50 Freestyle 100 Freestyle 200 Freestyle 400 Freestyle 800 Freestyle 1500 Freestyle 100 Backstroke 200 Backstroke 100 Breaststroke 200 Breaststroke 100 Butterfly 200 Butterfly 200 I.M. 400 I.M.
00:22.35 00:49.23 01:48.72 03:49.96 08:10.26 15:13.16 00:55.14 01:59.72 01:01.57 02:13.69 00:52.86 01:57.67 02:01.40 04:18.40
Prop 2012 A' Times -1.5% 00:22.01 00:48.49 01:47.09 03:46.51 08:02.91 14:59.46 00:54.31 01:57.92 01:00.65 02:11.68 00:52.07 01:55.90 01:59.58 04:14.52
Women's Standards
50 Freestyle 100 Freestyle 200 Freestyle 400 Freestyle 800 Freestyle 1500 Freestyle 100 Backstroke 200 Backstroke 100 Breaststroke 200 Breaststroke 100 Butterfly 200 Butterfly 200 I.M. 400 I.M.
00:25.43 00:55.24 01:59.29 04:11.26 08:35.98 16:41.49 01:01.70 02:12.73 01:09.01 02:28.21 00:59.35 02:10.84 02:15.27 04:45.08
00:25.05 00:54.41 01:57.50 04:07.49 08:28.24 16:26.47 01:00.77 02:10.74 01:07.97 02:25.99 00:58.46 02:08.88 02:13.24 04:40.80
National -1.5% + 6%
Dev Sqd
National Youth/Junior Development Squad AGE ADJUSTED TIMES
-1.5% + 1% 2011-2012 1.0% 00:22.23 00:48.98 01:48.16 03:48.78 08:07.74 15:08.46 00:54.86 01:59.10 01:01.25 02:13.00 00:52.59 01:57.06 02:00.77 04:17.07
-1.5%+2% 2010-2011 2.0% 00:22.46 00:49.46 01:49.23 03:51.04 08:12.56 15:17.45 00:55.40 02:00.28 01:01.86 02:14.32 00:53.11 01:58.22 02:01.97 04:19.61
3.0% 00:22.68 00:49.95 01:50.30 03:53.31 08:17.39 15:26.45 00:55.94 02:01.46 01:02.47 02:15.64 00:53.63 01:59.38 02:03.17 04:22.16
6.0% 00:23.34 00:51.40 01:53.51 04:00.10 08:31.88 15:53.43 00:57.57 02:05.00 01:04.29 02:19.59 00:55.19 02:02.86 02:06.75 04:29.80
1990+ 10.0% 00:24.22 00:53.34 01:57.80 04:09.16 08:51.20 16:29.41 00:59.74 02:09.72 01:06.71 02:24.85 00:57.27 02:07.50 02:11.54 04:39.98
F1994 M1993 12.0% 00:24.66 00:54.31 01:59.94 04:13.69 09:00.85 16:47.40 01:00.83 02:12.08 01:07.92 02:27.49 00:58.32 02:09.81 02:13.93 04:45.07
F1995 M1994 13.0% 00:24.88 00:54.80 02:01.01 04:15.96 09:05.68 16:56.39 01:01.37 02:13.25 01:08.53 02:28.80 00:58.84 02:10.97 02:15.12 04:47.61
F1996 M1995 14.0% 00:25.10 00:55.28 02:02.08 04:18.22 09:10.51 17:05.39 01:01.92 02:14.43 01:09.14 02:30.12 00:59.36 02:12.13 02:16.32 04:50.16
F1997 M1996 15.0% 00:25.32 00:55.77 02:03.15 04:20.49 09:15.34 17:14.38 01:02.46 02:15.61 01:09.74 02:31.44 00:59.88 02:13.29 02:17.52 04:52.70
F1998 M1997 16.0% 00:25.54 00:56.25 02:04.22 04:22.75 09:20.17 17:23.38 01:03.00 02:16.79 01:10.35 02:32.75 01:00.40 02:14.45 02:18.71 04:55.25
00:25.30 00:54.96 01:58.68 04:09.97 08:33.32 16:36.33 01:01.38 02:12.05 01:08.65 02:27.45 00:59.04 02:10.17 02:14.57 04:43.61
00:25.55 00:55.50 01:59.85 04:12.44 08:38.41 16:46.20 01:01.99 02:13.35 01:09.33 02:28.91 00:59.63 02:11.45 02:15.91 04:46.42
00:25.80 00:56.04 02:01.03 04:14.92 08:43.49 16:56.06 01:02.60 02:14.66 01:10.01 02:30.37 01:00.21 02:12.74 02:17.24 04:49.23
00:26.55 00:57.68 02:04.55 04:22.34 08:58.73 17:25.66 01:04.42 02:18.58 01:12.05 02:34.75 01:01.97 02:16.61 02:21.24 04:57.65
00:27.55 00:59.85 02:09.25 04:32.24 09:19.06 18:05.11 01:06.85 02:23.81 01:14.77 02:40.59 01:04.31 02:21.77 02:26.57 05:08.88
00:28.05 01:00.94 02:11.60 04:37.19 09:29.23 18:24.84 01:08.07 02:26.43 01:16.13 02:43.51 01:05.47 02:24.34 02:29.23 05:14.50
00:28.30 01:01.48 02:12.78 04:39.66 09:34.31 18:34.71 01:08.68 02:27.74 01:16.81 02:44.97 01:06.06 02:25.63 02:30.56 05:17.31
00:28.56 01:02.03 02:13.95 04:42.14 09:39.39 18:44.57 01:09.28 02:29.04 01:17.49 02:46.43 01:06.64 02:26.92 02:31.89 05:20.12
00:28.81 01:02.57 02:15.13 04:44.61 09:44.48 18:54.44 01:09.89 02:30.35 01:18.17 02:47.88 01:07.23 02:28.21 02:33.23 05:22.92
00:29.06 01:03.12 02:16.30 04:47.09 09:49.56 19:04.30 01:10.50 02:31.66 01:18.85 02:49.34 01:07.81 02:29.50 02:34.56 05:25.73
Notes: -Swimmers born 1989 and earlier who have achieved the necessary times for the Development Squad may be included in training activities on an invitational basis. -These times will change based on soon to be publised FINA A Standards, which are expected at the end of September 2010. This may lead to changes to the squad structures.