Aecc global profile

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INTRODUCTION HISTORY & OVERVIEW AECC Global is an interna onally recognized educa on consultancy and agency. We take pride in providing students with an expert and experienced consulta on and placement advice and in mee ng our clients transfers requirements which is why each year thousands of students choose AECC Global to assist them to realize their aim in Australian educa on. Opera ng in central Melbourne since 2007, through the hard work and effort we’ve put in through the years AECC Global has experienced consistent growth with its offices being expanded across the major ci es of India and Nepal and most recently in Greece and in Sydney. The numbers of interna onal students coming to Australia have grown steadily

through these years. As a result, we have seen a shi of knowledge and exper se from developing countries to Australia, which is unprecedented in history. AECC Global is an authorized representa ve and promoter of Australia’s most reputable Universi es and Colleges. We have successfully placed thousands of students, both offshore and onshore, in our partner educa onal ins tu ons throughout Australia and have a c h i eve d o n e o f t h e h i g h e st st u d e nt sa sfac on levels in the industry. The directors and the owners of the company have taken a key role in the development of the industry and have established a network of rela onships AECC Global will con nue to grow into the future.

MISSION To stand as an effec ve, innova ve and trustworthy channel to support the entry and success of interna onal students into Australian Higher Educa on.

VISION AECCGlobal aims to flourish as efficient and prominent firm in the consultant industry and to ensure that every student could experience a trouble free and convenient entry into Australian Higher Educa on In the future, we will con nue to expand our opera ons and capture a larger share n the global educa on recruitment market.


AECC AUSTRALIA • Melbourne • Sydney

GLOBAL APPROACH At AECC Global mission, vision, value, & goals has been the most important targets, we aim to take a proac ve approach towards educa on and we have expanded our opera ons further more in Asian, European markets & Australia. In the past 7 years, we have managed to capture a strong market in Europe, India, Nepal and Australia

AECC EUROPE • Athens • Bulgaria • Thessaloniki

AECC INDIA • New Delhi • Chandigarh • Bhatinda

AECC NEPAL • Kathmandu

individual market. We recruit more than 1000+ students and place them in their desired courses and programs. AECC Global prac ces

Branch Office Manager

global screening and filtering process to make sure that their prospec ve clients have stable backgrounds, good

Front Office Office Admin

Assistance Manager

English language skills and are confident to enter the Australian higher educa on.

itself. Our selec ve and unique global strategy allows us to tailor our services for need of each

Geo Specific Operations Team Leader

Geo Specific Marketing Team Leader

Geo Specific Sr. Students Counselor

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY At AECC Global, we are fully aware of the responsibili es of each individual towards the environment and the society. We aim to implement a self regula ng mechanism to

abide by laws, ethics and interna onal norms. A diverse clientele and opera on in different regions in the world makes CSR extremely forefront task for AECC Global.

Visa Processing Executives

Admission / File Processing Executives

Marketing Executives

Students Counselor

Tele Calling Executives

Accounts Executive

OUR SERVICES  Establishing professional and social networks, career goals, analyze exis ng qualifica ons and proficiencies, desired level of educa on, period of stay, loca on and budget of study;


OVERVIEW      

AECC Global provides a comprehensive range of services for students; Consulta on, pre‐assessment advice, Counseling; Course applica on assistance; Ins tu on support and se lement; Ongoing student and family support and Online services.

 Advising students with current courses and programs most suited to their requirements, taking into account the future prospects of the program, flexibility, entry requirements, and reputa on;  Assessing students qualifica on and proficiencies, arranging IELTS tests, ELICOS and requirement issues;  Assis ng students with enrollments process, health cover (OSHC), academics, IELTS coaching, accommoda on, and arranging necessary pre‐requisite exams and formali es.

COURSE & VISA APPLICATION ASSISTANCE A er a student has selected a par cular course and ins tu on, based on our consultant’s advice in terms of suitability & eligibility, we apply for a le er of offer. We assist the student to ensure that all the formali es, required by the ins tute and immigra on are met. Once the applica on has been lodged a er pre screening of the candidate, we aim to constantly maintain contact with the student to update them on the progress of their applica on.

