AEGEE-Fair Booklet Budapest

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Dear AEGEEans, As a member of the Organising Team and Event Manager of Autumn Agora Budapest 2012 it is my pleasure to welcome all of you at our AEGEE-Fair. On behalf of the whole team I hope we have managed to provide you a great occasion to gain some inspiration to get to know AEGEE’s wonderful and amazing world. Our main goal was on one hand to give the opportunity to every committee, working group, antenna to share some information about their projects, ideas, plans, upcoming events, and on the other hand to create a platform where anybody can get a line on how to join, participate or simply just have a clearer idea about how many different interesting opportunities are there in AEGEE. I am very glad that also this year enthusiastic AEGEE members are not missing, they all got prepared to be at your disposal to help you to find the most appropriate way of fulfilling your creativity, working in a great team, organising events, fighting for your own ideas or simply just expressing your thoughts. So come on everybody, let’s go on a journey in our large and unique AEGEE-world, enjoy every piece of this event and collect inspiration! European yours,

Zsófia Lehota


AEGEE Fair for a packed Autumn Agora Budapest The expectations are high. Autumn Agora Budapest received a record high number of applications proving the big interest in AEGEE and this interest will hopefully also be visible in the attendance of the AEGEE Fair the first day of the Agora, November 1st. Various European level bodies always work hard on arranging a fun, creative and interesting experience to attract attention of the participants at the AEGEE Fair, and this year is no different, and yet it is. Usually, there is one fair manager, one person in charge of collecting all the applications, reading them through, and encouraging the Network to take part in the AEGEE Fair, but for Agora Budapest this work has been divided between two people: Patricia Anthony from AEGEE-København and Szabina Hellinger from AEGEE-Budapest. We both, since being elected for the team, have been working very hard on the preparations of this fair, which will be combined once again with the study fair, and we are looking very much forward to the event on the first of November in Budapest. We are excited to play AEGEE twister with the Sports Working Group, take a quiz with the Network Commission, connect the dots with the Public Relations Committee, and get interesting booklets from the Juridical Commission and if you do not know what we are talking about then you should have a look through the next pages which will give you an insight of what is waiting for you in Budapest. See you there! Your AEGEE “fairies” Patricia Anthony & Szabina Hellinger


Human Resources Committee The Human Resources Committee (HRC) is searching for AEGEE members who are looking for new challenges, and who want to develop their potential skills and bring something to their antenna while experiencing a motivation boost. The HRC is an active HR “database” of the entire Network that gathers and provides all the information about human resources in individual antennae as well as in the entire Network. It is divided into four subgroups oriented towards four fields, which makes it easy to find an area suitable for you! In HRC you will learn how to take care of new members and attract new people into your local, but you will also have a chance to learn a lot more. • Analyzing the needs of the network • Bringing the European level closer • Ensuring the HR cycle • Collection and creation of materials You can learn more about the different subgroups at the AEGEE fair. And if HR knowledge is something you feel like improving or sharing, or if you want to learn how to recruit, integrate, and motivate your members to become more active on local and especially on European level, Human Resources Committee is definitely the place for you!There are still a lot of things to do! Together we will do it faster! At the Agora Budapest Fair, HRC will be represented by Beata Owsiana and Tika Kukhianidze,both passionate about HR stuff. Don’t forget to visit our stand since we will prepare for you some nice psych tests about what type of AEGEE member you are! See you there!


Public Relations Committee Meet the Public Relations Committee! Are you interested in creative PR marketing or just love designing? The Public Relations Committee is here to provide you with a group of PR enthusiasts from all over Europe who are working on none other than promoting AEGEE on both local and European level! The PRC was founded in autumn 2010 at the Agora Istanbul and ever since has been supporting the Network in the field of public relations. Recently, the PRC is working on European level PR campaigns to improve the visibility of AEGEE. Come to our stand during the Fair and help us “Connect the Dots” to reveal our… Let us not ruin the fun here ;) Join us! At the Fair, you will get a chance to meet some of our members and get first hand information on our latest projects and possibilities to get involved! The PRC consists of creative and energetic people, and we are always ready to welcome new members to our team. Get PR advice for your local, Working Group or project! Do you need help with a logo or plan of PR campaign? PRC is ready to help you with its wide expertise and experience! For more information about the Public Relations Committee, please visit our website:

See you at the Fair!


