center? I have heard of the Wild Center but not visited. What appealed to you about visiting? Looks cool, likes that it allows you to be outside and be a part of nature, I enjoy seeing new venues that bring people to the area. Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? My boyfriend worked for PWS who worked on some of the structures Why or why not would you visit again?

Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? Yes, I am a frequent hiker, on nice days I would rather be on the trail Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting? Yes, but it’s hard to choose that when there are so many free things in the area If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit? Make it a stop-over destination; more active activities (jogging tours, yoga on the wild walk)

Liz How old are you? Where do you live? 53, I live in Piercefield, NY, 15 miles west of Tupper Lake What do you do for a living? I am currently unemployed. Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I am single, no children, but I have a cat. What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? I am looking for jobs, and I like to walk at the Wild Center on the grounds, bike, read, go to church. What do you like to do for fun? I love to dance, and I hike smaller mountains and fish. Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? I went to Venice in 2006, and went to Maine, stayed at the Franciscan Inn on the ocean. Who did you go on the trip with? I went with a significant other. What did you do while you were there? I toured the grounds of the Inn, visited a Lithuanian church, saw monuments, statues, walked along the beach and on hiking trails, What were the highlights? The location, walking distance of the beach, going to Mass and learning about the Lithuanian priests, an art museum in Kinneybunk(?) that showcased a local artist, saw the Kennedy compound. I liked that trip. Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? The traffic coming home was difficult. What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you? I like getting a different perspective, seeing what home life could be somewhere else. Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel? I go on the website of the place I am visiting, I previously used a lot of frequent flyer miles so I would use the airline websites; brochures for other things to do in an area (from an info center along the trip route) Why do you find these resources helpful? You have to book somehow and lots of places encourage you to book online. Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel? Usually I have no problem. What kinds of venues do you enjoy visiting when you’re on vacation? I enjoy art museums, dance workshops/workshop packages, music festivals What do you look for when you are there? I like to learn more about dancing, specific exhibits at art museums, have my eyes opened to new things Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why? I was impressed by the Salvador Dali museum, Van Gogh






I feel comfortable in nature. I spend a majority of my free time outdoors. I try to immerse myself in new experiences. I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings. I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature. I strive to understand the science behind things.

It’s god’s work - she knows enough to keep herself safe, she learns about places before she visits As much as she can Wanakena festival, tried contra dancing Very important to her - if she isn’t comfortable in her environment, she isn’t happy Going to The Wild Center - enjoyed participating in the scavenger hunt Very interested in natural foods and medicines

I am a creative person.

Enjoys dance and art - originally wanted to be an art teacher

I experience nature and my surroundings independently.

Would go alone, but wouldn’t go as far into the woods by herself

I prefer to share my experiences with others.

Fine going by herself

I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

Winter festival in Saranac Lake - tries to visit the “local events” - White out weekend in Wanakena

exhibit at Smithsonian, the art museum in Maine. Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? I am not big into theme parks with rides, I like to go places I feel safe, if I don’t think I will like it, I do not go. Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center?

What appealed to you about visiting? I enjoy the otters and learning about the different fish. Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? Probably a brochure - it is local, so also might have been word of mouth or sign on the road. Why or why not would you visit again? Yes, I goes frequently to walk the grounds! Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting?

If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit? The website could use a little bit of help - their spring hours are not clear on the website - add a banner for special hours - The cafe is really cool/eco-friendly - The greeters could be more friendly/welcoming Do you have any questions for us? Is there anything else you’d like to tell us today? What is the health walk next door to The Wild Center? Maybe put some signs to let people know they are walking onto school property.

Madeline How old are you? Where do you live? I’m 63, I split my time between Brooklyn and Salisbury, I formerly worked on wall street, now work with my husband who is a used comic book salesmen, coordinating his website sales.






I feel comfortable in nature.

The beauty of nature and serenity

What do you do for a living? I am an administrative Assistant for husband’s business

I spend a majority of my free time outdoors.

Should probably spend more

Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I am married, no kids, we are married for 18 years, with lots of nieces and nephews that we spend quite a bit of time with. Two cats

I try to immerse myself in new experiences.

What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? I enjoy helping out with the business, when I am in NY my life is very different (ballet, cultural, music) than in CT (hiking, going to the gym).I use to travel a lot for both business and pleasure, but since my company closed, I travel more locally — used to go to Toronto and Boston What do you like to do for fun? Go see Ballet and travel - has traveled extensively internationally Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? We went to Istanbul - wanted to go to Egypt - wanted to go somewhere like that before “the door closed” - mix of East and West. We went for 9 days

I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings. I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature. I strive to understand the science behind things.

On the weekend her husband and she will visit new places/small towns Definitely Should be more curious, but visits gardens It’s not her preference

I am a creative person. I experience nature and my surroundings independently.

