Economia comertului turismului si serviciilor engleza tourism

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 Key words: 1) abroad (adv.) (= overseas) /vs/ aboard (= on board a plane / a ship) 2) accommodation (Ro: cazare): bed & breakfast (b&b) / half board (Ro: demi-pensiune) / full board (Ro: pensiune completă) // boarding house (Ro: gazdă) 3) (to) book (a room, a seat, a table, etc) // fully-booked (hotel, restaurant, theatre, etc) booking // to reserve – (to make a) reservation (Ro: a rezerva; rezervare) 4) (air) carrier (= transporter) // carriage (= the act / cost of carrying goods; train coach) 5) (to) check-in (at a hotel) / (to) check-out (of a hotel room) /vs/ (traveller’s) cheque 6) climate (e.g. cold / warm / temperate climate) /vs/ weather (e.g. weather forecast) 7) crew (of a ship / plane) (Ro: echipaj) /vs/ (pleasure) cruise (Ro: croazieră) 8) fare (= the cost of a journey – e.g. bus / plane / train fare) /vs/ fair (= exhibition) 9) festival (= public celebration) / carnival (= costumed street party) / parade (= procession, public display) 10) (travel) guide /vs/ guidebook (Ro: ghid) 11) gulf (= land form) /vs/ golf (= sport) (Ro: golf) 12) highway / freeway / expressway / motorway (BE) (Ro: autostradă) /vs/ railway / railroad (Ro: cale ferată) 13) hospitality (industry) (Ro: ospitalitate; industria hotelieră) // hospitable (adj.) (Ro: ospitalier) // hospital (Ro: spital) 14) host(ess) (Ro: gazdă) / (air) hostess (= flight attendant / stewardess) /vs/ guest (Ro; oaspete, musafir) // guesthouse (Ro: pensiune, mini-hotel) 15) (luxury / 5-star) hotel /vs/ (youth) hostel (Ro: cămin) 16) incoming (calls) / inbound (tourists) /vs/ outgoing (mail) / outbound (flight / passengers) // outing (= a short trip / excursion) // outward /vs/ homeward (journey) 17) jet liner / jumbo jet (= a large passenger airplane, e.g. a Boeing 747) /vs/ jet lag (= weariness / malaise caused by a long journey by air and the difference in time zones) /vs/ jet-skiing /vs/ (the) jet set (= the rich and fashionable people) 18) landform (Ro: formă de relief) /vs/ landscape (Ro: peisaj) 19) leisure (= spare time) /vs/ pleasure (trip) 20) market(place) /vs/ circus (e.g. Piccadilly Circus) // square (Leicester Sq, Trafalgar Sq.) 21) passport (Ro: paşaport) /vs/ password (Ro: parolă) 22) (mountain / ski / seaside) resort (Ro: staţiune turistică) /vs/ (thermal water) spa (Ro: staţiune balneo-climaterică) 23) season (Ro: sezon; anotimp) – e.g. peak / high / low // hunting season // off-season (Ro: extra-sezon) 24) (to go) sightseeing (= to go and see / visit the sights of a particular place) 25) ticketing (= issuing and selling tickets) - return ticket / round trip ticket (Ro: bilet dusîntors) /vs/ single (BE) / one-way ticket /vs/ voucher (Ro: tichet, cupon) 26) travel agency (Ro: agenţie de turism / voiaj) - travel agent /vs/ tour operator (BE) 27) trip (Ro: drum, călătorie, excursie) /vs/ (to) tip (Ro: (a da) bacşiş) // journey (Ro: drum, călătorie) // route // itinerary // tour (Ro: circuit) / tourist // tourism // agritourism (Ro: agroturism) 28) vacation (AE) (= holiday) - vacationer (AE) / holidaymaker (Ro: vacanţier, vilegiaturist) // to vacate (a place) (fml) /vs/ vacancy (= a vacant job) 29) venue (= site, location of an event) // revenue (= income from sales, profits) 30) visa /vs/ via (= passing through) // stopover (Ro: escală) // non-stop flight (Ro: zbor fără escală) 1

