Enlargement - Trieste

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Vote on Enlargement Focus on Ex – Yugoslavia (12 – 15 March 2009)

THE JOURNEY IS THE GOAL By Dragan Stojanovski President of AEGEE Europe

Think about something simple - like your mobile phone bill. Or about something complicated – climate change, for example. These two issues and almost all issues in between those two are being decided upon in the European Union governance. Every day here in Brussels thousand of EU bureaucrats enter their offices in the glass-and-concrete buildings all around the town and make regulations on every aspect of our lives – from electricity bill for the next month to energy policy for the next half of the century. EU politics matter – and that is a simple fact. Governments, businesses and numerous other interests groups are very well aware of this fact. Tens of thousands of lobbyists are knocking on the doors of the EU offices every single day. And very often they get things done their way. The ordinary people are not so privileged. Only once every five years EU opens the doors of only one of its institutions for the citizens to declare their ‘special interests’ – at the European Parliament elections. And strangely – every time this chance occurs the majority of people choose not to vote. And that is a stupid fact. And this is where we come in with the Y Vote 2009. Thousands of young people are working simultaneously in all corners of Europe to bring the simple fact – that EU matters – to the young people, and to change the stupid fact – of EU political apathy – by encouraging first time voters (those ones between 18 and 22) to take a stand and make a choice at the EP elections this June. Till the elections days in June every two weeks a new international Y Vote 2009 convention takes place – from Porto to Budapest, from Edinburgh to Rome – to collect youth opinion on twelve most important EU issues and present them in the dialogue with the political leaders. And seventy members of the European Parliament are already committed to listen – and deliver the change for the young people. But more important is what is going to happen in April and May at the campuses, dorms, squares, pubs and all around the small and big towns all across Europe. We will try to bring the message of voting to young people with music, sports, entertainment, by knocking on the doors and pocking on Facebook, till we are sure that young people are well informed and ready to do that one easy step for their own future – go out and vote. And this is where AEGEE Trieste is the first to deliver. It is a particularly challenging topic that will be discussed at the Y Vote on Enlargement. A question of belonging to the European family is quite an emotional one but, myself coming from Serbia, I am convinced it should be tackled in a rather objective and realistic manner. There is a clear and great commitment from the EU, since Thessaloniki Summit in 2003, to offer the European future to the countries of the Western Balkans. And there is a steady, yet wavering effort from all aspiring members on the long and hard journey of the EU accession. And it is my strong opinion that neither heavy historical burden nor present complex realities should be the reason for shortening this journey. Because to become a member of the European Union a country has to grow up – politically – by implementing democracy and the rule of law in practical terms – economically – by establishing a functioning free market economy – and, most importantly, socially – by bringing European values into every aspect and to every group of the society. Because – as the old adage says – the journey is the goal. I wish you all a great time and great fun in Trieste. And, if you have right to, don’t forget to vote in June!

AEGEE AEGEE (Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe / European Students’ Forum) is a student organisation that promotes co-operation, communication and integration amongst young people in Europe. It was founded in 1985 and connects 15.000 students, active in 241 university cities in more than 40 countries around Europe. AEGEE is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation, therefore all projects and activities are a result of voluntary work of its members. By encouraging traveling and mobility, stimulating discussion and organising common projects AEGEE attempts to overcome National, cultural and ethnic divisions and to create a vision of young people’s Europe. The structure is based on an European level (a European Board of Directors working in Brussels and 4 Commissions, 11 Working Groups and 9 multinational Project Teams) and on a local level (240 antennae or local groups, forming the Network). All the numerous events and projects run by the organisation are to be focused on our 4 Fields of Action (Cultural Exchange, Active Citizenship, Higher education, Peace & Stability) and 5 Focus Areas (Non-formal learning, European Citizenship, Academic Mobility, Intercultural Dialogue, Globalization). AEGEE has participatory status in the activities of the Council of Europe, consultative status at the United Nations, operational status at UNESCO and is at the same time a member of the European Youth Forum.The organization has also a number of illustrious personalities amongst its general partners: Mikhael Gorbatchev, the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize; Vaclav Havel, former President of the Czech Republic; Eric Froment, former President of the European university Association, Wolfgang Thierse, former President of the Bundestag and Romano Prodi, former prime minister of Italy and president of the European Commission.