Corporate Relations Committee Freshly created in Enschede, the Corporate Relations Committee is for the first time present at the AEGEE Fair!

Interested in AEGEE-Europe Merchandising? Corporate Relations? Fundraising on European level? How to make money in AEGEE? Or do you have new and innovative ideas we could use for AEGEE-Europe?

Come to our stand to booth to talk with us about or latest ideas. You will recognize us from our fancy outfits ;) The Corporate Relations Committee has been created with the purpose of increasing the budget of AEGEE and our fundraising strategies. Our main focus is improving our relations with companies and possible corporate sponsors. Besides that, we also want to find new grants AEGEE can apply for and improve the Study and Career Fair. Finally, for the first time, we will create AEGEE-Europe Merchandise.

Let yourselves be surprised!


Juridical Commission The Juridical Commission of AEGEE-Europe is one of the four commissions of AEGEE. Its main tasks and its composition are described in the CIA, Article 25 of the Statutes, according to which it: * Assists the Comité Directeur and the Agora, * Verifies the conformity of the Statutes of each AEGEE local with the model defined by AEGEE-Europe and the application of the Statutes, *Verifies the signatures at the Convention d’Adhésion, * Integrates the modifications of the Statutes adopted by the Agora, * Presents a report during the Agora via its President. Presentation for the Fair: ‘Dura lex sed lex’ is the principle under which the Juridical Commission acts on behalf of AEGEE members, protecting their rights, providing its legal support and interpretation. And you know what, Our Dear Members, they enjoy the process so much that during the fair they have decided to give You the opportunity to feel the power of the Rule of Law, answer some tricky CIA questions or win the race “Make it logic”, “True or False” and receive a special PRIZE right from the hands of its President! In addition, all members will have chance to get free booklets on “Steeling flag procedure”, “Voting rules” and maybe something more! So join them and feel the Power of Law!


Network Commission Everyone needs a hug and at this Agora Fair. We want you to realize that the hug of your Netcommie is one of the sweetest. There is always someone to protect and take care of every local and every member of AEGEE. Do you want to find out who are those individuals and meet them in person? They are the members of Network Team, you can meet each of them personally and if you are lucky enough, the Network team will do a group hug for you! Of course those are not the only reasons for coming to our stand. Do you want to know more? We will tell you about the exciting activities the Network Commission is working on. Don’t miss the interesting results of our autumn Network Meetings! We will also give you the tips which NWMs you still can join ;-) If you are fearless, you will have an opportunity to test your knowledge of AEGEE issues in the famous AEGEE-version of the game “Who wants to be a millionaire”! Still having any kind of doubts? Come & meet us! The Network Commission is composed of 11 members. We, the NetCommies, are elected by you at the Agora for a period of one year. The NetCom is one of the most mobile and active bodies of AEGEE-Europe. Our task is to keep the core of the network together - the antennae. Basically we are here to improve the vertical communication in the network, bringing all bodies closer – to „Serve & Protect”! :-) And who could you meet at our stand? Sofia Kaskari and Klara Cencova, our two NetCom Assistants.

Join them and learn more about the NetCom!


Mediation Commission Were you ever wondering what MedCom stands for? Don’t worry, you are not alone! And as the name is quite new, we assume that many AEGEE members still do not know what this mysterious AEGEE body actually does. The main aim of the Mediation Commission (short, MedCom) is to mediate: to mediate a conflict inside a local or when the situation gets serious - to mediate, research and apply disciplinary sanctions to AEGEE members. Apart from this we are the proud guardians of your private data, so we make sure that no one uses any sensitive data without our approval. We invite you to visit us during the AEGEE fair, where you will be able to meet most of our members and get more information on our work. Representatives Ermanno Napolitano, Alberto Cuesta, and Alla Resheten are all active AEGEE members, and members of the Mediation Commission since Agora Enschede. They will be meeting you at the MedCom stand at the AEGEE fair in Agora Budapest!

