Edmonton (Alta.) - 1975-1978 - Headquarters weekly newsletter_XI Commonwealth Games (Canada 1978)...

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. June 7th, 1976



Negotiations are nearing completion to have one of thEPMCWRI's leading authorities on Athletics, Geoffrey Dyson, to join the staff of the Commonwealth Games Foundation in September as the Administrative He would serve in a part-time capacity Officer for the Sports Division. during the last four months of 1976 before joining the Foundation on a full-time basis in January of 1977. Mr. Dyson was Chief National Coach to the Amateur Athletic Associatic of England for 14 years before coming to Canada to become National Director of the Royal Canadian Legion's Sports Training Plan for five years. He has lectured in over 15 different nations, and his book, "The Mechanics of Athletics" has been translated into French, Italian, Spanish and Japanese and is required reading in many universities. Kr. Dyson is currently completing a committment coaching the athletics team at Slippery Rock State College in Pennsylvania. *


The Commonwealth Games Executive Committee is back to full strength again with the appointment of division chairman of transportation Rick LeLacheur, as a Vice-President. The 27-year-old former captain of the Edmonton Oil Kings Hockey Club will be the youngest member of the Executive Committee, succeeding Lyall Roper who stepped down earlier this spring for health reasons. Mr. LeLacheur will be responsible for Transportation, Venues, Hospitality and Entertainment, and the Pubncit , . . . . appvenLmcHL rim

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number on the Executive Committee to seven. An expansion of the Committee was announced in April when the Foundation appointed Frank Jones, future dean of the Faculty of Law atthe U of A, to the newly created position of secretary.... The fuzzy auest of Foundation HQ for the last week, informally but affectionately known as "Paws," finally has a real name: "Keyano, which- means "all of us" or "togetherness." It is a synonym of "unity" and in its broadest sense, "brotherhood." The name was chosen from almost 3,700 submitted to the Edmonton Journal's month-long Name the Bear Contest. Two Fort McMurray children, Dana and Michael Perchinsky, came up with the name.. They won the five foot plush bear and $50 apiece for their originality, plus a trip to Edmonton and a night on the town. Other-names submitted to the Journal ran from ' Jaws to Commonwealth Eddie to Sasha to Big Al and to --- Commonwalski?

* Contrary to a repOrt you may have read elsewhere, the earth cracks on the eastern edge of the Stadium excavation won't delay construction. The General Contractor, Ellis-Don Limited, will begin work on the West section on June 14. This will take from six to eight weeks to complete. While the western section work is going on, the cracks in the eastern section will be repaired -- the berm will be re-excavated, more drainage and filters put in and compacting done. Only two to three weeks are needed to rectify the problem, the repairs being done well in advance of the completion of the western section ...'Ken Munro of the Commonwealth Games Unit reports: Construction on the Velodrome, by Arrow Management, will commence today, with the completion date set at September 30th. The Lawn Bowls Clubhouse is at the stage of construction that the building. is now recognizable, and aIl ,,s4+-elz facilities are on schedule. ...More

The Annual General Meeting of the Commonwealth Games Foundation will be held at Foundation Headquarters on June 30th at 7:30 PM. The Foundation's 1975 Financial Statement will be submitted for approval, plus division progress reports by the responsible Vice-Presidents will be presented. New members of the Board to be installed at the meeting include division chairmen Andy Mills (Ceremonial); Doug Creighton (Accreditation); John Holub (Venues); Chairman of the Legal Committee, Louis Desrochers; the Secretary of the Executive Committee, Frank Jones; Provincial Minister of Parks, Recreation and Wildlife, the Hon. Al Adair; and an appointee of the Federal Government, Michael Macdonald... The first of two tenders of the last of the five new Commonwealth Games facilities, the Strathcona Shooting Range, has gone out for bid. The tender covers excavation of the site in the County of Strathcona, which is about three miles east of Ellerslie. The excavation tender closes on July 8th. The second contract, covering general construction, will go out for tender in mid-August. The facility is expected to be completed in mid-1977.

The 1975 Bricklin car to be raffled by the Foundation led a parade down Jasper Avenue from the C.N. Tower to the Legislative Grounds on Saturday, June 5th. City personalities and Games hostesses in convertibles were accompanied by The Alberta Piper and Drum Bands and The Edmonton Strutters, carrvino lc of the Commonwealth countriec' flags ... Marketing Manager Ray Ludford reports that about 200 tickets have been sold for the Commonwealth Games third annual Dinner and Ball. Premier Peter Lougheed will be the guest speaker at the event. Other guests of note include the Hon. Al "Boomer" Adair, City Mayor Terry Cavanagh and international calibre representatives of the 10 Games sports. Foundation Vice-President and General Sales Manager of CHU- , Bill Bagshaw, will M.C. the affair. The Ball is this Friday, June 11, with cocktails at 6:00 and the dinner at 7:00 PM. The Foundation hopes to raise in excess of $20,000 from this year's Dinner and Ball.

The Public Relations Committee wishes to thank Scott Garvey, a miler with the Edmonton Olympic Club, and Sandy Herring, a 440 and 880 runner with the Edmonton Columbians for their participation at the recent Safeway Employees Association's "Support Edmonton Athletes Dinner." Scott, carrying an ingeniously constructed torch burning a very deep red flame, and Sandy Herring toting a baton, led the head table guests into the crowded dining room. The torch was designed by Fred Marlett, an engineer with Northwestern Utilities and is now the property of the Games Foundation. Don LaBelle, P.R. Committee Chairman addressed the dinner and showed the film, "The Spirit of '78." ... John Primrose, world-champion trapshooter and Chairman of the Games Shooting Committee, leaves for Brescia,ltaly on Tuesday. He'll be back in Edmonton training for two weeks, and then on to Montreal and the Olympics near the end of the month.

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The Shooting Committee reports that the Canadian Federation of Shooting Sports has received the sanction from the international body for the shooting event at the 1978 Commonwealth Games. All that is now required to make it officiail is receipt of the sanction at Foundation HQ Announcements are expected shortly on the artificial surfacing that will be selected for the running tracks at the University of Alberta and the Commonwealth Stadium.

Chris Harrison of Edmonton will head the team of officials that will judge the discuss and hammer throwing events at the 1976 Olympics. It is the only team selected to officiate two events. Harrison, as chief judge, will have two Edmonton people with him on the seven-member team, John Horton and Mary McNulty. There are also two judges from Calgary and three from Winnipeg ... The Canadian Lawn Bowling Council is holding a cross-country coaching clinic through the assistance of the O'Keefe Sports Foundation. Ezra Wyeth, one of the sport's leading proponents, is handling the clinic. Wyeth, from the University of Calfornia, will have his team in Calgary for two days this week.


team of English Schoolboy boxers will be matched with a number

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Londonderry Hotel on Wednesday of this week. Incidentally, boxing chairman Ossie Osland reports that Canada has an amateur boxer rated among the top ten in the world for the first time in about 20 years. Chris Clark of Nova Scotia, a gold medallist at the Pan-American Games,

is rated ninth in the light welter division ... Four Edmonton cyclists are pursuing spots on Canada's Olympic teams for the track and road race events. Cycling chairman Rudi Frahm says Ed Heacock and Paul MacDonald are in Montreal training and competing for a spot on the Road Race Team. Doug Cameron and Rudi Ongaro are in Vancouver pressing for spots on the track team, Cameron in the individual pursuit; Ongaro in the sprints.

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• ( Bob ) Do vi d I t U II P 'arming .In ' p0 ty of Edmonton 0 Floor, CN Tower 15J 3A3 f.dmun ton - Al ber t a '

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