AEGEE Y Vote 2009 Campaign Y Vote 2009 is a European wide campaign designed to create continuous platform for youth activists to be able to take stands on most important social issues in Europe, exchange and develop them together, effectively spread them by taking active role in democratic processes of different settings and structures with central focus on encouraging and empowering young people in Europe to make informed choices at European Parliament Elections in 2009. Project activities will include a series of small and large-scale actions in diverse formats and through diverse media, with local, regional, national and European dimension, designed to challenge political ignorance and disinterest among young people by providing them with information, competences and motivation to become informed voters and – beyond that – active citizens in the political discourse of their communities and at the European scale. The campaign is designed and planned by young people for young people. The issue of European democratic deficit and the political apathy of youngest citizens is of paramount importance for the future of Europe of all generations, but for young people themselves in the first place, and the future of communities they live in and the European society at large. Policy issues chosen for the campaign are the ones shaping personal and professional realities and prospects for young people (education, employment, mobility, EU social model) but also the political, economic, social, and cultural context they live in and could live in (citizenship, multiculturalism, creativity, EU and the world, migrations). They are also the issues catching the attention of young people when they find themselves close to or inside political debate, the areas where we as youth activist have been contributing the most – therefore we believe that these are the topics that will bring first-time voters on the board of (European) democratic decision making.

The European Union’s enlargement policy Enlargement is one of the EU’s most powerful policy tools. It serves the EU’s strategic interests in stability, security, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, fundamental freedoms and conflict prevention. These are not just abstract principles. They have transformed the quality of life for millions of people. The benefits of the single market for consumers in the EU are obvious: economic growth and job creation, safer products, lower prices, and greater choice in crucial sectors like telecommunications, banking and air travel. But the EU is not just about wealth and improved standards of living. The EU is a community of values. We are a family of democratic European countries committed to working together for peace and freedom, prosperity and social justice. And we defend these values. We seek to foster cooperation among the people of Europe, while respecting and preserving our diversity. The European Union would consider Western Balkans for membership, but only if they reached EU standards. The key elements: •

regional cooperation (intra – political and economic relations, good neighbourliness, helping overcome nationalism and intolerance and promoting mutual understanding and political dialogue in the region, reconciliation as an indicator of democratic maturity);

conditionality (progress towards meeting EU standards: combating unemployment, fight against organised crime and corruption, social exclusion and discrimination, promoting social dialogue);

Stabilisation and Association Process, which offers to the countries of the region the possibility of eventual EU membership.

The EU’s promise (European Council meeting, Thessaloniki 2003) was not entirely altruistic: •

usual economic consideration: this area offered enthusiastic and untapped markets;

the need to promote regional stability.

The process towards European Union membership Who can join? Any European country may apply for membership (article 49, treaty of the EU) if it respects the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law (article 6, treaty of the EU). A country can only become a member if it fulfills all criteria for accession as first defined by the European Council in Copenhagen in 1993, and reinforced in 1995. These criteria are: 1. Political: stable institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities; 2. Economic: a functioning market economy and the capacity to cope with competition and market forces in the EU; 3. The capacity to take on the obligations of membership, including adherence to the objectives of political, economic and monetary union; 4. Adoption of the entire body of European legislation and its effective implementation through appropriate administrative and judicial structures. In addition, the EU must be able to integrate new members, so it reserves the right to decide when it is ready to accept them.