Enjoys both

I prefer to share my experiences with others.

Enjoys experiencing things with others, but isn’t uncomfortable going places alone

I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

Better when she’s in somewhere different than where she lives

Who did you go on the trip with? Husband What did you do while you were there? We went to Bagram (like the riviera of Turkey), and we enjoyed the walking city where you can walk on ferries and visit lots of different culturally unique neighborhoods What were the highlights? Food was great, art was amazing. Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? Turkish airlines - took forever to get our bags What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you? The parts that stand out are the parts that were unexpected the mosques and art in Istanbul surprised me. Beautiful. Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel? I don’t use travel agencies; I use travel websites; aggregate hotel or flights websites – I start with the hotels and then build from there; I use flight points. Why do you find these resources helpful? Yes, it gives you a flavor of what to expect Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel?

What kinds of venues do you enjoy visiting when you’re on vacation? Museums and cultural centers especially What do you look for when you are there? Museums: something unique that you wouldn’t find anywhere else - representative of the place that you’re visiting. Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why?

I liked San Jose NM, we drove to four corners and southern Colorado. Santa Fe; Milwaukee I really enjoyed too, especially the art museum Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? Aruba - tacky Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center? What appealed to you about visiting? Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? Why or why not would you visit again?

Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? Yes, I visited Lake Placid before Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting? Yes, it looks interesting If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit?

Patty How old are you? Where do you live? I am 55 years old and I live in Lake Luzerne , NY What do you do for a living? I am a Health Information Consultant, medical record reviewer and a full-time student. Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I am divorced and have two older children, 24 and 26. What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? I like to go out for walks in the woods and go jogging, kayaking and boating. Fishing is not out of the question, I grew up hanging out on the water, and playing on snowshoes. What do you like to do for fun? I enjoy gardening and attending the local farmer’s markets. I find my local maple syrup there! Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? I am going down to Stormville on Saturday for a flea market. Went to maple syrup making recently too. Who did you go on the trip with?

What did you do while you were there? I like to take local trips to (Lake Placid for the day), or I just hang out around my town. I love, love the Wild Center, and went twice last summer as especially enjoyed the wild walk. I also love the theatre “Around New York State” and flying over the different lakes in NYS. I live in the country and enjoy seeing deer. The Wild Center is an hour and a half drive from my home. I took a day trip the first time with her daughter, and then returned with a friend and spent the day bringing a new friend with her. What were the highlights? Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you? Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel? Why do you find these resources helpful? Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel? What kinds of venues do you enjoy visiting when you’re on vacation?

What do you look for when you are there? I found out about Wild Center because my daughter won tickets and then I went back the second day. I google for different activities that are going on in the area and look in the local paper. Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why? I also enjoys Blue Mountain Lake and have visited the historical center. I am always looking for somewhere my mother would really like to go. We like to stop at different museums and let Google just show them what is in the area. I also enjoyed visiting the Woodstock (60s museum) - that was great. Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? I lives near Saratoga Springs and really enjoys SPAC. Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center? What appealed to you about visiting? Can you tell us more about how you found out about it?

Why or why not would you visit again?






I feel comfortable in nature. I spend a majority of my free time outdoors. I try to immerse myself in new experiences. I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings. I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature.

Loves walking in the woods, 60 acres around her mothers house. Loves the quiet and listening to the brooks. Likes all the seasons.

Definitely. Looks for cultural aspect of things and how people approach different things. Have the Indian cultural information.

Yes. the growing of different types of plants and trees. Conservation (soil, plant). Loved the science part of The Wild Center

I strive to understand the science behind things. I am a creative person.

Took art courses when she was younger in college. Like old fashion recipes.

I experience nature and my surroundings independently.

Like both these experiences

I prefer to share my experiences with others.

Like both these experiences

I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

Town heritage, old clothing. Big time into the old fashion styles.

She would definitely like to visit again. Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting?

If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit? Anything made in NY State would be interesting .cultural/seasonal items. I am interested in any “Howto” demonstrations. I also liked the children’s activities they had (drawing). SI would be interested in newsletter to hear about upcoming events. It would be nice to have a spring and /or fall flier for the winter. Emails are nice too, but reminders that the Wild Center is open year round, and what is going on that is new.

