2 minute read
2.2.1 Petróleos Mexicanos Transformation (PEMEX
from Prospect
ENERMAS LATINOAMÉRICA as Manager will be responsible for transaction closing as long as negotiation has reached a successful conclusion, performing Fund’s Capital disbursement, considering at all times legal, fiscal, environmental, social and Corporate Governance implications to avoid unnecessary risks or costs. In some cases, an agreement may be signed, which will contain necessary requirements to reach a closing and start with necessary procedures. In other cases, it will be possible to finalize documentation and perform procedures, under a signed Agreement, and once all requirements are satisfied, final agreement can be signed simultaneously. ENERMAS LATINOAMÉRICA must integrate a closing file where all relevant documentation is compiled, and start planning for an orderly and effective Investments monitoring.
Once transaction has been performed, Monitoring begins, consisting of asset management and Investments follow-up as Shareholders. The main objective of this process is creation and capture of value from punctual, active, strategic, managerial, operative and financial Investments supervision in the Portfolio, in order to make sure that the objectives previously outlined are met in a timely manner. The main activities to be followed during monitoring process will consist of the following: Proposed strategy follow-up to ensure operational and financial metrics. Monitoring through Project Management methodologies. Liaison with regulatory authorities and local governments. Procurement of adhesion in Promoted Project by Strategic Partnership with which an alliance is agreed through Cluster, Consortium, Joint Venture, and/or Co-investment, in order to comply with norms, standards, codes of conduct or international initiatives. Environmental, social and Corporate Governance implications review of Fund in operation with Strategic Partners.
Therefore, a Corporate of companies consolidation that work through Cluster, Consortium, Joint Venture, and/or Co-investment is sought, with Human Asset increasing purpose that ENERMAS LATINOAMÉRICA has as Manager. In order to perform the above mentioned activities, access to relevant and timely information shall be available.
In this sense, timely detection of any sign that implies a threat for Investment shall be sought; therefore, Return on Investment may be compromised. Management of each Asset or project shall comply with Fund related interests and involvement level in each Investment shall depend on the strategy determined for each one of Strategic Partnerships capabilities participating in a Consortium Cluster, Joint Venture, and/or Co-investment with ENERMAS LATINOAMÉRICA.
Como parte del monitoreo de las Inversiones, ENERMAS LATINOAMÉRICA buscará que de ser necesario las Sociedades Estratégicas con quienes se conforme un Clúster, Consorciado, Joint Venture, y/o Coinversión, contraten los seguros y fianzas requeridos por la Legislación Aplicable, así como otros complementarios para mitigar los riesgos a los que se encuentran expuestas. Entre los seguros que se buscará contratar se enlistan los más destacados de forma