INFORMATION How to Book By Post: Please complete the form in full (applications will not be accepted without the consent section completed in full) and return the application form together with the correct payment to Sports Development, Fort Regent, St Helier, JE2 4UX. Payment is required at the time of booking. The consent form must be completed and returned. All applications are processed on a first come, first served basis. All activities have limited availability. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Course information is available on
Notes for Parents All activities will start and finish at the times stipulated. Please ensure that youngsters arrive and are collected at the correct times. Instructors cannot take responsibility for children outside session times. • All activities have strict age group stipulations for safety and the enjoyment of all youngsters.
• Please ensure plenty to drink is brought to all activities, (preferably non fizzy).
• All equipment will be provided except where indicated.
• Please ensure appropriate footwear and clothing is worn.
• Please ensure that for outside activities youngsters bring sun protection cream, a cap or sun hat and waterproof clothing at all times. The Department for Education, Sport & Culture reserve the right to cancel or amalgamate courses/ Sessions should there be insufficient demand. In order to ensure safety and enjoyment of all youngsters The Department for Education, Sport & Culture reserves the right to refuse applications or withdraw youngsters from activities. Parents/ guardians will be informed should this situation arise by the Outdoor Education Manager or a member of the Sports Development Department. Please note that requests for refunds must be made in writing to the Sports Manager at least one week before the course start date. Due to administrative costs we are unable to process refunds for fees under £7. A receipt will be issued to confirm that you have been allocated a place on the requested course.
For further information please email or visit Tweet us @jerseysport or visit our facebook page at
AEA DESIGN • 280888
“The organisers will not be responsible for any expense, consequential loss, legal liability, loss or damage to any property or person arising from any matters, acts and /or defaults outside its control.” Please note that Education Sport and Culture accepts no liability in relation to any loss/ damage arising out of any service/course included in this Programme provided by a third party.
Fun Activity Mornings at Langford Sports Centre £13.60 per morning. 9am – 1pm For 8 year olds & over 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570
Monday 24 February Tuesday 25 February Wednesday 26 February Thursday 27 February Friday 28 February Monday 14 April Tuesday 15 April Wednesday 16 April Thursday 17 April Tuesday 22 April Wednesday 23 April Thursday 24 April Friday 25 April Monday 28 April
Activity mornings includes: trampolining, wall climbing, table tennis, team games, badminton and swimming. All sessions are fully supervised. Please ensure that children bring: healthy snacks, plenty to drink, swimming costume, 20p coin for the locker, towel and thick socks for the trampoline. Children will participate in at least 45 minutes of waterbased activity each day and so it is essential that they are competent swimmers. Children attending should meet in the swimming pool foyer (top car park).
Trampolining Taster Sessions at Langford Sports Centre £3.85 per session For 6 year olds and over 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583
Monday 24 February Tuesday 25 February Wednesday 26 February Thursday 27 February Monday 14 April Tuesday 15 April Wednesday 16 April Tuesday 22 April Wednesday 23 April Monday 28 April
2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm
These are fun Sessions suitable for all ability levels. All Sessions are instructed by British Gymnastics trampoline coaches. Please wear thick socks, long sleeved top and tracksuit bottoms or similar.
Racquetball, meet next to the Fort Regent glass backed courts £3.85 per session For 8 – 13 year olds 2607 2608 2609
Friday 28 February Thursday 17 April Monday 28 April
10.30am – 11.15am 10.30am – 11.15am 11.15am – 12noon
Children should wear trainers and tracksuit or similar. Bring a small towel and plenty to drink.
Abseiling at Fort Regent (meet at the Gym Reception) £3.85 per session For 8 year olds and over 2599 2600
Monday 28 April Monday 28 April
2pm – 3pm 3pm – 4pm
Children should wear trainers and tracksuit or similar. Bring sunscreen and plenty to drink.
