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PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT The Department of Defense (DOD) has a need for visual communicators who have advanced story telling skills not gained through experience or training available within the DOD. The contractor shall provide an advanced program of instruction in advanced visual journalism. The program will consist of two concurrent courses of instruction, or programs, within the disciplines of Motion Media and Photojournalism for the DOD military students in the Visual Information (VI) and Public Affairs (PA) professions. The contract site shall be located within the Continental United States and within the contractor’s campus. The contractor must provide a statement of certifying accreditation with the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (ACEJMC). This will be a requirement for contract award. The Contractor shall provide training support including all personnel, facilities, labor, supplies, equipment, tools, materials, supervision, and other items and non-personal services necessary to teach advanced visual journalism for 32 DOD military students (hereafter referred to as Government Students) during the period of performance. The Contractor shall conduct one (1) Motion Media course of instruction for no more than 13 Government Students and (1) Photojournalism course of instruction for no more than 19 Government Students from approximately August/September to May/June to coincide with a typical university/college academic year. The Motion Media and Photojournalism programs shall be approximately 30 academic weeks in length (two 15-week semesters) and designed to start and conclude on the same dates to facilitate common reporting and detaching procedures for the Government Students. Each course will consist of five (5), three (3) credit hour classes per semester, for a total of 10 classes as defined in this Performance Work Statement (PWS). The courses shall have an individual class size no larger than 19 and no smaller than 10 Government Students as defined in this Performance Work Statement. The contractor shall perform to the standards in this contract.



The Defense Media Activity (DMA), established on October 1, 2008, is a consolidation of all media activities of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, and American Forces Information Service (AFIS). The mission of the DMA is to provide a wide variety of information products to the entire DoD family (Active, Guard, and Reserve Military Service members, dependents, retirees, DOD civilians, and contract employees) and external audiences through all available media, including: motion and still imagery; print; radio; television; Web and related emerging Internet, mobile, and other communication technologies. The mission of the Defense Information School (DINFOS) is to grow and sustain a crop of professional organizational communicators who fulfill the communication needs of military and government leaders and audiences. DINFOS goals include delivering total professional development support to organizational communicators throughout their careers, whenever and wherever needed, and becoming the DOD and Interagency center of excellence for organizational communications. To accomplish its mission, DINFOS exploits information technology, especially through its knowledge management and educational technology initiatives to produce training for real-time, worldwide, joint-Service requirements. DINFOS provides entry level, intermediate, and advanced training in the principles, techniques, and applications of public affairs, journalism, photojournalism, broadcasting, electronic imaging, broadcast systems maintenance, video production, and visual information management. Instruction is provided to officers, enlisted personnel, and civilian employees of all branches of the armed forces and other government organizations to prepare them for worldwide assignments within the Department of Defense. 1.2


1.2.1 . 1.2.2

Contract Type: The effort shall be proposed on a Firm Fixed Price Commercial Contract. Period of Performance/Place of Performance.

The Base Period of Performance is 1 July 2015 thru 30 June 2016, with an additional four (4) one-year Options. 1.2.3 Accreditation: The Contractor shall provide a statement of certifying accreditation with the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (ACEJMC). This shall be a requirement for contract award. The contractor shall be required to provide on-site support Monday through Friday within the normal working hours of the academic institution. On-site support includes a weekly minimum of 15 hours per student of face-to-face contact with instructors for discussion, demonstration and student evaluation. Overtime Requests: NONE

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Applicable documents shall be provided by the Government as required. 2. 1

DELIVERABLES (all days are calendar days unless indicated as working days) No.

Reference Paragraph
























Due Date

ACEJMC accrediting agency standing letter to Contracting Officer Representative (COR) The contractor shall provide the plan of instruction (POI) to COR for government review and approval The contractor shall provide to the COR a recommended list of equipment to be provided by the government for student use. The Contractor shall develop and maintain a Program Management Plan (PMP) The Contractor shall schedule a post-award kickoff meeting with the Government Code of Academic Ethics provided to each Government Student. Report of violation of Code of Academic Ethics by a Government Student. Honor Graduate Awards (one for Motion Media program and one for Photojournalism program). Program Completion Certificate to COR for DINFOS or DMA signature. Signed program completion certificates to Government Students. Course grades to Government Students.