See you there!


EuroArab Project When people hear the word Arab, they associate it with a terrorist, an uneducated person, a criminal or an extreme Islamist. Is that all we think about Arabs? But what about their culture, rich history, delicious food, lifestyle and friendliness? During the Fair we will present the beauty of Arabic culture: you will have a chance to hear Arabic music, get acquainted with Arabic traditional costumes and maybe even learn the art of calligraphy. We will show you that Arabs are human beings, just like you or anyone else – sometimes even nicer and friendlier. We will enrich your knowledge about the Arab world and analyze the stereotypes you might have. A new project is coming to AEGEE’s ocean of adventures, challenges and opportunities. Visit our stand and you will learn what the EuroArab project is all about! The EuroArab team just started their way to the world of challenges, getting to know each other slowly, but we can already say that we have become more than just a team of people working for the same aim. We are like a special and extraordinary family. Why? Because the core team consists of both young Europeans and young Arabs, with one European and one Arab responsible for the same area. In this way we are already screaming to the world that if we can work together in peace, why couldn’t you? Presenters: Diana Lesko, the EuroArab Project Coordinator is dreaming about bringing young Arabs and Europeans closer to each other and firmly believes that the EuroArab Project is an excellent tool for this aim. Sandra Oborska has been involved in EuroArab Project for more than a year now and wants to carry on building the relationship between the youth from both regions, as she is sure that together we can achieve more!


Eastern Partnership Project The main aim of the Eastern Partnership Project’s (EaP) events is to bring awareness of the limited opportunities and problems your friends have in the EaP countries as well as culture and traditions of these countries. We think that AEGEEEurope as the European Students’ Forum should make a case for the inclusion of students from the EaP countries especially since they are already part of our Network. If you are eager to know more, come to the table of the AEGEE EaP Project during the AEGEE Fair at the Autumn Agora Budapest! We have prepared a broad dossier with all the information you want to know. You will find our latest issue of the EaP Newsletter containing information about our internal and external events as well as news and updates from project team members. A brand new video of the Eastern Partnership countries will be presented during the breaks between plenaries. Don’t miss our EaP workshop “Democracy on the Move”! If you are interested in the EaP or you want to learn more about cultural heritage and traditions of the EaP countries, if you are motivated enough to take part in our project, then find any of our project team members and they will be happy to answer your questions! Representatives Our project has one of the biggest project teams in AEGEE, but at the Fair stand you will see our two active members Adrian Browarczyk (AEGEE-Poznan) and Anne Stikkers (AEGEE-Groningen), who will gladly present you all our events, aims and of course will tell you everything about our future activities.


Health4Youth We want to use this opportunity to be at the Fair to shine as a new, fresh initiative in AEGEE. With our attractive logo, cool PR material and healthy enthusiasm we want to show you who we are and mainly what we will do. Next to that, we will introduce a health pyramid, which is at the same time an interactive game. Stop by at our stand (of course attracted by our awesome team walking around the Fair) and try to estimate what is health for you! In the end, the pyramid will be complete and you can have a healthy treat. Come and stop by to see active, sparkling and healthy AEGEEans! The Health4Youth project is aiming to improve the lifestyle of students, but not in the boring I-will-tell-you-what-to-do way. Health can be a very fun topic, if you know how to discuss, share experience, talk about it and combine it with cool and attractive activities. Our team is composed of a healthy mix from all over Europe, from Spain to Estonia and from Netherlands to Greece, and everyone is welcome. Matthijs and Mayri, both experienced members of AEGEE, will be at the Fair sharing their enthusiasm, experience and knowledge, but be sure to spot the other team members as well, since they are just alike!


