1 minute read

The Nest – Bird Observation Tower

Al Marmoom Desert Conservation Reserve, Dubai, UAE

Part of a greater vision for the Al Marmoom Conservation Area, the Nest acts as a delicate interface between the sanctuary’s local animals and its visitors. Inspired by the structure and geometry of a bird’s nest, the Nest’s platform lattice facade creates unique shadows and blends in with the surrounding landscape context, complementing the sanctuary experience rather than interrupting it. The envelope wraps around a two-level shaded viewing platform that allows visitors close-up views of the sanctuary’s diverse bird fauna, without creating glass reflections and interrupting their natural habitat. The platform’s intentionally minimal interior is designed to complement and blend with the sanctuary surroundings, and dark sky-compliant LED fixtures have a minimal impact on wildlife. This project paves the way for other architectural projects that highlight the sanctuary’s main attractions and provide unique experiences for the visitors.


Identity Design Award | Outdoor Space

Project Size

Plot size: 3,230 sq.ft / 300 sq.m

Services Architecture


Landscape Architecture

Project Management

Structural Design

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