Within 15 days after contract award 30 days prior to class convening date Within five (5) working days after contract award

Provide Campus Orientation Package to each Government Student. 12






Government Student recall roster to COR.

15 2.1.1


Written Complaint form procedures to each Government Student. Motion Media and Photojournalism instructional materials to include textbooks and syllabi to Government Students and COR.

Within five (5) working days after contract award Within five (5) working days after contract award First day of class Within 24 hours of violation. Upon graduation from program. 30 days prior to class graduation date. Upon graduation from program. No later than ten (10) days after last day of class. Within five (5) days of Contractor receipt of Student Information list from COR. Within seven (7) days of first day of class convening. First day of class convening. First day of class convening.

Plan of Instruction

The contractor shall provide the plan of instruction (POI) which will include the complete curricula for both programs with course titles and content (indicate course alignment with the specific training tasks), number of credit hours, textbooks and class assignments and the type of visual communication equipment necessary for the Government Students to successfully complete their coursework. The POI shall be forwarded to the government a minimum of 30 days prior to class convening date to allow for government approval of curricula and assignments. The list of recommended visual communication equipment shall be forwarded within five (5) days after contract award. 2.2

Program Management Plan

The contractor shall develop and maintain a Program Management Plan (PMP) that shall be used as the underlying foundation for technical direction, resource management, reporting and other planning, throughout the period of performance. The proposed PMP will be presented at the post-award kickoff meeting which shall be conducted within five (5) working days after contract award. The PMP shall include, as a minimum, the following, where appropriate: • •

Summarize projects, schedules, and actions taken All contractor performed tasks and subtasks including key deliverables as described in paragraph 2.1.

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• •

Contractor organizational structure that defines the assignment of duties and responsibilities for each key position such as the Dean, Head Instructors, program director(s), billing and invoicing personnel. This shall be updated as changes occur, and shall indicate primary and alternate employees performing duties in each task area. Identify concerns, issues, risks, and resolutions of identified problems or concerns. Key items (all days are calendar days unless indicated as working days)

Reference Paragraph 2.1.1 and 3.2.1 2.2

2.4 2.4 2.4 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.2 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 2.5 and 3.2.4 3.3 3.3


PMP Key Items, Schedule & Reports Provide the plan of instruction which includes synopsis of program contents listing course titles, course numbers, textbooks and class assignments to COR. Task, subtask and action completion of all deliverables as well as the PMP. Provide a draft course critique to COR for government review and approval Provide a course critique to each Government Student Provide course critique analysis and program modification recommendations to COR Mid-academic year (end of semester) student grades and academic evaluations to COR Verbal COR notification when academic deficiency or other circumstances place Government Students in danger of not completing course requirements or meeting standards. Written COR notification when academic deficiency or other circumstances place Government Students in danger of not completing course requirements or meeting standards. Course grades and class standings information to COR. Completed Student Critiques with faculty comments, analysis and recommendations to COR ACEJMC accrediting loss or probation letter to COR Course of action report to remedy loss of accreditation or placement on probation to COR.

Due Date Within five (5) days of government approval Within 30 days after contract award, at mid-academic year break and within 30 days of class graduation. Within 30 days after contract award No later than two (2) days prior to the last day of the Spring semester Within 30 days of class graduation Within 10 days of Grade / academic evaluation compilation. Within the first working day of determination of circumstance Within five (5) days of determination of circumstance. Within 21 days of grade / class standing compilation. Within 30 days of course completion. Within 14 days upon receipt of formal notification Within 30 days of formal notification of accrediting loss or probation.

