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CORRELATIONAL STUDY BETWEEN LEG MUSCLES EXPLOSIVE POWER, ARM MUSCLES EXPLOSIVE POWER, AND BACK MUSCLES FLEXIBILITY ON VOLLEYBALL SPIKE SKILL TOWARD PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENTS OF STKIP PASUNDAN CIMAHI By Aep Rohendi STKIP PasundanCimahi Indonesia ABSTRACT This study aims to reveal the relationship between leg muscles explosive power, arm muscles explosive power, and back muscles flexibility on volleyball spike skill toward physical education students of STKIP PasundanCimahi. The research method used in this study is survey method with the correlational design. This study is correlational because the researcher sought to investigate the relationship between some of the study variables which are the three independent variables;leg muscles explosive power (X1), arm muscles explosive power (X2), and back muscles flexibility (X3), as well as the dependent variable; volleyball spike skill (Y). Those three independent variables (X 1, X2 and X3) are associated with related variable (Y) with a relationship pattern: (1) Relationship betweenX 1 and Y, (2) relationship between X2 and Y, (3) relationship between X3 and Y, and (4) relationship between X1, X2, X3 and Y. Based on the calculation, there is plural correlation coefficient gained between leg muscles explosive power (X 1), arm muscles explosive power (X2), back muscles flexibility (X3), and spike skill (Y) shown by correlational coefficient Ry1.2.3.y = 0.458.Fcalculate= 7,34andFtablewere gained at the real level0.05 = 2.89 after the tests of significance was carried out. Thus the plural correlation between leg muscles explosive power (X 1), arm muscles explosive power (X2), and back muscles flexibility (X3), together with the spike skill (Y) is significant.

Keywords: leg muscles, arm muscles, back muscles, and spike skill.



Sport as a physical activity pledges its own benefits for anyone who does it, such as the achievement of the intensity of physical fitness and even spiritual freshness. This is in accordance with the slogan men sana in corporesano, in a healthy body there is a strong spirit and as it is contained in the Indonesian national anthem “bangunlah jiwanya, bangunlah raganya.�(arise its spirit, arise its bodies). By and large, sport has become the necessity of life for Indonesian people as its own. It is believed to provide freshness which means making whoever does it healthy. Sport activities occur based on the needs of physical and spiritual freshness, which in practice may take the form of recreational sporting activities and sporting achievement. In every international event, Indonesia tries to exist through volleyball. Indonesian volleyball team oftentimes participates in Southeast Asian and Asian events. In addition to showing the good and active participation, it is intending to be a reckoned team as well. Either for participatory purposes or for being a champion, volleyball team should be dwelled by reliable players who have optimal performance, either in service, passing, spike, or even blocking. Those things are related to the mastery of basic technique skills to play volleyball. If playing volleyball aims to acquire achievements, then the players have to play seriously and it takes good movement coordination from every player. To create a good coordination and teamwork, every volleyball team needs the training of team organization in accordance with the expected tactics and strategies. According to ASEP (American Sport Education Program) (2008:82) basic volleyball skills taught to students or at youth level includes passing (lower and upper), servicing (receiving the service), hitting a ball or strike, and blocking. One of basic skills that have to be learned is spike. Barbera (2004:70) emphasizes that spike is the most interesting part from a tournament as well as the most difficult technique to be learned from all sports. To perform a successful spike, the player has to jump into the air and sharply hit a moving object (ball) pass through the obstacle (net) so that the ball lands in a restricted area (field). The lack of spike understanding and mastery is thought to be one of the obstacles why Indonesian volleyball team has not been able to show such good performance at international level. This fact deserves being recognized since the national volleyball team in Indonesia lack consistency. It is because the graphic of achievement of Indonesian volleyball team sometimes goes up and down, even completely dropped. The lowest result is when Indonesian volleyball team did not qualify for the knockout stage at the South EastAsia level. Indonesian volleyball is now left behind by Thailand whose performance had been below Indonesia. Factors of completeness one should have when she/he wants to reach optimal achievements are: 1) physical development, 2) technical development, 3) mental development, 4)


