Edmonton (Alta.) - 1964-1979 - Amendments to zoning bylaw number 2135, 1964-1979 (1979-09-24)

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Planning and Buildin_; r;.::partmen!

LIBRA HY The City Of Edmonton







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BYLAW NO. 2533

A Bylaw to Am:lnd Bylaw No. 2135, being The City of Edmonton Zoning Bylaw WHEREAS The Planning Act being Chapter 43 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1963 came into force on the first day

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of August, 1963, and WHEREAS it is necessary to amend the Zoning Bylaw-, '

to make it conform as nearly as possible with the provisions of The Planning Act, NOW 'IHEREFORE, THE MUNICIPAL



Bylaw 2135, beirg The City of Edmonton Zoning By-

law, is hereby amended. SECTION 2 is amended as follows:

2. {l)


to subsection (2) by deleting the words •the

Town and Rural Planning Act• and substituting therefor the words "The Planning Act•. (2)

As to subsection (9) by deleting the words •zoning: Appeal" ard substitutirg the words "Development Appeal".


Subsection (11) is deleted and the following new '

subsection is substituted: •(11)

"building• includes any structure, erection, stockpile, sign or fixture that may be built or placed on land•;


Subsection (20) is deleted.


Subsection (28) is deleted and the following new subsection is substituted: "( 28)

"development" means (a)

the carrying out of any construction or excavation or other operations, in, on, over or under land, or


the making of any change in the use or the intensity of use of any land, buildings or prem.isesn;


- 2 (6)

Subsection (35) is deleted and the following new subsection is substituted: ( 35)


"dwelling" or "dwelling unit" means either a self-contained room or self-contained rooms provided with sleeping and cooking facilities intended or used permanently or semi-permanently as a residence, and having either separate or shared toilet facilities. Each dwelling unit shall be used for no other purpose than accommodating one family, except that: (a)

two boarders may reside therein who eat with the family, or


two lodgers or roomers may reside therein who do not normally eat within the dwelling; or


four foster children (or more where permitted) may reside therein; and subject always to the provisions of this Bylaw as to the other uses permitted within a dwelling;

As to subsection (45) by deleting the words "Committee" and "Zoning Committee" and substituting the words "Commission" and "Municipal Planning Cqmmission".


As to subsections (47) and (53) by deleting the words "Zoning Commit tee" and substi tut inq the words ._•Development Appeal Board".

(9)° Subsection (54) is deleted and the following new subsection is substituted: (54)


"non-conforming buildingw means a building (a)

that is lawfully constructed or lawfully under construction at the date of passage of a developnsnt control resolution or at the date of first publication of an official notice of a proposal to pass a zoninq bylaw affecting the land on which the building is situated, and


that does not or will not conform to the requirements of the resolution or to Zoninq Bylaw No. 2135 that became effective on 20th November, 1961.

Subsection (55) is deleted and the following new stibseetion is substituted:

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" ( 55),

( 11)

"non-conforming use" means a lawful specific use (a)

made of land or a building or intended to be made of a building lawfully under construction at the date of passage of a development control resolution or the date of first publication of an official notice of a proposal to pass a zoning bylaw affecting such land or building, and


that does not or will not conform to the requirements of the resolution or to-Zoning Bylaw No. 2135 that became effective on 20th November, 1961.

As to subsection ( 56) by de le ting the words "Zoning Committee", "the Technical Planning Board• and "or the Zoning Appeal Board (as the case may be')" and substituting "Development Appeal Board and the Municipal Planning Commission" •


The following new subsection is added immediately after subsection 78: (78A) "special use" means a use listed in the

District Schedules of this Bylaw and which is subject to appeal in accordance with Section 128 (1) (d) of the Act or which may be referred by the Director to Council for a decision in accordance with the procedure herein."

( 13)


Su,bsection ( 82) is deleted and the following new subsection is substituted:




"subdivide" or "subdivision" means a division of a parcel of land by means of an agreement, plan of subdivision, plan of survey, or any instrument transferring or creating an estate or interest in part of the pa.reel, excluding a leasehold interest not exceeding three years.

Subsection (84) is deleted. Section 3 "GENERAL OPERATIVE CLAUSES" is amended as follows: (1)

As to sub~ection (2) by deleting the words "the special approval of the Zoning Committee or the Zoning Board, as the case may be," and substituting the words "the approval of the City- Council", -

- 4 (2)

As to subsection (3) (a) by deleting the words "Zoning Committee" in paragraph (a) sub-paragraph (iii) and subs ti tu ting the word "Director". (b) by deleting paragraph (c) and substituting therefor the following new paragraph: "(c)


by deleting paragraph (d) and substituting therefor the following new paragraph: " ( d)


A non-conforming use of land or a building may be continued, but if that use is discontinued or changed, any future use shall conform to the provisions of this bylaw."

A non-conforming use of part of a building may be extended throughout the building, but the buildi~, whether or not it is a non-conforming building, shall not be enlarged or added to and no structural alteration shall be made therein."

by deletirg paragraph (e) and substituting therefor the following new paragraph: " ( e)


A non-conforming use of pa rt of a pa reel of land shall not be extended or transferred in whole or in part to any other part of the parcel and no additional building shall be erected upon the parcel while the non-conforming use continues.•

by deleting paragraph (f) and substituting therefor the following new paragraph: : ."(f)

( 3)

The 'use of land or a building is not affected by reason only of a change of ownership, tenancy or occupancy of the land or building."

as to subsection (4) by deleting from ¡paragraph (a) the words "Zoning Committee or the" in the second line and the words "Zoning Committee" in the fifth line and substituting in the fifth 1 ine the word "Director".


as to subsection (8) by deleting the word "District" wherever it occurs and substitutinq therefor the word "Regional".


subsection (9) is deleted.

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Section 4 "PERMITTED DEVELOPMENTS" is amended as to subsection (1), paragraph (j), sub-paragraph (ii) by deleting the word "Committee" wherever it occurs and substituting therefor the word "Director", and by adding the words "or structures" immediately after the words "Temporary signs".


Section 5 is amended as follows: ( 1)

by addinq,... to the Title the following words.v "AND DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DIRECTOR".


as to subsection (1) by lettering the existing paragraph as "(a)" and adding the following new paragraphs:

( 3)


The Director shall exercise discretion to prohibit the erection of a building on any site where it would otherwise be permitted, when arrangements satisfactory to the Director have not been made for the supply to such building of water, electric power, sewerage, street access or other services or facilities or any of them. n

" ( c)

A non-conforming building shall not be enlarged, added to, rebuilt or structurally altered except as the Director may deem necessary for the routine maintenance of the building."

as to subsection (6) by deleting the word "Zoning" and substituting the word "Development".


as to subsection (7) (b) by deleting the words "require the application to be dealt with by the Zoning Committee" and substituting the following: "appeal the decision to the Development Appeal Board."


as to subsection (7) (c) by deleting the words "require the application to be dealt with by the Zoning Committee路." and substituting the words "appeal 路the Eiecision to the Development Appeal Board."

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as to subsection (7) by deleting paragraphs (d),


(e) and (f) and substituting therefor the following new paragraphs : "(d)

Where discretion is exercised by the Director under the authority of this Bylaw, and he is of the opinion that it is not possible for him to assess fairly the effect. of the requested permit upon the property interests in the vicinity, he may refuse the application so that the applicant may appeal to the Development Appeal Board where a hearing may include submissions from persons who deem themselves affected thereby."


If an appeal to the Development Appeal Board has been taken within the said 10 days, the City Architect shall continue to withhold the issue of the Building Permit, pending the final decision of the Development Appeal Board or the abandonment of the appeal, as the case may be."

" ( f)

An application to appeal an approval of the

Director to the Development Appeal Board shall be filed with the Director on a City form and a copy of the appeal shall be placed in the Building Permit application file."

"(ff). When the Director has authorized the issuing , of the Zoning Certificate, either as applied for or subject to such conditions as are imposed by the Director, then the City Architect shall, when satisfied that the Building Code requirements have been met, issue the Building Permit to the applicant unless the Director advises that an appeal to the Development Appeal Board has been filed, in which case, the Permit shall not be issued pending disposition of the appeal." (7)

Subsection (8) is deleted and the following substituted therefor: "(8)

Special Uses and Provisions for Appeals Whenever an application is received for a special use specified in the district schedules of this bylaw, the Director shall: (a)

ensure that all Special use applications comply with all relevant regulations contained in this bylaw, and


refuse any Special Use application which does not comply, setting out the reasons for refusal, or

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( c) .(.i)





approve any application subject to any conditions necessary to ensure compliance, and in this particular case, the Director shall, prior to the issuing of a Special Use Certif i.cate, ensure that an appropriate notice is sent to the assessed owner of every property within 200 feet of the land in question, not less than ten (10) days prior to the effective date of the Permit, advising of the right of appeal against the decision of approval. If in the ten day period no appeal has been made on the form provided by the City and deposited with the Secretary of the D~velopment Appeal Board, the Zoning Certificate shall be is sued forthwith. If an appeal has¡been lodged in the manner prescribed, then the Secretary of the Board shall notify, not less than five (S) days prior to the date of the hearing of any appeal, those persons who have filed written objections with the City Planning Department.

Where in the opinion of the Director, an application for a Special Use is deemed to be inconsistent with orderly or economical developm:!nt in the particular circumstances of the 1 site or the form of the development, and notwithstanding that the application may other wise conform to all the regulations governing the particular Special Use, the Director shall refer the S:Pecial Use application to Council for a decision. SPECIAL USES REQUIRING COUNCIL APPROVAL Special ;Use applications which may be referred to Council by the Director, or as otherwise required to be determined by Council under the terms of this Bylaw.


(ii) (b)

• (8)

shall be approved subject to compliance with all the provisions of this Bylaw, and such further conditions that the Council may impose, or refused stating the reasons for refusal.

An appeal to the Development Appeal Board may be made by a person who is not satisfied with a decision resulting from the exercise of discretionary powers by the Council.

Subsection (9) is deleted and the following substituted therefor:

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Special Use Approvals to be Withheld for Appeal The Director shall not return the approved application for a Special Use to the City Architect until he has properly posted an appropriate notice on the site and the notice period of ten (10) days has expired without an appeal being taken therefrom to the Development Appeal Board."


As to subsection (12) paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) are deleted and the following new paragraphs substituted therefor: H(a)


Whenever it is reported to the Director that the tezms of this bylaw or a Zoning Certificate are not being observed he shall promptly investigate. When the Director is satisfied of a breach of this bylaw, or Zoning Certificate, he shall in writing require that: ( i)



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any prohibited use being made of land or of a building, be discontinued upon notice issued by the City Architect and be not resumed until a permit therefor has been issued or reinstated.


Where the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, removal or demolition of a building or any excavation or work: is being carried out or any land or building is used otherwise than in accordance with this Bylaw, Council by written notice, either served personally upon or sent by registered mail to the owner of the property involved and to any contractor engaged in work, may require the removal, demolition or alteration of the building, the filling in of the excavation, or the cessation of the work: or the use to which the land or building is being put, as the case may be.


The notice shall state: ( i)

(ii) ..

any work undertaken without a permit or after a permit has been suspended or revoked, or

The grounds upon which the removal, demolition, alteration, filling in, or cessation of work or use is required, and That the removal, demolition, or alteration of the building, the filling in of the excavation, or the cessation of the work or the use of the land or building, as the ~ase may be, shall be carried out or effected within a reasonable period

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stated in the notice, which shall be not more than two months computed from the date of the notice." (10)

as to subsection (14) by deleting the words •zoning Committee" and substituting the word "Director".




SECTION 7 "ARCliITECTURAL PANEL" is amended as follows:



as to subsection (1) by deleting the words "or the Zoning Comm.i ttee where the terms of the Bylaw require, shall make aesthetic decisions concerning developments• and substituting the words "may approve, approve subject to conditions or refuse, stating reasons, any building, structure or sign in any district if in his opinion it is unsatisfactory by reason of design, character or appearance."


as to subsection (3) by deleting the words "Zoning Appeal Board" and substituting the words HDevelopment Appeal Board."

SECTION 8 "ZONING APPEAL BOARD" is amended as follows: ( 1)

as to the Title by deleting the word "ZONING" and substituting the word "Development".


as to sUbsection (1) (a)

by deleting the word "Zoning'' in the first line and substituting the word "Development";


by deleting paragraphs (a) to (c) inclusive and substituting the following therefor: "(a)


who claims that the strict enforcement of the requirements of this Bylaw would cause him special and unnecessary hardship because of circumstances peculiar to the use, character or situation of his land or building, or who is not satisfied with a decision resulting from the exercise of discretionary powers by the Council, the Municipal Planning Commission or an authorized official of the munici.pality under this Bylaw, or

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who proposes a specific use of land or a building that is not expressly provided for by the Zoning Bylaw but is similar in character and purpose to other uses of land and buildings permitted by this Bylaw in the zone in which such use is proposed, or


when this Bylaw provides fo:: an a.ppeal."

as to subsection (2) (a) ¡ by deleting the word "Zoning" and substituting the word "Development". (b)

by inserting the words "or members of the Municipal Planning Commission, and at least one of whom shall be a member of Council" immediately after the words "servants of the Council".


as to subsection (3) (a) by inserting the word "Development" immediately after the words "member of the".


Subsection (4) except for the title (4) Jurisdiction is deleted and the following new sub-section substituted therefor: "(a)


The Development Appeal Board shall consider and determine each appeal having due regard to the circumstances and merits of the particular; case and the general purposes and intent of this Bylaw and any general plan that has been adopted and, in the case of an appeal made under clause (a) of subsection (1), shall seek to relieve the appellant from unnecessary hardship to s¡uch extent as in its opinion will not be unduly adverse to the public interest. In determining an appeal, the Development Appeal Board may confirm, reverse or vary the decision appealed from and may impose such conditions or limitations as it deems proper and desirable in the circumstances."


Subsection (5) is deleted.


as to subsection (6) by deleting the number "82" and substituting the number "125".


Subsection (8) is deleted and the following new subsection substituted: "(8)

Decisions Final The decision of the Development Appeal Board is final and binding upon all parties, subject only to an appeal under Section 146 of the Act."

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( 9)


as to subsection ( 9) ( g) by deleting the words "by the Zoning Committee".

( b)

paragraph (k) by deleting the words in the third line "the appellant or other interested party," and substituting the words "a member of the City Planning Department," and by deleting the last sentence commencing with "The Appellant., and erding with "the foregoing."


by adding the followin9 new paragraph immediately after paragraph (n): "(o)

A separate register shall be kept by the Director of every decision of the Development Appeal Board, listing these uses and the locations thereof which have been declared to be uses similar to uses permitted by this Bylaw."

SECTION 9 "AMENDMENTS" is amended as follows:



by deleting the words "Technical Planning Board" wherever they occur in this Section and substituting the words "Municipal Planning Commission."

( 2) ¡ by deleting the word "Board" in this Section wherever it occurs as referring.to the Technical Planning Board and substituting therefor the word "Commission". (3)

by deleting the word "District" in this Section wherever it occurs as referring to Preliminary District Plan and/or Echnonton District Planning Commission and substituting therefor the word "Regional".


by deleting the words "District General" in this section wherever they occur as referring to District General Pl!an and substituting therefor the wrd "Reqio nal".


SECTION 10 "PENALTIES" is amended as follows: By inserting the following new subsection (la) immediately following subsection (1): "(la) When a person is convicted under subsection (1) of having undertaken or permitted a development that contravenes any Bylaw or permit, the Council may file a notification of the illegal development against the title to the affected land in the Land Titles Office.

11. ( 1) SECTION 11 "ZONING DISTRICTS" is amended as to subsection (4) (g) by deleting the words "Technical Planning Board"' and substituting the words "Municipal Planning Commission". (2) As to Section 11 (1) delete "'A-Parkway and Public Uses District" and substitute "A-Metropolitan Recreational District".

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SECTION 12 "GENERAL REGUIATIONS" is amended as follows: (1)

by deleting the word "Committee" wherever it occurs in this Section and substituting the word "Director" except in the case of Section 12 (1) (aa) where the words "Zoning Committee" will be replaced by the word "Council".


As to subsection (1) (ab) by deleting the words "Technical Planning Board" and substituting the words "Municipal Planning Commission".


as to subsection (11) (a), (i) and (ii) by deleting the words "as determined by the Committee".


as to subsection (13) (a). by deleting the words "Zoning Committee" at1d substituting therefor the words "City Engineer" in paragraph (c) sub-paragraph (viii), and by deleting the words "to be registered by way of Caveat or notification pursuant to The Land Titles Act and substituting therefor the words "pursuant to Section 143 of the Act" in paragraph (f}, sub-paragraph (ii).


as to subsection (15) (a) by deleting the followirg sentence: "In all cases where development is proposed within an RRA, RRB and RRC Restricted Residential District, the Director shall make a decision thereon or shall refer the matter to the Committee for decision where the terms of the Bylaw require", and by deleting the words "and the Architectural Panel" in paragraph (c), sub-paragraph (v},

SECTION 13 "SPECIAL PROVISIO!{)" is amended as follows: (1)


as to subsection (2) (a)

by deleting the words "if the Committee approves the site" in paragraph (a);


by deleting the words "unless otherwise approved by the Committee" in paragraph (b}; and


by deleting paragraph (c).

As to subsection (3)


by deleting the words "if the Committee ap,'proves the site"; in paragraph (a) subparagraph (i); and


by deleting the words "either in existence or proposed as may be approved by the Committee"; in paragraph (a) sub-paragraph (ii); and

( c)

by deleting the word "Committee" and substituting the word "Director"; and


by deleting.paragraph (c).

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as to subsection (4) (d) by deleting the words "provided that no car port or garage shall be less than 20 feet from any rear or side lanes, unless, in the opinion of the Committee, any proposed distance of less than 20 feet will not interfere with the free movement of traffic in such lanes," and substituting therefor the words "provided that no garage driveway shall be less than 16 feet in depth when access is obtained directly from any rear or side lanes."


as to subsection (6) (b) and (c) by deleting the word "Commit tee" and substituting the word "Director".

A-PARfl/AY AND PUBLIC USES DISTRICT Section 16 is amended by changing the section heading to read "A-METROPOLITAN RECREATIONAL DISTRICT" and whe raver the reference to this District occurs elsewhere herein it shall be likewise changed; other amendments are the following:



As to subsection (2) (a) by deleting the word "Committee" and substituting therefor the word "Director".


As to subsection (3) by deleting the words "Zoning Committee" in the heading and substituting therefor the word "Council".

( 3)

By deleting the word "Committee" wherever it occurs in this Section and substituting therefor th~ word "Council".


As to subsection (3) (a) (iv) (S) by deleting "District" and substituting "Regional".


As to subsection (3) (a) (iv) (T) by deleting the words "and is essential in the opinion of the Cominittee" and "Edmonton District Planning Commission" to read "Edmonton Regional Planning Commission.•


As to subsection (3) (b) (ii), after the words "may imposeu, by deleting the words ''When deemed consistent with the park character of the district" and substituting therefor the words "when deemed consistent with the general purpose of the district".


As to subsection "(l) Uses" in subsection (1) (ab) by deleting the words "Technical . Planning Board" ard substituting therefor the words "Municipal Planning Commission".

( 2)

As to subsection ( 3) by deleting the word ncommittee" in the subtitle and substituting therefor the word "Council".

- 14 ( 3)


As to subsection ( 3) by deleting the words "Zoning Committee" and/or "Committee" wherever they occur and substituting therefor the word "Council".




As to subsection (2) (a) by deleting the word "Committee" and substituting therefor the word "Director".


As to subsection (3) by deleting the words "and the Zoning Committee" in the subtitle.

SECTION 16-C AG AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT is amended as follows: (1)

As to subsection (1) by adding immediately after paragraph (c) the following new paragraph (cc): "(cc)


Directional signs when approved by the Director".


As to subsection (2) (b) by deleting the word "Committee" and subs ti tu ting therefor the word "Director".


As to subsections (3) and (4) by deleting the words "Zoning Committee" and the word "Committee" wherever th&y appear in these subsections and substituting the ref or the word "Counc i1".

( 4)

Subsection ( 3) (a) is struck out.


As to subsection (3) (e) by deleting the word "prior", and by deleting the word "District" and substituting therefor the word "Regional".


As to subsection (3) (f) by deleting the word "prior" and by replacing "District" with "Regional n.


As to subsection (3) (g) and subsection (4) by deleting the words "Zoning Committee" and/or the word "Committee" wherever they occur and substituting therefor the word "Council".

SECTION 16-D AR COUNTRY RESIDENCE DISTRICT is amended as follows:¡ (1)

As to subsection (1) (b) by deleting the words "in the opinion of the Director".


As to subsection (1) (c) by renumbering (ff) and placing it in sequence following clause (f).

( 3)

As to subsection (l) (d) after the words "Residential Districts", by adding the words "and directional signs subject to the approval of the Director."

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Subsection (3) is struck out.


As to subsection (2) (b) by deleting the words "Technical Planning Board, as the approving authority under the Subdivision and Transfer Regulations", and substituting therefor "Director" ••




As to subsection (2) (b) by deleting the words "Technical Planning Board", as the approving authority under the Subdivision and Transfer Regulations" and substituting therefor the word "Director".


As to subsection (2) (c) by deleting the word "Committee" and substituting therefor the word "Director".

SECTION 17 AP-PUBLIC PARKS DISTRICT is deleted and the following new Section 17 substituted therefor:

Section 17


SEC. 17.

"Public Park" means an area of public land specifically defined or set aside for the use by and for the general public in both active or passive recreational uses; and includes all landscaping, facilities, and apparatus, playing fields, utilities, buildings and other structures that ar~ consistent with the general purposes of public parkland, and whether or not such recreational facilities are publicly operated or operated by other organizations pursuant to arrangements with the public authority owning the park and may if!-clude public and private cemsteries. Unlesst otherwise determined by Council, land used or inteoo'Ei'a for recreation shall be municipally operated or, where privately operated shall be licensed annually in the discretion of Council, and shall be available to all members of the public at such times, on such conditions and subject to such fees or charges, if any, as may be approved by the City Commissioners from time to time." "USES PERMITTED AND REGULATIONS (1)


Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, on any site, in any district defined, designated, or described in this Bylaw as an Ap-PUBLIC PARKS DISTRICT, only the uses consistent with the definition of a Public Park are permitted and including the following uses: (A) (B) (C)

Archery Ranges Bandshells Carnivals o~ Fairs sponsored by a non-profit community organization for periods not in excess of 7 days.

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(D) (E) (F)

Cemeteries, Crematoria and Mausoleums Community League Buildings Permitted Signs, if the following limitations are observed: (a)

(G) (H) (I) (J) (K) ( L) (M)

(N) ( 0) (P)



Directional and identification and other suitable sign~ which may be illuminated but not flashing, consistent with the uses and purposes of a Public Park and if the fram.ew')rk, size and design of the sign are considered by the Director to be suitable for the location.

Indoor Rifle or Pistol Ranges Major Public Athletic-Stadia Planet aria Public operated Camp Sites Restaurants and Refreshment Booths Riding Stables and Trails Roller and Ice Hockey Rinks and Municipally operated Curling Rinks Swimming and Wading Pools Zoological Gardens and Aquaria Any other uses listed in the A-PARX!NAY AND PUBLIC USES D!STRICT which are or may be permitted on City lands and only if consistent with the general purpose of this district. Buildings or uses accessory to the above uses ••

The Following Regulations Apply to Every Development in All AP-PUBLIC PARKS DISTRICTS (a)

Height The maximum height of buildings shall not exceed 35 feet, ;unless otherwise approved by the Director. Front Yard The front yard shaH be at the discretion of the Director, who shall have due regard to the amenities of the district, but in no case shall he permit a set-back less than 25 feet nor require a set-back exceeding 30 per cent of the mean lot depth.


Side Yard A side yard shall be provided on each side of the development of not less than 15 feet.




A rear yard shall be provided, the minimum depth of which shall be not less than 25 feet." 21.




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As to subsection (2) (e) (ii) by deleting the word "Committee" and substituting the word "Director".

( 2)

Subsection ( 3) is struck out.


As to subsection (1) (b) by adding the words "and public schools".


As to subsection (1) by adding thereto the following paragraph (e): " ( e)

Directional signs subject to the approval of the Director."


As to subsection (2) (e) (ii) by deleting the word "Committee" and substituting therefor the word "Director".


Subsection (3) is deleted and substituted by the following new subsection (3): "(3)

Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the right of Appeal To The Development Appeal Board. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this Section and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, permits may also be issued for the following uses, subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Develo~ment Appeal B9ard. In determining an appeal, the Development Appeal Board may confirm, reverse or vary the decision appealed from and may impose such conditions or limitations as it deems proper and desirable in the circumstances. (a)

Dwelling units with more than four foster children in each dwelling unit.


Fire Stations


Police Stations


Public and quasi-public buildings


Public utility buildings and installations


Private schools, Kindergartens, Daycare Schools


Buildings or uses accessory to the above uses.

._,-._.:. ;; . -.

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SECTION 20 RRC - RESTRICTED RESIDENTIAL DISTfil£! is amended as follows: (1)

As to subsection (1) (b) by adding the words "and Puhl ic Schools".


As to subsection (1) by adding thereto the following new paragraph (e): " ( e)

Directional Signs subject to the approval of the Director."


As to subsection (2) (e) (ii) by deleting the word "Committee" and substituting therefor the word "Director".


Subsection (3) is deleted and substituted therefor the following new subsection (3): "(3)

Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this Section and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, permits may also be issued for the following uses, subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In determining an appeal, the Development Appeal Board may confirm,· reverse or vacy the decision appealed from and may impose such conditions or limitations as it deems proper and desirable in the circumstances.



Dwelling units with more than four foster children in each dwelling unit.


Fire Stations


Police Stations


Public and quasi-public buildings


Public Utility Buildings and Installations


Private Schools, Kindergartens, Day-care schools


Buildings or uses accessory to the above."

SECTION 21 R-1 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT is amended as follows: (1)

As·to subsection·(l) (b) by adding the words "and I>ublic Schools".





- 19 (2)

As to subsection (1) by adding thereto the following new i:aragraph (4): " ( e) ¡Directional signs subject to the approval of the Director."


Subsection (3) is deleted and substituted by the following new subsection (3): (3)

Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board Notwithstarding the provisions of subsection (1) of this Section and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, permits may also be issued for the following uses, subject in all cases to the -right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In determining an appeal, the Development Appeal Board may confirm, reverse or vary the decision appealed from and may impose such conditions or limitations as it deems proper and desirable in the circumstances. (a)

Fire Stations


Homes for the aged or children, and including dwelling units with more than four foster children in each dwelling unit.




Hospitals or sanatoria, excluding a mental hospital or hospital for the treatment of animals, or institutions for the treatment of alcoholics or drug addicts.


Parking areas ancillary to a principal use on an abutting site.


Police Stations


Public and quasi-public buildings


Public utility buildings and installations


Private schools, kindergartens, daycare schools, creches or day nurseries


The office of a professional or business person provided that (i)

the office is situated in the dwelling unit used by the person as his private residence; and

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the person conducts the profession or business in the dwelling unit, and


ths use will not generate parking p::-oblems wi "'.:h in the district; and

(iv) (v)


the number of emµloyees does not exceed one; anc' there .shall be no exterior display o::- ad·rnrtiseme;1't other than a permithd sign.


Two-family dwellings and semi-detached one-family dwellings where the side lot line of a lot within an R-1 District abuts upon a lot in any R-2A, R-3, C-1, C-2, M-1, M-2 or M-3 district and is not separated there from by a street, lane or utility lot more than 33 feet wide, but such transitional use shall not in any R-1 District extsnd more than 100 feet from the boundary of the less restrictive area which it adjoins.


Buildings or uses accessory to the above uses.

By adding a new subsection (4) as follows: " ( 4)

Uses Which May be Permitted subject to the approval of Council Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1) of this Section, permits may be i~sued for the following uses, subject to such uses first ,being approved by Council. If a Permit is granted, the development shall be undertaken in compliance with all provisions of this Bylaw and such further conditions that the Council may impose:

An appeal to the Development Appeal Board.

may be made by a person who is not satisfied with a decision resulting from the exercise of a discretionary powers by the Council.





Semi-detached one-family dwellings.


Parking areas ancillary to but not abutting a principal use and not separated therefrom by a street, lane or utility lot more than 33 feet side."

SECTION 21-A "RC-1 RESIDENTIAL CONVERSION DISTRICT" is amanded as follows: ( 1)

As to subsectior. ( 1) (a) by adding thereto the words "and semi-detached, one-family dwellings."


As to subsection (1) (b) by adding after the words "limitations and exceptions imposed" the following "and provided further than an appeal may be taken to the Development Appeal Board from strict compliance with ·':he provisions of of this subsection (l) :b)."

- 21 -

(3) _As to subsection (1) (b), under the definition "Habitable Room" by deleting the word "kitchenettes" and substituting therefor the word "kitchens". (4)

As to subsection (1) (c) by adding the words "and Public Schools".


As to subsection (1) by adding the following new paragraph (cc) immediately following paragraph ( c) : ¡ "(cc)

Directional signs subject to the approval of the Director".

( 6)

Subsection ( 1) ( f) (vii) is struck out.


As to subsection (2) (b) by deleting the words "unless otherwise approved by the Zoning Committee".


Subsection (3) is deleted and substituted by the following new subsection (3): "(3)

Uses which are Permitted Subject to the right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this Section and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, Permits may also be issued for the following uses, subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In determining an appeal, the Development Appeal Board may confirm, reverse or vary the decision appealed from and may impose such conditions or limitations as it deems proper and desirable in the circumstances.



Fire Stations


Homes fsr the aged or children, and including dwelling units with more than four foster children in each dwelling unit.




Hospitals or sanatoria, excluding a mental hospital or hospital for the treatment of animals, or institutions for the treatment of alcoholics or drug addicts


Parking areas ancillary to a principal use on an abutting site


Police Stations


Publ-ic and quasi-public baildings

- 22 -


Public Utility Buildings and installations


Private Schools, kindergartens, daycare schools, creches or day nurseries


Purpose designed two-family dwellings provided that:



the site area is not less than 7000 square feet, and


the site has a mean frontage of . not less than SO feet

the office of a professional or business person provided that: (i)

(ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

(1) (m) (9) . ~adding


the office is situated in the dwelling unit used by the person as his private residence; and the person conducts the profession or business in the dwelling unit; and the use will not generate parking problems within the district; and the number of employees does not exceed one; and there shall be no exterior display or advertisement other than a permitted sign

Greenhouses and Plant Nurseries Bu~ldings and uses accessory to the above uses." new subsection (4) as follows:

Uses Which May be Permitted Subject to the approval of Council Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1) of this Section, permits may be issued for the following uses, subject to such uses first being approved by Council. If a permit is granted, the development shall be undertaken in compliance with all provisions of this Bylaw and such further conditions that the Council may impose: An appeal to the Development Appeal Board

may be made by a person who is not satisfied with a decision resulting from the exercise of discretionary powers by the Council.


