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Grafton School
from AE7 Education 2024
by AE7 Design
Middle and High School, Yorktown, VA, USA
Grafton Middle School, located in Yorktown, Virginia, serves grades 6-12 in the York County School Division district and it is among the few public middle schools in Virginia to receive a distinguished Great Schools Rating of 9 out of 10. This new facility was designed for 2,300 students with focus on the school efficiency.
This has been acheaved by smart facility sharing program between both schools where artmedia centers, auditorium, kitchen, tennis courts, sport fields, running track and practice football field ended-up being used by both schools. Designers explored in this facility applied “class-lab teaching/learning” concept, addressing requirement for agressive educational teaching needs, using latest computer technologies and addressing special needs for various age groups. AE7 partners were involved in this project as the managing and design Directors of Burt Hill’s offices, and managed the Client and team on a daily basis.
Project Size
255,750 sq.ft / 23,760 sq.m
Services Architecture
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture