A ban on the sales of alcohol by India’s Bihar state government has resulted in flourishing liquor business in bordering Nepali towns. From local bhattis to fancy restaurants catering to different social strata of tipplers have sprung up, taking advantage of the open border between two countries. The story is about how it has changed the livelihood of the people and how it has transformed the subtleties of the relationship among the locals of either sides. Few drinkers are frequent, crossing the porous border every other evening while some occasionally come to Nepal to celebrate and drink like there’s no tomorrow. Maybe it’s just no booze tomorrow.This different form of tourism is what intrigued me, also the simplicities and complexities of border between India and Nepal. There is a saying among the visitors, “Surya Asta toh Nepal Masta” Fun is in Nepal, when the sun sets.
A story by Robic Upadhayay.