Aedas London Office

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Selected Works

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Introduction Aedas provides an extraordinary range of opportunity, as illustrated by the work contained within this volume, and looking back over the past ten years creates a moment to reflect on what has been achieved. The sectors in which we operate have become more diverse; from courthouses through offices and schools to train stations; requiring a broader range of skills. The number of countries in which we operate has expanded; from the Middle East to the Americas; requiring a greater awareness of culture and climate, and the scale at which we operate now ranges from the micro to the macro; from furniture pieces to urban masterplanning; requiring flexibility and attention to detail. Underpinning our work, and hopefully evident within this volume, is a commitment to an increasingly rigorous and thoughtful design process, combining empirical analysis with creativity. Our investment in research and development has also been considerable, requiring new tools such as rapid prototyping machines and new skills in areas such as sustainability and computational design. The work of the R&D group is helping to evolve the way in which we work, driving innovation and enabling us to find new ways of problem solving and design. The work of the last ten years has taken us on a journey, but the journey has only just begun.

Opposite Aedas London office.


Peter Oborn Aedas Architects Ltd

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25 Copthall Avenue City of London Acting on behalf of Morley Fund Management, the practice was retained to undertake the comprehensive ÂŁ 30m revitalisation of 25 Copthall Avenue, London EC2 . Situated on London Wall, within the Bank Conservation Area, and originally designed as a bespoke headquarters for Flemings Bank, the building comprises two basement levels and seven upper floors.

Opposite Reprofiling the atrium produced a 15% increase in net lettable area.

25 Copthall Avenue City of London 2001

Working within the constraints of the existing building envelope, the practice reprofiled the existing atrium to produce a 15% increase in net lettable area, to circa 170,000 sqft, while relocating the lift cores and introducing new scenic lifts to improve the quality of the space and open up views of the atrium from the main entrance. The design of the Category A refurbishment assumed a single tenant but provided flexibility to sublet on a floor-by-floor basis if required, and included change of use to provide a new Private Health Club at basement level. The building, which conveys a crisp contemporary aesthetic, has since been sold to ING Real Estate Investment Management (UK) Ltd.

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Opposite The full-height glazed atrium allows light into the centre of the building and acts as the main circulation space at ground floor level.

25 Copthall Avenue City of London 2001

This page The scope of work included replacement of all building services together with faรงade refurbishment. Existing retail tenants at ground floor level remained in occupation throughout the course of construction.

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Stockley Academy London Borough of Hillingdon Occupying the site of the former Evelyn's Community School, and constructed while the existing building remained in operation, Stockley Academy provides a 1,150-place secondary school specialising in Science and Technology. At the heart of the new school lies a large top-lit atrium which provides access to the teaching accommodation together with complete transparency from the main entrance at the front of the building to the external playing fields at the rear.

Following the opening of the new school, Fred Groom, the former Principal of Stockley Academy is quoted as having said: "You have provided us with a wonderful design and our new building has transformed the learning and life chances of the young people in this community. It is a symbol of hope and opportunity for everyone." The building has since received a Civic Trust Commendation.

Opposite The dining area is separated by a large folding glass wall which allows the atrium to function as a single space.

Stockley Academy London Borough of Hillingdon 2002

The performing arts wing is accessed via the central atrium, as are the three teaching wings. The teaching wings are two-storey in height and have been positioned to reduce overlooking of the adjacent housing. Internal circulation is clear and easy to navigate, with views out to the courtyard gardens around which the departments are located. In order to reduce running costs and improve environmental conditions within the classrooms a Termodeck system has been used in the teaching wings and a post-occupancy study has confirmed that a significant reduction in running costs has been achieved.

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This page Particular attention has been paid to landscaping and to the external courtyards located between the teaching accommodation, which are used as Learning Landscapes.

Stockley Academy London Borough of Hillingdon 2002

Opposite Located in the central atrium, the main staircase is easily supervised from the reception area.

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Below The footprint comprises a performing arts wing and three teaching fingers which are all accessible from the central atrium.

Stockley Academy London Borough of Hillingdon 2002

Opposite The distinctive curved, zinc-clad elevation of the lecture theatre directs pupils, staff and visitors towards the main entrance which provides access to the northlit atrium.

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Jubilee High School Surrey This small but important project involved the design of a new 230 -seat Theatre together with a new Learning Resource Centre ( LRC ) as an extension to the existing Jubilee High School in Surrey. The facilities were funded by the Local Authority as part of its commitment to the promotion of drama and performing arts as a curriculum specialism. The Theatre and the LRC were designed as a pair of independent steel framed 'pods', which are visually quite different from yet sympathetic to the existing school building. In order to help blend the new buildings with their surroundings, the colour palette used for the new extensions was chosen to relate to the neutral browns and greys of the existing buildings.

