Membership Fees Calculation Manual

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Membership Fees Calculation Manual

By Ander Guerrero Ruiz, Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe 2015-2016 1

Hello dear AEGEEans, Perhaps you have been wondering, how the fee of your local is calculated before each Agora, or while checking in our statutes /CIA/ you have found it too complicated! The purpose of this Manual is to explain shortly how you can do this on your own and give you some advices what to include in your data when you are making a payment to AEGEE-Europe. Let’s start! 1. How is the fee calculated? A) Submission of the member list. Before each Agora your local should submit Members list to the Network Director. You have to be really careful while submitting this list, because for each member there you will need to pay latter to AEGEE-Europe. If Members list is not submitted on time, the Financial Director makes the calculation taking into consideration the minimum of members one local should have in order not to be downgraded – 10 members; My advice is: check at least twice that these are your real members and include in the list only members that have paid to your local and the honorary members! Remember that if a member is not in the list, the member will not be able to apply to events like Agora. Be aware also the period that you are reporting! B) Height of your local fee. Your local is the exact amount of your membership fee per member and the period it is valid for. If there is no information for the Membership fee collected per member, the calculations are made for the minimum fee of 16 euro. It is perfectly fine if your local has different fees for different type of members (new members, old members, honorary members, etc.) Just include the correspondent fee to each member in the memberlist. C) Calculation of the fee. Now, we have the number of members per locals + the amount of the membership fees. The minimum fee the locals are paying to AEGEE-Europe is 25% of 16 euro per year and the maximum is 9,5% of 50 euro per year. If your local’s fee is under 16 euro, still for the calculation are taken 25% of 16 euro. According to the CIA, if you want to have fee over 50 euro, you need to provide the Financial Director with valid reasons and ask for an exception. Only after the exception is granted you can start collecting this fee. There are two ways to calculate your fees to AEGEE-Europe: -

Situation A: if your local fee is bellow 30 euro or;


Situation B: if it is more than 30 euro per member per year.


a. Situation A: If your membership fee is bellow 30 euro. This is really easy. For one year you have to pay 25% of you fee per member to AEGEE-Europe, which makes it 12,5% per Agora, as at the Agora you are paying for half a year.

Example: The fee of your local is 16 euro per year and you have 10 members. You need to calculate the fee for the term of one Agora /for half a year/. 16 euro divided by 2, multiplied by 25% makes 2€ multiplied by the amount of your members /10/, makes 20 euro fee, that you have to pay for this Agora, or = ((16/2)*25%)*10 = 2€*10 = 20 euro Here you can find the % you can use in order to calculate your membership fee: fee

percentag member e s



percenta ge

member s


16 euro



20,00 euro

23 euro

2,875 €


28,75 euro

17 euro



21,25 euro

24 euro



30,00 euro

18 euro



22,50 euro

25 euro



31,25 euro

19 euro



23,75 euro

26 euro



32,50 euro

20 euro



25,00 euro

27 euro



33,75 euro

21 euro



26,25 euro

28 euro



35,00 euro

22 euro



27,50 euro

29 euro



35,25 euro

According to your fee, you can just multiply the percentage to the amount of your members and you will receive the total amount of your local’s membership fee.


b. Situation B: If your membership fee is higher than 30 euro.

Example: AEGEE-Vaduz has membership fee of 45 euro. The first 30 euro you calculate as shown already before = ((30/2)*25%)*X, but this time you need to calculate also the remaining amount. You have to multiply everything above 30 euro to 10%, instead of 25%, as it is according to the CIA. Going back to the example, we have 15 euro left, how to calculate them:

= ((15/2)*10%), then you just sum the two percentages in this case = ((30/2)*25%)+((15/2)*10%) = 3,75€ + 0,75€ = 4,5€ and multiply the percentage with the amount of members you have, for 10 members = 45 euro. Here you can find the % you can use in order to calculate your membership fee: fee *

percent age

membe rs



percenta ge

member s


30,00 euro



37,50 euro

42,50 euro



43,75 euro

32,50 euro



38,75 euro

45,00 euro



45,00 euro

35,00 euro



40,00 euro

47,50 euro



46,25 euro

37,50 euro



41,25 euro

50,00 euro



47,50 euro

40,00 euro



42,50 euro

* These are the most common cases with membership fees above 30 euro. If your local’s fee is here you can just take the percentage; D) Other factor that may modify the final fee to AEGEE-Europe: debts and SUs applications. Now, you know how to calculate you membership fees, but you need to know that there are two extra taken into account when the calculations are made: previous debts and SU fees;


- Previous debts: these are the fees from the past, which your local have to pay to AEGEE-Europe. If your local doesn’t pay membership fee for three Agorae in a row, it could be downgraded. - SU fees: these are the fees AEGEE-Europe is collecting each Summer for every member of your local , that had applied (no matter if the applicant attended or not a SU!) for a Summer University. The amount is 2,5 euro per member. These fees are going to the budget of SUCT /Summer University Coordination Team/ for Summer University booklets and materials. The SU fees are collected at the Autumn Agora after the SU period is over.

Example. AEGEE-Sopot has: - 15 members; - local fee 20 euro; - 4 members applied for SU; - 20 euro debt from previous years Following the previous explanations first we are calculating the membership fee: -

We go back to the scheme /20 euro =2,5€/ 15 members * 2,5€ is 37,5 euro.


Then we calculate the SU fees: 4 members * 2,5 euro is 10 euro.


And last we know, that we have a debt of 20 euro.

The total amount of our local fee towards AEGEE- Europe is 37,50 euro +10 euro + 20 euro = 67,50 euro. E) Not clear enough? The Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe will calculate it for you! Few weeks before the beginning of the Agora, all locals will receive an e-mail to the email address of the intranet with all calculations. This is the reason it is very important to check regular and to update your e-mail on web page, as we are taking the data from there. If by any chance the e-mail does not arrive to your local’s mailbox, you can always contact the Financial Director for the exact amount to Now, you know how to calculate your local’s membership fee and here comes the time to make the payment to AEGEE-Europe.


F) How to pay my local’s membership fee? In the email you will receive from the Financial Director, all the steps are explained, as well with the deadline. PLEASE: follow all the instruction in the email, no matter if you are paying by bank or cash! There are two ways to make the payment: by bank transfer and to pay cash. a) By bank transfer. In the email you will receive. It will take some time until the money arrives at AEGEE-Europe’s bank account. To make sure that everything is fine and there are no misunderstandings at AEGEE-Europe’s registration desk make sure that the payment is made on time. It is really important to state in the transfer the name of the local and to send the recipt for tracking the payment of the fee. Otherwise I cannot track the payment and your local will not get the criteria and may be downgraded. b) By cash in the Agora. If your local has high bank commission or charger, you can ask to pay it the Agora in cash. Last but not least, come to the registration desk of the Agora for your receipt, as proof of payment for your local and for your accounting and Financial Report of the year. Remember you can find the bank details in HERE. For any doubt, do not hesitate to contact the or by phone to +32 2 246 03 21




Thank you very much for your time. Remember, that with the payment of

the fees, we are making possible all the Events, Projects and European Bodies activities, as well the existence of AEGEE-Europe and all the AEGEE locals around the network that are receiving the mutual services provided for all of us (logo, servers, PR materials, training… and much more!). Together, we are stronger, closer and we make our dreams come true with our AEGEE Spirit! Financially yours, The Financial Director of AEGEE-Europe.



Published: April, 2016 Author: Ander Guerrero Ruiz Comité Directeur 2015-2016 7

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