Youth UnEmployment The “European School of Entrepreneurship: Green Entrepreneurs� is a project established in order to increase youth employability, stimulate the mobility of youth and their active participation in society while helping them to understand how they are going to create businesses in a sustainable way. It took place in Santander, Spain, lasted 7 days and gathered 24 young Europeans from different countries wishing to use their skills and ideas effectively to get into enterprise by protecting the nature in the first place. In fact, it aimed at equipping young people with a complete overview of how to start up their own business by understanding the idea of sustainability and entrepreneurship, project management skills and organizational management skills (like FR,PR,HR). Participants were young people who wish to start their own green business in order to sustain their living and help other young people by creating new businesses. ESE consisted of a range of theoretical workshops and practical case studies. In 2010, under the framework of the Youth Employment Action Consortium, AEGEE-Europe launched the Youth UnEmployment project which aims at helping young people aged between 18 and 30 to increase their employability. The project wants to tackle the problem of youth trade-off between academic experiences and labour market with implementing a series of activities that will help young people to increase their employability and will lobby for the recognition of voluntary work and non-formal education as work experience. YuE project is represented at the Agora Fair by Turgut Tosun. Turgut became a member of AEGEE in 2007. During the last 5 years, he has organised and participated in many events inside and outside AEGEE. He believes that his learning process will never end.


European Day of Languages Europe is a continent with a huge linguistic variety, including many regional and minority languages. Learning each other’s language is crucial for mutual understanding. Since its foundation, AEGEE has been involved in projects related to languages and intercultural learning. By celebrating the European Day of Languages, we promote the rich cultural heritage of Europe and foster mutual understanding among different language communities all over Europe, with a special focus on young people. At our stand at the AEGEE Fair in Budapest, you can find ideas and materials to help you organise an EDL event in your own antenna. This year, the action day in AEGEE will be on the 22nd of November. Additionally, you can take part in our Europan Language Quiz to test your knowledge about European languages. At the Agora in Budapest, the EDL team will propose the creation of a Language Working Group in AEGEE. If you are interested in joining this new working group, please appproach our stand. Our project wants to motivate the European youth to learn different languages, especially the not very common ones. Apart from the activities during the EDL itself, the team promotes multilingualism and language learning during other AEGEE events like Agorae and SUs. As our activities have become broader than just the EDL action day, we propose the creation of a Language WG in Budapest. The EDL team will be represented by 3 people at tbe Agora: Nadia (AEGEE-Berlin), Gülçin (AEGEE-Izmir) and Natalia (AEGEE-Wien)



Summer University Coordination Team At the AEGEE Fair we would like to bring the Summer University Project closer to the rest of the Network. Everyone will have the possibility to find out more about the aspects of the project they have most interest in. So if you’re inexperienced within AEGEE we’ll tell you what a Summer University is and how to join it. If you went to a Summer University this summer, you can share comments with us about your experience and ask us anything you would like to know. Finally, if you’re a Summer University organiser, we’ll give you useful hints and guidelines. Moreover, we’d like to present the upcoming Summer University Project School taking place in Ljubljana this autumn. Last SUPS in Kraków was a huge success, with most of the participants enthusiastically joining AEGEE activities afterwards and already using their newly acquired skills in practice. We are sure that the next edition will create even more motivated and competent AEGEE members! Finally, we are going to present the winning pictures from the Photo Contest that is currently running and the evaluations of the Summer Universities of 2012. Therefore, if you want to know more about the oldest and best AEGEE project, if you have some questions or suggestions, or even if you’re thinking about joining the next SUCT – don’t hesitate to approach us in Budapest! The Summer University Coordination Team is made up of four AEGEE members, elected at the Autumn Agora, plus one appointed member from the Comité Directeur. The SUCT is responsible for the good functioning and development of the project during one year. Throughout this period, various tasks are being carried out: from approving Summer Universities registered by AEGEE locals to publishing PR materials and printing the booklet that includes information about all Summer Universities. Moreover, the SUCT helps Summer University organisers, by providing them with advice on how to organise such an event successfully, and informs future participants about the application procedure and the general concept of AEGEE Summer Universities.


