LIBRARY The City of Edmonton.
History of THE CITY COUNCIL FzS2 - 1977
MESSAGE FROM THE RUMOR We are pleased to present A History of the City Council of Edmonton: 1 892 - 1977. This work, written under the direction of The City Clerk, covers the growth of municipal government in the City of Edmonton over a period of eighty-five years. Initially, this project was undertaken to provide the various City departments with a comprehensive and readily accessible guide to past City Councils and Committees. However, anticipating that it might arouse the interest of the serious researcher, we are glad to announce that copies will be made available to the general public. Yours truly,
C. J. "Cec" PURVES Mayor
TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the Mayor Preface
Author's Note
Mayors of Edmonton
History of West Edmonton
History of Strathcona
History of Edmonton City Council
PREFACE This booklet has been prepared for the Office of the City Clerk in an effort to provide both civic and public inquiries into the details of the past government of the City of Edmonton with a primary reference work. It is hoped that it will prove to be a valuable source of information, and will greatly facilitate any investigation into the functioning of municipal government.
C. J. McGonigle CITY CLERK
Note: where a question mark (?) appears in this manuscript the initial of the person concerned is not available.
AUTHOR'S NOTE Although entitled A History of the City Council of Edmonton: 1892- 1977, this work is not a history in the usual sense. It does not deal with major political events or the effect of the involvement of various individuals in municipal affairs. Many historical details are mentioned, but most are simply referred to in passing - a solid history of Edmonton has yet to be written. This work is meant to be used as a guide to the countless committees, and the men and women who sat upon them over the years. Its function is that of a "Who's Who", and it is hoped that the searcher will readily appreciate its value as a means of quickly finding any mayor, alderman or committee member throughout the span of eighty-five years of municipal politics. The report is based on material taken from scrapbooks compiled by one-time City Clerk, G.S. Docherty. The scrapbooks contain information on city councils, covering a period of over seventy years - from 1 892 until 1968. The information, dealt with on a chronological basis, includes lists of mayors, aldermen and the members of the various committees created to deal with City business. Often, the itemized lists are embellished with newspaper clippings or mentions of national and world events, but on the whole the scrapbooks are merely bland reports. This work is an attempt to blend the lists into a readable form. The report is broken down into four sections. The first, in the form of an introductory chapter, deals with the historical dates sections found at the beginning of the scrapbooks. The second chapter is a history of the Village of West Edmonton (Calder), from 1 910 until its incorporation with Edmonton in 1917. The third chapter is a history of the Town (and City) of Strathcona, fram 1 899 until its incorporation with Edmonton in 1912: The last chapter deals with the history of the Council of the City of Edmonton, and is divided into two sections: a) from the incorporation of Edmonton as a town in 1892; and b) from the incorporation of Edmonton as a city in 1904. The latter part of the fourth chapter covers the years 1 968 to 1977, and concludes with the civic election held on 19 October, 1977.1t is based upon official Council Minutes and various other sources. David Evans VII
1934 - D. K. Knott 1935 - J. A. Clarke 1936 - J. A. Clarke 1937 - J. A. Clarke 1938 - J. W. Fry 1939 - J. W. Fry 1940 - J. W. Fry 1941 - J. W. Fry 1942 - J. W. Fry 1943 - J. W. Fry 1944 - J. W. Fry 1945 - J. W. Fry 1946 - H. D. Ainlay 1947 - H. D. Ainlay 1948 - H. D. Ainlay 1949 - H. D. Ainlay 1950 - S. Parsons 1951 - S. Parsons 1952 - Wm. Hawrelak 1953 Wm. Hawrelak 1954 - Wm. Hawrelak 1955 - Wm. Hawrelak 1956 - Wm. Hawrelak 1957 - Wm. Hawrelak 1958 - Wm. Hawrelak 1959 - Wm. Hawrelak (Resigned September 9th, 1959) 1959 - F. J. Mitchell (Elected on September 9th, 1959 for balance of term 1960 - E. E. Roper 1961 - E. E. Roper 1962 - E. E. Roper 1963 - E. E. Roper 1964 - Wm. Hawrelak 1965 - Wm. Hawrelak 1966 - V. M. Dantzer 1967 - V. M. Dantzer 1968 - Dr. I. G. Dent (October 16) 1969 - Dr. I. G. Dent 1970 - Dr. I. G. Dent 1971 - Dr. I. G. Dent 1972 - Dr. I. G. Dent 1973 - Dr. I. G. Dent 1974 - Wm. Hawrelak (Deceased November 7, 1975) 1975 - T. J. Cavanagh (Appointed for remainder of term, until October 1977) 1976 - T. J. Cavanagh 1977- C. J. Purves
1892 - Matthew McCauley 1893 - Matthew McCauley 1894 - Matthew McCauley 1895 - H. C. Wilson 1896 - H. C. Wilson (Resignation accepted Oct. 9th, 1896) C. Gallagher (Elected and sworn in Oct. 27th, 1896) 1897 - John A. McDougall 1898 - W. S. Edmiston 1899 - W. S. Edmiston 1900 - K. W. MacKenzie 1901 - K. W. MacKenzie 1902 - William Short 1903 - William Short 1904 - William Short CITY (Prior to Amalgamation): 1905 - K. W. MacKenzie 1906 - Charles May 1907- W. A. Griesbach 1908 - John A. McDougall 1909 - Robert Lee 1910 - Robert Lee 1911 - G. S. Armstrong CITY (Since Amalgamation): 1912 - G. S. Armstrong 1913 - William Short 1914 - W. J. McNamara (unseated) 1915 - W. T. Henry 1916 - W. T. Henry 191 7 - W. T. Henry 1918 - H. M. E. Evans 1919 - J. A. Clarke 1920 - J. A. Clarke 1921 - D. M. Duggan 1922 - D. M. Duggan 1923 - D. M. Duggan 1924 - K. A. Blatchford 1925 - K. A. Blatchford 1926 - K. A. Blatchford 1927 - A. U. G. Bury 1928 - A. U. G. Bury 1929 - A. U. G. Bury 1930 - J. M. Douglas 1931 - J. M. Douglas 1932 - D. K. Knott 1933 - D. K. Knott viii
. INTRODUCTION - admonton: A Brief Hislorical Sketch In 1794, the Hudson's Bay Company and the North-West Fur Company founded Old Fort Edmonton and Old Fort Augustus at the mouth of the Sturgeon River, twenty-five miles below the present site of the City of Edmonton. A year later, in 1795, the Hudson's Bay Company established a fur trading post. By 1807, both Old Fort Edmonton and Old Fort Augustus had been destroyed by Blood Indians. In 1808, New Fort Edmonton and New Fort Augustus were built on the present site of the City of Edmonton. By 1810, these new forts had been abandoned for a new fort 125 miles down the North Saskatchewan River, called White Earth House, but nine years later, in 1819, Fort Edmonton had been reestablished. In 1825, Chief Factor John Rowand was placed in charge and built an elaborate fort with a twenty-foot high stockade, fortified with bastions and cannon. The Chief Factor's house, known as "Rowand's Folly", was the largest establishment west of York Factory. In 1841, Edmonton was visited by Sir George Simpson, who was welcomed by eight Blackfoot Chiefs, who implored him to "grant that their horses might always be swift, and that the buffalo might instantly abound, and that their women might live long and always look young." Paul Kane, the famous commercial artist visited Edmonton, and painted a beautiful half-breed girl -- "Cunnewabun, the girl who looks at the stars", in 1848. In 1 858 and 1859, Captain John Palliser and Flames Hector of the Palliser Expedition visited Edmonton looking for guides to help them cross the Rocky Mountains in their search for a railway pass. Also, in 1859, Lord Southesk came to Edmonton, while on a hunting trip to the Rocky Mountains. Lord Milton and Dr. Cheadle, members of the Royal Geographical Society, passed through Edmonton in 1863. By 1865, news of gold had spread, and prospectors arrived and worked the sand bars of the North Saskatchewan river, where returns are reported to have been fairly good. Modern Edmonton can be said to have begun in 1871, when the Reverend George McDougall, a Methodist missionary, arrived and built a mission on the present site of McDougall Church. Also, in this year, Edmonton was incorporated as a village. In 1872, Sandford Fleming, accompanied by others, reached Edmonton on the first trans-continental railway survey via the Yellowhead Pass, and by 1874, the North-West Mounted Police, under the command of Superintendent Jarvis and
Sergeant Major Sam Steele had arrived at Edmonton. Two years later, in 1876, Donald Ross built the first stopping house, and a mail service was established with Fort Garry. Edmonton's first newspaper, called the Edmonton Bulletin, was started in 1880, and at this time, the place consisted of five white people and many half breeds and Indians. Five years later, in 1885, the half breeds' and Indians' rebellion broke out in the north-west and Edmonton experienced a thrill reminiscent of the Indian war days at the post. In 1891, the Canadian Pacific Railway reached Edmonton, and was built to the south bank of the North Saskatchewan River. By 1892, Edmonton had been incorporated as a town, and Mathew McCauley was elected as its first Mayor. Five years later, in 1897, Edmonton was filled with thousands of gold-seekers bound for the Klondike. In 1899, and as its population expanded, the community on the south side of the river was incorporated as a town under the name of Strathcona. The Canadian Northern Railway built a railway down the valley of the river and Mill Creek (the Edmonton, Yukon and Pacific) in 1901, and this connected Edmonton with the Canadian Pacific Railway system. By 1902, the first by-law was passed, authorizing the expenditure forthe installation of a water and sewer system in the fall of the year 1902, the work to be carried out on the north side of the river and east of 102nd Street. In 1904, Edmonton was incorporated as a City, and William Short was elected as its first Mayor. In December of that same year, the City purchased the telephone system from a local company who then operated a manual switchboard connecting about 300 subscribers. The following year, 1905, Edmonton was made the capital city of the newly created province of Alberta, and was inaugurated as such on September 1st. The next two years saw the creation of a university, located in Strathcona, now incorporated as a city, and the erection of the Parliament Buildings commenced in August of 1907. In 1908, the City took over the operation of a radial railway, and this now became a municipal undertaking. The following year the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway to Prince Rupert was built through the city, and in 1910 a bylaw was passed for the expenditure of $25,000 to purchase a site for the Edmonton Public Library. Also in that year, the Village of West Edmonton, or Calder, was established (see Alberta Gazette, 30 July, 1910, page 369). The City of Edmonton and the City of Strathcona amalgamated, under the name of the City of Edmonton, on 1 February, 1 91 2 (see 2
Alberta Gazette, 22 July, 1912), and public libraries were opened on both the north and south sides of the City. That same year, the High Level Bridge was built at a cost of $1,500,000, giving the Canadian Pacific Railway entrance into Edmonton, and also providing accommodation for a Street Railway and other traffic. By 1913, the City had adopted the use of street numbers, and the 105th Street Bridge was completed that same year. The most prominent feature of the latter part of 1914 was recruitment for overseas service in the Great War. Expansion continued throughout 1915, as the Canadian Northern Main Line from Winnipeg to Vancouver was built through Edmonton, and the Edmonton Dunvegan and British Columbia Railway was built connecting Edmonton with the Peace River District. A Police Commission was also constituted that year. In 1916, the Alberta and Great Waterways Railway was built through to Fort McMurray, connecting Edmonton by rail with the McKenzie River Valley. Income tax was first levied in 1918, and all improvements were taxed to 60% of their value. In 1919, royalty, in the form of the Prince of Wales, first visited Edmonton. By 1920, the Police Commission of 1915 had been abolished and the penitentiary closed, and the Provincial government took over the management of the Alberta and Great Waterways Railway. A Land Department was organized in April of 1921, in order to take care of property reverting to the City through the Tax Recovery Act. Also, in this year, income tax was abolished, but a service tax was introduced. By 1922, it was decided that the City Commissioners be made ex officio members of a Sinking Fund board. In 1923, a single transferable vote (P.R.) was first used in elections, and a Wednesday half-holiday (with exemptions) was first enacted. The correction of Voters' Lists by a Revising Officer was provided for, and a natural gas supply was turned into the City mains. On a cultural level, the Edmonton Public Library was opened on Macdonald Drive and the Edmonton Museum of Arts was organized and incorporated in the autumn of 1923. By 1925, the power to grant a fixed assessment was authorized, and the following year saw the creation of the power to contribute to Group Life Insurance. Also, in 1926, the Edmonton Dunvegan and British Columbia Railway was taken over by the Provincial Government. The payment of aldermen was authorized, subject to a plebiscite, and the Sinking Fund Trustees were created as a body incorporate. In 1927, the City was given the sole right to appoint the Hospital Board, and the single transferable vote (P.R.) was repealed a year later.
By 1929, a Town Planning Commission had been appointed, and the Edmonton Dunvegan and British Columbia, and the Alberta and Great Waterways Railways were taken over by the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Canadian Northern Railway under the name of the Northern Alberta Railways. In 1930, a local Board of Health was reconstituted, and the administration of natural resources was taken over by the Provincial government. Also in this year, the Calgary Power Company commenced interchange of service of hydro power. The Administration building of the Provincial government opened in February of 1931. Throughout the early 1930's, Edmonton, like many other cities, recoiled from the effects of the Depression. On 22 August, 1935, a Social Credit government was elected to power, and on 24 January, 1936, City Council authorized the payment of aldermen, at the rate of $500 per annum. In 1938, a trans-Canada airmail service was established, and in Edmonton both the Hudson's Bay Company and the T. Eaton Company built new stores. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visited Edmonton the following year, 1939, and in September, Canada found itself at war once again. After the war years, Edmonton's prosperity took another surge forward when the Leduc Oil Field was discovered in 1947. The following year saw the establishment of Edmonton's first refinery, Imperial Oil Ltd., at Clover Bar. 1 950 saw the incorporation of the village of Jasper Place and the building of an inter-provincial pipe line to Lake Superior. In 1951, the old Edmonton Bulletin ceased publishing, and four years later, in 1955, the Groat Bridge was opened,1955 also saw the beginning of the satellite village of Sherwood Park, and in the following year, Edmonton's new City Hall was completed. In 1957, the Edmonton International Airport was opened, and the mid 1960's saw the extension of the Northern Alberta Railway to Pine Point Mines and the beginning of the Great Canadian Oil Sands plant. Within Edmonton itself, 1966 saw the opening of the Canadian National Railway Tower and the luxurious Chateau Lacombe Hotel.
History cpf the Village c I T:11'est Ed-n: :tor, Calder, 191 0-1 917
The Village of West Edmonton, or Calder, was established on 5 July, 1910, (see Alberta Gazette, 30 July, 1910, page 369). The members of its first Council were: W. G. McConnachie, Chairman, A. W. Young and J. H. Shotton. The Secretary-Treasurer was S. Irwin, and he was assisted by Carl Wilson. In 1911, W. G. McConnachie was again elected Chairman of the Council, and his fellow members were J. Davidson and a man named Bousfield. S. Irwin was re-elected as Secretary-Treasurer, and he was paid a salary of $80 per annum. A number of new offices were created in 1911. M. C. Briggs held the offices of both Health Officer and Constable, and J. C. Munroe became Poundkeeper. In 1912, Secretary-Treasurer S. Irwin became Chairman of the Council. His colleagues on Council wereJ. Taylor and C. A.Vanderhiese. The new Secretary-Treasurer was D. M. B. Omond, and he was paid $100 per annum. 1913 saw the relection of the previous Council by acclamation, and Omond continued in the office of Secretary-Treasurer, at an increased salary of $125 per annum. In 1914, W. S. Beggs was elected to the Chairmanship, and his fellow members were S. Irwin and a man name Toole. Omond continued as Secretary-Treasurer. Beggs continued as Chairman in 1915, and Irwin also served again, but Toole was replaced by a member name Fielde. A. H. Stokes became Secretary-Treasurer, at a salary of $180 per annum, and R. C. Webster served as Constable and Fire Chief at a salary of $10 per week. A new feature of the Council was the addition of Auditors, Kinnaird and Henderson, who continued in that capacity until amalgamation with Edmonton in 1917. The Council of 1916 saw the election of D. Cameron to the Chairmanship and the reelection of S. Irwin. Fielde was replaced by E. Jones. Stokes continued as Secretary-Treasurer, at an increased salary of $200 per annum, and J. Mullen became caretaker. The Council of 1 91 7 contained the same members who had held office in the previous year; it is noted that Caretaker Mullen was paid $10 a month. On 26 April, 1917, a ballot was taken to decide whether the village should amalgamate with the City of Edmonton. Of 33 total votes, 31 were for amalgamation and 2 against. On 27 April, Secretary-Treasurer Stokes wrote to the Edmonton City Clerk, Charles Cox, and informed him of the outcome of the ballot. From that date on the Village of West Edmonton, or Calder, became part of the City of Edmonton proper.
III. A History of the Town of Strathcona, 1899-1912 The area on the south side of present day Edmonton, known as Strathcona, was first incorporated as a town in 1899. (See Order N.W.T. No. 28, 1 899 - Assented to 29 April 1899.) The first mayor of the town of Strathcona was Thomas Bennett, and its first aldermen were Duggan, Sheppard, McKenzie, McIntyre, Walter and Hulbert. A. C. Rutherford, later to become the first premier of the province of Alberta, was elected Secretary-Treasurer. The Health Officer was Dr. Cunningham and the Assessor was J. W. Blain. The town council of 1899 was re-elected for 1900, with the addition of J. H. Nilson as Auditor. In 1901, Robert Ritchie was elected Mayor of the town and Sheppard, Duggan, McKenzie, McLean, MacLaren and McIntyre served as aldermen. A. C. Rutherford served as Secretary-Treasurer, and continued to do so until he became Premier of Alberta in 1905.1902 saw Alderman J. J. Duggan become Mayor. The aldermen for that year were McIntyre, McLean, MacLaren, Douglas and Carmichael. J. J. Duggan was re-elected Mayor in 1903, and Aldermen Carmichael, Douglas, Davies, Sheppard, Richards and McKenzie served on the town council. In 1904, J. J. McKenzie became Mayor, and his colleagues on council were Richards, Sheppard, Davies, Carmichael, Green and Pollard. A. Davies was elected Mayor for 1905, and the aldermen were Richards, Cowles, Carmichael, Green, Pollard and Douglas. A. C. Rutherford resigned as Secretary-Treasurer, to take up the premiership of the province, and was succeeded by G. W. T. Downes, who was appointed 2 January 1906. Strathcona was incorporated as a city in 1907. (See C.34, 1907, 2nd Session, Alberta Statutes - Assented to 15 March 1907.) The first mayor of the city of Strathcona was N. D. Mills. His colleagues on the city council were Aldermen McKenzie, McFarland, Elliott, Hulbert, Rankin and Crawford. A new Secretary-Treasurer, H. G. Clarke, was appointed 4 June 1907. Several new offices were created that year. G. M. Groat became Fire Chief, S.T. Kelly became the City Electrician and J. D. Foster was appointed the City Assessor. On 29 May 1907, several bylaws were voted on and passed. Bylaw 188 provided for the raising of $19,000 to purchase a site for a city hall. Bylaw 187 provided for the raising of $70,000 to buy land for a city hospital; and bylaw 189 provided for the 6
raising of $12,000 to buy land for a market site. Voting held on 30 October of that year, passed Ward System and Sewer and Water bylaws. Mayor N. D. Mills resigned on 21 April 1908 and J. J. Duggan was elected on 28 May. Duggan's colleagues as aldermen were Elliott, Sheppard, Bush, Richards, Tipton, Cameron, Somersall and Baalim. H. G. Clarke continued as Secretary-Treasurer. In 1909, J. J. Duggan was re-elected to the mayoralty, and members of council included Baalim, Bush, Elliott, Richards, Sheppard and Tipton, with the addition of Aldermen Lendrum and Donnan. Once again, H. G. Clarke continued as Secretary-Treasurer. 1909 saw the creation of several new offices. A. J. 'McLean was appointed to be the City Engineer and A. C. Murphy became the Veterinary Inspector. The City Solicitor was F. C. Jamieson. In 1909, the ward system was first used for the election of aldermen (voting was held on 14 December 1908). Also in this year, on 9 August 1909, a bylaw was passed for a new Fire hall. The election of 1910 saw J. J. Duggan elected to the mayoralty yet again. His colleagues in council for this year were Aldermen Richards, Pollard, Calder, Bush, Congdon, Donnan, Tipton and Lendrum. 1910 saw the appearance of a new Secretary-Treasurer in the form of Charles Cox. who was appointed on 3 January, and continued in this office until Strathcona amalgamated with the city of Edmonton. A. Davies was elected Mayor in 1 911 and his city council included Aldermen Vogel, Rankin, Redford, Loughlin, Richards, Tipton, Calder and Pollard. On 26 September, voting was held on bylaw 417, which proposed the amalgamation of Edmonton and Strathcona. The bylaw was passed by a majority of 340. A. Davies continued as Mayor in 1912, and the same aldermen served on city council. Voting was held on 10 January 1912, to decide certain proposals. Bylaw 435, for the purchase of land was passed by a majority of 162; bylaw 436, for erecting and equipping a library, was passed by a majority of 200; and bylaw 437, for the purchase of land for streets and lanes, was passed by a majority of 186. The amalgamation of Strathcona and Edmonton came into effect on 1 February 1912.
IV. A 7-Astory of the Council of t[.]e City of Edmonton, 1892 - to tr-de
a) 1892-1904 - Edmonton Town Council Edmonton was incorporated as a town in 1892 (see Ordinance assented to 9 January 1892, N.W.T. No. 7, 1891/1892), and its first mayor was Matthew McCauley (see biographical article, "Matthew McCauley: First Mayor of the Town of Edmonton and Provincial Pioneer of the North-West Territories," Alberta Historical Review, Winter, 1972, pp. 11-17.) the aldermen for that year were E. F. Carey, C. F. Strang, J. Cameron, P. Daly, J. Goodridge and D. R. Fraser. On 17 February, Beck and McNamara were appointed Town Solicitors and G. R. F. Kirkpatrick became Town Treasurer. On 2 March, St. George Jellet became Assessor and Collector, and on 9 March, A. G. Randall was appointed Town Clerk, at a salary of $300 per annum. P. D. Campbell was appointed Town Health and License Inspector on 20 July, at a salary of $50 a month, and Fire Chief G. Sanderson was appointed on 6 July, The town's Medical Officer was Dr. E. A. Braithwaite, appointed on 23 July at a salary of $15 a month, and a Board of Health was created on 23 July, through Bylaw 22. On 15 June, and through the passing of bylaw 12, a Town Pound was established. A meeting was held on 15 February 1892, to discuss the adoption of a town seal and crest. The Town of Edmonton Minutes, page 5, 15 February 1892, contain a sketch of the proposed seal with the words "Industry, Energy, Thrift," suggested as a motto. This was later changed to "Industry, Energy, Enterprise," - and this was subsequently changed again. All council meetings that year were held in Fielders Hall. The expanding amount of town council business necessitated the creation of a number of committees, which were recruited from the ranks of the aldermen. A Finance Committee was composed of Carey, Cameron and Strang; a Bylaws Committee of Carey, Goodridge and Strang; a License Committee of Fraser, Daly and Cameron; a Fire, Water and Light Committee of Daly, Goodridge and Strang; a Board of Works Committee of Fraser, Daly and Strang; a Market and Town Hall Committee of Goodridge, Fraser and Cameron; and a Health and Relief Committee of Strang, Goodridge and Cameron. In 1893, Matthew McCauley was re-elected Mayor of Edmonton. The aldermen for that year were J. A. McDougall, K. A. McLeod, C. F. Strang, J. Goodridge, G. P. Sanderson and C. Gallagher. A. G. Randall contiued as Town Clerk, and also served as Assessor, and G. R. F. Kirkpatrick continued to serve as Treasurer. Having passed the office of Assessor to Randall, St. George Jellet remained as Collector. Dr. 8
Braithwaite was reappointed Town Medical Officer, and alderman Sanderson continued in his capacity as Fire Chief. Two new offices were created this year. I. Cowie and G. H. Kinnaird were appointed Auditors to Town Council in January of 1893, and J. Flynn was appointed Pound Keeper on 3 May but resigned on 5 July. The standing committees for 1 893 were: a Committee of Finance composed of McDougall (Chairman), Strang and Gallagher; a Board of Works Committee of McLeod (Chairman), McDougall and Strang; a Fire, Water and Light Committee of Goodridge (Chairman), McLeod and Sanderson; a License Committee of Gallagher (Chairman), McDougall and Sanderson; a Town Hall and Market Committee of Sanderson (Chairman), McLeod and Goodridge; and a Health and Relief Committee of Strang (Chairman), Goodridge and Gallagher That year, 54 council meetings were held. Bylaws 48 and 56, dealing with fire equipment were passed by large majorities. Matthew McCauley was re-elected as Mayor once again in 1894. J. A. McDougall, J. Ross, C. F. Strang, J. H. Picard, C. W. Sutter and C. Gallagher served as aldermen that year. A. G. Randall, St. George Jellet, G. R. F. Kirkpatrick and Dr. E. A. Braithwaite all continued to serve in their respective positions of Clerk, Collector, Treasurer and Medical Officer. K. A. McLeod was appointed Fire Chief on 21 February, after G. P. Sanderson resigned. J. Kelly became Pound Keeper on 12 December, Flynn having resigned some six months earlier. I. Cowie, J. D. Clarke and A. McNicol were appointed Town Auditors. 1 894 saw the creation of two new offices. N. D. Beck became Town Solicitor, and P. D. Campbell was appointed License Inspector and Constable on 30 May. The standing committees for 1 894 were: a Finance Committee composed of McDougall (Chairman), Strang and Gallagher; a Board of Works Committee of Ross (Chairman), Picard and Sutter; a Fire, Water and Light Committee of Sutter (Chairman), Ross and McDougall; a Health and Relief Committee of Gallagher (Chairman), Sutter and McDougall; a License Committee of Picard (Chairman), Gallagher and Strang; and a Town Hall and Market Committee of Strang (Chairman), Ross and Picard. In all, 32 council meetings were held that year. In 1895, Matthew McCauley was elected to the North-West Territories Assembly, and was succeeded as Mayor by Dr. H. C. Wilson. The aldermen for that year were: W. S. Edmiston, J. Kelly, C. F. Strang, J. Cameron, T. Bellamy and J. H. Picard. A. G. Randall, G. R. F. Kirkpatrick, St. George Jellet, P. D. Campbell, Dr. E. A. Braithwaite and K. A. McLeod all continued in their respective offices of Clerk, Treasurer, Collector, Constable, Medical Health Officer and Fire Chief. The Town Solicitors were Beck and Emery, the Auditor was J. D. Clarke, and the Town 9
Assessor was J. McDonald. W. A. Oliver was appointed to the new office of Town Engineer. The standing committees for that year were: a Finance Committee made up of Cameron (Chairman), Bellamy and Strang; a Board of Works Committee of Edmiston (Chairman), Kelly and Picard; a Fire, Water and Light Committee of Picard (Chairman), Edmiston and Bellamy; a Health and Relief Committee of Bellamy (Chairman), Kelly and Cameron; a Town Hall and Market Committee of Strang (Chairman), Cameron and Picard; and a License Committee of Kelly (Chairman), Edmiston and Strang. 42 council meetings were held in the course of 1895. Dr. H. C. Wilson continued as Mayor of Edmonton in 1896, but resigned on 9 October. C. Gallagher was elected to serve out the term, and was sworn in on 27 October. The aldermen for that year were: M. McCauley, W. S. Edmiston, T. Bellamy, I. Cowie, G. W. Sutter and J. E. Kelly. As well as Mayor Wilson, two aldermen resigned their seats that year. I. Cowie's resignation was accepted on 7 July, and G. P. Sanders was elected in his place and appointed to the same standing committees. A. Brown was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of T. Bellamy, on 9 October, and was appointed to the same standing committees also. Apart from the note that K. A. McLeod served as Fire Chief in 1896, no list of City officials is given, but it is reasonable to assume that most continued in their offices as a glance at the list for 1897 shows that most continued to do so then. The standing committees for that year were: a Finance Committee composed of Bellamy, Edmiston and Cowie; a Board of Works Committee of Edmiston, Kelly and McCauley; a Fire, Light and Water Committee of Kelly, Sutter and Cowie; a License Committee of Cowie, McCauley and Sutter; a Health and Relief Committee of McCauley, Kelly and Bellamy; and a Town Hall and Market Committee of Sutter, Edmiston and Bellamy. Presumably, the first man named on each committee acted as chairman, for the lists do not indicate this. In 1896, 40 council meetings were held throughout the course of the yar. In 1897, John A. McDougall was voted Mayor by acclamation, and for the first time in five years there was a complete turnover in the election of aldermen. Those serving for 1897 were: Ex-Mayor C. Gallagher, J. H. Gariepy, T. Houston, A. E. Jackson, K. A. McLeod and D. R. Fraser. Clerk and Assessor A. G. Randall continued in office, and so did Medical Health Officer Dr. E. A. Braithwaite. Also, G. R. F. Kirkpatrick, St. George Jel lett, P. D. Campbell and N. D. Beck retained their respective offices of Treasurer, Collector, Constable and Solicitor. T. G. Lauder was appointed Fire Chief and A. McN icol became Auditor. H. Round was made Pound 10
Keeper and C. Turgeon became Town Engineer. The standing committees for 1897 were: a Finance Committee made up of Houston (Chairman), Gariepy and Gallagher; a Board of Works Committee of McLeod (Chairman), Fraser and Jackson; a Fire, Water and Light Committee of Jackson (Chairman), McLeod and Gallagher; a Town Hall and Market Committee of Gariepy (Chairman), Jackson and McLeod; a Health and Relief Committee of Fraser (Chairman), Houston and Gariepy; and a License and Police Committee of Gallagher (Chairman), Houston and Fraser. Throughout 1897, 38 council meetings were held. It is of interest to note that this was the year that the Gold Rush began, and many people passed through Edmonton on their way to the Klondyke. W. S. Edmiston was voted Mayor of Edmonton in 1898, and the aldermen were: T. Houston, K. A. McLeod, J. Ross J. H. Picard, A. E. Jackson and W. Humberstone. Clerk and Assessor A. G. Randall resigned on 5 April, and was succeeded by F. K. Gibson on 19 April. A McN icol, C. Turgeon, P. D. Campbell, Dr. E. A. Braithwaite, N. D. Beck, T. G. Lauder and G. R. F. Kirkpatrick all retained their respective offices of Auditor, Engineer, Constable, Medical Health Officer, Solicitor, Fire Chief and Secreatry-Treasurer. G. F. B. Jones was appointed Pound Keeper and the newly created office of Night Constable was filled by A. E. Pattison. The standing committees for 1898 were: a Finance Committee composed of Houston (Chairman), Picard and Jackson; a Board of Works Committee of McLeod (Shairman), Ross and Humberstone; a Fire, Water and Light Committee of Jackson (Chairman), Ross and Humberstone; a License Committee of Picard (Chairman), McLeod and Houston; a Health and Relief Committee of Humberstone (Chairman), Picard and Jackson; and a Town Hall and Market Committee of Ross (Chairman), Houston and McLeod. 39 council meetings were. held that year. In 1899, W. S. Edmiston was re-elected Mayor of Edmonton. This year a new system was introduced whereby some aldermen were elected for two years and some for only one. K. A. McLeod, K. W. MacKenzie and A. E Jackson were elected for two years, and J. H. Picard, A. Brown and R. Secord for one year only. However, MacKenzie resigned on 5 December, as he intended to run for Mayor in the following year. Town Clerk F. K. Gibson, Constable P. D. Campbell, Secretary-Treasurer G. R. F. Kirkpatrick, Solicitor N. D. Beck, Medical Health Officer Dr. E. A. Braithwaite and Engineer C. Turgeon all retained their positions. The Auditor, W. R. Richardson, who had succeeded McN icol, resigned on 17 October, and was replaced by T. A. Stephen. G. J. Kinnaird was appointed as an additional Secretary-Treasurer, and W. H. Cooper was named Town Assessor. The new office of Scavenger was filled by two 11
men, N. Patterson and J. McLean. The standing committees for 1899 were: a Finance Committee made up of MacKenzie (Chairman), Secord and Jackson; a Board of Works Committee of McLeod (Chairman), Jackson and 'Brown; a Fire, Water and Light Committee of Jackson (Chairman), MacKenzie and Secord; a License and Police Committee of Picard (Chairman), McLeod and Brown; a Health and Relief Committee of Secord (Chairman), MacKenzie nad Picard; and a Town Hall and Market Committee of Brown (Chairman), Picard and McLeod. That year 33 council meetings were held. K. W. MacKenzie was elected Mayor of Edmonton by acclamation in 1900. Aldermen K. A. McLeod and A. E. Jackson continued for their second year, and their colleagues were: R. Lee, A. C. Strang, A. Brown and H. Goodridge. Strang's seat was declared vacant on 9 October, and J. L. Blowey was elected by acclamation on 9 November to fill the vacant seat. Only a small number of Town Officials were listed for 1900. G. J. Kinnaird continued as Secretary-Treasurer, and was also appointed Town Clerk on 16 January - F. K. Gibson having died. The new office of Chief of Police was filled by A. E. Pattison on 6 January. He also served as Poundkeeper. The offices of Auditor, Solicitor, Fire Chief and Assessor were retained respectively by T. A. Stephen, N. D. Beck, T. G. Lauder and W. H. Cooper. The newly created office of Liquor License Inspector was filled by W. A. Mills. The standing committees for 1 900 were: a Finance Committee composed of Lee (Chairman), Brown and Strang; a Board of Works Committee of McLeod (Chairman), Brown and Jackson; a Fire, Water and Light Committee of Jackson (Chairman), Lee and Strang; a License and Police Committee of Strang (Chairman), McLeod and Goodridge; a Health and Relief Committee of Goodridge (Chairman), Strang and Lee; and a Town Hall and Market Committee of Brown (Chairman), Goodridge and McLeod. In 1900,65 council meetings were held. In 1901, K. W. MacKenzie was re-elected Mayor of Edmonton. The aldermen for that year were: R. Lee, J. H. M orris, W. T. Henry, J. T. Blowey, H. Goodridge, and A. Brown. However, Goodridge resigned on 20 February. (See Council Minutes pp. 389, 393 and 395.) Several of the Town officials changed this year. However, G. J. Kinnaird remained as Secretary-Treasurer and Assessor, and both N. D. Beck and T. A. Stephen retained their positions of Solicitor and Auditor. Dr. E. A. Braithwaite continued as Medical Health Officer and C. Turgeon remained in the position of Engineer and Caretaker of Town Hall. L. S. Cowan was appointed Police Magistrate and J. McDonald became Building and Fire Inspector. W. E. Grierson was appointed Market Clerk 12
and Poundkeeper, and J. H. Deans and H. E. Rudd were made Constables and License Inspectors. The standing committees for that year were: a Finance Committee composed of Lee (Chairman), Morris and Brown; a Board of Works Committee of Morris (Chairman), Goodridge and Blowey; a Fire, Water and Light Committee of Henry (Chairman), Blowey and Lee; a License and Police Committee of Blowey (Chairman), Brown and Morris; a Town Hall and Market Committee of Goodridge (Chairman), Lee and Henry; and a Health and Relief Committee of Brown (Chairman), Henry and Goodridge. There were 37 council meetings in 1 901 It is of interest that Queen Victoria died in this year and also that Canadian Northern Railway built a railway down the valley of the river and Mill Creek (the Edmonton, Yukon and Pacific) connecting Edmonton with the Canadian Pacific Railway system. William Short became Mayor in 1902, and his aldermanic colleagues were: J. H. Morris, E. D. Grierson, W. T. Henry, P. Heiminck, H. Goodridge and C. Gallagher. The list of Town officials remained exactly the same as the previous year. The standing committees for that year were: a Finance Committee of Morris (Chairman, Gallagher and Heiminck; a Board of Works Committee of Grierson (Chairman), Morris and Goodridge; a Fire, Water and Light Committee of Henry (Chairman), Grierson and Morris; a Hall and Market Committee of Goodridge (Chairman), Heiminck and Grierson; a License and Police Committee of Heiminck (Chairman), Henry and Grierson; and a Health and Relief Committee of Gallagher (Chairman), Goodridge and Henry. That year, 58 council meetings were held. In May 1902, the Edmonton Electric Light Company transferred its light plant to the Town, and Edmonton Town Council passed its first bylaw, which authorized the expenditure for the installation of a water and sewer system in the fall of that year. In 1903, William short was re-elected Mayor of Edmonton by acclamation. The aldermen for that year were: A. T. Cushing, E. D. Grierson, D. R. Fraser, P. Heiminck, J. Ross and C. Gallagher. This year K. Collings was appointed assistant to Secretary-Treasurer and Assessor G. J. Kinnaird. N. D. Beck, L. S. Cowan, W. E. Grierson, C. Turgeon and Dr. E. A. Braithwaite all retained their respective offices of Solicitor, Police Magistrate, Market Clerk and Pound keeper, Engineer and Caretaker of Fire Hall and Medical Health Officer, A. R. Tomlinson became the new Auditor and J. Armstrong was appointed Engineer, Building and Fire Inspector. J. H. Deans became Chief of Police and License Inspector. The two newly appointed Constables and License Inspectors were T. M. McCallum and M. M. Brunelle. Four new offices were created in 1903.T. G. Lauder was appointed Overseer and Chief of the Fire Brigade and A.
Goodridge became the Fire Department Teamster. N. B. Champagne was made Scavenger and Dog Poundkeeper and N. Schinke was appointed Caretaker Nuisance Ground. The standing committees for 1903 were: a Finance Committee of Cushing (Chairman), Gallagher and Heiminck; a Board of Works Committee of Grierson (Chairman), Ross and Fraser; a Fire, Water and Light Committee of Fraser (Chairman), Grierson and Cushing; a License and Police Committee of Heiminck (Chairman), Cushing and Ross; a Hall and Market Committee of Ross (Chairman), Heiminck and Gallagher; and a Health and Relief Committee of Gallagher (Chairman), Fraser and Grierson. In 1903, 60 council meetings were held. For the third year in succession, William Short continued as Mayor of Edmonton in 1 904 and in this year Edmonton was incorporated as a city (see Ordinance assented to 8 October 1904, N.W.T. No. 19, 1904). Mayor Short's colleagues for that year were: A. T. Cushing, C. May, D. R. Fraser, E. D. Grierson, J. Ross and J. H. Picard. Secretary-Treasurer G. J. Kinnaird remained in office for 1904, as did Solicitor N. D. Beck, Police Magistrate L. S. Cowan, Medical Health Officer Dr. E. A. Braithwaite, Fire Engineer and Caretaker C. Turgeon, Fire Department Teamster A. Goodridge, Scavenger N. B. Champagne and Nuisance Ground Caretaker N. Schinke. W. E. Grierson continued as Market Clerk, but gave up the office of Poundkeeper, which went to J. W. Forde. The new Auditor was H. R. Mountifield and the new Chief of Police, S. Evans. The Constables and License Inspectors were increased to four this year, and F. E. Bradley, W. R. Howey, T. M. McCallum and D. Tidsbury served in that capacity. The new Fire Chief and Inspector of Buildings and Nuisances was J. A. Wilson. A number of new offices were created in 1904: J. H. Hargreaves became City Engineer; J. H. Pickering, V. S., Veterinary Inspector; P. McNaughton, Power House Engineer; A. W. Ormsby, City Electrician; G. H. Stanton, Telephone Manager; N.B. Peck, Public Works Inspector; G. Goodall, Public Works Overseer; and P. McCallum, Pipe Fitter and Overseer. The standing committees for 1904 were: a Finance Committee of Cushing (Chairman), Ross and Picard; a Board of Works Committee of May (Chairman), Fraser and Grierson; a Fire, Water and Light Committee of Fraser (Chairman), Picard and Cushing; a License and Police Committee of Grierson (Chairman), Cushing and Ross; a Hall and Market Committee of Ross (Chairman), May and Fraser; and a Health and Relief Committee of Picard (Chairman), Grierson and May. 83 council meetings were held in 1904.