Post-Award Agenda and Meeting

The Contractor shall schedule a post-award kickoff meeting with the Government within five (5) working days of the task order award. The contractor shall prepare an agenda that includes, as a minimum, an overview of project tasks, transition issues, course development and operational initiatives, security requirements, and any other logistics issues. 2.4

Government Student Critique

The Contractor shall draft a course critique for each course and forward to the COR for review and approval within 30 days after the contract award. The Contractor shall administer the approved course critique (see paragraph 3.2.1) to each Government Student no later than two days prior to the last day of the Spring semester. The critiques shall be administered by the Head Instructor who shall retain them until final grades are posted. Student critique comments will not be considered in determining final grades. 2.5 Government Student Critique Final No later than 30 calendar days after each class graduation, the Contractor shall review all Government Student critiques, prepare a written analysis of each course, using Government Student critiques and instructor observations

Page 4 of 12 and comments, and provide recommendations for improvement to the POI. The analysis and recommendations will be provided to the COR within 30 days of program completion. 3.0





Motion Media Course

The contractor shall provide advanced courses in Motion Media to Government Students. The course of study shall include, but not be limited to, such topics as media relations, video camera operations, electronic news gathering, communication law and ethics, the history of journalism, location lighting, non-linear editing, script writing, sound and location audio recording techniques, story research, emerging multimedia and broadcast technologies, video transmission technologies, and the analysis of historical and contemporary styles in the motion media and visual storytelling industry. The Contractor shall provide an advanced course of instruction in Motion Media to meet the objectives using a Government-provided Training Task Inventory (attachment 1) as guidance in course development to: • • •

Enable Government Students to produce broadcast quality documentary, news reporting, production video and multimedia assignments independently or as a member of a team by applying current and emerging technology. Conduct research essential to the development of a logical story-telling process using broadcast media and multimedia. Use critical thinking skills to develop and implement visual communication strategies and products to meet communication objectives.

The curriculum should immerse Government Students in convergence media practices. Final project will be combined multimedia effort from both Motion Media and Photojournalism classes encompassing all aspects of emerging technologies in multimedia, digital still and video photography, graphics, and web design, to include journalistic products that support those mediums. 3.1.2

Photojournalism Course

The contractor shall provide advanced courses in Photojournalism to Government Students. The course of study shall include, but not be limited to, such topics as media relations, still camera operations, controlled and uncontrolled and field lighting, multiple electronic flash use, news gathering, news and feature writing, multimedia (including video), audio, graphics, web development, communication law and ethics, the history of journalism, story research, convergence media practices and technologies, and visual storytelling, and the analysis of historical and contemporary styles in the motion media and visual storytelling industry. The Contractor shall provide an advanced course of instruction in Photojournalism to meet the objectives using a Government-provided Training Task Inventory (attachment 2) as guidance in course development to: • • •

Enable students to produce strong, story-telling photographs and written stories accompanied with accurate caption data independently and as a member of a team by applying current and emerging technology. Apply concepts of desktop publishing and Multimedia programs to produce picture stories, feature pictures and story-telling multimedia products suitable for internal and external release. Use critical thinking skills to develop and implement visual communication strategies and products to meet communication objectives.

The curriculum should immerse Government Students in convergence media practices. Final project will be combined multimedia effort from both Motion Media and Photojournalism classes encompassing all aspects of emerging technologies in multimedia, photography, digital video, graphics, and web design, to include journalistic products that support those mediums. 3.2

Detail Tasks:


Before Courses:

The Contractor shall develop a proposed course critique for Government COR approval.