Opposite The external cladding to the drama theatre terminates into two expressive oversailing wings at high level, marking the side entrances to the theatre.

Jubilee High School Surrey 2003

The horseshoe shaped theatre incorporates a sprung timber floor surrounded on three sides by a two-tiered seating moat, allowing the theatre to be used as a theatre-in-the-round. A series of overhead walkways provide access to the stage lighting and are designed for use as a teaching aid, providing pupils with the opportunity to gain first hand experience of the technical aspects of a production. Community use of the facilities is also encouraged.


Above Elevational and massing studies of drama theatre and LRC.

Jubilee High School Surrey 2003


This page The timber cladding to the drama theatre helps to accentuate the building's shape whilst blending the new addition in with its surroundings. The profiled timber boards, vertically applied to the drama theatre and horizontally to the LRC, have been left untreated and will weather to a soft silver-grey patina over time.

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Left A steel staircase leads up to the control room and overhead lighting gantries.

Jubilee High School Surrey 2003

Top left and opposite View of the north elevation to the library extension. The raked flanking walls to the sides of the LRC frame views out from the building into the courtyard and the playing fields beyond.

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Petchey Academy London Borough of Hackney Situated on the site of the former Kingsland School, Petchey Academy provides a new 1,200 -place secondary school with a specialism in Healthcare and Medical Science and incorporates a Sixth Form College for 300 pupils. The project aims to raise the aspirations of the local community and open up the school for community use.

Despite being located on a very constrained site, space has been created for an all-weather pitch together with a multi-use games area (MUGA) and associated landscaping. Part of the site has been allocated to a Child Development Centre (CDC ) which has been developed separately by the practice as part of the East London Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT ).

Opposite The yellow panelled wall of the lecture theatre provides a strong visual backdrop to the personalised learning spaces.

Petchey Academy London Borough of Hackney 2004

The design concept seeks to provide a compact building which creates a presence on the main street frontage, continuing the urban grain of the adjacent buildings while opening up the rear of the site to maximise of the external play space. The two triangular wings of the school accommodate the various teaching areas and are connected by a triple-height top-lit atrium providing a flexible social/dining area. The auditorium/drama space is situated in the centre of the atrium together with the Learning Resource Centre which incorporates a roof terrace providing views towards the City of London.

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This page The design concept takes a notional square building and divides it into two triangular wings creating a distinct entrance while opening up the rear of the building to the external sports ground and beyond.

Petchey Academy London Borough of Hackney 2004

Opposite The main circulation stairs are located in the central atrium enabling pupils to move freely around the building.

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Below Doors and lockers are colour coded floor by floor to help orientate building users and defi ne different teaching areas while ETFE roof panels flood the central atrium with natural light.

Petchey Academy London Borough of Hackney 2004

Opposite Bridges cross the central space connecting walkways and teaching areas with the library and meeting spaces. The extensive use of internal glazing provides views into and out of the teaching areas improving passive supervision.

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Forest Hill School London Borough of Lewisham The concept for the redevelopment of Forest Hill School reflects its specialism by placing a Performing Arts Centre at its heart. The siting and design of the Performing Arts Centre connects with both an internal atrium and an external amphitheatre for maximum flexibility and is configured to encourage out-of-hours community use. The central atrium is a large multifunctional space which allows whole school assembly together with dining. The walls of the drama studio open out to reveal a stage area, transforming the hall into a major performance space for school productions.

Following opening of the school the Headteacher, Peter Walsh, wrote "The performing arts centre is outstanding. As a multi-functional area the Atrium also works superbly. It is in use throughout the day and its bright and airy aspect has a calming effect on students which in turn has a positive effect on their behaviour."

Opposite The elevational treatment creates interest along the principle street frontage.

Forest Hill School London Borough of Lewisham 2004

Occupying an extremely congested inner-city site, the redevelopment options were severely restricted by the requirement to maintain operation of the existing school throughout construction. Working closely with the School and with the Contractor, the team developed proposals for temporary accommodation together with decanting arrangements to minimise disruption.

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Below Design development drawing of the front elevation and accompanying massing study showing the Performing Arts Centre.

Forest Hill School London Borough of Lewisham 2004

Opposite External view of the Performing Arts Centre.

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Opposite Internal view of the School's multi-functional atrium.

Forest Hill School London Borough of Lewisham 2004

Below The 2.4m wide corridors have helped improve pupil behaviour.