It is of interest that the Edmonton Civic Administration entered the public telephone field in 1904, when they purchased the local telephone system for the purpose of operating it as a municipal utility, the price paid being $17,000. This year also saw the construction of Edmonton's first power plant. b) 1905 - to the present - Edmonton City Council In 1905, K. W. McKenzie became the •first mayor of the City of Edmonton, and in this year the number of aldermen was increased from six to eight. City council was composed of Aldermen T. Bellamy, J. R. Boyle, W. H. Clark, D. R. Fraser, W. A. Griesbach, C. May, K. A. McLeod and J. H. Picard. May, Boyle, McLeod and Bellamy were elected for two years, but the others for only one. For the first time, in 1905, three City commissioners were appointed; these were Mayor MacKenzie, G. J. Kinnaftd and Public Works Commissioner, J. H. Hargreaves. The list of City officials reveals that G. J. Kinnaird remained as Secretary-Treasurer, and N. D. Beck kept the office of City Solicitor. Police Magistrate L. S. Cowan and Chief of Police S. Evans both retained their positions for that year. Dr, E. A. Braithwaite continued as Medical Health Officer, and W. E. Grierson as Market Clerk. J. H. Pickering, P. McNaughton, A. W. Ormsby and G. H. Stanton all kept their respective offices of Veterinary Inspector, Power House Engineer, City Electrician and Telephone Manager. The new City Engineer and Assessor were R. R. Keely and D. M. McMillan. G. P. Blythe became Auditor, and S. L. Main was appointed Sanitary Inspector and Assistant Medical Health Officer. The Fire Chief for that year was R. G. Davidson, and J. E. Perraton became Poundkeeper. The new office of Plumbing Inspector was filled by A. Kemp, and the Building and Fire Inspector was J. A. Wilson. E. Hilliam was appointed to the newly created office of Storekeeper and Timekeeper. The standing committees for 1905 were: a Finance Committee of Clark (Chairman), Boyle and Bellamy; a Water, Light and Telephone Committee of McLeod (Chairman), May and Clark; a Streets and Parks Committee of Bellamy (Chairman), Clark and Fraser; a Bylaws and Special Legislation Committee of Boyle (Chairman), Griesbach and Picard; a Police and License Committee of May(Chairman), Bellamy and McLeod; a Fire, Market and Civic Buildings Committee of Griesbach (Chairman), McLeod and May; a Sanitation and Relief Committee of Fraser (Chairman), Picard and Griesbach; and a Special Committee, formed to consider any matters not coming under other committees, of Picard (Chairman), Fraser and Boyle. It should be noted that the incorporation of Edmonton as a city necessitated an increase in, and the 15
revamping of, the various committees. That year, City Council met on 68 occasions. On 30 January 1905, Bylaw 7 was voted upon and passed. This provided for the granting of a bonus of $100,000 to the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, and granted exemption from taxation to the company for other purposes. On 1 September, Edmonton became the capital city of the newly created province of Alberta. 1 906 saw the election of Alderman Charles May to the mayoralty. The aldermen for that year were: R. Mays, J. R. Boyle, D. G. Latta, T. Bellamy, W. A. Griesbach, R. J. Manson, S. H. Smith, J. H. Picard, and J. C. Calhoun, who was elected 1 June to replace J. R. Boyle, who resigned on 7 May. No list of City officials is given for1906. The City Commissioners were: Mayor May, Secretary-Treasurer G. J. Kinnaird and J. H. Hargreaves. Hargreaves resigned on 7 August, and W. J. Pace was appointed in his place on 11 September. The standing committees for that year were: A Finance Committee of Bellamy (Chairman), Griesbach and Smith; a Fire and Water Committee of Griesbach (Chairman), Mays and Latta; a Telephone and Light Committee of Picard (Chairman), Mays and Latta; a Streets and Parks Committee of Manson (Chairman), Bellamy and Picard; a Bylaws and Special Legislation Committee of Boyle (Chairman), Griesbach and Smith; a Market and Civic Buildings Committee of Smith (Chairman), Manson and Picard; a Police and License Committee of Latta (Chairman), Griesbach and Bellamy; and a Sanitation and Relief Committee of Mays (Chairman), Smith and Manson. Eighty council meetings were held that year, and it is of interest that a Provincial University was located in Strathcona. In 1907, Alderman W. A. Griesbach was elected Mayor of Edmonton. The aldermen for that year were: S. H. Smith, J. H. Picard, T. Daly, R. J. Manson, W. Gariepy, M. W. Macauley, C. Anderson and J. B. Walker. During the year, Macauley resigned and was replaced by G. M. Manuel. The City Commissioners were: Mayor Griesbach, G. J. Kinnaird and W. J. Pace. After six years as Secretary-Treasurer, Kinnaird resigned and was succeeded by F. M. C. Crosskill. City Engineer R. R. Keely, Assessor D. M. McMillan, City Solicitor N. D. Beck, Auditor G. P Blythe, Police Magistrate L. S. Cowan, Sanitary Inspector and Assistant Medical Health Officer S. L. Main and Fire Chief R. G. Davidson were all reappointed to their offices. Also retained were: Market Clerk W. E. Grierson, Poundkeeper J. E. Perraton, Veterinary I nspector J. H. Pickering, Power House Engineer P. McNaughton, City Electrician A. W. Ormsby and Stores and Works Superintendent E. Hilliam.The new Chief of Police, succeeding S. Evans, 16
was Major W. Beale, and the new Medical Health Officer was Dr. W. A. P. Ternan, who replaced Dr. E. A. Braithwaite. The Telephone Superintendent for that year was J. C. Cumming, and J. R. Huntback was appointed Plumbing Inspector. J. D. Blayney became the new Building and Fire Inspector. Three new offices were created that year to cover expanding city business. A. J. Latornell was appointed Assistant Engineer. A. E. Morrison was named Waterworks Superintendent and A. Maclean, Waterworks Inspector. The standing committees for 1907 were: a Railway and Transportation Committee of Smith (Chairman), Macauley and Anderson; a Trade and Commerce Committee of Picard (Chairman), Andersbn and Smith; a new Industries Committee of Daly (Chairman), Walker and Macauley; a Finance Committee of Manson (Chairman), Walker and Macauley; and a Bylaws and Special Legislation Committee of Gariepy (Chairman), Daly and Manson. In 1907,70 council meetings were held.The erection of the Parliament building began in August 1907. The cornerstone was laid by Earl Grey on 10 October 1909. The building is constructed of British Columbia granite and Alberta sandstone, is fireproof throughout, and was erected by the Department of Public Works at an approximate cost of $2,000,000. The building was designed by A. M. Jeffers, and was carried out under his supervision until January of 1912. The rotunda and main staircase was designed by R. P. Blakey, and the building was completed under his supervision.The first session of the Legislature was held in the new building in November of 1911. The official opening was performed by the Duke of Connaught on 3 September 1912. The grounds, which are approximately 20 acres, are on the north side of the North Saskatchewan River, on the site of the Hudson's Bay Fort. The length of the building is approximately 340 feet, and the height of the dome is 176 feet. The central portion is approximately 80 feet in width and 254 feet in length. The wings on either side are 130 feet long and 95 feet wide. The building is provided with heat and power from a separate power house situated south of the building. John A. MacDougall was elected Mayor of Edmonton for 1908. His aldermanic colleagues on City Council were: W. Gariepy, R. J. Manson, T. Bellamy, H. L. McInnis, R. Lee, G. S. Armstrong, C. Anderson and D. R. Fraser. The City Commissioners for that year were: Mayor MacDougall, G. J. Kinnaird and W. J. Pace. However, Kinnaird resigned on 2 June, and Pace was discharged from his office on that same date. There are a number of changes in the list of City officials for 1908. However, F. M. C. Crosskill remained as Secretary-Treasurer, and R. R. 17
Keely retained the office of City Engineer, with A. J. Latornell continuing as his assistant. Assessor D. M. McMillan, Police Magistrate L. S. Cowan, Chief of Police Major W. Beale, Sanitary Inspector S. A. Main, Fire Chief R. G. Davidson, Market Clerk W. E. Grierson, Power House Engineer P. McNaughton, City Electrician A. W. Ormsby, Plumbing Inspector J. R. Huntback and Water Works Superintendent A. Maclean all retained their respective offices. The newly appointed City Solicitor was J. F. C. Bown, and C. L. Richardson was named Auditor. The new Medical Health Officer was J. McAllan. J. B. Shearer became the Veterinary Inspector, and F. J. Cummings the Telephone Superintendent. J. D. McKinnon was named Building and Fire Inspector, and E. E. Hill was appointed Stores and Works Superintendent. The standing committees for 1908 were: a Finance Committee of Bellamy (Chairman), McInnis, Lee and Gariepy; a Public Works Committee of Manson (Chairman), Anderson, Fraser and McInnis; a Bylaws and Special Legislation Committee of Gariepy (Chairman), Manson, Bellamy and Armstrong; an Assessment Committee of McInnis (Chairman), Anderson, Bellamy and Lee; a Special Standing Committee of Armstrong (Chairman), Anderson, Manson and Fraser; and a Transport and Commerce Committee of Lee (Chairman), Gariepy, Armstrong and Fraser. There were 58 council meetings held that year. During 1908,the City of Edmonton bought out theStrathcona Radial Tramway Co. Ltd. for $10,000. (See Contract No. 20, 31 July 1908, and Bylaw No. 184) The City began to operate the Radial railway, as a municipal undertaking, on 9 November 1908. At this time the system consisted of twelve miles of track. In 1909, Alderman Robert Lee was elected Mayor of Edmonton. The aldermen for that year were: R. J. Manson, D. R. Fraser, H. L. McInnis, G. S. Armstrong, W. Gariepy, J. E. Lundy, A. B. Agar and J. H. McKinley. The City Commissioners were Mayor Lee, P. McNaughton and A. Butchart. The list of City officials for 1909 is the same as that for 1908, except for a few changes. R. R. Keely ceased to be City Engineer and was replaced by his assistant, A. J. Latornell, who became Acting City Engineer. A. C. Lancey became Chief of Police, and T. Smith became Poundkeeper. W. R. Griffith was appointed Telephone Superintendent, and J. McPherson was made Stores Superintendent. City Commissioner P. McNaughton, who was also Power House Engineer, gave up this position and was appointed Power House Superintendent. The new Power House Engineer was C. E. Cope.The newly created office of Street Railway Superintendent was filled by C. E. Taylor. 18
The standing committees for 1909 were: a Finance and Public Works Committee of Manson (Chairman), Fraser and Agar; a Legislation and Assessment Committee of McInnis (Chairman), Lundy and McKinley; a Special Standing Committee of Fraser (Chairman), McInnis and McKinely; a Transportation and Commerce Committee of Armstrong (Chairman), Lundy and Agar; and a Parks and Exhibition Committee of Gariepy (Chairman), Manson and Armstrong. During the course of that year, sixty council meetings were held. It is of interest that the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway to Prince Rupert was built through in 1909. Robert Lee was re-elected Mayor of Edmonton for 1910, and the members of council were. H. L. McInnis, W. Gariepy, G. S.Armstrong, J. E. Lundy, J. H. McKinely, J. W. Mould, J. D. Hyndman and J. H. Millar. The City Commissioners for this year were: Mayor Lee, A. Butchart and A. V. Bouillon Bouillon was appointed on 19 April, and his duties commenced on 16 May. Most City officials from the previous year remained in office in 1910. Secretary-Treasurer F. M. C. Crosskill, City Engineer A. J. Latornell, Assessor and Tax Collector D. M. McMillan, City Solicitor J. C. F. Bown, Auditor C. L. Richardson, Police Magistrate L. S. Cowan, Chief of Police A. C. Lancey, Fire Chief R. G. Davidson, Medical Health Officer Dr. T. H. Whitelaw and Sanitary Inspector S. A. Main all retained their positions. Also continuing in office were: Plumbing Inspector J. R. Huntback, Market Clerk-W. E. Cameron, Poundkeepr T. Smith, Telephone Superintendent W. R. Griffith, Waterworks Superintendent A. McLean, Stores Superintendent J. McPherson, Electric Light and Power superintendent and City Electrician A. W. Crosby, Power House Superintendent P. McNaughton and Power House Engineer C. E. Cope. The new Street Railway Superintendent was C. V. Biswanger, and E. H. Cotterell became Superintendent of Buildings. The new office of Dairy Inspector was filled by A. Logan. The standing committees for that year were: a Finance and Assessment Committee of McInnis (Chairman), Armstrong and McKinely; a Public Works Committee of Armstrong (Chairman), Mould and Miller; a Parks Committee of Lundy (Chairman), Hyndman and Miller; a Legislation Committee of Gariepy (Chairman), McInnis and Hyndman; and a Special Committee of McKinely (Chairman), Lundy and Mould. In all, City Council met 52 times in 1910. The Edmonton Public Library came into existence in 1910. The first act in its establishment was the submission of a bylaw for $25,000 for the purchase of a site. This was approved by a vote of the burgesses on 10 June. The Library was opened in 1913, and it was established under the provisions of the Public Libraries Act of the Province. The Act provided 19
that the regulation and control of the Library was to be vested in a Board that "shall be a body corporate and politic." The Board consisted of six members appointed by the City Council for a term of two years, and the Mayor ex-officio. Also in this year, the Village of West Edmonton was established 5 July (See Alberta Gazette 30 July 1910, p. 369); and the Village of North Edmonton came into being 20 January 1 910 (also see Alberta Gazette). The new Mayor of Edmonton for 1911 was G. S. Armstrong, former alderman, who was elected by acclamation on 12 December 1910. The aldermen for that year were: H. L. McInnis, J. D. Hyndman, J. W. Mould, C. Crowan, T. M. Grindley, J. M iller, J. H. McKin ley and J. E. Lundy. Alderman McKinley resigned during the year, and T. Bellamy was elected to serve out his term on 14 August. The City Commissioners for that year were: Mayor Armstrong, S. W. Candy and A. B. Agar. Many of the City officials for 1910 continued on into 1911. Secretary-Treasurer F. M. C. Crosski II, City Engineer A. J. Latornell, Assessor and Tax Collector D. M. McMillan, City Solicitor J. C. F. Bown, Auditor C. L. Richardson, Police Magistrate L. S. Cowan, Telephone Superintendent W. R. Griffith, Police Chief A. C. Lancey, Medical Health Officer Dr. T. H. Whitelaw and Sanitary Inspector S. A. Main all retained their offices. In addition, Dairy Inspector A. Logan, Plumbing Inspector J. R. Huntback, Poundkeeper T. Smith, Waterworks Superintendent A. McLean and Electric Light and Power Superintendent A. W. Ormsby continued in those capacities. However, the two Power House positions were combined as Electric Light, Water and Power. Station. J. C. Huffman was appointed to the office. Among the other changes for 1911 were: T. C. Lauder became Fire Chief, N. M clvor became Superintendent of Buildings, and the position of Market Clerk was filled by D. C. Robertson. The new Street Railway Superintendent was R. Knight, and E. B. Butler became Stores Superintendent. The standing committees for 1911 were: a Finance and Assessment Committee of McInnis (Chairman), Hyndman and McKinley; a Public Works Committee of Mould (Chairman), Miller and Grindley; a Parks Committee of Lundy (Chairman), Hyndman and Gowan: a Legislation Committee of Hnydman and Gowan; a Legislation Committee of Hyndman (Chairman), Mould and McInnis; an Industrial Committee of Lundy (Chairman), Grindley and Mould; and a Special Committee of McKinley (Chairman), Gowan and Miller. There were 71 meetings of City Council in 1911. This year, for the first time, the members of the Edmonton School Boards are listed. Elected to the Public School Board were: W. Ramsay, S. A. G. Barnes and W. H. Clarke, and to the Separate School Board, J. H. Picard, W. Gariepy and J. H. G. Collison - all elected by acclamation. 20
Voting was held on 26 January 1911, on the East End Bridge, Exhibition, Groat Estate Bridge, Jasper Avenue Subway, Industrial Sites and City Hall Addition bylaws. All were approved on 24 April; voting was held again on a considerable number of bylaws. Once again, all were approved. These bylaws were No.312, to provide the sum of $36,000 for a City Hospital site for park purposes; No. 313, to provide $25,000 for Fire Department equipment and furnishings; No. 314, to provide $10,000 for the erection and equipping of Civic Stables; No. 315, to provide $2,700 for the Waterworks Department; No. 316, to provide $1,000 for the purchase of additional Fire Hall sites; No. 317, to provide $104,000 for extending the telephone system; No. 318, to provide $2,300 for machinery and an addition to the City Warehouse; No.319, to provide $40,000 to pay the City's share of paving certain streets; No. 320, to provide $12,000 for subway under Edmonton, Yukon and Pacific tracks at 24 Street; No. 321, to provide $7,000 for park purposes; No.322, to provide $4,000 for the purchase of supplies for the City Engineer; No. 323, to provide $50,000 for water and other sanitary improvements; No. 324, to provide $5,000 for prevention of further sliding of the river bank; No.325, to provide $28,000 for the extension of the electric lighting system; No. 326, to provide $7,500 for additional land for the power house; No. 327, to provide $22,000 for a drill hall and armory site; No. 328, to provide $18,000 for the extension of the warehouse and storage yards; No. 329, to provide $50,000 for extensions to the street railway system; No. 330, to provide $250,000 for an extension to the power house and plant; No. 331, to provide $6,875 to rimprovements to the Isolation Hospital; No. 332, to provide $4,000 for the purchase of sites for Police substations; No. 333, to provide $9,000 for horses, vehicles and harness for civic purposes; No. 334, to provide $12,250 for the erection of a public utilities warehouse; and No. 335, to grant partial exemption to the Grand Trunk Pacific Development Company. Subsequent voting on bylaws 342 (defeated), 347 (defeated), 348 (approved), 349 (defeated) and 340 (defeated), the nature of which is not recorded, took place in the spring and summer of 1911. On 26 September, bylawy 356 was approved, which provided for the construction of a municipal gas plant, and an auxiliary vote revealed that the majority was in favour of illuminating gas, which could also be used for heating purposes. On 9 October, bylaws 357 and 358 were approved; what they dealt with, we are not told. The "Strathcona Plaindealer," on 19 December 1911, reported that despite the impending amalgamation of Strathcona and Edmonton, the Legislative Committee of the City of Edmonton had decided not to extend the corporate limits of Greater Edmonton.
1 91 2 saw the re-election of Mayor G. S. Armstrong, and he became the first mayor of the amalgamated cities.of Strathcona and Edmonton. The amalgamation took place on 1 February 1912. (See 0.66, 1911 /1 912.) Also, North Edmonton was brought into the City on 22 July by Order in Council (See Alberta Gazette, 18 July 1912), and Kennedale and Industrial Heights, an area lying south of the Fort Saskatchewan Trail, were annexed to the City of Edmonton by Order in Council on 4 October 1912. Mayor Armstrong's colleagues on council that year were: Aldermen H. L. McInnis, C. Gowan, T. J. Walsh, H. W. B. Lundy, J. G. Tipton, H. A. Calder and J. East. Due to the increase in business caused by the amalgamation, the number of aldermen was increased to ten. On 7 May, Alderman McInnis resigned, and J. M. McDonald was elected, on 7 June, to serve out his term. In addition, Alderman Gowan also resigned, on 14 May, and A. Livingstone was elected, on 7 June, to replace him. The Board of Commissioners for 1912 consisted of Mayor Armstrong, J. Chalmers, A. G. Harrison and A. J. McLean. The number of City officials was greatly expanded in 1912, also due to the vast increase in City business. The office of Secretary-Treasurer was divided into those of City Clerk and Treasurer. The new City Clerk was C. E. K. Cox, and the new Treasurer, F. Barnhouse. D. M. McMillan remained as Assessor and Tax Collector until 1 August, but was then succeeded by T. Walker. J. C. F. Bown continued as City Solicitor and C. L. Richardson retained the office of Auditor. A. J. Latornell remained as City Engineer, and the new office of City Architect was filled by A. M. Jeffers. N. A. Mclvor retained the office of Inspector of Buildings, and G. M. Hall was appoitned to the office of Industrial Commissioner. Superintendent of Electric Light and Power A. W. Ormsby, Superintendent of the Waterworks A. MacLean, Fire Chief T. G. Lauder, Market Clerk D. C. Robertson and Medical Health Officer Dr.T. H. Whitelaw all retained their offices. W. R. Griffith remained as Superintendent of Telephones but R. Knight, Superintendent of the Street Railway, was replaced on 1 July by W. T. Woodroofe. The new Superintendent of the Power Plant was R. H. Parsons and the newly created office of Superintendent of Gas was filled by J. Brodie. A. C. Lancey left the position of Police Chief on 30 September and was succeeded on 1 October by S. H. Carpenter. The new positions of Superintendent of Parks and Superintendent of Roads were filled repectively by P. A. von Aueberg and J. Gould. Stores and Works Superintendent E. B. Butler was replaced by J. W. Brighton. Among the new offices created in 1912, T. R. Turnbull became Civic Relief Officer, T. M. McCallum became License Inspector, and E. T. Baines was appointed to head the Municipal Information Bureau. The 22
amalgamation of the two cities necessitated the addition of another Police Magistrate. L. S. Cowan, who had held the position for eleven years, was not reappointed. In his place, F. D. Byers was appointed Police Magistrate for the North Side and G. F. Downes for the South Side. The now obsolete office of Secreatry-Treasurer, held by F. M. C. Crosskill for six years, was given to C. E. K. cox after Crosskill's resignation on 12 April. On 20 August, the office was divided into those of City Clerk and City Treasurer. The standing committees for that year were: a Finance and Assessment Committee of McInnis (Chairman), Douglas and Walsh; a Public Works Committee of East (Chairman), Calder and Lundy; a Legislative Committee of Clarke (Chairman), Tipton and Douglas; and Industrial and Publicity Committee of Lundy (Chairman), Walsh and Clarke; a Market Committee of Gowan (Chairman), McInnis and Tipton; and a Hospital Committee of Mayor Armstrong (Chairman), Calder and Douglas. Elected to the Public School Board that year were: F. W. Craig, J. C. MacKenzie, W. Ramsay, Miss B. H. Nichols, S. A. G. Barnes, W. H. Clarke and J. Park. Voting was held on 26 January on bylaws 365 through 381. What these bylaws dealt with, we are not informed, but it is recorded that all were approved. Voting held on 25 March, approved bylaws 390 through 393, and 395; and again, on 6 May, bylaws 394, 405 and 406 were all approved. A more detailed report is given for voting held on 20 September. Bylaw 427, to provide $50,126.67 for the purchase of a car barns site was approved. Bylaw 428, to provide $25,100 for the bridging of two ravines on 42nd street was approved. Bylaw 429, to provide $770,880 for the establishment of a Gas Plant was rejected by the voters. Bylaw 430, to provide $21,900 for the purchase of a Telephone substation was approved. Bylaw 431, to provide $150,380 for acquiring land to extend the Park and Driveway system was approved; and bylaw 435, to provide $66,000 for the purchase of certain land for warehouse and storage yard was also approved. 74 council meetings were held that year, and of historical interest, the High Level Bridge was built, costing $1,500,000, and giving the Canadian Pacific Railway entrance into Edmonton. It also provided accommodation for the Street Railway and other traffic. In 1913, William Short, who had been Mayor of Edmonton from 1902 to 1904, was re-elected mayor of the city after an absence of nine years. The aldermen for that year were: J. G.Tipton, J. E. Lundy, J. Driscoll, H. W. B. Douglas, A. Livingstone, T. J. Walsh, J. East, G. H. May, H. R. Smith and H. A. Calder. The Board of Commissioners for 1 91 3 was composed of 23
Mayor Short, A. J. McLean, A. G. Morrison and J. Chalmers. Five officials were appointed by the City Council, namely: Auditor, A. N. Mouat; Assessor, T. Walker, Solicitor, J. C. F. Bown; Clerk, C. E. K. Cox and Treasurer, F. Barnhouse. The City officials responsible to the City Commissioners for 1913 were: Engineer, A. J. Latornell; Architect, A. M. Jeffers; Building Inspector, N. A. Mclvor; Secretary, R. English; Parks Superintendent, P. A. von Aueberg; Fire Chief, T. G. Lauder; Gas Engineer,J. Brodie; Health Officer, T. H. Whitelaw; Electric Light and Power Distribution Superintendent, A. W. Ormsby; Superintendent of Market, D. C. Robertson; and Power and Pumping Plant Superintendent, R. H. Parsons. Also appointed that year were: W. T. Woodroofe to the Street Railway; J. C. Linthicum to Stores and Works; F. T. Caldwell to Telephones; J. W. Turner to Waterworks Distribution; D. Alton to Streets and Scavenging; and T. M. McCallum to Licenses. S. H. Carpenter became the Police Chief and E. W. Bowness, Cost Engineer. The Inspector was G. C. Buck, the Civic Relief Officer, T. R. Turnbull, and G. M. Hall became the Industrial and Publicity Official. Elected to the Public School Board were: A. Butchart, J. M. Clindinin, H. H. Crawford, K. W. Mackenzie, J. J. McKenzie, D. McLeod and J. Park. The standing committees for 1913 were: a Finance and Assessment Committee of East (Chairman), Walsh, Douglas, Calder, Livingstone and Smith; a Market Committee of Calder (Chairman), Livingstone, East and Smith; a Parks Committee of Tipton (Chairman), May, Driscoll and Lundy; an Industrial Committee of Walsh (Chairman), Lundy, Douglas, Tipton, Livingstone, Calder and Smith; a Special Committee of Smith (Chairman), Calder, Walsh, Livingstone, Douglas, Lundy, Driscoll, Tipton, East and May; a Public Works Committee of Lundy (Chairman), Smith, Calder, Walsh, Tipton and Livingstone; and a Legislative Committee of May (Chairman), Tipton, Livingstone, Smith and Driscoll. 91 council meetings were held that year. Voting took place on 24 February and 28 March on Money Bylaws. Whether they were approved or not, we are not told. The election for mayor and aldermen for 1 914 was held on 8 December 1913. It is of interest that this was the year in which street numbers were adopted, rather than the old system of named streets and avenues. William J. McNamara was elected Mayor of Edmonton for 1914, narrowly defeating ex-Mayor Short by a mere 236 votes. Unfortunately, a civic argument about whether the city or a private company should control the supply of gas, which had been discovered at Viking in November 1914, caused McNamara to be unseated. An election held
that December saw William Thomas Henry voted to the Mayor's chair for the remainder of 1914. The aldermen for 1 914 were: J. East, G. H. May. J. Driscoll, H. R. smith, H. A. Calder, J. A. Clarke, A. B. Campbell, R. B. Douglas, R. Sheppard, J. A. Kinney and J. M. Macdonald (an interim appointment). The Board of Commissioners included Mayor McNama(a (ex-officio) for Finance; J. Chalmers for the Operation of Utilities; A. G. Morrison for Parks and Markets; B. J. Saunders for Construction and M. S. Booth for Health and Safety. C. L. Richardson was appointed Deputy Commissioner, but resigned 2 October 1914.A. N. Mouat, T. Walker, J. C. F. Bown, C. E. K. Cox and F. Barnhouse were all reappointed by City Council to their respective offices of Auditor, Assessor, Solicitor, Clerk and Treasurer. The list of City officials for 1 91 4 remained almost unchanged from that of 1913. The exceptions were: R. C. Chown replaced J. C Linthicum as Superintendent of Stores and Works, and A. C. Lancey succeeded S. H. Carpenter as Chief of Police. Also, A. J. McLean was appointed to the new office of Superintendent of Construction. The standing committees for 1913 were: a Finance Committee of Campbell (Chairman), East, Clarke and Sheppard; an Operations Committee of East (Chairman), Clark, Kinney and Smith; a Public Works Committee of Driscoll (Chairman), Kinney, Sheppard and Smith; a Parks and Markets Committee of May (Chairman), Sheppard, Calder and Driscoll; and a Safety and Health Committee of Clarke (Chairman), Kinney, Douglas and Sheppard. There were 92 council meetings held in 1914. After having served the remainder of Mayor McNamara.s term, William Thomas Henry was re-elected Mayor of Edmonton for 1915, beating his nearest rival by over 6,000 votes. His aldermanic colleagues were: J. Ramsey, R. N. Frith, J. H. Picard, J. A. Clarke, H. A. Calder, R. B. Douglas, J. A. Kinney, R. Sheppard, W C. McArthur and S. W. Williamson. Only one City Commissioner is ,recorded for this year, and he was A. G. Harrison. No list of City officials is given for 1915, but it is mentioned that A. N. Mouat was appointed City Comptroller on 12 January at a salary of $4,500 a year. The standing committees were: an Operations Committee of Ramsey (Chairman), Clarke and Calder; a Public Works Committee of Douglas (Chairman), McArthur and Williamson; a Finance Committee of Frith (Chairman), Picard and Ramsey; a Safety and Health Committee of Calder (Chairman), Sheppard and McArthur; and a Parks and Markets Committee of Williamson (Chairman), Kinney and Douglas. In all, 74 council meetings were held in 1915. 25
A vote held on 1 March, concerning the Viking Gas Well, was rejected by almost 4,000 votes; and a vote, on 7 June, which dealt with a proposed agreement with the Northern Alberta Natural Gas and Development Co. Ltd. was also not approved. On 8 November, another vote was held on an agreement with the Northern Alberta Natural Gas and Development Co. Ltd. This time the voters gave their approval. In addition, on 22 November, a proposed agreement with the Edmonton Power Co. Ltd. was passed by almost 3,000 votes. 1916 saw the re-election of William Thomas Henry to the mayoralty, yet again, by acclamation. The aldermen for that year were J. Ramsey, R. N. Frith, J. H. Picard, H. A. Calder, S. W. Williamson, R. B. Douglas, J. M. Macdonald, 0. Bush, C. E. Wilson and W. C. McArthur. Again no list of City officials is given, but it is mentioned that A. G. Morrison remained as City Commissioner. Elected to the Public School Board that year were: J. A. McPherson, W. Ramsey, S. A. G. Barnes and H. W. B. Douglas; and to the Separate School Board, M. A. Kelly, J. H. Picard, S. Tremblay and J. O'Neill. The standing committees for 191 6 included a Finance Committee of Frith (Chairman), Ramsey and Macdonald; a Public Works Committee of Douglas (Chairman), McArthur and Bush; a Utilities Committee of Picard (Chairman), Bush and Wilson; a Safety and Health Committee of Calder (Chairman), McArthur and Macdonald; and a Parks and Markets Committee of Williamson (Chairman), Douglas and Wilson In 1916, 45 council meetings were held. Voting was held on a number of Money Bylaws. A bylaw for a Sewage Disposal Plant was readily approved, and another for money for a Canadian Pacific Railway entrance at Anthony Street; bridge and subway damages were also approved. A money bylaw for the relief of the Street Railway system by the transfer of paving charges to the City at large was rejected. On 20 J une, a vote was held to authorize the raising of $1,363,000 against 1914 tax arrears, and was approved by a large majority. A similar vote, to raise $1,356,000 against 1 91 5 tax arrears was also approved. In addition, a plebiscite to establish a temporary market on the Rice Street site was passed by a majority of 340. William Thomas Henry was re-elected Mayor of Edmonton again in 1917, beating his nearest rival, J. A. Clarke, by well over 4,000 votes. The aldermen on City Council that year were: R. B. Douglas, 0. Bush, C. E. Wilson, W. C. McArthur, T. Bellamy, G. Pheasey, W. H. Martin, J. M. Macdonald, J. A. Kinney and C. H. Grant. There is no mention of the City officials for 1917, but A. G. Harrison retained his office of Commissioner. 26
The Public School Board trustees were: J. J. Duggan, W. Rea, C. R. Frost and L. T. Barclay. Elected to the Separate School Board were: M. J. O'Farrell, J. H. Gariepy, G. W. Curtis and 0. Derome. Derome was elected for one year only. The standing committees for 1917 included a Finance Committee of Macdonald (Chairman), Bellamy and Douglas; a Public Works Committee of McArthur (Chairman), Pheasey and Bush; a Utilities Committee of Bush (Chairman), Wilson and Kinney; a Safety and Health Committee of Douglas (Chairman), Martin and Grant; and a Parks and Markets Committee of Wilson (Chairman), Grant and Pheasey. The most significant event of 1 91 7 was that the Village of West Edmonton was brought into the City proper, after a vote on 26 April. This year, 39 council meetings were held. In 1918, H. M. E. Evans was elected Mayor of Edmonton, receiving over twice the number of votes as his nearest rival. The aldermen for that year were: 0. Bush, C. E. Wilson, C. H. Grant, J. A. Kinney, W. H. Martin, H. M. Martin, G. Pheasey, M. Esdale, s. J. McCoppen and W. W. Prevey. Commissioner A. G. Harrison resigned on 26 March, and A. W. Ormsby was appointed acting Commissioner on 4 June. Among the aldermen, it is recorded that McCoppen and H. M. Martin were elected to fill the vacancies created by the resignations of Aldermen T. Bellamy and J. M. Macdonald. Again, there is no list of City officials for 1918. However, elected to the Public School Board were: J. A. McPherson, H. W. B. Douglas, A. T. Cushing and E. T. Bishop. Elected to the Separate School Board for that year were: F. A. French, M. A. Kelly, J. H. Picard and H. J. Roche. The standing committees for 191 8 consited of a Finance Committee of Wilson (Chairman), Martin and Esdale; a Public Works Committee of Pheasey (Chairman), Prevey and Bush; a Utilities Committee of Bush (Chairman), Martin and Kinney; a Safety and Health Committee of Grant (Chairman), Esdale and McCoppen; and a Parks and Markets Committee of Martin (Chairman), Wilson and Kinney. 45 council meetings were held in 1918. Two plebiscites were voted on during the course of the year. One, for an assessment of buildings and improvements, was disapproved, and the other, for a business assessment, was passed. Also improvements were taxed to 60% of their value, and income tax was levied. For 1919, Joseph A. Clarke was elected Mayor of Edmonton in an election held on 9 December 1918. The aldermen for that year were: 0. Bush, M. Esdale, C. H. Grant, J. A. Kinney, W. W. Prevey, C. F. Hepburn, H.