Who decides? New members are admitted with unanimous consent of the democratically elected governments of the EU Member States, coming together either in the Council of Ministers or in the European Council. Long before any accession negotiations start, all agreements between the EU and any potential member – such as Stabilisation and Association Agreements with the countries of the Western Balkans or the Customs Union with Turkey – are reached only after the EU Member States have given their approval.

Pre-accession strategy 1)Two stages of Stabilisation and Association Process (SAP): EU help to implement a free trade area and supports individual states in their attempts to build institutions and adopt reforms in line with EU standards. During this time, the European Commission issues annual reports assessing what progress has been made. Once the EU is satisfied that each state is sufficiently stable (politically, economically and institutionally), it will recommend that the second stage of the process starts. This second stage involves the creation of a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between with the EU and each individual state. This is part of what is known as the” pre – accession” stage, during which time countries are regarded as potential candidate countries.

2)European partnership agreements: It includes a list of short and medium term priorities for reform and outlines the financial and technical assistance that the EU will provide to the potential candidate country.

3) Regular progress monitoring (Copenhagen criteria): Stable institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for protection of minorities, the ability to adopt the EU’s rules and standards (the body of law known as the “acquis communitaire”), a functioning market economy, the capacity to cope with competition and market forces in the EU, the capacity to take on the obligations of membership, including adherence to the objectives of political, economic and monetary union.

4) EU assistance: the EU enlargement strategy is underpinned by a system of financial assistance for potential candidates and candidate countries1. An important aspect of the EU’s assistance is strengthening institutional


The EU enlargement strategy id underpinned by a system of financial assistance for potential candidates and candidate countries. Until 2006 EU funding to the Western Balkans was distributed largely via the CARDS program (Community, Assistance for Reconstruction, Development, Stabilisation) which aimed to support the participation of the countries of Western Balkans in the SAP. In the period 2000 – 2006, 4,6 billion (€) was provided to this region for investment, institution – building, and other measures to achieve four main objectives: 1) Reconstruction, democratic stabilisation, reconciliation and the return of refugees; 2) Institutional and legislative development, including harmonisation with European Union norms and approaches, to under pin democracy and the rule of law, human rights, civil society and the media, and the operation of a free market economy. 3) Sustainable economic and social development, including structural reform. 4) Promotion of closer relations and regional cooperation among countries and between them, the EU and the candidate countries of central Europe. From 2007 – 2013, the EU’s strategy will be funded by a financial program known as the “instrument for pre – accession assistance” (IPA). To support institution – building and the rule of law, human rights, including the fundamental freedoms, minority rights, gender equality and non – discrimination, both administrative and economic, and social development,

capacity, or “institution building”, by developing the structures or training the staff responsible for applying EU rules in the candidate country. Advise on implementing the acquis is often provided via “Twinning” arrangements, in which experts are seconded from EU Member States, or through short-term workshops. Preparing countries for membership can also mean helping them to upgrade their infrastructure: building solidwaste disposal plants or improving transport networks. Candidate countries are allowed to participate in EU programs, for example in the areas of public health or research, and may also receive grants and loans from international financial institutions. This experience allows candidate countries to learn how to handle the kind of funding they will be entitled to after accession, also helping to familiarize them with EU policies and instruments.

Accession negotiations Accession negotiations2 focus on the conditions and timing of the candidate’s adoption, implementation and application of EU rules – some 90,000 pages of them. And these rules (also known as “acquis”, French for “that which has been agreed”) are not negotiable. For candidates, it is essentially a matter of agreeing on how and when to adopt and implement EU rules and procedures. For the EU, it is important to obtain guarantees on the date and effectiveness of each candidate’s implementation of the rules. Negotiations are conducted individually with each candidate, and the pace depends on each country’s progress in meeting the requirements. Candidates consequently have an incentive to implement necessary reforms rapidly and effectively. Some of these reforms require considerable and sometimes difficult transformations of a country’s political and economic structures. It is therefore important that governments clearly and convincingly communicate the reasons for these reforms to the citizens of the country. Support from civil society is essential in this process. Accession negotiations take place between the EU Member States and candidate countries. Negotiating sessions are held at the level of ministers or deputies, i. e. Permanent Representatives for the Member States, and Ambassadors or Chief Negotiators for the candidate countries. Once the EU agrees a common position on each chapter of the acquis, and once the candidate accepts the EU’s common position, negotiations on that chapter are closed – but only provisionally. EU accession negotiations operate on the principle that “nothing is agreed until everything is agreed”, so definitive closure of chapters occurs only at the end of the entire negotiating process.