Parking areas ancillary to but not abutting a principal use not separated therefrom by a street, lane or utility lot and more than 33 feet wide.


Purpose designed apartment buildings containing not more than 4 dwelling units provided that: (i) (ii)

26 •

the site area is not less than 8,600 square feet; the site has a minimum mean width of 66 feet;


the site coverage, including accessory buildings, does not exceed 30%;


one parking or garage space is provided for each dwelling unit on the same site; and


the Council is satisfied that the building does not adversely affect the amenities of the district by reason of appearance, height or location."

SECTION 22 "R- 2 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" is amended as follows: (1)

As to Subsection (1) (d) by adding thereto the words "and public schools".


As to Subsection (1) by adding the following new paragraph ( i ) : ·"(i)


Directional signs, more than one identification sign, and identification signs which exceed 10 square feet in the case of permitted residential uses and 15 square feet in the case of permitted non-residential uses when approved by the Director."

Subsection (3) is deleted and substituted therefor by the following new subsection (3):


Uses Which are permitted subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1) of this Sectio~ and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, permits may also be issued for the following uses, subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board.

"In determining an appeal, the Development Appeal Board may confirm, reverse or vary the decision appealed from and may impose such conditions or limitations as it deems proper and desirable in the circumstances. (a)

Fire Stations


Homes for the aged or children, and including dwelling units with more than four foster children in each dwelling unit.

- 24 -


Hospitals and sanatoria, excluding mental hospitals or hospitals for the treatment of animals, or institutions for the treatment of alcoholics or drug addicts.


Parking areas ancillary to a principal use on an abutting site.


Police stations


Public and quasi-public buildings


Public utility buildings and installations


Private schools, kindergartens, day-care schools, creches or day nurseries.


The office of a professional or business person provided that: (i)

(ii) (iii) (iv) (v)



the office is situated in the dwelling unit used by the person as his private residence; and the person conducts the profession or business in the dwelling unit; and the use will not generate parking problems.within the district; an the number of employees does not exceed one; and there shall be no exterior display or advertisement other than a per~ mitted¡ sign.

Buildings and uses accessory to the above uses."

By adding new subsection (4) as follows:


Uses Which May be Permitted Subject to the Approval of Council Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1) of this section, permits may be issued for the following uses, subject to such uses first being approved by Council. If a permit is granted, the development shall be undertaken in compliance with all provisions of this Bylaw and such further conditions that the Council may impose: An appeal to the Development Appeal Board may be made by a person who is not satisfied with a decision resulting from the exercise of discretionary powers by the Council.

- 25 -



Parking areas ancillary to but not abutting a principal use and not separated therefrom by a street, lane or utility lot more than 33 feet wide.


Terraced dwellings."

SECTION 23 "R-2A RESIDENI'IAL DISTRICT" is amended as follows: (1)

As to subsection (1) (e) by adding thereto the words "and Public Schools".


As to Subsection (1) by adding the following new paragraph ( j ) : " ( j)


Directional Signs, more than one ident ification sign, and identification signs which exceed 10 square feet in the case of permitted residential uses and 15 square feet in the case of permitted non-residential uses, when approved by the Director." Subsection (3) is deleted and substituted therefor by the following new subsection (3): " ( 3)

Uses Which are permitted subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1) of this Section and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, permits may also be issi.ied for the following uses, subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In determining an appeal, the Development Appeal Board may confirm, reverse or vary the decision appealed from and may impose such conditions or limitations as it deems proper and desirable in the circumstances.



Fire Stations


Homes for the aged or children, and including dwelling units with more than four foster children in each dwelling unit.


Hospitals and sanatoria, excluding mental hospitals or hospitals for the treatment of animals, or institutions for the treatment of alcoholics or drug addicts •


Parking area ancillary to a principal use on an abutting site or one not separated therefrom by a street, lane or utility lot more than 33 feet wide.


Police Stations


Public and quasi-public buildings

- 26 -


Public utility buildings and installations


Private Schools, Kindergartens, day-care schools, creches or day nurseries.


The office of a professional or business person provided that: (i)

the office is situated in the dwelling unit used by the person as his private residence; and


the person conducts the profession or business in the dwelling unit; and


the use will not generate parking problems within the district; and

(iv) (v)

the number of employees does not exceed one ; and there shall be no exterior display or advertisement other than a permitted sign.



Buildings and uses accessory to the above uses." SECTION 24 "R-3 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" is amended as follows: (1)

As to subsection (1) (b) by adding thereto the words "and public schools".


As to subsection (1) by adding thereto the following new paragraph (h): "(h)

Directional signs, more than one identification sign, and identification signs which exceed 10 square feet :.n the case of permitted residential uses and 15 square feet in the case of permitted non-residential uses, when approved by the Director."


As to subsection (2) (h) by deleting the words "Apartment Blocks" from the subtitle and substituting therefor the word "Buildings", and by deleting the word "apartment" in the first line.


Subsection (3) is deleted and substituted therefor by the following new subsection (3): " ( 3)

Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board "Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsectiom (1) of this Section and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, permits may also be issued for the following uses, subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board.

- 27 In determining an appeal, the Board may confirm, reverse or vary the decision appealed from and may impose such conditions or limitations as it deems proper and desirable in the circumstances.



Boarding and lodging houses


Fire Stations


Fraternity or sorority houses




Homes for the aged or children, and including dwelling units with more than four foster children in each dwelling unit


Hospitals and sanatoria, excluding mental hospitals or hospitals for the treatment of animals, or institutions for the treatment of alcoholic or drug addicts


One-family dwellings


Parking areas ancillary to a principal use on an adjacent site

( i)

Police stations

( j)

Public and quasi-public buildings


Public utility buildings and installations

( l)

Private Schools, kindergartens, day-care schools, creches or day nurseries


Semi-detached one-family dwellings


Terrace dwellings

(9 l.


_'Two-family dwellings The office of a professional or business person provided that: (i)

the office is situated in the dwelling unit used by the person as his private residence; and


the person conducts the profession or business in the dwelling unit; and


the use will not generate parking problems within the district; and

(iv) (v)

the number of employees does not exceed one; and there shall be no exterior display or advertisement other than a permitted sign.



- 28 -

(q) 29.

Buildings or uses accessory to the above uses."

SECTION 24-A "GENERAL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" is amended as follows: (1)

By inserting the following preamble immediately preceding subsection (1): "The general purpose of this district is to encourage the orderly transition, renewal or redevelopment of older low density residential areas which by reason of their proximity to traffic routes, commercial centres and acc~ss­ ibili ty warrant a more economical and intensive use of land with a wide range of residential accommodation."

( 2)

As to subsection (1) by adding the following new paragraph (aa) immediately after paragraph (a): #(aa)

The conversion of an existing dwelling, when approved by the Director, into dwelling units, suites or sleeping rooms or a boarding or lodging house, where by reason of age, size or other appropriate factors, the building is unsuitable for its present use."


As to subsection (1) (i) by adding the words Hand Public Schools".


As to subsection (1) by adding the following new paragraph {m):


Directional signs when approved by the Directqr."



Subsection (3) is deleted and substituted therefor :Dy the following new subsection (3): .


Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1) of this Section and subject ¡to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, permits may also be issued for the following uses, subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In determining an appeal, the Board may confirm, reverse or vary the decision appealed from and may impose such conditions or limitations as it deems proper and desirable in the circumstances. {a)

Fire Stations



- 29 -


Hospitals or sanatoria, excluding a mental hospital or hospital for the treatment of animals, or institutions for the treatment of alcoholics or drug addicts.


Parking areas ancillary to a principal use on an abutting site or one not separated therefrom by a street, lane or utility lot more than 33 feet wide.


Police Stations


Public and quasi-public buildings


Public utility buildings and installations


Private Schools, Kindergartens, daycare schools, creches or day nurseries


The office of a professional or business person provided that: (i)


the person conducts the profession or business in the dwelling unit; and


the use will not generate parking problems within the district; and

(iv) (v)



the office is situated in the dwelling unit used by the person as his private residence; and

the number of employees does not exceed one; and there shall be no exterior display or advertisement other than a permitted sign.

Buildings and uses accessory to the above uses."

Subsection (4) is deleted and substituted therefor by the following new subsection (4): n(4)

Uses Which May be Permitted Subject to Approval of Council Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (l) of this Section, permits may be issued for the following uses, subject to such uses first being approved by Council. If a permit is granted, the development shall be undertaken in compliance with all provisions of this Bylaw and such further conditions that Council may impose:

- 30 -

An appeal to the Development Appeal Board may be made by a person who is not satisfied with a decision resulting from the exercise of discretionary powers by the Council.



Mixed Residential Develoement:- In the case of a comprehensively designed mixed residential development the Council may determine the maximum, permissible residential density, but shall pay due regard to the standards applicable to individual residential uses as specified in Subsections (1) and (2) hereof. Where Council deems it appropriate, retail or service uses substantially accessory to such a comprehensively developed project may be permitted.


Buildings and uses accessory to the above uses."

SECTION 25 "C-1 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT" is amended as follows: (1)

As to Subsection (1) immediately preceding paragraph (a) after the words "following uses:", by adding the following proviso: "provided that in the case of a service station site approved prior to or after the passing of this Bylaw, any conversion to other use or uses permitted shall require the prior approval of the Council which shall have due regard to the amenities of the district."


Subsection (1), following paragraph (p) ~Public Parks", by adding the following new paragraph (pp): "(pp)

Service stations when previously approved by Council under a replotting scheme, plan of subdivision or permit."


As to Subsection (1) (n) by deleting the word "Public".


As to Subsection (1) (t) by adding the following new sub-paragraph (vii): "(vii)

The following additional signs when approved by the Director: (A)

Directional signs

( B)

Identification or local advertising wall signs on exposed side walls of buildings


One local advertising ground sign or standard poster panel with a maximum advertising area of 250 square feet on a single-faced sign and a total of 500 square feet on a double-faced sign.

- 31 -


Additional pole or ground identification signs."


As to Subsection (2) (a) by deleting the words "or change of use" in the fourth line following the word "reconstruction".


Subsection (3) is deleted and substituted therefor by the following new subsection (3): " ( 3)

Uses Which Are Pennitted Subject to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1) of this Section and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, permits may also be issued for the following uses, subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In determining an appeal, the Development Appeal Board may confirm, reverse or vary the decision appealed from and may impose such conditions or limitations as it deems proper and desirable in the circumstances. (aa)

Catering establishments in conjunction with eating establishments on the same premises.


Drive-in businesses


Dry cleaning shops


Fire stations


Laundry shops


Liquor stores


Police stations


Private Clubs or lodges


Public and quasi-public buildings

( i)

Public Utility Buildings and Installations

( j)

Service stations other than those permitted under Subsection (1) (pp)




A workshop accessory to a retail store, provided that: ( i)


The workshop is not located at the front of the store; Such use is restricted to the treatment of goods which would normally be done on the premises where the goods are sold;

-- __£

- 32 -



Goods for sale in other premises shall not be processed in such work: shop."




Buildings and uses accessory to the above uses.

SECTION 26 "C-2 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT" is amended as follows: (1)

As to Subsection (1) by adding after paragraph (n) "Photographers' Shops" the following new paragraph: "(nn) Pool Rooms", and by deleting from paragraph (p) the word "Public". .


As to Subsection (1) (w) by adding after the words "above uses" the following: "including a workshop accessory to a retail store, provided that: (i)

The workshop is not located at the front of the store;.


Such use is restricted to the treatment of goods which would nonnally be done on the premises where the goods are sold;

(iii)', Goods for sale in other premises shall n.Ot be processed in such work: shop." ( 3)

As ,to SUbsection (1) (x) by deleting sub-paragraph C~i~ 1'- <ariif· by rel}umbering sub-paragraph (iii) as sub~:;(l~~ (ii) and by adding thereafter the follow-


<The. following additional signs when approved by the Director : (i) (ii)


Directional signs Identification or local or general advertising wall signs on exposed side walls of buildings Additional pole or ground identification signs and all pole or ground identification signs exceeding 45 feet in overall height


Additional ground local or general advertising standard poster panels with a maximum advertising area of 250 square feet for each sign


Local or general advertising ground signs or bulletin board with a maximum advertising area of 450 square feet each


One identification sign on a service station roof,''

- J3 -


Subsection (3) is deleted and substituted therefor by the following new subsection (3): " ( 3)

Uses Which are Permitted subject to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1) of this Section and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, permits may also be issued for the following uses, subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In determining an appeal, the Development Appeal Board may confirm, reverse or vary the decision appealed from and may impose such conditions or limitations as it deems 'proper and desirable in the circumstances. (a)

Establishments for the sale of new automobiles on sites of not less than one acre and subject to the following minimum requi rem:i nt s :




the development shall be restricted primarily to the sale of new automobiles; the sale of used automobiles and automobile servicing and repairs shall be permitted only as incidental to the development under (i) above; showroom and office facilities normally associated with the sale of new automobi le s shall be provided;


All automobile storage areas and parking lots shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of Section 13 hereof except that all such areas and lots shall be hardsurfaced concurrently with the rest of the ~evelopment;


All automobile storage areas and parking lots shall be screened from any adjacent residential zone by a solid fence or wall not less than 5 feet high;


no trucks, trailers, farm equipment or machinery shall be displayed or serviced, and


automobiles being displayed, serviced or stored shall not be parked on streets, lanes, sidewalks or boulevards and wheel guards or bumper guards shall be provided and so loqated that no part of a vehicle will extend into such streets, lanes, sidewalks or boulevards.

- 33a



Bowling alleys


Catering establishments


Cocktail lounges


Curling rinks


Drive-in businesses


Dry cleaning establishments·


Fire stations

( i)



Police stations


Public and quasi-public buildings


Public utility buildings and installations


Private clubs and lodges


Skating rinks

( o)



Veterinary hospitals used exclusively for the treatmnt of dogs, cats and similar small animals or pets

(q) '

Buildings and uses accessory to the

above uses."

SEG~ION 27 "C-7 (RESTRICTED) TOURIST D'.IDS.!l!RICT~' is amended as follows: • . t:







Subsection (1) by adding thereto ·the follow'ing .new paragraph (d): · "(d)

Directional signs subject to the approval of the Director."

- 34 -


Subsection (3) is deleted and substituted therefor by the following new subsection (3): "(3).

Uses Which are Pemitted subject to the right of appeal to the Development1 Appeal Board. · "Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1) of this Section and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, permits may also be issued for the following uses, subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Boa rd. In determining an appeal, the Development Appeal Board may confirm, reverse or vary the decision appealed from and may impose; such conditions or limitations as it deems proper .and desirable in the circumstances •

• 33.


Those uses permitted or permitted subject to the right of appeal in R-1 Residential Districts.


The maximum height of a building may be increased at the discretion of the Director but in no· case shall the height be increased to exceed the height permitted in the most restrictive residential district abutting the C-7 (Restricted) Tourist Commercial District."

SECTION 28 "M-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT" is amended as follaws: ( 1 )t"I!!' t'o Subse_qtion ( 2) ( f) ( i) by deleting .. in the W°• .Etc:.q'nc;i·. line following the words "but not flash·.. .~·the following: · .;,,~md which shall be referred by the Director to Architectural Panel which shall advise the Dir·ector. as to suitability of the framework and design." ( 2) As to Subsection (f) (v} by deleting the word "Committee" and substituting therefor the word nDirector".


As to Subsection (3) (d) by deleting the word "Committee" and substituting therefor the word "Council".


As to Subsection (4), following the words "the Director shall" in-·the third line, by deleting the words "submlt the application to the Committee for a decision thereon." and substituting the-refor t'le words "refuse the application."


Subsection (5) is struck out.


- 35 ( 6) ~;.,~:A;s:· to Subsection ( 6) by deleting the word •committee" -~~- substituting therefor the word "Director•. ( 7) ' As to Subsection ( 7) by deleting the words "or the Committee" wherever they occur. (8)

As to Subsections_ (8), (9) and (10) by deleting the words "Technical Planning Board" wherever they occur and substituting therefor the words "Municipal Planning Commission", and by deleting the words "Zoning f.ppeal Board" and/or the word "Board", wherever it occurs in said subsections as referring to the Zoning Appeal Board, and substituting therefor the word ncouncil".


SECTION 29 "M-2 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT" is amended as follows: (1)

Subsection 2 )c) (vii) de°Iete the semicolon and the word "and"·at the end of this subsection and substitute a period.


Subsection (2.) (e) .· (viii}' -is. struck out •


As to Subsection (3) (d) by deleting the word "Committee" and substituting therefor the word "Council".


As to Subsection (4) by deleting after the words "the Director shall" the following: ".submit the applicafion to ·the Committee for a decision thereon~' '-'~~Jnsert

the following;

~:ion (5) is struck out.

oiSubsection (6) by deleting the word "Comm 'tE.!3en and substituting therefor the word "Directorn. (7)

As to Subsection (7) by deleting the words wor the Committee" wherever they occur.

( 8)

As to Subsections (8), (9) and (10) by deleting the words "Technical Planning Board" wherever they occur and substituting therefor the words nMunicipal Planning Commission"-, and by deleting the words "Zoning Appeal Board" and/or the word "Board", wherever it occurs in said subsections as referring to the Zoning Appeal Board and substitutiilq therefor the word ncouncil".

"'"F '.1 •• r,-~ -

- 36 .

36~. ''.~~mTtoN 30 "M-3 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT" is amended · as follows:


to Subsection (2) (c) by deleting the word "Committee" and substituting the:::-efor the word "Director".


As to SubsP.c~ion (2) (e) by deleting the word "Commi ttae" i!l the fifth line and substituting therefcr the ·.i:ord "Dir.Jeter", and by deleting the word "its" in the same line and inserting the word "hi,:;".


As to Subsectioil (3) (d) by deleting the word "Committee" and inserting the word "Council".


As to Subsection (4) by deleting after the words "the Director shall" the following:


. "submit the application to the Committee for a decision thereon." and insert the following: "refuse the application."


Subsection (5) is.struck out.


to Subsection (6) by deleting the word "Committee" and substituting therefo:::- the word .... Director".




As.to Subsection (7) by deleting the words "or the Committee" wb.ereve::- they occur.

1"fo:, Subsections· -

(8), (9) and (10) by deleting 'words i•Technical Pla!llling Board" wherever they ·: and substituting therefor the words "ii.pal Planning Co::unission", and _-.1'::,

..··:'.. 'by deleting the words "Zoning Appeal Board" ,._ and/or the word "Board", wherever it occurs in said subsections as r~f erring to the Zoning Appeal Board, and substituting therefor the word "Council". READ a first time this

READ a second time this

13 24

day of .-A._pr..,1_.·1.___ , A.D. 1964.

day of August

, A.D. 1964.

READ a thd.rd time and duly passed this _ _2_6_ _ _ day of

_ _o_c_t_ob_e....r.___ , A.D. 1964.

THE CITY OF EDMONTON (signed) "Wm. Hawrelak"

MAYOR (signed) "G. S. Docherty" CITY CLERK

\ ,



,I ' (


CITY OF EDMONTON ZONING BYLhW NO. 2135 (Office Consolidation)



Bylaw No. 2135, being the Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton, is hereby amended in the manner following.


Section 2 is amended by inserti~g immediately after clause (18) thereof the following new clause: 11






1 cellector street' means a highway or public roadway the function of which is tv collect and distribute traffic from major aTterials to less important arterial streets, to serve community business centres, high schools, athletic fields, neighbourhood shopping centres, parks golf courses and other secondary traffic generators, and to serve traffic from neighbourhood to neighbourh•od within the cemmunity;".

Section 2 is further amended by inserting immediately after clause (38) thereof the following new clause: -· 11

38A) 'expressway' means a highway or public road-


--- - --- ·

way the function of which is to permit a relatively unimpeded traffic flow through the City of Edmonton and between the major elements of such city or its most important traffic generators, and secondarily, to serve adjacent properties; 11 • ·-


-- ···----· ------------------------.\


·1 I









(Office Consolidation) Continued


Section 2 is further amended by inserting immediately after clause (52) thereof the following new clause: 11


( 5.

Section 21A is-amended by deleting clause (b) of subsection (4) thereof and inserting immediately after clause (h) of subsection (3) thereof the following new clause: "(hh)


'major arterial road' means a highway or -- public roadway the function of which is to expedite the movement of through traffic to major traffic- generators and from community to ccmmunity, and primarily, to serve the adjacent land, to collect and distribute traffic from freeways and expressways t• less important arterial roads or directiy to traffic. destinations;"•

Purpose designed apartment buildings containing not more than four dwellir.g units, provided that (i) the site area is not less than 8,600 square feet, (ii) the site has a minimum mean width of 66 feet, (iii) the site coverage; including accessory buildings, does not exceed 30 per cent, l!'~d


one parking or garage space is provided for each dwelling unit on the same site, and.further provided that (v) the site abutts ·a major arterial road 1 ·collector-street or expressway, or (vi) the site on one side abuts or is separated -----------rrom--pya.-stree~-;-1ane-orutirity-1oC not - more than 33 feet wide, any commercial, indust.:':'ial or resid0ntial district in which




CITY OF EDMONTON ZONING BYLAW NO. 2135 - AMENDMENTS (Office Consolidation) . Cor.tinued an apartment building or terraced dwelling is a permitted use, anc no part of the sit~ is rr.ore than 100 feet from such commercial, industrial or residential district, or


(vii) the site abuts a street or lane on one side and a purpose designed non-residential building on the other side or abuts a purpose designed nor.-residential building on both sides~ 11

Bylaw No, 2903 Passed December 15Yl,1966.:


- - - ----------






; I





.... <




25 (1)


Section 25 is hereby amended by inserting immediately after clause (h) the following new clause: "(hh) Kindergartens, day care schools or day nurseries. 11 and by inserting immediately after clause (i) the following new clause: "(ii)

Music studios. 11


Bylaw No. 2799 Passed April 20, 1966

-=------ - - - - - - ---- -. -

- - - - - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






- -----------

----------- ---

! \


Section 26 (I)


Section 26 is hereby amended by inserting immediately after clause (i) the following new clause:


"(ii) Kindergartens, day care schools or day nurseries." and by inserting immediately after clause (k) the following new clause: "(kk)

Music studios."



Bylaw No. 2799 Passed April 20, 1966



____ ----



·---- ----

.. :'





------ ----- ------· -- - -----



-·- -


\ '1


1· ~·

-- .



\ \


• J




(Office Consolidation)



- . . . II









Section 2~ is hereby a~ended by inserti~g after clause (i) tbe following new clause: --.

i :1..




day nu:i:-series. ·:



day care schools or ( · 1.

and by in.sert:i.n:; immediately after clause (k) the fol- '""-·;·) lowin~ new clause:



Musjc studios. 11






( \

tr .l·~.:..-__ -- --t

,.:'. l_ -


Bylaw ~;o. 2799 Passed April 20, 1966



\ .


Section 2 of the Zoning Bylaw No. 2135 is amended by deleting clause (87) therefrom and substituting therefor the following new clause: (TO BE INSERTED PRECEDING PAGE 2-13) 11




'two-family dwelling' means a building containing only two dwelling units but does not incluJe a side-by-side duplex (two semi-detached, on~-family duellings jointed together by a party wall);"

Amended Bylaw No. 2965 Anproved March 22, 1967ft )




(Office Consolid~tion)






- Sectio~ -?2._ __ Q) - Section 25 is hereby amended by inserting

i~medi~tely after cJause (h) the fo~lo~ing new clause:

1 ( I

f I

1 :


(tl-:) ~,;nrli:r: ;:;:·tens, day ca:'."e schools or ' da;:r nur-.s:~ries. ·~


and by jnsert;n~ irnMediately 1fter cl~use (i) the follo~·::i..nt, new c:!."l.use:


t t



llu.s:i..c studios. '


Byl'.3 1; No. 2799 1


April 20, 1966



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-- ---


'. Bylaw N~. 2135, ~eing the Z6ning Bylaw ·~r The City of Edmonton, is hereby amended by adding the foll~wing new section. (TO BE INSERTED FOLLOV/ING SECTION ~)


Section 31

31 - 1 l-·l..l


GENERAL PURPOSE The general purpose of this district is to establish a district in \o:hich la..'ld is to be used for the purposes of the municipal corporation ~f The City of Edmonton and other public authorities and, more Pil'ticularly, to make provision for site~: for required public services to the community without adversely affecting the amenities of their particular environment.





Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw,. and subject to the uses which may be permitted under Subsec.tion (3) of this Section, on any site, in any district defined, designated, er described in this Bylaw as a P-1 Public Serviee District, permits will be issued only to public authorities and for the following uses;


(a) (b)


. (d) (e) ( f)



(g) (h)

Fire halls Hospitals or sa,natoria Libraries Museums - ---- ---Police stations · Public buildings ,___;ncl~g,i,xi.g _pu'bli~-ad.minlstratibn buildings and insti tu tions of a religious, philan• - -thropic or educational nature. Clinics Parks



Public utility buildings and installations ___:__:·_:_:_(j)-Public schC'i'_\ls - - - - - - ---- ---------·- - ---



31.- 2 (k) (2)

The Following Regulati·::ms Apply to Every Development in all P-1 Public Servir,e Districts (a)

Every de 1elopment in all ?-1 Public Service Districts shRll conform to regulations governing permitted signs, height, site coveroge, floor area ratio and yards of buildines and structures, which are applicable to the most restrictive residential, co~~ mercial or industrial district abutting thereto, provided that the Director, in his discretion; may relax such regulations where he is satisfied that the amenities of the district are not adversely affected by reason only of such relaxa.tionso


The design, siting, external finish and architectural appearance of all buildings, including any accessory buildings or structures, and all signs and the landscaping of the site shall be to the satisfaction of the Director to ensure that adequate protection is afforded to the amenities of the area.-



Buildings ~r uses accessory tn the above uses,


(3) Special Uses Which are Permitted Subject


the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board --In addition to the permitted uses-in Sub--·


section (1) of this Section and subject to ______· _·__ compliance __with __all __o.the.r__ prpvis_ions_ qf - ·_ _ _ __ this Bylaw and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board, permits may be issued to public authorities for the fellowing Special Uses: Municipally operated public parking areas. -- ---------------{b) -Exhibition· i:;rounds.-- ------ ·-·----- --(a)



... /

31 - 3 (c)

Any other uses for the purposes of a public authority which, in the opinion of the Director, conform to the general purpose of this district.

In determining an appeal under this Section and as provided by Section 8 (4) (b) of this Bylaw, the Development Appeal Board may confirm, reverse, or vary the decision appealed from and may impose such conditions or limitations as it deems proper and desirable in the circumstances~ ( \






Bylaw N~. 2135, being the Zoning Bylaw of The City of Edmonton, is hereby amended by adding the following new section,. (TO BE INSERTED FOLL011ING SECTION 31) Section 32

32 - l P-2




The general purpose of this dist~ict is to ·establish a district in which land is to be used other than for the purposes of publ:tc authorities and, more particularly, to provide sites for facilities of an institutional or service nature providing a service to the community without adversely affecting the amenities of their particular environment. These facilities include (a)

Churches, private schools and other uses serving the residents of adjoining residential areas,


Convents, homes for the aged, private golf courses and other uses of an in• stitutional or recreational nature which are residential in character or otherwise normally compatible with residential areas, and


Major educational institutions, hospitals, curling rinks, service clubs and other uses which, because of their particular function, size or other reason, tend to reduce the amenities of an abutting re.sider.tial district-unless adequately-regulatea.---- ------ ---


)__ _




J_ -----~- --


Subject to, all other provisions of this Bylaw, and s~bj~c~_to the_uses_~hich may be permitted und-er Subsection (3) of this Section, on any site, in any district in this Bylaw as a P-2 -c:i-





\ ...

32 - 2 Private Service District, permits will be issued only to other than public authorities and for the following uses: (a) (b)

Homes for the e.ged or children Hospitals or sanatoria, excluding mental hospitals, hospitals for the tre~tment of 3nimals and instjtutions for the treotment of alcoholics or -drug addicts. (c) Institutions of a· religious, philanthropic or educGtional n~ture, private schools, kindergartens, day-care schools, creches or day nurseries. (d) Buildings and uses accessory to the above uoes.


(Z) The Following Regulations Apply to Every Devel~pment

in all P-2 Private Service

Districts The Regulations in the P-1 Public Service District Schedule apply to every development in a P-2 Private Service District. (3)

Special Uses ~Jhich are ·Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development A1meal Board

In addition to the permitted uses in Subsection (1) of this Section and subject to


compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Beard, permits may be issued to other than public authority for the following Special Uses: -- --- -- --

(a) =-cur ling -rinks, -gol-f--courses-,-dri ving - - - - ranges, or similar recre~tional uses. ,,. __ ~(b) Welfare organizations, service clubs, I or private, cultural or recreational clubs. (e) Any other use, other than for the purposes of a public ~uthority, which, i in the opinion of the Directo~, _______- ______ J --------------------conform- t0--the--generaJ. purPo.se or thu district. 1



.,,.,, ·

\ ,.