Page 5 of 12 The following notice shall be placed at the top of each critique form: "Your objective participation in critiquing this course is essential to ensuring the best advanced training is provided to future classes. Upon completion, this critique will be held by the Head Instructor who will arrange for staff analysis and suggestions prior to forwarding all critiques of this course to the Government COR. This analysis will be conducted after all professors submit grades. Your critique comments will not be a factor in computing your grades." The critique shall include, at a minimum, questions regarding each course's content and reference materials, adequacy of the classrooms, laboratory spaces, video and camera equipment, editing equipment; as well as an opportunity to comment on instructional faculty and support services. The Contractor shall provide all proposed changes to the course critique to the COR for review at least 30 calendar days prior to it being administered. The COR shall have a minimum of seven (7) calendar days to approve or disapprove the initial course critique or subsequent changes thereto. The Contractor shall develop an advanced course of instruction in Motion Media and Photojournalism to meet the objectives using a Government-provided Training Task Inventory (attachment 1 and 2) as guidance in course development to: •

DINFOS will conduct a Training Task Selection Board (TTSB) every three years and an In Process Review (IPR) as required. Results and approved changes to the Training Task Inventory (TTI) will be provided to the Contractor for review and implementation.

The Contractor shall provide one copy of an annual synopsis of the course contents listing course titles, course numbers, textbooks, and class assignments to the Government COR within 30 days of the class commencement date. The Contractor shall provide an intensive seminar/lecture (minimum of 40 hours of classroom instruction) in the fundamentals of English grammar and diagnostics to all Government Students as preparation for the two semesters of classroom experience. Essentials of effective study procedures shall also be covered to include proper note taking and highlighting disciplines and meaningful contributions to classroom discussion. Proper time management disciplines shall also be covered. Students shall also be given basic instruction in the use and familiarization of provided computers and software applications. The Government shall provide the initial and the final authority and approval for all tasks. The Contracting Officer must approve all changes prior to their implementation by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit a written request to the Contracting Officer for any proposals that will make a change to the foregoing Government Student support. The Contractor shall provide COR a recall roster of all Government Students to include names, addresses and phone numbers once the Government Students have obtained housing in the area. 3.2.2

During Courses:

Government Students will be expected to adhere to the following Code of Academic Ethics. The COR shall provide a written copy of the following "Code of Academic Ethics" to the Contractor for delivery to the Government Students no later than the first day of class. CODE of ACADEMIC ETHICS As a Government student, I will: • • • • •

Perform in a professional manner at all times Always put forth my best, original effort Render, to the best of my ability, assignments that are accurate, complete and free of errors Attribute all credible sources Generate work that is fair and unbiased

The Contractor shall advise the Government COR immediately of any Government Student behavior or conduct inconsistent with the Code of Academic Ethics.

Page 6 of 12 The Contractor shall notify the COR initially by telephone, and in writing within five (5) days, at any time during the course when academic deficiencies or other circumstances place a Government Student in danger of not completing course requirements or meeting course standards. The Contractor shall provide the COR one copy of a written mid-course (end of fall semester) student academic evaluation for each course taught not later than ten working days after the mid-course break. The evaluations shall contain an indication of each Government Student’s overall course grade for all work accomplished throughout the first half of each course and any comments deemed pertinent by the Contractor regarding the Government Student’s academic progress or deficiencies. The Contractor shall administer the approved course critique to each Government Student no later than the next to the last day of the course. Critiques shall be administered by the Head Instructor who shall retain them until final grades are posted. Student critique comments will not be considered in determining final grades. The Contractor shall prepare all certificates, with appropriate Contractor signature(s) and provide them to the Government COR no later than 30 calendar days before graduation to allow adequate time for appropriate DINFOS review and signature. 3.2.3

End of Course:

The Contractor shall devise an objective selection method to determine a rank order for the Government Student graduates. The Contractor shall prepare at least one award for the Motion Media program “Honor Graduate” and one award for the Photojournalism program “Honor Graduate” under the terms of this Contract for the "Honor Graduates". The Contractor shall provide all certificates and/or the other appropriate forms(s) of recognition of program completion, suitable for framing, bearing the names of the Contractor for all Government Student graduates. The Contractor shall prepare all certificates, with appropriate Contractor and DINFOS or DMA signature(s) and provide them to the Government COR no later than 30 calendar days before graduation to allow adequate time for appropriate DINFOS review and signature. The Contractor will provide copies and transcripts of all final grades to each student at graduation and a copy of the final grades to the COR within 15 days of course completion. . 3.2.4

