European Study Fair Booklet Zaragoza

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Autumn Agora Zaragoza 2013 ZARAGOZA, SPAIN




Dear and beloved AEGEEANS from all over Europe, As a member of the Organising Team and AEGEE and Study Fair Local Responsible of ZarAgora 2013, it is an enormous pleasure to give to all of you a warm WELCOME to our AEGEE and Study Fair. On behalf of the whole team I hope this Fair will be the final boost for all of you to get to know how wonderful and inspiring AEGEE can be, and also to wake up some interest in you about some of the best Universities in Europe. We have worked very hard with the Fair Managers to make the Fair a place to fulfill your creativity and make not only your ideas but your dreams come true. Almost every body from the European Level and a lot of important Universities will be present in the Fair, ready to be at your disposal for letting you know about their future plans and how can you help them to make them real! I really hope you all enjoy the Fair as much as we did preparing it. It has being an honor to work hard for making this Fair live up to your expectations! Olga Rivero MenĂŠndez

Dear Participants of the European Study Fair and AEGEE Fair, it is already the 6th time that we are organising this Fair to offer all kinds of opportunities to our members and other visitors. Also at the Study Fair, we have the pleasure to have some of Europe’s Top Universities represented, to introduce themselves and their programmes to you. The Study Fair aims at presenting you new opportunities and possibilities for the future, showing you what else is around besides the universities in your countries, and presenting you some of the best study programmes there are in Europe. I hope that this Fair will inspire you for your future, open your eyes and will possibly lead to new paths you can take in an international environment. I wish you a fruitful event and an inspiring Agora. On behalf of the Board of Directors of AEGEE-Europe Kathrin Renner Vice President and External Relations Director

AGENDA AUTUMN AGORA 2013 ZARAGOZA (30th of October- 3rd of November)

Thursday, 31st of October 07:00 – 08:30 Breakfast Registration AEGEE-Europe 09:00 – 11:00

Opening Plenary ++ Words of welcome ++ Presentation of the AEGEE-Europe Identity + Statement of Principles ++ Presentation of AEGEE ++ Presentation of the Spanish National Youth Council ++ Attendance list ++ Presentation of the Agenda of the Agora ++ Presentation of the list of candidates ++ Presentation of AEGEE-Europe Partners ++ Presentation of the Youth Rights Campaign ++ Motion on changing address of the AEGEE-Europe registration in France ++ Presentation of the Education First ++ Presentation of the results of the Agora online preparation process ++ Presentation for delegates on their responsibilities during the Agora and usage of the online voting system ++ Motion “Fees and free participants statutory Events” ++ Questions to the motion ++ Explanation of the voting system usage

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee break

11.30 - 13.00

Plenary ++ Activity Report of the Informational Technology Committee ++ Activity Report of the Human Resources Committee ++ Autumn Agora Zaragoza 2013 Agenda ++ Activity Report of the Events Committee ++ Questions to the Activity Reports of Committees ++ Visual Identity Manual: presentation and implementation strategy ++ Activity Report of the Environmental Working Group ++ Activity Report of the Cultural Working Group ++ Activity Report of the International Politics Working Group ++ Activity Report of the Visa Freedom Working Group ++ Activity Report of the Sports Working Group ++ Activity Report of the Human Rights Working Group ++ Questions to the Activity Reports of Working Groups ++ Impact Measurement Results Presentation ++ Activity Report of the Summer University Coordination Team ++ Questions to the Activity Report of the Summer University Coordination Team ++ Activity Report of the Eastern Partnership project ++ Activity Report of the Health4Youth project ++ Activity Report of the Europe in Exchange project ++ Members portal presentation

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch Registration AEGEE-Europe 14:00 – 16:30

AEGEE Fair + Study Fair

16:30 – 19:00

Evening Plenary ++ Presentation of the Activity Report of the Comité Directeur 2012- 2013

19:00 – 19:30

++ Questions to the Activity Report of the Comité Directeur 2012- 2013 ++ Presentation of the EBM topics ++ Questions to presented EBM topics ++ Activity Report of the Network Commission ++ Questions to the Activity Reports of the Network Commission ++ Presentation of the progress on the CIA reform ++ Activity Report of the Juridical Commission ++ Activity Report of the Mediation Commission ++ Activity Report of the Audit Commission ++ Questions to the Activity Reports of Juridical Commission, Mediation Commission and Audit Commission AEGEE Inspire

19:30 – ...