32 - 3 Ia determining un appeal under this Subsection and as provided by Section 8 (4) (b) of this Bylaw, the Developme:nt; Appeal Board may confirm, reverse, or vary the decision appealed from and may ~mpose such conditions or limitations as it deems proper and desirable in the circumstances. Byla\·T No~ 2783 Approved Novembe~ 23/66


- - - - --·-----------


j ""




Bylaw 2135, being City of Edmonton: the following new FOLLOiYING SECTION

the Zoning Bylaw of The is hereby amended by adding section. (TO BE INSERTED 32)

Section 33

33 - 1




The general purpose of this District is to safeguard and promote the orderly and economical operation of the Municipal Industrial Airport< USES PERMITTED AND REGULATimrs (1)

Uses: Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, in any district defined, designated, or described in this Bylaw as an MA Municipal Airport District, permits will be issued only for the following uses: Airport Use:


(a) (b) (c) - -(d) (e)

Air charter service and establishments Air Freight and express service Aircraft manufacturing, assembly and repair, including servicing maintenance Aircraft sales, charters and rentals Manufacture, sales, service and repair

~~~---------~--~--------------~¡-_-_-_o_f_'airc_!:.aft par~~;~q~~p~ent _an_d~~~~-~--~


supplieso Passenger and freight terminal facilities

Industrial Uses: ___ (g) _ Such servicing, maintenance, --------storage, repair and manu+'"'.cturing - - - - - - establishments which are compatible ~ with the operation of the Municipal fi.<



Industrial Airport.

33 - 2

Commercial and other Uses: (h) (i) (j)

(k) (1)


Eating establishments Hotels and motels Public Utility buildings and installations Technical and commercial schools Any other commercial use compatible with permitted uses an~ unlikely to have restrictive effects upon the orderly and economical development and operation of this district.



The Following Regulations Apply to Every Development in the "MA - Municipal Airport District" (a)

Height The maximum height of buildings shall be determined in relation to the safe and efficient operation and function- ¡ ing of the Municipal Airport, and in accordance with the height restrictions designated on maps available for inspection and filed in the City Planning Departmento





Appearance (i)

The design, character and appearance of buildincs shall be to the satisfaction of the Director, having regard to the existing and proposed buildings and uses in __the- vicinity.


All yards shall be landscaped or hardsurfaced and the entire site and all buildin.:::;s maintained in ~ neat, tidy manner including r'the trimming and upkeep of landscaped areas and the removal pf_--~ ---debris-a.no unsightly--objects.


L_______ _ I


~-- -¡ _.:__:_ _; I


33 - 3




All storr:..ge, freightage or trucking yards shall be enclosed or completely screened by buildings, trees 1 landscaped fe::o.tures, or fences or a combination thereof.

Yards, Site Coverage, Floor Area Ratio The regulations governing yards, site coverage and floor area ratio shall be those applicable to M-1 Industrial Districts under Section 28 of this Bylaw.


Bylaw No~ 2783 Approved Nov. 23, 1966.












Section 2 is amended by inserting immediately after clause (61+) the following new clause:



'public authority' means any person body of persons not tr~ding for profit and authorized by or under any statute to carry on a public undertaking \¥i th power to use or develop lnnd for publ~.c or corr.muni ty purposes and includes the municipal corporation of The City of Edmonton, any otner municipal corporation, a school board and a hospital board but not Her Majesty the Queeno


Bylaw No. 2783 Approved Nov~ 23, 1966.


I I '

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- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -



__J '-·~



\ r·-------·-

Section 11 (1) is amended by adding the folluwing three new clauses: (TO BE INSERTED PRECEDING PAGE 11-1) P-1 Public Service


P-2 Private Service Districtor•••••••32 MA - Municipal Airport


Amended Bylaw Noo 2783 Approved Nov- 23: 1966e



I -·\



Section 5 of :;:'he Zoning Bylaw No. 2135 is amended by adding the following new subsection (15) as follows:



Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this Section Council may by resolution provide that either the Municipal Planning Commission or an official of the Municipality be authorized to act . on behalf of Council in respect of the matters referred to in Sections 123 and 126 of the Planning Act. Amended by Bylaw No. 2444 Approved January 9, 1967.










Section a-A ~3) of rlylaw l~o. 2135, being the Zoning Bylaw of The City of Edmonton, is hereby amended by dr.leting clause (j) therefrom and substituting therefor: (TO BE INSERTED PRECEDING PAGE 21-¡A-5)



Purpose designed two-::.o:..mil.> dwellings and the conversion of existing onefamily dwellings to two-family dwellings, provided thatl in each case, the site (i) (ii)

has an area of not less than 7,000 square feet, and

a mean

frontage of not less than 50 feeta" Amended Bylaw No. 2934 Approved February 6, 1967.



-¡' ---------





Bylaw No. 2135, being the· Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton, is hereby amended in the following manner. Section 12 (1) is amended• by deleting clause (b) therefrom and substituti~g therefor:


(b) Notwithstanding any of the provisions of Clauses (a), (aa) and (ab) of this subsection, where it is proposed to subdivide land by providing a separate lot for each semi-detached, on~-family dwelling, each such lot shall have a mean width of not less than 30 feet and an area of not less than 4~000 square feet, provided that, if such lot was created by a subdivision or under a replotting scheme approved on or before the 22nd day of March, 1967, such lot shall hove a mean width of not less than. 20 feet and an area of not less than 3,500 square feet.


Bylaw No. 3010. Passed J't.llle 7th, 1967




- - ----- - - - - - -


Bylaw No. 2135, being the Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton, is hereby amended in the following manner. Section 13 (5) (e) is amended by deleting sub-c]afil;e (i) therefrom and subs ti t_uting:


(i) the site area shall be not less than 4,000 square feet for each semi-detached, one-family dwelling, 3,500 square feet for each end terraced dwelling, and 2,500 square feet for each interior terraced dwelling, provided that, :Lf the site for a semidetached, one-family dwel1ing was created by a subdivision or under a replotting scheme approved on or before the 22nd ~ay of March, 1967, the site area shall not be less than 3,500 square feet.

Bylaw No. 3010 Passed June 7, 1967.


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- - - - ·- . - - - - - - - - - -


I' -I

-------------------. ----1

! ....




. 1 ,f


No. 2135, being the Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton, is hereby amended in the manner following:

Section 21 (4) is amended by deleting therefrom clause (b).

Section 21-A ( 4) (a) is amend.ed by deleting therefrom clause (a).

( \

Section 22 (4) is amended by deleting therefrom clause (a).

Bylaw No. 3000 Passed June 7/67.




I 1










I o·

:yl<'l.' i·o. '.21.~5, ';.;cbE. t!-ic .-on~.r!C::: :~:tln: of The City of Edmonton, is hereb:i" ~menced in the following r:lc;.nner. Section 4 is ~mended by ~dding ~ru~edintely ~fter clause (1) thereof the followir.r new cl.;..use:


Develoµnents and subdivisions excepted by the Act




Develop:ients and subdivisions effected solely for the purpose of providi11[. for (i)

( \

public roadways, highways, highway mainte:n::;nce garat:es and sites, government weigh scales, or

(ii)' drainage ditches, irrigaU,on ditches and irrigation cnnc3ls, or (iii) (iv)






wells or batteries within the meaJ\ing of The Oil nnd Gas Conservetion Act, or pipe lines within the meaning ef ~ Pipe Line Act, 1958,_or rights of we.y for public utilities within the meanil'lS of The Public . Utilities Board Act, or rights of \iay of railw.'.'.ys, or any other thing that the Lieutenant --Governor in Council may . -determine. Bylaw 3021--·-·- · Passec1I-k-1y.3o-;-67--1





- - - - - - _ ._ _ -

-----~r-- -~--


Byl.<>.w No. 2135, beins the Zoning Bylnw of The City of ti:lrnonton, is hereby amended in the following manner. Section 5 is amended by deletint therefrom subsection (6a) and by sustituting therefor: (6a) Limit on frec:uency of appliccitions. ~(hen an rpplic; 1 tion is refused, either by

the Director or ultimatley on appec:il, an application for the sc.ime develoµ:nent on the srune site shall not be submitted by the same 3pplicant nor any other person within six months of such refusal.

( \

Section 5 is further· dl'Uended by deJ_eting therefrom subsections (?), (8), (8a) an::l (9) and substituting therefor: ~ (7) Decisions on ripplications - general. (n)

i~n :;pplic<~tion shell be deemed to be refused when the .Uirector does not make a decision thereon


within 30 deys r-;fter receipt of the application in its complete and final fonn, or

_ (ii)

within such longer period as the a.pplicant mny consent to in writing, as though the application h..1d been refused nnd notification ot the refusal hnd been received by the , __ applicant at the end of_ the _JO-day or extended period.



-- II

o)--If an--a-pyffi ca·t-H5h-doe-s-not--comlpy------! with (i)



the provisions of this Bylaw, or


the decision of the Director under any discretionary power given_ h:iln _by _this_ J;iylaw, ___ :_ _ -~:__-_ the Director shRll refuse the application, giving notice in writing by ordimry mcdl to the a pplic1 nt and stC?ting the rensons for refusal.




, _; i


! f

( c)

If an application is approved, either by the Director or subsequently on appeal, the Director shc;ll return the AppliCBtion to the City 1:.rchitect when ( i)


( (d)

nny concii tions on the ::pproval

rec1uired to be fulf illcd prior to the issue of a permit, 2re fulfilled ~nd the time Jimited, i f any, for the filing of B notice of r:,p~W<11 from such .:tpproval h2s expired.

For the purpose of Subcl3use (ii) of ci:,use (c) of this Subclnuse, the tir:ie limited for the filing of n notice of appe2l shnll be deemed to commence two dpys after the notice of Approval is m~iled.


(8) Permitted Uses If an application is for a use other than n Special· Use and complies with (i) the provisions of this Bylaw, P..nd (ii) the decision of the Dir<. ctor under <~rw discretionnry power given __ hi.m by this Bylaw, the Director shall approve --- -the 2.pplic~tion, .either ·----.-uncona-i·t-ion.~ly-or -subject to such conditions as, --in his opinion, Rre necess;,,ry to ensure th;:.t the· provisions of this Bylaw, PfCVided th~t Rr. applic?tion under 3cction 8-A (1) ______________ ..:....=__of_thi::;_j3yh.°1'.'" shall be -- ~----~- _ ~ governed by the-decision:~s--~--of Councilo










Special Uses-- Dcvcloµnent Appeal Board (a)


If <m a pplicntion is for a Special use of that clRss which, according to the npproprintc District Schedule is subjC'ct to F1ppeal to the DevElop.ment .nppcal 0 or:rd arrl complies with (i) the provisions of this Bylaw, c:nd (ii) the decision of the ~irector under .::ny discrctionnry· power given him by this Bylaw, the i.Jirecto:r sh-::.ll approve the applicAtion, either uncondition~11y·or subject to such conditions r:s, in his opinion, arc necessary to ensure tl~t the proposed development comply with the provisions of this Bylaw, and shall majl by ordiruiry mail to the applicant, e~ch assessed owner of the site and ep,ch assessed owener of land wholly or pi~rtly within 200 feet of the site, a notice describing the proposed develoµnent and stating his decision ~nd the right of appeal therefrom.

(9a) Special Uses--Council (a)

---- --· -

If an applicc.tion is for a Special

Use of that cl<'\ss which, ;:iccording to the <lppropriate District Schedule is subject to the approval of the Council and complies with (i) the provisions of this Byl<'.w, and - - -- ------·-· -(ii). "the-aecisfon" of the lJirector-under any discretion.::Jry· power

_____-_-·_--_-_-_·-_-_--_-_-_-__·--·-----~- i-veri=-him ~by·-t-his--Bylaw,--------1 (iii) report in writing on the appli---- _____ . -cc=:.tion -- to -the Council -· - · · -·-- - - · - - -·-- - ------···--(iv) -·-obt,1:in-from-the City c1~rk the time and place appointed at which the Council wili consider the appcBl, and ,.... -- -- -(v) not later than five days before ...- - - --·-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --thedaj-so- appo1nfea; sfuii- - --.\,-" IM il by ordinary mail to the applicant, each assessed owner of the site And Gach assessed



__ _J


_,,, ·




owner of land wholly or partly within 200 feet of the site, a notice describinD the proposed development and stating the time and place at which the Council will consider the application and the manner in which representation may be made thereon.


· (9b) Unlisted Uses · Ca) If an application is for a specific use not provided for in the appropriate District Schedule of this Bylaw, the Director may require such further material to be filed in support of the application as, in his opinion, the nature of the application requires. (b) When the application is complete to the satisfaction of the Director, he shall report in writing thereon to the Council and obtain from the City Clerk the time and place appointed for the hearing of the application. (c) The Director, not later than five days before the day so appointed, shall mail by ordinary mail to the applicant, each assessed owner of the site and each assessed owner of land wholly or partly within 200 feet of the site, a notice describing the proposed development and stating the time and place at which the Council will consider the application and the manner in which representati~n · may be made thereon.

. ..

Bylaw 3021, Passed May 30/67 -·----





Bylaw No. 2135, being the Zoning Bylaw of The City of Edmonton, is hereby amend8d in the fol lowing manner. Section 8 is amended by deleting therefrom subsection (I) and substitiuting therefor: n(


Es± ab I i 5bmpnt

A development Appeal Board, in this Section 8 cal led "the Board", is hereby established. (la)

Right of Appeal A person claimino to be affected by a d0cisi6n of the Director mcy, within 14 days after notice of the decision is mailed to the applicant for the permit, appeal in writin9 to the Development Appeal Board.". Subsection (2) of Section 8 is amended by deleting therefrom the words "Development Appeal" and the wo_rds "(hereinafter referred to as the Boarcl)",



Subsection (4) of Section 8 is amended by deleting therefrom clause (a) and substituting therefor: " (a ) The Deve Iopment Appea I Boa rd sha I I ho I d a hearing and it shal I ensure that reasonable notice of the hearing is given to al I persons who, in its opinion, may be affected, and it shal I consider each appeal havinn due reqard to the circumstances and merits of the particular case and to the purpose, scope and intent of any general plan that is adopted and conforms to this Bylaw.". Section 8 is amended by deletin9 therefrom subsection (8) Section 8 (9) is-amended by deleting clause_ (e) there- __ from and substituting therefor: ----

L - ---- -


"Te)-The BOard-Secretary shar1-9rvenotTce-oy----.I' ordinary mail of each decision, st~ting the ·. ----------------reasons therefor and the right of appeal i thGrefrom, to the applicant, the appel Iant I and each person, or his representative, who i made a submission verbally or In writing Jo_ the Board.". -·· .. ,,,.



! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----1






' i



Section 8 is further amended by addin~ immediately after subsection (9) thereof the fol lowin9 new subsection: "( 10)



Deemed refusal An appeal shal I be deemed to be refused when the Board does not make ·a dee is ion thereon (a) within 30 days after receipt of the notice of appeal, or Cb) within such lonaer period as the appel I ant may consent to in writinq, as thouoh the appeal had been refused and notification of the refusal had been received by the appel Iant at the end of the 30-day or extended period.'!.



Section 8-A CITY COUNCIL Cl)

Duties of Counci I The Counc i I sha II consider, or hear and consider (a) applications for Special Uses under Section 5 (9a) of this Byl~w, Cb)

appl !cations for uni isted uses under Section 5 (9b) of this Bylaw


if the Counc i I so de.c ides, appea Is from the DevelopmenT Appeal Board under Subsection (2) of this section 8,


applications to arrDnd this Bylaw or the Appendicles thereto under Section 9 of this - - · .-· -- - - ..,....,---, ,--..,----:--·--o-:-c- · ..--·By I aw·, - and ----=-c-:-:---· --·· ·- ,c.,.-· -- · - ··.-.· -·· - · (d)


--- - · ------- - -·-ce1::.:. . .-maJ.±£.r:s_::. teq·u-:Lj;;ecL.±o.:.J:>e:.:...aecLde-d.~b.y:_tbe_:_co.unc . U '

under any provision of this Bylaw or the

f:-:~ -=--=-~-: --=~=---:-=: ~-~=----=--:....-:-..:.:.~~~st~..!_~!.::$~-~~:~~~ e~~h_e ~~-t_ci ·-~-:--··· . :. . ~.



..... __ . .

. ;

A person claimino to be affected by a decision made by the Development Appeal Board may, within 14 days after the notice of the decision is mailed to him, appeal in writinq to the Council.


The appeal shal I be filed with the City Clerk who, after receiving the minutes - - - ------ - .. contain i nq the dee is ion appea Ied _frqm, _________ ! shal I place the appeal o~ the agenda for the next reaular meetinq of the Council. (b)


(c) The Counci I shal I decide whether or not to hear the appeal. (d)




The City Clerk shal I communicate the Counci I ~s decision to the Director and if Council decides to hear the appeal, shal I appoint the time and place at which the appeal is to be heard. - If the Counci I decides not to hear the appeal, the Director shal I give notice of the decision by ordinary mai I to the appel Iant, statina the riqht of appeal to the Provincial Planninq Board.



If the Council decides to hear the appeal the Director, not later than five days - before the day appointed -for the hGar i ng, shat I rnai I by ordianry mai I notice of the hearinq to the applicant, the appellant and each person, or his representative, who made a submission verbally or in writing to the Development Appeal Board.

·1 I

l I

-=---- - -------------( q) I f the Counc i I ho I ds a hear i nq, it sha I I

=----:-------..:----:-:-=-=-------=-=--- -





--------------·--consider the a_p_Qeal havinq -due reqard to --- the circumstances and merits of the par--- _______________ :t_icular case_ and to the purpose, scope -:-:--:---·--:----_--:--~-----------and intent-of any-general -plan that is adopted and to this Bylaw.

I !

I· I




In determininq an appeal, the Counci I may 1reversc, or ya_ ry the decision i --appealed-from -and-may-~mpose-such-condi-t-ions:::____::__:__~] or I imitations as it considers proper and l desirable in the circumstances. 1



___ ____J


(3) Notice of Decision Each decision of the Counci I shal I be communicated by the City Clerk to the Director, who shal I mai I by ordinary mail to the applicant, the appel I ant and to each pers6n, or his representative, who made a submission verbcl ly or in -•11ritin9 to the Counci I, a notice of _the decision statinc;i the right of appeal, if any, therefrom. ( 4)



Deemed refuse Is An application or appeal under Clauses (<:i),(b) or Cc) of Subsection Cl) of this Section 8-A, shal I be dee~ed to be refused when the Council does not make a decision thereon (a) within 30 days after receipt of the appl ication in its complete and final form or the -letter of appeal, as the case may be, or Cb)

within such longer period ~s the applicant or appel I ant, as the case may be, may consent to in writino,

as thou~h the application or appeal, as the case may be had been refused and notification of the refusal had been received by the applicant or the appel I ant, as the case may be, at the end or the 30-day or extended period.!'.


Bylaw 3021 Passed May 30, 1967


__-- - I r r,


- i



-- -









Bylaw No. 2135, being the Z0ning Bylaw of The City of Edmonton, is hereby amended in th0 following manner. Section 12 (1) is amended by re-lettering clauses (a) and (aa) thereof as (aa) and (aaa) and inserting immediately before existing clause (a) the following new clause: -(a)

This Subsection (1) does not apply to any sibdivision effected soley for any of the purpos~s set forth in Section 4 (m) of this Bylaw. BYJ..aw 3021 Passed May 30,1967





.I I


-1 I I


Bylaw No. 2135, being the Zoning Bylaw of The City of Edmonton, is hereby amended in the following manner. Section 21 (4) is amended by deleting the words "the Development App-=al Board" and substituting therefor the words "the:; Provincial Planning Board". Section 21-A (4) is amended by deleting the words "the· Developr.i~nt .Appeal Board" and substi- __ tuting therefor the words "the Provincial Planning Board" Bylaw 3021 P::issed l"iay 30, 1967


( '




Bylaw No. 2135, being the Zoning Bylaw of The City of Edmonton, is hereby amended in the following manner. Section 22 is amended by deleting the words "the Development Appeal Board" and substituting therefor the words "the Provincial Planning Board". Bylaw 3021 Passed May 30,67



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Section ~4-A ie ame•.ded loiy deleting the words "the Developmeat Appeal Board" and substituting therefor the words "the Provincial Planning Board". Bylaw 3021 Passed May 30,1967









-----=------- -:-------- --






BYLAWS l. For First Reading



RYLAl-1 llO. 3597

A Bylaw to amend The Zoning Bylaw beino The Zoning B.vla\'1 of The Ci.ty of Edmonton WHEREAS Bylaw No

2135, The Zoning Bylaw, makes no provision

for walkways; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on July 30th, 1970, the Municipal Planning Commission rec0i111r.ended, in effect, that the Bylaw be ame:r.ded to regulate the


of land in residential, walkway-serviced

subdivisions. NOW, THEREFORE, after due compl 1ance 1·1ith the relevant provisions of The Planning Act, being Chanter 43 of the Statutes of Albe:rta, 1963,


as amended, the Municipal Councll of The City of


enacts as

follov1s: l.

Bylaw No. 2135, being The Zoning Byla1·1 of The City of Edmonton,

is hereby amended in tt1e 111anner follm·iing. 2.

Section 2 is amended by inserting immediately after c1ause

(45) thereof the following new clause: "(45A)

' highl'1ay' rieans a road or way open to the public as of right for the purpose of passing and rcpassrng, and includes (a)

a road


raad al1owance surveyed under

The Surveys Act or any other Act and (b)

a public roadway provided in a subdivisiori under The Planning Act or any other Act;".

Bylaw No. 3597 3.

- 2 -

Section 2 is further a111ended by inserting immediately after

clause (68) thereof the follm·1ing new clauses:



'public h1glMay' means a highway subject to the direction, control and management of the Minister of Highways under The Public Highways Devel op:~ent Act;


'public roadway' mean$ a highway subject to the diri::ctton, cuntrol and management of the City under The Publ 1c lligl111ays Development Act;".


Section 2 is further amended by deleting clause (81) therefrom

and substituting therefor:




street meuns a public roadway designed for the

use of vehicular traft ic or vehicular and pedestrian traffic;". Section 2 ts further amended by inserting immediately after


clause (87A) thereof the following new clauses:


'walk, private' means a way w1th1n a site designed for




'walkway' means a public roadway designed for use by pedestrian traffic;


'1·1alh1ay system' means t1"10


more walkways which·,

save for intersecting streets, are contiguous, but does not include a walkway whjch merely joins two streets and flanks the lots on each side;". 6.


12 is

amended by inserting immediately after subsection

(17) thereof the _foll01·11ng ne1v subsections:

Bylaw No. 3597 "(18)

- 3 Walkway-serviced subdivisions. (a)

Application. This subsection (18) applies to any subdivision wholly or partly containing a walkway system and, where a provision of this subection is inconsistent with any other provision of this Bylaw. the former provision shall prevail.


Comprehensive siting plan. Upon the registration of the subdivision plan and the designation of any block of land therein as wholly or partly R-1 Residential District or R-2 Residential District on Appendix No. 2 to this Bylaw, there shall be filed with. and approved by, the Development Officer a comprehensive siting plan for each such block showing generally as to each lot so designated, (i)

the proposed location, type and orientation of the principal building,


the proposed location of a private garage,


the proposed location and type of open space.


Walkway-serviced sites. (a)

Application. This Subsection (19) applies to any site immediately abutting a walkway system and designated on Appendix No. 2 to this Bylaw a~ R-1 Residential

Bylaw No. 3597

- 4 -

District or R-2 Residential District and, where a provision of this subection is inconsistent with any other provision of this Bylaw, the former provision shall prevail. (b)

Setbacks. {i)

Each building shall be not less than 25 feet from a walkway, provided that, where two or more walkways


abut a site, each

accessory building shall be not less than 3 feet from a flanking walkway. (i1)

The side yard on each side of the principal building shall be not less than 4 feet and both such side yards shall aggregate not less than 20: of the width of the site.


The side yard on each side of a private garage shall be not less than 3 feet.


the principal building and each accessory building shall be not less than 15 feet from a street.


Fences. (i)

No fence or wall shall be erected in or along a yard immediately abutting a walkway, provided that, 1-1here two or more walkways immediately abut a site, fences or walls may be erected in or along a yard immEdiately abutting a flanking walkway.


a fence or wall shall not exceed 6 feet in height.

Bylaw No. 3597 (d)

- 5 Site plans. A site plan accompanying an application under Section 5(3)(a)(i) of this Gylaw shall show (i)

the proposed location, type and orientation .of the principal building,


the proposed location of a private garage with such access between the garage and the street as is satisfactory to the Development Officer, and


the proposed location and type of open space,

and, in so far as reasonably practicable, shall conform with the comprehensive


plan approved under Sub-

section (18) of this Section 12. (20)


Walkwav-serviced multiple housing. (a)

Apnlicution. This Suhsect1on (20) applies to any development consisting of two or more principal buildings on a site (i)

immediately abutting a walkway system and


designated on Appendix No. 2 to this Bylaw as R-2A Residential District or R-3 Residential District

and, where a provision nf this


is inconsjs-

tent with any other provision of this Bylaw, thE! former provision shall prevail.

Bylaw NO; 3597 (b)

- 6 Site plans. A site plan accompanying an application under

Section 5(3)(a)(i) of this Bylaw shall show, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer (1}

the location of all private walks and


the linkage between such walks and the walkway system.".

Section 21 (2) is amended by inserting immediately after clause


(g) thereof the following new clause: "(h}

Waikwav-serviced s1tes. Each site


abutting a walkway system is subject

to the provisions of Section 12 (18) and (19) of this


Bylaw.". Section 22 (2) is amended by inserting inrnediately after clause

(g) thereof the following new clause: "(h}

Walkway-serviced sites. Each site irn111ediately abutting a walkway system is subject to the provisions of Section 12 (18} and (19} of this Bylaw.". Section 23 (2) is amended by inserting immediately after clause


(e) thereof the following new clause: "(f}

Walkwav-serviced sites. Each site


abutting a walkway system is subject

to the provisions of Section 12 (20) of this Bylaw.". 10.

Section 24 (2) is amended by inserting immediately after clause

(h) thereof the following new clause:



. -·-··----··---·-·-·-·· -----····--=-------·--

Bylaw No. 3597 "(i)

- 7 -

Walkway-serviced sites. s~bject

Each site immediately abutting a walkway system is

to the provisions .of Section 12 (20) of this Bylaw." •. -

a first time this_LLday of


/f/c.r-C-i.L.(._ . ._ __,

, A.O.


READ a second time this day of t~- • .,7..1C1.....-~' , A.D. "1970. ' '. READ a third time and duly passed this~day of .._./J~- ....._,LL~ ,




.CERTlficD A


/'/ .. ~~ CJ?'(·




.-'.~ .



. (Si;ocd) '"t'r '? c ,,..~., "SON'' 1


Section 24-A


SEC. 24-A

GENERAL PURPOSE The General Purpose of this district is to establish a district for medium density housing and compatible uses in suburban areas.


Suburban multiple family accommodation will be provided for those who desire it while protecting the amenities of the newer residential areas. Development in these areas will exhibit great flexibility in building type. The quality of the environment .will be improved by the provision of adequate off-street parking facilities, low site coverage, the effective relationship between structures and open spaces, the creation of effective and usable landscaping and open-space facilities, the height and architectural treatment of structures, and the relationship between apartment buildings and other residential development. These areas will be so located that apartment buildings will provide physical focal points at suburban locations immediately adjacent to major employment centres and major transport, recreational and retail facilities. ( 1)



Permitted Uses Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, on any site in any district designated on Appendix No. 2 to this Bylaw as R-3A Medium Density Suburban Residential District, permits will be issued only for the following uses: (a)

Apartment buildings.


Fire stations.


Homes for the aged or children, including dwelling units designed for occupation by more than four foster children.


One-family dwellings.


Police stations.


Private schools.


Public and quasi-public buildings.


Public parks.


Public schools.


Public utility buildings and installations.


Side-by-side duplexes.


Terraced dwellings.



SEC. 24-A

Section 24-A (m) Two-family dwellings. (n) (2)

Buildings and uses accessory to the above uses.

The following regulations路 apply to each development in an R-3A Medium Density Suburban Residential District. (a)

Site Area A site which is two or more acres shall be subject Regulations contained in this Subsection (2), and_ which is less than two acres in area shall be subject Regulations contained in Subsection (2) of Section 24 Bylaw.

to the a site to the of this

( b)

Site Coverage Buildings, structures and private parking areas, excepting unloading areas, access roadways and ramps between public roadways and private parking facilities, surfaced amenity areas and structures designed for tenant amenity and recreation, shall not cover more than 60 per cent of the site.


Density In the case of an apartment building or terraced dwellings, the density shall not exceed 150 persons for each acre of site, calculated as follows: (i)

for a high-rise apartment building, count 1.25 persons for each bed-sitting room unit, 1.80 persons for each. one-bedroom unit, 2.67 persons for each two-bedroom unit and 3.65 persons for each dwelling unit containing three or more bedrooms;


for a walk-up apartment building, count 1.29 persons for each bed-sitting room unit, 1.96 persons for each one-bedroom unit, 3.10 persons for each two-bedroom unit, and 4.05 persons for each dwelling unit containing three or more bedrooms; 路 路

(iii) for terraced dwellings, count 1.14 persons for each bed-sitting room unit, 1.92 persons for each one-路 bedroom unit, 3.25 persons for each two-bedroom unit. and 4.40 persons for each dwelling unit containing three or more bedrooms; provided that the Development Officer may refuse an application for a proposed development which, in his opinion, will adversely affect public school accommodation.

Section 24-A

SEC. 24-A (d)

Height Buildings and structures shall not exceed 150 feet in height,. provided that the Development Officer may approve such greater height as, in his opinion, does not adversely affect the amenities. ¡


Parking (i) The following Subclauses in this Clause (e) apply only to apartment buildings and terraced dwellings.




Not less than 1.25 parking spaces shall be provided on a site for each dwelling unit on the same site.

(iii) Private parking areas shall be screened from view off the site by concrete or masonry walls not less than four feet in height or in such other manner as the Development Officer may approve. (iv) A private parking area shall not encroach on the front yard. (v)

Each private parkade shall be roofed and shall be connected to the principal building in a manner satisfactory to the Officer.

(vi) The roof of each private parkade shall be flat, landscaped and prepared for recreational use.



Yards In the case of an apartment building or terraced dwellings, no yard shall be less than 20 feet, provided that the Development Officer, in his discretion, may approve recreational structures and facilities in side and rear yards.


Site Development The Development Officer, having regard to the creation of effective relationships between buildings, structures and open spaces, to the architectural treatment of buildings and structures and. to the provision of landscaped open space (passive and active), may refuse an application under Section 5 of this Bylaw which complies with this Sub~ction (2).

, (h)

Landscaping The following subclauses in this Clause (h) apply only to apartment buildings and terraced dwellings.


Section 24-A

SEC. 24-A


The Development Officer shall decide an application under Section 5 of this Bylaw on the advice. of the City's Superintendent of Parks and Recreation Depart¡ ment as to landsc;aping.

(iii) Not .less than 50 per cent of that portion of a site

uncovered by buildings or structures shall be developed as permanent grass and shrub cover and the remainder of such portion shall be landscaped in an architectural manner consisting of trees, planters and other landscape features and furnitures. (iv) On the roof of a private parkade, any grass or shrub cover shall be planted in topsoil not less than 18 inches in depth and any tree shall be in topsoil not less than 4 feet in depth.


Additional application material ( i) In addition to, or modification of, the material required to accompany an applicaton under Section 5 of this Bylaw, the following subclauses in this Clause (h) apply only to an application for an apartment building or terraced dwellings. (ii)

The site plan shall show the location of all buildings, structures, parking areas, loading areas, landscaped areas, curb crossings and the pedestrian circulation system and, notwithstanding Clause (d) of Section 5(3) of this Bylaw, shall be drawn to the scale of onesixteenth of an inch represents one foot or one inch represents twenty feet.

(iii) The elevations: shall shpw the exterior finishing and architectural treatment of buildings and o;tructures. (iv) The floor plans shall show all interior partitions and the proposed use of each room or area. (v)

In addition to the material required under Section 5 of this Bylaw, each application shall be accomp?-ni-?d by (A) a parking detail in duplicate showinr; access, aisles

and parking spaces in compliance with this Bylaw.


Section 24-A



SEC. 24-A


a planting plan in duplicate showing recreation areas, planters, tools, any other special surface features, adjacent land uses, the location, type and ¡ size of all planting material, the location, type and size of all existing plant material and whether or not such material is to be retained relocated or removed, and


as many photographs as are necessary to show all existing tree cover on the site.

Penalty Bond Upon the approval by the Development Officer of an application under Section 5 of this Bylaw for an apartment building or terraced dwellings, the applicant shall deliver to the Officer a bond naming as surety a corporation licensed as such in Alberta, and in a sum to be fixed by the Officer, the condition of the bond being that, if the proposed development is completed but is not in accordance with this Bylaw or the plans and other material accompanying the application, then the surety shall pay to the City, for its use absolutely, the sum fixed.

Special Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In addition to the Permitted Uses in Subsection ( 1) of this Section 24-A, subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board, permits may be issued for the following Special Uses: (a)

Hospitals and sanatoria, except mental hospitals, hospitals for the treatment of animals and institutions for the treatment of alcoholics or drug addicts.


Kindergartens, day-care schools, creches and day nurseries.


The office of a professional or business person, provided that: (i)