After Class Actions:

The Contractor shall mail individual Government Student final grades along with final academic products (i.e., final tests, research papers, copies of class projects in print or electronic format) to Government Students not later than 21 days after the graduation day of each program at no additional cost to the Government. No later than 30 calendar days after each class graduation, the Contractor shall review all Government Student critiques, prepare a written analysis of each course, using Government Student critiques and instructor observations and comments, and provide recommendations for improvement to the POI. Within 30 calendar days of each program graduation, the Contractor shall mail the COR copies of each Government Student critique along with the written analysis and proposals for improvement. The Contractor shall provide all course grades and Top Graduate information for the Motion Media and Photojournalism programs no later than ten (10) calendar days after course graduation date with a letter containing final course grade(s) for the completed program no later than 21 days after the last day of the academic year to the COR. 3.3

Objectives: Special Qualifications

The faculty personnel used as instructors under the terms of the contract shall have advanced degrees in motion media, photojournalism, multimedia and broadcast journalism (as appropriate to the courses they instruct) or related fields. Key instructional staffs are identified as follows: Head Instructor for the Motion Media Program.

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Although doctorate degrees are preferred, it is acceptable for key contract instructors to have master’s degrees in motion media, broadcast journalism or related fields of study.

Head Instructor for the Photojournalism Program. •

Although doctorate degrees are preferred, it is acceptable for key contract instructors to have master’s degrees in photojournalism, visual communication, journalism, multimedia, graphic arts or related fields of study.

All key instructional staff must be full-time faculty, certified and approved by the appropriate department to teach in that discipline. As part of their proposal, the contractor shall provide resumes for all key instructional staff. Non-key instructional personnel shall have a bachelor’s degree in their field of instruction or eight years working experience in their field of instruction. The Contractor shall immediately notify the COR should substitution of key instructional staff become necessary. Personnel considered, as substitutes of key personnel must meet the requirements listed above. Substitution of key instructional staff requires an amendment to this contract. Contractor-proposed professors and faculty shall have demonstrated their availability for teaching and advising students at the time of contract award. Their availability and interest in teaching under the terms of the Contract shall be certified in this proposal. Contractor-proposed teaching assistants, graduate assistants and part-time instructors shall not be considered as fulfilling the faculty requirements under the terms of this contract. They may be utilized as student liaison or advisors. Contract instructors shall adjust their teaching methods accordingly to accommodate Government Student level and background. The Contractor shall provide a common list of terms and definitions planned for use in each course to all Government Students and the COR on or before their first day of class. The Contractor shall provide a statement of certifying accreditation with the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (ACEJMC). This shall be a requirement for contract award. This statement shall include, but is not limited to: First year accredited by ACEJMC Last year accredited by ACEJMC Programs that are currently accredited If the Contractor loses accreditation with ACEJMC during the performance of the Contract, the Government may consider this ground for default. The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer through the COR, in writing, within ten (10) working days of the loss of accreditation or a placement on probation by ACEJMC. Within 30 calendar days of such notification, the Contractor shall provide a written report to the COR as to the course of action to remedy loss or proposed loss of accreditation ACEJMC. 3.4

Additional Requirements

The Contractor shall provide support Monday through Friday and weekends as part of what the normal class schedules dictate. The Contractor shall provide Government Students with additional help and tutoring if required or needed due to sickness resulting in missed classes. The Contractor shall report to the COR all mishaps occurring during the execution of the contract if they result in personal injury, Government property damage, or financial loss to the Government. The Contractor shall support the Government in the mishap investigation. The contractor is not authorized to release any classified / privacy act information to any activity or person, without the government permission from the COR.