maturity champion. Furthermore, determinants of sports achievements include biological aspects consist of: 1) potential or the basic ability of body that includes strength, speed, strength agility, muscular endurance, the power of heart and lungs, flexibility, balance, accuracy and sport health, 2) organ function that includes the workings or the heart, respiratory labor power, labor power of the five senses, 3) structure and posture include the height, length, size, and the shape of body, 4) nutrition includes sufficient amount of food, comfort food value, and variety of food. Coaching carried out in the execution of exercises is sometimes less balanced in the provision of material between the basic technique skills to play or the exercise ofphysical condition. Likened if the two are compared, the comparison of unbalanced exercises will have a say when appearing in a game or in the program outcomes as of sweeping up the victory seems impossible. For that reason targeted and sustainable development through talent scouting, breeding, education, and sports training that is efficiently and effectively based on knowledge as a means achieving optimal performanceneeds to be cultivated in improving sports achievements. According to Yunus (1992:61) volleyball athletes’ ability needs to be improved. The elements include the physical, technical, tactical, mental maturity, cooperation and experience in every match. Contributing factors to accelerate the achievement of a volleyball game, among others, the factors of endogenous and players consisting of: 1) physical and mental health, 2) body shape corresponding to a sport that is followed, 3) every volleyball player should have tactical, technical, and physical ability, 4) they also should have such good mental, be able to socialize, be discipline, determined, responsible, and persistent. Tangkudung (2006:58) says that the volleyball athletes’ ability can be gained if the development can be carried out into practice and focused on the training aspects of the whole which include: personality, physical condition, technical and tactical skill, and mental ability. From some of the above, each component of the basic technical mastery requires muscle strength, speed, and flexibility. Strength is the basic asset required by an athlete to be able to perform spike well and perfectly. Therefore, strength has enormous influence toward volleyball athlete in performing spike. Particularly leg muscles explosive power, arm muscles explosive power, and back muscles flexibility as a shove support. Therefore, with the explanations and supported facts above, I’m fascinated to conduct this research with the reasons as follows: (1) Spike technique performed well will bring about major deadly attack patterns to obtain values or points in volleyball games, (2) leg muscles explosive power, arm


muscles explosive power, and back muscles flexibility will affect the spike ability in volleyball games. Based on the explanation above, the writer believes that gaining the data about “Correlational Study between Leg Muscles Explosive Power, Arm Muscles Explosive Power, and Back Muscles Flexibility on Volleyball Spike Skill toward Physical Students of STKIP PasundanCimahi� is necessary. METHODS This study is correlational because the researcher sought to investigate the relationship between some of the study variables which are the three independent variables; leg muscles explosive power (X1), arm muscles explosive power (X2), and back muscles flexibility (X3), as well as the dependent variable; volleyball spike skill (Y). Those three independent variables (X 1, X2 and X3) are associated with related variable (Y) with a relationship pattern: (1) Relationship between X1 and Y, (2) relationship between X2 and Y, (3) relationship between X3 and Y, and (4) relationship between X1, X2, andX3variables, together with the Y variable. Those four patterns of variable relationship are constellations of the problems in this study. The relationship pattern of this study can be seen in the figure below:

X1 X2 X3

Figure: 1. The Correlational Relationship ofX1, X2, X3 with Y Explanation: Y : Spike X1 : Leg Muscles Explosive Power X2 : Arm Muscles Explosive Power X3 : Back Muscles Flexibility



Based on the explanation above, the population in this research is 30 male students who are able to perform volleyball spike. Whereas the sample is partial or it is the representative of population which is observed. The amount of the sample used in this research is 30 male students from the population (total random sampling). RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS From this research, some general descriptions of each variable were investigated. Then they are symbolized by their own symbol, such as spike skill is symbolized by Y, leg muscles explosive power is symbolized by (X 1), arm muscles explosive power is symbolized by (X 2), and back muscles flexibility is symbolized by (X3). For more details they can be seen in the following table: 1.

The correlation between leg muscles explosive power (X 1) with spike skill (Y)

The first hypothesis in this study is that there is positive correlation between leg muscles explosive power (X 1) andvolleyball spike skill (Y). Based on the simple analysis of skill spike (Y) with leg muscles explosive power (X 1) data, there is coefficient of regression line resulted 0.395 and a constant 30.23. Thus it obtained the correlation between leg muscles explosive power (X 1) and spike skill (Y, it is stated through the regression equation: Y = 30.23 + 0.395 (X 1). This equation should qualify linearity and significance. Table 1. The result of ANAVA for the equations of simple regression Y = 30.23 + 0.395X1

30 1

Average Sum of Number Squares Squares (SS) (ANS) 77164,66 75000,00




28 12 16

1711,40 643,86 1067,54

61,12 53,65 66,72

Variant Df Source Total Regression (a) Residual Regression (b/a) Tuna Cocok Error

Note: Df = degree of freedom Ss = sum of squares ANS= Average number of squares









This equation of regression implies that each enhancement of one unit score of leg muscle explosive power will be followed by enhancement in spike skill score of 0.395 on a constant unit score 42.0. It can be visually seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2: The graphic of equation of regression Y = 30.23 + 0.395 X1 The result of the calculation or degrees of correlation between leg muscles explosive power (X1) and spike skill (Y) is shown by coefficient of correlation rxy = 0.458. The significance test of this correlation coefficient is presented in Table 2. Table:2.The significance test of correlation coefficient of leg muscles explosive power and spike skill Df

Simple correlation coefficient



rxy = 0,458


ttable Îą = 0,05 1,70

**correlation coefficient is significant (tcalculate = 2,72>ttable = 1,70) Based on the significance test of coefficient tcalculate = 2,72 > ttable = 1,70 hence it can be sum up that the correlation between leg muscles explosive power and spike skill is 0.458 which means very significant. It also means that there is positive correlation between those two variables. The result of determination coefficient is rxy2 = (0.458)2 = 0,2094 or 20,94%. It shows that the 20.94% variants happening in the tendency of whether or not the skill spike is appropriate that can be determined by leg muscles explosive power.


2. The Correlation between Arm Muscles Explosive Power and Spike Skill The first hypothesis in this study is that there is positive relationship between arm muscles explosive power (X2) and volleyball spike skill (Y). Based on the simple analysis computation toward the data of spike skill (Y) and arm muscles explosive power(X2), there is coefficient of regression line resulted 0.357 and a constant 32.13. Thus the correlation between arm muscles explosive power (X2) and spike skill (Y) is obtained. It is avowed through the regression equation: Y = 32.13 + 0.357 X2. This equation should qualify linearity and significance, so it is able to be used as prediction needs. Table: 3. The result of ANAVA for the equations of simple regression Y = 32.13 + 0.357 X2

30 1

Average Sum of Number Squares Squares (SS) (ANS) 77164,66 75000,00




28 26 2

1794,10 1676,41 117,70

64,08 64,48 58,85

Variant Df Source Total Regression (a) Residual Regression (b/a) Tuna Cocok Error








Note: Df = degree of freedom Ss = sum of squares ANS= Average number of squares This equation of regression implies that each enhancement of one unit score of arm muscle explosive power will be followed by enhancement in spike skill score of 0.357 on a constant unit score 32.13. It can be visually seen in Figure 3.


Figure 3. The Graphic of equation of regression Y = 32.13 + 0.357 X2 The result of the calculation or degrees of correlation between arm muscles explosive power (X2) and spike skill (Y) is shown by coefficient of correlation rxy = 0.414. The significance test of this correlation coefficient is presented in Table 4. Table: 4. The significance test of correlation coefficient of arm muscles explosive power and spike skill Df

Simple correlation coefficient



rxy = 0,414


ttable Îą = 0,05 1,70

**correlation coefficient is significant (tcalculate = 2,40>ttable = 1,70) Based on the significance test of coefficient tcalculate = 2,40>ttable = 1,70 hence it can be sum up that the correlation between arm muscles explosive power and spike skill is 0.414 which means very significant. It also means that there is positive correlation between those two variables. The result of determination coefficient is rxy2 = (0.414)2 = 0.1712 or 17.12%. It shows that the 17.12% variants happening in the tendency of whether or not the skill spike is appropriate that can be determined by arm muscles explosive power. 3. The correlation between back muscles flexibility and spike skill The first hypothesis in this study is that there is positive relationship between back muscles flexibility (X3) and volleyball spike skill (Y). Based on the simple analysis computation toward the data of spike skill (Y) and back muscles flexibility (X3), there is coefficient of regression line resulted 0.352 and a constant 32.40. Thus the correlation between back muscles flexibility (X 3) and spike skill (Y) is obtained. It is avowed through the regression equation: Y = 32.40 +


0.352X3. This equation should qualify linearity and significance, so it is able to be used as prediction needs. Table: 5. The result of ANAVA for the equations of simple regression Y = 32.40 + 0.352 X3

30 1

Average Sum of Number Squares Squares (SS) (ANS) 77164,66 75000,00




28 20 8

1805,31 1430,00 375,30

64,48 64,48 58,85

Variant Df Source Total Regression (a) Residual Regression (b/a) Tuna Cocok Error








Note: Df = degree of freedom Ss = sum of squares ANS= Average number of squares This equation of regression implies that each enhancement of one unit score of back muscles flexibility will be followed by enhancement in spike skill score of 0.352 on a constant unit score 32.40.

Figure 4. The Graphic of equation of regression Y = 32.40 + 0.352 X3


The result of the calculation or degrees of correlation between back muscles flexibility (X3) and spike skill (Y) is shown by coefficient of correlation rxy = 0.407. Df

Simple correlation coefficient



rxy = 0,414


ttable Îą = 0,05 1,71

**correlation coefficient is significant (tcalculate = 2.36>ttable = 1.71) Based on the significance test of correlational coefficient between back muscles flexibility and spike skill, it can be sum up that the correlation between back muscles flexibility and spike skill is 0.407 which means very significant. It also means that there is positive correlation between those two variables. The result of determination coefficient is rxy2 = (0.407)2 = 0.1660 or 16.60%. It shows that the 16.60% variants happening in the tendency of whether or not the skill spike is appropriate that can be determined by back muscles flexibility. 4. The Correlation between Leg Muscles Explosive Power (X 1), Arm Muscles Explosive Power (X2), and Back Muscles Flexibility(X3) with Spike Skill (Y) Based on the result of the data carried out to examine the relationship between leg muscles explosive power, arm muscles explosive power, and back muscles flexibility together with volleyball spike skill, it is found out that b1 = 0.36; b2 = 0.28; and b3 = 0.29 with the constant a = 3,803. Therefore, the kind of correlation between leg muscles explosive power(X1), arm muscles explosive power(X2), and back muscles flexibility (X3) together with volleyball spike skill(Y) is shown by the equation of regression ᝲ = 3,803 + 0,356 X1 + 0,282 X2 + 0,286 X3. After ANAVA calculation has been carried out to examine the regression significance, it obtained the conclusion that the model of regression equation is very significant. Hereafter, based on the result of the calculation, it obtained the plural of correlation coefficient between leg muscles explosive power (X1), arm muscles explosive power (X2), and back muscles flexibility (X3) together with volleyball spike skill (Y) is shown by correlation coefficient Ry1.2.3.y = 0.458. The value of Fcalculate = 7,34 and Ftable on the real level 0.05 = 2.89 is obtained after the test of significance has been done. Therefore, the plural correlation between leg muscles explosive power (X1), arm muscles explosive power (X2), and back muscles flexibility (X3) together with volleyball spike skill (Y) is significant. Therefore, there is correlation between leg muscles explosive power, arm muscles explosive power, and back muscles flexibilitytogether with volleyball


spike skill. It means the higher leg muscles explosive power, arm muscles explosive power, and back muscles flexibility are, the better volleyball spike skill will be toward the physical education students of STKIP PasundanCimahi. If the coefficient is obtained, then the determination is R= 0.458. So, the coefficient value of the determination is in the amount of 45.8%. It means 45.8% of the of alteration of the spike skill (Y) can concurrently be determined by leg muscles explosive power, arm muscles explosive power, and back muscles flexibility. The remaining 54.2% is explained by other factors. Based on the result of hypothesis testing, those three alternative hypotheses proposed significantly can be accepted. The description of each recipient of the three hypotheses intended can be explained as follows: First, the first examination concluded that there is significant positive correlation between leg muscles explosive power with volleyball spike skill shown by the result of simple analysis correlation between leg muscles explosive power with volleyball spike skill that gained the value of correlation coefficient ry10.458. This value explains that the correlation between leg muscles explosive power with volleyball spike skill is significant or positive, it means the higher leg muscle explosive power will be followed by the improvement of spike skill. Second, the second examination concluded that there is significant positive correlation between arm muscles explosive power with volleyball spike skill shown by the result of simple analysis correlation between arm muscles explosive power with volleyball spike skill that gained the value of correlation coefficient ry10.414. This value explains that the correlation between arm muscles explosive power with volleyball spike skill is significant or positive, it means the higher arm muscle explosive power will be followed by the improvement of spike skill. Third, the third examination concluded that there is significant positive correlation between back muscles flexibility with volleyball spike skill shown by the result of simple analysis correlation between back muscles flexibility with volleyball spike skill that gained the value of correlation coefficient r y10.407. This value explains that the correlation between back muscles flexibility with volleyball spike skill is significant or positive, it means the higher back muscles flexibility will be followed by the improvement of spike skill. Fourth, the fourth examination concluded that there is significant positive correlation between leg muscles explosive power, arm muscles explosive power, and back muscles flexibility together with volleyball spike skill shown by the result of the analysis of plural correlation that gained the value of determinant coefficient ry10.458. This value explains that the correlation between leg muscles explosive power, arm muscles explosive power, and back muscles flexibility together with volleyball spike skill is significant or positive, it means the higher


leg muscle explosive power, arm muscles explosive power, and back muscles flexibility together will be followed by the improvement of spike skill. CONCLUSIONS From the test of hypothesis posed it is proven that the variable of leg muscles explosive power, arm muscles explosive power, and back muscles flexibility with volleyball spike skill either partially or all together can affect the volleyball spike skill. Hence, the analysis result and test of hypothesis can be sum up as follows: 1. There is significant correlation between leg muscles explosive power and volleyball spike skill. In other words, when the ability of leg muscles explosive power gets better, it tends to be able to improve spike skill. 2. There is significant correlation between arm muscles explosive power and volleyball spike skill. In other words, when the ability of arm muscles explosive power gets better, it tends to be able to improve spike skill. 3. There is significant correlation between back muscles flexibility and volleyball spike skill. In other words, when the ability of back muscles flexibility gets better, it tends to be able to improve spike skill. 4. There is significant correlation all at once between leg muscles explosive power, arm muscles explosive power, back muscles flexibility and volleyball spike skill. In other words, when the ability of arm muscles explosive power, arm muscles explosive power, and back muscles flexibility gets better, it tends to be able to improve volleyball spike skill.

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