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Mason Hall University of Birmingham Situated in a Historic Landscape in an area known as 'The Vale', close to the Centre of Birmingham, the concept for this ÂŁ37m redevelopment reflects its topography and lake-side setting by creating a series of crescents arranged as a series of stepped terraces, providing a backdrop to the mature landscaping while maximising views to and from the lake and minimising their visual impact.

Opposite The elevational treatment and choice of materials was designed to unify the group of buildings and minimise their impact on the lakeside setting.

Mason Hall University of Birmingham 2004

Each segment provides student living quarters grouped around shared kitchens and common rooms. The typical internal arrangement is based around a cluster of 6 en-suite bedrooms with common rooms located to maximise views to the lake and sheltered gardens. Shared stairwells provide high levels of passive supervision together with visual and physical permeability through each crescent. The project provides a contemporary high quality student residence comprising 849 bed-spaces and respects the spirit of the original Casson & Condor masterplan by enhancing the site and opening up views of the lake.

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Opposite Extensive massing studies were undertaken to maximise views to and from the lake while minimising the visual impact of the development.

Mason Hall University of Birmingham 2004

Above The linear elevational treatment provides a backdrop to the mature landscaping while the massing steps down to reflect the topography of the site.

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Aerial photograph showing the crescent shaped blocks reflecting the contours of the site while stepping down to lake side. This page Sketches and models used during development of the design concept. Each 13.5sqm single person bedroom is fully fitted to provide bed-space, study area, storage and en-suite bathroom.

Mason Hall University of Birmingham 2004

Opposite Common Rooms are strategically located to maximise passive supervision and ensure the safety of students.

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Holland Park School Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea

The concept for the new school comprises a large single block, orientated north-south, incorporating a full-length central atrium, which provides the social hub of the building with teaching wings on either side. The general classrooms are located on the quieter east side of the building while the larger specialist classrooms and noisier sports facilities are located on the west side of the building facing the park. The environmental performance of the building has been carefully considered and the distinctive elevational treatment tuned to help ensure good levels of ventilation and natural daylight.

Opposite Sectional elevation illustrating the building at work, revealing dining facilities, ground floor assembly hall and upper level teaching spaces.

Holland Park School Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea 2004

Situated within the Holland Park Conservation Area adjacent to the park itself, the brief for this high profile redevelopment called for a new building that neither looks nor feels like a school. Won on the basis of an invited competition, our concept for the new 1,500 pupil school seeks to maintain an equivalent amount of external play space while consolidating the existing sprawling 1950's campus style development into a more compact footprint, providing a flexible teaching environment for the 21st Century, and allowing the southern part of the site to be sold for redevelopment.

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This page External views of the east elevation towards the main entrance, showing the stainless steel mesh which has been designed to control glare and solar gain.

Holland Park School Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea 2004

Opposite View from Campden Hill Walk looking towards the distinctive west elevation comprising a mixture of brass, bronze and copper fins designed to reduce solar gain.

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This page Aerial view of the site showing the new playing fields adjacent to Holland Park together with the distinctive west elevation of the new school.

Holland Park School Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea 2004

Opposite West elevation showing the Assembly Hall with view through to main reception.

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Dubai Metro Stations United Arab Emirates

The London based Advanced Modelling Group (AMG) collaborated with Aedas offices in Hong Kong, Singapore and Dubai on the design of 43 metro stations and related depot buildings. The iconic family of stations, developed with input from the R&D Group, includes conic shells that feature sweeping cantilevers which soar to over 30m. The geometric design process not only helped create an iconic form but allowed considerable savings of time and material through streamlined cross-disciplinary coordination leading to substantial reductions in cost and embodied energy. Phase 1 opened on schedule in autumn 2009.

Opposite Typical station interior.

Dubai Metro Stations United Arab Emirates 2005

Won by the DURL consortium of Mitsubishi, Obayashi, Kajima and YapiMerkezi, Dubai Metro is at the forefront of the Road and Transport Authority's ( RTA) plans to create an integrated public transport network throughout one of the fastest growing cities in the Middle East. The project comprises the 47km long Red Line, which runs from Rashidiya to Jebel Ali Port, and the 10km long Green Line, which runs from Health Care City to the Airport Free Zone. The client's brief called for distinctive, landmark designs with a consistent design language capable of responding to the particular requirements of individual stations.

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This page An elegant structural solution dramatically reduced the tonnage of steel used for each station.

Above Wireframe models were used extensively to explore modelling options and to analyse performance.

Dubai Metro Stations United Arab Emirates 2005

Below Design concept for Type 3 station.