the office is in the dwelling unit in which such person resides,

. (ii)

in the opinion of the Development Officer, such use will not generate parking problems.

Section 24-A

SEC. 24-A

(iii) such person does not employ more than one other person in the office, and (iv) there shall be no signs on the site, except identification signs. (d)

Medical clinics and similar uses.


Private clubs.

The said District Schedules are further amended by renumbering section 24-A as section 24-B.

The following is an extract from Bylaw No. 3635, amending Bylaw 2135, the Zoning Bylaw, duly passed by the Municipal Council of the City of Edmonton on January 12, 1971. 2. Section 2 is amended by inserting immediately after clause (5) thereof the following new clauses: "(5A)

'apartment building, high-rise,' means an apartment building exceeding four storeys in height;


'apartment building, walk-up,' means an apartment building not more than four storeys in height;"

3. Section 2 is further amended by inserting immediately after clause (57) thereof the following new clause: "(57A)

'parkade, private', means a private garage containing not less than ten parking spaces;"

4. Section 2 is further amended by inserting immediately after clause (83) thereof the following new clause: "(83A)

'three or more bedrooms,' with reference to a dwelling unit, means a unit other than a bed-sitting room, one-bedroom or two-bedroom unit;"

5. Section 2 is further amended by deleting clause (87A) therefrom and by substituting therefore: "(87A)

'two-bedroom unit' means a dwelling unit containing only two bedrooms and, in the opinfon of the Development Officer, not reasonably capable of being developed as a unit containing three or more bedrooms;"

6. The District Schedules, being Appendix No. 1 to the said Bylaw, are amended by inserting immediately after section 24 thereof the following new section.




·1. 1.


For First Reading

' ~"1:.r:1t:

nuA ed - c.•))


LO. 36£4

A Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2135 b1::ir:g The Zdning By1aw ·of The City of Ed;:;onton

WHEREAS section 8, subsEction (9), clause (h), of Bylaw No. 2135, The Zoning Bylaw, provides that, on


a notict of

appeal to the Development Apceal Soard, the appellant shall pay to the City a fee in the




prcv·idul that, if the appe11ant

withdra1;-;s h'is appeal br.:fore it is heard uy the !.Soard or he is success-

.ful on the appeal, the fee shall be repaid to him; and WHEREAS; at its 1nef:ting on ..:'iH1uary 21st, 1971, the Municipal. ~-ee

Planning Commission recc1'H0i2nd2d th2t thL

be incr2ei.sed tc $1S.OO

and made non-returnable; and \~HEREA.S,

at its meeting on

the fee be on a slidino




r'.? 1 ~ch


·16th, 1971, the Deve'iopment

the.value of the proposed develop-


NOW, THEREFORE, after due

coffip1ia~ce ~ith

the relevant prov1sions of

The Planning Act. beinq C:1apte1 43 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1963,

as amended, the municiµal Council

uF 7 he


of Edmonton enacts as

fol 1C\'iS:


Section 8, subsection {Y}, cf 2yli:Hv


2135, b£>.ing The

Zoning Bylaw of The City of Edmonton, is hereby amended by deleting

Bylav1 No. 3664






"(h) On the depry;it of a Noti:::.e of .i'l.ppeal, the appellant s~·1i.:ill pay to t:·:e Ci:y, wher·~ t~e appellant is not the O\Jn•2r cf the s lte or his agent, a fee in i.t•e sum of $15.00 and, wh•~re the aopellant is the own~r of the site or his agent·, the fee shall bi:; ;;u.lculated on the cost, as estimated by th2 Ce-.u::lop1:~r::nt Officer, of the proposed. deve ·1 opment as f o11 O\'JS:

Estimated cost


$10,000.00 or less $10,000.01 to $25,000.GO $25,000.01 to SS0,000.00 $50,000.01 to $100,000.00 $i00,000.0l to ~500,000.0C


$25.00 $50.00 $150.00

$300.00 $!:)00.00." .

$500,000.01 ur more READ a first time this __ )c:),_day


.\ ..


.._; / \ c<...--~~-_.,.. v ----------------------------

A.D. 1971.

RE,l\.D a second time this_,;'..__]_ __day of _____C-(LJ:-~L____ I

~ A.O. 1971.

.- -


, '

. '


READ a third tirne and du1y passed this~=U__day of~~t -:l-~~-----A.D. 1971.




H ;- .,

.-.c· .













For First Reading

.(Amended-2) BYLAW NO. 3665

A Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2624 being the Development Control Bylaw of The -----~f. Edmonton :;

WHEREAS section 8, subsections (1) and {2) of Bylaw No.


2624, the Development Control Bylaw, provide for the depositing of a

notice of appeal to the Development Appeal Board; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on January 21st. 1971, the Municipal Planning Commission recommended that a fee of $15.00 be required on the deposit of a notice of appeal; and '

WHEREAS, at its meeting on March .16th, 1971,. the Development

Appeal Boa rd recommended that, where the appe 11 ant is the applicant, the fee be on a sliding scale based on the value of the proposed developrnent.



NOW, THEREFORE, after due compliance with the relevant provisions of


The Planning Act, being Chapter 43 of the.Statutes of Alberta, 1963, as amended, the Municipal Council of The City of Edmonton enacts as follows: Section 8 of Bylaw No. 2624, being the




Bylaw of The City of filinonton, is hereby amended by inserting immediately after subsection (1) thereof the follow1ng new subsection: "(la.)

On the deposit of a notice of appeal, the appellant shall pay to the City, where the appellant does not have a legal or equitable interest in the site or is not the agent of a person having such an interest, a fee in the sum of $15.00 and, where the appellant does have s~ch an interest or is the agent of a person having such an interest, the feel shall be calculated on '

.,j ~

Bylaw No. 3665

- 2 -

( Ne1·1) the cost, as estimated l)y the \:j f"icer, of the proposed development as follows~


Estimated cost

$ 15.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00

$10,000.00 or less $10,000.01 to $25,000.00 $25,000.01 to $50,000.00 $50,000.01 to $100,000.00 $100,000.0l to $500,000.00 $500,000.01 or more

$150.00 $300.00 $500.00.

11 •






(S!gnei1) "'Ji. R. P~Ct}l~



f .




For First Reading


NO. 3701

A Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2135 being The Zoning Bylaw of The City of Edmonton -<:


WHEREAS section 12. subsection (14), of The Zoning Bylaw requires that one park1n9 or garage


be provided for each 1 .ooo

square feet of gross floor area in a hospitals and similar uses; and_ HHEREAS, at its meeting on March 18th, 1971, the Municipal Planning Ccrmiission


NOW, THEREFORE, after due

that this provision be modified.


with the.relevant provisions· of

The Planning Act. being Chapter 43 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1963, as amended, the Mun1c1pa1 Council

ct The

City of Edmonton enacts as

fol lows: 1.

Sectiori 12,



(14), of Bylaw No. 2135, being The

Zoning Bylaw of The City of Edillonton, is hereby amended



therefrom that portion headed "Hospitals." and subs.tituting therefor:

"Hospitals and similar uses. Hosp1tals,sanator1ums. convalescent homes or similar uses.

l per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area.

Homes for the aged (1nd1vidual unit projects).

l per 4 units or such ratio or number as the Municipal Planning Commission may approve.



- 2 -

81 law Ne. 3701

(Amended) I per l ,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area or such ratio as the Municipal

Homes for the aged (1odge-

type accorrrnodation)

Planning approve. READ a first t 1me th1 s


day of_G2;_,2.d

READ a second time this .:J2._day of


day of



C/.Ja.A j'

READ a third time and duly passed this_-:x1

Commi~sion 11

A.D. 1971.

, ....,

u~, I

A.O. 1971 .

.; £

A.O. 1971. ~


f \

(Signed) "W. R. DICKINSON''




I -











ALBERTA YOU.R F I L E - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


W.T. Candler

DATE - - - · _ _A~n'tg,...,11~s~t~6~----.



Miss R.H. Bell Xr. A. Steele Mr. R. Mitchell Mr. H. Holfeld ~r. N. Churner ~1rs. A. Binden Re:

Inclusion of R-5, R-6, R-7 and C-2A as zones within the Zoning Bylaw. Bylaw 3736

Please find attached one copy of the above described bylaw which was given third reading by City Council on June 28, 1971. This Bylaw creates four new zoning categories under the Zoning Bylaw and you will note that the same classification districts will remain under the Land Use Classification Guide. It is eventually intended to delete these distr~cts from the Guide and to include them under the Zoning Bylaw; however, until this is done, we will have two almost identical districts but under separate bylaws. Please ensure that all staff under your supervision is aware of the new zoning districts and that their bylaws are updated. This memorandum will also serve to request that the central file clerk prepare the necessary copies of the subject bylaw for distribution to other Planning Department personnel and the various agencies which are holders of the Zoning Bylaw entitled to receive text amendments. It is important that all departmental bylaw texts are kept current at all times.

W.T. Candler, Planner, Zoning Branch. \ITC: ab

: I




E. E. t..

3Yl.!\wS 1. r.:r First Readir1g 1.

BYLAW NO. 3735 A Bylaw to amend Bylaw ~lo. 2135 being The Zoning Bylaw of The City of Edmon ten



WHEREAS part of the City is zoned and the remainder is under development control; and WHEREAS, in developl'!lent control areas only, provision is made for R-5 Medium Density P.esidential Districts, R..:6 High Density Residential Districts, R-7 Residential and Special Purpose Office Districts, and C-2A Commercial Districts; ¡and WHEREAS it is expedient to introduce


districts into

2cned areas.

NOW. THEREFORE, after due compliance with the relevant provisions of The Planning Act, being Criapter 276 of


as amended, the Municipal Council of


l\f.vised Statutes of Alberta, 1970,


City of Edmonton enacts as follows:

Bylaw of The City of Edmonton, is hereby amended in the manner



- The District Schedules,

being Appe~dix No. 1

to the said Bylaw,

are amended by inserting irrr.iediately after section 24-B thereof the

following new sections: "Section 24-C .



The General Purpose of this district is to establish a district for medium density housing and compltible uses at appropriate locations (not in suburban areas) and conveniently accessible to transportation facilities,

Bylaw Lo. 3736

- 2 -

work centres and (1)


Pe mi tted



Subject to all ot!;er prcvic;ions of thi'.; Bylaw, on any site in a:'l_v district designated on Appendix No. 2· to

this Byi.:iw as R-5 Mediui1 C.ensity Residential District,

permits h'ill


issued on1y for the fcll01-1iny uses:


Apartment Buildihgs.




Fraternity and sorority houses.




homes for the aged


Kindergartens. day-carf

and lodging houses.


chilaren. ~choo1s,

creches and

d.3y nu1·seri es. (g}

T'1e off ice ~f a prof~ssio~al or business person,

pr-Mided t'1at: (i)


the office is in the


in which such person



in the opinion of the Development Officer, such use will not generate park~ng



such person ·doc;?;; not en1ploy rnore than one other person in the office, and


there shall be no


on the site, ex-

cept ider.tificatior. signs.




Private, academic, philanthropic and religious





Public and ;1u:i....:i-pub1ic bvi1:i!1JS.


P~blic ~urks.


Public schools.






Tvm-fa11ily dwellings.


Buildings and uses



to the above

uses . (2)

The following regulations ~cply to cdch development in an R-5 _l~2di!.i:~-g~n5_2._~f3.~~-~-~ent_ia) District (a)


cov~raoe. ,,,_



not cover


than 40 per cent of

the area of the site.


Qn a site having a mean width of not

1ess than 66 feet and an area of not less than 9,500 square feet, the aggregate of (A)



feet for each bed-sitting

room unit, (B)

500 square feet for each one-bedroom

unit, and (C)

850 square feet for eac-h dwe 11 i ng unit

containing two or more


shall rot exceed the area of the site. (ii)

On a site having a •nean width of less than 66 feet and an area of les5 than 9,500 square ftet, the aggregate of




- 4 -


750 square feet fc:- each bed- . sitting room unit,


1,000 square feet for each one-

bedroom unit, and . {C)

1,350 square feet for each dwelling

unit containing two or more bedrooms, shall not exceed the area of the site. (iii)

!f the site of ar. apartment house or a purposedesigned boardin9 or lodging house has a mean width of less than 66 feet and an area of less than 9,500 square feet, the site {A)

shall be¡ flanked


one side by a

highway and on the other side by a purpose-designed apartment house or non-residential (B)



shall be flanked on each side by a purpose-designed apartment house or non-residential building, or


shall be flanked on each side by a building as substantial as a purposedesigned apartment house -Or nonresidential building.


In ca1culating density under this Clause (b), (A)

a sleeping unit in a purpose-designed boarding or lodging house equals a bedsitting room unit, and


a sleeping unit in a building converted



Bylaw No. 3736

- 5 -

(A1nen1L·d] to a boarding or lodging house equals 0.75 bed-sitting room units. (v)

In Subclause (iv) of this Clause (b), "sleeping unit" means a habitable room or suite of habitable rooms not self-contained.


Height. The height of a building sh.all not exceed six storeys nor 75 feet.


Front yards. The front yard shall be not less than 20 feet.


Side yards. (i)

If a site is not flanked by a highway and an exterior wall on the site contains the window of a habitable room,


side yard

abutting such wall shall be not less than one half the height of such wall, provided the side yard shall be not less than 10 feei but need not exceed 25 feet . . _ (ii)

If a site is riot flanked by a highway and an

exterior wall on the site contains the window of a non-habitable room, the side yard abutting

such wall shall be net less than one quarter the

height of


wall, provided the side yard shall.

be not less than 7 1/2 feet but need not exceed 12 feet.


... . ""' '.


Bylaw No. 3736




[ Ar.iP.r1c! eJ]

If a site is not flanked by a highway and

an exterior wall in a building on the site does not contain a window, the side yard abutting such wall shall be, where the height of such building does


not exceed two storeys, not路less路than 5 feet, and,

where the height of such building ex-


. ceeds two storeys, not less than路 5 feet and


foot for each storey above the

second storey but need not exceed 12 feet. (h)

If a s"lte 1s flanked by a highway and an exterior wall on the site (A} does not contain a window or

contains the wfndow of a non-h路abitable


room, the side yard abutting such wall shall be not less than 10 feet. (v)



site 1s flanked by


highway and an


terior wall on the site contains the window of a habitable room, the side yard abutting such

wall shall be not less than 15 feet. (f)

Rear yards. (1)

If the site is not flanked by a highway, the rear yard shall be not less than 25 feet.


No. -3736

- 7 -

[Amen:k(i J ( 1i)

If the site is flanked by a highway, the rear yard shall be not less than 15 feet.


Private parkades. Notwithstanding any other provision of this bylaw, a private parkade, the height of which does not exceed two


shall be not less than 10 feet

from each side limit of its site and not less than 15 feet from the rear limit of ifs site. (h) Site Development. The creation of effective relationships between buildings, structures and open spaces, the architectural treatment of buildings, and the provision of landscaped open.space (passive and . active), shall be in the discretion of the Development Officer.


( 1)

Isolation. The site shall not be so located as to create smaller sites for future development 1n the same block, except as a Special Use.


Special Uses Which are_Pennitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board In addition to the Permitted Uses in Subsection (1) of this Section 24-C, subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board, pennits may be issued for the following Special Uses:

Bylaw No. 3736

- 8 [Amended]


Buildings on sites under Subsection (2) (i) pf this Section 24-C.


Fi re stat ions.


Hospitals and sanatoria, except mental hospitals, hospitals for the treatment of animals and institutions for the treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts.

(d) Medical clinics and similar uses. (e)

Police stations.


Private parking areas not on the site of the principal use.


Private clubs.


Public parking areas.


Public utility buildings and installations.

Section 24-0



General Purpose . . The General Purpose of this district is to establish a district for high density housing and compatible uses at appropriate locations and conveni~ntly

accessible to transportation facilities, work centres and recreation-

al areas. ( 1}¡

Penni tted Uses. Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, on any site in any district designated on Appendix No. 2 to this Bylaw as R-6 High


Residential District,

permits will be issued only for the following uses: (a} the Pennitted Uses in R-5 Medium Density Residential Districts.

Bylaw No. 3736


- 9 -


The¡ following regulations apply to each development in an R-6 High Density Residential Dist_r_i_c_t._ __ (a)

Site area. A site having an area of less than 14,500 square

feet shall be governed by the Regulations for R-5 Medium Density Residential District and not


the fellowing regulations. (b}

Density. (i}

If the height of a building


not exceed

six storeys, the aggregate of (A)

300 square feet for each bed-

sitting room unit, and (B)

450 square feet for each one-bedroom

unit, shall not exceed the area of the site. (ii)

If the height of a building exceeds



the density shall not exceed 300 persons for each acres of site. calculated as follows: (A}

count 1.5 persons for each bedsitting room unit,


count 2 persons for each onebedroom unit, and


count 3 persons for each dwelling unit containing more than two bed-

rooms. (iii)

In calculating density under this clause (b), the area of an ancillary site may be added to the area of the principal site, provided that


Bylaw No. 3735

- 10 [Amended] the



site has


area of not

less than 20,000 square feet,

(B) the ancillary site immediately abuts the principal site or is separate from the principal site only


a lane not

more than 20 feet wide, and ¡

the ancillary site is the subject of a


covenant restricting its use as ancillary to the principal site. ( c)

He i g.!:1_!..

The (i) (ii)



of a building shall not exceed

feet, or

such greater height as the Development Officer, in his discretion, may approve.


Yards. Yards shall be governed



the Regulations for

R-5 Medium Density Residential Districts. (e)



Noblithstanding any other provision of this Bylaw, a private parkade, the height of which does not exceed two storeys, shall be not less than 10 feet from each side limit of its site and not less than 15 feet from the rear limit of its site. (f)

Site deyelopment. The creation of effective relationships between buildings, structures and open spaces, the architectural treatment of buildings, and the provision of landscaped open space (passive a11d active), shall be in the

Bylaw No. 3736

- 11 -

[Amended] discretion of the Development Officer.


Isolation. The site shall not


so located as to create


sites for future development in the same block, except as a Special Use. (3)

Special Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In addition to the Permitted Uses in Subsection (1) of this Section 24-D, subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board, permits may be issued for the following Special Uses: (a)

Apartment hotels.


Buildings on sites under Subsection (2) (g) of this Section 24-0.

'(c) Fire stations. (d)

Hospitals and sanatoria, except mental hospitals, hospitals for the treabnent of animals and institutions for the treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts.


Medical clinics and similar uses.


Personal service shops.


Police stations ..


Private parking areas not on the site of the principal use.


Public parking areas.


Public utility buildings and installations.

Section 24-E


General Purpose. ¡ The General purpose of this district is to establish a district for


8y1d\·: ~:o. 373G





higher density housing, special purpose offices and compatible uses at appropriate locations. (1)

Permitted Uses. Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, on any site in any district


on Appendix No. 2 to

this Bylaw as R-7 Residential and Special Purpose Office District, permits will be issued only for the following uses: {a)

Apartment hotels, hotels and motels.


Clinics, including drug stores without direct access by the public through an external wall of the building.


Eating establishments, excepting drive-in business.


Fire stations.


Institutions of a religious, philanthropic m· educational nature.


Museums and art galleries.



-- -(h) {i)

Police stations. Private clubs.

(j) Private, academic, philosophical and religious schools, (k)

Public and quasi-public buildings.


Public schools.


Retail stores.

( n)

Buildings and uses accessory to the above uses.


'I• .• u.

( 2)

- n -


,., •.. r·,.l "-< ~ j·.J•.. ·.. ·J [ ,r..........

i "r; :. ., r- :: 1y -: ,. • · · ·: ::- ii :! '~ v :-;· 1opr;: er: t ; n an S;:,c::i:.i J'Ji":.; •. );·f:.-:: '.:i"istrict.

Th r~ f ~, 1·; v.-d r, i; ; ::.: '. ~ R-7 Rt:'.·,i·:-?2nti:.1l .-:

l'. :

---- - -------··----· {a)

r-''·-1·,•,,ntia 1

--··-·--· --·--·--·· - .

-· ··-




-~-~:: -~·.:__ ___ !_ __'-'_··-- :_.

by tile

RE:gt;ic!.ivns for R-G High.Dc:;s·;:.y RcsiC:ential





In non-residential buildings end uses, (i)

the site shall have a mean width of not less than 66 feet and an area of not less than 8,600 square feet,


the ratio of the aggn:g3te of U.e gross area

of each floor to the area of the site shall

not exceed 3:1, I


the front yard shall be not less than 20 feet, 40


b1tt .. ;

MS''rtnttc mRt#··{bC




. t


the side yards shall be governed by the Regulations for R-5 Medium


Residential Districts, and


the rear yard shall be not


than 25 f(et.

(c) Mixed uses. In the case of a building and non-residential I . ) \l I

both residential


there shall le no dwelling units on the main floor. except in mote 1s ,




~rartm!nt ~0t~ls,

hotels dnd


Dc~~lop~~nt Off~cer sha1~

resolve any



Bylaw No. 3736 3.

- 14 -

The District Schedules are further amended

b~ i~serting

irrmediately after section 26 thereof the following new section: "Section 26-A


General Puroose. The General Purpose of this district is to protect and maintain existing commercial strips along traffic arteries. ( 1)

Pennitted uses. Subject to all other pr9visions of this Bylaw, on any site in any district designated on Appendix No. 2 to this Byla\11 as C-2A Commercial District, permits will be issued only for the following uses: (a)

Bake shops.




Barbershops, beauty culture schools and ladies' hairdressing establishments:


Bowling alleys.


Catering establishments.



{g) Clinics. {h)

ColTDllunity league buildings.


Curling rinks.


Desssmakers' shops.

(k) Dry cleaning shops and distributing stations. (1)

Dwelling units above the first storey.

(m} Eating establishments. (n) Equipment rentals, if enclosed. (o) Fire stations.

Bylaw No. 3736

- 15 -




Hospitals and Sanatoria, except mental

hospitals, hospitals for the treatment of animals and institutions for the treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts. (r}

Institutions of a religious, philanthropic or educational nature.

(s) Kindrrgartens, day-care schools, creches and day nurseries.





liquor stores.




Nursing¡ homes.




Office equipment, sales and service.


Photographers' shops.



Police stations.




Printing establishments, if accessory to a stationery store.


Private clubs.


Private, academic, philanthropic and religious schools.

(ff) Public and quasi-public buildings. (gg) Public parks.

- 16 [Amended]

Bylaw No. 3736



Public schools.


Public utility buildings and installations.


Retail stores.


Service stations.


Shoe repair shops.

( l1Tl1)





Workshops, if accessory to a retail store.


Buildings and uses accessory to the above


The following regulations apply to each development in a C-2A Co1rnnercial District. (a}

Density. The ratio of the aggregate of the gross area of each floor to the area of the site shall not exceed 3:1.


Height. The height of a building shall not exceed 45 feet.

(c) ¡ Side yards_.

If a site is flanked by a residential district but is not divided from such district by a highway or utility lot, there shall be a side yard abutting such district of not less than 5 feet. (d)

Rear yards. The rear yard shall be not less than 20 feet, provided

that the second and higher storeys of a

buf lding


project to the rear limit of the site,¡ and further provided that, if the site is flanked by an RRA, RRB, RRC, R-1, RC-1 or R-2 residentfal district, then the second and higher storeys shall be not less

Byla1-1 3735

- 17 -

than 25 ft:et from the rear l i:nit (e)



the site.





Officer may waive ¡any or such

provisions of Section 12 (12J cf this Bylaw as, in his opirion, are unnecessary. (3)




are¡Permitted Subject to


Ri ght__Qf_J.cpe_aj_.!2___th~ Deve 1opmen_L~ea l Board.

In addition to the Permitted Uses in Subsection (1) of this Section 24-D, subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, and subject in all


to the right of appeal

to the Development Appeal Board, permits may be issued for the following Special Uses: (a)

Ambulance services.


Auctioneering establishments, if enclosed.


Automobile rentals, sales, services and repairs.


Boat suoplies and trailers, servicing and repair.


Cocktail lounges.


Cold storage plants.


Dance studies and music schools.


Dry cleaning establishments.


Drive-in businesses.

(j) Eating establishments, including dancing and cabarets. (k)

Film processing establishrr.ents.


Funeral Hornes.

- 18 -

Bylaw No. 3726 {m)

Furniture repair, refinishing and upholstery:




Laundry shops. ! '




Parking garages;


Public garages.


Pub1i.c parking areas.

( t)

Tire/sales, service and repair.


Veterinary hospitals for the treatment of dogs,

cats1and other small animals.". READ a first time this


READ a second time this



day ,of day of

READ a third time a?d duly passed

, A.O. 1971.


, A.O. 1971.

this~~day o;--~

A.O. 1971.


can:• MAYOR


/·•"' - I



-, -

- -


The following is an extract from Bylaw 3736, The Zoning Bylaw, duly passed by the ~unicipal Council of The City of Edmonton on June 28th, 1971.

Section 26-A


SEC. 26-A

GENERAL PURPOSE The General Purpose of this district is to protect and maintain existing commercial strips along traffic arteries. ( 1)

Permitted Uses Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, on any site in any district designated on Appendix No. 2 to this Bylaw as C-2A Commercial District, permits will be issued only for the following uses: (a) Bake shops. (b)



Barbershops, beauty culture schools and ladies' hairdressing establishments.


Bowling alleys.


Catering establishments.






Cor:iimunity league buildings.


Curling rinks.


Dressmakers' shops.


Dry cleaning shops and distributing stations.


Dwelling units above the first storey.

(m) Eating establishments. (n)

Equipment rentals, if enclosed.


Fire stations.




Hospitals and Sanatoria, except mental hospitals, hospitals for the treatment of animals and institutions for the treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts.


Institutions of a religious, philanthropic or educational nature.


Kindergartens, day-care schools, creches and day nurseries.




Liquor stores.



(w) Nursing homes.

Section 26-A

SEC. 26-A




Office equipment, sales and service.


Photographers' shops. '

(aa) Police stations. (bb) Poolrooms. (cc) ~rinting establishments, if accessory to a stationery store. (dd) Private clubs. (ee) Private, academic, philanthropic and religious schools. (ff) Public and quasi-public buildings.

(gg) Public parks. ( hh) Public schools. (ii)

P\,Jblic utility buildings and installations.


R'etail stores.

(kk) Service stations. (II)

Shoe repair shops.



(nn) Theatres. (oo) Workshops, if accessory to a retail store. (pp) B1;1ildings and uses accessory to the above uses. (2)

The following regulations apply to each development in a C-2A Commercial District. (a) Density. The ratio of the aggregate of the gross area of each floor to the area of the site shall not exceed 3: 1. (b)

Height. The height of a building shall not exceed 45 feet.


Side yards. If a site is flanked by a residential district but is not divided from such district by a highway or utility lot, there shall be a ~ide yard abutting such district of not less than 5 feet. Rear yards .. The rear yard shall be not less than 20 feet, provided that the second and higher storeys of a building may project to the rea'.r limit of the site, and further provided that, if the site is flanked by an RRA, RRB, RRC, R-1, RC-1 or R-2 residential



SEC. 26-A

Section 26-A

.district, then the second and higher storeys shall be not less than 25 feet from the rear limit of the site. (e)


Off-street parking The Development Officer may waive any or such provisions of Section 12 (12) of this Bylaw as, in his opinion, are unnecessary.

Special Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In addition to the Permitted Uses in Subsection ( 1) of this Section (26-A) subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board, permits may be issued for the following Special uses: (a)

Ambulance services.


Auctioneering establishments, if enclosed.


Automobile rentals, sales, services and repairs.


B.oat supplies and trailers, servicing and repair.


Cocktail lounges.


Cold storage plants.


Dance studios and music schools.


Dry cleaning establishments.


Drive-in Businesses.


Eating establishments, including dancing and cabarets.


Film processing establishments.¡


Funeral homes.

(m) Furniture repair, refinishing and upholstery. (n)



Laundry shops.

( p)



Parking garages.


Public garages.


Public parking areas.


Tire sales, service and repair.


Veterinary hospitals for the treatment of dogs, cats and other small animals.

The following is an extract from Bylaw No. 3778, amending I Bylaw 2135, the Zoning Bylaw, duly passed. by the Municipal Counci I of The City of Edmonton on November 8th, 1971.


Section 26-B

SEC. 26-B


The General Purpose of this district is to provide sites for ser./ices, supplies, storage and specialized sales uses in areas which have largely lost their retail character. ( 1)

Permitted Uses Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, on any site in any district designated .on Appendix No. 2 to this Bylaw as C-3 Commercial District, permits will be issued only for the following uses: (a)


The following regulations apply to each development in a C-3 General Commercial District. (a)



the Permitted Uses in C-2A Commercial Districts.

Height The height of a building shall not exceed ( i)

45 feet, or


such greater height as the Development Officer, in his discretion, may approve.

General Subject to Clause (a) of this Subsection (2), the Regulations prescribed for C-2A Commercial Districts apply to C-3 General Commercial Districts.

Special Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In addition to the Permitted Uses in Subsection ( 1) of this Section 26-B, subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board, permits may be issued for the following Special Uses: (a)

Auctioneering establishments, if unenclosed.


Building material sales.


Building material storage yards, if accessory to building material sales.


Equipment sales and service.


Plumbing, heating and gas fitting sales and service.


Trailer sales and rentals.



The following is an extract from Bylaw 3736, The Zoning Bylaw, duly passed by the Municipal Council of The City of Edmonton on June 28th, 1971.

Section 24-C


SEC. 24-C


The General Purpose of this district is to establish a district for medium density housing and compatible uses at appropriate locations (not in suburban areas) 6nd conveniently accessible to transportation facilities, work centres and recreational areas. ( 1)

Permitted Uses Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, on any site in any district designated on Appendix No. 2 to this Bylaw as R-5 Medium Density Residential District, permits will be issued only for the following uses:


Apartment Buildings.


Boarding and lodging houses.


Rraternity and sorority houses.




Homes for the aged and children.


Kindergartens, day-care schools, creches and day nurseries.


The office of a professional or business person, provided that: (ii)

the office is in the dwelling unit in which such person resides,


in the opinion of the Development Officer, such use will not generate parking problems,

(iii) such person does not employ more than one mher person in the office, and (iv)

there shall be no signs on the site, except identification signs.


One-family dwellings.


Private, academic, philanthropic and religious schools.


Public and quasi-public buildings.


Public parks.


Public schools.

( m) Side-by-side duplexes. (n)

Terraced dwellings.

Section 24-C


SEC. 24-C


Two-family dwellings.


Buildings and uses accessory to the above uses.

The following regulations apply to each development in an R-5 Medium Density Residential District (a)

Site coverage. Buildings shall not cover more than 40 per cent of the area of the site.


Density. ( i) On a site having a mean width of not less than 66 feet and an area of not less than 9,500 square feet, the aggregate of (A) 450 square feet for each bed-sitting room unit, (8)

600 square feet for each one-bedroom unit, and


850 square feet for each dwelling unit containing two or more bedrooms,

shall not exceed the area of the site. (ii)

On a site having a mean width of less than 66 feet and an area of less than 9,500 square feet, the aggregate of (A) 750 square feet for each bed-sitting room unit, (8)

1,000 square feet for each one-bedroom unit, and


1,350 square feet for each dwelling unit containing two or more bedrooms,

shall not exceed the area of the site. (iii) If the site of an apartment house or a purpose-design boarding or lodging house has a mean width of less than 66 feet and an area of less than 9,500 square feet, the site (A) shall be flanked on one side by a highway and on the other side by a purpose-designed apartment house or non-residential building, or (8)

shall be flanked on each side by a purpose-designed apartment house or non-residential building, or


shall be flanked on each side by a building as substantial as a purpose-designed apartment house or non-residential building.

Section 24-C

SEC. 24-C (iv)

In calculating density under this Clause (b); a sleeping unit in a purpose-designed boarding or lodging house equals a bed-sitting room unit, and




I i



a sleeping unit in a building converted to a boarding or lodging house equals 0. 75 bed-sitting room units.

In Subclause (iv) of this Clause (b), "sleeping unit" means a habitable room or suite of habitable rooms not self-contained.



\Height. 1The height of a building shall not exceed six storeys nor 75 I . lfeet.



IFront yards. ~he front yard shall be not less than 20 feet.


lside yards. (i) If a site is not flanked by a highway and an exterior wall on the site contains the window of a habitable room, the side yard abutting such wall shall be not less than one half the height of such wall, provided the side yard sh al I be not less than 10 feet but need not exceed 25 feet.





If a site is not flanked by a highway and an exterior wall on the site contains the window of a non-habitable room, the side yard abutting such wall shall be not less than one quarter the height of such wall, provided the side yard shall be not less than 7Y2 feet but need not exceed 12 feet.

iii) If a site is not flanked by a highway and a!l exterior wall in a building on the site does not contain a window, the side yard abutting such wall shall be, (A) where the height of such building does not exceed two storeys, not less than 5 feet, and, (B)

where the height of such building exceeds two storeys, not less than 5 feet and 1 foot for each storey above the second storey but need not exceed 12 feet.

Section 24-C

SEC. 24-C



If a site is flanked by a highway and an exterior wall on the site (A) does not contain a window or (8)

contains the window of a non-habitable room,

the side yard abutting such wall shall be not less than 10 feet. (v)


If a site is flanked by a highway and an exterior wall on the site contains the window of a habitable room, the side yard abutting such wall shall be not less than 15 feet.

Rear yards. If the site is not flanked by a highway, the rear yard (i) shall be not less than 25 feet. (ii)

If the site is flanked by a highway, the rear yard shall not be less than 15 feet.


Private parkades. Notwithstanding any other provision of this bylaw, a private parkade, the height of which does not exceed two storeys, shall be not less than 10 feet from each side limit of its site and not less than 15 feet from the rear limit of its site.


Site Development. The creation of effective relationships between buildings, structures and open spaces, the architectural treatment of buildings, and the provision of landscaped open space (passive and active), shall be in the discretion of the Development Officer.


Isolation. The site shall not be so located as to create smaller sites for future development in the same block, except as a Special Use.

Section 24-C


SEC. 24-C

Special Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board In addition to the Permitted Uses in Subsection ( 1) of this Section 24-C, subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board, permits may be issued for the fol lowing Special Uses: (a)

Buildings on sites under Subsection (2) (i) of this Section 24-C.


Fire stations.


Hospitals and sanatoria, except mental hospitals, hospitals for the treatment of animals and institutions for the treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts.


Medical clinics and similar uses.


Police stations.


Private parking areas not on the site of the principal use.


Private clubs.


Public parking areas.


Public utility buildings and installations.

e. The following is an extract from Bylaw 3736, The Zoning Bylaw, duly passed by the Municipal Council of The City of Edmonton on. June 28th,

1911. ·




Section 24-D

SEC. 24-D

GENERAL PURPOSE The General Purpose of this district is to establish a district for high density housing and compatible uses at appropriate locations arid conveniently accessible to transportation facilities, work centres and recreational areas. ( 1)

Permitted Uses. Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, on any site in any district designated on Appendix No. 2 to this Bylaw as R-6 High Density Residential District, permits will be issued only for the following uses: ¡ (a)


the Permitted Uses in R-5 Medium Density Residential Districts.

The following regulations apply to each development in an R-6 High Density Residential District. (a)

Site area. A site having an area of less than 14,500 square feet shall be governed by the Regulations for R-5 Medium Density Residential District and not by the following regulations.


Density. (i) If the height of a building does not exceed six storeys, the aggregate of (A) 300 square feet for each bedsitting room unit, and (B)

450 square feet for each one-bedroom unit,

shall not exceed the area of the site. (ii)

If the height of a building exceeds six storeys, the density shall not exceed 300 persons for each acre of site, calculated as follows: (A) count 1.5 persons for each bed-sitting room unit, (B)

count 2 persons for each one-bedroom unit, and


count 3 persons for each dwelling unit containing two or more bedrooms.

(iii) In calculating density under this clause (b), the area of an ancillary site may be added to the area of the principal site, provided that

Section 24-D

SEC. 24-D

(A) the principal site has an area of not less than 20,000 square feet,



the ancillary site immediately abuts the principal site or is separate from the principal site only by a lane not more than 20 feet wide, and


the ancillary site is the subject of a covenant restricting its use as ancillary to the principal site.

Height The height of a building shall not exceed (i) 150 feet, or (ii)

such greater height as the Development Officer, in his discretion, may approve.


Yards Yards shall be governed by the Regulations for R-5 Medium Density Residential Districts.


Isolation. The site shall not be so located as to create smaller sites for future development in the same block, except as a Special Use.

SEC. 24-D

Section 24-D


Special Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In addition to the Permitted Uses in Subsection ( 1) of this Section 24-D, subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board, permits may be issued for the fol lowing special uses: (a)

Apartment hotels


Buildings on sites under Subsection (2) (g) of this Section


24-D. Fire stations.


Hospitals and sanatoria, except mental hospitals, hospitals for the treatment of animals and institutions for the treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts.


Medical clinics and similar uses.


Personal service shops.


Police stations.


Private parking areas not on the site of the principal use.

( i)

Public parking areas.


Public utility buildings and installations.



The following is an extract from Bylaw No. 3736 and Bylaw No. 3758, The Zoning Bylaw, duly passed by the Municipal Council of The City of Edmonton on June 28th, 1971 and August 3rd, 1971 respectfully.

Section 24-E


SEC. 24-E

GENERAL PURPOSE The General Purpose of this district is to establish a district for higher density housing, special purpose offices and compatible uses at appropriate locations. ( 1)

Permitted Uses Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, on any site in any district designated on Appendix No. 2 to this Bylaw as R-7 Residential and Special Purpose Office District, permits will be issued only for the following uses: (a)

Apartment hotels, hotels and motels.


Clinics, including drug stores without direct access by the public through an external wall of the building.


Eating establishments, excepting drive-in businesses.

( d)

Fire stations.


Institutions of a religious, philanthropic or educational nature.


Museums and art galleries.




Police stations.


Private clubs.


Private, academic, philosophical and religious schools.


Public and quasi-public buildings.


Public schools.

(m) Retail stores. (n) (2)

Buildings and uses accessory to the above uses.

The following regulations apply to each development in an R-7 Residential Special Purpose Office District. (a)

Residential uses. Residential buildings and uses shall be governed by the Regulations for R-6 High Density Residential Districts.

Section 24-E


SEC. 24-E

Non-residential uses. In non-residential buildings and uses, ( i)

the site shal I have a mean width of not less than 66 feet and an area of not less than 8,600 square feet,


the ratio of the aggregate of the gross area of each floor to the area of the site shal I not exceed 3: 1,

(iii) the front yard shall be not less than 20 feet, (iv) the side yards shall be governed by the Regulations for R-5 Medium Density Residential Districts, and (v)



the rear yard shall not be less than 25 feet.

Mixed uses. In the case of a building containing both residential and non-residential uses, (i)

there shall be no dwelling units on the main floor, except in apartment hotels, hotels and motels, and


the Development Officer shall resolve any conflicts in the provision of this Bylaw.

Height Notwithstanding any other prov1s1on of this Subsection (2), the height of a building shall not exceed ( i)

125 feet, or


such greater height as the Development Officer, in his discretion, may approve.

The following is an extract from Bylaw No. 3779, amending Bylaw 2135, the Zoning Bylaw, duly passed by the Municipal Council of The City of Edmonton on November 8th, 1971.

2. Section 16-B, subsection (1), is amended by inserting immediately after clause (a) thereof the following new clause: "(aa)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

3. Section 18 is amended by adding immediately after subsection (2) thereof the following new subsections: "(3) Special Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In addition to the Permitted Uses in Subsection ( 1) of th is Section 18, subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board, permits may be issued for the following Special Uses: (a)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

4. Section 19, subsection (3), is amended immediately after clause (a) thereof the following new clause: "(aa)



Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

5. Section 19, subsection (3) i~ further amended by deleting clause (f) therefrom and by substituting the-efore: "(f)

Private schools.".

6. Section 20, subsection (3), is amended by inserting immediately after clause (a) thereof the following new clause: "(aa)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

7. Section 20, subsection (3), is further amended by deleting clause (f) therefrom and substituting therefore: "(f)

Private schools.".

8. Section 21, subsection ( 3), is amended by immediately after clause (a) thereof the following new clause: "(aa)

i nsert.i ng

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

9. Section 21, subsection (3) is further amended by deleting clause (i) therefrom and by substituting therefore: "(i)

Private schools.".

Section 21-A, subsection (1), clause (F), subclause (f), is 10. amended by deleting items (i), (ii) and (iii) therefrom.

11. Section 21-A, subsection (3) is amended by inserting immediately after clause (a) thereof the following new clause: "(aa)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

12. Section 21-A, subsection (3), is further amended by deleting clause ( i) therefrom and by substituting therefore: " ( i)

Private schools.".

13. Section 22, subsection (1 ), clause (e), is amended by deleting subclauses (i), (ii) and (iii) therefrom~ 14. Section 22, subsection (3), is amended by immediately after clause (a) thereof the following new clause: "(aa)


Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

Section 22, subsection (3) is further amended by deleting 15. clause ( h) therefrom and by substituting therefore: "(h)

Privat!'l schools.".

16. Section 23, subsection (1), clause (f) is amended by deleting subclause (i), (ii) and (iii) therefrom. Section 23, subsection (3), is amended 17. immediately after clause (a) thereof the following new clause: "(aa)



Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

18. Section 23, subsection (3), is further amended by deleting clause ( h) therefrom and by substituting therefore: "(h)

Private schools.".

19. Section 24, subsection ( 1), clause (c), is amended by deleting clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) therefrom. 20. Section 24, subsection (3), is amended immediately after clause (a) thereof the following new clause: "(aa)

by inserting

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

21. Section 24, subsection (3) is further amended by deleting clause (I) therefrom and by substituting therefore: "(I)

Private schools.".


22. Section 24-A, subsection (3), is amended by deleting clause (b) therefrom and by substituting therefore: "(b)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".¡

23. Section 24-B, subsection (1), clause (j), is amended by deleting subclauses (i), (ii) and (iii) therefrom. 24. Section 24-B, subsection (3), is amended by inserting immediately after clause (a) thereof the following new clause: Day nurseries, kindergartens, riursery schools and play schools.".


25. Section 24-B, subsection (3), is further amended by deleting clause ( h) therefrom and by substituting therefore: "(h)

Private schools.".

26. Section 24-C, subsection ( 1), is amended by deleting clause (f) therefrom. 27. Section 24-C, subsection (3), is amended by inserting immediately after clause (a) thereof the following new clause: "(aa)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

28. Section 24-D, subsection (3), is amended by inserting immectiately after clause (a) thereof the following new clause: "(aa)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

29. Section 24-E is amended by adding immediately after subsection (2) thereof the following new subsection. "(3) Special Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In addition to the Permitted Uses in Subsection ( 1) of this Section 24-E, subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board, permits may be issued for the following Special Uses: (a)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

30. therefrom.

Section 25, subsection ( 1), is amended by deleting clause ( hh)

31. Section 25, subsection (3), is amended by immediately after clause (aa) thereof the following new clause:


"(aaa) Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

32. Section 26, subsection (3), is amended by immediately after clause (e) thereof the following new clause:


Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".


33. Section 26-A, subsection ( 1), is amended by deleting clause (s) therefrom. 34. Section 26-A, subsection (3), is amended by inserting immediately after clause (g) thereof the following new clause: "(gg)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

35. Section 26-B, subsection (3), is amended by inserting immediately after clause (c) thereof the following new clause: "(cc)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

36. Section 28 is amended by adding immediately after subsection (3) thereof the following new subsection (4): "(4) Special Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In addition to the Permitted Uses in Subsection (3) of this Section 28, subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board, permits may be issued for the following Special Uses: (a)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

37. Section 29, subsection (3), is amended by immeidately after clause (d) thereof the following new clause: "(dd)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools, at the discretion of the Development Officer.".

38. Section 30, subsection (3), is amended by immediately after clause (d) thereof the following new clause: "(dd)


Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools, at the discretion of the Development Officer.".

39. Section 31, subsection (3), is amended by immediately after clause (a) thereof the following new clause: "(aa)



Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

Section 32, subsection (1), is amended by deleting clause (c) 40. therefrom and by substituting therefore: "(c)

Institutions of a religious, philanthropic or educational nature, and private schools.".

41. Section 32, subsection (3), Is amended by immediately after clause (a) thereof the following new clause: "(aa)


Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

42. Section 34 is amended by adding subsection (2) thereof the following new subsection:



"(3) Special Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In addition to the Permitted Uses in Subsection ( 1) of this Section 34, subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board, permits may be issued for the following Special Uses: (a)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.".

The following is an extract from Bylaw No. 3778, amending Bylaw 213_5, the Zoning Bylaw, duly passed by the Municipal Council of The City of Edmonton on November 8th, 1971.


Section 26-B

SEC. 26-B

GENERAL PURPOSE The General Purpose of this district is to provide sites for services, supplies, storage and specialized sales uses in areas which have largely lost their retail character. ( 1)

Permitted Uses Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, on any site in any district designated on Appendix No. 2 to this Bylaw as C-3 Commercial District, permits will be issued only for the following uses: (a)


The following regulations apply to each development in a C-3 General Commercial District. (a)



the Permitted Uses in C-2A Commercial Districts.

Height The height of a building shall not exceed ( i)

45 feet, or


such greater height as the Development Officer, in his discretion, may approve.

General Subject to Clause (a) of this Subsection (2), the Regulations prescribed for C-2A Commercial Districts apply to C-3 General Commercial Districts.

Special Uses Which are Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In addition to the Permitted Uses in Subsection ( 1) of this Section 26-B, subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, and subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board, permits may be issued for the following Special Uses: (a)

Auctioneering establishments, if unenclosed.


Building material sales.


Building material storage yards, if accessory to building material sales.


Equipment sales and service.


Plumbing, heating and gas fitting sales and service.


Trailer sales and rentals.



E. E. l E. l

BYLAWS For First Reading BYLAf: NO. 384 3 A Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2135 being The Zoning Bylaw of The City"'Of'Edmonton WHEREAS it is necessary that Bylaw No. 2135, as amended,

be further amended;


WHEREAS at its meeting of July 15th 1971 the Municipal Plar.ning Commission passed a resolution in support of this bylaw. NOW THEREFORE upon the recorrmendation of the Municipal Planning Commission and after due compliance with the relevant provisions of The Planning Act, being Chapter 276 of the Rcv~scd Statutes of Alberta 1970, as amended, The Municipal Council of The City of Edmonton enacts as follows: 1.

That Bylaw No. 2135, being the Zoning Bylaw of The City

of Edmonton, as amended, is hereby amended in the following manner. 2.

That Section 21 subsection (d) Side Yard, be amended by

striking out the first paragraph and by substituting therefor the fo 11 owing: The total measurement of the side yards on both sides of a building shal 1 be not less than twenty percent of the width of the site, provided that no side yard shall be less than four feet. 3.

That Section 21-A subsection (2) (c) Side Yard, be amended

by striking out the first paragraph and by substituting therefor the fo 11 owing: The total measurement cf the side yards on both sides of a building shall be not less than twenty rercent of the width of the site, provided that no side yard shall be less than four feet.

- 24.

That Section 22 subsection (2) (d) Side Yard, be amended

by striking out the first paragraph and by substituting therefor the following: The total measurement of the side yards on both sides of a building shall be not less than twenty percent of the width of the site, provided that no side yard shall be less than four feet. READ a first time this .-)'-/ READ a second time this


day of 9.:c._,'-'-"'-·..,.._,__,_ _,/ A.O. 1972 /' ·------i • f' day of 1-'--''·u......-..-/~. O. 19~2.

READ a third time and duly passed this


day of

A.O. 1972.

THE CITY OF EDMONTON (SIG.'!~/) '"!""'!.~ ':'~~lT"





E. l

BYLAWS For Fi rs t Reading

E.l BYLA!i NO. 3933 A Bylaw to amend Bylaw Tio. 2135 being The Zoning Bylaw of The City cf Edmonto~ WHEREAS Section 9 of the Zoning Bylaw sets out the procedure to be fo 11 owed by any person wishing to have the bylaw amended;


WHEREAS at its meeting of April 22nd 1971 The Municipal Planning Commission recommended that Section 9 of Bylaw No. 2135, Tne Zoning Bylaw, be amended. NOVI THEREFORE upon the recorrmenda ti on of the Municipal Planning Corrrnission and after due compliance with the relevant prov is i ens of The Planning Act, being Chapter 276 of the Rev i ~ed Statutes of Alberta 1970, as amended, the Munici.pal Council of the City of Edmonton enacts as follows: 1. he~eby


Section 9 of City of Edmonton Zoning Bylaw. No. 2135 is amended as hereinafter set forth. That immediately after subsection (6) Liability of. Applicant,

the following new subsection (7) is added: (7)

Investigation by Director Upon receipt of an application to amend the Zoning Bylaw the Di rector sha 11:




initiate or carry out any necessary investigation or analysis. of the problems involved in or related to the amendment, and


prepare a detailed report for the Municipal Planning Comnission on the proposed amendment, and


submit a copy of the report, maps and all mater;a1 relevant thereto to the Municipal Planning Co11111ission.


the present subsection (7) Preliminary

e;.:aminution, as subsection. (8) Preliminary examination.

- 2 -


G:1 renurr.bering the present subsection (8) Procedure by

applicar.t, as subsection (9) Procedure by applicant, and by deleting therefrom the present subsection (a) and by substituting therefore the fol1owing: (a)


r.e •1ishes the Commission to proce'2d with the a;nendrr.cnt submitted by him or an alternative amendment proposed by the Municipal Planning Conr.iission, in which case he rr.ust prepay the advertising costs referred to in subsections 4 and 6, prior to the amendment proceeding to City Council, or

By deleting the present subsection (9) Investigation by

Director. READ a first time this READ a second time this

/ 7

I 7

day of


day of ~

READ a third time and duly passed this




A.O. 1972.






{Signod) "W. R. DICKUlSOH"

\ I


Section 35 Gener.i1 Puroose The


for those major

Purr.ose of this district fs to provide a district

develo~nts ~hfch

do not confonn to the provfsfons of

any one particular zoning district or Land Use Desfgnatfon but which comply with the princioles and objectives of the General Plar. and because of thefr specific location, comprehensive outlook and high quality of design are deemed acceptable fn the development pattern of ~e


Uses Permitted and Regulations Uses Residential or conmercial development or a mixture of residentlal-conwnerclal uses oroviding such uses in the opinion of City Council are comnatible with each other and with other uses fn the surrounding district. Requirements for Zoning 1. (a)

A comprehensive olan of develoOMent for a site shall accompany all application for a zone change to CD-1 and shall contain f.


following information:

location of all proposed buildings.

ff. elevations and architectural treatment of all buildings or structures. 111. number and type of residential suites. fv.

amount of corrrnercfal soace and description of proposed conmercial uses.

v. location of all existing trees, with an explanation of whfc~ trees are to be removed and why ft ts necessary to remove them. vf. location and treatment of all parking areas.



- 2 -


location of on-site oedestrian circulation system,· and the integration of this with the local pedestrltn circulation system.

vfff. a scale model showing the proposed development and fts relationship to surrounding developments. (b)

A detailed narrative statement shall be submitted with tht epplication for rezoning. Such narrative shall explain the intent of the project, the factors which make the project desirable to the general public and to the surrounding areas, the features Ind details of the project development, schedule and timing of the develoD111ent program; and any other material which the applicant believes to be relative to the case.


In deciding the acceptability of such comorehensive plan of

development, the


Planning Conmission


City Council shall

take fnto account among other things, the following factors: ··. f. the effective relationships of buildings, structures and open spaces. ff. ffi.

the provision of·a choice of housing types. the provfsion of underground parking.

fv. the provision, and subsequent effectiveness, of landscaped oassfve and active open space. v. the heights and architectural treatment of all buildings and structures. vf. the relationship of the building to the present and proposed circulation patterns. vif. the relationship of the development to surrounding development. vfff, the General Plan and any aoproved development plans for the area.


J .\


..,,,. ·

- 3 -


The owners shall enter into a legal agreement with the City

of Edmonton whfch agreement shall run as a restrfctfve covenant


the title of the land to ensure that the development complies with the comprehensive plan of development, following approval of zoning by the City CO'Jncil.

This agreement shall serve to restrict the

development of land in accordance wf th the tenns of the approved c0111Prehensive plan of development. ~latf ons


The Deve 1opment Of ff cer sha 11 not pennf t any deve 1opment

other than for routfne maintenance or for a development of a temporary or minor nature, fn a CD-1 District in either 1. the absence of an aporoved comprehensive plan of development, or 1i. 2.



with an approved comorehensfve plan of

A penalty bond shall be submitted as a guarantee that the

landscaping provisions of the comprehensive development plan will be carried out. Thfs bond shall be equal to twenty-five percent (2SS) of the estimated cost of the landscaping. 3.

Any bylaw zonfnq land as CD-1 Comprehensive Develooment

District shall be fn force for a period of one year only from the date of third reading of the bylaw and then shall lapse and the land zoned by the bylaw shall revert to the zoning fn force at the tfme of thfrd readinq of thP. bylaw provided that ff a development pennit has been fssued in accordance with the provfsfons of the Zoning Bylaw for any land zoned as CD-1 Comprehensive Develcpment wfthfn the safd perfod of one year that land shall continue to be zoned as CD-1 Comprehensive Develooment District until the zonfng


... I I

_J .\


- 4 -

fs changed by an amendment to the Zoning B.vlaw effected f n accordance

wfth the Planning Act of Alberta.

. I'

I j .


.. Section 24-G


6Ei'IERAL PURPOSE The General Purpose of thfs dfstrfct ts to provfde land for the development of mobile home subdivisions in a residential environment. The District shall have access to the types of c011111unity facflftfes and services normally available in residential area, and shall be located tn an area approorfate for residential development, and not abutting incompatible land uses.

Care shall be taken to ensure that

the mobile homes to be located in the District are of a quality and design which will enhance the residential environment and not detract from those mobile homes which are already located there. A Residential Hobfle Home Subdivfsfon shall be slmflar fn character and quality to any other single family residential area. (1) Permitted Uses: Subject io all other orovisions of the Zoning Bylaw, on any site, fn any district defined. designated or described in this Bylaw as an RMH-2 Residential Mobile Home Subdivision District, permits will be used for the following uses: a~ mobile homes ¡ b buildinqs and uses accessory to the above uses c permitted signs of the following limitations are observed:


not more than one non-illuminated real estate sign advertising the sale or rental of the site or premises on which ft is maintained and having an area of not more than 10 square feet; and

ff) on any site not more than one trespassing, safety or identification sign which may be illuminated but not flashing and not exceeding 2 square feet; and ff i)

.,. (,



on any site used for oermitted non-residential buildings or structures, not more than one identification sign which may be illuminated but not flashing and not exceeding 15 square feet In background area, and if the framework and desiqn of the sign are considered by the Director to be suitable for the location. When individual letters are used, the maximum oennissible area shall be at¡ the discretion of the Director.



- 2d) dfrectfonal sfgns subject to the approval of the Director (2) Regulations: (a) Applfcatfon to Develop (f) All applfcatfons for the locating of a mobile home on¡ a mobfle home subdivided lot shall be subject to the requirements of.Section 5 of the Zoning Bylaw. (ff) All mobfle¡ homes to be located fn the RMH-2 Dfstrfct shall have Canadian Standards Association certification, or shall be of an equivalent thereof, and proof of thfs shall be submitted with the application. (fff) Dated, current, photograohs of the mobile home, showing all sfdes, shall be submitted with the application. The applicant shall Indicate how he intends to correct any deficiencies In the mobile home fn order to make ft meet the quality and design fn keeping with the General Purpose clause. (fv) A plan showing adjacent properties and the location of any existing mobile homes, addltior.s, and accessory bufldlngs on those prooerties, shall be submitted with the applfcatfon. (v) The Development Officer, havfng regard to the sfze, suitabflfty and quality of the mobile home, and to the proposed location of t~e mobile home fn relation to mobile homes on adjacent properties, may refuse an application ff fn hfs opfnfon the mobfle home will not be of a suitable qualfty, and ff the site plan does not indicate acceptable open space provision, taking fnto account adjacent mobile


(vf) Penalty Bond Upon approval by the Development Officer of an applfcatfon to develop a mobile home on a mobile home subdivision lot, when such approval fs conditional upon removal of such deflcfencfes as may be required by the Development Officer, the applicant shall deliver to the Officer a bond naming as surety a corporation licensed as such fn Alberta, and fn a sum to be fixed by th.e Officer, the condition of the bond being that, ff the prooosed development fs com, pleted but fs not fn accordance with this Bylaw or the plans and other material accompanying the application, then the surety shall pay to the City, for its use absolutely, the sum fixed. (b) Derisftf-- -------- -- - The maxf11a1m net density shall be nfne dwelling units per acre.



- 3 -


Front Yard The front yard shall be at the discretion of the Development Officer, but shall in no case be less than fifteen feet.

(d) Si de Yard No side yard shall be less than four feet, subject to the requirement for "spacing" as stated herein. (e) Rear Yard A rear yard shall be provided, the minimum depth of which shall be not less than ten feet. (f) Spacing Mobile homes, including additions, shall be separate from each other by a minimum of fifteen feet, except where, in the opinion of the Development Officer. (1) a sufficient rear yard, greater than the minimum required, is provided, or (1i) the location of existing adjacent mobile homes, including additions, is such that this cannot be achieved, in which case the Development Officer may relax this regulation. (g) Site Area The dimensions and area of a mobile home subdivided lot shall be subject to either (i) or (ii) following, whichever 1s the greater: · ·(i) Each parcel shall be subject to the requirements of the Subdivision and Transfer Regulations with respect to residential parcels; (ii) Each parcel to be used for a single-wide mobile home shall have an area of not less than 4,000 square feet, and a mean width of not less than forty feet; Each parcel to be used for a double-wide mobile home shall have an area of not less than 4,500 square feet. (h) Site Coverage Coverage shall not exceed 40 per cent of the site area, and the coverage of the mobile home and any additions to it shall not exceed 35 per cent of the site area. .,,, '·


-___ j .


_.,, ... · ,



- 4 -

(f) Foundation and Skfrtfng (f) A foundation shall be provided on the stand of each lllObile home subdivided lot, capable of supporting the rnaxiraum anticipated load of the lllObfle home at all seasons without settlement or 路 other movement. The foundation shall be permanent, inade of concrete, and subject to the requirements of the Building Code. The mobile home shall be securely attached to the foundation. (ff) The undercarriage of each mobfle home shall be completely screened from view by the foundation, by skirting, or by such other means satisfactory to the Development Officer. (j)

Accessory Structures 0

( f) An addi tf on to a mob路i 1e home sha 11 not have路 a sf te coverage greater than 50 per cent of the si~ht coverage of the original mobile home unit placed on the site. (ff)

All accessory structures, additions, porches, skirting, and storage facilities shall be of a quality end appearance equivalent to the mobile home, and shall match and complement the mobile home.

(fff) Additions to a mobile home shall have a foundation and skirting equivalent to that of the mobile home.

,, 路~



Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton is hereby amended as follows: 2.

Section 2 is amended by striking out subsection (528) and

by substituting therefore the following new subsection: (528)

"mobile home" means a transoortable single family dwelling unit suitable for long-term occupancy, designed to be transported on Its own wheels and upon arrivin~ at the site for location Is, apart from incidental ooeratlons such as placement on foundation supports and connection to utilities, ready for occupancy • "mobile home single-wide" means a mobile home consisting of a single unit designed to be towed fn a single load. "mobile home double-wide" means a mobile home consisting of two sections seoarately towable, but designed to be joined toqether at the site to fonn one dwelling unit.


Section 2 is further amended by adding after subsection

(520) the following: (52E)

"mobile home subdivision• means an area designated RHH-2 under the Zoning Bylaw and subdivided by reqistered rlan, containing lots for freehold or leasehold tenure.

(52F) "mobile home subdivided lot• means a parcel of land fn a mobile home subdivision for the placement of a mobile home and held under freehold or leasehold tenure. ·

(52G) "mobile home stand" means an area within a mobile home subdivided lot upon which the unit is intended to be directly situated, or which is intended to be covered by the unit.


.\ -~···



BYLA.W NO. 3985 Section 25 B, subsection (3) of City of



Bylaw No. 2135 is struck out and the following Is substituted: (3)



In addition to the oennitted uses in subsection (I) of this section 26 9, subject to cor.ioliar.ce with all other orovislons of this bylaw, and subject in all cases to the ri9ht of aopeal to the Develonr'lent Aoneal Board, oennits may be issued for the following soecial uses: {a) Ambulance services


(b) Auctioneering establishments, {c)


rentals, sales, services and repairs.

{d) Boat sucnlies and trailers, servicing and repair. (e) Building material sales {f) Building material storage yards, if accessory to building ~aterfals sales. (g)

Cocktail Lounges.

(h) Cold storage olants {I) Dance studios and music schools. (j)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.

(k) Drive-in Businesses (1)

Dry Cleaning


(m) Eating establishments, including dancing and cabarets (n) Equf o~ent sales (o)


Fil~ ~rocessi~~ est~~l1sh~er.ts

(o) Funeral (q)





refinishing and upholstery


( r) Hotels (s) Laur.dry SMOOS

I '





- 2 (t)


(u) Parking garages (v) Plur.ibing,


and gas fitting sales and service

(w) Public Qarages (x) Public narking areas (y)

T1re sales, service and repair

(z) Trailer sales and rentals ..(zl) Veterinary hosD1tals for the treatment of dogs, cats and other small animals •



'1 I







T•,e cer.era1 ournose of the 1-r..-~2 In~ustrial !:!eserve District is to ailc:~~'! and crctect reserve ir.~ustriel la~d and etc.er rel•ted uses on a lona ten:i basis. The ori:iary existing use of this land fer a~riculture should be prctected fro:i orer:atJre dev~lo~i-ent and frag-.e~Ution of land. Special consideration, however, will be given to industries which by reason of the foilowing soecial characteristics cannot be satis~actorilv lncated in any ~-1, ~-2, ~-3 lndJstrial District or t.G-'IRl ln<1ustria1 ?.oeserve District: (a) (b)


resource deveiop::-P.nt !r.dJstries whicti are unabl'! to meet ~·erfor;.,ance s~andards re~J;red within othP.r industrial c~stricts (c) ln~Jstries needinq lar')e areas of 101"1 cost land for Ion') tenn exoension or having lar9P. storaqe re~~ire~ents or buffer seoaration because of the dan9ers of exolosion, contanination or other nuisance or hazard characteristics. The Oevelooment Central Officer shall issue oerr.iits only for those uses, subject to an~roJriate regulations, which are compatible with t~e ~Eneral purpose cf this District and providing alwa:•s that any suc'l ~evelc?ir.ent is consistent with the Preli~lnary Regional flen.





Section 16-C-A A~-11Rl



The general purpose of this District is to reserve and protect land for the estir-.ated needs of industrial exoansion and other related uses, having reoard to the orde1¡ly and economical orovision of land, utilities and other services. (1)

Perrnittej Uses: Fa"'1s of not less than 20 acres, orovided that sites for hog ranc~es or the breedin~ of fur bearing animals shall not be located less than 51a fP.et frOM the nearest residential district, urban or urban reserve district; r:a tura l resource deve 1ooment; Recreational and associated uses; The follo•tfng industrial uses when in confor:r.ity with the general require~ents of an anoroved reolotting ~lan or olan of subdivision or where such uses are, in the opinion of the Oeveloo~ent Control afficer, unlikely to orejudice a replotting clan or olan of subdivision under preoaratior.: (a)


storane, receiving, distribution, transsh1pr.ient of ra1., materials, processed or r:'.anufactured prodJcts, inclu~ing carts and C~7.ocnents, o~en or er.closed



(c) Servicing and reoair


(d) Coim-ercfal, recreational or M~niciral uses, unlikely to have restrictive effects uoon t~e 1n1ustrial districts end w~ich are co~~atible with t~e ir.d~strial uses. (2)