 Tourism and travelling – the hospitality industry Tourism is a business activity connected with providing accommodation, food and entertainment to people who are visiting places other than their places of residence (tourists). Tourism is part of the service industry / sector and it includes the hospitality industry (= providing accommodation and catering for tourists). Although these notions are sometimes regarded as synonymous, tourism is more comprehensive than hospitality, since it also refers to entertainment (leisure activities) and other (related) services. There are various types of accommodation a tourist or traveller can choose from: hotels (the most expensive, but also the most comfortable), a guesthouse (= a small hotel), a boarding house (= accommodation in a private home), etc. Accommodation also refers to catering (= food) – thus, you can have bed and breakfast (b&b), half board (= breakfast and dinner provided) or full board (= all three meals included). Tourism may be domestic / home tourism (within the country of residence) and international / overseas tourism (outside the country of residence). The latter consists of two opposite flows: incoming / inbound tourists (Ro: turism receptor) and outgoing / outbound tourists (Ro: turism emiţător). Whenever you travel abroad / overseas (whether as a tourist, VFR or on business), you need a passport and a visa (unless you travel within the European Union and you are a citizen of one of its member-states). According to the main motivation (purpose) of the journey, tourists are sub-divided into “sunlust” (= driven by their love of nature’s beauty) and “wonderlust” (= interested in the cultural and artistic heritage). The first category is related to natural resources, such as seaside or mountain resorts (the French Riviera, the Swiss Alps) and (thermal water) spas (e.g. Biarritz in France or Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic). Such places are heavily dependent on seasonality: tourists rush in during the peak / high season (in mid-summer or winter), while off-season, hotels and villas are almost empty. A more recent form of tourism is agritourism (= living in the countryside with local people), which also attempts to preserve and protect the natural environment. The second category mentioned above refers mostly to (organized) sightseeing tours – the practice of visiting historic and famous places: museums and art galleries, monuments and ancient vestiges, churches and cathedrals, castles and palaces, etc. Europe holds the first place in this respect, with its art and history-laden towns and regions. Countries like Italy (Rome, Florence, Milan, Tuscany, Venice), France (Paris, the castles of the Loire Valley), Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Granada) make up the top destinations of “wonderlust” tourists who come to the old continent. Other places or regions may fall into both categories at the same time. A case in point is Greece, with its clear seawaters, golden beaches and unspoilt landscapes on the one hand and its numerous vestiges (ancient temples and statues) on the other (hand). The purpose of travelling may also include practising sports (e.g. water sports, winter sports, rock climbing, etc) or participating in various cultural and artistic events, such as fairs and exhibitions, festivals (e.g. Oktoberfest), carnivals (the Carnival in Venice or the one in Rio, etc), parades and pageants, etc. Like any other economic activity, tourism is regulated by the law of supply and demand. Demand is represented by the number of (potential) tourists, whereas supply is made up of the offers of various tour-operators and travel agents. You can resort to the services of a travel agency if you wish to book (plane) tickets in advance (= ticketing), make 2

reservations (e.g. reserve a hotel room, etc). Travel agencies also provide a guide for organized trips. The holidaymakers / vacationers (AE) can choose from a broad / wide range of alternatives, regarding the forms of payment (e.g. package tours or all inclusive holidays) and means of transport – by air (jet airliner / chartered flight), by rail (= by train), by coach, etc. One can also occasionally travel by sea (e.g. by ferry(boat), across the English Channel). A special type of sea journey is the (pleasure) cruise, which is a (short) vacation on board a (cruising) ship, with stopovers along the way to visit different (exotic) places. If you want to travel on your own (drive your own car, for instance), you can go camping (put up a tent, usually in a campsite) or go caravanning (provided, of course, that you have a caravan / an RV). You can also choose to go trekking (= on foot) in the mountains on a short excursion or outing (a day out).  Useful abbreviations in international tourism B.C. = Before Christ (î.d. Chr., î.e.n.) A. D. (Latin - Anno Domini) (d. Chr., e.n.) ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival ETD = Estimated Time of Departure GMT = Greenwich Mean Time (= Universal Time) PAX = passengers RV = Recreational Vehicle VIP = Very Important Person VFR = Visiting Friends or Relatives IATA = International Air Transport Association UFTAA = Universal Federation of Travel Agents’ Association WTO = World Tourism Organization (Ro: OMT) YMCA = Young Men’s Christian Association (= an international charitable organization which provides food and accommodation for young travellers)


 Antonyms arrival ≠ departure to land (of a plane) ≠ to take off check-in ≠ check out incoming ≠ outgoing outbound ≠ inbound

to get on (a bus) ≠ to get off (a bus, etc) to get into (a car) ≠ to get out of (a car) guest ≠ host(ess) high ≠ low return ticket ≠ single ticket

 Confusing words • • •

foreign(er) (= from a different country) /vs/ strange(r) (= unknown) (Ro: străin) abroad (adv.) /vs/ overseas (adj. / adv.) (= in / from / to a foreign country) (Ro: în / din străinătate) abroad (adv.) /vs/ aboard (adv., prep.) (= on board – a boat / ship / plane / train)

1) 2) 3) 4)

How many foreign / strange languages does your guide speak? The euro fell on the foreign / strange exchange yesterday. Parents often teach small children to avoid talking to foreigners / strangers. She worked for a foreign / strange trade company in London.

5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

He’s been living abroad / overseas for ten years. He worked in abroad / overseas trade. He worked abroad / overseas. We receive regular reports form our abroad / overseas branch. Our marketing strategy must account for the differences between the home market and the abroad / overseas market.