INSTITUTION SUPPORT & SETTLEMENT Consultants at AECC Global explain and where prac cal, accompany students or arrange to visit the ins tutes with them. These visits are arranged a er consulta on with relevant ins tute staff. Main aim behind these visits is to support them make them comfortable on the campus. AECC Global creates a greater span of client loyalty through this process which further increases our client base due to indirect word of mouth promo on and in recent years we have built ourselves very strong in Social Media and helped many students with proper info on Study in Australia.



Educa onal placements and consulta on services in a professional, ethical manner are provided to prospec ve students. Our aim is to provide students with advice and support to obtain a place in the course most suited to their profile se ng up with their personal and career goals and preference. With Professional Interna onal Educa on Resources (PIER) we are able to give more prompt and updated informa on to our Students.

Our consultants provide ongoing support to students during their educa on. As a team, we believe that constant professional rela onships need to be maintained with universi es and candidates by providing with support and feedback through the process. AECC Global staffs provide personal support and also assist students to access ins tu onal and external services. AECC Global clients benefit from our consultants experience of Australian educa on, language skills and knowledge of mul cultural environment and issues.



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       

   

Macquarie University UNSW Global University of Tasmania Bond University University of Wollongong Victoria University (Sydney) USQ (Sydney) Cur n University (Sydney)

TAFEs  Gold Coast TAFE  Kangan TAFE

Australian Technical & Management College Cambridge Interna onal College Holmes College Interna onal Ins tute of Business & Informa on Technology  Kaplan Business School  Melbourne Ins tute of Technology  Navitas


TARGET MARKET AECC Global divides its market in two main categories: Primary Market: Overseas students from Europe, India, Nepal and interna onal students in Australia serve as the main market for AECC Global opera ons. We aim to target young & vibrant students for their admissions and visas in Australian Ins tu ons. Our en re marke ng promo on and product are meant to suit the specific need of this certain target market. Our consultants handle the en re process form admissions to visas for these students and they are supplied with constant informa on on the progress of their applica on.

OVERVIEW AECC Global’s marke ng strategy is en rely customer focused. We aim to target the most a rac ve markets that have poten al to grow and prosper in the long run. In 2007, during our start in Melbourne, our marke ng has always been focus on points of differen a on in the educa on market rather than points of parity. We have always targeted niche and valuable markets in Australia and overseas in the past 7 years. AECC Global promotes its services and educa onal ins tutes it represents through an integrated marke ng plan in Australia and overseas. We believe in constant adver sing for brand awareness and reinforcement through network of agency rela onships.

Secondary Market: AECC Global also serves clients from other regions of the world for their admissions and visas if they approach our Melbourne, Sydney, Europe, Nepal or India office. Due to our strong presence on our working system (CMS), web and social media, there are a lot of external clients approaching AECC Melbourne head office for their offshore applica ons. Main Adver sement for AECC Global is carried out only a er the research of right target audience. Below are the points in the way which we promote:  AECC Global is carried out in local Greek, Indian & Nepalese newspaper, magazines, social networking websites and media.

Directors of the company have mutual alliances with agencies and media houses to coordinate marke ng campaigns in Victoria. Assist Australian educa on providers to develop rela onship and joint venture with overseas educa on and government agencies. With our organized marke ng plan, we also encourage cultural and musical fes vals to create and reinforce the company’s image and presence. Few marke ng ac vi es sponsored by AECC Global in Australia in the past few years:  Nepal Fes val Exhibi on at Federa on Square, Melbourne, Australia in Sep 08  1947 AD Rock Concert at Brunswick Club, Melbourne, Australia in Oct 2008  Miss Nepal‐Australia in Sydney, Australia Dec 2008  Major sponsor for Nepalese New Year Cricket Cup & Football Cup 2010

 AECC Global has also grown immensely in Social Media. We have helped thousands of students who were lacking to get informa on about Study in Australia.

 Major sponsor for the premier of most of Nepalese movies in Melbourne 2010

 AECC Global is one of the highest LIKED page in Facebook under educa on industry.