reconciliation and reconstruction, and regional and cross – border cooperation. IPA will provide a total of € 11,468 million at current prices over 2007–2013, with precise allocations decided year by year. 2 The “Negotiating Mandate” document acts as framework for the accession negotiations and lists some 35 different policy areas (“chapters”) where the candidate country must reach EU standards. The chapters of the acquis: 1. Free movement of goods; 2. Freedom of movement for workers; 3. Right of establishment and freedom to provide services; 4. Free movement of capital;5. Public procurement;6. Company law; 7. Intellectual property law; 8. Competition policy; 9. Financial services;10. Information society and media; 11. Agriculture;12. Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy; 13. Fisheries; 14. Transport policy; 15. Energy; 16. Taxation; 17. Economic and monetary policy;18. Statistics; 19. Social policy and employment; 20. Enterprise and industrial policy; 21. Trans-European Networks; 22. Regional policy and coordination of structural instruments; 23. Judiciary and fundamental rights; 24. Justice, freedom and security; 25. Science and research; 26. Education and culture; 27. Environment; 28. Consumer and health protection; 29. Customs union; 30. External relations; 31. Foreign, security, defence policy; 32. Financial control; 33. Financial + budgetary provisions; 34. Institutions; 35. Other issues.

Reporting, monitoring and the Accession Treaty The Commission keeps the Council and the European Parliament duly informed about the candidate countries’ progress, through annual strategy papers and individual country progress reports. It also monitors the fulfillment of benchmark requirements and progress in respecting undertakings. Monitoring continues until accession. This makes it possible to give additional guidance as countries assume the responsibilities of membership, and also guarantees to the current Member States that new entrants meet the conditions for accession. When negotiations on all the chapters are completed to the satisfaction of both sides, the results are incorporated into a draft Accession Treaty. If it wins the support of the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament, the Treaty is signed and ratified by the candidate country and all the Member States.

From signing the Accession Treaty to accession Once the Accession Treaty is signed, the candidate country becomes an “Acceding State” and is entitled to certain provisional privileges until it becomes an EU Member State. As an acceding state, it can comment on draft EU proposals, communications, recommendations or initiatives, and it acquires “active observer status” on EU bodies and agencies, where it is entitled to speak, but not to vote. Once the ratification process is complete, the Accession Treaty enters into force on its scheduled date, and the accession state becomes a Member State.

Lack of enthusiasm for further EU’s enlargement? The no – votes in European constitution referendums in both France and Netherlands resulted in a political crisis and enlargement fatigue included: •

an impression that trust and solidarity were being weakened by the continued enlargement of the EU;

the existence of fears about the immigration of workers;

the suspicion that previous enlargements had created un fair competition in the EU single market.

The anxiety over the capacity of candidate countries to complete necessary reforms was illustrated by the strict conditions applied to Romania and Bulgaria when they joined the EU in January 2007. The imposition of this monitoring regime could be interpreted a san admission that the accession process has failed to ensure that candidate countries meet EU standards. Such a conclusion would support the case for a slower and more rigorous enlargement strategy, to the detriment of ambitions of Western Balkans. Public opinion on further enlargement (2006): an average 46 % of EU citizens support further enlargement ( + 1 point since spring 2006) while 42 % continue to oppose it. It is clear that supporting further enlargement currently constitutes a significant political risk for leaders in several member states. The importance of public support has increate with the French decision to put all accessions after Croatia to a national referendum. Citizens need to be better prepared for future enlargements.

