2 minute read
Do Well in the Classroom

Playing club soccer can be a major commitment and requires players to dedicate a lot of their time to practice, games and travel. It is not always easy to balance everything. Here are some tips for the classroom.
By Teresa Rook, ODP 13U 2007 Lanco/Harrisburg Girls, 2nd Grade Hambright Elementary
PLAN AHEAD. TIME management is crucial as you navigate school, sports, jobs and eventually your career. If you know you have soccer practice, make sure your school work is done the day before, or the time in between school and soccer practice. There is always time for both if you plan accordingly!
USE A CALENDAR OR notebook to keep track of all your assignments. Set reminders if you tend to forget assignments or things you need for school. You are a student-athlete. The student part should always come first. You will not be able to play your sport without completing all of your assignments.
THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE available and able to help you at school. Let your teachers know about your heavy schedule, so they are prepared to accommodate your needs. If you do not understand something you are learning, ask for clarification. If you are unsure when your assignment is due, ask right away. If you are falling behind in your studies, request help and be willing to accept feedback. Teachers, counselors and school staff want you to succeed, so utilize those around you!
SURROUND YOURSELF WITH people that want you to succeed and are making the right choices. Friendships are important and so are the things that you choose to do together. Have the type of fun that your teachers, coaches and parents will be proud of. Listen to rules and expectations in your classroom. Just one bad choice could cost you a game or an entire season. Respect others in your class and do not interfere with their learning; help others to learn by being present and supportive of the classroom learning environment.
GIVE 100%
ALWAYS TRY YOUR BEST. You run hard at practice, you make strong tackles and score goals. Give that same effort in your classroom. The hard work will pay off. Teachers notice your hard work. You do not have to be the smartest student or the one with the best grades, but make sure no one works harder than you.