Compliance & Community Connections
Banking veteran plays many roles at institution
ften, the act of obeying guidelines and federal regulations is overlooked. This can be said for nearly all occupations and even everyday tasks, but when it comes to the world of finance, compliance plays a vital role in ensuring an institution is successful. Compliance is one of the primary roles for Rhea Williams, who wears many hats for First Security Bank. Williams is the senior vice president, compliance director and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) officer for the bank, and she has 32 years of experience in the banking industry. According to the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), Williams’ role as a compliance director is to “enforce or ensure compliance with laws and regulations governing financial and securities institutions and financial 54 | Career Watch Arkansas
and real estate transactions. [The occupation] may examine, verify, or authenticate records.” In her own words, Williams explains the diverse nature of her work and how one can pursue excellence in the occupation. “As compliance director, you have your hand in all business units of the financial institution, from loans to deposits to marketing,” she says. “You are normally juggling several tasks, so it’s important to prioritize. The best thing you can do is to continually train new employees. My process as CRA officer is to collect and determine if community outreach meets the community reinvestment guidelines.” Williams adds that her favorite part of the job is the educational opportunity she is afforded to offer to the public. “My favorite part about working in