BY=LAW No, 242, A By-Law to Amend, and Consolidate as Amended, certain By-laws relating to the Prevention of Fires. The Council of the Town of Edmonton, in council assembled, enacts 'as follows ;— (1) The Council shall, from time to time, by resolution, app, oint a compsteat person to be called "The Building and Fire Inspector' for the purpose.; of this by-law. (2) For the purposes of this by-law, fire limits, are hereby fixed and established within the Town of Edmonton, as follows ;— „ The land abut,in,g .'on fend rushing' back to a degtn 01 one hundred. anu fifty feet on either side of Jasper Avenue or Main Street, between a line drawn at right angles across the Said street, at due intersection of the centre line of Namayo Avenue therewith; and Tpird Street on the Hudson's Bay Company's Reserve. () No building shall be constructed or placed, nor removed from, one place to another, Within the iimits atoresa d, whether the place to which it is moven be upon the same lot, or other parcel of land therein, or not, in any such case the exterior wails thereof are constructed of solid, briek, sosde, Iron or concrete„ and unle;s the roo..s thereof are exteriorly covered with metal or other incombustible material. Provided, however, that warehouses and sheds Ena,y be erected, on the rear of the lot or parcel tr.:land provided, (1) that they be distant from ;raspier Avenue or Main Street at least sixtyfeet (2) that Inc walls be not more than egateen feat in heighth and (I) that the sides and ends be brick veneered and the doors and roofs 1;3 covered with metal sheeting or other incombustible material,. (4) No Building erected within the liming aforesaid, shall be enlarged exteriorily in ieng.,,h, breadth or neight, unless the whole of such building snail be made to conform, to the requiremends of this by-law, in respecct of buildinig; constructed or placed, within the limits aforesaid, so far as the same is reasonably pocs;lale having regard to the proximity of enjoining oz adjacent buildings of which reasonable passibility the Building and Fire hispecror, subject to an appeal he Municipal Council, shall be the sole judge. (5) in respect of building; o: brick or stone or partly of brick and partly of stone, to be hereafter erectod or placed witnin the limit's aforeSaid ; on old or new :foundations, or on foundations partly new and partly old, no wall or 'any building two storeys in height and upwards built of brick, and no external or party walls shall be less than 'one 'brick and a half in thickness for the first two storeys thereof, or less than 12 1-2 inches in actual measurement, and all brick walls shall be carried up on the construction aforesaid, to the under side of the roof botrds, whether front, rear or gable walls; and all ga,b1.3 or parapet .walls surmounting 'roofs: of building; shall be at least one brick or nine inche.s in thickness, end shall be carried the full height of one foot six inches above the roof on a square line therewith ; and such walls if built of stone, shall not be less than eighteen inches in thickness, carried up to their full thickness to the under side of the roof boirds, whether front, rear or gable walks; and all gable - or parapet walls surmounting the, roofs of buildings, if built of stone, shall not be :less than sixteen inches in thicknesls, and shall be carried up to the full height of one foot six inches, above the roof on a square line therewith ; and all the exterior walls of sheds. abutting on lanes or oassages other than streets, shall be constructed of brick or stone not less than nine inches in thickness, All buildings built of brick under 'two storeys in height may be built of one brick in thickness, but shell nor be less than nine inches through in actual measurement, and when a building; is more than forty feet in height, the ground floor walls shall be at least two bricks or not lesis than sixteen inches thick, and when a building is more than sixty feet in height, at least 2 1-2 bricks or not leSS, than twenty-One inches thick on the ground floor, and two brick's,
or not lesis than sixteen inches thick on the firiat floor. Party walls shall be of corresponding thickness and for every a:ddition of fifteen feet in heignt, four inches shall be added. to The the thicknels's of the w,alls, foundation walls shall, in all cases be at least six inches or half a brick thicker than the wall built thereon, and basements in all cases are to be at least eight feet deep from the lower side of the joists of the ground floor. (6) All building; within the town shalt have properly constructed chimneys of brick or :stone built up from the ground, or from a substantial and firmly fixed bracket or other substantial and firmly fixed foundation; nor shall any person hereafter construct any chimney in any building within the limits of the Municipality unless such chimney be so constructed that its walls are ot stone and mortar or brick and mortar; that it be entirely plastered inside from base to top, and alslo be entirely plastered outside from base to the ridge or deck of the roof; that it be of a thickness of no tiess than four inches, nor unlesls where the chimney passes through a poor or ceiling all trinamingsibe put so as to he at least one inch clear of the chimney, nor unless the chimney projects not less man three feet above the ridge or deck of any roof carried by, connected with or abutting Upon the walls to which the chimney its attached, nor unless each flue of the chimney ha; a -opacity of no' "ass than 384 cubic inches to the lineal foot for every pipe os not more than 7 inches in diameter entering the chimney, and all the Stove pipes hereafter erected and passing through a wall, floor or ceiling shah be encased in brick or concrete, nOt lesfs plan three and a half inches in thickness to the full depth of joisting in the ease of floors and (7) No owner of any house or other building in which there is a chimney shall use the said onimney, or suffer or permit it to be used., if it or the,'buldRog be So constructed that the use of the chimney in its then present condition is dangerous ; nntli liable to cause the house or Puiiding to take fire. (8) No persion shall have or keep in the Same building, or on same premises within the limit's of the Town. any quantity os gun pow,der exceeding fifty pounds, and not more than twenty-five of such fifty pounds shall be kept in any one keg or other packige : and such quantity shall be so distributed in the building or on the premises that not more 'than twentyfive pounds shall ha kept in or on the same part of the building or premises and the different places in which such separate quantities shall be kept shall be at least 25 feet :apart. (9) No person shall have or keep in the same building or on the same premises, within the Fire Limits any Larger quantity than two barrels of coal oil, and one barrel each of any other kind of-aso ; nor Shall any larger quantity of napihni, benzole, 'benzine, gasoline or other combustible fluid than five gallons of each, be had or kept by any one person within the Town, and then only: if the same be enclosed in tightly elosed tins; nor shall any of such oils Or combustible fluids (otherwise than in very small quantities kept for domestic purposes, or by chemists or druggists) be had Or kept, unlesis they be stored together in a cellar having concrete floor, brick walls on all sides, with a close fitting iron or iron-sheeted door, and a metal ceiling, and having no other goods stored therein; and any such oils had or kept within the town beyond the Fire Limits 'thereof, shall be kept in some properly ventilated 'building, which shall at no time be or have become within sixty-six feet or any other building, (16) No nitrosgl.yeerine, gun cotton or other extra-explosive substanee Of a like nature, shall be kept or Stored in or upon any premises within the liraitis of the Tow,n, except in small quantities, in shops occupied as druggists' and chemists' shops, and then only w:hen extraordinary precautions are used t'o prevent explosions. (11) No waste paper, straw, hay, shavings, or other inflammable oos ter-
ials, no,r packing cases, crates, or other wooden thing containing any such inflammable materials, shall be allowed to remain uncovered in any yard or other exposed place, within the Fire Limits of the Tow,n longer than twenty-four hours. (12) All ashes within the Fire Limits of the Town shall be deposited in a brick, stone, iron or sheet iron receptable having a metal cover. (13) No person shall commence within the said Fire Limits the erection of any new building, or the enlargementof the exterior of any old building, when the cost of suGh enlargement exceed., the sum of one hundred dollars, until he shalt have first submitted the plans and specifications of the proposed building, or enlargement to the Building ano Fire Inspe,ctor, and shall have obtained his written certificate that the proposed building, or enlargement of the exterior thereof are in compliance with the provisionS of this ByLaw, and will not involve the violation of any by-law, or regulation of the Town relating to prevention of fires, or the erection, repair or alteration of 'buildings No repairs to the exterior of any building within the said Fire Limits where the costs of all repairs to the tilidterior thereof, do or shall during a period of twelve calendar months exceeds the sum. of $25 shall be made, unless in the case of the repair of the roof, the entire roof be covered exteriorly with some incombustible material, and in 6he case of a wialil, the. entire Wall be covered exeriorly- with metal. (14) No person shall cOmmence the erection of a building with the said Fire Limits until a correct ground or block plan of such proposed draw,n to a 'scale of, not less than eight feep to 'a(ti inch, and shewing the levels of the cellars and base-. mends os such proposed building, with reference to the level of the nearest adjoining street, shall have been deposited in 'the office of the Inspector Of Buildings, w,hof shall be responsible for the safe-keeping of such plans, and shall, upon request give to the person filing the same, a certificate o,f the date of such deposit. (15) In case any deviation is made during the progress of the construction of such buitding from the original plan thereof as filed under the preceding section, it shall be the duty of the person who filed the Same to alter or procure the alteration of such original plan or to file a new and correct plan before proceeding with the construction of such building according to the proposed alterations. (16) The Inspector appointed under the authority of this By-Law shall at all reasionable times during the day time, have authority to enter any premises on which he has reason to suspect that any breach of this ByLaw has been or is being committed and inspect the same; and he shall, if he finds such to be the case, immediately report the same to the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Fire, Water and Light. (17) By-laws 13, 42, 59, 162,172,' 181,and 218 are hereby amended so as td adc.ord, with this By-Law, which is to be taken as a by-law amending the said several by-lawls itt consolidating the same as So amended. t (18) Any person committing a breach of any provisions of this by-law shall be liable on .summary conviction thereof, before a Justice of the Peace, to a penalty not exceeding $50, exclusive of costs and in case of nonpayment of the fine and costs inflicted to imprisonm,ent with or without hard labor, either in the lock-up house of the town, or in the nearest Common jail for any period not exceeding thirty days unless the fine and costs, including the costs of committal, are Sooner paid. Done and passed in Council thiao6th day of April, A, D. 1903. Aayor. Seer ry-Treasurer.