Higher Education Days What is my diploma worth? How should I profit from everything I learnt even if I have no certificate? How to improve the Bologna process? Should we improve the Bologna process? What should we do to make education better? What can I do to make my higher eduation better? What are the differences between various universities? Why are there differences in quality between the education systems? How to make the quality of my education better? Do you have these kinds of questions? Do you also feel we MUST do something? Than do not hesitate to look for us at the Agora fair, and you will get all the answers to your questions! Moreover, you can share your opinion about them. We can achieve our aim only with you and your ideas. Education defines our everyday life, since this is the base pillar of our future. Let’s make it better together! Let’s make our future together! Shake Your HED with us! Higher Education Days Project aims to improve higher education by strengthening students’ voice and striving for the recognition of the non-formal education. HED intends to reach out to students and enable and encourage them to have a greater influence on the decision-making process concerning higher education. It postulates the need of including students as co-creators and partners in the delivery and governance of their learning experiences. The project focuses mainly on the different national education systems, the implementation of the Bologna process and the recognition of the non-formal education.


Culture Working Group The Culture Working Group prepared for you a mix of fun and learning to show you during the Agora Fair. First and foremost,you will be informed on who we are, and what are our past and ongoing projects. “Melting the Iceberg”, “AEGEE Capital of Culture”, or “Culture Action Days” will hopefully become familiar terms after you visit our stand. What is your general knowledge of all the countries and cultures present in AEGEE? Find it out with us by solving our Culture Quiz, and if you solve all the questions... we might have a surprise in store for you. Or we might also challenge you to emphasize the cultural value of your city, by making you to take our Culture Action Days exercise. But we are not going to reveal more! We will be expecting you at the Agora Fair and you will find out everything by yourself! The Culture Working Group is a place where anyone can fit in, because culture is everywhere around us, in every country, region or city. We actually are a multicultural team, with members from such countries as Spain, Italy, Romania, Holand, Hungary, Turkey, Russia, Germany, and not only. The stand will be assisted by Daniela Gancea (AEGEE-Timisoara), fairly new but definitely promising member, Sergio Recuero (AEGEE-Madrid), our very friendly HR Responsible, and Alexandra Vilcu (AEGEE-Milano), the Speaker of the Working Group.


Education Working Group Come to the Education Working Group (EWG) stand and discover what the Eurpean level of AEGEE can offer you in the educational field. At our table, you will be able to check and take some of the flyers of the AEGEE-Europe Working Groups, get to know more about EWG activities and plans, as well as receive information about educational and mobility programs (what does the EU can offer you as a student?). You can also find there people of the new AEGEE project about Students’ Mobility (selected as Flagship Topic at the last Agora), which is aimed at bringing all the students and young people in Europe and neighborhood countries the possibility to take part in mobility programs. We’ll have some games related to education. If you come and participate in our games, you will have the chance to learn in a fun way and, what is more important, if you succeed in the game you will get a reward: traditional sweets from different parts of Europe! Remember this: EWG is the sweetest WG, look for our stand at the AEGEE Statutory meetings and we’ll feed you in the most tasty way. EWG is the meeting point for AEGEE members interested in European integration in the field of Higher Education and who would like to contribute to its development. We work in such fields as: students mobility, Bologna Process, Higher Education systems in Europe, Lifelong learning and Recognition of Non-Formal Educaton. We do it by having discussions to exchange ideas and opinions, initiating new projects and providing thematic support to the Network in educational issues. Lilly Buyukliyska, from AEGEE-Sofia, will be at the EWG stand.


Sports Working Group What is the Sports Working Group? This might be the first question that comes into your mind when you read the initials SWG. You might have even read about us in The AEGEEan and you are still not sure what this SWG is. The AEGEE fair is here to change that because at Agora Budapest you will have the opportunity to meet the Sports Working Group at our stand where we will tell you all about our creation, our projects such as implementing sports in Summer Universities, making sports become a greater part of non-formal education, organizing the AEGEE Olympics and arranging sporting AEGEE events in connection with the European MOVE week and more. The new Sports Working Group is ready, full of creativity and we can better show then tell you this when you get the opportunity to play AEGEE twister during the AEGEE fair. Want to join us? Want to make sports become a greater part of AEGEE? Then come and meet us, and hear about the opportunities at the Fair. Energize with us in Budapest! The Sports Working Group board is new and full of motivation; ready to meet you in Agora Budapest. Newly elected PR Responsible Sabina Begic will be at the AEGEE fair stand together with FR Responsible Ozgun Kaplama, who will help you with playing AEGEE twister and answer all the questions you might have about sports in AEGEE.