Reoulaticns: desion, sitin~. site ccvera~e. yer~s. ~~!g~t o~ b~ildings, external finish, architectural ar,neara~ce, lar.1scaring ~e~erally including any accessory buildings or structures shall be to t~e satisfaction of the nevelo~~ent Control Qfficer. The Officer shall, in deterrnir.ir.o such M3:ters, Jay C:~e r.?qarc to t~e exiti~o uses and orasoect!ve ~ses c! la~~ !n t~e v'.c'.r.tty enc t~e re;ule:!cns 9cverr.i~~ a~r1:~1:~ral and ir.d~s:rial ~istricts so tr.at the nrooosed use cf lane or c"i1dir.~s w:11 r.ot nrejud1ce the orderly ceveloo~ent of the areas and is consistent in all respects with the general puroose of this District. T~e







j 8YLA'4 NO. 4014


Bylaw No. 2135 Is hereby anended by addinq lr.rn!!diately following Section 5, subsection (3) (d) the following new subsection:

5 (3) (1) That when an aoolfcatfon for a Zoning Certific1te 1s submitted to the Oeveloome~t Officer for the

develoNnent of a parcel of land adjacent to, or partially or wholly contained wfthir., the the




Saskatchewan River Valley or 1ts ravtne

system, the aoplicatton shall contain tnfon:1atlon regarding the exfstir.g and nrooosed grades ar.d the final


shall be to


satisfaction of

the Oeveloor:ient Officer the said aoolication having ftn;t been referred to the Parks ind Recreation Deoartment for cormient.




----·---- -·-.\

The Land Use Classification Guide is amended by including following Clause 8 1n the General P.egulations the following new Clause 9:

•(9) - Aonlication for Develooment on Land Adjacent to or llithin the Limit of the rlorth Saskatchewan River Valley or its Ravine System. That when an aoplicatlon for a Oeveloj)lllent Permit is submitted to the for




develo1>111ent of a parcel of land adjacent

to, or partially or wholly contained within, t~e

limit of the 'lorth

or its P.avlne



River Valley

the aoolication shall

contain information regarding the existing ind proposed grades end the final grade shall be to the satisfaction of the


Officer, the said application



been referred to the Perks and Recreation Department for conment.•

·,·. '·







BYLA.'I NO. 4003




Section 24-F




as follows:

The General Pu!"JlOSP. of this district Is to ensure tne

Section 2 is amended by adding after subsection (52A) the

developr.ient of r.10bile hOllle ~arks In an environr.ient aooronrlate for

following: (52B)

"mobile home" means a transoortable sfng'U! filllllly

residential uses. The sfte shall have access to conrnunity facilities

dwellinq unit suitaole for long-tenn occuoancy,

and services normally availdble In residential areas. (l) Pernitted Uses

designed to be transported on its o.,m whee 1s, and upon arrivinq at the sfte for location is, anart

Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, on

from incidental ooeratfons such as


any site fn any d:istrfct defined, designated or

foundation sunoorts and

to utflf t1es,



described In this Bylaw as RMH-1, Residential ''1ob11e


Hor.;e Park District, oermfts will be issued only for


rea<!y for occunancy.



the following uses:

"roo11e home lot" r.:eans t"le soace al lctted for the parkinq of on! mobile



a~y ~obfle

home park.

(520) "mobile home park" means a parcel of lan,j ur.der one ownershin which has ho"~

lots and

holllP.s for 3.

Bylaw No. 2135 is amended by adding the following Section


Bylaw No. 21.35 as· a:nended, being The Zoning Bylaw for t!le

City of Edmonton fs hereby

~h. g/73-.

be~n ola~ned,



divided into mobile

t~e olace~ent

perr.:ar.e~t resider.~:al









Section 2 fs amended by adding after subsection (85) the



~ob11e ho"~


(o) 3ufldings and uses accessory to a mobile home oark. (c) The followinq signs: (i)

six feet cbove grade and to a s~uare

at the orincioal (85A)

"tourist trailer ;;ark" has been planned, the seasona 1 camoers and round




a aarcel of land which

dlvid~~ i~:c


t:o:i l i ;!a_v


an~ !~;;roved

trailers, motor



tourist vehicles not used as year-


for resfder.tial use.

(ff) Directional signs



feet may oe lvcated



to the sfte. the

Dark intenrated in des!gn and




anj keot 1n scale with the 1rrr:ediate surround! ngs.




Identification sign to a ~axf:::i;"1 hef~'1t cf

of thirty-two

r I


e - 3 -

- 2-

(b) Area

(2) Appearance:


(a) All accessory structures such as patios, porches,

The mjnlm11111 site area for the mobile home oar~

additions, skirting and storage facilities shall

shall be five acres.

(ii) The minimum area 1 or a mobile home lot

be factory ore-fabricated units, or of a quality equivalent thereto, so that desiqn and construction

shall be four thousand square feet and each

will complement the mobile home.

lot shall be clearly riarked off by oermanent markers or other suitable means.

(b) Each application shall be accomoaniec by a land¡

(c) Setbacks

scaping and site development olan which shall be to the satisfaction of the development officer.


Jn a 1?10bile home park, the mobile home lots

Jn addition, the applicant shall, uoon approval

shall .be located at least twenty-five feet

of_ the oermi t, de 11 ver a penalty bond to the a:nount

from that boundary of the nark abutting a

of 25: of the

pub 11 c street or hi 9t11~ay and at 1east fifteen


cost of lancscapinq to

feet from the

ensure completion of landsceoing. (c) The undercarriage of each mobile home shall be screened fron view by- skirting or such other means satisfactory to the Develonment Off:ce. (d) Adequate cor.non storaqe areas, se,arate from the mobile home lot,


be ?rovided for the storage



boundaries of the park.

These.setbacks shall be treated as amenity strios ar.d suitably landscaped and orotected from any sort of




whlc, will

their intended use.

(11) Mobile homes, including any porer. er aod1tion

of seasonal recreational eQuloment and other equipment

shall be separate from each other by at least

not capable of

fifteen feet.


on the nobile home lot.

Such storage areas shall be enclosed or screened by

(111) The distance from an.v side, en:!, ad-:li;icn, to

trees, landscaoe features or fences, or a combination

a rnobile hor.:e



(3) The following regulations in all



to every develocment

Residential Mobile Home Park Districts.

1n r.o


be less

feet to the adjacent Jct line.



snoll be set, back at

least-ten feet from the



access road or co!'r!lon parking area.

(a) Density The maximum density for a





Home Park

shall be eight C10bile home units per acre.


e - 5 -

- 4 -

(II) Each mobile home lot shall provide a hard-

(d) Site coveraqe The mobile home 1nd additions to ft, exclusive of

surfaced. durable base on whfch the mobile

a carport, shall not cover more than 35: of

home shall be placed. (h) Utilities

the lot upon whlcll ft is situated.


(e) Roadway and walkways

lines shall be olaced underground.

(f) Recreation Area

(f) All roads in the mobile home park shall be

llot less than SS of the gross site area of the

hard-surfaced, well drained and maintained.

mobile home park shall be.devoted to recreational

(II) The mobile homes and all c011111unlty facilities shall be connected by.a safe, convenient,

uses, to be provided fn

hard-surfaced oedestrian walkway which shall

location. ¡


Site design The mobile home development


including exoandable and double wide units with f n the street design and the olacement of

(g) Parking (I) There shall be at least one car oarklng stall ~~bile

home lot and



lots. The visitor oarklng throug~out

the park to be

two mobile hor.ie sha~l






located for all oarts of the mobile




shall be r:iade for visitor oarking at the ratio of one space to



Individual units to avoid monotony.

provided on eacn


convenient and accessible

Provincial Board of Health Regulations


be designed

to acc01T111odate mobile home units of different sizes,



(4) Every mobile home park shall cor.iply with the provisions

be at least three feet In width. (f)




BYLAW NO. 4048 Bylaw No. 2135 as amended is hereby further amended. Section 28 (2) (d) is struck out and the following is substituted: 28 (2) (d) Height The maximum height of buildings shall not exceed 35 feet unless otherwise approved by the Director. 3.

Section 29 (2) (c) is struck out and the following is

substituted: 29 (2) (c) Height The maximum height of buildings shall not¡ exceed 60 feet unless otherwise approved by the Director.

BYLAW NO. 4049 1.

Bylaw No. 2135 as amended is hereby further amended.


Section 24 (2) (b) is struck out and the following is


24 (2) (b) Height The height of a building shall not exceed 45 feet.


Section 24 (2) (d) is struck out and the following is

substituted: 24 (2) (d) Front Yard The front yard shall be at the discretion of the Director, who shall have due regard to the amenities of the district, but in no case shall he permit a setback



less than 20 feet in the case of a building 30 feet in height or less


less than 30 feet in the case of a building between 30 and 40 feet in height, . and


less than 35 feet in the case of a building 40 feet or over in height

Section 24 (2) (e) is struck out and the following is

substituted: 24 (2) (e) Side Yard A side yard shall be provided on each side of the building of not less than 15% of the width of the site, or 15 feet whichever is the lesser, except in the following circumstances: (i)


in the case of a building exceeding 30 feet in height, the side yard shall be not less than 20% of the width of the site, or 20 feet whichever is the lesser; and in the case of a corner site¡, the side yard..adjoining the flanking street shall be not less than 15 feet.




City of Edmonton Planning Department January, 1978

BYLAW 5108 Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being The Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by: (a)

Deleting therefore Section 8, subsection (4)(b) and adding thereto the following new Section 8, subsection 4(b):

(b) ''The board shall ensure that notice of the hearing is mailed at least seven days (exclusive of Saturday, Sunday and other holidays) prior to the day of the hearing to the Appellant and to all assessed owners of land who, in the board's opinion, are affected."

BYLAW 5122 Adding to Section 21 entitled R-1 Residential District subsection (2)(d) Side Yard, the following new subsection (iv) immediately following subsection (iii): (iv)"In the case of a laneless subdivision, one side yard shall be a minimum of 10 feet to provide for vehicular access unless otherwise approved by the Development Officer." BYLAW NO. 5017 Bylaw 2135, the Zoning Bylaw is hereby amended by adding thereto Subsection (f) to Section 5(3) as follows: (f)

Notwithstanding anything contained herein, no development permit shall be issued for the construction of any development adjacent to the River Valley or its ravine system or at such other location within the City which in the opinion of the Development Officer has unstable soil conditions, until the Applicant has submitted a certificate from a professional engineer registered under the Engineering and Related Professions of Alberta, certifying that the foundations proposed for the development were designed with full knowledge of: (a)

The soil conditions, and


The proposed site of the development upon the parcel of land of the Applicant. BYLAW NO. 5064

Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton is hereby further amended by deleting therefrom subsection (16) of section 12.

BYLAW 4607 1. Bylaw No. 2135, as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton is further amended by deleting the present Section 8 (9)(h) and substituting the following Section 8 (9)(h): (h)

On the deposit of a Notice of Appeal the appellant shall pay to the City, where the appellant does not have a legal or equitable interest in the site or is not the agent of a person having such interest, a fee in the sum of $20.00 and: where the appellant does have such an interest or is the agent of the person having such an interest, the fee shall be calculated on the cost, as estimated by the Development Officer, of the proposed development as follows: All Signs: $10,000 or less: $10,000.01 to $25,000: $25,000.01 to $50,000: $50,000.01 to $100,000: $100,000.01 to $500,000: $500,000.01 to more:

$50.00 40.00 50.00 100.00 300.00 500.00 1,000.00

BYLAW 4649 Bylaw No. 2135, being the Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton is amended as follows: (a)

by adding the following Subsection (15) to Section 5:

(15) "Notification Regarding Decisions on Applications Notwithstanding Subsections (7)(b), (9) and (9A) of Section 5, should the City Commissioners determine that because of disruption of the mail service it is not possible to give notice by mail of decisions on applications and of the right of appeal, then the City Commissioners may direct that in place of such notice by mail, a notice shall be published in a newspaper circulating in the City of Edmonton." (b)

By adding the following sentence at the end of Section 5, Subsections (7)(b), (9), and (9A): "Giving of notice of decisions on applications and of the right of appeal is subject to the provisions of Subsection (15) of Section 5 •II

BYLAW 4294 effective April 29, 1974 Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being The Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton is amended by deleting Section 21 (2)(g) and substituting therefore the following: 21(2)(g)

Site Coverage

The total coverage shall not exceed 40 percent of the site area, provided that: i.




the coverage of the principal building shall not exceed 28% of the site area; the coverage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 12% of the site area; and, notwithstanding (i) and (ii) above, in the case of a principal building containing an attached private garage or where a private garage is designed as an integral part of a dwelling, the total site coverage (40%) shall apply. BYLAW 4209

Section 12(3)(a) be amended by striking out the words and figures "required yards 5 feet and over, and 18 inches for required yards less than 5 feet" and by substituting therefore the words and figures "required yards 4 feet and over, and 18 inches for required yards less than 4 feet." BYLAW 4140 1. Bylaw 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton is hereby amended. 2. Section 2 of the Zoning Bylaw is amended by adding immediately after Section 2 (82) the following new Subsection (82A) "tandem parking" means two spaces, one behind the other with one point of access to the manoeuvring aisle. 3. Section 2 of the Zoning Bylaw is amended by adding immediately after Section 2 (44) the following new Subsection (44A) "gross leaseable area" means the finished floor area of the building which excludes mechanical rooms, service areas outside of the place of business, stairwells and utility cores.

4. Section 12, Subsection 12 (c) of the Zoning Bylaw is struck out and the following is substituted: (c)

Access to Spaces Adequate access to and exit from individual parking spaces is to be provided at all times by means of unobstructed manoeuvring aisles and to the satisfaction of the Development Officer except where otherwise indicated in this bylaw.

5. Section 12, Subsection 12 (f) of the Zoning Bylaw is struck out and the following is substituted: (f)

Different Uses of the Same Site In the case of the multiple use of a site the Development Officer shall calculate the parking required for each individual use and this shall be deemed to be the required parking for the site, unless the applicant can otherwise demonstrate to the Development Officer that there is a complementary or overlapping use of the parking facilities which would warrant a reduction in the parking requirements.


6. Section 12, Subsection 14 of the Zoning Bylaw is struck out and substituted therefore is a new Section 12 (14) contained in Appendix "A" attached to and made a part of this bylaw. Section 12 (4)

Parking Schedule When any new development takes place or when any existing development is, in the opinion of the Development Officer, substantially enlarged or increased in capacity, then provision shall be made for off street vehicular parking or garage spaces for any development in any district defined in this Bylaw, in accordance with the following standards; provided that exceptions to these standards may be made where the applicant can otherwise demonstrate that the development can be improved by a reduction of the following standards, the Development Officer may reduce the required standards to gain an overall improvement to the development but in no case, with the exception of homes for the aged, shall it be less than one parking space per dwelling unit.

Use of Building or Site

Minimum number of Parking or Garage Spaces Required

RESIDENTIAL One and Two Family Dwellings

1 parking or garage space per dwelling unit plus provision shall be made for 1 additional space on the site, with suitable access and this additional space may be in tandem.

NOTE: Where a front yard driveway provides access to a parking space that is not within the front yard, the Development Officer may consider this driveway as the provision of a second car parking space that is in tandem. Apartment Buildings and Terraced Dwellings

1 parking space per bachelor dwelling unit, 1 parking space per 1 bedroom dwelling un~t,

1.5 parking space per 2 bedroom dwelling unit, 1.75 parking spaces per 3 bedroom dwelling unit or larger. Homes for the Aged (individual unit projects)

1 per 4 units or such ratio or number as the Municipal Planning Commission may approve.

Homes for the Aged (lodge-type accommodation)

1 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area or such ratio as the Municipal Planning Commission may approve.

INDUSTRIAL Manufacturing and Industrial Plants, Warehousing, Wholesale and Storage buildings and yards, Servicing and Repair establishments, Research Laboratories and Public Utility Buildings.

1 per 3 employees on a maximum working shift but not less than 5 spaces per tenant or establishment.

AUDITORIUMS 1 per 3.5 seating spaces for the public, Public assembly auditoriums including theatres, convention halls, gymnasiums, or 1 per 35 square feet used by the patrons, whichever is greater. race tracks, exhibition halls, labour temples, lodge halls, private clubs, ball parks and other sports arenas and other recreational or amusement places. Churches

1 per 15 seating spaces

Funeral Homes

1 per 5 seats for persons attending services plus 1 space per funeral home vehicle. (The Development Officer may allow any suitable arrangement of the required parking spaces without the normally required provision of manoeuvring aisles.

SCHOOLS Public or Private Elementary and Junior High Schools

1 space for each classroom.

1 space for each classroom plus 1 space for Public or Private Senior High every 33 students. Schools which DO NOT include an auditorium, gymnasium or swimming pool.

(i) Public or Private Senior High Schools which DO include an auditorium, gymnasium or swinuning pool, either (i) or (ii) or (iii) shall apply, whichever (ii) is greatest.

1 space for each classroom plus 1 space for every 33 students or 1 space per 3.5 seating spaces used for assembly in an auditorium gymnasium or swimming pool or (iii) 1 space per 35 square feet used for assembly in an auditorium, gymnasium or swimming pool, whichever is greatest.

Colleges, Universities, Business or Commercial or Technical Schools

1 per 10 seats, plus auditorium requirements where applicable.

HOSPITALS AND SIMILAR USES Hospitals, Sanatoriums, Convalescent Homes or similar uses.

1 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.

Apartment Buildings and Terraced Dwellings (continued)

Of the total number of parking spaces required 1 space per every 7 dwelling units must be assigned to guest parking, readily available to an entrance of the building to be served, and must be clearly identified as guest parking. The Development Officer may accept tandem parking spaces of a number that is equivalent to the total required parking minus the total number of dwelling units, minus the total visitor parking required.

Lodging House, Fraternity Houses

1 per 2 beds.

COMMERCIAL Business, Administrative and Professional Offices and Banks

3.2 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area in the building.

Retail Shops, Personal Service Shops and Equipment and Repair Shops with a gross floor area of: less than 20,000 square feet 20,000 square feet to 200,000 square feet more than 200,000 square feet.

2 per 1,000 area in the 3 per 1,000 area in the

square feet of gross leasable building. square feet of gross leaseable building.

4 per 1,000 square feet of gross leaseable area in the building.

Eating Establishments

1 per 4 seats

Cocktail Bars

1 per 4 seats

Beer Parlours

1 per 4 seats

Hotels, including Motor Hotels

1 per guest room


1 per dwelling or sleeping unit. BYLAW NO. 4920

A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 2135 being the Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton. 1. Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by: (a)

deleting Section 34 from the Zoning Bylaw and substituting therefore the following new Section 34:

"Section 34


GENERAL PURPOSE The purpose of this District is to identify land owned by or held under long-term lease by the City of Edmonton or the Province of Alberta through the Alberta Housing Corporation, which is to be used for non-profit residential development. (1)

Permitted Uses (a)

One-family dwellings subject to the regulations governing the R-1 residential District.


Two-family dwelling and semi-detached one-family dwellings subject to the regulations governing the R-2 Residential District.


Terraced dwellings subject to the regulations governing the R-2A Residential District.


Apartment buildings, and homes for the aged, where such development is not in excess of the height, site coverage, floor area ratio, density or set-back requirements of the most restrictive residential, commercial, or industrial district abutting thereto.

(2) Conditional Uses which are subject to Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In addition to those uses permitted in Subsection (1) hereof, and subject to compliance with other provisions of this Bylaw, development permits may be issued for the following uses, subject in all cases to right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board:



Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.


Any residential development that is in excess of the height, site coverage, floor area ratio, density, or set-back requirements of the most restrictive residential, commercial or industrial district abutting thereto, provided that this Clause (b) does not apply to uses permitted under Clauses (a), (b) and (c) of Subsection (1).


The following regulations apply to every development in all P-3 Residential Districts. (a)

Approving Authority. Every aplication for a development permit is subject to the provisions of Section S, Subsection (8A) of this Bylaw.


Site Development Every development in all P-3 Residential Districts, other than those uses contained within Clauses (a), (b) and (c) of Subsection (1), shall conform to regulations governing permitted signs, height, site coverage, floor area ratio, density and yards of buildings and structures which are applicable to the most restrictive residential, commercial or industrial district abutting thereto, provided that the Municipal Planning Commission, in its discretion, may relax such regulations where it is satisfied that the amenities of that district are not adversely affected by reason only of such relaxation, provided that such relaxation is subject to Subsection (2).


Additional Requirements (i)

The design, siting, external finish and architectural appearance of all buildings, including any accessory buildings or structures, signs and the landscaping of the site, shall be to the satisfaction of the Municipal Planning Commission to ensure that adequate protection is afforded to the amenities of the area.



Development in the P-3 Residential District is limited to applications where the sponsor is either the City of Edmonton or Alberta Housing Corporation on land which is either directly owned or held under long term lease by such authority, provided that the provision of this subclause (ii) shall not apply to any site zoned P-3 Residential District prior to the passage of this amending bylaw.

Parking Notwithstanding the provision of Section 12 Subsection (14), for apartment buildings and terraced dwellings, the Municipal Planning Commission, in its discretion, may reduce parking requirements to 1.25 parking spaces per dwelling unit. BYLAW NO. 4900

1. Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by: (a)

deleting from Section 12, Subsection (13), (Subsection (c)(vi)), and substituting therefore the following Subsection (c)(v): (c)(v)

A screen planting which blocks visibility of parked automobiles from surrounding properties, shall be required where more than eight (8) off street parking stalls are provided, except where such view is blocked by a change in grade or other natural or man-made feature. Where, in the opinion of the Development Officer it is not practical to require landscaping he may permit a masonry wall or wood fence to be substituted. In parking areas and similarly congested locations, curbs and other protective measures shall be used to protect adjacent fences, walls, boulevards, landscaped areas or buildings on the site, or on an abutting site.


by adding to Section 12, Subsection (13), (Subsection (f)(ii)) the following clause: (f)(ii)


The provisions of clause (iii) below apply in all cases where required parking is located on an auxiliary site.

by adding to Section 12, Subsection (13), Subsection (f) a new clause (f)(iii) as follows: (f)(iii)

Where the provision of off-street parking for seventy five (75) or more vehicles is required, and is being provided at grade, there shall be landscaped open space within the perimeter of the parking area. Landscaped open space in and around parking areas shall be provided in the minimum amount of eighteen (18)

square feet (5 square meters) for each parking space. Each parking space shall be no more than fifty (SO) feet (15.S meters) from any portion of the landscaped open space required by this subsection. The required open space need not be located in one area or attached, but there shall be at least one (1) tree in each separate area. (d)

by adding to Section 12, the following new Subsection (21):

SECTION 12 (21) When any new development takes place or when any existing development is, in the opinion of the Development Officer, substantially enlarged or increased in capacity, then provision shall be made for landscaping in any District defined in this Subsection, in accordance with the standards contained in this Subsection. (a)

Districts and Uses required to provide landscaping. (i)

This subsection shall apply to the site area to be devoted to open space in every district in which yards are required or a certain percentage of site coverage is specified. Unless otherwise specified in the District Schedule, the following districts are exempt from this subsection: A, AG-UR, AG-U (except where the provisions of Section 16 - B(3) apply), AG, AR, AS, P-1, except those uses permitted under Section 31, subsection (l)(j), RRA, RRB, RRC, R-1, RC-1, R-2.

(ii) Where a parking lot having eight or more parking stalls, a trash collection area, an open storage area, or an outdoor service area, including loading, unloading and vehicular service areas, is visible from an adjoining residential or commercial property or public roadway, a screen planting shall be required in accordance with clauses (b) and (c) of this subsection. The location, length, thickness and height of a required screen planting will be sufficient to obscure direct view from an adjoining residential or commercial property or public roadway. In the case of bulk outdoor storage, including but not limited to auto wrecking, lumber yards, pipe storage and like uses, where, because of height or visual offensiveness, a screen planting would not be sufficient, a decorative fence, earth berm or combination thereof, with sufficient height to block the view, shall be substituted. Where, because of conditions contrary to good horticultural practices, a screen planting cannot reasonably be expected to survive, the Development Officer shall require a masonry wall, wood fence or earth berm, or combination thereof to be substituted. (b)

Regulations. In all development applications in districts subject to Subsection (21) the following regulations apply:



Every development application shall be accompanied by landscaping plans, containing the following information: (a)

all physical features, existing or proposed, including shrubs, trees, flower beds, berms, contours, walls, fences and outdoor furniture;


shrubs and trees whether existing or proposed, labelled by their common name, botanical name and size;


all plant material, distringuishing between existing and proposed, and indicating those trees to be removed as a result of the proposed construction;


the location of underground utilities, fire hydrants, overhead utilities and boulevard trees, to ensure that appropriate clearance is provided;


where required by the Development Officer, a statement of the effect of proposed development and proposed landscaping in terms of shade, wind and other environmental considerations.

Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1) (A) - (E) above, the Development Officer may consider an application if, in his opinion, the development is of such a nature as to enable the decision to be made on the application without all of the information required in that subsection.

(iii) When considered appropriate by the Development Officer, he will consult with the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation in regard to the landscaping plans. (iv)

(v) (vi)


In the event that planting material required in an approved development is inappropriate, or fails to survive, the Applicant or the Development Officer, or both, may request at the planting stage that alternative materials be substituted.' Such substitution of material may be referred to the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation for certification as to its suitability. The Development Officer may then approve or require such substitution. The owner of the property, his successors or assigns shall be responsible for landscaping and proper maintenance. Wherever landscaping required by this subsection is continued onto or over property or right-of-way owned by the City the landscaping and planting shall be carried out in accordance with Boulevard Bylaw No. 2107 as amended from time to time. Where the Development Officer determines that it is practical, existing vegetation shall be preserved and enhanced.


Specifications: (i)

Trees: (A)

In residential districts one tree is required for each 1,000 square feet (90 square meters) of required open space.


In commercial districts one tree is required for each 1,000 square feet (90 square meters) of required open space or 500, square feet (45 square meters) of required yard space, whichever is applicable.


In industrial districts one tree is required for each 500 square feet (45 square meters) of required yard space.


Trees required by this subsection will be: 1 3/4 inch - 2 inch (5 cm.) d.b.h. trunk measure for deciduous trees; 7 foot - 8 foot (2.4 meter) height for evergreen trees.


The proportion of deciduous and evergreen trees required by this subsection will be approximately 60:40.


Where new tree plantings are otherwise required, existing trees having a height of 7 feet (2.1 meters) may be used, if earth under the normal spread of branches for the species (measured as an equilateral triangle from the top of the trees) remains undisturbed during construction.

(ii) Screen Planting: (A)

All screen plantings required by this subsection shall consist of evergreen trees or shrubs and/or flowering trees or shrubs, according to the specifications for tree planting contained in (C) above, or evergreen plants at least 15 inches (38 cm.) in height when planted, or deciduous plants at least 24 inches (38 cm.) in height when planted.


All screen plantings required by this subsection shall be pruned so as to provide a maximum opacity from the ground to a height of 5 feet (1.5 meters).

(iii) Where, in the opinion of the Development Officer, it is not practical to have permanent planting, landscaping may be provided by the use of planters. Such planters shall have sufficient soil and be of adequate design to support the proposed plantings, and a long term maintenance program shall be guaranteed. (iv)

All planting material used shall be hardy to the Edmonton region and to the location on the site where they are planted. The Alberta Horticultural Guide shall be used as a reference in selecting plants.

BYLAW NO. 4882 A Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2135 being the Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton and Bylaw No. 2624 being the Development Control Bylaw of the City of Edmonton. 1. Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by: (a)

adding to Section 5, entitled "Procedure Respecting Applications to Develop and Duties and Reponsibilities of the Director", the following new subsections (3A) and (3B) immediately following subsection (3):

(3A) Application Fees (a)

Every application shall be accompanied by the required fee as set out in the Fee Schedule contained in Subsection (3B) hereof;


In any case where the required fee is not listed in the fee schedule, such fee shall be determined by the Development Officer and shall be consistent with those fees listed in the schedule for similar developments;


Where, pursuant to the provisions of this Bylaw, the application will require notification to adjoining property owners, the applicant shall pay in addition to the fee specified in Subsection (3A)(a) a fee of $35.00, except that such fee shall not be required for applications for developments within the class of developments described in Class One (1) or Class Two (2) of the Fee Schedule.


Where, in the opinion of the Development Officer, the application is substantially revised, the applicant, prior to reconsideration of the application, shall pay, in addition to the fee specified in Subsection (3A)(a) and any fee required by Subsection (3A)(c), a fee equal to fifty percent (50%) of the initial application fee, except that such additional fee shall not be required in instances where improvements suggested by the Development Officer result in substantial revision.

(3B) Fee Schedule Class




Interior and exterior alterations and repairs, home crafts, and other minor developments.



Garages, covered patios and carports, and fences




One and two family dwellings, additions, mobile homes, boarding houses, basement suites, demolition of dwellings.



Multi-family dwellings with three or more units contained in one building and multiple housing projects, consisting of more than one building per site, including terraced dwellings and walk-up apartment buildings.



Highrise apartment buildings in excess of four floors of dwelling units.







Interior and exterior alterations and repairs; change of occupancy, demolition.



Restaurants, retail stores, motels, service stations and gas bars, commercial additions, walk-up office structures.



Hotels, high rise office buildings, shopping centres and other major commercial applications.



Car lots, trailer sales, parking garages or lots.






Interior and exterior alterations and repairs, change of occupancy, demolition, miscellaneous installation of underground tanks.


Primarily single occupancy developments for warehouse $75.00 storage, repair, manufacture processing and service centres.


Multiple tenancy industrial structures.




$100.00 Fee





Public service buildings such as churches, schools, auditoriums, fire halls, policy stations, health clinics, provided that Governmental facilities such as office buildings shall be regarded as commercial buildings for the purpose of determining fees.


BYLAW 4334 Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by adding at the end of Section 16 subsection (3) A (iv) entitled "Uses" the following new subsection: (ee) Municipally owned cultural and public meeting facilities. BYLAW 4990 Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton is hereby further amended by: (a)

renumbering the existing Section 2, Subsection 44(A) as Section 2, Subsection (44B);


adding to Section 2, the following new subsection (44A)

immediately following Subsection (44):

(44A) "gross floor area" means the floor area of a building measured from the outside finish of the wall, provided that, in the case of a wall containing one or more windows or openings, the Development Officer may use a measurement from the glazing line of the window or opening. (c)

deleting from Section 12, Subsection (14) of the Parking Schedule, the words "gross leasable area" wherever they occur in the said Subsection, and substituting therefore the words "gross floor area". BYLAW 4991


