3 minute read


Written by Maike Schulte Member of AEGEE-Bamberg

We chose our annual theme because colours are important to us. They describe the diversity in and out of our organisation, they are representative of our open-minded attitude and they accompany every event, local and member in different ways. We asked these members which colour they associate with AEGEE and why.


When I think about the colours of AEGEE the main ones that pop up in my mind are three: red, blue and green. Red has a romantic background, all the major events that my locals hosted, from Summer University to Agora Catania 2017, had a red shirt for the Organisers. It naturally matches with love and I love my local! Blue, as in AEGEE a lot of logos are in blue. Sometimes when I have to explain to my friends what kind of blue I want I just say AEGEE blue and everybody automatically knows what I am talking about - this strong blue-identity is absolutely AMAZING! Green, besides its ideological meanings green means hope and freedom. Hope for a better EU and free to be the person you want to be. Two things I have found in AEGEE.

Gabriele Nicotra, AEGEE-Catania

If AEGEE is a colour, it would be yellow. Yellow is the colour of the sun and the sun itself is energy – the engine that keeps the earth a living organism. AEGEE is the sun for me. It gives energy to young people to feel life and have the time of their life.

Salome Kusiani, AEGEE-Tbilisi

Dark blue is my favourite colour and above all it stands for self-development and that’s what AEGEE is about for me. The association gave me the space to try myself out, to learn new skills and to get to know different cultures. All this made me the person I am today and it would not have been possible without AEGEE.

Matthias Felder, AEGEE-Bamberg

The colour I associate most with AEGEE is baby blue, exactly because it’s the colour of the sky. No matter how far we can be from one another, we still have two things in common: The sky above our heads and AEGEE. This invisible connection with one another is always there.

Rita Semchenko, AEGEE-Moskva

Green. It is the first colour that comes to my mind. It is connected with two experiences I have made in AEGEE: The first meeting outside of my local was with Europe on Track and its project colour is green. The meeting had a great influence on me and my time in the organisation. Besides that, green represents the discourse about sustainability. A very important thematic we have already developed inside of the association and we will hopefully develop even more during the following years. All of us should have the awareness of sustainability for creating a better future.

Marco Melatti, AEGEE-Torino

My favorite colour is red, AEGEE red, one of the primary colours that we use. For me it is a colour of activism, courage and willpower, but at the same time of passion and love. It can widely be used ranging from warm to resolute messages. Luckily in AEGEE we can show all those meanings with our engagement.

Wouter Boerjan, AEGEE-Eindhoven

Grey and purple: My AEGEE hoodie is grey - which our current President convinced me to buy, a pretty good investment! And I connect the colour grey with AEGEE because it is neutral and shows AEGEEs neutrality on every side, while always being there for support in its “partisan” ways. Here comes the purple shade - purple stays for empathy, future, inspiration and shows our “borderless” side.

Teodora Panus, AEGEE-Chisinau

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