M. Martin, S. J. McCoppen, J. J. McKenzie and A. R. M cLennan. Two City Commissioners are recorded for this year; A. W. Ormsby, appointed on 20 January, and A. W. Haddow appointed on 19 December 1919. The Public School Board officials for 1919 were: J. J. Duggan, W. Rea, F. W. Crang and F. Scott; and the Separate School Board officials were: J. J. Murray, J. Driscoll, J. H. Gariepy and P. Jenvrin. No list of City officials is given. The standing committees for 1919 were a Finance Committee of Esdale (Chairman), Martin and Hepburn; a Public Works Committee of Prevey (Chairman), McLennan and McKenzie; a Parks and Markets Committee of Bush (Chairman), Esdale and McCoppen; a Utilities Committee of Kinney (Chairman), Bush and McLennan; and a Safety and Health Committee of Grant (Chairman), Hepburn and McCoppen. In all, 57 council meetings were held that year. Voting was held on 28 July on two money bylaws. The first, dealing with the extension of the telephone system, was approved; but the second, for the pruchase of a cemetery site, was rejected. Also, a plebiscite was held on the adoption of a half holiday. The majority were in favour of Wednesday, rather than Saturday. In an election held on 8 December 1919, Joseph A. Clarke easily defeated Alderman Esdale, and was re-elected Mayor of Edmonton for 1920. His aldermanic colleagues for that year were: C. F. Hepburn, H. M. Martin, S. J. McCoppen, J. J. McKenzie, A. R. McLennan, P. W. Abbott, J. C. Bowen, J. East, J. A. Kinney and R. Sheppard. The City Commissioners for 1919 were: Mayor Clarke as Finance Commissioner, A. W. Haddow as Public Works Commissioner and A. W. Ormsby as Utilities Commissioner. There is no list of City officials, but elected to the Public School Board were: J. A. McPherson, S. A. G. Barnes, H. W. . Douglas and F. Scott. Elected by acclamation to the Separate School Board were: T. P. Malone, P. Jenvrin, T. S. Magee, Jr., and J. H. Picard. The standing committees for 1 920 consisted of a Special Finance Committee of McCoppen (Chairman), McKenzie, Martin and Abbott; a Parks and Markets Committee of Martin (Chairman), Hepburn and East; a Safety and Health Committee of McKenzie (Chairman), Bowen and Hepburn; a Public Works Committee of McLennan (Chairman), Abbott and Sheppard; a Utilities Committee of Kinney (Chairman), East and McLennan; and a Special Reception Committee of Hepburn (Chairman), Sheppard, Martin and Bowen. Council meetings were held on 50 occasions that year. A plebiscite was held on whether aldermen should receive payment, but was rejected. An election held on 13 December 1920 saw David M. Duggan
defeat Mayor Clarke by about six hundred votes. Mayor Duggan's colleagues on council for 1921 were: P. W. Abbott, J. W. Adair, J. C. Bowen, J. T. J. Collisson, J. East, W. C. McArthur, S. J. McCoppen, A. R. McLellan, V. T. Richards and R. Sheppard. The City Commissioners were: C. J. Yorath, A. W. Haddow and A. W. Ormsby. However, Ormsby resigned on 28 February and Haddow resigned on 1 March in order to take up the post of City Engineer. After a six-year gap, a list of City officials is given for 1921. T. Walker was appointed Assessor and Tax Collector, and N. A. Mclvor became Building Inspector. C. E. K. Cox continued as City Clerk. D. Mitchell was appointed Comptroller and A. W. Haddow became City Engineer. Dr. T. H. Whitelaw continued as Medical Health Officer. R. Davies, G. H. Jardine, S. B. Ferris, A. G. Shute, H. Rattenbury, W. J. Murphy, W. J. Cunningham, R. Colwell and R. Christie were appointed respecctively to the offices of Fire Chief, Superintendent of Garages, Superintendent of Lands, Police Chief, Superintendent of Stores and Works, Superintendent of Electric Light, Superintendent of Power, Superintendent of the Street Railway and Superintendent of Telephones. D. C. Robertson continued as Market Master and J. C. F. Bown as Solicitor. F. Barnhouse remained as Treasurer and J. w. Turner retained the office of Superintendent of the Waterworks. Elected to the Public School Board that year were: W. H. Alexander, E. T. Bishop and W. Rea; and to the Separate School Board, J. J. Murrary, J. Cormack and J. H. Gariepy. There were only two standing committees in 1921. The first was a Finance Committee of Abbott (Chairman), Adair, McCoppen, McLellan and Richards. The second was a Bylaws and Legislation Committee of Collisson (Chairman), Bowen, East, McArthur and Sheppard. In all, 47 Council meetings were held that year. Once again, a plebiscite was held on whether aldermen should receive payment for their duties. As in 1920, it was not approved. A number of money bylaws were voted upon in 1921. These bylaws: $5,000 for plank walks, $5,000 for cinder walks, $20,000 for an incinerator, $600,000 for the telephone system, $375,000 for the power plant, $20,000 for the Market building, and a proposed agreement with the Great West Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., were all disapproved. Voting was held again on 13 June. Three bylaws: $275,000 for a power plant, $168,828 for the telephone system and $38,000 for the City's share in the cost of pavement, were all approved. An additional bylaw, for $28,000 for the City's share in the cost of boulevards was not approved. 29
Mayor Duggan was re-elected for 1 922 in an election held on 12 December 1921. The aldermen for that year were: J. W. Adair, J. T. J. Collisson, V. T. Ricahrds, K. A. Blatchford, Mrs. Ross, A. U. G. Bury, J. East, T. P. Malone, B. Pratt and C. Y. Weaver. C. J. Yorath remained as City Commissioner. No list of City officials is given for 1922. F. W. Crang, S. A. G. Barnes, R. V. Bellamy and F. Scott were elected to the Public School Board, and F. A. French, P. Jenvrin, T. S. Magee and J. H. Picard were elected, by acclamation, to the Separate School Board. The standing committees for 1922 numbered only two. There was a Finance Committee composed of Adair (Chairman), Collisson, Weaver, Richards and Malone; and a Bylaws and Legislation Committee of Bury (Chairman), Pratt, Ross, East and Blatchford. In all, 62 council meetings were held that year. Voting was held, on 29 May, on a number of money bylaws. Bylaws for $75,000 fora power plant; $250,000 for thetelephone system; $20,000 for gravelling Alberta Avenue; $12,000 for comfort stations, and $14,000 fora south side market were all rejected. However, approval was given to bylaws for $37,500 for a library building and $175,000 for erecting, furnishing and equipping brick, stone and concrete school buildings, and the purchasing of, and improving of, school sites. During this year, the south side swimming pool was opened. In the election held on 11 December 1922, Mayor Duggan was elected to yet another term of office. The aldermen for 1 923 were: A. U. G. Bury, J. East, T. P. Malone, V. T. Richards, C. Y. Weaver, J. W. Adair, K. A. Blatchford, J. T. J. Collisson, D. K. Knott and R. Sheppard. C. J. Yorath was re-appointed City Commissioner. Once again, no list of City officials is given. The Public School Board members for 1923 were: W. H. Alexander, Mrs. T. Bishop, L. T. Barclay and R. C. Ghostley. Elected to the Separate School Board were: J. J. Murray, R. Crossland, P. M. Dunne and J. H. Gariepy. For this year, there were once again only two standing committees. The first, a Finance Committee, was composed of Richards (Chairman), Collisson, Weaver, Adair and Knott. The second, a Bylaws and Legislation Committee was made up of East (Chairman), Blatchford, Bury, Malone and Sheppard. 54 council meetings were held that year. A plebiscite, dealing with proportional representation, was held and approved by the voters. It was registered as bylaw 42, but no date of actual voting is given. A number of bylaws were introduced in 1923. Bylaws for $50,000 for Norwood Boulevard and $11,500 for a south side market were both rejected. On 21 May, bylaws for $95,000 for the Royal Alexandra Hospital; $25,000 for Norwood Boulevard; $20,000 for an Isolation 30
Hospital; and $295,000 for the school system were all approved. Later in the year, on 10 September, bylaws for$60,000 for paving Alberta Avenue and $10,000 for the Citys' share in maintaining sidewalks and crossings were both approved. In 1923, the Edmonton Museum of Arts was organized and incorporated in the autumn. For some years the work was carried on in the lecture room of the Public Library, then the City provided a larger room in the Civic Block. In 1924, Alderman Kenneth Alexander Blatchford became Mayor of Edmonton. He won the election of 10 December 1 923 by a large majority. The members of City council that year were: J. W. Adair, W. Rea, J. T. J. Collisson, D. K. Knott, R. Sheppard, A. U. G. Bury, J. East, J. W. Findlay, J. J. Duggan and J. M. Douglas. Once again, C. J. Yorath was reappointed City Commission. No list of City officials is provided for 1924. The School Board elections saw S. A. G. Barnes, R. V. Bellamy, F. W. Crang and F. S. Macpherson elected to the Public School Board, and P. Jenvrin, J. H. Picard, R. Crossland and T. Magee elected, all by acclamation, to the Separate School Board. The two standing committees for 1 924 were, a Finance Committee made up of Adair (Chairman), Collisson, Knott, Duggan and Findlay; and a Bylaws and Legislation Committee of Bury (Chairman), East, Sheppard, Douglas and Rea. In all, 63 council meetings were held that year. Voting held on 23 June saw the approval of a bylaw for $86,000 for the sewer system; but bylaws for $63,000 for sedimentation; $8,000 for sidewalks and $215,000 for the school system were rejected. Later, on 6 October, voting was held again, and approval was given to bylaws for $238,000 for a subway; $33,000 for the H. B. Bridge and an agreement with the Canadian Northern Railway. It is of interest that swimming pools were opened in both west and east Edmonton in 1924. 1925 saw the re-election of Mayor Blatchford, who defeated his nearest opponent, Alderman Rice Sheppard, by almost 2,000 votes in the election held on 8 December, 1924. The Aldermen for 1 925 were, A. U. G. Bury, J. East, J. W. findlay, J. J. Duggan, J. M. Douglas, J. A. Clarke, J. T. J. Collisson, C. L. Gibbs, D. K. Knott and W. Werner. D. Mitchell succeeded C. J. Yorath as City Commissioner. Again, no list of City Officials is provided.J.W.Adair, M rs. T. B. Bishop and T.J. Johnston were elected to the Public School Board, and C. E. Barry, E. Carnigan and P. M. Dunne were elected to the Separate School Board. The standing committees for 1925 were, a Finance Committee composed of Collisson (Chairman), Knott, Duggan, Findlay and Werner. and a Bylaws and Legislation Committee of Bury (Chairman). East.
Douglas, Clarke and Gibbs. 61 council meetings were held in 1925. Two plebiscites were voted on during this year. The first, dealing with the Fire Department Hours of Labour Act was approved. However, the second, which once again raised the question of whether aldermen should receive payment, was rejected by a large majority. Voting was held on 29 June, concerning bylaw 16, which proposed that $55,000 be provided for Edmonton R. C. School district No. 7. This bylaw was approved. Mayor Blatchford was re-elected for a third term in the election of 14 December 1925. He defeated ex-Alderman Collisson and Clarke by a vast majority. The aldermen for 1926 were, A. Farmilo, C. L. Gibbs, D. K. Knott, C. G. Robson, W. Werner, J. M. Douglas, J. East, J. W. Findlay, F. A. Keillor and A. C. Sloane. D. Mitchell was re-appointed City Commissioner. Again, there is no list of City Officials. The School Board elections saw R. V. Bellamy, F. W. Crang, F. S. Macpherson and E. E. Roper elected to the Public School Board. and R. Crossland, C. E. Gariepy, T. S. Magee and A. Ryan elected to the Separate School Board. The two standing committees for 1926 were, a Finance Committee of Knott (Chairman), Douglas, Findlay, Werner and Sloane; and a Bylaws and Legislation Committee of East (Chairman) Gibbs, Robson, Farmilo and Keillor. 45 council meetings were held in 1926.This year a plebiscite was introduced which asked if the voters were in favour of the Mayor holdin goff ice fo the term of two years. The voters rejected this proposal by a slight majority against. On 17 May, a number of money bylaws were voted upon. These bylaws; $13,300 for paving Norwood Boulevard; $39,200 for paving Nelson Avenue; $73,500 for gravelling, etc., and Bylaw No. 24, which proposed the provision of $130,000 for the use of Edmonton Public School District No. 7 were all approved. Former Alderman A. U. G. Bury was elected Mayor of Edmonton for 1927 in the election held on 13 December 1926. His aldermanic colleagues for that year were, L. S. C. Dineen, J. East, J. W. Findlay, F. A. Keillor, A. C. Sloane, H. Baker, A. Farmilo, C. L. Gibbs, G. W. Hazlett and C. G. Robson. There is no list of City Officials provided for 1927, with the exception that D. Mitchell was re-appointed as City Commissioner. S. A. G. Barnes, T. Bishop and W. W. McBain were elected to the Public School Board, and W. D. Trainor, E. Carnigan and J. 0. Pilon were elected, by acclamation, to the Separate School Board. Again, there were only two standing committees in 1927. The First, a Finance Committee was made up of Findlay (Chairman), Soane, Baker, East and Robson. The second, a Bylaws and Legislation Committee was composed of Gibbs (Chairman), Farmilo, Keillor, Hazlett and Dineen. In 32
1927, 42 council meetings were held. A money bylaw for $90,000 for a sedimentation basin was approved, but another for $206,000 for a Civic Centre was rejected. Voting held on 20 June rejected three bylaws, which proposed that $21,000 be provided for the City's share of paving; $60,000 be provided for the City's share of grading and gravelling; and $160,000 be provided for a children's hospital. In 1928, Mayor Bury continued in office, having easily won the election of 12 December 1927, The aldermen that year were, H. Baker, R. V. Bellamy, J. C. Bowen, L. S. C. Dineen, J. East, A. Farmilo, C. L. Gibbs, G. W. Hazlett, A. C. Sloane and C. G. Robson. It is recorded that D. Mitchell continued in office as City Commissioner, and also that J. W. Turner was appointed Superintendent of the Waterworks Department, W. J. Cunningham was appointed Superintendent of the Power House, Pumping and Filtration Department and Street Railway Department; and R. Christie was appointed Superintendent of the Telephone System. In addition, W. Barnhouse was appointed Superintendent of the Electric Light and Power Department. The members of the Public School Board for that year were, F. W. Crang, a. T. Cushing, A. E. Ottewell and E. E. Roper. Elected to the Separate School Board were, R. Crossland, C. E. Gariepy, T S. Magee, and B. J. Tansey. The two standing committees for 1928 were, a Finance Committee of Baker (Chairman), Farmilo, East, Sloane and Robson; and a Bylaws and Legislation Committee of Bowen (Chairman), Bellamy, Gibbs, Hazlett and Dineen. That year, 45 council meetings were held. Two plebiscites were held in 1928, and both were approved. The first authorized the City Council to fix the assessment of improvements for industrial establishments, and the second abolished the proportional representation system of electing the Mayor and Aldermen. A number of money bylaws were voted on in 1928. Bylaws for $96,454 for the City's share of certain street paving; $25,000 for the City's share of grading and gravelling; and $45,000 for grading and gravelling in the City at large, were all approved. However, an additional bylaw, to provide $27,500 for an extension to Victoria Park, which had been opened in 1914, was rejected. Later in the year, bylaws for $25,000 for new equipment for the Department of the City Engineer; $6,000 for two new replacement bridges; and $19,000 to fill in certain ravines; were all rejected. Mayor Bury was elected to a third term in the election held on 10 December 1928. His fellow council members for 1929 were, Aldermen J. T. J. Collisson, R. V. Bellamy, J. W. Findlay, L. S. C. Dineen, J. East, F. A. 33
Keillor, A. C. Sloane, R. Sheppard, C. L. Gibbs and A. Farmilo. D. Mitchell continued as City Commissioner. There is no mention of any of the City officials for 1929. S. A. G. Barnes, T. Bishop and F. C. Casselman were elected to the Public School Board, and by acclamation, A.J. Crowe,J. 0. Pilon and W. D. Trainor were elected to the Separate School Board. The two standing committees for 1929 were, a Finance Committee of Gibbs (Chairman), Sloane, Farmilo, East and Keillor; and a Bylaws and Legislation Committee of Bellamy (Chairman), Dineen, Collison, Findlay and Sheppard. In all, 45 council meetings were held that year. A money bylaw, to provide $330,000 for the School Board, was voted on and approved on 28 May. In addition, bylaws to provide $86,525 forthe City's share of grading and gravelling; $292,688 for a new wing to the Royal Alexandra Hospital; $50,000 for renovating Fire Hall No. 2; and $100,000 for additional equipment for the Fire Department, were all approved. A bylaw which proposed providing $23,860 for improvements to the flying field, however, was rejected. In the election held on 9 December 1929, ex-Aldermen James East and James McCrie Douglas fought each other forthe Mayor's chair. J. M. Douglas emerged as the victor, defeating East by almost 3,000 votes, and became Mayor of Edmonton for 1930. The aldermen for that year were, J. T. J. Col lisson, A. Farmilo, F. A. Keillor, R. V. Bellamy, C. L. Gibbs, D. K. Knott, R. Sheppard, J. W. Findlay, H. Baker and A. G. Gainer. D. Mitchell was re-appointed City Commissioner, and for the first time a number of aldermen were appointed to be deputy mayors. For 1930, those named were Gibbs, Keillor, Farmilo, Findlay and Collisson. Elected to the Public School Board that year were ST. Bigelow, F. W. crang, A. T. Cushing and A. E. Ottewell; and to the Separate School Board, and all by acclamation, B. J. Tansey, C. E. Gariepy, T. S. Magee and J. A. Ryan. The two standing committees for 1 930 were, a Finance Committee composed of Keillor (Chairman), Baker, Collisson, Farmilo and Gibbs; and a Bylaws Committee of Findlay (Chairman), Bellamy, Gainer, Knott and Sheppard. That year, 32 council meetings were held. A Plebiscite was held which asked the voters if they were in favour of having the arrangement of Wednesday afternoon closing of shops extended to cover all the year except the month of December. This was approved by a large majority. A number of bylaws were introduced that year. Bylaws for $35,000 for airport improvements; $175,000 for the City's share of certain street paving; $30,000 for the City's share of grading and gravelling; $73,500 for the City's share of construction costs of a subway under the tracks at 97 Street; $25,000 for the improve34
ment of the parks; $125,000 for the construction of a garbage incinerator; $85,000 for a new wing to the Royal Alexandra Hospital; $100,000 for work on the High Level Bridge approach (west side), and certain other bridges; and $40,000 for Fire Department equipment, were all approved. However, an additional bylaw for $190,000 for the construction of a concrete grandstand was rejeoted. A complete list of City Officials is given for 1930. T. Walker was appointed Assessor and J. Martland Building Inspector. C. E. K. Cox was reappointed City Clerk and T. S. Magee was made head of the Department of Civic Relief. J. C. F. Bown continued as City Solicitor, and J. Hodgson and A. W. Haddow were appointed respectively to the position of Comptroller and Engineer. F. Barnhouse was retained as Treasurer and S. Gosling, A. Dutton and G.H. Jardine were appointed to the posts of Claims Agent, Fire Chief and Head of the Garage. The new Medical Health Officer was Dr. R. B. Jenkins and J. Paterson, T. M. McCallum, E. Kendall and A. G. Shute were appointed Land Superintendent, License Inspector, Head of Market Board and Police Chief respectively. H. W. Rattenbury held the position of Purchasing Agent and Head of the Stores Department and W. Barnhouse was put in charge of Electric Light. The three positions of Superintendent of the Power House, Pumping Station and Street Railway were all held by W. J. Cunningham. R. Christie was made Superintendent of Telephones and J. W. Turner Superintendent of the Waterworks. 1930 witnessed the creation of numerous new boards and committees. A Hospital Board was composed of Aldermen Farmilo and Knott, G. W. Hazlett, Mrs. W. J. Ross and J. Suss. The chairman for 1 930 is not recorded, but J. A. Montgomery was appointed Secretary. The newly created Library Board consisted of Mrs. D. T. Bell, J. J. Duggan (Chairman) and J. Moon. The Librarian was E. L. Hill. An Industrial Committee came into existence during this year. It was composed of three separate boards. Council was represented by Aldermen Farmilo, Gainer and Keillor; the Chamber of Commerce by D. M. Duggan, E. T. Love and W. W. Prevey; and the Industrial Association by H. W. B. Douglas, N. A. Kilburn and C. R. Morrison. H. F. McKee was appointed Secretary of the Industrial Committee. The Town Planning Commission consisted of J. East, E. Underwood and Mrs. E. H. Wallace. Former Mayor A. U. G. Bury was made Chairman and J. F. D. Tanqueray acted as Secretary. A new Board of Health was composed of Dr. D. B. Leitch (Chairman), Dr. H. Orr and Alderman J. W. Findlay, with Mayor Douglas, Medical Health Officer, Dr. R. B. Jenkins and City Engineer, A. W. Haddow acting as ex-officio members.The Secretary was S. Main. A Boxing Commission was formed 35
in 1930, and the first members were Dean E. A. Howes, W. A. Irwin, R. G Stevenson, C. H. Croft and Dr. J. P. McCormick. The Edmonton Exhibition Association was created during this year. The Council representatives were, C. Berg, Rev. Canon, C. F. A. Clough, J. Driscoll, G. Latham, W. W. Prevey, Alderman R. Sheppard and H. G. Turner. The Association representatives were P. W. Abbott, C. C. Batson, Alderman J. T. J. Collisson, G. Cresswell, A. R. McDonell and A. R. McLellan. C. C. Batson was made Chairman, and Miss E. L. Holmes acted as Secretary. The Sinking Fund Board was composed of Alderman F. A. Keillor (Chairman), G. R. F. Kirkpatrick and S. H. Smith. F. Barnhouse was appointed Secretary. On 12 November 1 930 Mayor Douglas was re-elected to a second term by acclamation. His aldermanic colleagues for 1931 were, J. T. J. Collisson, D. B. Lake, C. L. Gibbs, D. K. Knott, R. Sheppard, C. G. O'Connor, A. G. Gainer, H. Baker, R. V. Bellamy and F. A. Keillor. The deputy mayors for that year, who served for approximately ten week terms, were, Gainer, Baker, Sheppard, Bellamy and Knott. D. Mitchell was once again re-appointed City Commissioner. The list of City Officials for 1 931 is exactly the same as that for 1930. S. A. G. Barnes, F. C. Casselman, E. G. Ferris and S. A. Dickson were elected to the Public School Board. Dickson was elected for one year to fill the unexpired term of S. T. Bigelow. Elected by acclamation, to the Separate School Board were, A. J. Crowe, W. D. Trainor and J. 0. Pilon. The standing committees for 1931 were, a Finance Committee of Collisson (Chairman), Baker, Gainer, Keillor and Knott; and a Bylaws Committee of Bellamy (Chairman), Gibbs, Lake, O'Connor and Sheppard. In all, City Council met on 39 occasions. Money bylaws for $180,000 for the City's share of street paving; $60,000 for the City's share of grading and gravelling; $100,000 for the erection of a new Central Police Station; and $11,525 for new equipment for the fire Department were all approved. However, proposed bylaws for $40,000 for the purpose of reconstructing the 131 Street Bridge on 102nd (Athabasca) Avenue; $60,000 for reconstructing the Bridge on 82nd Street over Rat Creek; $25,000 for developing and improving various public parks; and $775,000 for the use of Edmonton School District No. 7 were all rejected. An additional four School Board Money Bylaws, for monies totalling $785,000, were all rejected on 24 June. The Hospital Board for 1 931 consisted of A. J. Hale, J. W. Heron, Mrs. E. L. Hill, E. T. Love and Dr. G. E. Swallow. The Chairman was V. A. Porter, and J. A. Montgomery continued as Secretary. The Library Board 36
was composed of A. Boileau, J. E. Lundy and E. E. Roper. The Chairman's name is not recorded, but Mrs. E. L. Hill continued as Librarian. The Town Planning Commission was made up of G. Buchanan, H. Milton Martin (Chairman) and A. U. G. Bury, M. P. J. F. D. Tanqueray was retained as Secretary. The Board of Health for 1 931 consisted of Dr. H. Orr (Chairman), Alderman R. V. Bellamy, Dr. F. W. Crang, Dr. A. F. A. Anderson, Alderman Dr. F. A. Keillor and T. S. Magee. Mayor Douglas, Dr. R. B. Jenkins and City Engineer, A. W. Haddow once again acted as ex-officio members. S. Main continued as Secretary. The Boxing Commission was made up of the same members who had served in 1930. The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Alderman Baker and Gibbs, J. C. Bowen, J. East, A. C. Sloane and C. E. Wilson. The Association Representatives were G. R. Ball, C. C. Gillies, A. J. Ottewell, G. H. Rowswell, J. Sutherland and W. R. West. C. C. Batson continued as Chairman and Miss E. L. Holmes as Secretary. The Industrial Committee was enlarged by an additional sub-committee in 1931. Council was represented by Aldermen Baker, Collisson and Sheppard; the Chamber of Commerce by D. M Duggan, E. T. Love and W. W. Prevey; the Industrial Association by H.W. B. Douglas, N.A. Kilburn and C. R. Morrison; and the new Canadian Manufacturers' Association byJ. H. Pavey, G. E. Haywood and J. Peacock. W. W. Prevey was appointed Chairman and H. F. McKee continued as Secretary. The Sinking Fund Board for 1 931 consisted of Alderman Collisson (Chairman), G. R. F. Kirkpatrick and S. H. Smith. F. Barnhouse was retained as Secretary. Of historical interest, a new Administration Building was opened in February 1931, and was erected in close proximity to the Capital. It was a splendid architectural block of Tyndal stone in the classic style, containing 87,700 sq. ft. of floor space on five floors, having a frontage of 275 feet on 109th Street and a depth of 100 feet on the two wings. The architect was Professor C. S. burgess, the builder H. G. Macdonald, and the cost $900,000. In an election held on 11 November 1931, Mayor Douglas, seeking a third term of office, was soundly beaten by Alderman Daniel K. Knott, who gained over 13,000 votes. Mayor Knott's fellow members of council for 1932 were J. T. J. Collisson, D. B. lake, C. L. Gibbs, H. D. Ainlay, R. Sheppard, C. G. O'Connor, A. G. Gainer, H. Baker, J. W. Findlay and F. A. Keillor. The deputy mayors for that year were Aldermen Keillor, Gibbs, Collisson, Lake and O'Connor. Once again, D. Mitchell was retained as City Commissioner. The list of City officials for 1932 is exactly the same as that for 1 930 and 1931; with the exceptin that nobody is named to head the Garage and Waterworks Departments. 37
A. E. Ottewell, S. S. Bowcott, L. Y. Cairns and F. W. Crang were elected to the Public School Board, and by acclamation, B. J. Tansey, C. E. Gariepy, T. Magee and T. Malone were elected to the Separate School Board. The standing committees for 1932 were, a Finance Committee composed of Baker (Chairman), Findlay, Gibbs, Keillor and O'Connor; and a Bylaws Committee of Sheppard (Chairman), Ainlay, Collisson, Gainer and Lake. In 1932, City Council met 39 times. A plebiscite was held that year proposing that application be made for leave to amend the Edmonton Charter and the Edmonton-Strathcona Amalgamation Act. The plebiscite, passed by the north side, but rejected by the south side, was not approved. A money bylaw for $102,395 for the City's share of street paving, and another for $60,000 for the City's share of grading, gravelling and boulevarding were both approved; but bylaws for $16,700 for improving various public parks; $20,000 for a Fire substation at Jasper Avenue and 95th Street, $23,145 for a Police Supervisory Signal System; and $6,737 for radio apparatus and equipment forthe Police Force were rejected. The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives for 1 932 were Aldermen Gainer and Sheppard, C. Berg, J. Driscoll, R. V. McCosham, R. S. McKenzie and W. W. Prevey. The Association Representatives were P. W. Abbott, C. C. Batson, G. Creswell, A. R. McDonell, A. R. McLennan and L. Williams. J. Sutherland was elected Chairman and Miss E. L. Holmes continued as Secretary. The Hospital Board was composed of R. V. Bellamy, V. A. Porter, T. S. Thompson, Mrs. W. A. Wilson and L. E. Wood. E. T. Love was appointed Chairman and J. A. Montgomery was retained as Secretary. The Library Board consisted of J. E. Lundy (Chairman), W. W. McBain and J. Moon. E. L. Hill continued as Secretary. The Industrial Committee for 1932 was made up of a council committee represented by Aldermen J. T. J. Collisson, C. G. O'Connor and R. Sheppard; a Chamber of Commerce Committee of D. M. Duggan, E. T. Love and W. W. Prevey; an Industrial Association Committee of H. W. B. Douglas, A. Farmilo and C. R. Morrison; and a Canadian Manufacturers: Association Committee of J. H. Pavey, G. E. Haywood and J. Peacock. W. W. Prevey acted as Chairman and H. F. McKee was retained as Secretary. A. Driscoll, C. S. Burgess and J. M. Douglas made up the Town Planning Commission for 1932, with H. Milton Martin acting as Chairman and J. F. D. Tanqueray as Secretary. The Board of Health, chaired by Dr. H. Orr, composed of Dr. A. F. A. Anderson, Dr. F. W. Crang, Alderman J. W. Findlay, Alderman Dr. F. A. Keillor and W. D. Trainor; with Mayor Knott, Medical Health Officer, Dr. R. B. Jenkins and City Engineer, A. W. 38
Haddow acting as ex-officio members. S. Main was once again retained as Secretary. The Boxing Commission for 1932 was made up of Dean E. A. Howes, R. G. Stevenson (Secretary), C. H. Croft and W. A. Irwin; and the Sinking Fund Board consisted of Alderman Baker (Chairman), G. R. F. Kirkpatrick and S. H. Smith. F. Barnhouse continued as Secretary. On 9 November 1932, Mayor Knott easily won a second term of office. His colleagues on City Council for 1933 were J. W. Fry, J. T. McCreath, C. L. Gibbs, H. D. Ainlay, R. Sheppard, J. H. Ogilvie, A. G. Gainer, H. Baker, J. W. Findlay and J. East. Yet again, D. Mitchell was appointed City Commissioner. The deputy mayors for 1933 were Aldermen Sheppard, Ainlay, Findlay, Baker and Gainer. The list of City Officials for 1933 is the same as that for 1932, with the exception that A. Russell was appointed acting City Clerk, and H. F. McKee became head of the new Special Relief Department. In addition, A. W. Allbright was named to the vacant position of Garage Foreman, and R. J. Gibb to the vacant Superintendent of Waterworks office. S. A. G. Barnes, F. C. Casselman and E. G. Ferris were elected trustees of the Public School Board, and J.0. Pilon, A. J. Crowe and W. D. Trainor were elected, by acclamation, to the Separate School Board. In 1933, the standing committees were, a Finance Committee of Findlay (Chairman), East, Baker, Fry and Ainlay; and a Bylaws Committee of Gainer (Chairman), McCreath, Ogilvie, Gibbs and Sheppard. City Council met on 34 occasions this year. It is also of interest to note that no money bylaws were proposed this year, and for that matter were not to be again until 1938; a grim reminder of the effects of the Depression. The Hospital Board for this year was composed of A. Farmilo, G. W. Hazlett, D. B. Lake, Mrs. W. J. Ross and J. Suss. E. T. Love acted as Chairman, and J. A. Montgomery continued to serve as Secretary. J. J. Duggan, A. Boileau and E. E. Roper made up the Library Board, with J. E. Lundy as Chairman and E. L. Hill as Secretary. The Town Planning Commission for 1 933 was composed of Aldermen East and Ainlay, and E. Underwood. H. Milton Martin continued as Chairman, and J. F. D. Tanqueray as Secretary. The members of the Board of Health remained the same as that for 1932, with the exception that Alderman J. T. McCreath replaced Dr. A. F. A. Anderson. Dr. H. Orr continued as Chairman, and S. Main was re-appointed Secretary. The Edmonton Exhibition council Representatives were Aldermen Ainlay, Baker and East, Dr. J. P. Johnston, H. G. Turner and C. E. Wilson. The Association Representatives were G. R. Ball, J. M. Douglas, J. Lambert, G. H.
Rowswell, J. A. Sutherland (Chairman) and W. R. West. Miss E. L. Holmes continued as Secretary. For the Industrial Committee of 1933, council was represented by Aldermen Fry, Ogilvie and Sheppard; the Chamber of Commerce by D. M. Duggan, E. T. Love and W. W. Prevey; the Industrial Association by H. W. B. Douglas, A. Farmilo an C. R. Morrison; and the Canadian Manufacturers' Association by J. H. Pavey, G. E. Hayward and J. Peacock. W. W. Prevey and H. F. McKee retained their respective offices of Chairman and Secretary. The Boxing Commission members were the same as those for 1932; and the Sinking Fund Board was made up of Alderman Findlay (Chairman), G. R. F. Kirkpatrick and S. H. Smith. F. Barnhouse was re-appointed Secretary. Mayor Knott was elected to a third term for 1934. In the election, held on 8 November 1933, he amassed almost twice the number of votes as his nearest rival J.A. Clarke. His aldermanic colleagues on council for that year were J. W. Fry, J. T. McCreath, C. L. Gibbs (who died September 1934), H. D. Ainlay, R. Sheppard, J. H. Ogilvie, Miss M. Crang, R. V. Bellamy, J. W. Findlay and J. East. The deputy mayors for that year were Aldermen Gibbs, Fry, Ogilvie, East and McCreath. Again, D. Mitchell was appointed City Commissioner. There is only one change in the list of City Officials for 1934.T. E. Garside was appointed acting City.Solicitor in the place of J. C. F. Bown. The Public School Board Trustees for that year were S. S. Bowcott, F. W. Crang, W. Morrish and A. E. Ottewell. The Separate School Board Trustees were C. E. Gariepy, T. S. Magee, T. Malone and B. J. Tansey. The standing committees for 1934 were, a Finance Committee composed of Sheppard (Chairman), Findlay, East, McCreath and Ogilvie; and a Bylaws Committee of Fry (Chairman), Ainlay, Gibbs, Crang and Bellamy. In 1934, City Council met on 37 occasions. A plebiscite was held to ascertain whether the population was in favour of the Health Services administered by the Local Board of Health of the City of Edmonton and the Public and Separate School Boards being amalgamated and placed under the control of the Local Board of Health. The plebiscite was readily approved. The Sinking Fund Board for 1 934 was made up of Alderman Sheppard (Chairman), G. R. F. Kirkpatrick and S. H. Smith, F. Barnhouse was again retained as Secretary. The Hospital Board was composed of J. W. Heron, Mrs. E. L. Hill, E. T. Love, E. E. Owen and Dr. G. e. Swallow. A. Farmilo was appointed Chairman, and J. A. Montgomery continued as Secretary. Dr. A. F. Anderson was made Superintendent. J. E. Lundy (Chairman), B. Hager and Miss M. Crawford made up the Library Board, 40
and Mrs. E. L. Hill remained in her position of Librarian. The Industrial Committee was re-named the Joint Industries Committee. For 1934, Council was represented by Aldermen Fry, Ogilvie and Sheppard; the Chamber of Commerce by D. M. Duggan, E. T. Love and W. W. Prevey (Chairman); the Industrial Association by H. W. B. Douglas, A. Farmilo and C. R. Morrison; and the Canadian Manufacturers' Association by J. H. Pavey, G. E. Hayward and J. Peacock. H. F. McKee continued as Secretary of this Committee. The Town Planning Commission was made up of H. Milton Martin (Chairman), Mayor Knott and G. Buchanan, and the newly created Zoning Appeal Board was headed by J. F. Bagley. The 1934 Boxing Commission consisted of Dean E. A. Howes, W. A. Irwin (Chairman), R. G. Stevenson (Secretary), C. H. Croft and Dr. F. W. Crang. The Board of Health members were the same as those for 1933, with the exception that Alderman R. V. Bellamy replaced Alderman J. T. McCreath. The Edmonton Exhibition Association council Representatives for 1934 were Alderman Sheppard and Ogilvie, C. Berg, J. Driscoll, D. B. Mullen, W. W. Prevey and P. S. Bailey. The Association Representatives were P. W. Abbott (Manager), C. C. Batson, G. Cresswell, A. R. McDonel I, F. W. Kemp and L. Williams. J. M. Douglas was appointed Chairman and Miss E. L. Holmes continued as Secretary. In the election held on 14 November 1934, Mayor Knott sought a fourth term, but was defeated by ex-mayor Joseph A. Clarke, who after an absence of fifteen years had decided to run for office once again. The aldermen for 1935 were H. D. Ainlay. J. W. Findlay, A. Bisset, J. W. Fry, H. J. Macdonald, J. East, J. T. McCreath, Miss M. Crang, R. E. Foote and R. V. Bellamy. Bisset was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Alderman Sheppard who had entered the mayoralty race. D. Mitchell was re-appointed City Commissioner and R. J. Gibb was appointed to assist him in this capacity. The deputy mayors for 1935 were Miss Crang and Aldermen Ainlay, Findlay, Macdonald and Bisset. There are only three changes in the list of City Officials for this year. C.E.K. Cox resigned as City Clerk and was Succeeded by A. Russell. The office of Superintendent of the Power House and Pumping Station passed to A. Ritchie, and T. Ferrier became Superintendent of the Street Railway. S. A. G. Barnes, F. C. Casselman and Mrs. I. Ross were elected to the Public School Board, and A. J. Crowe, J. O'Hara and J. O. Pilon were elected to the Separate School Board. The two standing committees for 1935 were a Finance Committee made up of Fry (Chairman), Bellamy, East, Findlay and Foote; and a
Bylaws Committee of J. T. McCreath (Chairman), Macdonald, Ainlay, Crang and Bisset. That year, City Council met on 47 occasions. The Sinking Fund Board was made up of Alderman Fry (Chairman), G. R. F. Kirkpatrick and S. H. Smith. F. Barnhouse was retained as Secretary. The Hospital Board was composed of Alderman J. T. McCreath, the Rev. Canon Clough, L. E. Wood, E. J.Thompson and Mrs. I. G. Ringwood. V. A. Porter was appointed Chairman. Dr. A. F. Anderson continued as Superintendent and J. A. Montgomery as Secretary. A. Boileau, E. E. Roper and F. Marshall were the members of the Library Board, and J. E. Lundy and Miss E. L. Hill continued as Chairman and Librarian respectively. For the 1935 Joint Industries Committee, Council was represented by Aldermen Ainlay, Bisset and Fry; the Industrial Association by C. R. Morrison, H. W. B. Douglas and A. Farmilo; the Chamber of Commerce by D. M. Duggan, E. T. Love and W. W. Prevey (Chairman); and the Canadian Manufacturers' Association by J. H. Pavey, G. E. Hayward and R. M. Dingwall. Mayor Clarke and Commissioner Mitchell served as ex-officio members, and H. F. McKee was re-appointed Secretary. Serving on the Town Planning Commission were Mrs. D. Bowman, C. S. Burgess and J. M. Douglas. H. Milton Martin continued as Chairman. The Zoning Appeal Board was headed by R. D. Tighe, and the 1935 Boxing Commission consisted of W. A. Irwin (Chairman), C. H. Croft and Dr. F. W. Crang. R. G. Stevenson Remained as Secretary. The Board of Health was made up of Dr. H. Orr (Chairman), Dr. I. W. T. McEachern, Aldermen J. W. Findlay and R. V. Bellamy, Dr. F. W. Crang and J. O. Pilon. Mayor Clarke, Dr. R. B. Jenkins and A. W. Haddow acted as ex-officio members. S. Main was re-appointed Secretary. The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives for 1935 were Aldermen Ainlay, Fry, East and McCreath, H. G. Turner and A. J. Hale. The Association Representatives were G. R. Ball, J. M. Douglas (President), J. Lambert, G. H. Rowswell, J. A. Sutherland and C. E. Wilson. P. W. Abbott acted as Manager and Miss E. L. Holmes as Secretary. Memorial Hall Trustees are first recorded in 1935. These were J. C. McDougall, appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council; I. Stewart-Irvine and F. Deer, appointed by the Canadian Legion; Alderman J. East, appointed by City Council, and H. M. E. Evans, also appointed by City Council. Mayor Clarke easily won the election held on 13 November 1 935 and began his second term of office. His colleagues on City Council for 1936 were W. Cleveley, E. East, H. J. Macdonald, J. T. McCreath, Miss M. Crang, J. W. Fry, C. Gould, J. East, R. E. Foote and G. Patterson. The deputy mayors, in order of rotation, were Aldermen Miss Crang, Fry, 42