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Crossrail, Whitechapel London Borough of Tower Hamlets

In association with Mott MacDonald Engineers, Aedas have produced the scheme design for the proposed new Crossrail Station at Whitechapel. The station comprises two 245m platform tunnels with associated shafts, providing interchange with the East London Line and London Underground. It also includes a new combined ticket hall at grade level; the only stand-alone facility of its kind on Crossrail's central London stations. The new ticket hall is an iconic structure which will become an important part of plans to regenerate the wider Whitechapel area. The practice has now completed its work at Whitechapel and has since been appointed to deliver the Crossrail station at Farringdon.

Opposite Whitechapel Station's proposed new ticket hall structure.

Crossrail, Whitechapel London Borough of Tower Hamlets 2006

Crossrail is an ambitious project to build a new, high-frequency, heavy-rail line across London. It will connect the City, Canary Wharf, the West End and Heathrow Airport to areas east and west of the capital and will bring an additional 1.5 million people within a 60 minute commute of the City. It is set to be the largest construction project in Europe.

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Cutaway perspective showing the Crossrail platform tunnels below Whitechapel. Opposite Exploded axonometric of the ticket hall structure showing the London Underground platforms and subterranean interchange box.

Crossrail, Whitechapel London Borough of Tower Hamlets 2006

Above Computer rendered perspective revealing the extent of the Crossrail works including the platforms, shafts and new ticket hall.

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Right Aedas R&D images examining pedestrian connectivity in the Whitechapel area and the impact of the new station on the neighbourhood. Below Artist's impression of the approach to the new ticket hall from Durward Street.

Crossrail, Whitechapel London Borough of Tower Hamlets 2006

This page Computer renderings of the new ticket hall in its site context.

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National September 11 Memorial Museum New York

In order to support the design process, the Computational Design and Research (CDR ) Group built a suite of software that allows architects as well as exhibition designers to simulate the cognitive effect of geometry on visitors as they view and move through the building. Envelopes of views can be generated to manipulate the building's geometry. By calculating expanse of views, maps of intuitive orientation are produced that help designers to understand transitions between spaces where no obvious delineation exits. The parts of the building seen by a visitor on specified routes are rendered explicit to highlight secluded or exposed spaces. The software illustrates graphically and interactively the visual relationships between viewer and exhibits. It produces accurate numerical and graphic output for otherwise only empirically perceived spatial qualities. The resulting mappings helped to refine the final geometry and can be used to better inform the siting of exhibits.

Opposite Internal view of the Memorial Museum (image courtesy of DBB Aedas).

National September 11 Memorial Museum New York 2006

The design of the World Trade Centre Memorial in New York presented a particularly complex architectural challenge, requiring a solution which successfully combines the absence of the towers with the placing of exhibits to create an appropriate experience for visitors. Designed by DavisBrodyBond-Aedas in New York, the museum occupies the void around the foundations of the Towers with a slowly descending ramp, affording the visitor sensations triggered by views of the artefacts.

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This page Graphical output generated by the software created by the Computational Design Group allow designers to measure and visualise how space will be experienced.

National September 11 Memorial Museum New York 2006

Opposite The World Trade Centre Museum occupies the void left by the Twin Towers and sits beneath a formal garden. The original slurry wall has become a vital component of the museum (images courtesy of DBB Aedas).

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Abu Dhabi Investment Council Abu Dhabi Won on the basis of an invited International Competition, the brief for new headquarters called for 'a contemporary building which should be recognised as one of the landmarks associated with the City of Abu Dhabi'. The design concept is derived from an algorithmic composition, which is informed by Islamic principles of design, from which the form of the towers together with the honeycomb structural frame has been generated. This has been supplemented by the application of a dynamic translucent 'mashrabiya' which opens and closes in response to the movement of the sun, reducing solar gain by up to 20%. The resulting composition seeks to create a building which is both culturally and environmentally responsive, reflecting the aspirations of the brief while also respecting the emergent Abu Dhabi 2030 Plan.

Opposite Close-up of model showing storey-height Mashrabiya units.

Abu Dhabi Investment Council Abu Dhabi 2007

The two 25-storey towers incorporate an entrance podium together with two levels of basement parking and provide over 350,000sqft of high grade office accommodation. The turnkey project, which is targeting a LEED Silver rating, is due for completion at the beginning of 2012.

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1 2 3 4 5

Floorplates and Skygardens Structural Frame Curtain Walling Mashrabiya Integrated model

The dynamic faรงade comprises over 1,000 translucent moving elements on each tower. Specially written computer software simulates the operation of the Mashrabiya on a daily cycle.





1 2 3 4

Fully closed Half open Fully open Gradient based on sun-path

Abu Dhabi Investment Council Abu Dhabi 2007

Parametric modelling enables complex geometrical shapes to be designed with a high degree of accuracy and assembled into a single integrated model.

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Opposite Internal view of the entrance podium showing sculptured ceiling derived from the same geometrical pattern as the towers.