General situation of EU enlargement in Ex - Yugoslavia •

Slovenia is member of European Union since 1 may 2004.

Final stage of accession negotiations with Croatia by the end of 2009.

Montenegro needs to continue to pursue judicial reform with determination.

Bosnia and Herzegovina now urgently needs to achieve the necessary political consensus and to proceed with reforms, in particular with a view to assuming greater ownership of its governance.

Serbia needs to follow by positive developments through full cooperation with ICTY and making tangible progress in priority reform. If Serbia meets these conditions, it could obtain candidate status in 2009.

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has made good progress on judicial reform and implementation of SAA obligations and continues to consolidate multiethnic democracy by implementing the Ohrid Agreement. However, the country needs to ensure free and fair elections and to improve the dialogue between major political parties and actors. There has also been some progress on fighting corruption, civil service reform, improving the business environment and stimulating employment. Nonetheless, further efforts are necessary. The Commission will continue to monitor progress on these areas closely.

The main points of Workshop

Debate most important issues on the European political

Europe without prejudices

The recent history and relations between Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia

Point of view of the citizens of candidate states about European Union

Experience of Slovenia inside EU

Enlargement strategy

Relation between the EU and Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia.

Political Criteria

Economic Criteria

Ability to assume the obligations of membership

Trieste… An open door towards East… Dear Participants, First of all welcome to Trieste! Our team is glad to host you for this time in our city. We hope to organize a nice and interesting event in order to let you discover this part of Italy and our beautiful city. Enjoy the Y Vote Enlargement Event and drinking and tasting our food from our region, Friuli – Venezia Giulia. We would like to start with a poem by Umberto Saba because probably is the best description of the soul of this city, it’s better than any tourist guide. Trieste (da Trieste e una donna, 1910-12)

Trieste Tr ieste (from Trieste e una donna, 1910-12)

Ho attraversata tutta la città. Poi ho salita un'erta, popolosa in principio, in là deserta, chiusa da un muricciolo: un cantuccio in cui solo siedo; e mi pare che dove esso termina termini la città. Trieste ha una scontrosa grazia. Se piace, è come un ragazzaccio aspro e vorace, con gli occhi azzurri e mani troppo grandi per regalare un fiore; come un amore con gelosia. Da quest'erta ogni chiesa, ogni sua via scopro, se mena all'ingombrata spiaggia, o alla collina cui, sulla sassosa cima, una casa, l'ultima, s'aggrappa. Intorno circola ad ogni cosa un'aria strana, un'aria tormentosa, l'aria natia. La mia città che in ogni parte è viva, ha il cantuccio a me fatto, alla mia vita pensosa e schiva.

I've walked the entire city. Then I've climbed a hill dense at first, but empty further on, closed in by a low stone wall: I sit alone in one of its nooks and it seems to me that where it ends the city ends as well. Trieste has an irritating grace. At best, it's like some mean, delinquent kid with blue eyes and hands too big to give anyone a flower; it's like love jealousy infects. From the hill i can see all the churches, and every street that leads to the obstructed beach, or across to another hill where the last house clings to the stony top. Everywhere the air moves it feels strangely troubled like the air of being home. My city that's alive in all its parts has a place for me, for my removed, reflective life.