Environmental Working Group The Environmental Working Group (EnWG) of AEGEE focuses on the topics of sustainability, environment, and responsibility towards nature and its resources. In AEGEE, we support the sustainable organisation of events, we cooperate with organisers of green events and activities on environmental topics, such as the Green Summer Universities, and we try to raise awareness of our main topics by giving workshops or coordinating activities like the European Day of Environment (EDE). During the Agora, there will be a workshop on the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) on Ending Ecocide in Europe. If all goes well, the petition connected to this campaign will already be open for signing at our stand, along with plenty of information on the topic and about the workshop. Given its popularity after being presented at the Agora Enschede Fair, the Ecological Footprint survey will be available once more for members to fill out, thereby allowing them to learn more about the impact of their day-to-day lifestyle on the planet. Apart from that, we will provide general information on the EnWG, e.g. how to become a member, possibilities of getting more involved or taking more responsibility, and further green activities. Representatives: Mathieu Soete Hans-Peter Bretz


Human Rights Working Group Human rights violations are a hot topic in contemporary Europe. A topic that a lot of people consider important and that needs to be solved. But what exactly is going on? And what can you do? What does the HRWG do? All these questions are valid questions, and unfortunately, impossible to answer briefly. But if you want to know more, then do not miss out on our table at the AEGEE Fair! This Agora, our main focus will be on xenophobia and the situation of refugees in Europe, and we will provide you with a lot of information about it at the Fair, including an interesting documentary. Besides this, we will be able to show you what the HRWG focuses on and what our plans for the upcoming year are! And if after that you’re still interested… you can sign up and join! We hope to see you there! Representatives Even though the HRWG has been in AEGEE for quite some time, it has also been MISSING for a while, and at the end of 2011, a group of AEGEE members decided that they wanted it back! And that is exactly what we did: at Agora Enschede we got it back! The current board-members of the HRWG are: Maria Arends (AEGEE-Groningen) – Speaker Aleksandra Ivanovska (AEGEE-Skopje) – Secretary Niklas Vaalgamaa (AEGEE-Helsinki) – HR Responsible Marine Betrancourt (AEGEE-Lyon) – PR Responsible Stand Managers: Niklas & Maria, two happy, energetic people, with a professional, but entertaining style, will be there to answer all your questions!


Visa Freedom Working Group Is AEGEE the key to Europe? Yes! But, sometimes, it is not that easy to open this heavy door called borders. Why? Because for some AEGEEans it is needed first to get this key, which is usually called visa. For some members, visa is a ticket to the world of friends, travelling, projects and opportunities – the world of AEGEE, which we call home. We will play an interesting game and quiz with you, which will let you know more about visa issues, you will get to know that sometimes it can be even a challenge to attend an AEGEE event, what is visa and is it really so hard to get it, that it is a long chain consisted of many parts. Also videos about invisible borders, our activities and other information are waiting for you. Let’s fight together for opportunities and freedom ! Together we can make more! Visa Freedom Working Group of AEGEE Europe believes in borderless Europe without visas! Because we want to travel from one country to another freely and without problems just when we feel like sleeping in our own beds after a rough party in a foreign country. Please, take this as a motivation and fight with us for those unlucky, the same AEGEEans like you, who cannot. We are taking part in AEGEE Fairs of AGORAe, we give workshops and presentations at AGORAe, EBMs, SUs, Training Courses, in Local Antennae etc. Step by step we are achieving our aims, and believe that all these small victories can change a lot! VFWG will be presented by Anna Kotovych (AEGEE-Kyiv) Jana Pokorná (AEGEE-Praha/AEGEE-Istanbul) When we stand together, we can achieve more! Join and strive with us!