The Jersey Netball Association is sponsored by
In association with
Easter Netball Course 2014 Please wear suitable sports clothing and footwear. Please bring plenty to drink and lunch/snacks. For further information please call Chrissy Foster on tel. 449748. School Year School Year 5 - 8 School Year 2 - 4
Date & Time Tue 15, Wed 16 and Thu 17 April Tue 22 and Wed 23 April
9am – 3pm 9am – 3pm
Fee £60 or £25 per day £40 or £25 per day
Venue Les Ormes Les Ormes
Staff will be on site from 8.30am – 3.30pm for earlier drop off and later collection time !………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……
Easter Netball Application Form Child’s Name:
School Year:
Home Address: Post Code: Tel. Day:
Tel. Eve:
Email address: Emergency Contact Name & Tel. Number: Please indicate the course/s you would like to attend: Yr 5 - 8 Tue 15 April
Wed 16 April
Yr 2 - 4 Tue 22 April
Wed 23 April
Thu 17 April
I consent to my child’s participation. I undertake to see that my child is provided with the required clothing and equipment where appropriate. To the best of my knowledge, my child is medically fit to participate in the activities involved and I undertake to inform you in advance of any alteration to this position. Please specify if your child has any medical condition that coaches should be aware of. Your child’s name and image may be included in publications where this is considered not to be against their interests. Should you require us to seek your individual consent to these disclosures, please advise us in writing.
Parent/ Guardian Signature
Please make cheques payable to “JNA Development Fund” and return with the application form to: Chrissy Foster, Netball Development, Fort Regent Leisure Centre, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4UX.
Wall Climbing Taster Sessions £3.85 per session For 6 year olds and over 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596
Monday 24 February Tuesday 25 February Tuesday 25 February Wednesday 26 February Thursday 27 February Monday 14 April Tuesday 15 April Tuesday 15 April Wednesday 16 April Tuesday 22 April Tuesday 22 April Wednesday 23 April Monday 28 April
2pm – 3pm 10am – 11am 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm 10am – 11am 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm 10am – 11am 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm 2pm – 3pm
Langford Grands Vaux Y.C. Langford Langford Langford Langford Grands Vaux Y.C. Langford Langford Grands Vaux Y.C. Langford Langford Langford
Please wear shorts/tracksuit bottoms and a long sleeved top, skirts are inappropriate. Climbing shoes are provided at Langford. Please bring plenty to drink.
Deutsche Bank Rugby Development Programme
February Half Term Rugby Camp Don’t miss this half term’s rugby coaching sessions with Jersey’s rugby club professionals Years 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Tuesday 25th February
Grainville School
10am – 1pm
Course Fee £15
Years 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Wednesday 26th February
Jersey Rugby Football Club
10am – 1pm
Course Fee £15
Years 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Thursday 27th February
Les Quennevais Playing Fields
10am – 1pm
Course Fee £15
Players will participate in a wide range of activities aimed to increase the skill level required for the game in its various forms. No previous rugby experience is required but participants will need studded boots and appropriate clothing. It would be advisable for players to also bring a light snack and plenty to drink.
Anyone attending camps will require: • moulded or studded boots, snacks and lunch. • all forms of wet weather clothing.
If you are at all interested in your son or daughter taking part in any, or indeed all, of these rugby development days, please complete an application form and return to:
Dave Felton, Community Rugby Coach, Fort Regent Leisure Centre, St. Helier, Jersey JE2 4UX Year 2 and 3 players will get a chance to develop their tag rugby skills. Year 4 players and above will be involved in contact situations so a Gum Shield will be required. Girls in year 4 and above can can opt to play contact or Tag rugby. If you require information on Gum Shields or have any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact your Community Rugby Coach, Dave Felton, on 449766 or 07797 926 255 or email: Sponsored by Deutsche Bank
February Half Term Rugby Camp Application Form
Deutsche Bank Rugby Development Programme
Years 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Tuesday 25th February
Grainville School
10am – 1pm
Course Fee £15
Years 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Wednesday 26th February
Jersey Rugby Football Club
10am – 1pm
Course Fee £15
Years 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Thursday 27th February
Les Quennevais Playing Fields
10am – 1pm
Course Fee £15
Players will participate in a wide range of activities aimed to increase the skill level required for the game in its various forms. No previous Rugby experience is required but participants will need studded boots and appropriate clothing. It would be advisable for players to also bring a light snack and plenty to drink. Year 2 and 3 players will get a chance to develop their tag rugby skills. Year 4, 5 and 6 youngsters can opt to play Contact or Tag rugby and should indicate in the boxes provided as to which form of rugby they would like to be involved in. If you require information on Gum Shields or have any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact your Community Rugby Coach, Dave Felton on 449766 or 07797 926 255.