Abu Dhabi Investment Council Abu Dhabi 2007

This page View of the Chairman's office together with a view of a typical lift lobby with stone flooring and back-painted glass wall linings.

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Opposite The enabling works contract included installation of a secant wall, excavation of the two-storey basement and piling.

Abu Dhabi Investment Council Abu Dhabi 2007

Above The podium provides access to both towers together with a range of shared facilities including two restaurants, a lecture theatre and prayer rooms.

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VITA Shelving System MDF Italia The VITA shelving system was designed by the Computational Design and Research Group in collaboration with Massimo Mariani for MDF Italia in Milan. The modular shelving configurations can be designed with user participation by means of an online application which represents the first Web 2.0 furniture design software. While the user interacts with the program to find a suitable configuration, the application will collaborate by suggesting design options or rejecting unworkable combinations. VITA takes its name from an artificial intelligence experiment by John Conway to simulate pattern reproduction, while the program and aesthetics simulate the formation of labyrinths. VITA allows the user not only to produce design options on the fly but also to populate the shelving designs with books and media. It generates all components, dimensional and cost data in real time and is linked directly to the company's SAP management software to create a seamless workflow from user-supported design through estimating, ordering and manufacture.

Opposite Variations of possible shelving configurations on a 3x3 grid produced by the interactive online application.

VITA Shelving System MDF Italia 2007

You can play with VITA at

Left A shelving unit on display at the Milan Furniture Fair.

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VITA Shelving System MDF Italia 2007

This page The customer can design their shelving online using a web browser interface and chooses which modules the application should use to generate a range of alternate configurations.

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Chelmsford & Colchester Magistrates' Courts Essex Acting on behalf of Her Majesty's Court Service (HMCS), the practice has been commissioned to design two Magistrates' Court buildings for the towns of Chelmsford and Colchester.

Colchester Magistrates' Court will accommodate five Courtrooms, including one Youth Court and is located on a prominent city centre site adjacent to a Conservation Area while Chelmsford Magistrates' Court will accommodate five Magistrates Courtrooms and a Crown Court. Both projects are targeting BREEAM Excellent together with associated targets from the Governments Framework for Sustainable Development. Both projects were used as exemplars for WRAP 's 'Designing out Waste' initiative and the practice has since committed to WRAP's 'Halving Waste to Landfill by 2012' programme.

Opposite Visitors to Colchester Magistrates' Courts experience the expressed volumes of the court rooms internally as the pass through the reception area.

Chelmsford & Colchester Magistrates' Court Essex 2007

Courthouses undoubtedly present one of the most challenging building types for architects, combining the need to resolve strict operational requirements in terms of circulation, segregation and security with the desire to create buildings that have both a physical and symbolical civic presence.

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This page With its main entrance visible from the town centre approach, Chelmsford Magistrates' Court is situated in a pedestrian precinct close to the town centre and main transport hub.

Chelmsford & Colchester Magistrates' Court Essex 2007

Opposite Situated adjacent to the Conservation Area of St Botolph's Priory, Colchester Magistrates' Court is a key site in the masterplan for the town's regeneration.

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Al Faisaliah Riyadh Prepared on the basis of an invited competition from the Al Khozama Management Company, our design concept supports the client's vision for expansion of the Al Faisaliah complex as a world-class mixed-use development. Located adjacent to the iconic Al Faisaliah Centre, the site for Al Faisaliah II bridges the land between the main arterial roads of Olaya Street and King Fahd Expressway. Working within the framework created by the Al Faisaliah and Kingdom Towers, the proposals deliver over 400,000sqm of accommodation and include a 60-storey office tower and a 425-bed hotel together with a four-storey retail mall which provides a unifying element. Particular attention has been paid to the quality of the public realm which incorporates a number of new public and semi-public spaces while incorporating future provision for the proposed Riyadh Metro.

Opposite The undulating podium structure provides unifying element together with a variety of internal and external semi-public spaces.

Al Faisaliah Riyadh 2007

The orientation, juxtaposition and form of the buildings has been designed to provide self-shading and the underlying geometry has been carried through into the design of the diagrid structure together with the external shading screens which have been engineered to reduce solar heat gain and reduce glare while allowing unobstructed views from the buildings.

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Opposite View of atrium within the office tower. Sketch view of the four-storey retail mall which provides a unifying element and includes a series of public and semi-public spaces together with provision for the proposed Riyadh Metro.

Al Faisaliah Riyadh 2007

This page Space planning options for the office tower.



Which year was it?