Foote, McCreath and J. East. Both R. J. Gibbs and D. Mitchell were retined as City Commissioners. The only change in the list of City Officials is that R. J. Gibb resigned his position as Superintendent of Waterworks and was succeeded by W. R. Mount. Elected to the Public School Board were S. S. Bowcott, F. W. Crang, W. Morrish and A. E. Ottewell (Chairman). By acclamation, C. E. Gariepy, T. Malone, R. D. Tighe and W. J. Wilde (South Side) were elected to the Separate School Board. The standing committees for 1 936 were a Finance Committee of J. East (Chairman), Foote, Clevely, McCreath and E. East; and a Bylaws Committee of Macdonald (Chairman), Miss Crang, Patterson, Fry and Gould. A plebiscite was held in which the voters were asked whether a candidate for mayor or alderman should be required to have a property qualification. The property qualification still stood after the election as the necessary 2/3 majority of electors were not in favour of repealing it. (See section 2 of the Edmonton Charter). Also, this year saw the authorization by City Council for the payment of aldermen. Their salary was fixed at $500 per annum. The members of the Sinking Fund Board were Alderman J. East (Chairman), G. R. F. Kirkpatrick and S. H. Smith. F. Barnhouse continued as Secretary. The Memorial Hall Trustees were the same as those for 1935. The Hospital Board members were Alderman Miss Crang, A. Farmilo, C. N. King, J. G. Suss and S. Parsons. V. A. Porter, Dr. A. F. Anderson and J. A. Montgomery retained their respective offices of Chairman, Superintendent and Secretary. The Library Board consisted of A. G. Aldridge, Mrs. E. T. Bishop and J. E. Lundy (Chairman). Miss E. L. Hill continued as Librarian. For the 1936 Joint Industries Committee, Council was represented by Aldermen Foote, Fry and Cleveley; the Chamber of Commerce by D. M. Duggan, E. T. Love and W. W. Prevey (Chairman); the Industrial Association by C. R. Morrison, H. W. B. Douglas and A. Farmilo; and the Canadian Manufacturers' Association by J. H. Pavey, G. E. Hayward and R. M. Dingwall. Mayor Clarke and Commissioners Mitchell and Gibb acted as ex-officio members. H. F. McKee continued as Secretary. The Town Planning Commission, chaired by H. Milton Martin, was made up of Alderman J. East, H. D. Ainlay and E. Underwood. The Council Representative on the Zoning Appeal Board was R. McCreath and R. P. Blakey served as Chairman. The Boxing Commission consisted of R. Haliburton (Chairman) and R. G. Stevenson, who also acted as Secretary. The Board of Health members for this year 43
were Dr. F. W. Crang (Chairman), J. 0. PiIon, Dr. E. Boissoneault, and Aldermen Gould and Fry. Mayor Clarke, Dr. R. B. Jenkins and A. W. Haddow . served as ex-oficio members and S. Main continued as Secretary. The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Aldermen Foote, Macdonald and Cleveley, C. Berg, F. R. Lovette, J. H. Ogilvie and D. Powers. The Association Representatives were P. W. Abbott (Manager), C. C. Batson, F. W. Kemp, A. McDonell, A. E. Ottewell and L. S. Williams. G. R. Ball served as President and Miss E. L. Holmes continued as Secretary. On 12 November 1 936 Mayor Clarke was re-elected to his third consecutive term of office, narrowly defeating J. M. Douglas at the polls. The aldermen for 1937 were J. W. Fry, H. J. Macdonald, W. Cleveley, E. East, J. H. Ogilvie, A. Bisset, G. Patterson, Miss M. Crang, C. Gould and J. T. McCreath. Appointed to be deputy mayors were Aldermen Patterson, Cleveley, East, Gould and Macdonald. Commissioner Mitchell resigned on 8 February and was succeeded by J. Hodgson. R. J. Gibb continued as the other City Commissioner. Only two changes are recorded in the list of City Officials for 1937. F. H. Drayton, succeeded T. S. Magee as Head of the Civic Relief Department, and R. G. Watson replaced A. Ritchie as Superintendent of the Power Plant and Pumping Station. F. C. Casselman, F. A. Ford and I. Ross were elected to the Public School Board, and A. J. Crowe, J. O'Hara and J. O. Pilon were elected, by acclamation, to the Separate School Board. • The two standing committees for 1937 were a Finance Committee composed of East (Chairman), Cleveley, Miss Crang, McCreath and Macdonald; and a Bylaws Committee of Patterson (Chairman), Gould, Fry, Ogilvie and Bisset. City Council met on 68 occasions this year. A plebiscite was introduced which asked if the voters were in favour of a two-year term for the Mayor. It was rejected by about 3,000 votes. Alderman East (Chairman), G. R. F. Kirkpatrick and S. H. Smith made up the Sinking Fund Board, and F. Barnhouse was retained as Secretary. The Hospital Board was composed of V.A. Porter (Chairman), E. E. Owen, E. E. Howard, E. T. Love and R. LeMaitre. Dr. A. F. Anderson continued as Superintendent and J. A. Montgomery as Secretary. The Library Board consisted of B. Hager, J. W. Adair, Mrs. M. A. Gilchrist and Mayor Clarke. A. G. Aldridge acted as Chairman and Miss G. Dobie as Librarian. The members of the Town Planning Commission were D. K. Knott, H. Milton Martin (Chairman) and G. P. Porton. Mrs. M. Fread served as Secretary. The Zoning Appeal Board was represented by A. G. Stewart (Alberta 44
Land Surveyors' Association), J. E. Bagley (Chairman) and Mrs. M. Fread (Secretary). For the 1937 Joint Industries Committee, Council was represented by Aldermen Bisset, Cleveley and Fry; the Industrial Association by C. R. Morrison, H. W. B. Douglas and A. Farmilo; the Chamber of Commerce by C. D. Jacox, R. M. Dingwall and W. W. Prevey (Chairman); and the Canadian Manufacturers' Association by J. H. Pavey, G. E. Hayward and W. R. Evans. Mayor Clarke and Commissioner Gibb acted as ex-officio members, and H. F. McKee continued as Secretary. The Boxing Commission was made up of Dr. F. W. Crang, F. Heller (Secretary) and C. H. Croft. R. Haliburton acted as Chairman. The Board of Health consisted of Dr. F. W. Crang (Chairman), J. 0. Pilon, Dr. R. M. Shaw, Mayor Clarke, and Aldermen Gould and Bisset. Dr. R. B. Jenkins and A. W. Haddow acted in an advisory capacity. S. Main continued as Secretary. The Memorial Hall Trustees remained the same as those for 1936. The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives were J. East, Alderman Patterson, D. B. Mullen, W. W. Prevey, W. Baldwin and R. Le Maitre. The Association Representatives were G. R. Ball (President), J. M. Douglas, J. Lambert, G. H. Rowswell, J. A. Sutherland and C. E. Wilson. P. W. Abbott served as Manager and Miss E. L. Holmes as Secretary. A number of new committees appeared in 1937. These were a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Patterson (Chairman), Cleveley and Bisset; a Power Committee of Aldermen Fry (Chairman), Patterson and Cleveley; a Relief Committee of Aldermen Miss Crang (Chairman), Cleveley and Fry; a Work-for-Wages Committee of Aldermen Fry (Chairman), Ogilvie and Macdonald (which also included an Advisory Board consisting of E. Skarin G. H. Macdonald, H. M. E. Evans, L. Mellish, P. Herring, A. J. Brown, E. Litchfield, C. Berg, J. Francis and P. Griffin); and an Advisory Taxation Committee of Aldermen Cleveley (Chairman), East, Fry and McCreath, A. E. Ottewell, F. C. Casselman, R. D. Tighe, F. W. Race, J. S. McCallum and P. B. Baragar. Alderman John Wesley Fry ran for mayor in the election held on 10 November 1937, and defeated ex-Mayor Clarke by over 3,000 votes. His aldermanic colleagues for 1938 were A. Biset, G. A. Campbell, F. C. Casselman, H. J. Macdonald, WT. McCreath, E. Brown, A. B. Paterson, J. H. Ogilvie, D. K. Knott and D. A. Grout. The deputy mayors for this year were Aldermen Ogilvie, McCreath, Paterson and Bisset. (Alderman Bisset was appointed for two terms). R. J. Gibb continued as City Commissioner and J. Hodgson remained as his assistant. There are two changes in the list of City Officials for 1938. A. A. Campbell succeeded J. Hodgson as Comptroller, and Dr. G. M. Little became the new Medical Health Officer. 45
S. Bowcott, G. E. Cleave, W. Morrish, A. E. Ottewell and S. B. Smith were elected to the Public School Board. (Bowcott was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of F. C. Casselman - who ran successfully for alderman). W. J. Wilde, H. Currie, C. E. Gariepy and J. B. Whelihan were elected by acclamation, to the Separate School Board. The two standing committees for 1938 were a Finance Committee consisting of McCreath (Chairman), Bisset, Campbell, Knott and Macdonald; and a Bylaws Committee of Ogilvie (Chairman), Casselman, Grout, Brown and Paterson. A plebiscite was held this year which asked the voters if they were in favour of the Mayor being elected annually by the members of the City Council from their number. The proposal was not approved. For the first time in seven years money bylaws were introduced. A bylaw for $35,000 for a hangar at the Municipal airport was approved; but another for $25,000 for a Police Signal System was rejected. On 15 June a School Money Bylaw for $300,000 was also rejected. In 1938, the Sinking Fund Board was composed of Alderman McCreath, G. R. F. Kirkpatrick and S. H. Smith. F. Barnhouse continued as Secretary. The members of the Nominations Committee were Aldermen McCreath (Chairman), Bisset and Knott; and the Relief Committee was made up of Aldermen Brown (Chairman), Grout and McCreath. The Advisory Taxation Committee included Aldermen Casselman, McCreath, Macdonald and Ogilvie, A. E. Ottewell, G. E. Cleave, W. J. Wilde, F. W. Race, J. S. McCallum, P. B. Baragar, F. J. Lorimer and W. L. Mc Beth. Th ree new committees appeared in 1938. The Farm Relief Settlement Committee was headed by Alderman Campbell; the Provincial Youth Rehabilitation Board by Alderman Casselman; and the Advisory Housing Commission was composed of D. E. MacDonald (Chairman), J. Martland (Building Inspector), G. S. Docherty (Secretary) and A. Farmilo. For the Joint Industries Committee, Council was represented by Aldermen Brown, Campbell and Grout; the Industrial Association by C. R. Morrison, H. W. B. Douglas and A. Farmilo; the Chamber of Commerce by A. J. Brown, R. M. Dingwall and W. W. Prevey; and the Canadian Manufacturers' Association by J. H. Pavey, G. E. Hayward and W. R. Evans. Mayor Fry and Commissioners Gibb and Hodgson acted as exofficio members, and H. F. McKee continued as Secretary. The Town Planning Commission was made up of Mrs. D. Bowman, Professor C. S. Burgess, J. B. Gillies, H. Milton Martin (Chairman) and Mrs. M. Fread (Secretary). The Zoning Appeal Board included G. H. MacDonald 46
(Alberta Architects' Association), J. E. Gabley (Chairman) and Mrs. M. Fread (Secretary). The Boxing Commission for 1 938 consisted of Dean E. A. Howes (Chairman), R. Haliburton, C. H. Croft and F. Heller (Secretary); and the Board of Health members were Dr. E. A. Roe, Dr. W. Morrish, Mayor Fry, J. 0. PiIon, Aldermen Casselman and Bisset, Dr. R. M. Shaw (Chairman) and S. Main (Secretary). Dr. G. M. Little and A. W. Haddow acted in an advisory capacity. The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives for 1938 were Alderman Macdonald, W. W. Cleveley, E. I. Clarke, R. sheppard, R. V. price, D. Powers and W. P. Bullock, The Association Representatives were P. W. Abbott (Manager), C. C. Batson, F. W. Kemp (President), A. McDonell, A. J. Ottewell, L. S. Williams and Miss E. L. Holmes (Secretary). The Hospital Board included Alderman McCreath, E. East, Dr. C. B. Willis, L. E. Wood (Chairman), Mrs. I. G. Ringwood, Dr. A. F. Anderson (Superintendent) and J. A. Montgomery (Secretary). The Library Board was made up of C. Gould, Mrs. J. f. Knight, A. G. Aldridge (Chairman) and Mayor Fry. The acting Librarian was Miss G. Dobie. The Memorial Hall Trustees remained the same - J. C. McDougall, I. Stewart-Irvine, F. Deer, H. M. E. Evans and J. East. Mayor Fry easily won the election held on 9 November 1938, and was re-elected to a second term of office for 1939. The aldermen for that year were S. Parsons, G. A. Campbell, F. C. Casselman, H. J. Macdonald, M. B. McColl, E. Brown, D. A. Grout, D. K. Knott, J. H. Ogilvie and A. B. Paterson. Aldermen Brown, Casselman, Grout, Campbell and Knott served as deputy mayors, and R. J. Gibb was re-appointed City Commissioner. The list of City Officials for 1 939 is exactly the same as that for 1938. F. Armour Ford, W.. McConachie and Mrs. W. J. Ross were elected to the Public School Board, and by acclamation, J. O'Hara, A. J. Crowe and J. 0. Pilon were elected to the Separate School Board. The two standing committees for 1939 consisted of a Finance Committee of Macdonald (Chairman), Brown, Casselman, Grout and Paterson; and a Bylaws Committee of Campbell (Chairman), Knott, McColl, Ogilvie and Parsons. The former met on 20 occasions, the latter on 22. In all, City council met 39 times this year. Two plebiscites were held in 1939. The first asked if the voters were in favour of the City borrowing $250,000 from either the Dominion or Provincial Governments, repayable over 20 to 35 years at an interest rate of 2% per annum, to construct low cost houses for rental purposes only. The second asked if the City should borrow the same amount, at 5 °/o interest, for the purpose of loaning money to individuals to construct dwelling houses in Edmonton. Both were rejected. 47
The 1 939 Sinking fund Board was chaired by Alderman Macdonald, and included G. R. F. Kirkpatrick, S. H. Smith and F. Barnhouse (Secretary). The Special Committees, as they are now called, included a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Ogilvie (Chairman), Campbell and Knott; a Relief Committee of Aldermen Grout (Chairman), Knott and Parsons; a Power Committee of Aldermen Ogilvie (Chairman), Macdonald, Campbell, Knott and Paterson; and an Archives Committee of A. E. Ottewell (Chairman), J. Blue, Commissioner Gibb and A. Russell (City Clerk and Secretary). The Advisory Taxation Committee was composed of Aldermen Macdonald (Chairman), Casselman and Ogilvie, A. E. °newel', G. E. Gleave, W. J. Wilde, Dr. G. J. Hope, F. W. Race, J. S. McCallum, P. B. Baragar, F. J. Lorimer and W. L. McBeth. The Farm Relief Settlement Board and the Provincial Youth Rehabilitation Board were headed respectively by Aldermen Campbell and Casselman. The 1939 Joint Industries Committee saw few changes. Alderman McColl replaced Alderman Brown for Council, and C. T. Christmas and W. Muir replaced G. E. Hayward and W. R. Evans for the Canadian Manufacturers' Association. The Town Planning Commission included J. East, W. Carse, A. M. Turner, H. Milton Martin (Chairman) and Mrs. M. Fread (Secretary); and the Zoning Appeal Board, J. E. Bagley (Chairman) and Mrs. M. Fread (Secretary). The Boxing Commission was made up of Dr. F. W. Crang (Chairman), F. Heller (Secretary) and W. Griffin; and the Board of Health of Aldermen Casselman and Parsons, C. E. Gariepy, Dr. W. Morrish, Dr. R. M. Shaw (Chairman), Dr. E. A. Roe and S. Main (Secretary). Dr. G. M. Little and City Engineer A. W. Haddow again served in an advisory capacity. The Edmonton Exhibition Association members were, for Council, Aldermen Ogilvie and Grout, A. Fraser Duncan, C. Berg, J. H. Wildman and W. W. Prevey; and for the Association, G. R. Ball, J. Paul, J. M. Douglas, G. H. Rowswel, J. A. Sutherland, C. E. Wilson, F. W. Kemp (President), P. W. Abbott (Manager) and Miss E. L. Holmes (Secretary). The Hospital Board included Miss M. Crang, C. Gould, G. Patterson, C. N. King, A. D. Bruce, V. A. Porter (Chairman), Dr. A. F. Anderson (Superintendent) and J. A. Montgomery (Secretary). The Library Board was composed of Mrs. R. M. Dingwall, Alderman Paterson (Chairman), A. E. Aspelund and Mayor Fry. Miss G. Dobie remained as Librarian. The 1 939 Memorial Hall Trustees were J. C. McDougall, W. R. McLaren, Colonel E. Brown, J. East and H. M. E. Evans. Mayor Fry was re-elected on 8 November 1939, and the aldermen for 1940 were S. Parsons, G. A. Campbell, F. C. Casselman, H. J. Macdonald, M. B. McColl, E. Brown, D. A. Grout, D. K. Knott, J. H. Ogilvie and A. B. Paterson. The deputy mayors were Aldermen Macdonald, Ogilvie, Parsons, Paterson and McColl. R. J. Gibb and J. Hodgson were 48
both re-appointed as City Commissioners. The only change in the list of City Officials is that J. T. McCreath became the City Purchasing Agent and Superintendent of the Stores Department. Elected to the Public School Board were M. M. Downey, A. E. Ottewell, S. B. Smith, R. L. Sutherland and S. Bowcott, and to the Separate School Board, R. L. Bouchard, M. Currie, R. D. Tighe and W. J. Wilde. The members of the Finance Committee were Aldermen Ogilvie (Chairman), Campbell, Knott, McColl and Parsons. The Bylaws Committee was made up of Aldermen Casselman (Chairman), Macdonald, Brown, Grout and Paterson. Both these committees met on 18 occasions in 1940, and City Council met 45 times. The Boxing Commission included C. H. Croft (Chairman), L. R. Dodds, L. Y. Cairns and F. Heller (Secretary); and there were only two changes on the Board of Health. H. currie and A. E. Ottewell replaced C. E. Gariepy and Dr. W. Morrish. The Hospital board was made up of S. A. Dickson, Alderman Campbell (Chairman), A. Farmilo, J. G. Suss, V. A. Porter, Dr. A. F. Anderson (Superintendent) and J. A. Montgomery (Secretary). The Library Board for 1 940 included J. 0. Pilon, W. D. Spence, A. Bisset, Mayor Fry, Alderman Paterson (Chairman) and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian). The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council members were Aldermen McColl, Knott, Macdonald and Paterson, E. I. Clarke H. W. J. Maddison, and R. V. Price. The Association members were P. W. Abbott (Manager), J. T. J. Coll isson, F. W. Kemp, A. Mc Donell, L. M. Rye, L. S. Williams, C. E. Wilson (President) and Miss E. L. Holmes (Secretary). A. Bisset replaced J. East as a Memorial Hall Trustee, and the 1940 Sinking Fund Board substituted Alderman Ogilvie for Alderman Macdonald.The Special Committees included a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Paterson (Chairman), Brown and Macdonald; a Relief Committee of Aldermen Knott (Chairman), Grout and Parsons; a Power Committee of all members of council; a Gas Rates Committee of Aldermen Campbell (Chairman), Ogilvie and Macdonald; a Transportation Committee of Aldermen Knott (Chairman), Paterson and McColl; and an Archives Committee of A. E. Ottewell (Chairman), J. Blue, Commissioner Gibb, H. C. Gourlay and A. Russell (Secretary). The Farm Relief Settlement and Provincial Youth Rehabilitation Boards were represented by Aldermen Casselman and Campbell. The newly created Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines was headed by Commissioner Gibb. There was only one change in the Joint Industries Committee for 1940. R. E. Emery replaced C. R. Morrison as a representative of the Industrial Association. the Town Planning Commission was made up of Alderman Knott, H. Milton Martin (Chairman), L. Winterburn and Mrs. M. Fread (Secretary); 49
and the Zoning Appeal Board included P. Forbes (Council Representative and Chairman) and Mrs. M. Fread (Secretary). It is of historical interest that Edmonton's first Town Clerk, A. G. Randall, died in this year. Mayor Fry was re-elected to his fourth term on 13 November 1940. The aldermen for 1 941 were S. Parsons, G. A. Campbell, A. Bisset, F. J. Mitchell, S. Bowcott, E. Brown, C. E. Gariepy, D. K. Knott, J. H. Ogilvie and A. B. Paterson. Serving as deputy mayors this year were Aldermen Campbell, Brown, Gariepy, Knott, and Paterson. R. J. Gibb and J. Hodgson were retained as City Commissioners. One new office was created a month the City departments - the Employment Bureau, and J. C. Ingram was appointed to head it. Elected to the Public School Board, by acclamation, were E. Gunderson, W. G. McConachie and Mrs. I. Ross. A. Crowe, J. O'Hara and J. 0. Pilon were also elected by acclamation to the Separate School Board. The standing committees for this year were a Finance Committee of Campbell (Chairman), Brown, Bisset, Mitchell and Paterson; and a Bylaws Committee of Knott (Chairman), Bowcott, Gariepy, Ogilvie and Parsons. These committees met on 17 and 19 times respectively, and City Council met on 33 occasions during the course of 1941. The Sinking Fund Board included Alderman Campbell (Chairman), G. F. R. Kirkpatrick, S. H. Smith and F. Barnhouse (Secretary).The Boxing Commission was made up of C. H. Croft (Chairman), W. Griffin, F. Heller (Secretary) and Dr. G. L. Williamson; and the Board of Health of Aldermen Brown and Parsons, Mayor Fry, H. currie, Dr. R. M. Shaw (Chairman), Dr L. P. Mousseau, A. E. Ottewell and S. Main (Secretary). Dr. G. M. Little and A. W. Haddow acted as advisors. The Edmonton Exhibition Association members were, for Council, Aldermen Ogilvie, Grout and Campbell, A. Fraser Duncan, C. Berg and J. H. Wildman. The Association members were G. R. Ball, J. M. Douglas, R. C. Marler, J. Paul, J. A. Sutherland, C. E. Wilson (President), P. W. Abbott (Manager) and Miss E. L. Holmes (Secretary). The members of the Hospital Board were Dr. P. H. Sprague, J. Dower, Mrs. T. Taylor, L. E. Wood, Aldermen Parsons and Campbell (Chairman), Dr. A. F. Anderson (Superintendent) and J. A. Montgomery (Secretary). The Library Board was composed of Mayor Fry, Mrs. R. M. Dingwall, Alderman Paterson (Chairman), A. E. Aspelund and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian). J. C. McDougall, W. R. McLaren, Colonel E. Brown, H. M. E. Evans and Alderman Bisset served as the Memorial Hall Trustees. The Special Committees for 1941, incltided Nominations - Aldermen Brown (Chair50
man), Campbell and Paterson; Relief - Aldermen Parsons (Chairman), Bowcott and Mitchell; and Transportation - Aldermen Knott (Chairman), Paterson and Gariepy. The Archives Committee included A. E. Ottewell (Chairman), J. Blue, Commissioner Gibb, H. C. Gourlay and A. Russell (Secretary). Commissioner Gibb also headed the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines. Alderman Campbell, J. M. Douglas and H. F. McKee constituted the Farm Relief Settlement Board, and the Gas Approval Board was made up of Alderman Brown (Chairman), D. Watson, D. E. Mould, M. D. Barry and G. P. Head. For the 1941 Joint Industries Committee, Council was represented by Aldermen Paterson, Ogilvie and Mitchell; the Chamber of Commerce by A. J. Brown, R. M. Dingwall and W. W. Prevey (Chairman); the Industrial Association by R. E. emery, H. W. B. Douglas and A. Farmilo; and the Canadian Manufacturers': Association by J. H. Pavey, H. Stutchbury and J. A. Tupper. Mayor Fry and Commissioners Gibb and Hodgson acted as ex-officio members, and H. F. McKee as Secretary. The Town Planning Commission included Mrs. D. Bowman, Professor C. S. Burgess, G. L. Parney and H. Milton Martin (Chairman); and the Zoning Appeal Board was headed by J. M. Douglas and P. forbes (Chairman). Mrs. M. Fread acted as Secretary for both of these bodies. Mayor Fry was re-elected yet again in the election held on 12 November 1941. His aldermanic colleagues for 1 942 were S. Parsons, J. M. Douglas, A. Bisset, F. J. Mitchell, S. Bowcott, Mrs. G. A. Clarke, C. E. Gariepy, H. D. Ainlay, J. H. Ogilvie and G. Paterson. R. J. Gibb and J. Hodgson continued as City Commissioners, and the deputy mayors for that year were Aldermen Ogilvie, Bowcott, Bisset, Parsons and Mitchell. Only two changes are recorded in the list of City Officials. J. C. Ingram was appointed to the Market Board, and E. J. Hogan was named to the newly created Billing Department. M. M. Downey, L. D. Hyndman, A. E. Ottewell and R. L. Sutherland were elected to the Public School Board, and by acclamation, W. J. Wilde, R. D. Tighe, T. Malone and R. L. Bouchard were elected to the Separate School Board. The 1942 Finance Committee, which met 16 times, was composed of Aldermen Bisset (Chairman), Ainly, Douglas, Gariepy and Parsons; and the Bylaws Committee, which met 11 times, of Mitchell (Chairman), Bowcott, Mrs. Clarke, Ogilvie and Patterson. That year City Council met on 27 occasions. Alderman Bisset (Chairman), G. R. F. Kirkpatrick, S. H. Smith and F. Barnhouse (Secretary) made up the Sinking Fund Board for 1942. The
Hospital Board included Mrs. C. E. McManus, Mrs. P. Page, V. Pearson, E. East, Dr. W. A. Atkinson, G. A. Campbell (Chairman), Dr. A. F. Anderson (Superintendent) and M. Ross (Secretary); and the Library Board, J. 0. Pilon (Chairman), L. Y. Cairns, W. D. Spence and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian). The Memorial Hall Trustees were the same as those for 1941, and the Boxing Commission was composed of C. H. Croft, L. R. Dodds, A. Dower, W. Griffin (Chairman) and F. Heller (Secretary). The only changes on the Board of Health were that Alderman Gariepy replaced Alderman Brown, and A. J. Crowe replaced H. Currie. The Council Representatives on the Edmonton Exhibition Association were Alderman Bisset, Colonel E. Brown, A. B. Paterson, E. I. Clarke, H. W. J. Maddison, R. V. Price and C. D. Mackenzie, and the Association Representatives were P. W. Abbott (Manager), J. T. J. Collisson, F. W. Kemp, A. McDonell, L. M. Rye, L. S. Williams and C. E. Wilson (President). The Special Committees included Nominations -Aldermen Mitchell (Chairman), Bisset and Patterson; Relief- Aldermen Bowcott (Chairman), Mitchell and Patterson; and Transportation - Aldermen Gariepy (Chairman), Ainlay and Mitchell. The Archives and Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines Boards remained unchanged from 1941, and Alderman Douglas replaced Alderman Brown as Chairman of the Gas Approval Board. There were only three changes on the Joint Industries Committee. Alderman G. Patterson replaced Alderman A. B. Paterson for Council, and J. A. Christiansen and G. E. Hayward replaced H. Stutchbury and J. A. Tupper as representatives of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association. The Town Planning Commission was made up of A. Farmilo, W. Carse, R. Paul and H. Milton Martin (Chairman); and the Zoning Appeal Board of R. H. Cautley and S. T. Lawrie (Chairman). Once again, Mrs. M. Fread acted as Secretary for both. The new Advisory Board re Tag Days included Mayor Fry (ex-officio), Aldermen Bisset and Ogilvie, H. A. Craig, F. E. Dynes, R. V. McCosham and 0. C. McIntyre. A number of newspaper articles are recorded under 1942. One notes the death of ex-Waterworks Superintendent J. W. Turner, and another the death of former-Alderman L. S. C. Dineen. The City Messenger, J. Pullman retired this year, and Police Chief A. G. Shute announced his retirement for June 1942, after having served for 22 years. Also included is a report on the death of Edmonton's first Fire Chief, J. A. Jackson. Mayor Fry was re-elected to serve again in 1943 in the election held on 12 November 1942. The same aldermen served this year as in 1942, and R. J. Gibb and J. Hodgson were both re-appointed City Commis52
sioners. The deputy mayors were Aldermen Patterson, Gariepy, Mrs. Clarke, J. M. Douglas and H. D. Ainlay. The only change in the list of City Officials was that M. Blackwood succeeded A. G. Shute as Police Chief. Elected to the Public School Board were G. A. Gemeray, A. L. Marks, W. G. McConachie and Mrs. W. J. Ross. A. J. Crowe, J. A. Gallant, F. J. Killeen, J. O'Hara and J. 0. Pilon were elected to the Separate School Board. The members of the Finance Committee this year were J. M. Douglas (Chairman), and Aldermen Ainlay, Gariepy, Parsons and Patterson; and the members of the Bylaws Committee were Bowcott (Chairman), Bisset, Mrs. Clarke, F. J. Mitchell and J. H. Ogilvie. Respectively, these committees met 16 and 17 times. In 1943, City Council met on 30 occasions. A plebiscite was held which asked if the voters approved of establishing an eight hour day for the members of the Edmonton Fire Department, to commence within one year next following the cessation of hostilities in the present war. The plebiscite was approved. The Sinking Fund Board was made up of Alderman Douglas (Chairman), G. R. F. Kirkpatrick, S. H. Smith and F. Barnhouse (Secretary). The Hospital Board included G. A. Campbell (Chairman), S. A. Dickson, A. Farmilo, V. A. Porter, H. Harrison, Dr. A. F. Anderson (Superintendent) and M. Ross (Secretary); and the Library Board, Mayor Fry, Aldermen Mrs. Clarke and Bisset, S. Gee, W. D. Spence (Chairman) and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian). The Memorial Hall Trustees were J. C. McDougall, H. E. Tanner, J. H. Van Slyke, Alderman Bisset and H. M. E. Evans. The Boxing Commission consisted of Dr. F. W. Crang, W. Griffin (Chairman) and F. Heller (Secretary); and the Board of Health of Mayor Fry, Aldermen Parsons and Ainlay, J. A. Gallant, A. E. Ottewell (Chairman), Dr. R. M. Shaw, Dr. E. A. H. Roe and Miss C. Rose (Secretary). Dr. G. M. Little and A. W. Haddow acted as advisors. The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Aldermen Ogilvie and Ainlay, C. Berg, W. W. Cleveley, W. Muir and J. H. Wildman; and the Association Representatives were C. E. Wilson (Manager), J. R. Ball, Alderman Douglas, R. C. Marler, J. Paul, J. A. Sutherland and L. S.Williams (President). The Special Committees included Nominations - Aldermen Douglas (Chairman), Ainlay and Parsons; Housing - Aldermen Patterson (Chairman), Ainlay, Ogilvie and Parsons; and Transportation - Aldermen Gariepy (Chairman), Ainlay and Mitchell. A. E. Ottewell (Chairman), J. Blue, Commissioner Gibb, H. C. Gourlay and A. Russell (Secretary) made up the Archives Committee; and once again Commissioner Gibb headed the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines. The Gas Approval Board was composed 53
of Alderman Bowcott (Chairman), D. Watson, D. E. Mould, M. D. Barry and G.P. Head. For the 1943 Joint Industries Committee representatives, for Council, were Aldermen Mitchell, Ogilvie and Patterson; for the chamber of Commerce, A. J. Brown, R. M. Dingwall and W. W. Prevey (Chairman), for the Industrial Association, R. E. Emery, H. W. B. Douglas and A. Farmilo; and for the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, J. A. Christiansen, G. E. Hayward and J. H. Pavey. Mayor Fry and Commissioners Gibb and Hodgson acted as ex-officio members, and H. F. McKee acted as Secretary. The Town Planning Commission included Alderman Bowcott, H. Milton Martin (Chairman), L. Winterburn and Miss H.Thompson (Secretary); and the Zoning Appeal Board, G. H. Macdonald, S.T. Lawrie (Chairman) and Miss H.Thompson (Secretary).The members of the Advisory Board re Tag Days were Alderman Bisset and Ogilvie, H. A. Craig, Mrs. F. E. Dynes, R. V. MacCosham, 0. C. Mcl ntry, A. W. Taylor and C. V. Dacre, Mayor Fry acted as an ex-officio member. The election held on 10 November 1943 saw Mayor Fry re-elected to yet another Term of office. His colleagues on Council for 1944 were Aldermen J. H. Ogilvie, J. M. Douglas, A. Bisset, S. Bowcott, S. Parsons, F. J. Mitchell, H. D. Ainlay, W. Manilton, C. E. Gariepy and M. M. Downey.The deputy Mayors for this year were Aldermen Bisset, Bowcott, Mitchell, Parsons and Ogilvie. R. J. Gibb and J. Hodgson continued as City Commissioners. There were four changes in the list of City Officials for 1944. C. M. Smail replaced F. Barnhouse as Treasurer; R. Jennings replaced M. Blackwood as Police Chief; R. J. Foster replaced T. M. McCallum as License Inspector; and M. C. Dewar replaced J. Martland as Building Inspector. Elected to the Public School Board were F. J. Newson, A. E. Ottewell, B.F. Robertson and R. L. sutherland; and elected, by acclamation, to the Separate School Board were W. J. Wilde, J. A. Gallant, T. Malone and J. O. Pilon. The standing committees for 1944 were a Finance Committee, which met 13 times, of Mitchell (Chairman), Bisset, Bowcott, Hamilton and Ogilvie; and a Bylaws Committee, which met 15 times, of Parsons (Chairman), Ainlay, Douglas, Downey and Gariepy. City Council met on 32 occasions. The Sinking Fund Board was composed of Alderman Mitchell (Chairman), A. A. Campbell, S. H. Smith and C. M. Smail (Secretary). The Town Planning Commission was made up of Professor C. S. Burgess, R. V. Bellamy, W. J. Tree, H. Milton Martin (Chairman) and Miss H. Thompson (Secretary). The Zoning Appeal Board included S. T. Lawrie (Chairman) 54
and Miss H. Thompson (Secretary). The members of the Boxing Commission were C. H. Croft, Dr. L. R. Dodds (Chairman), Alderman Downey and F. Heller (Secretary). The only changes on the Board of Health were that Alderman Hamilton (Chairman) replaced Alderman Parsons, and Dr. G. A. Greenway replaced A. E. Ottewell. The 1944 Hospital Board included Aldermen Mitchell and Parsons, G. Patterson, Dr. M. Hunter, A. F. Duncan, V. Pearson (Chairman), Dr. A. F. Anderson (Superintendent) and M. Ross (Secretary). The Library Board members were J. O. Pilon, L. Y. Cairns (Chairman), W. D. Spence, Mayor Fry and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian). W. J. Williams replaced J. H. Van Slyke as a Memorial Hall Trustee. The only change on the Special Committees for 1944 was that Aldermen Ogilvie (Chairman), Bisset and Bowcott became the Nominations Committee. The only change in the Joint Industries Committee was that Aldermen Hamilton and Downey replaced Aldermen Ogilvie and Patterson as council resentatives for 1944 were Aldermen Bisset and Gariepy, A. B. Paterson, E. I. Clarke, H. W. J. Maddison, C. D. MacKenzie and R. Mogridge. The Association Representatives were A. F. Duncan, F. W. Kemp, A. McDonell, R. V. Price, L. M. Rye, L. S. Williams (President) and C. E. Wi lson (Manager). On 1 November 1944, Mayor Fry was re-elected to yet another term of office. The aldermen for 1945 were J. H. Ogilvie, J. M. Douglas, A. Bisset, S. Parsons, S. Bowcott, F. J. Mitchell, H. D. Ainlay, W. Hamilton, C. E. Gariepy and M. M. Downey. The deputy mayors were Aldermen Doublas, Ainlay, Hamilton, Gariepy and Downey, R. J. Gibb and J. Hodgson were re-appointed City Commissioners, and there were no changes in the list of City Officials. G. M. Cormie, G. A. Gemeray and Mrs. I. Ross were elected to the Public School Board, and, by acclamation, A. J. Crowe, F. J. Killeen and J. O'Hara were elected to the Separate School Board. The two standing committees were a Finance Committee, which met 13 times, of Bowcott (Chairman), Ainlay, Downey, Gariepy and Hamilton; and a Bylaws Committee, which met 17 times, of Bisset (Chairman), Douglas, Mitchell, Ogilvie and Parsons. In 1945, City Council met 35 times. The Sinking Fund Board consisted of Alderman Bowcott (Chairman), A. A. Campbell, S. H. Smith and C. M. Smail (Secretary). The members of the Boxing Commission were Dr. F. W. Crang (Chairman), A. G. Shute and F. Heller (Secretary); and of the Board of Health Aldermen Ainlay and Gariepy, Mayor Fry, J. A. Gallant, Dr. G. A. Gemeray Dr. R. M. Shaw, Dr. E. A. H. Roe (Chairman), Dr. G. M. Little, A. W. 55
Haddow and Miss C. Rose (Secretary). The Special Committees were the same as those for 1944, with the exception that Aldermen Douglas (Chairman), Ainlay and Downey now comprised the Nominations Committee. The Town Planning Commission was made up of W.T. Aiken,W. Carse, Alderman Bowcott, H. Milton Martin (Chairman) and Miss H. Thompson (Secretary); and the Zoning Appeal Board of W. J. A. Mustard, S. T. Lawrie (Chairman) and Miss H. Thompson (Secretary). The Representatives of the Edmonton Exhibition Association were, for Council, Aldermen Ogilvie, Ainlay and Bowcott, C. Berg, W. Muir and J. H. Wildman; and for the Association, W. C. Bissell, Alderman J. M. Douglas, R. C. Marler, J. Paul, J. A. Sutherland, C. E. Wilson (Manager) and L. S. Williams (President). The Memorial Hall Trustees were J. C. McDougall, H. E. Tanner, W. J. Williams, H. M. E. Evans and Alderman Bisset. The Hospital Board was made up of J. Dower, Dr. P. H. Sprague, Miss I. MacMillan, M rs. C. E. McManus, Dr. W. A. Atkinson, V. Pearson (Chairman), T. P. Roberts (Secretary) and Dr. A. F. Anderson (Superintendent). The members of the Library Board were D. R. I nnes, C. E. Lee, Alderman Bisset (Chairman), Mayor Fry and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian). The new Recreation Commission was headed by W. C. Richards. City Clerk A. Russell announced his retirement during this year. Also R. G. Watson resigned from the Power Plant and was succeeded by W. I. M cFarland. G. S. Docherty was named City Clerk, and D. B. Menzies succeeded R. J. Gibb as City Commissioner. W. Barnhouse retired from the City Light Department and was succeeded by D. C. Raitt. After serving for eight years, Mayor Fry did not run in the election held on 7 November 1945 and died in December 1946. The new mayor was Harry Dean Ainlay, an alderman of much experience. Mayor Ainlay's aldermanic colleagues fro 1 946 were J. H. Ogilvie, F. J. Mitchell, J. B. Gillies, J. M. Douglas, A. Bisset, S. Bowcott, S. Parsons, J. R. Munro, C. E. Gariepy and Mrs. E. M. Browne (who resigned 23 September). The deputy mayors were Aldermen Bowcott, Mitchell, Bisset, Parsons and Ogilvie. Elected to the Public School Board were M. E. Butterworth, F. A. Ford, E. S. Haynes, J. C. MacDonald and A. E. Ottewell; and to the Separate School Board W. J. Wilde, J. A. Gallant, T. Malone and J. 0. Pilon. The standing committees were a Finance Committee, which met 15 times, of Parsons (Chairman), Bisset, Gariepy, Gillies and Mitchell, and a Bylaws Committee of Ogilvie (Chairman), Bowcott, Mrs. Browne, Douglas and Munro.This committee met 16 times. In 1946, City Council met on 39 occasions. 56
Alderman Parsons (Chairman), A. A. Campbell, S. H. Smith and C. M. Smail (Secretary) made up the Sinking Fund Board; and the Town Planning Commission members were W. Carse, H. Milton Martin (Chairman), L. Winterburn and Miss P. Goodenough (Secretary). W. J. A. Mustard, S. L. Lawrie (Chairman) and Miss P. Goodenough (Secretary) made up the Zoning Appeal Board. The Hosiptal Board was composed of G. A. Campbell, S. A. Dickson, A. Farmilo, V. A. Porter, V. Pearson (Chairman), Dr. A. F. Anderson (Superintendent) and M. Ross (Secretary). The Library Board members were J. 0. Pilon, W. D. Spence, P. J. Lazarowich, Mayor Ainlay, D. I nnes (Chairman) and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian). For the Edmonton Industrial Development Board, the Council Representatives were Aldermen Mitchell and Gillies, and Commissioner Hodgson, and for the Chamber of Commerce, C. E. Garnett (Chairman), 0. C. McIntyre and A. M. MacDonald. C. Berg represented the Trades and Labour Council and R. T. Rose acted as Secretary. The members of the Boxing Commission were C. H. Croft, Dr. L. R. Dodds, F. W. Kemp, Dr. F. W. Crang (Chairman) and F. Heller (Secretary); and of the Board of Health, Aldermen Browne and Gariepy (Chairman), J. A Gallant, Mayor Ainlay, Mrs. M. E. Butterworth, Dr. E. A. H. Roe, Dr. R. M. Shaw, Dr. G. M. Little, A. W. Haddow and Miss C. Rose (Secretary). The Nominations Committee was made up of Aldermen Douglas (Chairman), Ogilvie and Browne; the Housing Committee of Aldermen Bowcott (Chairman), Browne and Gillies; and the Utilities Committee of Aldermen Ogilvie (Chairman), Bowcott, Browne, Munro and Douglas. The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Aldermen Bisset and Gariepy, M. M. downey, J. D. Paterson, L. P. Bromham, E. I. Clarke (President), and H. W. J. Maddison. The Association Representatives were G. McDonald, F. W. Kemp, A. McDonell, R. V. Price, L. M. Rye, L. S. Williams and C. E. Wilson (Manager). The Gas Approval Board remained the same as that of 1945. The War Assets Corporation Board members were the City Commissioners and Aldermen Parsons, Mitchell and Bisset; and the Juvenile Delinquents Committee consisted of Aldermen Ogilvie (Chairman) and Browne, and F. H. Drayton. The members of the Recreation Commission were W. C. Richards (Chairman), J. B. McGuire (Supervisor) and Miss A. D. Callaway (Secretary). The Memorial Hall Trustees were d. C. McDougall H. E. Tanner, W. J. Williams, H. M. E. Evans and Alderman Bisset. On 6 November 1946, Mayor Ainlay was re-elected to a secon.d term of office, defeating his rival, T. J. Cairns, by 21,000 votes. The aldermen for 1947 were J. M. Douglas, C. E. Gariepy, J. B. Gillies, J. R. Munro, H. E. Tanner, A. Bisset, S. Bowcott, S. Parsons, J. H. Ogilvie and F. J. Mitchell.