adding to Section 2, the following new Subsection (87AA) immediately following Subsection (87A): (87AA)

"use" means one or more activities conducted upon, under, over, or in relation to lands or improvements thereon, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes the erection of buildings, the excavation of land, the presence and use of fixtures and chattels on land or in buildings, and all occupations and activities of persons occurring upon land or within buildings. BYLAW NO. 4341

Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by: (a)

adding to Part 1, Section 2, entitled "Definitions" the following new Subsection (SC) immediately following Subsection (SB):

(SC) "apartment-hotel" means a buiding or part of a building with a principal common entrance in which: (a)

the dwelling units consist of suites used primarily for longer term occupancy;


there are individual cooking facilities in each suite;


the suites are furnished including dishes and linen; and


one or more of the following special services is


(i) maid service (ii) telephone, secretarial, or desk service (b)

deleting from Section 24-D (3)(a) of the Zoning Bylaw the words "Apartment hotels'', and substituting therefore the following: Apartment hotels, provided that permitted uses accessory to apartment hotels not include public banquet halls, dining facilities, or meeting rooms. BYLAW 5108

Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by: (a)

Deleting therefore Section 8, subsection (4)(b) and adding thereto the following new Section 8, subsection 4(b): (b)

"The board shall ensure that notice of the hearing is mailed at least seven days (exclusive of Saturday, Sunday and other holidays) prior to the day of the hearing to the Appellant and to all assessed owners of land who, in the board's opinion, are affected." BYLAW 5122

Adding to Section 21 entitled R-1 Residential District subsection (2)(d) Side Yard, the following new subsection (iv) immediately following subsection (iii): (iv) "In the case of a laneless subdivision, one side yard shall be a minimum of 10 feet to provide for vehicular access unless otherwise approved by the Development Officer." BYLAW NO. 5017 Bylaw 2135, the Zoning Bylaw is hereby amended by adding thereto Subsection (f) to Section 5(3) as follows:


Notwithstanding anything contained herein, no development permit shall be issued for the construction of any development adjacent to the River Valley or its ravine system or at such other location within the City which in the opinion of the Development Officer has unstable soil conditions, until the Applicant has submitted a certificate from a professional engineer registered under the Engineering and Related Professions of Alberta, certifying that the foundations proposed for the development were designed with full knowledge of: (a)

The soil conditions; and


The proposed site of the development upon the parcel of land of the Applicant. BYLAW 4959

Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by: (a)

deleting from Section 12, Subsection (ll(e)(ii) the words "and the City Architect".


deleting from Section 12, Subsection (ll)(g) the word "Committee", and substituting therefore the words "Development Officer".


deleting from Section 12, Subsection (13)(c)(iv) the words "and the City Architect".


deleting from Section 12, Subsection (13)(c)(v) the words "City Architect" and substituting therefore the words "Development Officer". BYLAW 4910

Bylaw 2135, as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton is further amended by deleting the present Section 8(2)(a) and substituting the following Section 8(2)(a): 8.(2)(a)

The Board shall be composed of a Chairman and six other members to be appointed for a one (1) year term of office by resolution of Council. BYLAW 4957

Bylaw 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by


adding to Section 13, Special Provisions, the following new subsection (8) inunediately following subsection (7): "(8)

Historic Sites. Whenever a site has been designated as an historic site (registered, classified or otherwise) pursuant to the Alberta Historical Resources Act 1975, as amended, the provisions of that Act prevail whever consistent with the provisions of this Bylaw." BYLAW 4946

Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by deleting from Section 8 of the Zoning Bylaw, Subsection (lA) Right of Appeal and substituting therefore the following new Subsection (lA) Right of Appeal: "(lA) Right of Appeal (a)

An aggrieved person may appeal the decision of a Development

Officer or Municipal Planning Conunission made by serving written notice of appeal on the Secretary of the Development Appeal Board within 14 days after the notice of the decision is mailed or posted on the site of the proposed development or published in a newspaper circulating in the area. (b)

Notwithstanding Subsection (a), no appeal lies to the Development Appeal Board when the decision of the Development Officer or Municipal Planning Conunission is one of approval for a proposed development in a zone under a Zoning Bylaw and the proposed development complies in every respect with the provisions of the Bylaw relating to permitted uses for that zone.


An application for a Development Permit shall, at the option of the applicant, be deemed to be refused when the decision by the Development Officer or the Municipal Planning Conunission thereon is not made within 40 days after receipt of the application in its complete and final form, and the applicant may appeal in writing to the Development Appeal Board as provided in Subsection (a) as though he had received a refusal at the end of the period specified in this Subsection." BYLAW 4956

Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by: (a)

renumbering Section 2, Subsection (78A) as Section 2, Subsection (78B);


adding to Section 2, the following new Subsection (78A): (78A)


"Site" means an area of land consisting of one or more adjoining parcels or lots abutting on a street or lane.

adding to Section 2, the following new Subsection (53A) immediately following Subsection (53): (53A)

"Natural Resource Development" means the extraction on a site of raw materials found on or under the site or accessible from the site, including such uses as gravel pits, oil wells, and stripping of top soil, but does not include the processing of raw material obtained from sources other than on or under the site.

Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being The Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by: Deleting Section 22, R-2 Residential District, and substituting therefore the following new Section 22:

Section 22


BYLAW 5199 Section 22


Uses Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, on any site, in any district defined, designated, or described in this Bylaw as an R-2 Residential District, permits will be issued only for the following uses: (a)

One-family dwellings subject to the regulations governing R-1 Residential District.


Two-family dwellings.


Semi-detached one-family dwellings.


Public parks and schools.


Permitted Transitional Uses: Where the side lot line of a lot within an R-2 District abuts upon a lot in any C-1, C-2, M-1, M-2 or M-3 District or is not separated therefrom by a street, lane or utility lot more than 33 feet (10.058 metres) wide and extending not more than 100 feet (30.480 metres) from the boundary of the less restrictive area which it adjoins, the following transitional uses are permitted: (i) (ii)


Parking areas. Public and Quasi-public buildings.


Buildings and uses accessory to the above uses.


Permitted Signs in accordance with this Bylaw.



Conditional Uses Uses which are permitted subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board.

Section 22

Section 22 Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (1) of this Section and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, permits may also be issued for the following uses, subject in all cases to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. In determining an appeal, the Development Appeal Board may confirm, reverse or vary the decision appealed from and may impose such conditions or limitations as it deems proper and desirable in the circumstances. (a)

Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools.


Homes for the aged or children, and including dwelling units with more than four foster children in each dwelling unit.


Hospitals and sanatoria, excluding mental hospitals or hospitals for the treatment of animals, or institutions for the treatment of alcoholics or drug addicts.


Parking areas ancillary to a principal use on an abutting site.


Police stations.


Public and quasi-public buildings.


Public utility buildings and installations.


Private schools.


Terraced dwellings in rows of up to four (4) dwelling units, each unit having street frontage.


The office of a professional or business person provided that: (i) (ii)

The person conducts the profession or business in the dwelling unit; and,


The use will not generate parking problems within the district; and,

(iv) (v) (k)

The office is situated in the dwelling unit used by the person as his private residence; and,

The number of employees does not exceed one;


There shall be no exterior display or advertisement other than a permitted sign.

Buildings and uses accessory to the above uses.

Section 22 (3)

Section 22 The following Regulations Apply to Every Development in All R-2 Residential Districts. (a)

Density The maximum net density shall be 12.14 dwelling units per acre (30 dwelling units per hectare).


Height The maximum height of buildings shall not exceed 35 feet (10.668 metres) nor 2 1/2 storeys.


Front Yard The front yard shall be at the discretion of the Director, who shall have due regard to the amenities of the district, but in no case shall he permit a setback less than 20 feet (6.096 metres), nor require a setback exceeding 30 per cent of the mean lot depth.


Side Yard The total measurement of the side yards on both sides of a building shall be not less than 20 per cent of the width of the site, provided that no side yard shall be less than 4 feet (1.219 metres). (i)




In the case of a building exceeding 25 feet (7.620 metres) in height the side yard shall be no less than 7 feet (2.135 metres). In the case of a corner site: (A)

Where a building fronts on the street, the side yard abutting the flanking street shall be not less than 20 per cent of the lot width, but need not exceed 15 feet (4.572 metres); and


Where a building fronts on the flanking street, the side yard abutting the flanking street shall be not less than 15 feet (4.572 metres),

Where the side yard abuts a utility lot not less than 20 feet (6.096 metres) in width, the side yard abutting the utility lot shall be not less than 3 feet (0.914 metres).

Rear Yard A rear yard shall be provided, the minimum depth of which shall be not less than 25 feet (7.620 metres), provided that in the case of a corner site the yard next to the lane at the rear of the site need not exceed 15 feet (4.572 metres).

Section 22

Section 22 (f)

Site area Each lot to be used for a semi-detached one-family dwelling unit, a two-family dwelling or a terraced dwelling unit shall have an area of not less than'3,500 square feet (325.160 square metres) per dwelling unit.


Site Coverage Coverage shall not exceed 35 per cent of the site area and the coverage of the principal building, excluding accessory buildings, shall not exceed 23 per cent of the site area.


Walkway-serviced Sites Each site immediately abutting a walkway system is subject to the provisions of Section 12 (18) and (19) of this Bylaw.

BYLAW NO. 5198 AMENDED A Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2135 being The Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton (a)

Adding to Section 12, subsection (13), entitled Development and Maintenance Requirements for Public and Private Parking Areas, the following new subsection (g) immediately following subsection (f):

Bylaw 5198 (g)

Parking garages in any commercial district shall be developed in accordance with the regulations contained in this subsection. (i)

Parking garages in any commercial district shall be developed so that there is no parking within the said garage along the street frontage of the development. Commercial use shall be provided at grade along the street frontage of parking garage developments. The Development Officer may relax this requirement where in his opinion, development of parking will not interrupt continuity of commercial frontage along the street.


Parking garages located in any commercial district must be provided on the site where the principal development is located or, alternatively, at a location which will provide parking for more than one development. The Development Officer in considering an application for a parking garage shall have due regard to the purpose and function of the adjoining roadway.


Any parking garage developed in accordance with this subsection shall provide a minimum of one hundred feet for queuing of vehicles on site.


Adding to Section 12, Subsection (14), entitled Parking Schedule, the following new category, immediately following after the Residential category:

Bylaw 5198

DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL (Area bounded by 95 Street, North Saskatchewan River, 111 Street and 104 Avenue)

1 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, except in the following circumstances: (i)



1 per 2,000 square feet of gross floor area where the development is connected to the downtown pedway system, or 1 per 2,500 square feet of gross floor area where the development has a direct connection to a light rail transit station."

Amending the present category COMMERCIAL in Section 12, Subsection (14) entitled Parking Schedule, by adding the following words thereto: COMMERCIAL (Except for DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL, as defined above).

BYLAW NO. 5123 Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being ~he Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by: Adding to Section 21, Subsection (3)(k) two aditional districts, . R-4 and C-3, so that the section shall now read: (k) "Two-family dwellings and semi-detached one-family dwellings where the side lot line of a lot within an R-1 District abuts upon a lot in any R-2A, R-3, R-4, C-1, C-2, C-3, M-1, M-2 or M-3 District and is not separated therefrom by a street, lane or utility lot more than 33 feet wide, but such transitional use shall not in any R-1 District extend more than 100 feet from the boundary of the less restrictive area which it adjoins."

BYLAW NO. 4947 C-8 HIGHWAY SERVICE DISTRICT Section 27-A General Purpose: The general purpose of this District is to provide sufficient land at designated locations adjacent to major routes entering the City for uses which will serve primarily the needs of the highway travelling public and to ensure that major highway entrances into the City are visually pleasing. Permitted uses are those of primarily a service orientation and is intended to protect the function of major entrances by excluding those uses which would generate heavy urban traffic. To assist in maintaining the flow of traffic and safety characteristics of such routes, service road access may be provided. Direct access to a highway from a site shall be permitted only to the extent that access shall not prejudice the standard of safety, convenience and speed appropriate to major entrances into the City. (1)


Permitted Uses: (a)

Service stations, which may include in connection therewith truck servicing facilities, car washes, eating facilities, and limited convenience stores.


Roadside restaurants including drive-in restaurants.


Motels and hotels.


Tourist travel trailer parks and campsites.


Tourist and information centres.


Buildings and uses accessory to the above uses.


Permitted signs: (i)

Facia Business identification signs;



each side, one freestanding business identification sign.

Conditional uses permitted subject to special approval of the Development Officer.

Where a site is, in the opinion of the Development Officer, doublefronting site, the following additional signs may be permitted: (a)

Directional Signs;


One freestanding business identification sign, in addition to signs permitted under subsection (l)(g)(ii) of this section.



Conditional uses permitted subject to right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board. (a)

Beverage Rooms, Ballrooms, Cabarets where such uses are accessory to a Hotel, and where such uses will not prejudice the standard of safety and convenience as specified in the general purpose clause at the connnencement of this section.


Cocktail Lounges, where such uses as accessory to a Hotel or Roadside Restaurant, and where such uses will not prejudice the standard of safety and convenience specified in the general purpose clause at the connnencement of this section.

The following regulations apply to each development in a C-8 Highway Service District. (a)

Height (i)

The maximum height of any building shall be 13.72 meters (45 feet), except as provided in subsection (ii) hereof.

(ii) The maximum height of a building may be increased at the discretion of the Development Officer to not more than 30.5 meters (100 feet) having regard for the adjacent land use, provided that where a C-8 zone is less than 1,525 meters (500 feet) from a residential district, or land proposed for residential use, a building with a height greater than 13.72 meters will not be permitted unless in the opinion of the Development Officer the siting of such building will not adversely affect the privacy of the residential development. (b)

Front Yard The front yard shall not be less than 7.62 meters (25 feet), and no development shall be permitted in the required front yard, except that the Development Officer may permit erection of directional signs, or access through the required front yard.


Side Yards A minimum 4.58 meters (15 feet) shall be provided on each side of the principal building on the site to allow access to the rear of the building.


Rear Yard (i)

The rear yard shall have a minumum depth of 7.62 meters (25 feet). Where a building on a site exceeds 13.72 meters (45 feet) in height the rear yard shall have a minimum depth of 15.24 meters (50 feet).

(ii) Notwithstanding (i) above, the Development Officer may permit a minimum rear yard of less than 13.72 meters (50 feet) where the rear of the site does not adversely affect the privacy of a residential development or land proposed for residential use. (iii) If the rear of the site abuts a residential district or land proposed for residential use, fencing, screening or buffering, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer must be provided. (e)

Site Coverage The maximum area of a site which may be built upon shall be 30 percent of the total site area.


Access (i)

Permanent vehicular access shall be restricted to any existing or proposed service roads, or as may otherwise be permitted by the City Engineer.

(ii) Where the site abuts a residential district or land proposed for residential use, there shall be no access permitted from the abutting protion of the site or the land adjacent to the site. (g)

Appearance The design, siting, external finish, architectural appearance and landscaping of all buildings, including any accessory building or structures, shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. The Development Officer in determining such matters shall pay due regard to the purpose and intent of a restrictive highway approach zone and to maintaining general conformity in such matters with adjacent buildings and uses, and in particular, shall require the following: (i)

a consistent application of exterior finishing materials on all exposed faces of buildings;

(ii) minimum curb crossings to economize use of space for service areas, internal circulation, and access on the site and to adjoining sites. (iii) adequate provision for maintenance of the site including enclosure or screening of refuse, snow removal and disposal operations. (h)

Additional Application Material In addition to, or in modification of the material required to accompany an application under Section 5 of this Bylaw, the following shall be required to accompany every application for a development under this section:


location of all buildings, structures, parking areas, loading areas, landscaped areas, including devices for protection thereof, curb crossings and service facilities such as disposal collection areas, both open or enclosed, shown and labelled on the site plan;

(ii) elevations indicating exterior finishing and architectural treatment of buildings and structures; (iii) a parking plan in triplicate showing access, aisles and parking spaces in compliance with this bylaw; (iv) a planting plan in duplicate showing special surface fe~tures, planters, the location, type and size of all plant material, both existing and proposed indicating which plant material is to be retained, relocated or removed. (i)

Parking Parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of this bylaw.


Landscaping Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of this bylaw.


Signs (i)

The maximum area of a freestanding business identification sign referred to in Subsection (l)(g), and 2(b) shall not exceed 24 square meters (258.3 square feet) where the site is adjacent to a two-land roadway, and shall not exceed 30 square meters (322.9 square feet) where the site is adjacent to a divided highway.

(ii) A freestanding business identification sign shall not exceed 12.00 meters (40 feet) in height.

BYLAW 5425

Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton is hereby further amended by: (a)


Adding to Section 2, the following new subsections (llA) and (13A): (llA)

'Carnival' means an amusement enterprise, with entertainment comprised primarily of a variety of shows, games and amusement rides, but shall not include a circus.


'Circus' means a public variety show consisting primarily of feats of physical skills, animal acts, exhibitions of horsemanship, acrobatic and other public spectacles, and in which the patrons are spectators, and not participants.

Adding to Section 4, subsection (l)(j)(i), after the word "concern", the following phrase: but which shall not include a carnival or a circus on a site other than an exhibition ground.


Adding to Section 4, subsection (l)(j)(ii), after the word "appropriate", the following phrase: but which shall not include a carnival or a circus on a site other than an exhibition ground.


Adding to Section 13, the following new subsection (9): (9) Carnivals A person applying to use a site for the purposes of a carnival, where such is permitted under this bylaw, shall comply with the following provisions: (a)

Site Location (i)

Carnivals are permitted within exhibition grounds as approved under this bylaw.

(ii) A Carnival, permitted in Commercial Districts, shall be located as part of a shopping centre site, and in the opinion of the Development Officer, will not adversely affect adjoining land uses or the functioning of the shopping centre in relation to traffic circulation on streets adjacent to the shopping centre. (b)

Permission Required for Development Except where located within exhibition grounds approved under this Bylaw: (i)

No person shall undertake development of a Carnival until a development permit has been issued, and the appeal period prescribed in this bylaw has expired.

(ii) Each application for a development permit to develop a site for the purpose of a Carnival shall be made to the Development Officer by the owners and/or managers of the site upon which the Carnival is to be held, and shall comply with Section 5 of this Bylaw. (iii) In considering a development application for n Carnival, the Development Officer shall have due regard to the size and scale of the proposed development, type of operation, location, parking facilities and the effect upon adjacent property and the amenities of the neighbourhood. (iv) The Development Officer shall refuse an application if, in his opinion, a nuisance or undue annoyance may be caused to persons in the vicinity of the proposed location of such Carnival. (v)

Notwithstanding anything contained herein, no development permit shall be issued for any development for the purpose of a Carnival for a period exceeding thirty (30) days.


Maintenance of Site The owner or manager of the property, upon which the Carnival is held, shall at all times: (i)

Maintain the Carnival site and the buildings, structures and improvements thereon in a clean, neat, tidy and attractive condition and free from all rubbish and debris.

(ii) Be responsible for the proper, safe and orderly operation of the Carnival activity, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, shall ensure that the Carnival activity will not cause nuisance or annoyance to persons occupying lands in the immediate vicinity of the site of a Carnival by reason of dust, noise, odour, gases, smoke, vibration or traffic problems. (e)

Adding to Section 13, the following new subsection (10): (10) Circuses A Circus, where permitted under this bylaw, shall comply with the following special provisions: (a)

Site Location Such site shall be located at all times within the confines of: (i)

exhibition grounds approved under this bylaw, or

(ii) sites which the Municipal Planning Commission deems appropriate for the location of circuses on a temporary basis. (b)

Permission Required for Development of a Circus on a Site Other Than an Exhibition Ground Except where located within exhibition grounds approved under this bylaw: (i)

No person shall undertake development of a Circus until a development permit has been issued, and the appeal period as prescribed under this bylaw has expired.

(ii) Each application for a development permit to develop a site as a Circus shall be made to the Municipal Planning Commission by the owners and/or managers of the site upon which the Circus is to be held, and shall comply with Section S of this Bylaw.

(iii) In considering a development application, the Municipal Planning Commission shall have due regard to the size and scale of the proposed development, type of operation, location, parking facilities and any effect upon adjacent property and the amenities of the neighbourhood. (iv) The Municipal Planning Commission shall ref use an application if, in its opinion, a nuisance or undue annoyance may be caused to persons in the vicinity of the proposed location of such Circus. (v)

If a permit is granted, the development shall be undertaken in compliance with all of the provisions of this bylaw and such further conditions that the Municipal Planning Commission may impose.

(vi) Notwithstanding anything contained herein, no development permit shall be issued for any development of a Circus for a period exceeding thirty (30) days. (c)

Maintenance of Site The owner or manager of property, upon which the Circus is held shall at all times: (i)

Maintain the site and the buildings, structures and improvements thereon in a clean, neat, tidy and attractive condition and free from all rubbish and debris.

(ii) Be responsible for the proper, safe and orderly operation of the Circus, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, shall ensure that the Circus activity will not cause nuisance or annoyance to persons occupying lands in the immediate vicinity of the Circus site, by reason of dust, noise, odour, gases, animal waste, smoke, vibration and traffic problems.


Adding to Section 25, Subsection (3), the following new subsection (o): (o)


Carnivals, subject to compliance with the provisions of Section 13, Subsection (9) of this Bylaw.

Adding to Section 26, Subsection (3), the following new subsection (s): (s)

Carnivals, subject to compliance with the provisions of Section 13, Subsection (9) of this Bylaw.


BYLAW 5425

Bylaw No. 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton is hereby further amended by: (a)

Adding to Section 2, the following new subsections (llA) and (13A): (llA)

'Carnival' means an amusement enterprise, with

entertainment comprised primarily of a variety of shows, games and amusement rides, but shall not include a circus. (13A)


'Circus' means a public variety show consisting primarily of feats of physical skills, animal acts, exhibitions of horsemanship, acrobatic and other public spectacles, and in which the patrons are spectators, and not participants.

Adding to Section 4, subsection (l)(j)(i), after the word "concern", the following phrase: but which shall not include a carnival or a circus on a site other than an exhibition ground.


Adding to Section 4, subsection (l)(j)(ii), after the word "appropriate", the following phrase: but which shall not include a carnival or a circus on a site other than an exhibition ground.


Adding to Section 13, the following new subsection (9): (9) Carnivals A person applying to use a site for the purposes of a carnival, where such is permitted under this bylaw, shall comply with the following provisions: (a)

Site Location (i)

Carnivals are permitted within exhibition grounds as approved under this bylaw.

(ii) A Carnival, permitted in Commercial Districts,

shall be located as part of a shopping centre site, and in the opinion of the Development Officer, will not adversely affect adjoining land uses or the functioning of the shopping centre in relation to traffic circulation on streets adjacent to the shopping centre. (b)

Permission Required for Development Except where located within exhibition grounds approved under this Bylaw: (i)

No person shall undertake development of a Carnival until a development permit has been issued, and the appeal period prescribed in this bylaw has expired.

(ii) Each application for a development permit to develop a site for the purpose of a Carnival shall be made to the Development Officer by the owners and/or managers of the site upon which the Carnival is to be held, and shall comply with Section 5 of this Bylaw. (iii) In considering a development application for a Carnival, the Development Officer shall have due regard to the size and scale of the proposed development, type of operation, location, parking facilities and the effect upon adjacent property and ~~e amenities of the neighbourhood. (iv) The Development Officer shall refuse an application if, in his opinion, a nuisance or undue annoyance

may be caused to persons in the vicinity of the proposed location of such Carnival. (v)

Notwithstanding anything contained herein, no development permit shall be issued for any development for the purpose of a Carnival for a period exceeding thirty (30) days.


Maintenance of Site The owner or manager of the property, upon which the Carnival is held, shall at all times: (i)

Maintain the Carnival site and the buildings, structures and improvements thereon in a clean, neat, tidy and attractive condition and free from all rubbish and debris.

(ii) Be responsible for the proper, safe and orderly operation of the Carnival activity, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, shall ensure that the Carnival activity will not cause nuisance or annoyance to persons occupying lands in the immediate vicinity of the site of a Carnival by reason of dust, noise, odour, gases, smoke, vibration or traffic problems. (e)

Adding to Section 13, the following new subsection (10): (10) Circuses A Circus, where permitted under this bylaw, shall comply with the following special provisions: (a)

Site Location Such site shall be located at all times within the confines of: (i)

exhibition grounds approved under this bylaw, or

(ii) sites which the Municipal Planning Commission deems appropriate for the location of circuses on a temporary basis. (b)

Permission Required for Development of a Circus on a Site Other Than an Exhibition Ground Except where located within exhibition grounds approved under this bylaw: (i)

No person shall undertake development of a Circus until a development permit has been issued, and the appeal period as prescribed under this bylaw has expired.

(ii) Each application for a development permit to develop a site as a Circus shall be made to the Municipal Planning Commission by the owners and/or managers of the site upon which the Circus is to be held, and shall comply with Section 5 of this Bylaw.

(iii) In considering a development application, the Municipal Planning Commission shall have due regard to the size and scale of the proposed development, type of operation, location, parking facilities and any effect upon adjacent property and the amenities of the neighbourhood.

(b) The Municipal Planning Commission shall refuse an application if, in its opinion, a nuisance or undue annoyance may be caused to persons in the vicinity of the proposed location of such Circus. (v)

If a permit is granted, the development shall be undertaken in compliance with all of the provisions of this bylaw and such further conditions that the Municipal Planning Commission may impose.

(vi) Notwithstanding anything contained herein, no development permit shall be issued for sny development of a Circus for a period exceeding thirty (30) days. (c)

Maintenance of Site The owner or manager of property, upon which the Circus is.held shall at all times: (i)

Maintain the site and the buildings, structures and improvements thereon in a clean, neat, tidy and attractive condition and free from all rubbish and debris.

(ii) Be responsible for the proper, safe and orderly operation of the Circus, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, shall ensure that the Circus activity will not cause nuisance or annoyance to persons occupying lands in the immediate vicinity of the Circus site, by reason of dust, noise, odour, gases, animal waste, smoke, vibration and traffic problems.


Adding to Section 25, Subsection (3), the following new subsection (o): (o)


Carnivals, subject to compliance with the provisions of Section 13, Subsection (9) of this Bylaw.

Adding to Section 26, Subsection (3), the following new subsection (s): (s)

Carnivals, subject to compliance with the provisions of Section 13, Subsection (9) of this Bylaw.

BYLAW 5450


Bylaw 2135 as amended, being the Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton is hereby further amended by adding the following new Section 21-B Residential Inf ill District:

Section 21-B


General Purpose The general purpose of this district is to retain single-family homes while allowing economic redevelopment of badly deteriorated housing at a slightly "higher density". This district will only be applied in designated areas of the City where community or neighbourhood plans have been undertaken. The higher density redevelopment will be allowed to the extent that it does not adversely affect the long term stability and amenities of the adjacent single-family housing stock. Such factors as traffic circulation, on-street parking and availability of recreational facilities and other support services will be among those considered in permitting higher density residential uses in accordance with this section. Uses Permitted and Regulations (1)

This category will only be applied to the following community:





Subject to all other provisions of this Bylaw, on any site, in any district defined, designated, or described in this Bylaw as R-lA Residential Infill District, permits will be issued only for the following uses: (a) (b) (c) (d)


One-family dwellings. Public parks and public schools. Buildings and uses accessory to the above uses. Permitted signs as follows: (i)

Not more than one non-illuminated real estate sign advertising the sale or rental of the site or premises upon which it is located and having an area of not more than 10 square feet; and


Not more than one trespassing, safety or identification sign which may be illuminated but not flashing and not exceeding 2 square feet; and


On any site used for permitted non-residential buildings or structures, not more than one identification sign which may be illuminated but not flashing and not exceeding 15 square feet in background area, and if the framework and design of the sign are considered by the Director to be suitable for the location. When individual letters are used, the maximum permissable area shall be at the discretion of the Director.

Directional signs subject to the approval of the Director.

SEC. 21-B

Section 21-B (3)

Conditional Usea Which are Permitted Subject to the Right of Appeal to the Development Appeal Board. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (l) of this Section and subject to compliance with all other provisions of this Bylaw, permits may also be issued for the following usea, subject in all cases to the right of appeal to the Development Appeal Board. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k)

