1 minute read
Fernando Carrizo
Fernando has been coaching soccer for over 25 years. He started Futbol De Carizio Academia to help players work on their technical skills and tactical abilities and been an Eastern PA ODP coach since 2010. He’s coached U-12 and U-13 boys and girls, U-15 boys and is coaching U-14 Boys North. He’s also coached the Upper School boys team at Moravian Academy since 2012 and won three state titles (2014, 2019 and 2022).
FAVORITE THING ABOUT COACHING IN ODP: “Connecting with each and every player, male or female. Making players get out of their comfort zone and learning new positions is key to understanding and reading the game! Too many players are too comfortable playing one position.”
FAVORITE SONG TO LISTEN TO BEFORE A MATCH: Robbie TroncoFright Train (Original Song is about 10 minutes long) “Robbie Tronco is a DJ from Philadelphia and started TroncoDelphia record label in July 2007.
ACTOR WHO WOULD PLAY YOU IN A MOVIE: Cristo Fernández (Ted Lasso)
GUILTY PLEASURE: DJing at Nightclubs!