10) We were already abroad / aboard the ship when he arrived. 11) The plane crashed killing all 157 passengers abroad / aboard. 12) Our manager travels abroad / aboard on a regular basis. •

Vocabulary Notes - Find a word or phrase that fits the definition:

a) a quick stop or a very brief visit to a place: whistle stop (Ro: haltă) b) a direct (plane) journey: non - stop flight c) a feeling of fatigue (tiredness) and even malaise experienced by passengers after a long flight (especially when the departure and the arrival point of the journey belong to different time zones of the globe): jet – lag d) a very large jet aircraft that can carry up to several hundred passengers (esp. a Boeing 747): jumbo – jet e) a person who travels around the world, a world traveler: globe – trotter. f) a person or firm whose job is to make arrangements for people who wish to travel (e.g. getting plane tickets, reserving hotel rooms, etc): travel agent g) a type of cheque used when travelling abroad (esp. by tourists), which carries a fixed amount of money and can be easily exchanged for cash in foreign countries: traveller’s cheque / check (AE) h) a brochure, documentary, etc about travelling (a travel catalogue): travelogue


Complete the chart with the missing word (country, inhabitants, language or capital city): COUNTRY Austria Belgium Brazil Cuba Denmark Finland Germany France Great Britain (United Kingdom) Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Japan Lebanon The Netherlands Norway Poland Russia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United States (of America)

PEOPLE Austrians (= austriecii) Belgians Brazilians Cubans Danes Finns Germans the French (the) British / Brits

LANGUAGE German French / Dutch Portuguese Spanish Danish Finnish German French English

CAPITAL Vienna Brussels Brasilia Havana Copenhagen Helsinki Berlin Paris London

Greeks Hungarians Icelanders the Irish Italians the Japanese the Lebanese the Dutch Norwegians Poles Russians the Spanish / Spaniards Swedes the Swiss Turks Americans

Greek Hungarian Icelandic Irish Italian Japanese Arabic1 Dutch Norwegian Polish Russian Spanish Swedish Swiss Turkish English

Athens Budapest Reykjavik Dublin Rome Tokyo Beirut Amsterdam Oslo Warsaw Moscow Madrid Stockholm Bern Ankara Washington D.C.

North → northern (= nordic, de nord, boreal) South → southern (= sudic, de sud, austral) West → western (= vestic, de vest, occidental) East → eastern (= estic, de est, oriental)


Cf. Arabian (adj.) // the Arabs.


 The cardinal points (the 4 points of the compass):

North(ern) West(ern)

East(ern) South(ern)

Now fill in with the right cardinal point or the adjective derived from it (-ern): 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

The sun always rises in the east (= the sunrise) and sets in the west (= the sunset). Northern Ireland is still part of the United Kingdom (of Great Britain). Warmer winds come from the south of the continent. Romania lies in Eastern Europe. The Northern Lights are another name for aurora borealis. California is situated on the West Coast of the US. Traditionally, the civilizations of the Far East (China, Japan) are more concerned with spiritual values, whereas the Westerners tend to take things at face value. 8) Australia is located entirely in the southern hemisphere. 9) When they traveled north at night, sailors always followed the Northern Star (= the Pole Star), which is situated right above the North Pole. 10) Cape Horn is the southernmost point of South America.  Confusing words • • • • •

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

journey = travelling from one place to another (usually one-way and for a long time) e.g. a round-the-world journey (Ro: călătorie, drum) trip = a (short) journey, usually to one place and back – e.g. a bus trip; excursion = a short trip for pleasure, usually with an organized group (Ro: excursie) outing = a short (usually one day) trip (a day’s outing = a day out - e.g. at the beach) (Ro: ieşire) expedition = a trip organized with a special purpose (usually to search a place that is not well-known) (Ro: expediţie) How long does your daily trip to work take? Three members of the Everest expedition were killed on the way back. On Saturday we went on an all-day excursion / trip / outing to the nearby islands. They’ve been on a short family trip / outing to York. We set out / off on a difficult journey / trip / expedition through the jungle. They went on a long train / rail journey across India. Did you have a good return trip?


Now match the famous sights on the left with the place they belong to: SIGHT Piccadilly Circus Times Square Stonehenge The Blue Mosque The Capitol The Coliseum The Covent Garden (Opera House) The Eiffel Tower The Forbidden City The Golden Gate (Bridge) The Golden Temple The Great Pyramid The Great Wall The Leaning Tower The Parthenon The Schönnbrunn Castle The Taj Mahal (mausoleum)

CITY London New York Istanbul Washington D.C. Rome London Paris Beijing San Francisco Kyoto Giseh Pisa Athens Vienna Agra

COUNTRY Great Britain (UK) United States (US) England (GB / UK) Turkey US Italy Great Britain (UK) France China US Japan Egypt China Italy Greece Austria India

 Ways of traveling // Means of transport One always travels / goes by ….. : • • •

by land: by car, by van, by (mini)bus / coach, by trolleybus, by tram(way) / streetcar (AE); by train, by underground / subway (train), etc by sea / water: by (cruising) ship, by (sailing / motor) boat, by ferry(boat), by yacht, etc by air: by (air)plane, by helicopter, by balloon, etc

Now complete the table related to means of transport: Vehicle

Public / private

Driver (Person)

Verb (to ….) Drivers


In // out (to) get into // get out of (to) get on / (to) board // get off get on / board // get off get on / board // get off get on / board // get off get on // get off




(to) drive

Bus / coach




(to) drive in / ride on (to) ride on




ride on

Plane / Helicopter Boat / ship

private / public private / public private

(engine) driver pilot

(to) fly

(to) fly in / on

pilot / captain

(to) sail

(to) sail in


(to) ride

ride on



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