This is only one of the many and many poems written for Trieste by Italian or foreigners poets like James Joyce or Rainer Maria Rilke. These people got attracted by the atmosphere of this very particular city, which is Italian but its soul is made of a melting pot of cultures coming from all over the World, especially from Central Europe, Balkans, Armenia, Greece and many other Mediterranean countries. That is because Trieste was a great harbor (actually the main harbor of the Austrian Empire). All these people got rich and enriched the city itself, thanks to transports, insurances (Generali, one of biggest insurance company in the world was founded here), banks and so on. We don’t know what you expect from Trieste but for sure this is not a typical Italian city. Trieste is a fusion of cultures and traditions: Austrian city planning, Neoclassical style, central European food, Italian history. Trieste is a city and port in north-eastern Italy right on the border with Slovenia. It is located at the head of the Gulf of Trieste on the Adriatic Sea. With a population of 210 000 it is the capital of the autonomous region Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Trieste province. The city stands out over the blue sea and sky on the furthest patch of the Italian Adriatic and appears like a last Mediterranean mirage for those following this northern stretch of the coast. Trieste’s originality and diversity are brought together in every street, square and palace which almost entirely retain their testimony to Roman, Venetian and above all Neoclassical architecture. Culture variety in Trieste is also visible from many different churches built in the city centre: you can spot catholic churches, Serbian-Orthodox, Greek-Orthodox, Lutheran and the Synagogue (one of the biggest in Italy). The crossroads of culture that animate this Julian regional capital are expressed through a rich and extremely varied museum network, a large number of cafés (meeting places for all walks of life) and literary thoroughfares where you can relive the experiences of Svevo, Saba and Joyce.

A little bit of history… Roman age Trieste initially flourished as Roman colony on the top of San Giusto Hill. Many ancient Roman monuments are still visible like the Theatre, the Gate of Riccardo and the Forum.

Middle age The city continued to develop on the hill even after the falling of the Roman Empire. It become an independent common, but in the 13th century its rulers opted to join the Haupsburg Empire rather than paying fealty to the Republic of Venice (70 miles to the west).

Haupsburg age But the real flourishing of Trieste began in 1719, when the city was declared a free port by Emperor Charles VI. His successor, Maria Theresa of Austria, decided to build a new city at the base of San Giusto Hill on lands once used as salt mines. The ‘New City’ corresponds to the actual city centre, characterized by the choose of the Neoclassic style in its architecture and its city planning. Anyway a Wien atmosphere can also be felt walking around the city centre. Trieste’s role as principal Austrian commercial port and shipbuilding centre was later emphasized by the Foundation of the Austrian Lloyd in 1836 and the construction of the Austrian Southern Railway, connecting Wien to Trieste thanks to an extraordinary work of engineering, completed in 1857. The opening of Suez Channel in 1869 had an extraordinary impact on the growth of the city and of its harbour. In the beginning of the 20th century, Trieste was a buzzing cosmopolitan city frequented by artists such as James Joyce, Italo Svevo and Umberto Saba. In the city was spoken the Venetian dialect called Triestino, Italian and other many other tongues including German and Slovenian.

Annexation to Italy Together with Trento, Trieste was the main seat of the irredendist movement, which aimed to the annexion by Italy of all the lands historically inhabited by culturally Italian people. After World War I ended and Austria-Hungary disintegrated, Trieste joined Italy (1920) along with the whole Julian March (Venezia Giulia). The annexation, however, brought a loss of importance for the city which was not anymore the Austrian Harbour.

Second world war After the armistice (September 8th)Trieste was annexed by Germans to the Adriatische Kuesterland, integral part of the Third Reich. The city also suffered from Tito’s partisan activity and from Allied bombardments. After Liberation Trieste, dubbed A Zone, was governed for several years by the Allied Military Government whereas the southern part of Venezia-Giulia and Istria, dubbed B zone, went under Yugoslavian administration. Trieste went back to Italy (or Italy went back to Trieste as we use to say) only on 26 October 1954, but B zone remained under Yugoslavian control and is now part of Slovenia and Croatia.

Some interesting places to Trieste… It’s the heart of Trieste, a beautiful square opened to the sea with precious palaces all around. A magnificent waterfront where everybody love walk, have a chat and to breathe good salty sea breeze. This square (Piazza Unità d’Italia) is the largest square in Europe overlooking the sea.