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Government Furnished Property, Equipment, and Services



The Government shall provide visual communication equipment to include various still photographic and video equipment, such as cameras, lenses, electronic flashes, multimedia editing laptop computers including non-linear editing and other software, microphones, and tripods, which will be used by the Government Students for this program of study. A specific equipment inventory will be provided upon contract award. The Government will provide student equipment with five (5) days of class convening date. Contractor will be responsible for signing for all government furnished equipment. Contractor will be responsible for sub-hand receipting equipment to the end user. Contractor will report any lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed property to the government immediately upon discovery. 4.1.1 The Government will provide a Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR), Government Task Leader and Government Students for the courses. 4.1.2 The Government staff will consist of one Officer who functions as the DINFOS COR. The COR will perform liaison duties with the Contractor, to include responding to Contractor questions on technical, logistical and, administrative needs for Government Students. The COR will be assigned to these duties for the entire contract period, unless military assignment or change in duty status precludes such assignment.


Contractor Furnished Items and Services

5.1 General: Except for those items specifically stated to be Government furnished in Part 4, the contractor shall furnish everything required to perform this PWS. 5.1.1 At a minimum, the Contractor shall provide the COR support during the COR’s scheduled site visits. Visits will normally take place during three-day periods with class convening, at mid-term/semester and at course graduation. The COR may provide the Contractor with advance notice of a Site Visit or visit unannounced. If prior notification is given, the Contractor shall forward a proposed itinerary to the COR to assist in observing classes, meeting with Government Students and faculty. Additional support shall consist of access to an office space and services similar to that provided to other full-time departmental staff personnel of the Contractor and shall, at a minimum, meet the following requirements: • • •

Office or work-space must be located near the Course Coordinator and the classroom(s) being used by Government Students. COR shall be provided convenient access to a personal computer with internet access, printer, copier, and fax. Provide a parking pass/validate parking for the duration of the COR’s visit.

5.1.2 The Contractor shall provide dedicated military only student office / lounge, training and storage spaces to meet the following minimum square footage requirements. All spaces will have controlled access. • • •

Office/Lounge Video Editing/Multimedia computer work area Dedicated military spaces must be available to assigned students for 24 hour 7 day a week access.

5.1.3 The Contractor shall assign as a primary responsibility a program manager / course coordinator to administrate the military Motion Media and Photojournalism courses of instruction. 5.1.4

Housing and Meals.

The Contractor is not responsible for Housing and Meals. Government Students are ordered to this course under Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders. They are entitled to draw Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) to pay for housing and meals. They shall have the option to apply for housing through the Contractor or through off campus agents. Government Students shall be charged the same rates for Contractor housing and meals as other Contractor students. 5.1.5 Upon selection of Government Students by DOD, the COR shall provide the Contractor with a list of names, social security numbers, and current addresses of Government Students. Within five days of receiving this list, the Contractor shall then mail Government Students the following: Housing Information, to include rates,

Page 9 of 12 location, unit specifications (Government Students attending these courses will require information on married students as well as dormitory student housing offered by the Contractor); applications for Contractor student housing as well as general information on off-campus housing adjacent to the Contractor’s location; information on Contractor provided meal services, to include location, serving hours, and meal prices. The Contractor will provide a Campus Orientation Package to each Government Student. 5.1.6 Housing (which includes electric, gas, sewer, telephone, trash, and water) and meals are the only area of the contract where Government Students will be expected to conduct contractual matters with contractor or private agents on an individual basis. 5.1.7 The Contractor shall provide COR a roster of all Government Students to include names, addresses and phone numbers once the Government Students have obtained housing in the area. 5.2 Classroom Requirements: 5.2.1 The Contractor shall provide classroom support, within the hosting academic department, to include instructors, administrative personnel, all technical course equipment, and facilities for the duration of each course. 5.2.2 Contract classroom support shall be provided for all courses, seminars, and scheduled meetings for Government Students as part of each course. 5.2.3 Contract classrooms shall be located within the hosting department and conveniently located near the other Motion Media or Photojournalism facilities. 5.2.4 Contract classroom support shall be of sufficient size to accommodate an appropriate number of students plus instructor(s), lecterns, audiovisual aids, overhead lighting, and equipment required to conduct each class, seminar or meeting. 5.2.5 Contract classroom support shall be environmentally controlled. Temperature shall be maintained in the range of 68-73 degrees Fahrenheit for all classroom instruction. 5.2.6 Smoke and fire protection systems must be installed in classroom and support facilities. Systems and facilities must meet federal, state, and local fire codes. 5.2.7 The Contractor shall provide as a minimum the same level of classroom support for Government Students as is provided for other full-time undergraduate Contractor students. 5.2.8 The Contractor shall be responsible for the setup or all furniture, all utilities, all maintenance, all repairs, and all janitorial services. 5.2.9 The Contractor shall provide all audiovisual equipment necessary for instructional purposes and the completion of student assignments including, but not limited to: • • • • • • • • •