Meeting of the Network Commission with their locals

20.15 – 21.45 Dinner

Friday, 1st of November 07:00 – 08:30 Breakfast 09:00 - 10:50

Morning Plenary ++ Identity Presentation ++ Presentation of BEST ++ Research on the budget allocation for covering CD, Chair, CD guests fee for Agora - AEGEE-Enschede motion follow-up ++ Presentation of candidates for the Network Commission ++ Presentation of candidates for the Mediation Commission ++ Presentation of candidates for the Audit Commission

++ Presentation of candidates for the Summer University Coordina tion Team ++ Presentation of candidates for the position of Secretary of the Agora ++ Presentation of candidates for the position of the Chairperson/ Vice-chairperson ++ Presentation of the Questions & Answers session ++ Presentation of the prytanium of the day ++ Presentation of workshops of the day ++ Presentation of the progress meetings of the day 11:15 – 12:30 Questions and Answers Session Thematic ++ Questions to candidates for the Network Commission ++ Questions to candidates for the Summer University Coordination Team, Juridical Commission ++ Questions to candidates for Mediation Commission, Audit Commission, Secretary of the Agora, Chairperson/Vice-chairperson Progress Meeting ++ Decision-making processes in the AEGEE Workshop Session ++ Building the bridge between cultural differences! 12:30 – 14:00

Lunch AEGEE-Europe Registration

14:00 – 15:30 Prytanium ++ Change of the Visitors’ selection procedure ++ Removing the Main Fields of Action ++ An updated AEGEE Identity Workshop Session ++ EurStory: One Europe, many Stories

15:45 -17:15

17:30 – 19:30

++ In the Name of the Nation! ++ Progress Meetings ++ Finances ++ Action Agenda ++ Secretariat ++ Network Status + Clarifying the role of the member organisations in the Network Workshop Session ++ Western housewives & Eastern leaders ++ Share Europe! ++ #direngeziparkı: new media, new democracy? ++ Improve Yourself 3.0 - final edition Evening plenary ++ Question round for candidates from locals not present at the QA session ++ Presentation of the results of the progress meetings of the day ++ Presentation of the results of the prytanium of the day ++ Presentation of the Activity Plan of the Comité Directeur 2013-2014 ++ Questions to the Activity Plan of the Comité Directeur 2013-2014 ++ Presentation and ratification of the policy papers Position Paper on Combating Homophobia in Europe Position Paper on European Integration and European Neighborhood Policy Position Paper on Education for Sustainable Development Position Paper on Education for Sustainable Development Position Paper on Recognition of Volunteering Position Paper on Youth Rights ++ Proposal: Decreasing the number of financial presenta-

tions ++ Questions to the proposal ++ Proposal: Change of the term of the internal financial year ++ Questions to the proposal ++ Voting session 19:30 – ... Meeting with the potential candidates for the Comité Directeur 2014-2015 20:15 - 21:45


Saturday, 2nd of November 07:00 – 08:30 Breakfast Registration of AEGEE-Europe 09:00 - 11:00 Morning Plenary ++ Presentations of the elections results for Network Commission, Mediation Commission, Audit Commission and Summer University Coordination Team ++ Presentation of the Alumni Network concept ++ Evaluation of the Action Agenda 2012-2013 ++ Presentation of the Internal Financial Report 2012-2013 ++ Presentation of the report of the Audit Commission on the Internal Financial Report 2012-2013 ++ Questions to the Internal Financial Report 2012-2013 and Audit Report of the Financial Report 2013 ++ Presentation of the Updated Annual Budget 2013 ++ Presentation of the Intermediate Financial Report 2013 -2014 ++ Questions to the Updated Annual Budget 2013 and Intermediate Financial Report 2013-2014 ++ Presentation of the Definite Internal Budget 2013 - 2014

++ Presentation of the Provisional Annual Budget 2014 ++ Questions to the Definite Internal Budget 2013-2014 and Provisional Annual Budget 2014 ++ Presentations of the final results of the AEGEE Eastern Partnership project ++ Presentation, ratification and signing the contract for the EaP2 project ++ Presentation of the Strategic Plan 2014-2017 ++ Presentation of the methodology to be used in the group work 11:00 – 12:00

Group work for the Strategic Plan

12:00 - 13:00 Plenary ++ Presentation of the results of the group work 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Meeting of the Mediation Commission with Network Commission, Juridical Commission and Audit Commission 14:30 – 16:00 Progress Meetings ++ Human Resources Management and Strategy ++ Policy strategy ++ NFE internal validation ++ New Online Membership System

Workshop Session ++ The art of constructive disagreement ++ EuroArab Forum Theatre ++ The girl who silenced the world for five minutes ++ Health4YOUth got the Power

16:30 – 19:00

Closing plenary

++ Voting results ++ Presentation of the results of the Progress Meeting ++ Data protection policy ++ Ratification Liaison Office, Policy Officers, pool of representatives, Advisory board ++ Presentation and ratification of the Strategic Plan 20142017 ++ Presentation and ratification of the Science and Technology Working Group ++ Presentation and ratification of the EurStory ++ Working group update ++ CdA signing ++ Network update: presentation and ratification ++ Signing the contract and presentation of the EBM Lublin ++ Signing the contract with AEGEE Patra and presentation of the Agora ++ Presentation of the local organiser of the Autumn Agora 2014 ++ Commendations ++ Results of the elections of the members of the Chair Team

20:15 – 21:45 Coffee break 18:00 – 20: 00 Dinner

~ The Chair Team reserves the right of changing agenda. ~



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