The deputy mayors were Aldermen Douglas, Gariepy, Munro, Gillies and Tanner. D. B. Menzies and J. Hodgson were re-appointed City Commissioners, and the list of City Officials remained unchanged. J. C. MacDonald, J. L. Morrison, R. H. Rae and A. Stewart were elected to the Public School Board; and A. J. Crowe, F. J. Killeen, J. O'Hara and W. C. Bateman to the Separate School Board. The standing committees for 1947 were a Finance Committee, which met 15 times, of Gariepy (Chirman), Bowcott, Douglas, Munro and Tanner; and a Bylaws Committee of Gillies (Chairman), Bisset, Mitchell, Ogilvie and Parsons. The Bylaws Committee met 17 times, and City Council met on 33 occasions during the course of the year. A plebiscite held that year asked the electorate if they were in favour of Daylight Saving Time being put into operation in the City of Edmonton from a date in the month of April to a date in the month of September. The plebiscite was approved. The Sinking Fund Board was composed of Commissioner Hodgson, A. A. Campbell and C. M. Smail (Secretary); and Commissioner Menzies headed the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines. The members of the Nominations Committee were Aldermen Munro (Chairman), Gariepy and Gillies; and of the Utilities Committee, Aldermen Bisset (Chairman), Gillies, Mitchell, Ogilvie and Parsons.The Gas Approval Board members remained unchanged; and the new Child Welfare Committee included Aldermen Munro and Tanner, and F. H. Drayton. For the Industrial Development Board, the Council Representatives were Aldermen Gillies and Mitchell, and G. W. Curtis; and for the Chamber of Commerce, C. E Garnett (Chairman), J. A. Tupper and J. Walker. The Trade and Labour Council Representative was C. Berg. Professor C. S. Burgess (Chairman), R. V. Bellamy, W. T. Aiken and Miss P. Goodenough (Secretary) made up the Town Planning Commission; and the Zoning Appeal Board members were W. E. Zinkan, S. T. Lawrie (Chairman) and Miss P. Goodenough (Secretary). The Boxing Commission consisted of Dr. F.W. Crang, A. G. Shute, F. Heller (Secretary) and F. W. Kemp (Chairman); and the only changes on the Board of Health were that Alderman Munro replaced Alderman Browne, and Professor A. Stewart replaced Mrs. M. E. Butterworth. The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Aldermen Ogilvie, Bowcott and Mitchell, C. Berg, W. Muir and J. H. Wildman; and the Association Representatives were W. C. Bissell, Alderman Douglas, F. Duncan, R. C. Marler, J. Paul, C. E. Wilson (Manager) and E. I. Clarke (President). 58
The Hospital Board members were Aldermen Mitchell and Parsons, A. J. Brown, G. Patterson, A. F. Cuncan, V. Pearson (Chairman), Dr. A. F. Anderson (Superintendent) and M. Ross (Secretary). Alderman Bisset, D. R. Innes, C. E. Lee (Chairman), Mayor Ainlay and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian) made up the 1947 Library Board. The Memorial Hall Trustees and the Recreation Commission members remained unchanged. It is recorded that former Mayor G. S. Armstrong (1911 and 1912), died in June 1947. In the election held on 5 November 1947, Mayor Ainlay was reelected to a third term of office. The aldermen for 1948 were A. Bisset, S. Bowcott, F. J. Mitchell, J. H. Ogilvie, S. Parsons, J. M. Douglas, F. A. Ford, C. E. Gariepy, G. E. Gleave and H. E. Tanner; and the deputy mayors were Aldermen F. J. Mitchell, S. Bowcott, S. Parsons, A. Bisset and J. H. Ogilvie. D. B. Menzies and J. Hodgson were re-appointed as City Commissioners, and among the list of City Officials the new post of Airport Manager was filled by J. Bell. Elected to the Public School Board were G. H. Brown, M. E. Butterworth, S. A. Graham and W. G. Morrow; and to the Separate School Board, W. C. Bateman, J. A. Gallant, T. Malone and J. 0. Pilon. The two standing committees for 1948 were a Finance Committee of Mitchell (Chairman), Bisset, Gleave, Ogilvie and Parsons; and a Bylaws Committee of Douglas (Chairman) Bowcott, Ford, Gariepy and Tanner. The number of City Council and Committee meetings is not recorded for 1948. The Sinking Fund Board was composed of Commissioner Hodgson, A. A. Campbell and C. M. Smail (Secretary). The Special Committees included a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Bisset (Chairman), Parsons and Tanner; a Child Welfare Committee of Aldermen Gleave (Chairman) and Tanner, and F. H. Drayton (ex-officio), a Civic Auditorium Committee of Aldermen Bisset, Ford and Tanner; and a Utilities Committee of Aldermen Tanner (Chairman), Douglas, Bowcott, Ford and Gariepy. Commissioner Menzies headed the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines; and the Archives and Landmarks Committee included M. M. Downey, W. E. Edmonds (Chairman), T. E. Garside and Mrs. M. Williams (Secretary).The 1948 Board of Health was composed of Aldermen Gariepy (Chairman) and Gleave, J. A. Gallant, Mayor Ainlay, Dr. G. H. Brown, Dr. E. A. H. Roe, Dr. R. M. Shaw, Dr. G. M. Little, A. W. Haddow, and Miss C. Rose (Secretary); and the Boxing Commission was made up
of C. M. Croft, Dr. L. R. Dodds, F. W. Kemp, A. G. Shute (Chairman) and F. Heller (Secretary). The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Aldermen Bisset and Gariepy, L. P. Bromham, E. I. Clarke, M. M. Downey, H. W. J. Maddison and J. D. Patterson; and the Association Representatives were F. W. Kemp, A. McDonell, G. A. McDonald, R. V. Price (President), L. M. Rye, L. S. Williams and C. E. Wilson (Manager). For the Industrial Development Board, the Council Representatives were G. W. Curtis (Secretary), and Aldermen Ford and Mitchell; the Chamber of Commerce Representatives were C. E. Garnett (Chairman), J. A. Tupper and J. Walker; and the Trades and Labour Council Representative was C. Berg. The members of the Gas Approval Board were Aldermen Bowcott (Chairman), J. C. Jefferson, D. Watson, D. E. Mould, J. Fairhead, W. J. Leat, M. C. Dewar, J. Booth, G. P. Mead and J. H. Thorogood (Secretary). The Hospital Board was made up of Dr. P. H. Sprague, Miss I. MacMillan, Mrs. C. E. McManus, S. W. Field, Dr. I. R. Bell, V. Pearson (Chairman), Dr. A. F. Anderson (Chairman) and M. Ross (Secretary); and the Library Board of H. Balfour, M. L. Lavallee, P. J. Lazarowich (Chairman), Mayor Ainlay and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian). The Memorial Hall Trustees were J. C. McDougall, H. E. Tanner, W. J. Williams, H. M. E. Evans and Alderman Bisset; and the Recreation Commission composed of Aldermen Tanner and Parsons, S. A. Graham, A. J. Crowe, J. Bill, W. C. Richards (Chairman) and Mrs. E. Montie (Secretary). The members of the Town Planning Commission were R. Allsopp, Alderman Bowcott, J. T. J. Coll isson, Professor C. S. Burgess (Chairman) and Miss P. Goodenough (Secretary); and the Zoning Appeal Board included J. Martland, S. T. Lawrie (Chairman) and Miss P. Goodenough (Secretary). Mayor Ainlay began his fourth term of office by winning the election held on 3 Nobember1948.The Aldermen for 1949 wereJ. M. Douglas, F. A. Ford, C. E. Gariepy, G. E. Cleave, H. E. Tanner, A. Bisset, S. Bowcott, R. F. L. Hanna, F. J. Mitchell and S. Parsons; and the deputy mayors were Aldermen Tanner, Douglas, Gariepy, Cleave and Ford. Commissioners Menzies and Hodgson were both re-appointed. There were three major changes in the list of City Officials. Assessor T. Walker retired and was succeeded by J. A. MacDonald. City Treasurer, C. M. Smail, and City Comptroller, A. A. Campbell, both retired and were replaced by W. A. Plowman and F. C. Ockenden. H. B. Fowler, J. C. MacDonald and R. H. Rae were elected to the Public School Board; and A. J. Crowe, F. J. Killeen and J. O'Hara were elected to the Separate School Board. 60
For 1949, the Finance Committee was composed of Aldermen Ford (Chairman) Bowcott, Douglas, Gariepy and Tanner; and the Bylaws Committee of Parsons (Chairman), Bisset, Gleave, Hanna and Mitchell. Commissioner Hodgson, F. C. Ockenden and W. A. Plowman (Secretary) made up the Sinking Fund Board; and the Industrial Development Board Representatives were, for Council, G. W. Curtis (Secretary), and Aldermen Ford and Mitchell; For the Chamber of Commerce, C. E. Garnett (Chairman), J. A. Tupper and B. W. Pitfield; and for the Trades and Labour Council, C. Berg. The Memorial Hall Trustees and the members of the Gas Approval Board remained unchanged from 1948. The members of the Hospital Board were G. A. Campbell, S. A. Dickson, A. Farmilo, W. A. Porter, V. Pearson (Chairman), Dr. D. R. Easton (Superintendent) and M. Ross (Secretary); and of the Library Board, Alderman Ford, D. R. lnnes, Miss C. Manser, Mayor Ainlay, H. Balfour (Chairman) and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian). The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives were C. Berg, Aldermen Bowcott and Mitchell, W. Muir, J. H. Ogilvie and J. H. Wildman. the Association Representfives were W. C. Bissell, Alderman Douglas, A. F. Duncan, R. C. Marler, J. Paul (Manager), C. E. Wilson and R. V. Price (President). The members of the Town Planning Commission were W. Carse, Alderman Tanner, L. Winterburn. Professor C. S. Burgess (Chairman) and Miss P. Goodenough (Secretary); and of the Zoning Appeal Board, B. Green, L. D. Hyndman (Chairman) and Miss P. Goodenough (Secretary). The Recreation Commission consisted of Mrs. D. Barnhouse, W. C. Richards (Chairman), R. Stanley, Mrs. H. Thornton, Mrs. E. Montie (Secretary) and J. Farina (Executive Director of Recreation). The Board of Health included Aldermen Tanner and Gleave, J. A. Gallant, Mayor Ain lay, Dr. G. H. Brown (Chairman), Dr. R. M. Shaw, Dr. D. R. Easton, Dr. G. M. Little, A. W. Haddow and Miss C. Rose (Secretary). Dr. E. S. Allin, A. Wynnychuk (Secretary) and A. G. Shute (Chairman) made up the Boxing Commission. Commissioner Menzies headed the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines; and the Archives and Landmarks Committee was composed of Alderman Bowcott, A. M. Dechene, D. Innes, Mrs. 0. J. Walker, W. E. Edmonds (Chairman) and Mrs. M. Williams (Secretary). The Special Committees included a Child Welfare Committee of Aldermen Gleave (Chairman), Tanner and Bowcott; a Civic Auditorium Committee of Aldermen Bisset (Chairman), Parsons and Hanna; a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Tanner (Chairman), Bisset and Douglas; a Utilities Committee of Aldermen Bisset (Chairman), Gleave, Hanna, Mitchell and Parsons; a Civic Administratioan Committee of Aldermen Ford (Chairman), Mitchell, Gariepy and Douglas; and a Parks Committee
of Bisset (Chairman), Mitchell and Parsons. Two new Boards were created in 1949, a Master Painters' Examining Board of G. R. Blanchett, F. Ayriss and M. C. Dewar; and a Master Plasterers' Examining Board of S. Askew, F. Blanchard and M. C. Dewar. The new Mayor for 1 950 was Sidney Parsons, the ex-alderman, who was elected on 2 November 1949. The Aldermen for 1950 were A. Bisset, S. Bowcott, E. I. Clarke, R. F. L. Hanna, F. J. Mitchell, Dr. R. M. Clare, F. A. Ford, W. Hawrelak, K. L. Lawson and H. E.Tanner; and the deputy mayors were Aldermen Mitchell, Bisset, Clarke, Bowcott and Hanna. D. B. Menzies and J. Hodgson were re-appointed City Commissioners. By acclamation, M. E. Butterworth, J. H. Thorogood, G. H. Brown and J. W. K. Shortreed were elected to the Public School Board; and L. T. Keylor, J. A. Gallant, A. J. O'Neill and J. 0. Pilon to the Separate School Board. The two standing committees for 1950 were a Finance Committee of Hanna (Chairman), Bisset, Bowcott, Hawrelak and Lawson; and a Bylaws Committee of Tanner (Chairman), Clare, Clarke, Ford and Mitchell. This year City Council proposed a number of money bylaws which would create debenture debts. These included $1,260,000 for paving streets and bus routes; $1,000,000 for a four lane vehicular traffic deck on the High Level Bridge; $140,000 for equipment for the City Engineer's Department; $110,000 for the erection of two buildings for the use of the Engineer's Department; $25,000 to enlarge the City's paving plant; $245,000 for new Fire Stations; $405,000 to purchase equipment for the Fire Department; $40,000 for comfort station buildings; and $12,500 for the erection of shelters and toilets for children using City playgrounds. All were approved. The Special Committees included a Welfare Committee of Aldermen Hanna (Chairman), Clare and Tanner; a Uniform City Act Committee of Aldermen Bisset (Chairman), Mitchell and Tanner; a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Bowcott (Chairman), Hawrelak and Mitchell; a Utilities Committee of Aldermen Hawrelak (Chairman), Bisset, Bowcott, Hanna and Lawson; and a Parks Committee of Aldermen Mitchell, Clare and Clarke. The members of the Gas Approval Board were Alderman Bowcott (Chairman), J. C. Jefferson, D. Watson, D. E. Mould, J. Fairhead, W. J. Leat, R. F. Duke, J. Booth, R. Wicks and J. H. Thorogood (Secretary). The Town Planning Commission included G. Clark, K. Stanley and Miss M. Henkel (Secretary); and the Zoning Appeal Board L. D. Hyndman (Chairman) and Miss R. Meikle (Secretary). The members of the Hospital
Board for 1950 were Alderman Mitchell, A. J. Brown, A. Farmilo, J. McIntyre, G. Patterson, Dr. D. R. Easton (Superintendent) and G. Hollingshead (Secretary). The Library Board was composed of H. Balfour (Chairman), M. L. Lavallee, A. McTavish, Mayor Parsons and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian). Commissioner Hodgson, F. C. Ockenden and W. A. Plowman (Secretary) made up the Sinking Fund Board; and W. C. Richards headed the Recreation Commission. The Edmonton Industrial Board Council Representatives were Aldermen Bowcott, Hawrelak and Lawson; the Chamber of Commerce Representatives were C. E. Garnett, J. A. Tupper and B. W. Pitfield; and . the Trades and Labour Council Representative was C. Berg. G. W. Curtis acted as Secretary. The Archives and Landmarks Committee included M. M. Downey, W. F. Edmonds (Chairman), T. E. Garside and Mrs. M. Williams (Secretary). The Master Painters' Examining Board was made up of G. R. Blanchett, F. Ayriss, C. K. Collins, L. Mullot and R. F. Duke; and the Master Plasterers' Examining Board was composed of S. Askew, F. Blanchard, E. Kennedy, F. Ratigan and R. F. Duke. The members of the Board of Health were Aldermen Ford and Clarke, J. A. Gallant, Mayor Parsons, Dr. G. H. Brown, Dr. D. R. Easton, Dr. R. M. Shaw (Chairman), Dr. G. M. Little, J. D. A. MacDonald and Miss C. Rose (Secretary). The 1 950 Boxing Commission included C. H. Croft, L. R. Dodds (Chairman), F. W. Kemp, Alderman Clarke and A. Wynnychuk (Secretary). The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Alderman Bisset, E. I. Clarke, J. Deltombe, W. J. Connelly, C. D. Jacox, H. W. J. Maddison (President) and J. D. Paterson; and the Association Representatives were J. W. Hosford, F. W. Kemp, G. A. McDonald, R. V. Price, L. M. Rye, L. S. Williams and J. Paul (Manager). The Memorial Hall Trustees were J. C. McDougall, E. T. Brown, A. F. MacDonald, H. M. E. Evans and Alderman Bisset. On 1 November 1950, Mayor Parsons was re-elected to a second term of office. The members of City Council for 1951 were F. J. Mitchell, E. I. Clarke, A. Bisset, R. F. L. Hanna, D. I nnes, F. A. Ford, R. M. Clare, K. L. Lawson, W. Hawrelak and H. E. Tanner. The deputy mayors were Aldermen Ford, Hawrelak, Tanner, Lawson and Clare; and D. B. Menzies and J. Hodgson were both re-appointed as City Commissioners. By acclamation, C. R. Cummins, H. B. Fowler and R. H. Rae were elected to the Public School Board, and A. J. Crowe, F. J. Killeen and J. O'Hara were elected to the Separate School Board. The two standing committees were a Finance Committee composed of Aldermen Hawrelak (Chairman), Clare, Mitchell, Ford and Tanner; and a Bylaws Committee of Bisset (Chairman), Clarke, Hanna, Innes and Lawson. 63
Among the money bylaws proposed in 1 951 were $1,225,095 for paving streets and bus routes; $100,000 for equipment for the Engineer's Department; $175,000 for new fire stations; $76,000 for equipment for the Fire Department; $250,000 for additions to the main Police Station; $1,035,000 for the erection of a new maternity building at the Royal Alexandra Hospital; $1,200,000 for additions and renovations to the Royal Alexandra Hospital; and $150,000 for the construction of an outdoor swimming pool. These were all approved, however, proposals for $500,000 for a new High Level Bridge traffic deck; $50,000 for a concrete grandstand at Renfrew Ball Park; and the development of a Civic Centre were all rejected. The Special Committees included a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Bisset (Chairman), Clarke and Tanner; and a Utilities Committee of Aldermen Mitchell (Chairman), Clare, Ford, Hawrelak and Tanner. The newly created Edmonton District Planning Commission included N. Dant and J. Holloway (Chairman); and the Technical Planning Board was chaired by J. D. A. MacDonald. The members of the Master Painters' Examining Board were G. R. Blanchett, F. Ayriss, R. Milligan, L. D. Clarke and R. F. Duke. The 1951 Hospital Board included Dr. I. R. Bell, S. W. Field (Chairman), Miss I. MacMillan, A. Miller, Mrs. T. H. Field, Dr. D. R. Easton (Superintendent) and G. Hollingshead (Secretary). The Library Board members were H. G. Johnson (Chairman), Miss C. Manser, Alderman Tanner, Mayor Parsons, and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian). The Board of Health was composed of the same members as in 1950, with the exception that Alderman Mitchell replaced Alderman Clarke; and the Boxing CommisStanley, Professor Morrison, R. W. Grierson and Miss Meickle (Secre(Secretary) and R. Haliburton (Chairman). There was only one change on the Industrial Development Board in 1951, with Alderman Clarke replacing Alderman Bowcott. The Memorial Hall Trustees and the Recreation Commission remained the same as in 1950. The new Architectural Panel was composed of J. A. MacDonald, R. F. Duke (Chairman), N. Dant, K. Stanley, Professor Morrison, R. w. Grierson and Miss Meickle (Secretary). The members of the Garage and Service Station Board were Alderman Ford (Chairman), J. T. Kallal, A. McCallum, T. Mattison and K. Nielsen. The Archives and Landmarks Committee included S. Bowcott, A. M. Dechene, R. W. Hedley, Mrs. 0. J. Walker, W. E. Edmonds (Chairman) and Mrs. M. Williams (Secretary). The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives were C. Berg, S. Bowcott, Aldermen Hawrelak, Mitchell and Tanner, an dJ. H. Wildman. The Association Representatives were W. C. Bissell, L. P. Bromham, R. C. Marler, W. Muir, J. Paul (Manager), C. E. Wilson and H. W. J. Maddison (President). The new Civic Centre Committee included Aldermen Clarke (Chairman), 64
Hanna, Bisset and M itchell, W. Hamilton, T. D. Baker, H. G. MacDonald, L. A. Thorssen and J. A. Young; and the Master Plasterers' Examining Board was made up of J. Neher, F. Blanchard, E. Kennedy, F. Ratigan and R. F. Duke. The Sinking Fund Trustees remained the same as in 1950; and the members of the Gas Approval Board were Alderman Clare, J. C. Jefferson, W. H. Thornton (Chairman), J. H. Scott, C. H. E. Smith, L. E. MacQuarrie, R. F. Duke, J. Booth, R. Winter and J. H. Thorogood (Secretary). A number of new committees appeared in 1951. These included a Board of Examiners and Appeals composed of J. Booth, S. Hrudey, R. H. Rae, M. C. Dewar and Dean R. M. Hardy, a Taxicab Board of one City Commissioner, the License Inspector, the Police Chief, the City Solicitor (Chairman), E. P. Babcock, D. Erickson and P. Lawrence; and Assessment Appeal Board of S. B. Ferris, G. B. Henwood (Chairman) and H. Blackburn (Secretary); and an Interim Development Appeal Board of Alderman Hawrelak, L. Hyndman (Chairman), B. Green, A. G. Stewart, J. Martland, J. F. McDougall, A. D. Campbell and Miss Holmwood (Secretary). In the Selection held on 7 November 1951 Alderman William Hawrelak defeated Mayor Parsons by almost 20,000 votes and began an administration that would last for eight years. His aldermanic colleagues for 1952 were F. J. Mitchell, E. I. Clarke, jr., A. Bisset, D. lnnes, R. F. L. Hanna, M rs. T. H. Field, R. M. Clare, A. J. Larson, A. W. Miller and H. E. Tanner; and the deputy mayors were Aldermen Hanna, Bisset, Innes, Mitchell and Clarke. D. B. Menzies and J. Hodgson were reappointed City Commissioners, and G. S. Docherty remained as City Clerk. A. M. Dechene, A. Lenon, C. McGrath and W. Sereda were elected as trustees of the Separate School Board; and, by acclamation, Dr. W. E. Webber, J. W. K. Shortreed, Mrs. M. E. Butterworth and J. H. Thorogood were elected to the Public School Board. The standing committees for 1952 were a Finance Committee of lnnes (Chairman), Miller, Clarke, Hanna and Mitchell; and a Bylaws Committee of Clare (Chairman), Mrs. Field, Larson, Bisset and Tanner. Among the money bylaws proposed and approved that year were $1,060,000 for the City's share of paving; $300,000 for modernizing and enlarging the City incinerator; and $200,000 for construction equipment and traffic light equipment for the City Engineer's Department. Rejected was a bylaw for $65,000 for extensions to the City Engineer's yard and shop buildings. 65
The Sinking Fund Trustees were Commissioner Hodgson, F. C. Ockenden and W. A. Plowman (Secretary); and the Gas Approval Board members included Alderman Mitchell (Chairman), J. G. Dale, R. H. Mahoney, J. H. Scott, C. H. E. Smith, L. E. Johnson, R. F. Duke, J. Booth, R. Winter, L. Tracey and J. H. Thorogood (Secretary). The Master Painter's Examining Board included G. R. Blanchett, F. Ayriss, S. Lee. L. Mullott and R. F. Duke; and the Master Plasterers' Examining Board was composed of E. Kennedy, J. Murland and R. F. Duke. The Hospital Board members were R. Easton (Superintendent), V. A. Porter, Dr. D. B. Leitch, E. W. Stibbards, G. K. Wynn, Aldermen Bisset, Hanna, Clarke, Field and Miller, A. J. Brown, J. L. McIntyre (Chairman), J. M. Robinson, Dr. W. Eadie, W. C. Richards and G. Hollingshead (Secretary). The Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Aldermen Clarke, Innes, Clare, Hanna and Tanner, W. J. Connelly, J. Deltombe, C. D. JacoX, K. L. Lawson, W. Stevens, J. Peter, I. Telmer and H. G. Turner. The Association Representatives were E. I. Clarke, snr., J. W. Hosford, G. A. McDonald, H. W. J. Maddison, L. M. Rye (President), L. S. Williams, W. C. Bissell, L. P. Bromham, R. C. Marler, J. Paul (Manager), J. D. Paterson and W. Muir. The Boxing Commission was composed of J. Bill (Chairman), Alderman Clarke, R. Haliburton, Dr. L. Williamson, C. Gilbert, K. L. Lawson, M. Palmer, R. G. McDiarmid and W. Murphy (Secretary); and the District Planning Commission was headed by N. Dant. The Library Board members were Mrs. H. Buchanan, Dr. W. D. McDougall, Mrs. A. Maure, H. G. Johnson (Chairman), T. S. Magee, Alderman Tanner, Mayor Hawrelak and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian); and the Interim Development Appeal Board was made up of Alderman Mitchell, L. Hyndman (Chairman), B. Green, A. G. Stewart, J. Martland, J. F. McDougall, A. A. Campbell and Miss L. Norgen (Secretary). The Memorial Hall Trustees were J. C. McDougall, E. T. Brown, A. F. MacDonald, H. M. E. Evans and Alderman Bisset; and the Recreation Commission included Alderman Innes, Clare and Larson, C. R. Cummins, A. Lenon, E. Samis, Mrs. D.J. Douglas, C. Simmonds (Chairman), Dr. M. L. Van Vliet and J. Farina (Executive Director). The Special Committees for 1952 included a Nominations Committee of Alderman Tanner (Chairman), Hanna and Mitchell; a Utilities Committee of Aldermen Hanna (Chairman), Miller, Clarke, Innes and Mitchell; a Welfare Committee of Aldermen Clare, Field and Tanner; and a Civil Defence Committee of Mayor Hawrelak (Chairman), Aldermen Clarke, Hanna and Tanner, and Commissioners Menzies and Hodgson. Commissioner Menzies also headed the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines. 66
The Industrial Development Board members were Aldermen Bisset, Larson and Miller, C. E. Garnett, J. A. Tupper, B. W. Pitfield and G. W. Curtis (Secretary). The Garage and Service Station Board included Alderman Larson (Chairman), J. T. Kallal, A. McCallum, T. Mattison and K. Nielson. The Architectural Panel was made up of J. A. MacDonald, R. F. Duke (Chairman), N. Dant, K. Stanley, Professor Morrison, R. W. Grierson and Miss Meikle (Secretary). The members of the Archives and Landmarks Committee were A. A. Campbell, Mrs. F. A. Conroy, W. E. Edmonds (Chairman), Mrs. M. Williams (Secretary), R. W. Hedley, Mrs. D. J.Teviotdale, Mrs. 0. J. Walker and J. M. Roxburgh; and the Taxicab Board included the Commissioner, the License Inspector, the Police Chief, the City Solicitor (Chairman), E. P. Babcock, D. L. Erickson and P. Lawrence. The Board of Examiners and Appeals members were J. Booth, S. Hrudey, R. H. Rae, M. C. Dewar and Dean R. M. Hardy; and the Board of Health was made up of Aldermen Clare and Field, W. Sereda, Dr. W. E. Webber, Dr. D. R. Easton (Chairman), Dr. R. Kelly, Mayor Hawrelak, Dr. G. M. Little, J. D. A. MacDonald and Miss C. Rose (Secretary). On 15 October 1952 Mayor Hawrelak was re-elected to his second term of office. City Council members for 1953 were Dr. R. M. Clare, M rs.T. H. Field, A. J. Larson, A. W. Miller, H. E. Tanner, E. I. Clarke, R. F. L. Hanna, F. J. Mitchell, J. C. MacDonald and Mrs. E.Wilson. The deputy Mayors were Aldermen Field, Larson, Clare, Miller and Tanner. D. B. Menzies and J. Hodgson remained as City Commissioners, and G. S. Docherty as City Clerk. The Public School Board Trustees were Mrs. M. E. Butterworth, J. W. K. Shortreed, J. Thorogood, Dr. W. E. Webber, C. R. Cummins, H. B. Fowler and R. H. Rae (Chairman); and the trustees of the Separate School Board were A. M. Dechene, A. Lenon, Miss C. McGrath, W. Sereda, A. J. Crowe, F. J. Killeen (Chairman) and J. O'Hara. The Standing Committees were a Finance Committee of Aldermen Mitchell (Chairman), Field, Larson, MacDonald and Tanner; and a Bylaws Committee of Aldermen Hanna (Chairman), Clare, Clarke, Miller and Wilson. Money bylaws passed that year included $1,250,000 for City paving; $175,000 for Engineer's Department equipment; $550,000 for the construction of a new incinerator; $825,000 to finish building and equipping the new maternity wing of the Royal Alexandra Hospital; and $1,000,000 for the City's share of constructing a West-End Bridge. The Special Committees included a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Clare (Chairman), Miller and Tanner; a Utilities Committee of
Aldermen Mitchell, Field, Larson, MacDonald and Tanner; a Welfare Committee of Aldermen Clare, Field and Tanner; and a Civil Defence Committee of Mayor Hawrelak (Chairman), Aldermen Hanna, Mitchell and Tanner, and the City Commissioners. The Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Mitchell (Chairman), J. W. McDiarmid, C. L. Jackson, and W. A. Plowman (Secretary). The Industrial Development Board members were Aldermen MacDonald, Larson and Miller, C. E. Garnett (Chairman), J. A. Tupper, B. W. Pitfield, H. G. Turner and G. W. Curtis (Secretary); and the Garage and Service Station Board included Alderman Miller(Chairman), A. Burrell, A. McCallum, T. Mattison and K. Nielsen. The members of the Hospital Board were Judge Bissett, A. J. Brown, Aldermen Hanna, Clarke, Field, Miller and MacDonald, J. L. McIntyre (Chairman) J. M. Robinson, Dr. W. Eadie, W. C. Richards, M. Ross, E. W. Stibbards, Dr. D. B. Leitch, R. Easton (Superintendent) and G. Hollingshead (Secretary). N. Dant Chaired the District Planning Commission. The Boxing Commission was made up of C. Gilbert, K. L. Lawson, M. Palmer, R. G. McDiarmid (Chairman), Alderman Clarke, J. Bill, R. Haliburton, Dr. L. Williamson and W. Murphy (Secretary); and the Architectural Panel of J. A. MacDonald, R. F. Duke (Chairman), N. Dant, K. Stanley, R. W. Grierson and Miss Meikle (Secretary). The Archives and Landmarks Committee was composed of R. W. Hedley, Mrs. D. J. Teviotdale, Mrs. 0. J. Walker, J. M. Roxburgh, A. A. Campbell, Mrs. C. Campbell, Miss M. A. Hamilton, J. P. Page and Mrs. M. Williams (Secretary). The Council Representatives of the Exhibition Association were Aldermen Clare, Hanna, Tanner, Clarke, Miller, Mitchell and Larson, J. Peter, I. Telmer, H. G. Turner, C. D. Jacox, W. J. Connelly, and W. Stevens. The Association Representatives were W. C. Bissell, L. P. Bromham, R. C. Marler, J. Paul (Manager), J. D. Paterson, W. Muir, R. Easton, J. W. Hosford, G. A. MacDonald, H. W. J. Maddison, L. M. Rye (President), L. S. Williams and Miss B. E. Bannerman (Secretary).The Gas Approval Board was made up of Alderman Mitchell (Chairman), J. G. Dale, R. H. Malbey, C. Anderson, C. H. E. Smith, L. E. Johnson, R. F. Duke, J. Booth, R. Winter, L. Tracey and J. H. Thorogood (Secretary). The members of the Board of Examiners and Appeals were J. Booth, S. Hrudey, R. H. Rae, M. C. Dewar and N.A. Lawrence; and of the Board of Health, Aldermen Wilson and Field (Chairman), Miss C. McGrath, Dr. W. E. Webber, Dr. M. M. Sereda, Dr. R. Kelly, Mayor Hawrelak, Dr. G. M. Little, J. D. A. MacDonald and Miss C. Rose (Secretary). The Library Board 68
members were H. G. Johnson, A. S. Macrae, Alderman Tanner, Mrs. A. Maure, Dr. W. D. McDougall (Chairman), Mrs. H. Buchanan, Mayor Hawrelak and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian); and the Interim Development Appeal Board members remained the same as in 1952. The Recreation Commission consisted of Mrs. D. J. Douglas, Aldermen Larson, Wilson and Clare, C. Simmonds (Chairman), Dr. ML. Van Vliet, C. R. Cummins, A. Lenon, E. Samis and J. Farina (Executive Director). Alderman Tanner replaced Alderman Bisset as a Memorial Hall Trustee. Mayor Hawrelak was re-elected, by acclamation, to his third term of office on 14 October 1953. City Council for 1954 was composed of E. I. Clarke, H. Harries, F. J. Mitchell, J. C. MacDonald, Mrs. E. wilson, Dr. R. M. Clare, A. W. Miller, C. A. Roy, C. Simmonds and H. E. Tanner. J. M. Tweddle was appointed City Commissioner, together with D. B. Menzies, and G. S. Docherty was re-appointed City Clerk. Mrs. M. E. Butterworth, J. W. K. Shortreed, J. F. Falconer, W. H. Cowley, R. Stevenson, H. B. Fowler and R. H. Rae (Chairman) were elected to the Public School Board; and A. J. Crowe, F. J. Killeen, J. O'Hara, A. M. Dechene (Chairman), A. Lenon, Miss C. McGrath and W. Sereda were elected to the Separate School Board. The standing committees for 1954 were a Finance Committee of Clarke (Chairman), Miller, Roy, Simmonds and Wilson; and a bylaws Committee of Clare (Chairman), Harries, MacDonald, Mitchell and Tanner. Money bylaws proposed that year were for $1,250,000 for City paving; $200,000 for equipment for the Engineer's Department; $75,000 for improvements to the Borden Park swimming pool; $50,000 for the development of public playgrounds, playground shelters and wading pools; and $335,000 for the construction of another building at the Royal Alexandra Hospital. All were approved. This year, the Special Committees included a Nominations Committee of Aldermen MacDonald (Chairman), Clarke and Mitchell; a Utilities Committee of Aldermen Clarke, Roy, Miller, Simmonds and Wilson; a Welfare Committee of Aldermen Clare, Tanner and Roy; a Civil Defence Committee of Mayor Hawrelak (Chairman), Aldermen Clare, Wilson and Tanner and Commissioners Tweddle and Menzies; and a Civic Centre Committee - Aldermen Mitchell (Chairman), MacDonald, Clare, Miller and Tanner. 69
The Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Clarke, J. W. McDiarmid, C. L. Jackson and W. A. Plowman (Secretary). The Boxing Commission members were Aldermen Clarke, Harries and Simmonds, J. Bill, Dr. L. Williamson (Chairman), M. Palmer, R. G. McDiarmid, K. Lawson and W. Murphy (Secretary); and the District Planning Commission was headed by Alderman Mitchell. The Hospital Board included Aldermen Clarke, Miller, MacDonald, Roy and Tanner, Mrs. T. H. Field, Dr. W. Eadie, W. C. Richards, M. Ross, E. W. Stibbards, Dr. D. B. Leitch, R. Easton (Chairman), P. Miskew, H. C. Watson, S. Wrigglesworth, Dr. D. R. Easton (Superintendent) and G. Hollingshead (Secretary). The Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines was headed by Commissioner Menzies; and the Architectural Panel was composed of J. A. MacDonald, R. F. Duke (Chairman), N. Dant, G. R. Ascher, K. Stanley, C. W. Carry, P. Buttar and Miss Meikle (Secretary). The members of the Archives and Landmarks Committee were A. A. Campbell (Chairman), Mrs. C. Campbell, Miss M.A. Hamilton,J. P. Page, R. W. Hedley, Mrs. D.J. Teviotdale, H. C. Graham and Mrs. M. Williams (Secretary). The Industrial Development Board members were Aldermen MacDonald, Mitchell and Harries, C. E. Garnett, J. A. Tupper, B. W. Pitfield, J. L. McIntyre and G. W. Curtis (Secretary); and the Garage and Service Station Board was composed of Alderman Miller (Chairman), A. Burrell, A. McCallum, T. Mattison and K. Nielsen. The Board of Examiners and Appeals was made up of J. Booth, S. Hrudey, R. H. Rae, M. C. Dewar (Chairman), and N. A. Lawrence; and the Board of Health was composed of Aldermen Wilson (Chairman) and Roy, J. O'Hara, W. H. Cowley, M. M. Sereda, H. D. Webb, Dr. W. Orobko, Mayor Hawrelak, Dr. G. M. Little, J. D. A. MacDonald and Miss C. Rose (Secretary). The Gas Approval Board members were Alderman Mitchell, J. G. Dale (Chairman), R. H. Malbey, A. Anderson, C. H. E. Smith, L. E. Johnson, R. F. Duke, J. Booth, R. Winter, L. Tracey and G. N. Campbell (Secretary). The Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Aldermen Clarke, Miller, Mitchell, Simmonds, Clare and Tanner, C. D. Jacox, W. J. Connelly, W. Stevens, A. J. Larson, J. Peter, I. Telmer and H. G. Turner. The Association representatives were R. Easton, J.W. Hosford, G.A. McDonald, H. W. J. Maddison, L. M. Rye, L. S. Williams, W. C. Bissell (President), L. P. Bromham, R. C. Marler, W. Muir, A. J. Ottewell, J. Paul (Manager) and Miss B. E. Bannerman (Secretary).