Eric How old are you? Where do you live? I’m 57 years old. I live near Ottawa, CN. What do you do for a living? I work for Wild-Life Environmental. Can you tell me about your home / family life? Married? Number of kids? I have a five-year-old daughter and I’m married with 18-yearold step-daughter. What activities take up most of your time in a typical week? Finding activities to do with the five-year-old and getting her outside and interact with nature. What do you like to do for fun? It varies from season to season. We try to be outside as much as possible. We do some canoeing, hiking behind their house, ice skating in the winter, and snowshoeing. We like to explore the wildlife preserves outside of Montreal. We can drive through and see Buffalo and Caribou, as well as other animals. Sometimes I attend teaching activities on natural surroundings and animals. It depends on the experts that are in town. It could be on tracks, how animals survive through the winter, predator/prey relationships, or contaminates. I used to ski a lot at Mt. Tremblant. They would see days that had low attendance and then offer deals on those days. Can you tell us about a recent trip you took? The last trip we took was off the coast of Maine. We camped for two weeks on an island. We’ll probably head to New Hampshire this year because we’re a little strapped for finances. I’m originally from NH. Who did you go on the trip with? My family What did you do while you were there? Visited the ocean. What were the highlights? Interacting with the ocean, boating, collecting things off the shore, and having camp fires. I don’t get a chance to interact with the ocean much and I’m a big ocean person. I love to find places to camp. It’s one of the draws to the Adirondack area. Were there any parts of the trip that did not go well? What are the aspects that usually make a trip stand out to you? Can you tell us more about the resources you use when you book your travel?

Why do you find these resources helpful? A lot of it is just past knowledge from the area and a lot is from internet sources. Sometimes I look at old magazines but the majority of my research is online. It’s hard to find one site that has a lot of the aspects I’m looking for. When looking at The Wild Center, and looking for places to camp, a lot of stuff comes up, but I have to poke around and try different phrases of what you I’m looking for. If The Wild Center recommended areas it would be nice. I see them as a trusted source. It would be helpful to be able to search for a campsite within 50 miles. Are there any additional resources you would find helpful when booking travel? A few things that were on the site provided day trip recommendations near the center. More stuff like that would be






I feel comfortable in nature. I spend a majority of my free time outdoors. I try to immerse myself in new experiences. I feel emotionally connected to nature and my environmental surroundings. I enjoy learning about different aspects of nature. I strive to understand the science behind things.

As a 14-15 year old that was floundering around in life, he was lucky enough to go to the arctic and see a new place, experience new things. His youth was like that - go to Maine, NH, etc. All those experiences led him to where he is today. Really hard to find those kind of things to do in today’s world. Would like to do things with the family versus and attraction. From looking at the center, it is a good mixture of both of those things. Provides you with a wonderful opportunity that provides that. Planning on the 2.5 hour trip just to do that. Nothing like that in Ottawa, so willing to make the trip. Want to provide LOTS of different experiences to his kids. So always looking for something new.

I am a creative person. I experience nature and my surroundings independently. I prefer to share my experiences with others. I participate in different cultural events related to where I am.

really valuable. I can see us doing a day at the center, a day exploring, a day on the river - those things are hard to find if you are not from the area. A sample itinerary would be really good. That is always a draw. And swimming holes! What kinds of venues do you enjoy visiting when you’re on vacation? Markets What do you look for when you are there? I don’t think there is anything we look for in-particular. Anywhere that is good for kids where you can be intimately involved in what they are teaching. Live things draw my daughter’s attention. Anything that is moving, alive, and furry automatically draws her and pulls her away. Snakes, bugs - anything that is alive and animate. Stuff that is outside is always good as well. What really draws her attention to the nature center is all the things going on outside that are unique, educational, and fun. We look for chances for our daughter to get outside and push her boundaries. It’s always good to push things that are new and different. When I was a kid, there were less restrictions on safety. It’s nice how The Wild Center looks like it offers unique things that are safe and challenging. Are there any venues that have particularly stood out to you? If so, why? Are there any venues you have not enjoyed your experience with? If so, why? Can you tell us more about your experience with The Wild Center? What appealed to you about visiting?

Can you tell us more about how you found out about it? I received an email that provided things that are happening in the Ottawa area. On that list serve, The Wild Center came up. I looked it up online, found the site and looked around. Why or why not would you visit again? Did not end up visiting but would be interested in visiting for the wildlife. Can you tell us more about your interest in visiting the Adirondacks? The fact that it is in the Adirondacks provides a unique landscape that provides a good weekend outing with the family. I see the center as being the main thing to go to and it’s a bonus that it is the Adirondacks.

Now that you have heard of The Wild Center, would you consider visiting? Yes, we are definitely considering visiting. If you were talking to the Chairman or President of The Wild Center, what advice would you have for them for getting more people to visit? We amay have come down there earlier if we had understood the camping availability in the area. Better lodging descriptions and a map of the are would be helpful. It would also be great to know what I will encounter when I go there. Groupons, and discounts could help out with family cost. I found out a few things through the Groupon site they I had never heard of before. Are there any good Groupon activities in the area? Do you have any questions for us? Is there anything else you’d like to tell us today? It would be helpful if there was a bit more information on when what is open. I don’t understand what is and is not included. Perhaps build out a more robust calendar or an interactive map where you could see what is open.

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