Fire stations. Day nurseries, kindergartens, nursery schools and play schools. Homes for the aged or children, and including dwelling units with more than four foster children in each dwelling unit. Home crafts. Hospitals or sanitoria, not including a mental hospital or hospitals for the treatment of animals, or institutions for the treatment of alcoholics or drug addicts. Parking areas ancillary to a principal use on an abutting site. Police stations. Public and quasi-public buildings. Public utility buildings and installations. Private schools. The office of a professional or business person provided that: (i)

the office is situated in the dwelling unit used by the person as his private residence; and


the person conduct the profession or business in the dwelling unit; and


the use will not generate parking problems within the district; and

(iv) (v)


the number of employees does not exceed one; and there shall be no exterior display or advertisement other than a permitted sign.


Two family dwellings and semi-detached one-family dwellings subject to the regulations contained in Subsection 4 and 5 of this Section.


Buildings or uses accessory to the above uses.

Regulations The following regulations apply to every development in all R-IA Residential Infall Districts:

Section 21-B (a)

SEC. 21-B

Height The height of a building shall not exceed 35 feet nor 2-1/2 storeys. The Development Officer may require a height less than 35 feet or 2-1/2 storeys if, in his opinion, the permitted maximum height would adversely affect the privacy and amenities of adjacent residential uses.


Front Yard (i)


The front yard shall be at the discretion of the Development Officer, who shall have due regard to the amenities of the district.

Side Yard The total measurement of the side yards on both sides of a building shall be not less than 20 per cent of the width of the site, provided that: (i) (ii) (iii)



No side yard shall be less than 4 feet. In the case of a building exceeding 25 feet in height, the side yard shall be not less than 7 feet. In the case of a corner site (A)

where a building fronts on the street, the side yard abutting the flanking street shall be not less than 20 per cent of the lot width, but need not exceed 15 feet; and


where a building fronts on the flanking street, the side yard abutting the flar,king street shall be not less than 15 feet.

Where the side yard abuts a utility lot not less than 20 feet in width, the side yard abutting the utility lot shall not be less than 3 feet. In the case of a laneless subdivision, one side yard shall be a minimum of 10 feet to provide for vehicular access unless otherwise approved by the Development Officer.

SEC. 21-B

Section 21-B (d)

Rear Yard A rear yard shall be provided, the minimum depth of whlch shall be not less than 25 feet, provided that in the case of a corner site the yard next to the lane at the rear of the site need not exceed 15 feet.


Site Area (i) (ii)


Each site to be used for a one-family dwelling shall have an area of not less than 5,000 square feet Each site to be used for a two-family or semi-detached one-family dwelling shall have an area of not less than 7,000 square feet.

Site Coverage The total coverage shall not exceed 40 per cent of the site area, provided that: (i)

the coverage of the principal building shall not exceed 28 per cent of the site area;


the coverage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 12 per cent of the site area; and ,


notwithstanding (i) and (ii) above, in the case of a principal building containing an attached private garage or where a private garage is designed as an integral part of a dwelling, the total site coverage (40 per cent) shall apply.


No demolition permit shall be issued unless a development application is approved for the same site or unless the existing structure is otherwise required to be demolished as an unsafe structure under Section 158 and 159 of the Municipal Government Act.


Conformity Notwithstanding Subsections (l) and (2) of this Section, any dwellings on a site designated as R-lA Residential Infill District, but developed in accordance with the provisions of Sections 21-A and 22 or approved by the Development Appeal Board prior to the date of passing of this Amending Bylaw shall be deemed to be a conforming use.

Section 21-B (5)

SEC. 21-B

Regulations Governing Two-Family and Semi-Detached One-Family Dwellinf The following regulations apply to every two-family dwelling and semi-detached one-family dwelling to be constructed in an R-lA Residential Infill District: (a)

The Development Officer may require a written Certification from a Certified Professional Appraiser that it would cost more than 50% of the market value of the existing building to repair it in accordance with the requirements of Section 30-49 of Bylaw 4087, the Minimum Property Standards Bylaw.


Any trees and shrubs on the portion of the site¡ not required for construction shall be retained and the location of the existing trees and shrubs to be removed shall be shown on the site plan which is submitted to the Development Officer. Trees which are severely damaged during construction shall be replaced with a tree of a similar species and a minimum of 4 inch caliper.


The design, siting, external finish, and architectural appearance of the development shall be to the satisfaction "of the Development Officer."

BYU.W No. 5597

(January 23, 1979)

A Bylaw to aoend Bylaw ~o. 2135 being The Zoning Bylau of the Citv of Edmonton


Bylaw No. 2135, as amended, being The Zoning Bylaw for the City of

Edmonton, is hereby further at:lended by: ··(a)


Adding to Section 12, Subsection (14), entitled "Parking Schedule: the following new classification:


Sixteen (16) parking spaces for each colElunity league facility, subject to clause (ii). Such parking requirement shall not be reduced by including parking facilities required or provided on an adjacent site except as provided in clause (iii).


Where there is a multiple purpose area, room or space within the co=unity league facility 1<•hich can be used for general assembly purposes, and where such room or space exceeds 1,000 square feet (92.9030 square meters) in gross floor area, one (1) parking stall shall be provided for each additional fifty (SO) square feet (4.6452 square meters) of gross floor area or fraction thereof in excess of 1,000 square feet (92.9030 square meters), provided that such multiple purpose areas shall not include dressing rooms, change rooms, washrooms, storage areas, and kitchen or cooking areas which are noroally incidental to the primary function of the con:rnunity league.

(iii) Yhere tl:!e community league facility parking area immediately abuts a parking area for a school, a maximum of fifty percent (507.) of the additional parking spaces required pursuant to clause (ii) may be provided by including the parking facilities on the abutting school parking area." (b)

By adding to the definition of "auditoriums" included in Section 12, Si.;bsection (14), "Parking Schedule", the following phrase after the word "amuseDent places": "but not including co=unity league facilities."

BYLAW NO. 5648

(March 14, 1979)

Bylaw No. 2135, as amended, being The Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by: (a)



therefore the following new Subsection (83):



Deleting Subsection (83) of Section 2 and substituting

"terraced dwellings" means a group of three or more dwelling units, with each dwelling unit being separated from the adjoining unit by a party wall insulated against sound transmission and generally extending from the lowest foundation up to the underside of the roof covering, ani each unit having direct, individual access to-the grade level, generally with no interior connection and no common means of access with other units.


BYLA\..' NO. 5699

(May 8th, 1979)

A Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2135 being The Zoning tyla"' of the City of Edn:onton

Bylaw No. 2135, as a=.eoded, being


Zoning Bylaw of the

Cit; of Edn:onton, is hereby further ai::ended by adding to subsection (1) of Section 12 the new paragraph (f):


Notwithstanding the provisions of ttis Section 12, Subsection (1), the Municipal Plann!ng Connission in its discretion i::ay approve the subdivision of land into lots of lesser dimension and area than the minin:um stated, provided that such approval: 1.

does not contravene the Subdivision Regulations,


will not affect the eJ:Ienities o: the area having regard to schools, parks, munic!pal services anJ the general character of the area including variety of parcel size and age and condition of surrounding buildings.

The Development Officer shall not refuse an application for a dcvelop:ent ~e~it only for t=e reason that the site does not meet the minimum site size requirements of this bylaw if such site was approvec! by the Municipal Planning Co=ission under this Subsection (l)(f)."






_,,_ ¡





JWJe 26, 1979

BYLA'l.1 NO. 5730

..... A Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2135 being The Zoning Bvlaw of the Citv of Edmonton

Bylaw No. 2135, being The Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edconton, as amended, is hereby further amended by: (a)

deleting Section 13, subsection lS)(e)(iv), and substituting therefore the following new Section 13, Subsection {S)(e)(iv):

le) (iv)

the total coverage shall not ·exceed 35 per cent of the site area, provided that: (A)

the COV'!"Cage t;>f the :principal building shall not" exceec of the site ari;,a; :md

2s:: (B)

the coverage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 7: of the ~ite area; and


notwithstanding (A) and (B) above, in the case of a principal Luilding containing an attached private garage, or where a private garage is designed as a~ integral part of a dwelling unit, the total site cov~­ rage (JS~) shall apply.

In the case of a dwelling for which a peroit has been issueJ prior to the passai;e of this a~end111cnt, and 1o1hich exceeds 28Z site coverage, an accessory garai;c not exceedini; JCO ~quarc feet (27.87C9 sq.m) in area cay be rer~ittcd.


deleting Section 21-A, Subsection (l)(a) and



the followin& new SectJon 21-A, Subsection (l)(a) and (.la):


One r.J::-.ily r...·ellJngs;

Sccticn 13(:0).

BYLAW NO. 5759

(September 12, 1979)

Bylaw No. 2135 is amended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, hereby further amended by:


deleting Section 12(13)(a), and substituting therefore the following Section 12(13)(a)

(a) ··;·. .

Front Yard and S.ide Yard Standards (i)

Except as otherwise herein provided no parking area shall be located within the required front yard for the dis~rict within which the site is located.


Where a parking area is located in a residential district, a side yard shall be provided on the flanking street of a corner site. The distance between the parking area and the flanking property line shall not be less than the side yard required for the principal building adjacent to the flanking street, provided however, that such side yard shall not be required to exceed 15 feet.


All parking areas shall be landscaped or screened in accordance with the requirements of Section 12(13)(c)(v) of this Bylaw.

BYLAW NO. 5766


(September 12, 1979)

deleting Section 21-A(l)(b), and substituting therefore the following new Section 21-A(l)(b):



: ~..;: .



. ·-··.:.;-

The conversion of a building that was completed and occupied as a dwelling on or before October 9th, 1962, to permit the following additional uses, subject to the limitations and exceptions hereinafter imposed, and provided that an appeal may be taken to the Development Appeal Board from strict compliance with the provisions of this subsection (l)(b) •










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BYLAW NO. 5760


(Sep¡tember 12, 1979)

deleting Section 12(3)(a) and substituting therefore the following new Section 12(3)(a):


Projection into Yards. The following features may project into a yard:

...: ~...


Verandas, porches, eaves, shade projections, bay or oriel windows, chimney breasts or parts of chimney, belt courses, .sills, together with any other architectural features (not including balconies) which in the opinion of the Development Officer are of a similar character, provided such projections do not exceed 24 inches (.6096 m) in the case of required yards of 4 feet (1.2192 m) or more, and 18 inches (.4572 m) for required yards of less than 4 feet (1. 2192 m).


Balconies may project a maximum distance of 5 feet (1.5420 m) into yards of 20 feet (6.0960 m) and over, a maximum of 3 feet (.9144 m) for yards less than 20 feet (6.0960 m) but not less than lJ feet (3.9624 m) and a maximum of 2 feet (.6096 m) for yards less than 13 feet (3.9624 m).

BYLAW NO. 5731

(September 24, 1979)

Bylaw No. 2135 as a::ended, being the Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is (a)


amended by:

deleti:lg fro:: Section 2 entitled "Definition", subsection (Si) and





therefore the following subsection (57):

'one ia.:iily dwellinS' means a building, containing only one dwelling unit, but does not include a se:ni-detached one family dwelling or a mobile ho::ie.

deleting fro:: Section 2, subsection (52B), and substituting therefore the following new subsection (52B) : (52B)

'mo~ile home' means a vehicular portable dwellin~

ur.:: built on a chassis, designed to be suitable for long-term occupancy and to be used 1<i th or wi:~out a permanent foundation when connected to ut:.lities. ':no~ile

home, single-wide' means a mobile home consisting of a sing:e unit designed to be cowed in a single load.


home, double-wide' means a mobile home c0nsisting of two sections se?erately towable. bu: designed to be joined together at the site t~ :orm one dwelling unit.



to Se,tion 21(3) a new subsection (kk):



home, double-wide, provided that


it is manufacturec after April 15, 1978;


it conforms to the require::ients of the Alberta Modified Ganadian Standards Association Z-240 Standards; and

l ! i i i it is placed on a per.:iane:it grade bear"J foundation.





----·-.:-·,_ .




adding to Section 21A(3) a new subsection (11): (11)

(e) ·. ,..

·.. :,

.·: .·



;_ .



Mobile home, double-wide, provided that: (i)

it is manufactured after April 15, 1978;


it conforms to the requirements of the Alberta Modified Canadian Standards Association Z-240 Standards; and


it is placed on a permanent grade beam foundation.

adding to Section 22(2) a new subsection {jj)



Mobile home, double-wide, provided that:



it is manufactured after April 15, 1978; and


it conforms to the requirements of the Alberta Modified Canadian Standards Association Z-240 Standards; and


it is placed on a permanent grade beam foundation.

B.L. 5552 (August 15, 1979) follows: (a)

The Development Control Bylaw, Bylaw No. 4949 is amended as By deleting Section 2 (6) and substituting the following Section 2 (6):

(6) "development" means (i) an excavation or stockpile and the creation of either of them, or

... ...


(ii) a building or an addition to, or replacement or repair of a building and the construction or placing in, on, over or under land of any of them, or ;

(iii) a change of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the use of the land or building, or (iv) a change in the int~nsity of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the intensity of use of the land or building;

(b) By deleting Section 2 (7) and substituting the following Section 2 (7):

(7) "Development Appeal Board" or "Board" means the Development

Appeal Board established pursuant to The City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw, Bylaw 5548, as amended;

(c) By deleting Sections 7 and 8 and substituting the following Section 7: APPf.Al.S

Section 7. (1)

Right of Appeal (a)

An affected person may appeal a decision of the Development Officer or the Municipal Planning Commission made under this Bylaw to the Develop~ent Appeal Board by serving written ~otice of Appeal on the Development Appeal Board within fourteen (14) days after notice of the decision is issued to the appellant, or notice of the decision is posted in accordance with Section 6 (9)(b) hereof.



In the case of a deemed refusal under Section 6 (10) of this Bylaw, the time limit for appeal shall run from the deemed date of refusal.

The City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw, Bylaw 5548

Appeals to the Development Appeal Board pursuant to this Bylaw shall be governed by The City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw, Bylaw 5548.

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BYLAW NO. 5552 (b) By deleting Section 2(28A) and substituting the following Section 2(28A):

... · .... ·

(28A) "Development Officer" means the General Manager of the Planning Department of the City.

(c) By adding a new Section 2(28B): "development permit" means the certificate or doc=ent issued by the Development Officer or Municipal Planning Commission allowing a development, and includes a plan or drawing or a set of plans or drawings, specifications, or other docUlllents upon which the permit is issued;


.. .. .. ·..

~ ~

(d) By deleting Section 5· (15) (b) (ii) and substituting therefor the following Section 5 (l5)(b}(ii): No notice of appeal from such approval has been served on the Development Appeal Board as provided in Bylaw 5548.


(e) By deleting Sections 7 and 8 and substituting the following Section 7:

Section 7 (1)


Right of Appeal (a)

An affected person may appeal the decision of the Development Officer or the Municipal Planning Commission by serving written Notice of Appeal on the Development Appeal Board within fourteen (14) days after notice of the decision is issued, or posted on the site of the proposed development or published in a newspaper circulating in the area.


Application for a development permit shall, at the option of the applicant, be deemed to be refused when a decision by the Development Officer or the Municipal Planning Commission thereon is not made within forty (40) days after receipt of the application in its complete and final form, and the applicant may appeal in writing to the Developcent Appeal Board as provided in subsection (a) as though he had received a refusal at the end of the period specified in this subsection.




The City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw, Bylaw 5548 Appeals to the Development Appeal Board shall be governed by The City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw, Bylaw 5548.

BYLAW NO. 5552 A Bylaw to amend Zoning Bylaw 2135, and the Development Control Bylaw No. 4949

(August 15, 1979)

WHEREAS the Municipal Council of The City of Edmonton has passed Bylaw No. 5548, The City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw. AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council now desires to amend Bylaw 2135, the Zoning Bylaw, and Bylaw 4949, the Development Control Bylaw, to incorporate the changes made necessary by virtue of the passing of The


City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw.





Bylaw, Bylaw 2135, is amended, as follows:

By deleting Section 2(28) and substituting the following Section 2(28):

(28) "development" means (i) an excavation or stockpile and the creation of either of them, or (ii) a building or an addition to, or replacement or repair of a building and the construction or placing in, on, over or under land of any of them, or (iii) a change of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the use of the land or building, or (iv) a change in the intensity of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a buildir.g that results in or is likely to result in a change in the intensity of use of the land or building;

.. ~··.·•..

BYLAW NO. 5648


(March 14, 1979)

Bylaw No. 2135, as amended, being The Zoning Bylaw for the City of Edmonton, is hereby further amended by: (a)

Deleting Subsection (83) of Section 2 and substituting therefore the following new Subsection (83):


"terraced dwellings" means a group of three or more dwelling units, with each dwelling unit being separated from the adjoining unit by a party wall insulated against sound transmission and generally extending from the lowest foundation up to the underside of the roof covering, and each unit having direct, individual access to the grade level, generally with no interior connection and no common means of access with other units.



¡. '"'=.f .

BYLAW No. 5597

(January 23, 1979)

A Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2135 being The Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton 1.

Bylaw No. 2135, as amended, being The Zoning


for the City of

Edmonton, is hereby further amended by: (a)

Adding to Section 12, Subsection (14), entitled "Parking Schedule: the following new classification:


Sixteen (16) parking spaces for each community league facility, subject to clause (ii). Such parking requirement shall not be reduced by including parking facilities required or provided on an adjacent site except as provided in clause (iii).


'Where there is a multiple purpose area, room or space within the community league facility which can be used for general assembly purposes, and where such room or space exceeds 1,000 square feet (92.9030 square meters) in gross floor area, one (1) parking stall shall be provided for each additional fifty (50) square feet (4.6452 square meters) of gross floor area or fraction thereof in excess of 1,000 square feet (92.9030 square meters), provided that such multiple purpose areas shall not include dressing rooms, change rooms, washrooms, storage areas, and kitchen or cooking areas which are normally incidental to the primary function of the community league.

(iii) 'Where the community league facility parking area immediately abuts a parking area for a school, a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of the additional parking spaces required pursuant to clause (ii) may be provided by including the parking facilities on the abutting school parking area." (b)

By adding to the definition of "auditoriums" included in Section 12, Subsection' (14), "Parking Schedule", the following phrase after the word "amusement places": "but not including community league facilities."


deleting Section 21-A, Subsection (2)(e) and substituting therefore the following new Section 21-A, Subsection (2)(e):

(2){e) Site Coverage: The total coverage shall not exceed 35 per cent of the site area, provided that: (i)

the coverage of the principal building shall not exceed


of the site area; (ii)

the coverage of all accessory builcings shall not exceec 12~ of the site area, and;


notwithstanding {i) and (ii) -above,· in the case of a principal building containing an attached private garage, or


a private garage is designed as an integral part of a dwelling, the total site coverage (35%) shall apply.



Deleting Section 22, Subsection (l)(c), and

therefore the

following new Section 22, Subse~tion (l)(c): (c)

Semi-detached one-family dwellings, subject to the provisions of Section



Deleting Section


Subsection (3)(g) and substituting



following new Section 22, Subsection (3)(b): (3)(b) Site


The total coverage shall not exceed 35 per cent of the site


prcvidt'<.I that: (i)

tl'.e coverage of the principal tuildiq; sh.lll not "-..'<Ced of the





··~:: ;~;~·~·i~~~~;._~·



:·~4-. . ~.




BYLA\.I NO. 5730


..~-~"""-·· ·....:- .,_ ..

June 26, 1979

A Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2135 being The Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton

Bylaw No. 2135, being The Zoning Bylaw of the City of Edmonton, as amended, is hereby further amended by: (a)

deleting Section 13, subsection (5)(e)(iv), and substituting therefore the following new Section 13, Subsection (5)(e)(iv):


the total coverage shall not wxceed 35 per cent of the site area, provided that: (A)

the coverage of the principal building shall not exceed 284 of the site area; and


the coverage of all accessory buildin&s shall not exceed 74 of the ~ite area; and


notwithstanding (A) and (B) above, in the case of a principal ~uilding containing an attached private garage, or where a private garase is designed as an integral part of a dwelling unit, the total site coverage (35~) shall apply.


In the case of a dwelling for which a percit has been issued prior to the passage of this all!endmcnt, and '1.'hich exceeds 287. site coverage, an accessory garage not exceeding JOO ~quarc feet (27.8709 sq.ml in area ~ay be per~itted.


deleting Section 21-A, Subsection {l)(a) and substituting therefore the followir.& new Section 21-A, Subsection (l)(a) and (aa):

(a) (aa)

One f.Jt".ily l)o.;ellings; Seci-d~tJchcd

Sccticn 13(5).



subject to

tt~ pr~visicns


\ '

... Notwithstanding anything contained herein above in this subsection (2)(e), a person applying to develop a site for terraced dwellings er semi-detached one-family dwellings in this district shall confor.:i to the site coverage provisions contained in Section 13(5)(e)(iv) •







the coverage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed of the site area, and;


. ---···

notwithstanding (i) and (ii) above, in the case of a principal building containing an attached private garage, or where a private garage is designed as an integral part of a


ling unit, the total site coverage (35%) shall apply. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above in this subsection (3)(g), a person applying to develop a site for terraced dwellin&s, or semi-detached one-family dwellings in this district shall conform to the site coverage provisions contained in Section 13(5)(e)(iv).


Deleting Section 23, Subsection (2)(e) and substituting therefore the following new Section 23, Subsection (2)(e):

(2)(e) Site Coverage:


n.e tot:il coverage shall not exceed 35 per cent of the site area, provided. th:it: (i)

the cover:iGe of the principal building shall not exceed :J; of the site are:i;




of :ill accessory buildin;s shall net excaed



the site are:i, and; (iii)


(i) and (iii above, in ti:.: case of a princii·;il

building containing an attached private gara&e or gara~=







:i pr!vute

as an int.:><>rul p:irt of a .;;.·dli::g i;nit, (35~)

shall apply.

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BYLAW NO. 5552 A Bylaw to amend Zoning Bylaw 2135, and the Development Control Bylaw No. 4949

(August 15, 1979)

WHEREAS the Municipal Council of The City of Edmonton has passed Bylaw No. 5548, The City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw. AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council now desires to amend Bylaw 2135, the Zoning


and Bylaw 4949, the Development Control Bylaw, to

incorporate the changes made necessary by virtue of the passing of The City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw.

The Zoning Bylaw, Bylaw 2135, is amended as follows:



..... :¡


By deleting Section 2(28) and substituting the following Section 2 (28):

(28) "developll!ent" means (i) an excavation or stockpile and the creation of either of them, er (ii) a building or an addition to, or replacement or repair of a building and the construction or placing in, on, over or under land of any of them, or (iii) a change of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the use of the land or building, or (iv) a change in the intensity of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the intensity of use of the land or building;

BYLAW NO. 5552 (b) By deleting Section 2(28A) and substituting the following Section 2 (28A):

(28A) "Development Officer" means the General Manager of the Planning Department of the City.

(c) By adding a new Section 2(28B): "development permit" means the certificate or docUJ:lent issued by the Development Officer or Municipal Planning Commission allowing a development, and includes a plan or drawing or a set of plans or drawings, specifications, or other documents upon which the permit is issued; '

(d) By deleting Section 5 (15)(b)(ii) and substituting therefor the following Section 5 (15)(b)(ii): No notice of appeal from such approval has been served on the Development Appeal Board as provided in Bylaw 5548 •

...... ¡

(e) By deleting Sections 7 and 8 and substituting ·the following Section 7:

Section 7 (l)

Right of Appeal (a)

An affected person may appeal the decision of the Development Officer or the Municipal Planning Commission by serving written Notice of Appeal on the Development Appeal Board within fourteen (14) days after notice of the decision is issued, or posted on the site of the proposed development or published in a newspaper circulating in the area.


Application for a development permit shall, at the option of the applicant, be deemed to be refused when a decision by the Development Officer or the Municipal Planning Commission thereon is not made within forty (40) days after receipt of the application in its complete and final form, and the applicant may appeal in writing to the Development Appeal Board as provided in subsection (a) as though he had received a refusal at the end of the period specified in this subsection.

,.·_ ·, ••..•

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. ~- ~ .


The City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw, Bylaw 5548 Appeals to the Development Appeal Board shall be governed by The City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw, Bylaw 5548.

B.L. 5552 (August 15, 1979) follows: (a)

The Development Control Bylaw, Bylaw No. 4949 is amended as By deleting Section 2 (6) and substituting the


Section 2 (6):

(6) "development" means (i) an excavation or stockpile and the creation of either of them, or (ii) a building or an addition to, or replacement or repair of a building and the construction or placing in, on, over or under land of any of them, or (iii) a change of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a chanse in the use of the land or building, or (iv) a change in the intensity of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the intensity of use of the land or building;

(b) By deleting Section 2 (7) and substituting the following Section 2 (7):

(7) "Development Appeal Board" or "Board" means the Development

Appeal Board established pursuant to The City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw, Bylaw 5548, ns amended;

(c) By deleting Sections 7 and 8 and substituting the following Section 7: APPEALS

Section 7. (1)

Right of Appeal (a)

An affected person may appeal a decision of the Development Officer or the Municipal Planning Commission made under this Bylaw to the Development Appeal Board by serving written Notice of Appeal on the Development Appeal Board within fourteen (14) days after notice of the decision is issued to the appellant, or notice of the decision is posted in accordance with Section 6 (9)(b) hereof.



In the case of a deemed refusal under Section 6 (10) of this Bylaw, the time limit for appeal shall run from the deemed date of refusal.

The City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw, Bylaw 5548

Appeals to the Development Appeal Board pursuant to this Bylaw shall be governed by The City of Edmonton Development Appeal Board Bylaw, Byla~ 5548. :·.-.



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~ 0021007

TIIE 11: 26 FAX 780 496 8732 EDMONTON ARCHIVES


BYLAW NO. 3980

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A Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2135 .b.~i.'?9 ~ = /} .....-; .. /. ""~ jt'7"'1-:"J The Zoning Bylaw of The City of lHmlft\to~.0..;S . . D~....<Z.JT -7·.L~-

WHEREAS a portion of Warwick Subdivision located west of 113 A Street between 148th Avenue to 1_53rd Avenue, Edmonton, A1berta,

is zoned AG-U Agricultural General Urban District;


WHEREAS an appl1cat1on has been made to the Municipal Planning Commission to rezone the above described property to R-1 Residential District, R-2 Residential District, R-2A Residential District, R-3 Residential District and P-3 Residential District; and WHEREAS at its meeting of June 22nd 1972 the Municipal Planning Commission made the following motion: "That, 1.


the application for subdivision, based on the Neighbourhood Outline Plan submitted by B.A.C.M. Limited, be approved subject to the provision of utility lots to the requirements of the City Engineer and Edmonton Water and Sanitation. Steps be taken to prepare an amending bylaw to the Zoning Bylaw.

The implications of this approval being that the balance of the school-park site for Neighbourhood No. 2 which is . outside the boundary of this application be acquired at . the time the adjacent properties to the West in the remainder of the Neighbourhood are subdivided. 11

NOW THEREFORE after due compliance with the relevant provisions of The Planning Act, being Chapter 276 of the Revised Statutes of Alberta 1970 as amended, the Municipal Council of The City of Edmonton enacts as follows: 1.

The Zoning Map, being Appendix No. 2 to Bylaw No. 2135,

The Zoning Bylaw of The City of Edmonton, is hereby amended by zoning or rezoning a portion of Warwick Subdivision located west of 113 A


10/26/1999. TUE 11:26 FAX 780 496 8732 EDMONTON ARCHIVES

- 2-

Street between 148th Avenue to 153rd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, as follows: (a)

TO R-1 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Lots One Hundred and Sixty-six (166) to One Hundred and Seventy (170), One Hundred and Seventy-five (175) to One Hundred and Seventy-seven (177). One Hundred and Seventy-nine (179) to One Hundred and Ninety-seven (197), One Hundred and Ninety-nine (199) to Two Hundred and forty-two (242) and Two Hundred and Forty-six (246) to Two Hundred and Seventy-nine (279) all inclusive in Block One (1),all of Block Five (5), All of Block Six (6), Lots One (1) to Forty-one (41} Forty-six (46) to Eighty-seven (87), Ninety-two (92) to One Hundred and Thirty-f1ve (135), all inclusive in Block Seven (7), all of Block Eight (8), All of Block Nine (9), All of Block Ten (10), Lots One (1) to Seven (7) inclusive 1n Block Eleven (11) in the City of Edmonton 1n the Province of Alberta of record in the Land Titles Office for the North Alberta Land Registration District as Plan (ta be registered) Warwick

(b) TO R-2 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Lats One Hundred and Fifty-six (156) to One Hundred and Sixty¡five (165). One Hundred and Seventy-one {171) to One Hundred and Seventy-four (174} inclusive in Block one (1), Lots Forty-two (42) to Forty-five (45), Eighty-eight (88) to Ninety-one (91) and One Hundred and Thirty-six (136) to One Hundred and Thirty nine {139) inclusive in Block Seven (7) of record in the said Land Titles Office as Plan (to be registered) Warwick (c) TO R-2A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Lot Two Hundred and Forty-four (244) in Block One (1), Lot One (1) in Block Twelve (12) of record in the said Land Titles Office as Plan (to be registered) Warwick (d)

TO R-3 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Lot One Hundred and Forty-one (141} in Block Seven (7) of record in the said Land Titles Office as Plan (to be registered) Warwick





FAX 780 496 8732 EDMONTON



• 3 • (e)

TO P-3 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Lots One Hundred and Fi'fty·four ( l 54)., One Hundred and Seventy-eight (178) and Two Hundred and Eighty (280) 1n Block One (1), Lot Eight (8)1n Block Eleven (11) of record 1n the said Land Titles Off1ce as Plan (to be registered)


all as shown on the sketch plan attached to and fonn1ng part of this bylaw. READ a first time this READ a second time this

·lo /0


day of


~A.O. 1972. C::Z3. day of ~

day. of

READ a third time and duly passed this

A.O. 1972.


~YOR clc/fl1··~ o{). ~ITY




TUE 11: 27 FAX 780 496 8732 EDMONTON ARCHIVES






AG-U TO R-1, R-2, R·2A R·3 a P•3 . BYLAW 3980

~ 005/007

(;)t_0/~8~tp? 11' 27 FAX 7 80 498 8 732 EDMONTON ARCHIVES






September 29, 1972. ·

Office of the City Clerk, City of Edmonton, City Hall, Edmonton, Alberta. Dear Sirs: Re:

Proposed Bylaw 3980, to amend the Zoning Bylaw from Aq-U to detailed 2oninq. West of 113A street between l48th. Avenue to l53rd. Avenue, WARWICK.

Please be advised that B.A.C.M. Development Corporation Limited wishes the opportunity of addressing Council at its meeti_ng of October 10, 1972, at 4:30 p.m., in support of the above application. Yours very truly, B.A.C.M. DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED




iai 006/007


~ 0071007

TUE 11:27 FAX 780 496 8732 EDMONTON ARCHIVES

·octol:Jar 25, 1972


Property & Build1DJ Manag ...nt »epartment


Legal Department

Parks & .aecreatioa Department

Plann!DJ I>epartaent Mrs. D. R011aDChuk


A.ctin!i City Clerk. Stm.l'EC'l' :


Bylaw Bo. 3980 - A Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2135, being The Zoning Bylaw of The City of Edmont?n





I enclose certified copiea of the above-mentioned 'bylaw vhich·-was · read • third time and finally paaae4 at the council meeting held · on october 23. 1972.





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