The members of the Library Board were Mrs. A. Maure, Dr. W. D. McDougall (Chairman), Mrs. H. Buchanan, A. S. MacRae, Mayor Hawrelak and H. C. Gourlay (Librarian); and the Interim Development Board included Alderman Mitchell, L. Hyndman (Chairman), B. Green, A. G. Stewart, T. G. Aberdeen, J. F. McDougall, A. A. Campbell and Mrs. G. Colquhoun (Secretary). The Master Painters' Examining Board included G. Mills, A. Broome and R. F. Duke; and the Master Plasterers' Examining Board, W. J. Dandy, J. Neher, E. Kennedy, P. H. McDaniel and R. F. Duke. The Taxicab Board was made up of one City Commissioner,the License Inspector, the Police Chief, the City Solicitor (Chairman), S. Ganam, J. Gibson, D. L. Erickson and P. Lawrence; and the Technical Planning board included the Mayor, one City Commissioner, the City Solicitor, the City Engineer, the Medical Health Officer, the Town Planner, the City Architect, the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, and the Superintendent of the Transit System. The chairman was the City Engineer, J. D. A. MacDonald. The Memorial Hall Trustees were J. C. McDougall, E. T. Brown, A. F. MacDonald, H. M. E. Evans and Alderman Tanner. The Recreation Commission was composed of Aldermen Wilson and Clare, J. F. Falconer, A. Lenon, E. Samis (Chairman), Mrs. D.J. Douglas, Dr. M. L. Van Vliet, C. Gilbert, R. Chapman and J. Farina (Executive Director). On 13 October 1954 William Hawrelak was re-elected Mayor of Edmonton yet again. City Council for this year was made up of Aldermen E. I. Clarke, Mrs. M. L. Douglas, S. G. Main, F. J. Mitchell, Mrs. E. Wilson, Dr. R. M. Clare, A. W. Miller, C. A. Roy, C. Simmonds and H. E. Tanner. The deputy Mayors were, in order of rotation, Aldermen Roy, Clare, Tanner, Miller and Simmonds. J. M. Tweddle and D. B. Menzies were both reappointed as City Commissioners. The Public School Board Trustees for 1955 were W. G. Roberts, D. H. Bowen, Mrs. M. E. Butterworth, J. F. Falconer, W. H. Cowley and J. H. Thorogood (Chairman); and elected to the Separate School Board were A. J. Crowe, J. O'Hara, J. B. Kane, A. M. Dechene (Chairman), A. Lenon, Miss C. McGrath and W. Sereda. The two standing Committees for 1955 were a Finance Committee made up of Aldermen Tanner (Chairman), Clarke, Miller, Mitchell and Douglas; and a Bylaws Committee of Aldermen Roy (Chairman), Clare, Main, Simmonds and Mrs. E. Wilson. A number of money bylaws were approved during the course of the year. These included $550,000 for the City's share of paving; $450,000
for the City's share of asphalt surfacing; $150,000 for additional asphalt surfacing; $100,000 for the rehabilitation and development of parks; $91,500 for the completion of neighbourhood beautification areas in various parts of the city; $61,000 for the improvement of playgrounds and their fencing and the construction of playground shelters and wading pools; and $60,000 for the development of a health clinic. For 1955, the Special Committees included a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Miller (Chairman), Clare and Tanner; a Utilities Committee of Aldermen Mitchell (Chairman), Clarke, Miller, Douglas and Tanner; a Welfare Committee of Aldermen Clare, Roy and Tanner; and a Civil Defence Committee of Mayor Hawrelak (Chairman), Aldermen Clare, Tanner and Wilson and City Commissioners Tweddle and Menzies. The Board of Health was made up of Aldermen Douglas and Wilson (Chairman), J. B. Kane, J. F. Falconer, M. M. Sereda, Dr. H. D. Heb, Dr. D. F. McIntyre, Mayor Hawrelak, Dr. G. M. Little, J. D. A. MacDonald and Miss C. Rose (Secretary). The Architectural Panel included J. A. MacDonald, R. F. Duke (Chairman), N. Dant, G. R. Ascher, K. Stanely, H. L. Kasten, P. Buttar and Miss Meikle (Secretary); and the Archives and Landmarks Committee was made up of A. A. Campbell (Chairman), Mrs. C. Campbell, Miss M. A. Hamilton, J. P. Page, R. W. Hedley, Mrs. C. Rutherford, H. C. Graham, and Mrs. M. Williams (Secretary). The Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Tanner (Chairman), J. W. McDiarmid, C. L. Jackson and W. A. Plowman (Secretary). The Boxing Commission members were W. J. Beaumont, J. Bill, J. H. Mair, Alderman Simmonds, M. F. Palmer (Chairman), R. G. McDiarmid, K. Lawson and W. Murphy (Secretary-Treasurer). The District Planning Commission was headed by Alderman Mitchell; and the Assessment Appeal Board members were G. B. Henwood, C. W. Alston and J. A. Weber. The Hospital Board was composed of Dr. W. Eadie, J. F. Falconer, W. C. Richards, Aldermen Wilson, Roy and Tanner, M. Ross, E. W. Stibbards, Dr. D. B. Leitch, R. Easton, H. Scott, P. Miskew (Chairman), H. C. Watson, S. Wrigglesworth, G. Hollingshead (Secretary) and Dr. D. R. Easton (Superintendent). The Industrial Development Board members were Aldermen Clarke, Miller and Roy, C. E. Garnett, J. C. Jefferson, B. W. Pietield, B. Kane and W. A. Rault (Secretary). Alderman Main (Chairman), A. Burrell, A. McCallum, T. Mattison and K. Nielsen made up the Garage and Service Station Board. 72
The Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Aldermen Clarke, Miller, Mitchell, Roy, Simmonds, Clare and Tanner, J. L. McIntyre, W. Stevens, H. L. Williamson, J. Peter, I. Telmer and H. G. Turner. The Association Representatives were R. Ballhorn, J. W. Hosford, G. A. McDonald, L. M. Rye, L. S. Williams, L. E. Wilson, W. C. Bissell (President), L. P. Bromham, R. C. Marler, W. Muir, A. J. Ottewell, J. Paul (Manager) and Miss B. E. Bannerman (Secretary). The Gas Approval Board members were Alderman Mitchell, J. G. Dale (Chairman), R. H. Malbey, L. Neumann, C. H. E. Smith, G. W. Eckstein, R. F. Duke, J. Booth, R. Winter, L. Tracey and G. N. Campbell (Secretary). The 1955 Library Board was composed of Mayor Hawrelak, Alderman Wilson (Chairman), Mrs. H. Buchanan, L. Dubensky, Mrs. A. Maure, Colonel W. G. Stillman and A. S. Macrae; and the Interim Development Appeal Board included Alderman Mitchell, L. Hyndman (Chairman), B. Green, A. G. Stewart, T. G. Aberdeen, J. F. McDougall, A. A. Campbell, and Mrs. G. Colquhoun (Secretary). Only R. F. Duke (City Architect) is recorded as being a member of the Master Plasterers' Examining Board, but the Master Painters' Examining Board was made up of C. Dobell, V. Jenkins, G. Mills, A. Broome and R. F. Duke. The Taxicab Board and the Technical Planning Board members were the same as in 1954. The Memorial Hall Trustees were J. C. McDougall, E. T. Brown, A. F. MacDonald, H. M. E. Evans and Alderman Tanner; and the Recreation Commission was made up of Aldermen Main and Simmonds, W. G. Roberts, A. Lenon, E. Samis (Chairman) Mrs. M. L. Douglas, Dr. M. L. Van Vliet, C. Gilbert and R. Chapman. Mayor Hawrelak was re-elected, by acclamation, on 19 October 1955. His Aldermanic colleagues for 1956 were E. I. Clarke, Mrs. M. L. Douglas, G. Main, F. J. Mitchell, Mrs. E. Wilson, C. A. Roy, Dr. H. Harries, A. W. Miller, J. F. Falconer and W. J. Connelly. The deputy Mayors for this year were Aldermen Douglas, Main, Mitchell, Wilson and Clarke; and Commissioners Tweddle and Menzies were both re-appointed. Elected to the Public School Board were H. G. Turner, D. H. Bowen, J. H. Thorogood, Mrs. M. E. Butterworth (Chairman), Professor H. E. Smith, J. E. Hanna and W. J. M. Henning; and to the Separate School Board, A. J. Crowe, J. O'Hara, J. B. Kane, A. M. Dechene (Chairman), A. Lenon, Miss C. McGrath and 0. N. Demco. The standing committees consisted of a Finance Committee of Aldermen Mitchell (Chairman), Clarke, Main, Roy and Wilson; and a 73
Bylaws Committee of Aldermen Miller (Chairman), Connelly, Douglas, Falconer and Harries. Among the money bylaws passed that year were $320,000 for the City's share of paving; $300,000 for the City's share of asphalt surfacing; $400,000 for additional asphalt surfacing; $2,000,000 for the construction of a new bridge; $400,000 for the establishment of a Zoo; $250,000 for the establishment and improvement of parks and traffic circles; $75,000 for the extension of library facilities; $60,000 for another health clinic; $700,000 fora new building at the Royal Alexandra Hospital; and $250,000 for the construction of an indoor swimming pool. The Special Committees for 1956 included a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Roy (Chairman), Main and Miller; a Utilities Committee of the members of the Finance Committee; a Welfare Committee of Aldermen Douglas, Mitchell and Connelly; and a Civil Defence Committee of Mayor Hawrelak (Chairman), Aldermen Harries, Miller and Wilson, and the City Commissioners. The Board of Examiners and Appeals consited of J. Booth, J. Jerry, J. A. Buchanan, N. McKernan and N. A. Lawrence; and the board of Health of Aldermen Douglas and Falconer, A. J. Crowe, H. G.Turner, M. M. Sereda, Dr. H. D. Webb (Chairman), Dr. D. F. McIntyre, Mayor Hawrelak, Dr. G. M. Little, J. D. A. MacDonald and Miss C. Rose (Secretary). The members of the Architectural Panel were J. Pollock, R. F. Duke (Chairman), W. R. Brown, H. Seton, P. Campbell-Hope, H. L. Kasten, P. Buttar and Miss Meikle (Secretary); and of the Archives and Landmarks Committee, A. A. Campbell (Chairman), Mrs. C. Campbell, Miss M. A. Hamilton, J. P. Page, Mrs. C. Rutherford, Mrs. M. Williams, Mrs. E. Myles and J. Easton. Alderman Mitchell chaired the Sinking Fund Trustees, and Commissioner Menzies continued to head the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines. The Industrial Development Board members were Aldermen Falconer, Miller and Roy, C. E. Garnett (Chairman), Dr. A. 0. Minsos, A. D. McTavish, W. E. Greer and N. A. Rault (Secretary). The Garage and Service Station Board was composed of Alderman Main (Chairman), A. Burrell, A. McCallum, R. J. Lavoie and C. D. Field; and there were only three new members of the Hospital Board - namely, Mrs. T. H. Field, Dr. A. W. Hardy and Alderman Main. There were two changes on the Boxing Commission, with Alderman Connelly and T. A. Graham replacing R. G. McDiarmid and K . Lawson respectively. The members of the District Planning Commission and Assessment Appeal Board remained the same as in 1955. 74
The members of the Library Board and the Interim Development Appeal Board were the same as for 1955; and on the Gas Approval board, Alderman Falconer replaced Alderman Mitchell, and J. Piggott replaced C. H. E. Smith. The Exhibition Association Council Representatives for 1956 were Aldermen Clarke (Chairman), Miller, Mitchell, Harries, Main and Connelly, J. L. McIntyre, C. Ross, W. Stevens, H. L. Williamson, Dr. R. M. Clare, J. Peter and I. Telmer. The Association members were R. Ballhorn, J. W. Hosford, G. A. McDonald, L. M. Rye, L. S. Williams, L. E. Wilson, W. C. Bissell, L. P. Bromham, R. C. Marler, W. Muir, A. J. Ottewell and J. Paul (Manager). The 1956 Recreation Commission consisted of Alderman Main and Douglas, C. simmonds, J. E. Hanna, O. N. Demco, E. Samis, Dr. M. L. Van Vliet (Chairman), C. Gilbert, R. Chapman and A. V. Pettigrew (Acting Superintendent). The Memorial Hall Trustees, and the members of the Taxicab Board and the Technical Planning Board remained the same as in 1955. The Master Plasterers' Examining Board consisted of J. Bassani, J. Sullivan, J. S. Trudgeon, T. W. Pederson and R. F. Duke; and the new Motor Vehicle Parking Advisory Committee members were E. A. Cawker, T. Ferrier, F. W. Blake, C. W. Carry (Chairman) and the City Traffic Engineer. In the election held on 17 October 1956, Mayor Hawrelak was reelected for yet another term of office in 1957. The aldermen for this year were D. H. Bowen, Mrs. L. Douglas, G. Main, F. J. Mitchell, Mrs. E.Wilson, C. A. Roy, Dr. H. Harries, A. W. Miller, J. F. Falconer and W. J. Connelly.The deputy Mayors were Aldermen Harries, Miller, Roy, Falconer and Connelly; and both D. B. Menzies and J. M. Tweddle continued as City Commissioners. The Public School Trustees were Dr. W. Orobko, J. P. Page, J. H. Thorogood (Chairman), Mrs. M. E. Butterworth, Professor H. E. Smith, J. E. Hanna and W. J. M. Henning; and the Separate School Trustees were V. M. Dantzer, J. B. Kane, L. G. Lemieux, A. M. Dechene (Chairman). A. Lenon, Miss C. McGrath and 0. N. Demco. The standing committees were a Finance Committee of Aldermen Mitchell (Chairman), Connelly, Douglas, Falconer and Harries; and a Bylaws Committee of Aldermen Main (Chairman), Bowen, Miller, Roy and Wilson. Money bylaws proposed and approved that year included $1,000,000 for the City's share of paving; $45,000 for the City's share of asphalt surfacing on existing roads; $500,000 for the City's share of asphalt surfacing on new roads; $500,000 for improvement to City parks;
$60,000 for a health clinic; $350,000 for providing equipment and furnishings at the Royal Alexandra Hospital; $150,000 for the purchase and installation of additional traffic lights; $125,000 for an additional Fire hall; and $2,700,000 for constructing a nurses' residence and training school at the Royal Alexandra Hospital. The Sinking Fund Trustees remained the same as in 1956, and Commissioner Menzies continued to head the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines. Among the Special Committees for 1 957 there was a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Mitchell (Chairman), Roy and Miller; a Utilities Committee (same members as the Finance Committee); a Welfare Committee of Aldermen Douglas, Mitchell and Connelly; a Civil Defence Comm,ittee of Mayor Hawrelak, Aldermen Harries, Miller and Wilson, and both City Commissioners and a Telephone Committee of Aldermen Mitchell (Chairman), Harries, Falconer and Roy. The Architectural Panel included R. Reid, R. F. Duke (Chairrnan), W. R. Brown, H. Seton, P. Campbell - Hope, H. L. Kasten, P. Buttar and Mrs. R. Smith (Secretary); and the Archives and Landmarks Committee, Alderman Falconer, Mrs. C. Campbell, Miss M. A. Hamilton, J. P. Page, Mrs. C. Rutherford, Mrs. M. Williams (Secretary), Mrs. E: Myles and J. Easton (Chairman). The members of the Boxing Commission were W. J. Beaumont, E. I. Clarke, J. H. Mair (Chairman), C. Simmonds, M. F. Palmer, Alderman Connelly, T. A. Graham and W. Murphy (Secretary-Treasurer). The District Planning Commission included Aldermen Mitchell and Bowen; and the Assessment Appeal Board, G. B. Henwood, C. W. Alston, J. A. Weber and E. G. Hickmott (Secretary). The Board of Examiners and Appeals was composed of J. Booth, J. Jerry, J. A. Buchanan, N. McKernan and L. G. Grimble; and the Board of Health of Aldermen Douglas and Harries, V. M. Dantzer, Dr. W. Orobko, M. M. Sereda, Dr. H. D. Hebb (Chairman), Dr. D. F. McIntyre, Mayor Hawrelak, Dr. G. M. Little, J. D. A. MacDonald and Miss C. Rose (Secretary). The only two changes on the Exhibition Association were that Aldermen Roy and Falconer replaced Aldermen Clarke and McIntyre. The Industrial Development Board included Aldermen Bowen, Main and Roy, D. Marlett, Dr. A. 0. Minsos, A. D. McTavish and W. E. Greer: and the Garage and Service Station Board, Alderman Miller (Chairman), W. F. McCurdy, A. Burrell, R. J. Lavoie and C. D. Field. There were no changes from 1 956 to either the Gas Approval Board or the Interim Development Appeal Board. The only changes on the Hospital Board were that R. Chapman and B. Whittaker replaced P. Miskew and H. E. Tanner and J. Young served as chairman. The 1 956 Library Board
members were L. Dubensky (Chairman), Mrs. H. Grayson-Smith, C. C. Waller, H. E. Tanner, A. S. MacRae, Alderman Wilson, Mayor Hawrelak and M. Coburn (Librarian). The new District Names Advisory Committee included Alderman Falconer (Chairman), Miss C. McGrath, Mrs. F. C. Butterworth, W. R. Brown and G. Kyle (Secretary); and the Master Plasterers' Examining Board, J. Bassani, J. Sullivan T. Cronk, T. W. Pederson and R. F. Duke. There were no changes among the Memorial Hall Trustees or the Motor Vehicle Parking Advisory Committee. The Recreation Commission was made up of Alderman Bowen, J. P. Page, 0. N. Demco, A. Potter, J. H. Day, C. Gilbert (Chairman), P. 0. Holeton and A. V. Pettigrew (Superintendent). The members of the Taxicab Board and the Technical Planning Board remained the same as in 1956. On 16 October 1 957 Mayor Hawrelak was elected to another term of office. The Aldermen for 1 958 were D. H. Bowen, Mrs. L. Douglas, G. Main, F. J. Mitchell, Mrs. E. Wilson, W. J. Connelly, R. Easton, J. F. Falconer, Dr. H. Harries and C. A. Roy. The deputy Mayors were Mrs. Douglas, G. Main, Mrs. E. Wilson, D. H. Bowen and F. J. Mitchell. D. B. Menzies and J. M. Tweddle were both re-appointed City Commissioners. Elected to the Public School Board were Dr. W. Orobko, J. P. Page, J. H. Thorogood (Chairman), J. Hanna, R. V. Johnson, A. G. MacDonald and D. Thompson; and elected to the Separate School Board were V. M. Dantzer, J. B. Kane (Chairman), L. G. Lemieux, 0. N. Demco, Miss C. McGrath, Dr. J. P. Moreau and M. B. O'Byrne. The standing committees were a Finance Committee of Aldermen Roy (Chairman), Bowen, Connelly, Main and Wilson; and a Bylaws Committee of Aldermen Falconer (Chairman), Douglas, Easton, Harrie's and Mitchell. Money bylaws approved that year included $965,000 for the City's share of paving; $200,000 for the improvement of parks; $100,000 for the purchase and installation of traffic lights; $100:000 for a new library branch; $250,000 for renovations to the Royal Alexandra Hospital; and $245,000 for a new Fire Hall. A plebiscite which asked if fluoride should be added to the City water supply was not approved. The Sinking Fund Trustees for 1958 were Alderman Roy (Chairman). J. W. McDiarmid, C. L. Jackson and W. A. Plowman (Secretary). The Special Committees included a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Main (Chairman) Roy and Mitchell; a Civil Defence Committee of Mayor 77
Hawrelak, Aldermen Bowen and Wilson, and both City Commissioners; and an Amalgamation Committee of Mayor Hawrelak (Chairman), Aldermen Mitchell, Roy, Connelly, Harries and Bowen. The Architectural Panel members were R. Reid, R. F. Duke, W. R. Brown, H. Seton, D. Bittorf, M. L. Kasten, P. Stackniak and L. Gudlaugson; and the Archives and Landmarks Committee included Alderman Falconer, Mrs. C. Campbell, Miss M. A. Hamilton, J. P. Page, Mrs. C. Rutherford, A. P. Tingley, Mrs. E. Myles and J. Easton (Chairman). The Board of Examiners and Appeals members were J. Booth, J. Jerry, J. A. Buchanan, N. McKernan and L. G. Grimble; and the Board of Health was made up of Aldermen Douglas and Roy, Dr. J. P. Moreau, Dr. W. Orobko (Chairman) Dr. M. M. Sereda, P. Rose, Dr. D. F. McIntyre, Mayor Hawrelak, Dr. G. M. Little and J. D. A. MacDonald. The Boxing Commission was composed of W. J. Beaumont, E. I. Clarke jr., J. H. Mair, C. Simmonds (Chairman), D. Fraser, Alderman Connelly and T. A. Graham. Aldermen Mitchell and Bowen made up the District Planning Commission; and G. B. Henwood, C. W. Aston and J. A. Weber the Assessment Appeal Board. The 1958 Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Aldermen Mitchell, Falconer, Easton, Harries, Connelly and Bowen, A. W. Miller, T. K. Campbell, C. Ross, H. L. Williamson, R. Pearson, W. Sprague and R. Edwards. The Association Representatives were R. Ballhorn, E. Clarke jr.; C. A. McDonald, L. M. Rye, L. S. Williams, L. E. Wilson, W. C. Bissell, L. P. Bromham (President), R. C. Marler, W. Muir, A. J. Ottewell, J. Paul, A. J. Anderson (Manager) and Miss B. E. Bannerman. The Industrial Development Board included Aldermen Bowen, Main and Roy, D. F. Marlett, Dr. A. 0. Minsos, A. D. McTavish, W. E. Greer and N. A. Rault (Secretary); and the Garage and Service Station Board, Aldermen Bowen (Chairman), W. F. McCurdy, A. Burrell, R. J. Lavoie and K. Neilson. The members of the Gas Approval Board were Alderman Mitchell, G. N. Campbell (Chairman), F. M. Russell, J. Smith, J. Piggott, G. W. Eckstein, R. F. Duke, J. Booth, R. Winter, L. Tracey and G. L. Brown (Secretary). The Hospital Board was made up of M. Ross, M rs. T. H. Field, Dr. A. W. Hardy, H. Scott, Aldermen Main, Roy and Falconer, R. Chapman, B. Whittaker, H. C. Watson, S. Wrigglesworth, J. Peter, J. Young (Chairman), P. Miskew, Dr. S. Kling and Dr. D. R. Easton (both Superintendent and Secretary). The Library Board members were L. Dubensky (Chairman), Mrs. H. Grayson - Smith, D. Payment, H. E. Tanner, Aldermen Main and Wilson, Mayor Hawrelak and M. Coburn (Librarian). The Interim Development 78
Appeal Board was composed of Alderman Mitchell, L. Hyndman (Chairman), B. Green, A. G. Stewart, T. G. Aberdeen, J. F. McDougall, A. A. Campbell and M. Goodman (Secretary). The Memorial Hall Trustees were Judge A. Bisset, E. T. Brown, P. Gwynne, A. MacDonald and H. E, Tanner; and the Recreation Board was made up of Alderman Bowen, R. V. Johnson, 0. N. Demco, A. Potter (Chairman), J. H. Day, G. R. Williams, R. 0. Holeton and A. V. Pettigrew (Superintendent). The District Names Advisory Committee consisted of Alderman Falconer (Chairman), Miss C. McGrath, R. V. Johnson, J. Easton, W. R. Brown and G. Kyle (Secretary); and the Master Plasterers' Examining Board of J. Bassani, C. R. Vaage, T. Cronk, E. Kennedy and R. F. Duke. The Taxicab Board was composed of one City Commissioner, the License Inspector, the Police Chief, the City Solicitor, J. J. Stumborg, J. B. Patriquin and T. Ferrier. The City Solicitor acted as chairman. The Technical Planning Board was made up of the Mayor, the Commissioner, the City Solicitor, the City Engineer, the Medical Health Officer, the Town Planner, the City Architect, the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation and the Superintendent of the Transit System. The City Engineer acted as chairman. The two committees mentioned above continued to have this structure. However, the Technical Planning Board was phased out in 1964. The Motor Vehicle Parking Advisory Committee for 1958 included L. D. Hyndman, T. Ferrier, F. W. Blake, C. W. Carry (Chairman), J. B. Patriquin and the City Traffic Engineer. An interesting postscript to this year is found in a newspaper clipping which relates how Alderman Roy, who held a questionable lease in the city, was cleared by court and continued in his capacity as alderman (See Edmonton Journal, January 1958). 1959 saw Mayor Hawrelak re-elected to yet another term of office. The aldermen for that year were D. H. Bowen, Mrs. L. Douglas, F. J. Mitchell, G. Prudham, Mrs. E. Wilson, W. J. Connelly, R. Easton, W. J. M. Henning, Dr. H. Harries and C. A. Roy. The deputy mayors were Aldermen Roy, Connelly, Henning Harries, and Easton. Both D. B. Menzies and J. M. Tweddle were re-appointed as City Commissioners and G. S. Docherty continued as City Clerk. Elected to the Public School Board were Dr. W. Orobko, J. P. Page, J. H. Thorogood, E. Hanna (Chairman), R. V. Johnson, A. G. MacDonald and D. Thomson; and to the Separate School Board, V. M. Dantzer, L. G. 79
Lemieux, E. D. Stack, R. G. Burke, 0. N. Demco (Chairman), Mrs. C. McGrath and Dr. J. P. Moreau. The two standing committees for 1959 were a Finance Committee of Aldermen Roy (Chairman), Douglas, Easton, Harries and Prudham; and a Bylaws Committee of Aldermen Bowen (Chairman), Connelly, Henning, Mitchell and Wilson. Among the money bylaws approved that year were $650,000 for the City's share of paving; $1,055,000 for the City's share in the construction of an overpass or underpass for the Canadian National Railway between 101st Street and 109th Street; $170,000 for the purchase and installation of traffic lights; $400,000 for the improvement of city parks; $6,000,000 for the construction of a 300 bed addition to the Royal Alexandra Hospital; $216,000 for renovations to the Royal Alexandra Hospital; and $140,000 for a new Public Library Branch. The Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Roy (Chairman), J. W. McDiarmid, C. L. Jackson and W. A. Plowman (Secretary). The Special Committees included a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Mitchell (Chairman), Bowen and Connelly; a Civil Defence Committee of Mayor Hawrelak (Chairman), Aldermen Bowen, Roy and Wilson, and the City Commissioners; and Amalgamation Committee of Mayor Hawrelak (Chairman), Aldermen Mitchell, Roy, Connelly, Easton and Bowen; and a Land Sales Committee of Aldermen Douglas (Chairman), Easton and Connelly. The Architectural Panel was made up of R. Reid, R. F. Duke (Chairman), W. R. Brown, L. C. Klingbell, D. Bittorf, H. L. Kasten, P. C. Turner, L. Gudlaugson and Mrs. E. Wrigglesworth (Secretary); and the Archives and Landmarks Committee of J. F. Falconer (Chairman), J. H. Reed, Mrs. F. Duncan, Mrs. S. McCuaig, Mrs. C. Rutherford, A. P. Tingley, Mrs. E. Myles, J. Easton and G. L. Kyle (Secretary). The members of the Boxing Commission remained the same as in 1958. The District Planning Commission added Alderman Douglas to the existing members; and the Assessment Appeal Board replaced J. A. Weber with D. M. Spencer. The Edmonton Exhibition Association Council Representatives were J. Patterson, Dr. R. M. Clare, M. Hamilton, T. K. Campbell, C. Ross, R. Pearson, R. Graham, Aldermen Easton, Harries, Connelly and Bowen, W. Sprague and R. Edwards. The Association Representatives remained the same as in 1958, with the exception that C. J. Long replaced E. I. Clarke.
The Industrial Development Board members were Aldermen Bowen, Harries and Connelly, N.A. Rault, G. K. Wynn, A. D. McTavish and L. Bodie. The only change on the Gas Approval Board was that J. W. Boulter replaced G. W. Eckstein, and on the Garage and Service Station Board C. Campbell replaced W. F. McCurdy and A. Burrell. Changes on the Hospital Board were that M. Lieberman and D. Duncan replaced M. Ross and S. Wrigglesworth. R. W. Chapman acted as Chairman in 1959. The Library Board members were Mayor Hawrelak, Alderman Wilson, Rabbi Dr. L. L. Saks, N. S. Cameron, Mrs. W. S. Scarth, Mrs. H. Grayson-Smith, D. Payment (Chairman) and M. Coburn (Librarian). There were no changes on the Interim Development Appeal Board from 1958. In addition, the Memorial Hall Trustees and the Master Plasterers' Examining Board members remained the same. The District Names Advisory Committee was made up of Alderman Wilson (Chairman), Miss C. McGrath, D. Thomson, J. F. Falconer, W. R. Brown and G. Kyle (Secretary); and the Recreation Board members were Alderman Prudham, D. Thomson, R. G. Burke, A. Potter (Chairman), J. H. Day, G. R. Williams, R. 0. Holeton and A. V. Pettigrew (Secretary). The Motor Vehicle Parking Advisory Committee included B. K. Mathew, J. F. Falconer, F. W. Blake (Chairman), S. Sutherland, S. Keays and the City Traffic Engineer. Although not mentioned in the scrapbook, it should be noted that Mayor Hawrelak resigned 9 September 1959. Alderman Frederick John Mitchell served as Mayor until the election of October 1959. In the election held on 14 October 1959, Elmer Ernest Roper was elected Mayor of Edmonton. His colleagues on Council for 1 960 were D. H. Bowen, Mrs. L. Douglas, F. J. Mitchell, G. Purdham, Mrs. E.Wilson, W. J. M. Henning, E. H. Leger, G. F. McClary, Dr. A. C. McGugan and H. J. McKim Ross. The deputy Mayors were Aldermen Mitchell, Wilson, Douglas, Prudham and Bowen; and both D. B. Menzies and J. M. Tweddle remained as City Commissioners. G. S. Docherty continued to be City Clerk. Dr. W. Orobko, J. H. Thorogood, R. V. Johnson, A. G. MacDonald (Chairman), Mrs. E. Rogers and R. V. Thomson were elected to the Public School Board; and V. M. Dantzer (Chairman), L. G. Lemieux, E. D. Stack, H. D. Carrigan, 0. M. Demco, Miss C. McGrath and Dr. J. P. Moreau to the Separate School Board. The standing Committees were a Finance Committee of Aldermen Mitchell (Chairman), Henning, Leger, McClary and Wilson; and a Bylaws Committee of Aldermen Prudham (Chairman), Bowen, Douglas, McGugan and Ross.
Money bylaws proposed and approved that year included $75,000 for the purchase of land for refuse disposal; $160,000 for the purchase and installation of traffic lights; $250,000 for the City's share of paving; $750,000 for the improvement of parks; $300,000 for the construction of an underpass at 127th Street and 126th Avenue; $500,000 for the City's share of constructing a four lane bridge to replace the existing structure over Mill Creek Ravine on 82nd Avenue; $3,000,000 to increase patient capacity at the Royal Alexandra Hospital; and $175,000 for constructing an Emergency Receiving Home for neglected children. However, money bylaws for $350,000 for the construction of a swimming pool at Eastglen Composite High School, and $1,000,000 for the construction of two four lane bridges at 142nd Street and MacKinnon Ravine, were both rejected. Also, that year, a Fluoridation plebiscite was passed by 5,000 votes. The Sinking Fund Trustees for 1960 were Alderman Mitchell (Chairman), J. W. McDiarmid, C. L. Jackson and W. A. Plowman (Secretary). Among the Special Committees were a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Wilson (Chairman), Mitchell and Prudham; a Civil Defence Committee of Mayor Roper (Chairman), Aldermen Douglas and Ross, and both the City Commissioners; an Amalgamation Committee of Mayor Roper (Chairman), Aldermen Mitchell, McGugan, Prudham, Wilson and Bowen; and a Land Sales Committee of Aldermen Leger (Chairman), McClary and Mitchell.The Special Committee, re Procedure Bylaw, included Aldermen Henning (Chairman) McClary and Ross; and the Planning Advisory Commission-was composed of L. D. Hyndman, J. L. Bodie and G. C. Hamilton. The Architectural Panel remained unchanged from 1959; and the members of the Archives and Landmarks Committee were J. F. Falconer (Chairman), J. H. Reed, Mrs. F. Duncan, Mrs. S. McCuaig, M rs.S. Dickson, D. Innes, Mrs. C. E. Learmonth, Mrs. E. Myles and G. L. Kyle. The Boxing Commission members were E. I. Clarke jnr., J. H. Mair, Alderman Henning, T. A. Graham, J. A. Brodie, W. J. Connelly and W. Murphy (Secretary). The members of the District Planning Commission and the Assessment Appeal Board remained the same as in 1959. The Board of Examiners and Appeals was composed of J. R. Ferguson, J. Jerry, A. J. Shaw, N. McKernan and L. G. Grimble; and the Board of Health was made up of Mayor Roper, Aldermen Douglas and McGugan, Dr. J. P. Moreau, Dr. W. Orobko, Dr. J. Smulski, Dr. P. Rose, Dr. R. H. Blaguiere, Dr. G. M. Little, J. D. A. MacDonald and Miss C. Rose (Secretary).
The Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Aldermen Bowen, Prudham and Henning, J. Patterson, Dr. R. M. Clare, M. Hamilton, T. K. Campbell, C. Ross, R. Pearson, R. Graham, W. J. Connelly, J. Hendrick and W. Sprague. The Association members remained unchanged except that R. C. Easton replaced W. C. Bissell. The Industrial Development Board members were Aldermen Leger, Prudham (Chairman) and McClary, J. L. Bodie, G. K. wynn, Dr. A. O. Minsos and Dr. H. Harries, and the Garage and Service Station Board was made up of Alderman Bowen (Chairman), G. McNeill, C. Campbell, R. J. Lavoie and K. Nielsen. The Gas Approval Board members were Alderman Mitchell, G. N. Campbell (Chairman), F. M. Russell, R. Niven, L. Williams, J. W. Boulter, T. A. McKinely, R. F. Duke, J. R. Ferguson, R. Winter, L. Tracey, and G. L. Brown (Secretary); and the Hospital Board included Aldermen Wilson and McClary, M. Lieberman, M rs. T. H. Field, Dr. A. W. March, H. Scott, S. G. Main, Mrs. R. Oliver, R. Chapman, B. Whittaker (Chairman), D. Graham, J. Young, P. Miskew, Dr. S. Kling, J. F. Falconer and Dr. D. R. Easton (both Superintendent and Secretary). The members of the Library Board were Mayor Roper, Alderman McGugan, Professor R. W. Collins, N. W. Cameron, W. S. Scarth, Mrs. H. Grayson-Smith, D. Payment (Chairman) and M. Coburn (Librarian). The Interim Development Appeal Board remained unchanged from 1959. The District Names Advisory Committee was made up of Alderman Wilson (Chairman), Miss C. McGrath, D. Thomson, J. F. Falconer, W. R. Brown and G. Kyle (Secretary); and the Master Plasterer's Examining Board included G. R.f3yer, F. J. McDaniel, T. Cronk, A. Martin and R. F. Duke. The Memorial Hall Trustees were Judge A. Bisset, E. T. Brown, P. Gwynne, A. MacDonald and H. E. Tanner; and the Recreation Board consisted of Alderman Ross, D. Thomson, H. D. Carrigan, A. Potter (Chairman), J. H. Day, G. R. Williams, R. 0. Holeton and A. V. Pettigrew (Secretary). The Motor Vehicle Parking Advisory Committee was composed of Alderman Leger, B. K. Mathew, J. F. Falconer, F. W. Blake (Chairman), S. Sutherland and the City Traffic Engineer; and the members of the new Zoo Advisory Board were A. W. Crossley, Dr. R. B. Calt, A. F. Oeming, C. W. Jackson, Dr. E. A. Hohn, I. C. MacDonald, V. Mahony and G. Hamilton. On 19 October 1960, Mayor Roper was re-elected to a second term of office. His colleagues on council for 1961 were M. E. LaZerte, F. J. Mitchell, G. Prudham, Dr. M. Weinlos, Mrs. E. Wilson, W. J. M. Henning, E. H. Leger, G. F. McClary, Dr. A. C. McGugan and H. J. M. Ross.
Elected to the Public School Board were R. V. Johnson, A. G. MacDonald, Mrs. E. Rogers, R. V. Thomson, Dr. J. H. M. Andrews, S. E. Forbes and Dr. W. E. Smith; and to the Separate School Board, H. D. Carrigan, O. N. Demco, Miss C. McGrath, Dr. J. P. Moreau, J. L. Barbeau, L. B. Lemieux and E. D. Stack. Among the money bylaws approved that year were $450,000 for the City's share of paving; $250,000 for the City's share of asphalt paving; $500,000 for additional asphalt paving on new gravel streets; $180,000 for the purchase and installation of traffic lights; $600,000 for construction and improving parks and playgrounds; and $500,000 for the purpose of constructing another district bridge. A money bylaw for $165,000 for constructing a district library branch, however, was rejected. A plebiscite held that year asked the voters if they approved of aldermanic and school board candidates being elected from the city at large, without regard to whether they lived north or south of the river or owned fifty percent or more of their property north or south of the river. The plebiscite was not approved. On 18 October 1961 Mayor Roper was re-elected to his third term of office, defeating his nearest rival by 24,000 votes. For 1962, City Co;incil consisted of Aldermen Dr. M. E. LaZerte, F. J. Mitchell, G. Prudham, Dr. M. Weinlos, Mrs. E. Wilson, J. L Bodie, G. F. McClary, Dr. A. C. McGugan, S. A. Milner and H. J. M. Ross. The deputy Mayors were Aldermen Weinlos, LaZerte, Wilson, Prudham and Mitchell; and D. B. M enzies, J. M.Tweddle and G. C. Hamilton were appointed City Commissioners. G. S. Docherty remained as City Clerk. The Public School Trustees were Dr. W. E. Smith, Dr. J. H. M. Andrews (Chairman), Mrs. S. H. Forbes, E. M. Duggan, R. V. Johnson, P. W. Jones and Mrs. E. Rogers; and elected to the Separate School Board were J. L. Barbeau, L. G. Lemieux, E. D. Stack (Chairman), H. D. Carrigan, 0. N. Demco, Dr. A. A. Gorman and Dr. J. P. Moreau. The standing committees were a Finance Committee of Aldermen McClary (Chairman), Prudham, LaZerte, Mitchell and Weinlos; and a Bylaws Committee of Aldermen Ross (Chairman), Bodie, McGugan, Milner and Wilson. Among the money bylaws approved that year were $500,000 for the City's share of paving; $500,000 for the City's share of asphalt surfacing; $217,000 for the purchase and installation of traffic lights; $600,000 for the construction and improvement of community league grounds, playgrounds and parks; $130,000 fora district Fire Station at 63rd Street and 84
101st Avenue; and $72,000 for the purchase of equipment for a Fire Station. Money bylaws not approved included $125,000 for a branch library; $500,000 fora Central Recreation Building at Kinsman Park; and $1,100,000 for the building of new roadways leading from the Dawson Bridge to Jasper Avenue and to 103A Avenue. A plebiscite asking if Fluorides should be added to the City water supply sufficient to bring the Fluorine content of City water up to the level of one part Fluorine to one million parts of water was also rejected. The Special Committees included a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Weinlos (Chairman), Ross and LaZerte; a Civil Defence Committee of Mayor Roper (Chairman), Aldermen Weinlos and Milner, and Commissioners Menzies, Tweddle and Hamilton; an Amalgamation Committee of Mayor Roper(Chairman), and Aldermen Mitchell, McGugan, Prudham, Wilson and LaZerte; and a Land Sales Committee of Aldermen McClary (Chairman), Bodie and McGugan. The Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman McClary (Chairman), J. W. McDiarmid, C. L. Jackson and W. A. Plowman (Secretary). Aldermen Ross (Chairman), Weinlos and LaZerte made up the Special Committee re City, School Board and Community League Recreational Facilities; and L. D. Hyndman (Chairman), Alderman Bodie and Commissioner Hamilton formed the Planning Advisory Commission. The Permanent Revision Committee included W. P. Pasternak, I. F. B. McBride, C. J. McConnell, F. W. Forster and H. D. Collins (Secretary); and the Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals was headed by Alderman McGugan. Commissioner Menzies chaired the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines; and the Archives and Landmarks Committee was composed of J. F. Falconer (Chairman), J. H. Reed, Mrs. F. Duncan, Mrs. S. McCuaig, S. Dickson, D. lnnes, Mrs. C. R. Learmonth, Mrs. E. P. Gowan and G. L. Kyle (Secretary). The Board of Examiners and Appeals included the Fire Chief, D. G. Campbell, A. J. Shaw, W. P. Pasternak (Chairman), L. G. Grimble and H. D. Collins (Secretary); and the Board of Health, Mayor Roper, Aldermen Ross and McGugan, Dr. A. A. Gorman, Mrs. S. E. Forbes, Dr. J. Smulski, Dr. P. Rose, Dr. B. Kuzyk, Dr. G. H. Ball, J. D. A. MacDonald and Miss C. Rose (Secretary). The members of the Boxing Commission were Magistrate B. Peck, R. Beveridge, H. D. Collins, W.J. M. Henning,J. A. Brodie, A. Riddell, Dr. C. Ross and W. Murphy (Secretary). The District Planning Commission included Aldermen Prudham and Mitchell; and the Assessment Appeal 85
Board members were G. B. Henwood, C. W. Alston and D. M. Spencer. The Garage and Service Station Board was composed of Alderman LaZerte, G. McNeill, R. Martin, R. H. Turnbull and K. Nielsen; and the Gas Approval Board of Alderman Mitchell, J. G. Dale, F. M. Russell, T. Templeman, T. Kozak, J. W. Boulter, T. A. McKinely, R. F. Duke, J. R. Ferguson, R. Winter, E. M. McMorran, G. N. Campbell (Chairman) and B. H. Miller (Secretary). The Exhibition Association Council Representatives for 1962 were Aldermen McGugan, Mitchell, Weinlos and Prudham, T. K. Campbell, J. Patterson, M. Hamilton, R. Graham, F. Chalmers, W. J. M. Henning, W. S. Sprague and J. Falconer. The Association members were G. A. McDonald, C. W. Ross, L. M. Rye, L. E. Wilson, L. S. Williams, F. N. Kemp, L. P. Bromham, R. C. Marler, A. J. Ottewell, R. L. Easton (President), W. Muir, J. Paul, A. J. Anderson (Manager) and Miss B. E. Bannerman (Secretary). The Hospital Board members were Aldermen McClary (Chairman), Wilson and Milner, B. C. Whittaker, N. Lansdowne, S. J. Baker, Dr. J. A. Thompson, Commissioner Tweddle, City Colicitor A. F. MacDonald and R. C. Nye (Executive Director); and the Library Board included W. J. M. Henning, P. J. Cox, N. S. Cameron (Chairman), Mrs. W. S. Scarth, Alderman LaZerte, D. Payment, Mayor Roper and M. Coburn (Librarian). The members of the Interim Development Appeal Board and Zoning Appeal Board were Aldermen Mitchell and Bodie, W. L. Hurlburt (Chairman), R. H. Nicholson, W. D. Usher, T. G. Aberdeen, M. Hamilton and Miss B. Droz (Secretary). G. R. Byer, F. J. McDaniel, A. Martin, H. Cote and R. F. Duke made up the Master Plasterers' Examining Board; and the District Names Advisory Committee included Alderman Wilson, H. Carrigan (Chairman), Mrs. E. Rogers, J. F. Falconer, L. Irwin, W. G. Hardcastle and G. Kyle (Secretary). Aldermen Ross and Wilson headed the Greater Edmonton Foundation; and the Memorial Hall Trustees were Judge A. Bisset, W. W. Gordon, Mrs. S. H. Campbell, A. MacDonald and Dr. G. M. Little. The Zoo Advisory Board members were I. C. MacDonald, A. W. Crossley, Dr. R. Nursall, A. D. Rafuse, Dr. A. J. Rattray, L. R. Newby, V. Mahony and T. Mitchell; and the Motor Vehicle Parking Advisory Committee was made up of Aldermen Milner and Weinlos, B. K. Mathew, G. F. Cooper, L. 0. Sanders, G. H. Brown and the City Traffic Engineer. The new Parks and Recreation Advisory Board was composed of Alderman Ross E. M. Duggan, H. D. Carrigan, G. R. Williams (Chairman), A. Potter, J. Peets, Mrs. E. M. Blanchard, A. D. McTavish and W. L. Anderson.