AEGEE-Valletta AEGEE-Valletta is very proud to organise the EBM next February, and the EBM is the reason why the board decided to go for the stand at this upcoming AGORA in Budapest. Now, we would like to proudly present you our main theme which is going to be: “The Future of Europe: Preserving the Present, Saving the Future!“ How will the economic situation develop, what is the future of our education, our nations, our citizens? How will we save ourselves? These are some of the questions that we will be trying to answer during the EBM, because after all, what will be the outcome of this conference, will also be the ideal which AEGEE-Europe has to follow. We are going to discuss together the real situation, the real possibilities of the future of Europe, which right now seems uncertain. The main organising team has already started preparations, while in the following weeks it will continue to work in order to organise an amazing conference! We are also proud to say that his Excellency, the President of Malta, has given us his patrimony! At our stand we will be there to promote the EBM, and also answer any question that any of the lucky Agora participants would like to ask. We will also be giving out some AEGEE-Valletta merchandise, and any information about our amazing island of Malta that you might be interested in. We believe that the fact that the island of Malta is in the middle of the Mediterranean, as some say at the core of the world, it hkis a good metaphor to compare that we, as people and as Europeans, need to solve each and every problem back to its core, and in the current situation of the European Union, that is what we must do, go back to the very beginning of every problem. We, therefore, hope to see you in Valletta, in Malta, for the EBM 2013, we hope to see you in Budapest, and as the say in Maltese “Narawkom!” The 2 stand presenters are Bernice Saliba and Rebecca Muscat. Along with the rest of the AEGEE-Valletta team, we are happy to come to Budapest!


The AEGEEan Did you know that there is an AEGEE magazine for our internal communication? No?! Time to get to know us! The AEGEEan team will be happy to answer all your questions. You like to find out if you have the right skills to be a journalist? - Come to our stand, we have the answers for you. Have you heard of The AEGEEan Choice Awards? - At the next Spring Agora new awards will be conferred. Therefore we need you! Give us your suggestions for the categories you like to have voted upon next time. Do you already know all candidates for the positions at the European level? – No? Come and get your candidates booklet at our stand! Have you already written an article for The AEGEEan? - Come to our stand and become famous in the Network. You don’t know what to bring home from the Agora Budapest? Come and take thevchance of a unique memory photo shooting by professional photographers, so you will never forget your stay at the Agora Budapest. We are waiting for you! The AEGEEan is the AEGEE’s first online magazine responsible for informing the Network about organised events, people in the Network, work of the Comité Directeur and the Working Groups, projects and much more! The magazine just turned one year old and consists of around 25 energetic journalists, proofreaders, editors, designers and IT responsible from all over Europe. We are always looking for talented writers who like to develop their skills in a passionate team. We will be happy to tell you more about us at our stand!


Key to Europe The ‘Key to Europe’ team aims at informing the Network about the recent publication of the ‘Key to Europe 2011-2012’. If you want to have a ‘Key to Europe’ come to the stand! We will hand them out and we will be happy to answer your question about this year’s edition as well as work in the ‘Key to Europe’ team in general. Do you like writing or correcting texts? Are you a good photographer and you like to share your work? Everyone who likes to be part of the team next year should come and have a chat with one of the team members to find out what kind of positions are available and what kind of work is required. Furthermore come to us if you have any feedback to this year’s edition. We would be happy to hear your opinion, so the team next year can make the magazine even better! What are you waiting for? The ‘Key to Europe’ is AEGEE’s only annual published magazine focusing on giving an overview of the last years’ activities and projects. Besides an overview of the structure of AEGEE and its thematic fields, there is an Events Calendar with many articles about events organised by the Network. This year over 20 people from all over the Network tried their best to make this year’s edition even better than last year. Did we succeed? Come and find out. The stand will be presented by Andra Toma, who was editor of this year’s edition, as well as the editor-in-chief, Stephanie Müller.