 Nepal Fes val Exhibi on at Federa on Square, Melbourne, Australia on 20th Nov 2010

TESTIMONIALS Great Job! RECRUITMENT PROFILE Our client base is really vast and they choose a number of different courses and programs. AECC Global helps students to enroll in English Language Course, School, Cer ficate, Diploma, Bachelor,

Master and PhD. Each year, more approximately thousands students are recruited and placed under their desired courses.

OFFSHORE MARKETING Different techniques in align with culture and norms are undertaken to adver se AECC Global and promote the services in Europe Region, India and Nepal. Our overseas offices regularly undertake seminars in universi es and hotels to provide informa on about Australian educa on. Word of mouth, social media and print media act as a major promo ng tool in terms of providing

informa on to prospec ve students. Directors at Melbourne Office regularly travel to Europe, Nepal and India to coordinate and arrange specific marke ng programs. In Nepal, there are fes vals sponsored by A E C C very o en. Sponsorships act as major promoter of Australian Educa on in local programs such as educa on fair, movies, and theatres.

Recent popularity of AECC Global on Facebook as developed an interac ve pla orm for students to

see and search for their queries on the website. More than 370,800+ people have LIKED the page of AECC Global currently (August 2014) and the numbers are increasing every day. In future AECC Global intends to integrate its all marke ng func ons and capture a larger market share through innova ve and crea ve marke ng communica ons and adver sement on the web and other cyber pla orms.


Angela Joy Sy,

WEB & SOCIAL MEDIA INTEGRATION AECC Global website & Facebook page, in addi on to its marke ng func on, also allows prospec ve and current students to find informa on about services, updates and alliances. An interac ve and user friendly website is an essen al element for AECC Global and thus caters and provides important news, informa on, updates and data.

Thank You!

Very l! u f p l He


Thanks for the help of AECC Global for a successful Australian Visa!

Rojeena Thapa,


I am very obliged to all the staff of AECC Global, for all the decication show towards my processing, due to which my VISA was granted in 5 days, Thank you for your support :)

Suraj Kumar & His Family ,


“Thank You AECC Global for providing the excellent service since last five years in my every visa and education related ma er.”

Rojeena Thapa,


Rojeena Thapa,


I am very obliged to all the staff of AECC Global, for all the decication show towards my processing, due to which my VISA was granted in 5 days, Thank you for your support :)

I am very obliged to all the staff of AECC Global, for all the decication show towards my processing, due to which my VISA was granted in 5 days, Thank you for your support :)

Rojeena Thapa,

Rojeena Thapa,



I am very obliged to all the staff of AECC Global, for all the decication show towards my processing, due to which my VISA was granted in 5 days, Thank you for your support :)

I am very obliged to all the staff of AECC Global, for all the decication show towards my processing, due to which my VISA was granted in 5 days, Thank you for your support :)

Rojeena Thapa,

Rojeena Thapa,



I am very obliged to all the staff of AECC Global, for all the decication show towards my processing, due to which my VISA was granted in 5 days, Thank you for your support :)

I am very obliged to all the staff of AECC Global, for all the decication show towards my processing, due to which my VISA was granted in 5 days, Thank you for your support :)

Rojeena Thapa,

Rojeena Thapa,



I am very obliged to all the staff of AECC Global, for all the decication show towards my processing, due to which my VISA was granted in 5 days, Thank you for your support :)

I am very obliged to all the staff of AECC Global, for all the decication show towards my processing, due to which my VISA was granted in 5 days, Thank you for your support :)

Rojeena Thapa,

Rojeena Thapa,


I am very obliged to all the staff of AECC Global, for all the decication show towards my processing, due to which my VISA was granted in 5 days, Thank you for your support :)


I am very obliged to all the staff of AECC Global, for all the decication show towards my processing, due to which my VISA was granted in 5 days, Thank you for your support :)




AECC Global Melbourne: Ground Floor, 20 Queen Street Melbourne, Victoria‐3000, Australia Ph.: +61‐3‐96145900 AECC Global Sydney: Suite 1403, 99 Bathurst Street Sydney, NSW 2000 Ph.: +61‐2‐9283 5900

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