Liffey Bridge Competition Dublin Working in collaboration with engineers Alan Baxter & Associates, Aedas were shortlisted as finalists in this competition for the design of a new bridge serving pedestrians and cyclists as well as the new 'Metro West' lightrail system. The design achieves an elegant yet economical structure that sits comfortably in the Liffey Valley landscape without dominating or altering its character, making contact with the ground via slender, white concrete V-piers.

Opposite View from the pedestrian footbridge showing V-column and underside of the railway deck.

Liffey Bridge Competition Dublin 2008

The high-level deck is of constant cross section and there are no structural projections above it; only the handrails and overhead power line for the railway which will be for the most part invisible. The deck also has a tapered edge section designed to make it appear even more slender, whilst at the same time providing wind protection for pedestrians and cyclists. Commenting on the finalists proposals, the assessors wrote: "The jury was impressed with the elegant nature of the design and in particular the proposed treatment of pedestrians."

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Opposite East elevation and aerial view of the proposed bridge within the Liffey Valley.

Liffey Bridge Competition Dublin 2008

Above Computer montage of the West bank pier and V-column.

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Tetris Tower Abu Dhabi The brief for this competition, for the Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nehayan Charitable Foundation, called for a residential tower and a separate office tower to be provided together with a retail podium on a site next to the Abu Dhabi Investment Council Headquarters. An analysis of the site quickly revealed that the provision of two towers would result in a very congested arrangement and so our design response combines both uses into one tower by stacking the residential units on top of the office accommodation with an efficient shared core arrangement.

Opposite Aerial view of the tower/ podium at night.

Tetris Tower Abu Dhabi 2008

The residential brief comprised a mixture of two, three and four bedroomed apartments, occupying three, five or seven units of space and it became apparent that combining and stacking these shapes in an optimal manner resembled a class of geometric figures like Polyominoes, from which the game Tetris derives. Working with members of the Computational Design and Research Group, we created a generic application which can be used to assemble the apartments in an efficient and economical manner while allowing us to undertake real-time revisions to reflect changes in apartment mix if required.

Living Area and circulation Kitchen / Dining Area Bedroom Above Deriving the geometry of the building from the proportions of the site.

Bathroom Storage Space / Utility Room External space / terrace

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Tetris Tower Abu Dhabi 2008

2 Bed – 3 Segments = 150m 2

3 Bed – 5 Segments = 250m 2

4 Bed – 7 Segments = 350m2

This page Design studies showing Tetris packing the tower in 3D together with an unfolded representation.

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Design development of the podium faรงade and the podium roof. This page Exploded perspective illustrating key components of the design; podium, roof and faรงade, offices, core, residential units and tower skin.

Tetris Tower Abu Dhabi 2008

Opposite Aerial view of the tower/ podium relationship. Note that a circle packing algorithm was used to help design the shading to the podium roof.

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The Desert Rose Abu Dhabi The brief for this competition called for two office towers and a residential office tower and a concept which had its roots in some form of Arabian tradition. Our design concept drew its inspiration from the Desert Rose (a crystalline 'flower' found beneath the sands of Arabia) and combined the towers into a single form with three 'petals' which provide the necessary accommodation. The two office towers stand back to back with a shared core arrangement and feature four-storey high atria every four floors, while the residential tower is separated internally by a narrow atrium allowing light into the centre of the core.

Opposite Night-time view of the three towers together with the retail podium.

The Desert Rose Abu Dhabi 2008

In order to achieve a degree of external solar control while also articulating the external faรงades, our Advanced Modelling Group developed solutions which allowed us to model the size and number of openings in relation to the level of solar radiation falling on each elevation. The resulting solar veil features openings which vary in size depending on the geometry of the building and also in size and depth depending on the orientation of each opening.

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Above Concept sketch based upon the idea of the Desert Rose (a crystalline 'fl ower' founds beneath the sands of Arabia). Right In order to achieve a degree of solar control, the faรงade is articulated in response to the tilt and orientation of the building and on the orientation of each faรงade segment.

The Desert Rose Abu Dhabi 2008

Opposite View of office tower and retail podium.

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Right Site Plan. Opposite Perspective view showing one of the four-storey high atrium within the office towers.

The Desert Rose Abu Dhabi 2008

Above Perspective view and model-shot looking towards the north elevation. Note that this elevation is more open due to the lower levels of solar gain.

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The Four Winds Abu Dhabi The brief for this mixed-use development called for a group of towers connected by a retail podium providing over 100,000sqm of accommodation. The design concept draws its inspiration from the Bedouin legend that Allah created the horse from 'The Four Winds', (the legend claims he endowed the animal with Spirit from the North, Strength from the South, Speed from the East and Intelligence from the West), and uses the proportions of the site to establish a grid within which the four towers are located in a chequerboard fashion.