The Victory’s lighthouse is designed by architect Berlam in 1927 to commemorate first world world casualities and Italian victory over Austria, this breath-taking lighthouse has the shape of a column and a bold statue of the goddess Victory on its top. In the picture there is “Barcolana event”, the most crowded sailing boat race in the world (more than 2000 boats).

Home of Maximilian of Habsburg, younger brother of Franz Joseph, and his young wife Charlotte. The castle of Miramare was built between 1856 and 1860 by the well-known architect Junker. Undoubtedly an enchanted palace, where each museum room is surrounded by an aura of romantic sadness.

On the top of the hill centre of the old medieval town, rises up the old Romanic style Basilica, the Castle of S. Giusto and the ancient Roman Forum. It is a tourist hot-spot and a nice viewpoint to the city.

Some news about Trieste… Trieste is one of the few cities nestled right between the mountains and the sea: The rugged hill area, the Carso, rises up close to the city and is composed mostly of calcareous rock which quickly leaves way to the more welcoming Mediterranean climate of the coast.

A legacy of Empress Maria Theresa who, by an edict issued in the XVIII century, still allows farmers to sell visitors their homemade wine and food. The term Osmiza comes from the Slovenian word osem (eight), which was the duration of the licence to sell home-made products. Along the Carso roads among the villages and near some of the houses, follow the numerous "frasche" or "bushes", branches of unmistakably indicating an osmiza.

Trieste is the leader coffee port in the Mediterranean sea. It’s the hometown of Illy Caffè and supplier of more than 40 % of Italy’s coffee. It’s one of the few places in the world where you’ll find evry cog in the coffee-industry wheel: importers, wholesalers, purifiers, roasters, dealers, tasters, not to mention torrefazioni (fresh coffee shops) and hundreds of cafés. Note: coffee shops here are places where you buy coffee! And nothing else! ☺

Agenda 12/03

14:00 Welcome 17:00 City tour 19:00 Aperitive 22:00 Trieste by Night


09:00 Conference Opening 10:00 Introduction of Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina 11:00 Coffee Break 11:30 Introduction of Croatia and Slovenia 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Workshop on EU enlargement in Ex – Yugoslavia 19:00 Transfer 20:00 Dinner in pizzeria 22:00 Social Programme


09:30 Debate of the Workshop 11:00 Coffee Break 11:30 Final presentations 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Visit the Castle of Miramare 18:30 Dinner in Osmiza on the Carso’s hill 22:00 Social Programme


11:00 Meeting in the City Centre 13:00 Closing lunch

Location of Event 13/03 Conference opening in VENEZIAN’s classroom, second floor, left side of the main building of University of Trieste. Workshop on EU enlargement in Ex – Yugoslavia in M and O classrooms, ground floor, left side of the main building of University of Trieste.

14/03 Debate of the Workshop and Final presentations in CAFFÈ S. MARCO, Via Battisti n. 18.

Speakers AEGEE-Trieste Team Prof. Stefano Pilotto

(Faculty of Political Science of University of Trieste)

Dragan Stojanovski

(President of AEGEE – Europe)

Tena Prelec

(member of Comité Directeur of AEGEE - Europe)

Veronika Braun

(Y Vote 2009 Coordination Team)

Miljan Radunovic

(Chairperson to the Liaison Agency of AEGEE - Europe)

Aleksandar Adasevic

(Development Fund of Republic of Serbia)

Ivana Ponjavic

(European Movement in Republic of Serbia)

Merima Ahmetbasic, Amel Lizde

(Mladi Liberali in Bosnia Herzegovina)

Mara Bojic

(Banja Luka – Bosnia Herzegovina)

Lana Dodig

(AEGEE – Zagreb)

Ljubica Roglić

(AEGEE – Zagreb)

Dajana Punda

(AEGEE – Zagreb)

Urban Jakša

(AEGEE – Ljubljana)

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