Mayor Roper was re-elected for the fourth time on 17 October 1962. His Aldermanic colleagues for 1963 were V. M. Dantzer, F. J. Mitchell, G. Prudham, Dr. M. Weinlos, J. L. Bodie, G. F. McClary, Dr. A. C. McGugan, S. A. Milner, H. J. M. Ross and Mrs. E. Wilson. The deputy Mayors were Aldermen Ross, Bodie, Milner, McClary and McGugan; and the City Clerk and all three Commissioners were re-appointed. Elected to the Public School Board were J. F. Falconer, Dr. M. E. LaZerte, Mrs. H. Sinclair, E. M. Duggan (Chairman), R. V. Johnson, P. W. Jones, and Mrs. E. Rogers; and to the Separate School Board, B. W. Diachuk, Mrs. J. McDonald, E. D. Stack, H. D. Carrigan, 0. N. Demco (Chairman), Dr. A. A. Gorman and Dr. J. P. Moreau. The standing Committees were a Finance Committee of Aldermen Prudham (Chairman), Bodie, McClary, Milner and Weinlos; and a Bylaws Committee of Aldermen Ross (Chairman), Dantzer, McGugan, Mitchell and Wilson. That year the electors were aksed if they were in favour of passing a bylaw to amend Bylaw No.1716, being the Early Closing of Shops bylaw, so that the amended bylaw will exempt all Food stores in Edmonton, regardless of size, from all provisions of the Early Closing bylaw if the principal business of the store or shop is the sale of food. The proposal was rejected. The Special Committees for 1963 included a Nominations Committee of Aldermen McGugan (Chairman), Milner and Weinlos; a Civil Defence Committee of Mayor Roper (Chairman), Aldermen Weinlos and Milner, and Commissioners Menzies, Tweddle and Hamilton; and Amalgamation Committee of Mayor Roper (Chairman), and Aldermen Mitchell McGugan, Prudham, Wilson and Bodie; a Land Sales Committee of Aldermen McClary (Chairman), Bodie and McGugan; a Centennial Committee of Aldermen Bodie (Chairman), Wilson, Prudham, Milner and Weinlos; and a Committee of Study Assessment Procedure of Aldermen Wilson (Chairman), Bodie and Mitchell. The Assessment Appeal Board, Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals and the Boxing Commission retained the same members as in 1962. E. H. McDougall and N. Guild replaced J. F. Falconer. and J. H. Reed on the Archives and Landmarks Committee. D. Innes served as chairman in 1963. The Architectural Panel incuded W. J. Spotowski, S. Hodgson, S. W. Polansky, D. Pinckston, R. Maltby, I. F. B. McBride, H. S. Ragan, H. A. 87
Wetenkamp, C. H. Frigon, G. Blanchett, C. E. Greenless, R. F. Duke (Chairman), W. G. Hardcastle (Chief Planner), R. Reid (City Assessor) and M rs. A. Cooper (Secretary); and H. L. Kastan replaced L. G. Grimble on the Board of Examiners and Appeals. Alderman Weinlos, Mrs. H. Sinclair and Dr. H. N. C. Begg replaced Alderman Ross, Mrs. S. E. Forbes and Dr. P. Rose on the Board of Health; and Alderman McGugan replaced Alderman Wilson on the District Names Advisory Committee. The District Planning Commission members were Aldermen Bodie, Mitchell and McGugan; and the only changes on the Gas Approval Board from 1962 were that G. Constable replaced J. R. Ferguson, and J. G. Dale served as Chairman. On the Exhibition Association, Alderman Milner and W. B.Jackson replaced Alderman McGugan and R. Graham; and J. L. Bailey, J. E. Duggan and R.W.Shopland replaced L.S.Williams and F. W. Kemp. Alderman Dantzer replaced Alderman LaZerte on the Garage and Service Station Board; and 0. C. McIntyre took the place of B. C. Wittaker on the Hospital Board. On the Library Board, Alderman Milner succeeded W. J. M. Henning; and the members of both the Master Plasterers' Examining Board and the Greater Edmonton Foundation remained the same as in 1962. The members of the Motor Vehicle Parking Advisory Committee were Aldermen Dantzer and Weinlos, B. A. Ellis, G. F. Cooper, L. 0. Sanders, G. H. Brown and the City Traffic Engineer; and the Memorial Hall Trustees were the same as in 1962. L. D. Hyndman (Chairman), Alderman Bodie and Commissioner Hamilton made up the Planning Advisory Commission; and the members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board were Alderman Ross, J. F. Falconer, H. D. Carrigan, Mrs. F. W. Hewes, E. Samis, J. Peets, A. Welsh, A. D. McTavish and W. L. Anderson (Chairman). The Permanent Revisions Committee was made up of A. J. G. Lauder, W. P. Pasternak, I. F. B. McBride, S. K. Hooper, F. W. Forster and H. D. Collins (Secretary); and the Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderrnan Prudham (Chairman), J. W. McDiarmid, C. L. Jackson and W.A. Plowman (Secretary). The members of the Zoo Advisory Board were I. C. MacDonald, A. W. Crossley, Dr. W. A. Fuller, A. D. Rafuse, Dr. R. Webb, J. G. Atcheson, V. Mahoney and T. Mitchell (Chairman); and the Zoning Appeal Board was composed of Aldermen Mitchell and Bodie, W. L. Hurlburt (Chairman) R. H. Nicholson, W. D. Usher, T. G. Aberdeen, M. Hamilton and Miss V. Luchko (Secretary). 88
On 16 October 1 963 William Hawrelak was once again elected Mayor of Edmonton. The Aldermen for 1964 were J. L. Bodie, V. M. Dantzer, Dr. I. G. Dent, Mrs. J. Kiniski, E. H. Leger, G. F. McClary, F. J. Mitchell, H. J. M. Ross, Dr. M. Weinlos and Mrs. E. Wilson. The deputy Mayors, in order of rotation, were Aldermen Wilson, Weinlos, Dantzer, Mitchell and Ross; and once again City Commissioners, D. B. Menzies, J. M. Tweddle and G. C. Hamilton were re-appointed. G. S. Docherty continued to be City Clerk. The Public School Board Trustees for 1 964 were E. Buxton, J. F. Falconer, W. D. Gainer, R. V. Johnson, Dr. M. E. LaZerte (Chairman), Mrs. H. Sinclair and Mrs. E. Rogers; and the Separate School Board Trustees were Dr. G. R. Boileau, O. N. Demco (Chairman), B. W. Diachuk, Dr. A. A. Gorman, B. Feehan, Mrs. J. McDonald and E. D. Stack. The two standing committees were a Finance Committee of Aldermen Weinlos (Chairman), Bodie, McClary, Mitchell and Kiniski; and a Bylaws Committee of Aldermen Ross (Chairman), Dantzer, Dent, Leger and Wilson. The only bylaw approved in 1 964 was one that proposed that 1.23 acres of land lying east of Bellamy Hill, approximately .43 acres of which was designated as Parkland, be exchanged for approximately 215 acres of land lying in the south-west section of the City in an area to the west of Whitemud Creek. The purpose of the exchange was to enable the purchaser to construct a commercial building on the Bellamy Hill site, and the land acquired by the City would be designated as Parkland. Two money bylaws were proposed, but both were rejected. One was for $4,000,000 for the purchase of land and buildings between Jasper Avenue and 102nd Avenue and between 97th and 99th Streets for the construction of a convention centre; and the other was for $10,250,000 for the construction of the convention centre. For 1964, the Special Committees included an Electors and Ward System Committee of Aldermen Bodie, Dent, Wilson, Leger and Weinlos; a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Weinlos (Chairman), Dent, Ross and Wilson; a Civil Defence Committee of Mayor Hawrelak (Chairman), Aldermen Weinlos and Kiniski, and Commissioners Menzies, Tweddle and Hamilton; a Special Development Committee of Mayor Hawrelak (Chairman), and Aldermen Wilson, Ross, Dent, Weinlos and Bodie; and a Land Sales Committee of Aldermen McClary (Chairman), Weinlos and Kin iski. The Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals included Alderman Leger, J. C. Barford, M. English, B. G. Brown, Mrs. T. H. Field, the 89
Superintendent of the Welfare Department, the Chief Constable and the License Inspector; and the Architectural Panel was composed of W. J. Spotowski, S. Hodgson, S. W. Polansky, D. Pinckston, R. Maltby, I. F. B. McBride, H. S. Ragan, H. A. Wetenkamp, C. H. Frigon, G. Blanchett, C. E. Greenlees, R. F. Duke (Chairman), W. G. Hardcastle (Chief Planner), R. Reid (City Assessor) and Mrs. A. Cooper (Secretary). P. Marshall, C. W. Alston and D. M. Spencer made up the Court of Revision, and the members of the Archives and Landmarks Committee were E. H. McDougall, N. Guild, Mrs. F. Duncan, Mrs. S. McCuaig, S. Dickson, D. Innes (Chairman), Mrs. C. E. Learmonth and Mrs. E. P. Gowan. The Boxing Commission was composed of Magistrate B. Peck, R. Beveridge, H. D. Collins, Dr. L. Willox, J. A. Brodie, A. Riddell, Dr. C. Ross and W. Murphy (Secretary-Treasurer); and the members of the Board of Examiners and Appeals were A.J. G. Lauder, D. G. Campbell, J. A. Norton, W. P. Pasternak (Chairman), H. L. Kasten and H. D. Collins (Secretary). The Board of Health included Aldermen Weinlos and Kiniski, Dr. R. Boileau, Mrs. H. Sinclair, Dr. J. Smulski (Chairman) Dr. G. N. C. Begg, G. Dr. B. Kuzyk, Mayor Hawrelak, Dr. G. H. Ball, J. D. A. MacDonald and G. Lawrence (Secretary); and the District Names Advisory Committee consisted of Alderman Mitchell, W. R. McDonald, Mrs. E. Rogers (Chairman), L. Irwin, D. Innes, H. G. Hardcastle and N. A. Diettrich (Secretary). The Regional Planning Commission members were Aldermen Bodie, Mitchell and Leger; and the Gas Approval Board was made up of Alderman Leger, J. G. Dale (Chairman), R. H. Mabey, T. Templeman, D. E. Blake, J. W. Boulter, T. A. McKinley, R. F. Duke, G. Constable, R. S. Winter, E. M. McMorran and B. H. Miller (Secretary). The Exhibition Association Council members were Aldermen Mitchell, Weinlos and Ross, S. A. Milner, E. M ilden, J. Patterson, M. Hamilton, W. B. Jackson, F. Chalmers, G. Prudham, W. J. M. Henning, J. Hendrick, and J. Falconer. The Association members were G. A. McDonald, C.W. Ross, L. M. Rye, L. E. Wilson, J. L. Boileau, J. E. Duggan, R. C. Easton, R. C. Marler (President), G. W. Jones, W. H. Sprague, W. Muir, R. W. Shopland, A. J. Anderson (Manager) and Miss B. E. Bannerman (Secretary). Alderman Dantzer (Chairman), G. McNeill, R. Martin, R. J. Lavoie and W. Robinson served on the Garage and Service Station Board; and Aldermen Kiniski, Wilson, Weinlos and Dantzer on the Greater Edmonton Foundation. The 1964 Hospital Board was made up of Aldermen Wilson, McClary (Chairman) and Ross, J. Katzin, N. Lansdowne, S. J. Baker, Dr. D. F. Cameron, Commissioner Tweddle, City Solicitor, A. F. MacDonald and R. C. Nye (Executive Director).
The Library Board members were S. A. Milner (Chairman), P. J. Cox, Alderman Wilson, W. Brown, Dr. M. E. LaZerte, D. Payment, Mayor Hawrelak and M. Coburn (Librarian); and E. Kennedy, J. Wall, H. Cote, A. Cahoun and R. F. Duke made up the Master Plasterers' Examining Board. The Motor Vehicle Parking Advisory Committee members were Aldermen Dantzer and Weinlos, B.A. Ellis, G. F. Cooper, L. O. Sanders, G. H. Brown and the City Traffic Engineer. Judge A. Bisset, W. W. Gordon, Mrs. S. H. Campbell, A. MacDonald and Dr. G. M. Little were the Memorial Hall Trustees; and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board included Alderman Ross, J. F. Falconer, H. D. Carrigan, F. W. Hewes, E. Samis, J. Peets, A. Welsh, A. D. McTavish and W. L. Anderson (Chairman). The Permanent Revisions Committee members were A. J. G. Lauder, W. P. Pasternak, I. F. B. McBride, S. K. Hooper, F. W. Forster and H. D. Collins (Secretary); and the Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Weinlos (Chairman), J. W. McDiarmid, C. L. Jackson and W. A. Plowman (Secretary). The members of the Zoo Advisory Board were I. C. MacDonald, A. W. Crossley, Dr. W. A. Fuller, A. D. Rafuse, Dr. R. Nursall, J. G. Atcheson, V. Mahony, and T. Mitchell (Chairman); and of the Development Appeal Board, Aldermen Mitchell and Leger, G. Bryan (Chairman), R. H. Nicholson, W. D. Usher, T. G. Aberdeen, M. Hamilton and Miss V. Luchko (Secretary). Mayor Hawrelak was re-elected on 14 October 1964. After his resignation, Alderman Dantzer served as Mayor for the balance of the term. His aldermanic colleagues for 1965 were V. M. Dantzer, J. L. Bodie, Dr. IC. Dent, F. J. Edwards, M rs. J. Kiniski, R. Lambert, E. H. Leger, Mrs. K. M. McCallum, Dr. A. C. McGugan, K. G. Newman, Dr. M. Weinlos and Mrs. E. Wilson. Each alderman served a two month period as deputy mayor, spanning a period of two years. All three City Commissioners were reappointed. The Public School Trustees were J. D. Bracco, E. Buxton, J. F. Falconer, R. V. Johnson, Dr. M. E. LaZerte (Chairman), Mrs. E. Rogers and W. E. Smith; and the Separate School Trustees were Dr. G. R. Boileau, E. D. Stack (Chairman), H. D. Carrigan, 0. N. Demco, B. Feehan, A. A. Gorman and Mrs. J. McDonald. The standing committees were a Finance Committee of Aldermen Bodie (Chairman), Kiniski, McCallum, McGugan, Newman and Weinlos; and a Bylaws Committee of Aldermen Dent (Chairman), Edwards, Lambert, Leger and Wilson.
Two plebiscites were held that year. The first, asking if Council should seek from the Provincial Government the power to allow and permit charging for Sunday sport, was approved; but the second, asking if Fluoride should be added to the City water supply to the level of one part fluorine to one million parts of water, was rejected. For 1965, the Special Committees included a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Weinlos (Chairman), Dent, Leger, Wilson and McGugan; a Civil Defence Committee of Mayor Dantzer (Chairman), Aldermen Weinlos and Lambert, and all three City Commissioners; a Special Development Committee of Mayor Dantzer (Chairman), and Aldermen Edwards, Dent, Weinlos, Bodie and Leger; a Land Sales Committee of Aldermen Weinlos (Chairman), Leger and Wilson; a Telephone Committee of Aldermen Bodie, Dent, Leger, Newman and Weinlos; an Industrial Committee of Aldermen Bodie, Weinlos, Lambert, Edwards and Dent; an Elections Committee of Aldermen Bodie, Dent, Wilson, Leger, Weinlos and McCallum; and a Special Committee Re: Suites of Aldermen McCallum, Dent and Lambert. V. Molsberry replaced H. A. Wetenkamp on the Architectural Panel; and Alderman McGugan, Mrs. E. Rogers, Dr. J. Lauerman and Dr. B. M. MacKenzie replaced Alderman Weinlos and Mrs. H. Sinclair, Dr. J. Smulski and Dr. B. Kuzyk on the Board of Health. J. Bright succeeded Magistrate B. Peck on the Boxing Commission, and J. Graham replaced A. J. G. Lauder on the Board of Examiners and Appeals. The Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals remained the same as in 1964; and Alderman Newman replaced R. H. Nicholson on the Development Appeal Board. The Court of Revision members were P. Marshall, C. W. Alston and H. Kellough; and the Archives and Landmarks Committee consisted of E. H. McDougall, J. F. Falconer (Chairman), Mrs. S. Ross, J. A. Beckingham, Mrs. S. Dickson, D. lnnes, Mrs. C. E. Learmonth, Mrs. E. P. Gowan and Mrs. P. Ragan (Secretary). Aldermen Lambert and Leger, and F. J. Mitchell made up the Regional Planning Commission; and the District Names Advisory Committee was composed of Alderman McCallum, H. D. Carrigan (Chairman), Mrs. E. Rogers, L. Irwin, J. F. Falconer, H. G. Hardcastle and Mr. Ellwood (Secretary). Alderman Bodie, M. Awid, I. Telmer and W. D. McLean, replaced Alderman Mitchell, J. Patterson, M. Hamilton and F. Chalmers as Exhibition Association Council members; and R. H. Byers succeeded G. A. McDonald as an Association Representative. D. MacLean replaced G. McNeill on the Garage and Service Station Board; and Alderman 92
Lambert, C. Foster, G. H. Stogryn and T. Kemper succeeded Alderman Leger, T. Templeman, J. W. Boulter and T. A. McKinley on the Gas Approval Board. The members of the Fire Bylaw Board of Appeals were the City Architect, R. F. Duke, S. R. Walker, J. V. Rule, J. C. Newby and J. A. Norton; and Aldermen Kiniski, Wilson, Weinlos and McCallum werved on the Greater Edmonton Foundation. Aldermen Newman and McCallum replaced Aldermen McClary and Ross on the Hospital Board; and T. Devaney succeeded D. Payment on the Library Board. The members of the Master Plasterers' Examining Board remained the same as in 1964; and R. F. L. Hanna took the place of Mrs. S. Campbell as a Memorial Hall Trustee. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board members were Alderman Edwards, J. F. Falconer, M rs. J. McDonald, Mrs. F. W. Hewes, E. Samis, L. Spooner, Dr. M. Howell, A. D. McTavish and W. L. Anderson. The Permanent Revisions Committee was made up of J. Graham, W. P. Pasternak, I. F. B. McBride, S. K. Hooper, H. J. Dawe and H. D. Collins (Secretary); and the Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Bodie (Chairman), J. W. McDiarmid, C. L. Jackson and W. A. Plowman (Secretary). The members of the Zoo Advisory Board were I. C. MacDonald, A. D. Rafuse, Dr. W. A. Fuller, G. L. Gray, Dr. R. Nursall, J. G. Atcheson, V. Mahony and Dr. M. Van Vliet. V. M. Dantzer continued as Mayor of Edmonton in 1966. The same aldermen served on City Council, and the same City Commissioners were re-appointed. Both the Public and Separate School Trustees continued to serve; and both standing committees contained the same members as in 1965. All the Special Committees remained the same; and the only changes on the Architectural Panel were that E. Wiedman, J. Spenrath and C. Rodgers replaced V. Molsberry, C. H. Frigon and W. G. Hardcastle. The only change on the Board of Health was that J. D. Bracco succeeded Mrs. E. Rogers. C. H. Frigon replaced D. G. Campbell on the Board of Examiners and Appeals; and the members of the Boxing Commission remained the same as in 1965. The Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals and the Development Appeal Board remained the same, as did the District Names Advisory Committee. L. H. Howard, C. W. Alston and P. Marshall made up the Court of Revision; and Aldermen McGugan and Leger, and F. J. Mitchell served on the Regional Planning Commission.The members of 93
the Archives and Landmarks Committee were E. H. McDougall, J. F. Falconer, Mrs. S. Ross, J. A. Beckingham, C. J. Purves, Mrs. D. McKnight, H. Ward, Mrs. E. P. Gowan and Mrs. P. Ragan (Secretary). The Garage and Service Station Board members were Alderman Edwards (Chairman), D. MacLean, J. Kirk, R. J. Lavoie and K. Nielsen; and the Greater Edmonton Foundation remained unchanged. The. Gas Approval Board remained the same, with the exception that Alderman Kiniski replaced Alderman Lambert, and J. D. Henderson became an additional member. The Fire Bylaw Board of Appeals members were S. R. Walker, Dr. A. 0. Minsos, J. C. Newby and J. A. Norton. The Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Aldermen Bodie, McGugan and Weinlos, S. A. Milner, E. Milden, M. Awid, I. Telmer, L. Roper, W. D. McLean, W. J. M. Henning, J. Shewchuk, J. Falconer and H. J. M. Ross. The Association Representatives were C. W. Ross, F. J. Adby, W. Muir, J. L. Bailey, J. E. Duggan, R. M. Byers, H. Hole, R. W. Shopland, T. P. Fox, G. W. Jones, G. Prudham, W. H. Sprague, A. J. Anderson (Manager) and Miss B. E. Bannerman (Secretary). The Hospital Board, Memorial Hall Trustees, and Master Plasterers' Examining Board all remained unchanged from 1965. Mrs. F. W. Hewes replaced P. J. Cox on the Library Board; and Dr. M. R. Berretti replaced I. F. B. McBride on the Permanent Revisions Committee. The members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board were Alderman Dent, J. F. Falconer, Mrs. J. McDonald, G. S. Hughes, Mrs. F. W. Hewes (Chairman), E. Samis, L. Spooner, Dr. M. Howell and A. D. McTavish; and the Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Bodie (Chairman), J. W. McDiarmid, W. Newbigging and W. A. Plowman (Secretary). The Zoo Advisory Board members were J. B. Bell (Chairman), A. D. Rafuse, Dr. W. A. Fuller, G. L. Gray, N.A. Haggarty, A. W. Crossley, Dr. R. C. Harrison and Dr. M. Van Vliet. In the election held on 19 October 1966, Mayor Dantzer defeated William Hawrelak by almost 10,000 votes, and began his second year in office. The aldermen for 1967 were J. W. Bateman, J. L. Bodie, N. Crawford, Dr. I. G. Dent, R. Easton, F. J. Edwards, Mrs. U. M. Evans, Mrs. J. Kin iski, E. H. Leger, Dr. A. C. McGugan, C. Purves and Dr. M. Weinlos; and each served a two month period as deputy Mayor. Dr. P. Bargen was made Chief City Commissioner, and D. B. Menzies, J. M. Tweddle and S. Hampton were appointed City Commissioners. W. R. Dickinson succeeded G. S. Docherty as City Clerk. The Public School Trustees were J. D. Bracco, E. Buston, J. N. Willis, R. V. Johnson, Dr. M. E. LaZerte, Mrs. E. Rogers and W. E. Smith; and the
Separate School Trustees were G. R. Brosseau, Dr. G. R. Boileau, 0. N. Demco, B. Feehan, B. W. Diachuk, Mrs. J. McDonald and E. D. Stack. The two standing Committees were a Finance Committee of Aldermen Bateman, Bodie, Crawford, Dent, Easton and Edwards; and a Bylaws Committee of Aldermen Evans, Kiniski, Leger, McGugan, Purves and Weinlos. Two plebiscites were held that year. The first asked if the City should borrow $5,750,000 for its share in the cost of a cross-river bridge and approaches at 72nd Street to arterial standards from 98th Avenue to 101st Avenue, to Freeway standards from 101st Avenue to 112th Avenue and to arterial standards from 112th Avenue to 118th Avenue. The second asked if fluoride should be added to the City water supply sufficient to bring the Fluoride content of City water up to the level of one part fluoride to one million parts of water. Both were approved. The Special Committees for 1 967 were an Elections Committee of Aldermen Leger (Chairman), Bodie, Crawford, Dent, Evans and Weinlos, E. D. Stack and R. V. Johnson; an Organizational Committee of Aldermen Crawford (Chairman), Dent, Purves, Leger, Bodie, Batemen and Weinlos; a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Bodie (Chairman), Leger, Crawford, Dent and Evans; a Civil Defence Committee of Aldermen Weinlos (Chairman) and Easton, Mayor Dantzer, and the City Commissioners; a Land Sales Committee of Aldermen Weinlos (Chairman) Leger, Purves, McGugan and a deputy Mayor; and a Centennial Committee of Aldermen Evans and Purves. Other Special Committees included a Taxicab Bylaw Committee of Aldermen Dent (Chairman), McGugan and Bateman; and Astrodome, Coliseum and Trade Centre Committee of Mayor Dantzer (Chairman). Aldermen Leger and Weinlos, W. J. M. Henning and R. W. Chapman;-a Resolutions For Alberta Urban Municipalities Association Committee of Aldermen Dent (Chairman) Crawford and Leger; a Transportation Committee of Aldermen Easton (Chairman), Bodie, Purves, Bateman and Kiniski; a City Act Amendments Committee of Aldermen Crawford (Chairman) and Bateman, and the City Solicitor; and an Aldermanic Electric Power Committee of Aldermen Dent (Chairman) and Crawford. and E. Kenney (Secretary). The 1 967 Architectural Panel included W. J. Spotowski, M. Workun H. J. Richards, D. Pinckston, R. Maltby, V. D. Thierman, J. Spenrath, 0. Dickson, A. Shuttleworth, R. F. Duke (Chairman), C. Rodgers (Chief Planner), the City Assessor and Mrs. A. Cooper (Secretary). 95
The Board of Health members were Aldermen Weinlos and Kiniski, Dr. G. R. Boileau, J. N. Willis, Dr. J. Lauerman, Dr. B. Kredentser, Dr. T. Lindskog, Mayor Dantzer, Dr. R. G. Ball, G. Hodge, and G. Lawrence (Secretary); and the members of the Boxing and Wrestling Commission were J. Bright, G. Bougie, L. Shelton, Dr. L. Willox, C. W. McN icoll, Dr. CS. Dafoe, 0. Kruger and H. D. Collins (Secretary-Treasurer). The Board of Police Commissioners was composed of Judge W. Haddad (Chairman), Mayor Dantzer, Aldermen Leger and Weinlos, and T. A. Edwards; and the Advisory Committee re: Urban Renewal was made up of Aldermen Crawford (Chairman), Kiniski and McGugan, J. E. Redmond L. D. Hynd man Sr., Rev. H. A. Meadows, J. McCracken, M. E. English, E. J. Shaske, W. Tomyn, W. Skoreyko and J. Guynan. The Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals members were Alderman Bateman, A. L. Low, M. English, B. G. Brown, R. L. Gilmour, the Superintendent of the Social Service Department, the Chief Constable and the License Inspector; F. J. Mitchell, C. W. Alston and P. Marshall made up the Court of Revision; and Commissioner Menzies headed the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines. The members of the Development Appeal Board were Aldermen Leger and Evans, K. Newman, G. Bryan, L. 0. Olsen, D. M. McLeod, K. Robertson and Mrs. B. MacGregor (Secretary). The District Names Advisory Committee consisted of Alderman Easton, G. R. Brosseau, Dr. E. W. Buxton, B. Forrest, J. F. Falconer, Mr. Rodgers and Mr. Ellwood (Secretary); and the Regional Planning Commission of Aldermen McGugan and Leger, and F. J. Mitchell. The Historical Board members were Mrs. E. P. Gowan, Mrs. T. Laing, W. R. Horner, C. Purves, H. Ward, Mrs. D. McKnight, J. F. Falconer, M. E. Wolfe and J. A. Beckingham (Chairman); and the representatives of the Edmonton and Rural Auxiliary Hospital District No. 24, Norwood Hospital were Aldermen Evans and Easton, G. McClary and J. Sherwood. The Garage and Service Station Board members were Alderman Bateman (Chairman), D. MacLean, J. Kirk, R. J. Lavoie and K. Nielsen; and Aldermen Kiniski, Easton, Weinlos and Purves made up the Greater Edmonton Foundation. The members of the Gas Approval Board were Alderman Easton, F. M. Russell, R. H. Mabey, L. Massey, D. E. Blake, D. McKay, T. Kemper, R. H. Crawley, R. F. Duke, G. Constable, R. S. Winter, E. M. McMorran and R. T. Bronson (Secretary). The Fire Bylaw Board of Appeals was made up of N. Forbes, Dr. A. O. Minsos, J. C. Newby and J. A. Norton; and the Canadian Native Friendship Centre Trustee was W. A. Plowman. 96
The Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Aldermen Bodie, McGugan and Dent, S. A. Milner, E. Milden, M. Awid, I. Telmer, L. Roper, W. D. McLean, D. R. A. McArthur, M. English and D. Marshall. The Association Representatives were C. W. Ross, F. J. Adby, J. L. Bailey, E. S. Neils, J. E. Duggan, J. A. Weber, H. Hole, R. W. Shopland, T. P. Fox, G. W. Jones, J. F. Falconer, W. H. Sprague (President), A. J. Anderson (Manager) and Miss B. E. Bannerman (Secretary). The Hospital Board members were Aldermen Dent, Bateman and Leger, J. Katzin, J. Cox, Mrs. K. M. McCallum, S. Baker, Dr. D. F. Cameron, Mrs. E. Wilson (Chairman), City Solicitor, A. F. MacDonald and R. C. Nye (Executive Director); and the members of the Library Board were S. A. Milner (Chairman), Mrs. F.W. Hewes, Alderman Evans, G. L.W. Brown, Dr. N. Berkowitz, T. Devaney, Mayor Dantzer and M. Coburn (Librarian). The Memorial Hall Trustees wereJudge A. Bisset, W.W.Gordon, R. F. L. Hanna, and Aldermen Bodie and Leger; and the Royal Glenora Club Directors were Alderman Bodie and F. J. Mitchell. The members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board were Alderman Purves, J. N. Willis, B. W. Diachuk, G. S. Hughes (Chairman), Mrs. F. W. Hewes, J. F. Falconer, L. Spooner, D. Crawford and M. Ritchie. The Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Bodie, J. W. McDiarmid, W. Newbigging and W. A. Plowman (Secretary); and H. Cote, E. Kennedy, J. Wall and A. Cahoun made up the Master Plasterers' Examining Board. The Social Service Advisory Committee was composed of Aldermen Evans and Dent, I. F. B. McBride, E. Bishop, Mrs. H. S. Ragan, B. D. Stanton, Dr. G. H. Ball, Dr. K. M. Grierson, A. V. Pettigrew, Mrs. C. J. Farrell, Mrs. D. C. Brown, the Superintendent of the Social Service Department and the Social Service Planning Director. The members of the Zoo Advisory Board were J. B. Bell (Chairman), A. W. Crossley, Dr. W. A. Fuller, N. A. Lawrence, H. A. Haggarty, G. Prudham, Dr. R. Nursall, and Dr. M. Van Vliet; and the Special Committee Re: Organizational Structure included Aldermen Dent (Chairman), Leger and Easton, Chief Commissioner Bargen and Commissioner Hampton. Mayor Dantzer continued in office for 1968. The aldermen that year were J. W. Bateman, J. L. Bodie, N. Crawford, Dr. I. G. Dent, R. Easton, Mrs. U. M. Evans, Mrs. J. Kiniski, E. H. Leger, Dr. C. A. McGugan, C. Purves and Dr. M.Weinlos. Dr. P. Bargen was re-appointed Chief Commissioner, and D. B. Menzies, J. M. Tweddle and S. Hampton were appointed City Commissioners. The Public School Trustees were J. D. Bracco, E. Buxton, J. N. Willis, R. V. Johnson, Dr. M. E. LaZerte, Mrs. E. Rogers and W. E. Smith; 97
and the Separate School Trustees were G. R. Brosseau, Dr. G. R. Boileau, 0. N. Demco, B. Feehan, B. W. Diachuk, Mrs. J. McDonald and E. D. Stack. The standing committees were a Finance Committee of Aldermen Batemen, Bodie, Crawford, Dent and Easton; and a Bylaws Committee of Aldermen Evans, Kiniski, Leger, McGugan, Purves and Weinlos. The members of the Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals were Alderman Bateman, A. L. Low (Chamber of Commerce), M. English (District Labour Council), B. G. Brown (Better Business Bureau), R. L. Gilmour (Social Planning Council), the Superintendent of the Social Service Department, the Chief Constable and the License I nspector. The Advisory Committee Re: Urban Renewal members were Aldermen Crawford (Chairman), Kiniski and McGugan, J. E. Redmond, P. J. Norris, L. D. Hyndman Sr., (Chamber of Commerce), Rev. H. A. Meadows (Social Planning Council), J. McCracken (Community Planning Association); M. E. English (Labour Council), E. J. Shaske (Real Estate Board); W. Tomyn (Provincial Government); W. Skoreyko (Federal Government), and J. Guynan (Boyle Street Property Owners' Association). The members of the Architectural Panel were W. J. Spotowski, M. Workun, H. J. Richards, D. Pinckston and R. Maltby (Alberta Association of Architects); V. D. Thierman and R. H. Nicholson (Association of Professional Engineers); E. Wiedman (Home Builders' Association); G. Dickson and A. Shuttleworth (Sign Industry); R. F. Duke (Chairman), C. Rodgers (Chief Planner), the City Assessor and Mrs. A. Cooper (Secretary). N. Forbes (City Architect), Dr. A. 0. Minsos (Alberta Safety Council), J. C. Newby (Association of Professional Engineers) and J. A. Norton (Construction Association) made up the Fire Bylaw Board of Appeals; and the Board of Health was composed of Aldermen Weinlos and Kiniski, Dr. G. R. Boileau (Separate School), J. N. Willis (Public School), Dr. J. Lauerman (Separate School Nominee), Dr. B. Kredentser (Public School Nominee), Dr. T. Lindskog (Dental Society Nominee), Mayor Dantzer, Dr. Ball (Medical Health Officer), G. Hodge (City Engineer) and G. Lawrence (Secretary). The members of the Board of Police Commissioners were Judge W. Haddad (Chairman), Mayor Dantzer, Aldermen Leger and Weinlos, and T. A. Edwards; and the Boxing and Wrestling Commission consisted of J. Bright, G. Bougie, L. Shelton, Dr. L. Willox, C. W. McN icoll, Dr. C. S. Dafoe, 0. Kruger and H. D. Collins (Secretary-Treasurer). W. A. Plowman was the trustee of the Canadian Native Friendship Centre. 98
The Development Appeal Board was composed of Aldermen Leger and Evans, K. Newman, G. Bryan (Chairman) L. 0. Olsen, D. M. McLeod, K. Robertson and Mrs. B. MacGregor (Secretary); and the District Names Advisory Committee of Alderman Easton, G. R. Brosseau (Separate School), Dr. E. W. Buxton (Public School), B. Forrest (City-at-Large), J. F. Falconer (Historical Board), C. Rodgers (Director of Planning) and N. Diettrich (Secretary). The members of the Edmonton and Rural Auxiliary Hospital District No.24, Norwood Hospital were Aldermen Evans and Easton, G. McClary and J. Sherwood (replaced by P. Gariepy after resignation); and F. J. Mitchell, C. W. Alston and P. Marshall made up the Court of Revision. The Exhibition Association Council Representatives were S. A. Milner, Aldermen Bodie, McGugan and Dent, E. Milden, M. Awid, I. Telmer, L. Roper, W. D. McLean, D. R. A. McArthur, M. English and D. Marshall. Representing the Association were C. W. Ross, F. J. Adby, J. L. Bailey, E. S. Neils, J. E. Duggan, J. A. Weber, H. Hole, R. W. Shopland, T. P. Fox, G. W. Jones, J. F. Falconer, W. H. Sprague (President), A. J. Anderson (Manager) and Miss B. E. Bannerman. The Edmonton Historical Board consisted of Mrs. E. P. Gowan, M rs. T. Laing and W. R. Horner (Northern Alberta Pioneers and Old Timers' Association); C. Purves, H. Ward and Mrs. D. McKnight (Northern Alberta Pioneers and Old Timers' Association); J. F. Falconer, M. E. Wolfe and J. A. Becking ham (Chairman). The members of the Public Library Board were S. A. Milner (Chairman), Mrs. F. W. Hewes, Alderman Evans, G. L. W. Brown, Dr. N. Berkowitz, T. Devaney, Mayor Dantzer and M. Coburn (Librarian and Secretary); and the Regional Planning Commission was made up of F. J. Mitchell and Aldermen McGugan and Leger. The Fire Training Advisory Committee was headed by Fire Chief J. Graham. The Gas Approval Board members were Alderman Easton, F. M. Russell and R. H. Mabey (Northwestern Utilities), L. Massey (Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors' Association), D. E. Blake (Plumbers' and Pipefitters' Union), D. McKay (Institute of Plumbing and Heating), T. Kemper (Master Sheet Metal Workers' Association), R. H. Crawley (Professional Engineers' Association), R. F. Duke (City Architect), G. Constable (Fire Marshall), R. S. Winter (Chief Plumbing and Gas Inspector), E. M. McMorran (City Heating and Ventilating Inspector) and R. T. Bronson (Secretary). The Greater Edmonton Foundation was made up of Aldermen Kiniski, Easton, Weinlos and Purves. The Master Plasterers' Examining Board was composed of H. Cote, E. Kennedy, J. Wall, A. Cahoun, R. F. Duke and D. A. Cull (Secretary); and 99
the Memorial Hall Trustees were Judge A. Bisset, W. W. Gordon and R. F. L. Hanna (Canadian Legion), Aldermen Bodie and Leger, and J. W. Ritchie (Secretary). The Nominations Committee was made up of Aldermen Bodie (Chairman), Leger, Crawford, Dent and Evans. The members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board were Alderman Purves, J. N. Willis (Public School), B. W. Diachuk (Separate School), G. S. Hughes (Chairman), Mrs. F. W. Hewes, J. F. Falconer, L. Spooner, D. Crawford and M. Ritchie. The Revisions Committee (Edmonton Building Code) members were C. A. Skakun (Association of Architects), A. Currie (Edmonton Home Builders), M. Kinash (Association of Professional Engineers), K. A. Byford (Edmonton Construction Association), the Fire Chief and City Architect; and the Revisions Committee (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) was composed of R. H. Crawley (Association of Professional Engineers), R. Williams, C. Bourbonnais and J. Paskevitch (Master Sheet Metal Contractors' Association), Fire Chief J. Graham, City Architect R. F. Duke (Ex-officio) and N. Hill (Supervisor of Heating and Ventilation and Secretary). The Royal Alexandra Hospital Board members were Aldermen Bateman, Dent, and Leger, J. Katzin, J. Cox, Mrs. K. M. McCallum, S. Baker, Dr. D. F. Cameron (University of Alberta), Mrs. E. Wilson (Chairman) City Solicitor A. F. MacDonald and R. C. Nye (Executive Director); and the Directors of the Royal Glenora Club were Alderman Bodie and F. J. M itchel I. The Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Bodie (Chairman), J. W. McDiarmid, W. Newbigging and W. A. Plowman (Secretary). The Social Service Advisory Committee consisted of Alderman Evans, Mrs. I. F. B. McBride, Mrs. H. A. Ragan (Social Planning Council), Dr. G. H. Ball, Dr. K. M. Grierson and A. V. Pettigrew (United Community Fund); Mrs. C. J. Farrell, Mrs. D. C. Brown, the Superintendent of the Social Service Department and the Social Service Planning Director (exofficio). The members of the Twin City Committee were Alderman Weinlos (Chairman), J. Bracco (Public School), R. Omoe (Separate School), G. Baril (French-Canadian Association of Alberta), J. Steel Jr., (Chamber of Commerce), J. Holgerson, Mrs. W. Schlosser and A. W. Rowe (Executive Secretary). The members of the Zoo Advisory Board were J. B. Bell (Chairman), A. W. Crossley, Dr. W. A. Fuller, N. A. Lawrence, H. A. Haggarty, G. Prudham, Dr. R. Nursall and Dr. M. Van Vliet. On 16 October 1968, Dr. Ivor G. Dent defeated ex-Aldermen Bodie and Easton, and became Mayor of Edmonton. He was elected to serve a three-year term (i.e. October 1968 to October 1971). The aldermen 100
elected, and also required to serve a three-year term, were Dr. M. Weinlos, J. W. Bateman, Mrs. U. M. Evans, E. H. Leger, C. Purves, N. Crawford, B. C. Tanner, Mrs. J. Kiniski, Mrs. K. M. McCallum, K. G. Newman, T. Nugent and D. C. Ward. Dr. P. Bargen was re-appointed Chief Commissioner, and J. M. Tweddle, D. B. Menzies and S. Hampton were re-appointed City Commissioners. By drawing lots the aldermen selected their term of office for deputy Mayor. The order of rotation for 1969 was, for each successive month, - Aldermen Crawford, Newman, Kiniski, Leger, Evans, Weinlos, Purves, McCallum, Tanner, Bateman, Ward and Nugent. The Public School Trustees for 1969-71 were J. N. Willis, J. P. Bracco E. Rogers, R. V. Johnson, Dr. M. E. LaZerte, D. E. Smith and L. N. Campbell. The Separate School Trustees were G. R. Brosseau, Mrs. J. Forest, R. J. Sabourin, E. Neville, W. Diachuk, L. Messier and Mrs. J. McDonald. The standing committees for 1969 with members appointed for one year only, were a Legislative Committee of Mayor Dent (Chairman), and Aldermen Purves, Leger and Evans; a Finance and Budgeting Committee of Aldermen Purves (Chairman), Bateman, Kiniski and Nugent; a Public Works Committee of Aldermen Leger (Chairman), Mrs. McCallum, Newman and Ward; a Utilities Committee of Aldermen Evans (Chairman), Weinlos, Crawford and Tanner; and a Nominations Committee of Aldermen Purves (Chairman), Bateman, Ward and Weinlos. The Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals included Alderman Kiniski (appointment remained vacant after her death), R. L. Gilmour (Social Planning Council), A. L. Low (Chamber of Commerce), A. Goruk (Edmonton and District Labour Council), W. Hart (Better Business Burear), Inspector W. Stewart (Police Department), H. Walmark (License Department) and D. K. Wass (Social Service Department); and the newly formed Advisory Committee on Public Housing was made up of Dr. G. Kupfer, Dr. T. Anderson, M. English, A. Low, M. Friedman, R. F. L. Hanna and Dr. M. Hendrickson. The members of the Advisory Committee Re: Urban Renewal were Aldermen Crawford and Nugent (Alderman Kiniski's seat left vacant), W. Skoreyko (Federal Government), W. Tomyn (Provincial Government), J. E. Redmon (Legal Profession), P. J. Norris (Citizen-at-large), Dr. D. R. Stanley (Chamber of Commerce), Rev. H. Meadows (Welfare Council), J. McCracken (Community Planning Association), M. E. English (Labour Council) E. J. Shaske (Real Estate Board), and J. Guynan and W. Mann (Boyle Street Property Owners' Association). City Commissioner D. B.