Please note that you will only be contacted if your application is unsuccessful
February Rugby Coaching sessions My son or daughter is attending the following course(s): (Please tick appropriate box(es): Grainville
Les Quennevais
Child’s name:
Child’s school:
School year:
Home address: Post code: Evening telephone:
Daytime telephone: Parent/Guardian’s email: Emergency contact name and telephone:
Please list recent vaccinations and health record (include any allergies, special needs, medical problems we should be aware of etc):
I consent to my son/daughter’s participation. I undertake to see that my son/daughter is provided with the required clothing/equipment where appropriate. To the best of my knowledge, my son/daughter is medically fit to participate in the activities involved and I undertake to inform you in advance of any alteration to this position.
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
I enclose a cheque for £15 / £30 / £45 (please circle) made payable to ‘Jersey Rugby Development Committee’. Please return together with this form to: Dave Felton, Community Rugby Coach, Fort Regent, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4UX. ONLY TICK IF APPLICABLE: I DO NOT consent to photographs being taken of my child for use in promotional material or for media purposes.
Sponsored by Deutsche Bank
Table Tennis in association with the JTTA sponsored by Appleby £3.85 per session For 7 – 11 year olds. 2612 2613
Tuesday 15 April Thursday 24 April
10am – 11am 10am – 11am
Children should wear trainers and tracksuit or similar. Bring plenty to drink.
Tae Kwon Do with Kate in the Active Studio, Fort Regent (near the Gym) £3.85 per session For 6 year olds and over 2601 2602 2603
Wednesday 26 February Wednesday 16 April Wednesday 23 April
2.15pm – 3pm 2.15pm – 3pm 2.15pm – 3pm
Sessions are suitable for girls and boys. Children should wear trainers and tracksuit or similar. Bring plenty to drink.
Junior Gym in the Active Gym, Fort Regent £3.85 per session For 7 – 13 year olds. 2604 2605 2606
Monday 24 February Monday 14 April Monday 28 April
10.30am – 11.30am 10.30am – 11.30am 12.15pm – 1.15pm
Children should wear trainers and tracksuit or similar. Bring a small towel and plenty to drink.
Girls Cricket with the Jersey Cricket Board at Oakfield Sports Centre £23.10 for the 4 day course School Years 3 & 4 2597 2598
Monday 14 April – Thursday 17 April Monday 14 April – Thursday 17 April
1pm – 2.30pm 2.30pm – 4pm
School Year 3 & 4 School Year 5 & 6
Children should wear trainers and tracksuit or similar. Bring a snack and plenty to drink.
Boys Cricket with the Jersey Cricket Board at Oakfield Sports Centre £23.10 for the 4 day course School Years 3 & 4 2610 2611
Tuesday 22 April – Friday 25 April Tuesday 22 April – Friday 25 April
1pm – 2.30pm 2.30pm – 4pm
School Year 3 & 4 School Year 5 & 6
Children should wear trainers and tracksuit or similar. Bring a snack and plenty to drink.
Date of Birth:
Home Address:
Post Code:
Tel. Day:
Tel. Eve:
Emergency Contact Name & Tel. Number: Email:
School Attended:
Please list allergies and statement of special needs, etc.):
I consent to my son/daughter’s participation. I undertake to see that my son/daughter attends with the required clothing/equipment where appropriate. I permit my son/daughter to be transported in departmental minibuses. To the best of my knowledge, my son/daughter is medically fit to participate in the activities involved and I undertake to inform you in advance of any alteration to this position. I consent to my son/daughter being given emergency medical treatment. Please notify us in writing if your son/daughter is being collected from an activity by another adult or if your son/daughter is able to make their own way home. All courses have limited availability and are offered on a first come, first served basis. Early booking is advised. Sports Development reserves the right to cancel or amalgamate classes where necessary. Please note that requests for refunds must be made in writing to Sports Development at least one week before the course start date. Please list your course requests below. We are unable to process refunds under the value of £7.