Chalk/Dry erase board Video projection system Projection Screen Podium/Lectern Chairs Stands for video monitor and associated equipment Overhead transparency One Clock Display Easel

5.2.10 Additional Requirements / Services: The Contractor shall make available all support equipment for all periods of scheduled instruction to Government Students. 5.2.11 The Contractor shall provide for the use of technologically current multimedia / office automation computer systems with printing capability for each Government Student. Computer capability must be available on a ratio of one (1) networked terminal or stand alone personal computer per each Government Student. Printing capability on a ratio of one printer per each Government Student or on a basis of one printer per several students provided on a timesharing concept is acceptable under the terms of the contract. Capability may consist of common-use facilities

Page 10 of 12 such as computer laboratories, computer usage on-request by sign out for individual Government Students, or any other capability, which will allow for adequate and timely production of required draft and final academic products. This capability should be located near the primary academic classrooms and must provide for the production of academic papers and other requirements of this contract at any hour of the calendar day at no additional cost to the Government Students. 5.2.12 The Contractor shall accord full rights and privileges, as are normally provided to other full-time undergraduate students enrolled by the Contractor to Government Students attending the Motion Media or Photojournalism courses at no additional cost to the Government. 5.2.13 The Contractor shall provide access to facilities, services, and activities, including physical fitness and recreation facilities, equal to that available to other full-time undergraduate students at no additional charge to the Government Student. 5.2.14 The Contractor shall afford the same security protection provided other full-time undergraduate level students at no additional cost to the Government. 5.2.15 The Contractor shall provide each Government Student a lockable locker in the primary academic building of a sufficient size to secure each Government Student’s video or still equipment and textbooks. Lockers shall be issued on or before the first day of class commencement. 5.2.16 The Contractor shall provide the Government Students with written complaint procedures applicable to the Contractor’s institutional complaint procedures. 5.2.17

Parking area or spaces shall be available to Government Students.

5.2.18 The Contractor shall provide for student parking permits for Government Students on or near the campus within ¼ mile of the course classrooms. Permits shall be provided on or before the first day of class for each scheduled course and be effective through course graduation and will be at no charge to the Government Students. 5.2.19 Government Students who elect to live in Contractor-operated student housing shall be issued parking permits suitable for both campus and housing areas and will be at no charge to the Government Students. 5.2.20 The Contractor shall provide all instructional materials, to include textbooks and syllabi for each Government Student. 5.2.21 The Contractor shall provide the opportunity for Government Students with a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average to matriculate in a course of study in the Contractor’s university/college program. The Government Students will receive a minimum of 30 fully transferable credit hours from the military program in Motion Media or Photojournalism.