Liaison Officers For the first time, Liaison Officers will present their work at the AEGEE fair. Many members don’t understand what exactly a Liaison Officer does, as well as the links we have with some of the biggest world organisations. At our stand you will get all the information on our work and the institutions we are linking with AEGEE. These are: United Nations (UN), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), World Bank, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and European Youth Forum (YFJ). They are some of the biggest stakeholders of AEGEE and it is important that we have a say in all the activities these organisations have, connected with students and youth in general. If you wonder what has been done lately, where AEGEE has been represented and how we are strenghtening the voice of youth in Europe and the world - come to our stand! Representatives Liaison Officers are linking AEGEE to some of the biggest organisations in the world whose activities are of big importance for the work of AEGEE. The work of OSCE is being followed by Alin, a law student from AEGEE-Wien. World Bank and OECD are linked with AEGEE through Frederich from AEGEE-Mannheim. This is his second term in this position. Andrea is as well continuing his great work as Liaison Officer towards UN and UNESCO. European Youth Forum as the biggest youth platform of Europe will be followed by Marko from AEGEE-Zagreb.


Comité Directeur The stand of the Comité Directeur 2012/2013 will present several initiatives that members can take part in. We will provide information and a place for sharing your opinions about the „AEGEE Identity” process, the series of consultations aiming at defining the identity of the association as well as setting the direction that AEGEE will take in the future. It is not only the future of AEGEE you can shape, though. You and your local can take part in the „Europe on Track” project that aims to gather the opinions of young Europeans around the continent about Europe which they want for the future. Another project that will be launched by AEGEE-Europe concerns the European Parliament elections. Visit our stand to get more information about becoming part of this major initiative. You can also get information about the Social Responsibility Fund and the work of the Policy Officers. Representatives The Comité Directeur is the board of directors of AEGEE, a team of full-time volunteers living and working in Brussels. We will be looking forward to meet you in Budapest at our stand!


Action Agenda Coordination Team Do you want to contribute to AEGEE’s thematic world? The Strategic Plan and the Action Agenda are your guidelines how to improve your local or international events. You can be more ACTive, you can ACTivate other members. How to ACT in Budapest? Come to our desk, learn more about the Action Agenda. Representatives The ACT team members have come this term even closer to the Network now working as Subcommissioners of different Network Commissioners. Roland Papp from AEGEE-Budapest will be greeting you at the Fair at the ACT stand, and Patricia Anthony from AEGEE-København will be at the stand occasionally as well to help to increase your knowledge about ACT.

We want to meet you and we hope that you feel the same way!


Working on this booklet has brought us, the AEGEE fair managers of Agora Budapest, closer together as a team, closer to the stands and closer to the Network in general. Once again, it has confirmed that the delight of having motivated team members helping you out on such a project is priceless! Thank you Sygrit Andringa and Anna Gots for providing your help, enthusiasm and experience, which were a huge help in the organisation of the fair. Thank you presenters! First of all, we would like to thank various Working Groups, Project Teams, Commissions and locals who took the time to apply for the AEGEE fair and took the time to work on contributing with an abstract about their presentation for this booklet. This time the presenters had an understanding of the vision and completed their mission going beyond the expectations once again. Thank you proofreaders! I would like to thank Olga Iatsyna, Antonija Parat, Aska Strycharz and Cristina Chismore for helping out with proofreading all the contributions, assuring that the content is communicated to our Network in the best way possible. They once again volunteered to help with proofreading the content for the booklet, while being active proofreaders for The AEGEEan at the same time. These members deserve much more than a thank you, because their contribution to the booklet is equally as important as any other. Thank you designers! The Public Relations Committee works hard with helping the Network every single day. The AEGEE fair booklet for Agora Enschede was greeted with much praise, so it was obvious that the success should be continued before Agora Budapest. Once again, the PRC has impressed us with their work, and we would like to use this opportunity to thank the whole PRC and especially Réka Salamon for completing the booklet, dedicating many hours of her spare time to do so. Thank you PRC and thank you Reka. Once again, you amazed us with your work! We hope that the Network will enjoy the booklet as much as we do! The only thing left to say now is:

AEGEE Fair: November 1st 14:30 – 16:30

Best regards, Patricia Anthony & Szabina Hellinger Your AEGEE ”Fairies” AGORA Budapest 2012

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