AN EFFECTIVE SCHOLAR-TO-SCHOLAR CONVENTION PRESENTATION NOTE: MATERIALS MUST BE SET UP IN THE ASSIGNED MEETING ROOM 15 MINUTES BEFORE THE START OF THE SESSION PURPOSE OF A SCHOLAR-TO-SCHOLAR PRESENTATION: An effective presentation will attract attention, convey information clearly, concisely and quickly, and stimulate discussion and an exchange of ideas. The presentation should explain your research and be helpful to your colleagues. It should provide information on how to contact you for additional information.
PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: Brevity and simplicity are crucial. The viewer should be able to read and understand the content of your research in approximately 5 minutes. Use short informative phrases as opposed to long, complex sentences. Use visuals as often as possible. Viewers comprehend photos, graphs, charts, drawings and tables better than written information. Use a minimum type size of 18 or 24 pts. and a sans serif font such as Helvetica. You should be able to read your poster from 5 to 6 feet away. (Try putting it on the floor and reading it while standing.)
MATERIALS TO INCLUDE: • Banner—paper title, author(s) and institution(s). • Abstract—a concise summary of what was done and what was learned. • Introduction—one or two paragraphs explaining why the work was done and the purpose. Alternatively, the purpose may be covered in a brief section titled “objectives.” • Methodology—a summary of the method used to gather and analyze the data. • Results—a brief discussion of major findings using bullet points or numbered sentences, and whenever possible, tables, charts and graphs. All visuals should include titles and/or legends. • Summary or Conclusion—a paragraph or two with bullet points or a list of brief statements. References are not included in a poster. • Contact Information—instructions on where to contact an individual for additional information about the research paper.
SUGGESTED LAYOUT: (Materials will be placed on bulletin boards that measure 4’ X 8'. Please bring pushpins to attach information to bulletin boards).
TitleTITLE of Poster
A concise summary of what was done and what was learned.
Authors Institutions
Introduction One or two paragraphs explaining why the work was done and the purpose. Alternatively, the purpose may be covered in a brief section titled “objectives.”
Contact Info: Address Phone/E-mail
Results 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Use charts, tables and graphs whenever possible to show findings
Use charts, tables and graphs whenever possible to show findings
Methods A summary or outline of the method used to gather and analyze the data. A summary or outline of the method used to gather and analyze the data.
more information 1. Brief Discussions 2. Major Findings 3. Use Bullets 4. Use Numbers 5. Use Titles/Legends
Conclusions A. first conclusion B. second conclusion C. third conclusion D. fourth conclusion E. fifth conclusion
Thanks to Bob Gustafson, Ball State University for creating these helpful hints.