Supplemental: • • • •

As needed, additional portable lights adequate to meet the requirements of the Training Task Inventory As needed, Studio space, lights, microphones (including a shotgun, unidirectional, omnidirectional) editing suites, a music/sound effects library, character generators, and any other technical equipment adequate to meet the requirements of the Training Task Inventory As needed, consumables, including videotape, batteries, lamps, audio connectors, audio cables, flash cards, and story board pads Equipment and consumables shall be available in quantities sufficient to avoid cross-utilization among Government Students such that the course shall not exceed 30 academic weeks

5.2.22 Contract course material and content shall reflect current trends and methodologies. Any changes must be approved by the COR. 5.2.23 The Contractor-required instructional materials (including required, recommended, and additional reading textbooks as well as note taking spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, flash cards, CD’s, and DVD’s) shall be made available by the Contractor for all Government Students in the Motion Media and Photojournalism Courses at no additional charge to the Government Student. Government Students upon completion of their courses shall retain textbooks, workbooks, study guides, and handouts.

Page 11 of 12 5.2.24 The Contractor-required instructional materials shall be delivered to the Government Students at the primary classroom on the first day of each course. 5.2.25 The Contractor shall issue batteries, SD/CF/flash / portable media, and any other training essential consumables at the primary classroom/laboratory area. Government Students will not be required to leave the primary academic facility to obtain class related consumables. The contractor shall not issue Government Students charge cards for campus bookstores. 5.2.26 The Contractor shall provide the COR with a current set of the primary textbooks, workbooks and study guides for each Contract Course at no additional charge to the Government and upon commencement of the course. When the Contractor changes a primary textbook, workbook or a study guide, an identical copy shall be sent to the COR at no additional charge to the Government. 5.2.27 The Contractor shall have sufficient library, research services, and facilities available for each Government Student for a successful completion of the Motion Media and Photojournalism Courses. 5.2.28 The Contractor shall afford Government Students the same privileges available to all other full time undergraduate Contractor Students regarding use of library and research facilities. Government Students will not be billed for library services (e.g. downloading or printing from on-line services or printing from microfiche, copier services etc.) required to complete any assignments for the Motion Media or Photojournalism courses. 5.2.29 The use of any Subcontracted Agreements by the Contractor to provide support for this Contract shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Subcontracted agreements shall not be billed separately or apart from the Contract to the Government. 6.0

General Information

6.1 Quality Control: The contractor shall submit a Quality Control Plan to ensure services are performed in accordance with this PWS. 6.2 Quality Assurance: The contractor shall develop and maintain an effective quality control program to ensure services are performed in accordance with the PWS. The contractor shall develop and implement procedures to identify, prevent and ensure non-recurrence of defective services. The contractor’s quality control program is the means by which he assures himself that his work complies with the requirement of the contract. After acceptance of the quality control plan the contractor shall receive the contracting officer’s acceptance in writing of any proposed change to his QC system. 6.3 Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan: The offeror is required to submit a proposed Quality Assurance Plan (QASP) with their proposal documentation, for Government consideration in accordance with FAR 37.604. The Government shall evaluate the contractor’s performance under this contract in accordance with the approved Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan. The plan shall define how the performance standards shall be applied, the frequency of surveillance, and the minimum acceptable defect rate(s). 7.0 Contract Type: The effort shall be on a Firm Fixed Price (FFP) basis. 8.0 Period of Performance/Place of Performance. The period of performance is for 1 July 2015 thru 30 June 2016, with an additional four (4) one-year Option Years. The primary place of performance for this contract is: Contract site shall be located within the Continental United States. 8.1 Duty Hours The contractor shall be required to provide on-site support Monday through Friday within the normal duty hours of the academic institution. The COR shall provide detailed information as required. 8.2

Overtime Requests. NONE

9.0 Inspections and Acceptance Inspection and acceptance shall be at destination. Ship to address: Defense Information School, 6500 Mapes Road, Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, 20755. DODAAC is HQ0515. Inspection and acceptance shall be conducted by the COR. 10.0


Page 12 of 12 Physical Security. The Contractor shall afford the same security protection provided other full-time Undergraduate level students at no additional cost to the Government. The Contractor shall provide each Government Student a lockable locker in the primary academic building of a sufficient size to secure each Government Student’s video or photographic equipment and textbooks. Lockers shall be issued on or before the first day of class. 11.0



Travel - NONE


Training – NONE

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