The elevational treatment relies on a simple palette of materials including stone, glass, timber and bronze anodised aluminium; the intention being to create a strong base with towers which then 'dissolve' as they rise above the podium. The towers are clad with perforate screens to further reduce solar gain and where these serve inset balconies at the upper levels they will be operable, creating a lively elevation that will be constantly changing. The resulting composition is sophisticated, restrained and understated.

Opposite Perspective view of the development at night illustrating how the towers 'dissolve' into the night sky.

The Four Winds Abu Dhabi 2008

By juxtaposing the towers in this way we are able to maximise views out from the development while providing a degree of overshadowing to reduce solar gain. The four towers engage with an interlocking podium at a number of different levels, creating a series of stepped courtyards which provide amenity space for users of the buildings together with a strong unifying feature.

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Opposite The elevational treatment relies on a simple palette of materials; the intention being to create a strong base with towers which then 'dissolve' as they rise above the podium. Below Internal office perspective.

The Four Winds Abu Dhabi 2008

View of the retail mall. The Retail facilities are all situated on thoroughfares to encourage activity and movement throughout the development.

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This page Exploded perspective: Showing key elements of the scheme; the walled courtyards, low rise offi ce elements, residential units and external skin.

The Four Winds Abu Dhabi 2008

Opposite Perspective: View of the development from the north east.

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Sustainable Masterplan Kent Situated in an elevated position close to the M25, the proposed regeneration and redevelopment of this 125 hectare former Ministry of Defence land provides a unique opportunity to deliver an exemplary mixed-use development within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB ). The vision for the site is to deliver a sustainable balanced community within a well integrated layout that responds to people, community and environment.

The proposed redevelopment will deliver circa 900 homes together with employment, retail and associated uses, and provides a rare opportunity to redevelop a significant Brownfield site in the Greenbelt while creating a vibrant living village for the 21st Century. It is intended that up to 40% of the developments energy requirement will be delivered from renewable sources and, given its size, the timescale of the development will extend beyond the Government's 2016 zero carbon deadline so the residential proposals will reflect Code 4 units and above while the office buildings will target BREEAM 'Excellent'.

Opposite The emerging masterplan.

Sustainable Masterplan Kent 2008

Working within the existing landscape and building upon existing heritage and historic references, the masterplan framework has used the existing infrastructure as a starting point for the generation of a new place. Building upon the extensive research undertaken by members of the team, our Computational Design and Research Group has developed a range of generic applications to help inform the emerging landscape driven masterplan.

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Above Photograph showing how the cells of a leaf provided an idea for plot generation.

Above Strategy drawings illustrating the nine principle strategies for the site: reforest, create working landscape, carve out development cells, create permeability, energy, waste and water, connected at different scales, joined up public realm and open space, series of events, views in, out and within the site.

Sustainable Masterplan Kent 2008

Below Concept sketch showing how the idea of the leaf was transposed to the site, retaining the existing road as the main spine.


They also allowed us to demonstrate compliance with the Green Travel Plan by illustrating accessibility from key nodes such as the three principle bus stops, the local school and the central space.


Below Computational design techniques allowed us to create a maximum height envelope derived from the simultaneous analysis of 20 strategic viewpoints identified in the EIA.

0 – 3m 3 – 6m 6 – 9m 9 – 12m 12 – 15m

This page Working within the height constraints, a generative model was used as a catalyst to suggest indicative housing layouts based on a variety of house types and plot sizes. The generative model then allowed the units to find their place on the site in relation to the landscape and each other.

Sustainable Masterplan Kent 2008


This page Perspective view showing one of the proposed office developments. Aerial view showing the new settlement in its context. Note the density and character gradient from the village centre to the woodland edge.

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Sustainable Masterplan Kent 2008

This page Early studies exploring the progression of the Character Areas from village centre to woodland.

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Toronto Metro Canada Aedas is responsible for the design of two new below-grade stations as part of the six-station extension of the Toronto Subway between Toronto and the City of Vaughan for Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). Highway 407 Station will be operational in 2014 and will become a key facility in Toronto's transit masterplan, providing strategic interchange between private car, subway, light rail and local bus services. Key design drivers include the need to minimise passenger circulation distances by anchoring the transit modes around a central, subterranean concourse, providing column free spaces for simplified way-finding and introducing daylight deep into the station. The material palette comprises natural materials that communicate the simple elegant design and ensure a high-quality environment for both passengers and staff.

Opposite Situated at the intersection of H407 and Jane Street, the station roof is integrated with the surrounding landscape.