Course Code
Activity Description
Method of payment: Cheques should be made payable to “Treasurer of the States”. Or Credit/Debit card number
Valid From
Expiry Date
Issue No.
Name of Cardholder Cardholder’s Signature Parent’s Signature:
Please return to: Sports Development, Fort Regent, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4UX Data Protection Law (Jersey) 2005 The information provided by you on this form is required by the Sport & Leisure Division for the purpose of course enrolment and coaching requirements. Children’s information supplied by you may be disclosed to sports coaches. Financial details provided will be securely disposed of at the end of each course.
Intensive Swimming Lessons with Sam at Les Quennevais Swimming Pool £26.25 for the intensive course For 4 year olds and over 2612 2613 2614 2615
Monday 24 February – Friday 28 February Monday 24 February – Friday 28 February Monday 24 February – Friday 28 February Monday 24 February – Friday 28 February
11.30am – 12noon 12noon – 12.30pm 12.30pm – 1pm 1pm – 1.30pm
Non-swimmer (L1) Beginner (L2) Beginner (L3) Improver (L4/5)
Non-swimmer and beginner classes will take place in the small pool. Improver classes will be in the main pool. Children will need a costume, towel, swimming hat and 20p for the locker. Children should meet Sam on poolside for the start of the lesson.
National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (8th Edition) at Langford Sports Centre £218 for the 5-day course with Christina 16 years + 2547
Monday 24 February – Friday 28 February
8.30am – 5pm (includes breaks)
The Royal Life Saving Society’s National Pool Lifeguard Qualification is a professional qualification valid for 2 years after date of assessment. In order to maintain the qualification it is essential that you attend lifeguard training on a regular basis. You are required to have 20 hours logged training in order to re-take the exam. It is suitable for competent swimmers only aged 16 years and over. You will need Shorts and T-shirt to swim in, swimming costume, 2 towels, 20p for the locker, plenty to drink and a packed lunch with snacks for throughout the day. 100% attendance is required. Applications are processed on a first come, first served basis. The course covers topics such as resuscitation, pool management, defibrillation, spinal injury, first aid and water based rescues. All course materials and assessment fees are included. Assessment times will be arranged during the course.
Date of Birth:
Home Address:
Post Code:
Tel. Day:
Tel. Eve:
Emergency Contact Name & Tel. Number: Email:
School Attended:
Please list allergies and statement of special needs, etc.):
I consent to my son/daughter’s participation. I undertake to see that my son/daughter attends with the required clothing/equipment where appropriate. I permit my son/daughter to be transported in departmental minibuses. To the best of my knowledge, my son/daughter is medically fit to participate in the activities involved and I undertake to inform you in advance of any alteration to this position. I consent to my son/daughter being given emergency medical treatment. Please notify us in writing if your son/daughter is being collected from an activity by another adult or if your son/daughter is able to make their own way home. All courses have limited availability and are offered on a first come, first served basis. Early booking is advised. Sports Development reserves the right to cancel or amalgamate classes where necessary. Please note that requests for refunds must be made in writing to Sports Development at least one week before the course start date. Please list your course requests below. We are unable to process refunds under the value of £7.
Course Code
Activity Description
Method of payment: Cheques should be made payable to “Treasurer of the States”. Or Credit/Debit card number
Valid From
Expiry Date
Issue No.
Cardholder’s Signature Parent’s Signature:
Please return to: Sports Development, Fort Regent, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4UX Data Protection Law (Jersey) 2005 The information provided by you on this form is required by the Sport & Leisure Division for the purpose of course enrolment and coaching requirements. Children’s information supplied by you may be disclosed to sports coaches. Financial details provided will be securely disposed of at the end of each course.
SD 27525 - January 2014
Name of Cardholder