Toronto Metro Canada 2008

The station responds to the surrounding site by blurring the boundaries between the internal and external spaces; the building form emerges from the terrain and landscaped areas run deep into the building. This improves the environmental performance of the station, minimising the need for mechanical ventilation and reducing operational costs. By reinstating the adjacent Black Creek and introducing native species throughout the car park and building, the environmental impact of development will be minimised, respecting and maintaining the ecology of the site.

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Above Details of the early concept model showing the 'boomerang' roof form. Below Early concept sketches of the bus terminal illustrating the form and scale of the above ground works.

Toronto Metro Canada 2008

Opposite Artist's impressions of the bus terminal exterior at day/night as viewed from Jane Street, and the interior waiting lounge.

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Opposite Interior view from high level of the subway station platform illustrating the rooflights and 'lilly pad' deck leading to the concourse.

Toronto Metro Canada 2008

Below Early concept sketch of the bussing lounge and interior view at platform level showing the platform screen doors.

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Dudley House City of Westminster Occupying a prominent site adjacent to Paddington Basin and visible from the Westway approach into Central London, our design response for this competition entry to CityWest Homes was informed by a desire to maximise height within the planning envelope while minimising the overshadowing impact on neighbouring buildings. We were also keen that the development should integrate with the surrounding regeneration by ensuring the creation of high quality public open space.

Opposite Perspective view of the proposal from beneath the A40 flyover.

Dudley House City of Westminster 2008

Following a rigorous site analysis, the subsequent options appraisal generated a preferred massing configuration comprising two separate blocks with a tower to the north of the site providing an acoustic buffer to the dual carriageway, and a lower block to the south, allowing sunlight to penetrate deep into the development. The resulting mixeduse development provided retail accommodation at street level with a total of 241 one, two, three and four bedroomed apartments and a mix of tenures including homes for rent, shared ownership and market housing.

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This page Studies were undertaken to assess the likely impact on daylight to the adjacent plots.

Dudley House City of Westminster 2008

Opposite Aerial montage of the proposal from the air looking north.

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Luxborough Street City of Westminster Located within the Luxborough Tower Estate on the boundary of a Conservation Area and bordered by a formal park to the south, this competition entry for CityWest Homes Ltd presented a rare development opportunity in a highly valued area of Central London. With its unique location and excellent transport infrastructure, the brief for this site sought the development of one, two and three bed luxury flats with their primary frontage onto Luxborough Street. The housing mix was designed to maximise value while retaining flexibility to respond to a changing market.

Opposite Perspective view of the proposal looking south along Luxborough Street.

Luxborough Street City of Westminster 2008

The form and massing of the adjacent buildings informed the design of an efficient L-shaped block which wraps itself around a private courtyard and amenity space. Each leg of the block is provided with a central core, creating a pair of contemporary Mansion blocks with double aspect apartments.

This page Perspective view of the proposal from the park. Faรงade study showing fenestration options.

Luxborough Street City of Westminster 2008



Below Concept sketches illustrating development of the form.

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Sheraton Four Points Riyadh Won in an invited competition, the hotel is conceived as a series of courtyards and spaces, linked by water and planting, that have been eroded from a solid block. The form of the building is intentionally imposing and orthogonal, using voids to articulate the internal and external spaces. The effect on the visitor will be similar to walking through a canyon, offering glimpses of spaces with fissures of light catching the eye at key moments to assist way-finding and enhancing their experience of the building.

Opposite Perspective view of the Presidential Suite and the courtyard roof at dusk.

Sheraton Four Points Riyadh 2009

The accommodation comprises a mixture of 248 guest rooms and 30 serviced apartments configured in a 'C' shaped arrangement which is open to the north thereby shading the spaces below while catching the northerly winds and pushing air down into the external courtyards. The overall mass is shaded by a veil which extends over the courtyards and drop-off areas and serves to unify the various elements of the building, the objective being to combine a simple plan with a sophisticated section to create an exceptional new hotel for Riyadh.

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Perspective; long section through the building. This page Exploded perspective showing key elements of the scheme; the courtyards, cores, hotel rooms, apartments, health spa and the veil.

Sheraton Four Points Riyadh 2009

Opposite Drawing; long section through the building.

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Opposite Perspective view looking into the courtyard. Note: the health spa is to the right above the restaurant. This page Perspective view from the courtyard looking down into the lobby.

Sheraton Four Points Riyadh 2009

Sectional view showing landscape running through the scheme.

Imprint Editors Jonathan Clarke Peter Oborn John Nordon Design Silke Hirschmann Printing Granite Colour Ltd, Essex Copyright © Aedas Architects Ltd Contact Aedas Architects Ltd 5 – 8 Hardwick Street London EC1R 4RG T +44 (0)20 7837 9789 F +44 (0)20 7837 9678 E

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