Menzies continued to head the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines, until his resignation in 1971. The Architectural Panel Members were V. D. Thierman and R. H. Nicholson (Association of Professional Engineers); M. Workun, J. Naito, J. Patsula, J. Vaitkunas, W. Wright (Association of Architects); E. Wiedman and J. Spenrath (Edmonton Home Builders' Association); G. Blanchett and J. McKenzie (Sign Industry); D. Cull (Chairman), Chief Planner, C. Rodgers, City Assessor, G. Hughes and Mrs. A. Cooper (Secretary). The Board of Appeals (Edmonton Building Code) was made up of H. L. Kasten (Association of Professional Engineers and Chairman, later succeeded by R. M. Kerr), C. A. Skakun (Association of Architects), K. A. Byford (Construction Association), S. K. Hooper (Home Builders' Association), C. A. Kosowan (Law Society) and Alderman Tanner; and the Board of Appeals (Fire Bylaw) of D. Cull (Acting City Architect), N. Forbes (Safety Council), Dr. A. 0. Minsos (Association of Architects), J. C. Newby (Association of Professional Engineers) and J. A. Morton (Construction Association). The members of the Board of Health were Aldermen Kiniski (later Alderman Crawford) and N ugent, Mrs. L. Campbell (Public School), Dr. J. Sabourin (Separate School), Dr. B. Kredentser (Public School Nominee), Dr. K. R. Paproski (Separate School Nominee), Dr. S. G. Geldart (Dental Society), Mayor Dent, the Medical Health Officer, City Engineer and G. B. Lawrence (Secretary); and the Board of Police Commissioners included Judge W. Haddad (Chairman), Mayor Dent, Aldermen Leger and Weinlos, T. A. Edwards (Bar Association) and H. F. Wilson (Secretary). The Boxing and Wrestling Commission members were P. Moran (Chairman), R. Hayter, L. Shelton, Dr. L. Willox, C. W. McNicoll, Dr. C. S. Dafoe, 0. Kruger and H. D. Collins (Secretary); and W. A. Plowman continued to represent the City on the Board of Trustees of the Canadian Native Friendship Centre. The members of the Citizens' Advisory Committee on Omniplex were R. Chapman, Dr. M. Van Vliet; R. Basken, W. J. M. Henning, T. P. Fox, W. A. Saunders, B. W. Stone, Miss M. I mrie, A. Solikoski, G. Prudham and A. R. McBain; and the Development Appeal Board was composed of Aldermen Crawford (formerly Alderman Evans) and Newman, G. J. Bryan (Chairman) D. M. McLeod, K. Robertson, L. 0. Olsen, Miss I. MacMillan and Mrs. B. MacGregor (Secretary). The Edmonton and Rural Auxiliary Hospital and Nursing Home, District No.24, Norwood Hospital Committee included Aldermen Evans
and Nugent, M. R. Parker (Chairman), W. J. Flynn, R. L. Easton, P. Gariepy and P. Bakker. Dr. D. R. Easton acted as Secretary. Alderman Weinlos represented City Council on the Edmonton Area Emergency Measures Organization, and W. B. Brown served as Secretary. P. Marshall, F. J. Mitchell and D. R. Stewart sat on the Court of Revision. The Exhibition Association Council Representatives were Mayor Dent, Aldermen Weinlos and Purves, M. Awid, L. Roper, L. Perry, V. Dantzer, C. Graefe, J. L. Dobie, W. McLean, E. Wilder, D. R. McArthur, M. English and D. Marshall; and the Association Representatives were F. J. Adby, J. L. Bailey, J. E. Duggan, J. F. Falconer, T. P. Fox, H. Hole, G. W. Jones, E. S. Neils, C. W. Ross, R. W. Shopland, W. H. Sprague and J. A. Weber. The members of the Historical Board were Alderman Crawford, H. Ward; Mrs. D. McKnight, Mrs. E. P. Cowan, Mrs.T. Laing, and W. R. Horner (Northern Alberta Pioneers and Old Timers' Association); J. F. Falconer, M. E. Wolfe, J. E. Becking ham (Chairman) and S. Unger (Secretary); and the Edmaonton Housing Authority was made up of A. Low (Chamber of Commerce), M. English (District Labour Council), Dr. T. Anderson (InterFaith-Council), R. F. L. Hanna (Canadian Legion), Dr. G. Kupfer (Department of Sociology, University of Alberta), M. Friedman and Dr. M. Hendrickson (Citizens-at-large). The Library Board members were Aldermen Bateman and Nugent, Mrs T. Cristall, Miss M. Gardner, Miss D. Chapman, R. Lufkin, G. L. W. Brown, Dr. N. Berkowitz, T. Devaney and Mrs. F. W. Hewes; and the Edmonton Regional Planning Commission was composed of Aldermen Nugent, Newman and Ward. (Aldermen Bateman, Leger and Evans were appointed as alternates). Fire Chief J. Graham continued to head the Fire Training Advisory Committee, and Deputy Fire Commissioner W. McKay acted as Secretary. The Gas Approval Board consisted of D. Cull (appointed by Council), F. M. Russell and G. L. Brown (Northwestern Utilities), L. Massey, (Plumbing and Pipe-Fitting Union), J. C. Dobbie (Canadian Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors' Association), J. Gibson (Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating), J. DeLong (Master Sheet Metal Workers' Association), R. H. Crawley (Professional Engineers of Alberta); City Architect R. F. Duke, Fire Marshall J. Graham, Chief Plumbing and Gas Inspector R. S. Winter and Heating and Ventilation Inspector E. M. McMorran (All ex-officio). D. J. Polovnikoff (Northwestern Utilities) acted as Secretary.
S. Smith (Executive Secretary), D. K. Wass, A. V. Pettigrew, K. R. Higham and E. S. Bishop formed the Grants Evaluation Committee; and the Greater Edmonton Foundation included Aldermen Kiniski (replaced by Alderman Leger following her death), McCallum, Tanner and Weinlos. The Master Plasterers' Examining Board was made up of H. Cote, E. Kennedy, J. Wall, A. Riehl and D. Cull (Secretary); and the Memorial Hall Trustees were Judge A. Bisset (Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor), W. W. Gordon and R. F. L. Hanna (Canadian Legion), Alderman Weinlos and Alderman Leger. J. W. Ritchie served as Secretary. The Municipal Planning Commission members were the Public Works Commissioner, the City Engineer, the Director of Planning, the City Solicitor, the City Assessor, the Superintendent of the Land Department, the Superintendent of the Parks and Recreation Department and the Superintendent of the Edmonton Transit System. In 1969 the District Names Advisory Committee was re-named the Names Advisory Committee. The members for that year were Alderman McCallum, Mrs. E. Rogers (Public School), Mrs. J. Forest (Separate School), S. Donag hey and Miss M. Hamilton (Citizens-at-large), J. F. Falconer (Edmonton Historical Board), C. Rodgers (Director of Planning) and N. Diettrich (Secretary). The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board members were Alderman Ward, Mrs. L. Campbell (Public School), Mrs. R. M. Neville, T. Jackson (Federation of Community Leagues, and Chairman), and the members-at-large, Mrs. J. Irwin, G. Poole, L. Spooner, D. Crawford and M. Ritchie. Mrs. D. Romanchuk acted as Secretary. Also in 1 969 a Provisional Board of Directors for Nordex '73 was set up. The members were Alderman Nugent, B. Alloway (Sunwapta Broadcasting Co.), R. Banister (Construction Consultant), Dr. J. Bond (University of Alberta), E. E. Bishop (Legal Advisor), J. K. Campbell (Chamber of Commerce), E. A. Christenson (Chartered Accountant), M. Duncan (Toronto-Dominion Bank), D. Larsen (Larsen Office Interiors), R. McBain (McBain Camera), H. J. S. Pearson (Bank of Montreal), G. L. Roper (Commercial Printers) and J. Schlosser (Tr-Jay Investments). L. Bodie served as Chairman. The Revisions Committee (Edmonton Building Code) was made up of C. A. Skakun (Association of Architects, and Chairman), A. Currie (Edmonton Home Builders), M. Kinash (Association of Professional Engineers), K.A. Byford (Edmonton Construction Association), Fire Chief J. Graham, City Architect R. F. Duke and H. D. Collins (Secretary); and the Revisions Committee (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) included R. Williams (Master Sheet Metal Contractors' Association) J.
Paskevitch (Master Sheet Metal Contractors' Association), C. Bourbonnais (Master Sheet Metal Contractors' Association) and R. Crawley (Association of Professional Engineers). The ex-officio members were Fire Chief J. Graham, City Architect R. F. Duke and the Supervisor of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, N. Hill. (Mr. Hill also served as Secretary). The Royal Alexandra Hospital Board was composed of Aldermen McCallum, Tanner and Leger, A. Awid, Mrs. E. Wilson, J. Katzin, T. Davies, Dr. D. F. Cameron (Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta), City Solicitor A. F. MacDonald and R. C. Nye (Executive Director). The two City Council appointees to the Board of Directors of the Royal Glenora Club were Alderman Bateman and F. J. Mitchell; and the Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Purves (Chairman), W. Newbigging and J. L. Bodie, W. A. Plowman continued as Secretary. The members of the Social Service Advisory Committee were Alderman Bateman (Alderman Ward as Alternate), Mrs. H. S. Ragan (B. D. Stanton as Alternate); and for the Social Planning Council, Mrs. G. Sparling (E. Bishop as Alternate); Dr. G. H. Ball, A. V. Pettigrew and Dr. A. E. Hohol (later Dr. K. Grierson) (United Community Fund), Mrs. C. J. Farrell (Chairman), Mrs. I. F. B. McBride and Mrs. D. C. Brown; and the Social Service Department Superintendent and the Social Service Planning Director (ex-officio). The Taxicab Board members were W. Robertson, W. Switenky and J. Pare (Cab Drivers); E. Mitchell and W. S. Ross (Citizens-at-large); A. Macdonald (Legal Department), Inspector W. H. Stewart (Police Department, and Chairman), R. K. Wiedman (Yellow Cab), H. Bouy (City Cab) and H. Moon (Secretary). The Twin City Committee was made up of Alderman Weinlos (Chairman), R. V. Johnson (Public School), R. Omoe (Separate School), G. Baril (French-Canadian Association of Alberta), J. Steel (Chamber of Commerce), J. Holgerson and Mrs. W. Schlosser (Citizens-at-large) and A. Rowe (Executive Secretary). The Zoo Advisory Board seems to have been discontinued in 1969. However, the Bylaw (1967) governing this Board was not rescinded as the Chairman of the Zoo Advisory Board, J. B. Bell, felt that the need for its re-activation could possibly arise in the future. (See Bell to Alderman Purves, Chairman of the Nominations Committee, 29 January and 21 May 1969). On 27 October .1969, City council authorized the formation of a Liaison Committee re: Housing and Development (Municipal Planning Commission). It was to be made up of the Chairman of the Public Works
Committee, the Deputy Chairman of the Public Works Committee, the Chairman of the Edmonton Chapter of the Urban Development Institute, the President of the Edmonton Home Builders' Association, the Public Works Commissioner and the Utilities Commissioner. Also on 10 November 1969, City Council authorized the creation of an Advisory Committee re Anti-Litter Campaign. There were to be nine members, and they would be appointed early in 1970. 1970 On 26 January 1970 City Council decided that the Nominations Committee be terminated and its former duties be assumed by the Legislative Committee. Therefore, the Standing Committees of City Council for 1970 were a Legislative Committee of Mayor Dent (Chairman), and Aldermen Evans, Nugent and Tanner; a Finance and Budgeting Committee of Aldermen Nugent (Chairman), Purves, Bateman and Leger; and a Public Works Committee of Aldermen Evans (Chairman), McCallum, Newman and Kiniski; and a Utilities Committee of Aldermen Tanner (Chairman) Weinlos, Crawford and Ward. The Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals was composed of Alderman Evans (Alderman Ward as Alternate), A. Low (Chamber of Commerce), A. Goruk (Edmonton and District Labour Council), R. L. Gilmour (Social Planning Council) and W. Stutt (Better Business Bureau). Ex-officio members were Inspector W. Stewart (Police Department), H. Walmark (License Department) and D. K. Wass (Social Service Department, and Secretary of the Committee); and the Edmonton Housing Authority Advisory Committee included M. English, A. Low, Mrs. K. Clarke, Rev. V. Wishart, I. Nichol', Mrs. D. MacFarlane (Chairman) and M. Friedman. The Advisory Committee re: Anti-Litter Campaign members were P. Kmech (Public Relations Department), W. J. Gunnin (Parks and Recreation Department), G. P. Duncan (Engineering Department), Deputy Fire Chief L. Day, G. H. Stout (Public School Board), J. Seaman (Separate School Board), P. Chemago (Chamber of Commerce), R. McLean (Junior Chamber of Commerce) and Mrs. A. Meldrum (Federation of Community Leagues); and the memberrs of the Advisory Committee re: Urban Renewal were Aldermen Crawford and Nugent, J. E. Redmond (Legal Profession), P. J. Norris (Citizen-at-large), J. McCracken (Community Planning Association), Dr. D. R. Stanley (Chamber of Commerce), Rev. H. A. Meadows (Social Planning Council) M. E. English (Edmonton and. District Labour Council), E. J. Shaske (Real Estate Board), W. Tomyn (Provincial Government), W. Skoreyko (Federal Government), and J. Guynan and W. Mann (Boyle Street Property Owners' and Taxpayers' 1 06
Association). D. A. McCullagh (Planning Department) acted as Secretary. This Committee was discontinued on 8 March 1971. An Airport Study Committee was created on 9 November 1970. Its first members were Mayor Dent, Aldermen Nugent, Purves, Batemen and Leger (Finance Committee), and J. C. Campbell and G. Lavold (Chamber of Commerce). The members of the Architectural Panel were V. D. Thieman and R. H. Nicholson (Association of Professional Engineers); M. Workun, J. Naito, J. Patsula, J. Vaitkunas and W. Wright (Association of Architects); E. Wiedman and J. Spenrath (Edmonton Housing Association); G. Blanchett and J. McKenzie (Edmonton Sign Association); City Architect D. A. Cull (Chairman), Director of Planning S. C. Rodgers and City Assessor G. Hughes. Mrs. A. Cooper (Architect's Department) acted as Secretary. The Board of Appeals (Edmonton Building Code) was made up of Alderman Tanner, R. M. Kerr (Association of Professional Engineers), C. A. Skakun (Association of Architects), C. A. Kosowan (Law Society), K. A. Byford (Construction Association), R. H. Scheibelhofer (Housing Association) and E. McMorran (Architect's Department, and Secretary). The Board of Appeals (Fire Bylaw) consisted of the City Building Inspector, T. Bell (Alberta Safety Council), W. W. Butchart (Architect's Association), J. C. Newby (Association of Professional Engineers), K. A. Byford (Construction Association) and Assistant Fire Marshall A. a Cameron (Secretary). The members of the Board of Health were Mayor Dent, Aldermen Crawford and McCallum, Mrs. L. Campbell (Public School), Dr. J. Sabourin (Separate School), Dr. B. Kredentser (Public School Nominee), Dr. K. R. Paproski (Separate School Nominee) and Dr. S. G. Geldart (Edmonton and District Dental Society), G. B. Lawrence acted as Secretary; and the Board of Police Commissioners included Mayor Dent, Aldermen Weinlos and Leger, Judge W. J. Haddad, T. A. Edwards (Bar Association) and H. F. Wilson (Legal Department, and Secretary). The Boxing and Wrestling Commission members were P. Moran, R. Hayter, L. Shelton, 0. Kruger, Dr. H. A. Schwarz, T. W. Gallant, G. Bougie and H. D. Collins (Secretary-Treasurer); and the Development Appeal Board was made up of Aldermen Crawford and Newman, G. J. Bryan, D. M. McLeod, K. Robertson, L. 0. Olsen, Miss I. MacMillan and Miss V. Luchko (Planning Department, and Secretary). The Edmonton and Rural Auxiliary Hospital and Nursing Home, District No. 24, Norwood Hospital Committee members were Aldermen Evans and Nugent, P. Gariepy, R. L. Easton and Dr. D. R. Easton (Executive Director); and the Edmonton Area Emergency Measures 107
Organization consisted of Aldermen Weinlos and Purves, and W. B. Brown (Civil Defence Department, and Secretary). The members of the Edmonton Court of Revision were F. J. Mitchell, D. Usher, D. M. Spencer and City Assessor G. Hughes (Secretary). The Exhibition Association members appointed by City Council were Mayor Dent, Aldermen Weinlos and Purves, M. Awid, L. Roper, L. Perry, V. Dantzer, C. Graefe, J. L. Bodie, W. McLean, R. McBain, D. R. McArthur, M. English, D. Marshall and Mrs. C. Helwig (Secretary). The Edmonton Historical Board included Alderman Crawford, H. Ward (Chairman), Mrs. D. McKnight and R. Horner (Northern Alberta Pioneers' and Old Timers' Association), Mrs. E. P. Gowan, J. Falconer, M. E. Wolfe, R. Ludford, Mrs. J. Moar and Mrs. D. Romanchuk (Secretary); and the Edmonton Housing Authority members were M. English, A. Low, Mrs. K. Clarke, Rev. V. Wishart, I. Nicholl, Mrs. D. MacFarlane (Chairman) and M. Friedman. The members of the Edmonton Public Library Board were Aldermen Bateman (Alderman Tanner after his resignation in November 1970) and N ugent, M rs.T. Cristall, Miss M. Gardner, Miss D. Chapman, R. Lufkin, Dr. N. Berkowitz, T. Devaney and Mrs. F. W. Hewes (Chairman). Director of Libraries M. Coburn served as Secretary. The Council representatives on the Edmonton Regional Planning Commission were Aldermen Newman, Nugent and Ward. (Aldermen Bateman, Evans and Leger were Alternates). The Fire Training Advisory Committee, which consisted of Fire Chief J. Graham, Alderman Ward and Deputy Fire Commissioner W. McKay, was terminated by Fire Commissioner A. Bridges on 9 November 1970. The Gas Approval Board members were E. McMorran (City), F. M. Russell and G. L. Brown (Northwestern Utilities), L. Massey (Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors' Association), J. Dobbie (Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry Union) J. Gibson (Institute of Plumbing and Heating), R. Baron (Master Sheet Metal Contractors' Association), R. H. Crawley (Association of Professional Engineers), the City Architect, the Fire Marshall, the Plumbing and Gas Inspector and the Heating and Ventilating Inspector. D. J. Polovnikoff acted as Secretary. The Grants Evaluation Committee included S. Smith (Executive Secretary), D. K. Wass, A. V. Pettigrew, K. R. Higham and E. S. Bishop. This Committee was disbanded on 31 August 1971. The above members served continuously until that time. The Greater Edmonton Foundation was made up of Aldermen Leger, McCallum, Tanner and Weinlos (Chairman). J. E. Buffam served as Executive Manager.
The Liaison Committee re: Housing and Development was composed of the Chairman of the Public Works Committee, the Deputy Chairman of the Public Works Committee, J. McCracken (Urban Development Institute), E. Albrecht (Edmonton Home builders' Association), the Public Works Commissioner and the Utilities Commissioner. The Master Plasterers' Examining Board was made up of H. Cote, E. Kennedy, J. Wall, A. Riehl and D. Cull (Secretary); and the Memorial Hall Trustees were Judge A. Bisset (appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor), W. W. Gordon and R. F. L. Hanna (Canadian Legion), and Aldermen Weinlos and Leger. The members of the Municipal Planning Commission were the Public Works Commissioner, the City Engineer, the Director of Planning, the City Solicitor, the 'City Assessor, and the Superintendents of the Land Department, Parks and Recreation and the Transit System; and the Names Advisory Committee included Alderman McCallum, Mrs. E. Rogers (Public School), Mrs. J. Forest (Separate School), S. Donaghey and Miss M. Hamilton (Citizens-at-large), J F. Falconer (Edmonton Historical Board), and S. C. Rodgers (Director of Planning). N. Diettrich (Planning Department) acted as Secretary. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board consisted of Alderman Ward (Alderman Bateman as Alternate), Mrs. L. Campbell (Public School), Mrs. R. M. Neville (Separate School), T. Jackson (Federation of Community Leagues and Chairman), Mrs. J. Irwin, G. Poole, D. M. Ritchie, N. Silverman and K MacDonald (Members-at-large). Mrs. D. Romanchuk acted as Secretary. The members of the Provisional Board of Directors for Nordex '73 were Alderman Nugent, B. Alloway (Sunwapta Broadcasting Co.), R. Banister (Construction Consultant), Dr. J. Bond (University of Alberta), E. E. Bishop (Legal Advisor), J. K. Campbell (Chamber of Commerce), E. A. Christenson (Chartered Accountant), M. Duncan (Toronto Dominion), D. Larsen (Larsen Office Interiors), R. McBain (McBain Camera), H. J. S. Pearson (Bank of Montreal), G. L. Roper (Commercial Printers), J. Schlosser (Tr-Jay Investments) and L. Bodie (Chairman). The Revisions Committee (Edmonton Building Code) was made up of C. A. Skakun (Association of Architects), J. Ekert (Edmonton Home Builders), M. Kinash Association of Professional Engineers), K. A. Byford (Edmonton Construction Association) and H. Collins (Secretary). The two City representatives, acting in an ex-officio capacity, were the Fire Chief and the City Architect. The Revisions Committee (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) included R. Williams, J. Paskevitch and 109
C. Bourbonnais (Master Sheet Metal Contractors' Association); R. Crawley (Association of Professional Engineers), the Fire Chief, the City Architect and the Supervisor of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning. E. N. Hill acted as Secretary. The members of the Royal Alexandra Hospital Board were Aldermen McCallum, Tanner and Leger, A. Awid, Mrs. E. Wilson, J. Katzin (Chairman) and T. Davies (Electors); Dr. D. F. Cameron (Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta) and City Solicitor A. F. Macdonald. The Council representatives on the Board of Directors of the Royal Glenora Club were Alderman Bateman and F. J. Mitchell; and the Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Purves (Chairman), W. Newbigging and J. L. Bodie. Assistant City Commissioner W. A. Plowman acted as Secretary. The Social Service Advisory Committee consisted of Alderman Evans (Alderman Ward as Alternate), Mrs. G. Sparling (Social Planning Council) (E. Bishop as Alternate); Mrs. H. S. Ragan (United Community Fund) (B. D. Stanton as Alternate) (Mrs. Ragan was later succeeded by M. Dlin); Dr. G. H. Ball (Medical Health Officer), A. V. Pettigrew and Dr. K. Grierson (Special Knowledge in Welfare, Education and Recreation); Mrs. C. J. Farrell (Chairman), Mrs. I. F. B. McBride and Mrs. D. C. Brown (Citizens-at-large). On Mrs. Brown's resignation, Mrs. H. B. Barrett was appointed, 23 November 1970, to serve the balance of the 1970 term). D. Milne (Social Service Department) acted as Secretary. The short-lived Steering Committee Re Foundation of Cultural Heritage, authorized by City Council on 14 December 1970, but disbanded shortly afterwards, included Alderman Evans, A. Gregg, W. H. Kaasa (Provincial Secretary's Department), M. Wolfe, A. F. Macdonald (Legal Department), J. Janzen and J. C. Finlay (Parks and Recreation). The members of the Twin City Committee were Alderman Weinlos (Chairman), R. V. J ohnson (Public School), R. Omoe (Separate School), G. Baril (French-Canadian Association of Alberta), J. Steel (Junior Chamber of Commerce), J. Holgerson and Mrs. W. Schlosser (Citizens-at-large). A. W. Rowe acted as Secretary. In 1971, both D. B. Menzies and J. M. Tweddle resigned and were replaced by Commissioners Adams and Hughes. In the 1971 election Menzies was to run successfully for an aldermanic seat. For 1971, the Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals included Alderman Evans (Alderman Ward as Alternate), F. Martin (Chamber of Commerce), J. Schimmel (Edmonton District Labour Council), L. MacPherson (Edmonton Social Planning Council), W. Stutt (Better Business Bureau), the Superintendent of Social Services, the Chief Constable and the
License Inspector; and the Edmonton Housing Authority was composed of M. English, A. Low, Mrs. K. Clarke, the Rev. V. Wishart, I. Nicholl, Mrs. D. MacFarlane (Chairman) and M. Friedman. The members of the Advisory Committee Re Anti-Litter Campaign were P. Kmech (Public Relations Department), W. J. Gunning (Parks and Recreation), G. P. Duncan (Engineering Department), Deputy Fire Chief L. Day, G. H. Stout (Public School), J. Seaman (Separate School), P. Chemago (Chamber of Commerce), R. McLean (Junior Chamber of Commerce) and Mrs. A. Meldrum (Federation of Community Leagues). The Advisory Committee Re Urban Renewal, which was discontinued 8 March 1971, included Aldermen Crawford and Nugent, J. E. Redmond (Legal Profession), P. J. Norris (Citizen-at-large), J. McCracken (Community Planning Association), Dr. D. R. Stanley (Chamber of Commerce), Rev. H. A. Meadows (Edmonton Social Planning Council), M. E. English (Edmonton and District Labour Council), E. J. Shaske (Edmonton Real Estate Board), W. Tomyn (Provincial Government), W. Skoreyko (Federal Government) and J. Guynan and W. Mann (Boyle Street Property Owners' and Taxpayers' Association). The Airport Study Committee, authorized on 9 November 1970, was composed of Mayor Dent, Aldermen Nugent, Purves, Bateman and Leger, J. C. Campbell and G. Lavold (Chamber of Commerce). Mayor Dent served as Chairman. The members of the Architectural Panel were V. D. Thierman and R. H. Nicholson (Association of Professional Engineers); M. Workun, J. Naito, J. Patsula, J. Vaitkunas and W. Wright (Association of Architects); E. Wiedman and J. Spenrath (Edmonton Housing Association); G. Blanchett and J. McKenzie (Sign Association); the City Architect, the Director of Planning and the City Assessor. Mrs. A. Cooper (Architect's Department) acted as Secretary. However, on 6 April 1971, City Council discontinued this committee. The Board of Appeals (Edmonton Building Code) was made up of R. M. Kerr (Association of Professional Engineers), Dr. A. 0. Minsos (Association of Architects), C. A. Kosowan (Law Society), K. A. Byford (Edmonton Construction Association) and R. H. Scheibelhofer (Edmonton Housing Association), E. McMorran (Planning Department) served as Secretary. The Board of Appeals (Fire Bylaw) included the City Building Inspector, T. Bell (Alberta Safety Council), W. W. Butchart (Association of Architects), J. C. Newby (Association of Professional Engineers) and K. A. Byford (Edmonton Construction Association). Assistant Fire Marshall A. D. Cameron acted as Secretary.
The members of the Board of Health were Mayor Dent, Aldermen Crawford and Kiniski, Mrs. E. Rogers (Public School), Dr. R. J. Sabourin (Separate School), Dr. K. R. Paproski (Separate School Nominee), Dr. B. Kredentser (Public School Nominee), Dr. S. G. Geldart (Edmonton and District Dental Society) and G. B. Lawrence (Secretary); and the Board of Police Commissioners was made up of Mayor Dent, Alderman Leger and Weinlos, Judge W. J. Haddad (Chairman), T. A. Edwards (Edmonton Bar Association) and H. F. Wilson (Legal Department, and Secretary). The Boxing and Wrestling Commission was composed of O. Kruger, Dr. H. A. Schwarz, T. W. Gallant, G. Bougie, R. MacDonald, R. Hayter and L. Shelton, H. D. Collins served as Secretary. The Development Appeal Board included Aldermen Crawford and Newman, G. J. Bryan, D. M. McLeod, K. Robertson, L. 0. Olsen and Miss I. MacMillan. Miss V. V. Luchko acted as Secretary. The members of the new District Hospital Board, authorized by City Council on 19 July 1971, were Mayor Dent, Aldermen McCallum, Tanner, Weinlos, Kiniski and Bateman, J. Katzin, A. Awid, A. F. Macdonald and Dr. D. F. Cameron (Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta); and the Edmonton and Rural Auxiliary Hospital and Nursing Home, District No. 24, Norwood Hospital Committee consisted of Aldermen Evans and Nugent, P. Gariepy and R. C. Easton. D. McBean (Executive Director of the Norwood Hospital) acted as Secretary. The Edmonton Area Emegency Measures Organization Council representatives were Aldermen Weinlos and Purves. W. B. Brown (Civil Defence Department) served as Secretary. The new members of the Edmonton Court of Revision for 1 971 were R. Gillespie, S. G. McAfee, J. Check and Commissioner G. S. Hughes (Secretary). The members of the Edmonton Exhibition Association, appointed by City Council, were Mayor Dent, Aldermen Weinlos and Purves, R. McBain., D. R. McArthur, M. English, D. Marshall, H. McCallum, D. Boyer, R. C. P. Westbury, D. Hollands, G. L. Roper, C. Graefe, L. Perry and Mrs. C. Helwig (Secretary). The Edmonton Historical Board was made up of Alderman Crawford, H. Ward, Mrs. D. McKnight, and T. Stickney (Northern Alberta Pioneers' and Old Timers' Association), J. Falconer, M. E. Wolfe, R. Ludford (Chairman), Mrs. J. Moar, W. Walker and Mrs. J. Harrison (Parks and Recreation, and Secretary); and the Edmonton Housing Authority consisted of M. english, A. Low, Mrs. K. Clarke, Rev. V. Wishart, I. Nicholl, Mrs. D. MacFarlane (Chairman) and M. Friedman.
The newly created Edmonton Police Commission, authorized by City Council on 19 July 1971, was composed of Mayor Dent, Alderman Purves, Chief Commissioner Dr. P. F. Bargen, A. Edwards and T. Dublanko. The last three were appointed by the Attorney-General, per Legislative Committee. The members of the Edmonton Public Library Board were Aldermen Tanner and Nugent, Mrs. T. Cristall (resigned 19 July 1971, and succeeded by W. D. Grace), Miss M. Gardiner (Chairman), Miss D. Chapman, R. Lufkin, Mrs. F. W. Hewes, Dr. N. Berkowitz and J. L. Hallberg. Mrs. E. Larson acted as Secretary. The Edmonton Regional Planning Commission was made up of Aldermen Newman, Nugent and Kiniski, and R. N. Giffen (Executive Director). Aldermen Bateman, Evans and Leger acted as Alternates. The Gas Approval Board members were E. McMorran (City), F. M. Russell and G. L. Brown (Northwestern Utilities), L. Massey (Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors' Association), J. Dobbie (Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry), G. Murray (Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating), R. Baron (Master Sheet Metal Contractors' Association), R. H. Crawley (Association of Professional Engineers), the Building Inspector, the Fire Marshall, the City Plumbing and Gas Inspector and the Heating and Ventilating Inspector. W. Newmeister (Northwestern Utilities) acted as Secretary. S. Smith (Executive Secretary), E. K. Wass, A. V. Pettigrew, K. R. Higham and E. S. Bishop made up the Grants Evaluation Committee. However, on 31 August 1971, City Council disbanded this Committee. The members of the Greater Edmonton Foundation were Aldermen Leger, McCallum, Tanner and Weinlos (Chairman), and J. Buffam (Executive Manager). On 22 March 1971 Alderman Weinlos left the Committee and was replaced by Alderman Purves. On 21 December 1970, and then again on 22 March 1971, City Council authorized the creation of a Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board. Its first members were P. Haljan (Chairman, and who resigned 31 December 1971), D. Collier, H. T. Lefebvre, R. Gillespie, M. E. English, Miss L. Hannley and M. Miketon. The Liaison Committee Re Housing and Development was made up of Aldermen Evans and Tanner (as of 8 November 1971), J. McCracken (Urban Development Institute), E. Albrecht (Edmaonton Housing Association), the Public Works Commissioner and the Utilities Commissioner. The Master Plasters' Examining Board was made up of the Building Inspection Director H. Cote and E. Kennedy (Operative Plasters and Cement Masons International Association), A. A. Riehl and J. Wall 113
(Alberta Plastering Contractors' Association), and H. Collins (Secretary); and the Memorial Hall Trustees were Judge A. Bisset (appointed by the. Lieutenant-Governor in Council), W. W. Gordon and R. F. L. Hanna (Canadian Legion), Aldermen Weinlos and Leger, and J. W. Ritchie (Secretary). On 22 March 1971, Alderman Newman was appointed to replace Alderman Leger, who had served for six successive years. The Municipal Planning Commission consisted of the Commissioner of Public Affairs, the City Engineer, the Superintendent of Planning, the City Solicitor, the City Assessor, the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation the General manager of Edmonton Water and Sanitation,the Superintendent of Property and Building management and the Superintendent of the Social Service Department. S. C. Rodgers (Planning) acted as Secretary. The Names Advisory Committee for 1 971 included Mrs. E. Rogers (Public School Board), Mrs. W. R. McDonald (Separate School Board) H. Ward (Edmonton Historical Board), S. Donaghey and Miss M. Hamilton (Citizens-at-large), and Director of Planning S C. Rodgers. Miss N. A. Diettrich (Planning) acted as Secretary. The members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board were Alderman Bateman (Alderman Kiniski as Alternate), Mrs. E. Rogers (Public School Board), L. Messier (Separate School Board), T. Jackson (Federation of Community Leagues - resigned 8 February 1971, and succeeded by R. C. Squair); G. Poole (resigned 26 April, 1971, and succeeded by T. Jackson), W. D. McLean (Chairman), D. M. Ritchie, N. Silverman and K. MacDonald (Citizens-at-large). Mrs. H. Todd acted as Secretary. The Provisional Board of Directors for Nordex '73 included Mayor Dent and Alderman Nugent (appointed by City council on 6 April 1971), B. Alloway (Sunwapta Broadcasting Co.), R. Banister (Construction Consultant), Dr. J. Bond (University of Alberta), E. E. Bishop (Legal Advisor), J. K. Campbell (Chamber of Commerce) E. A. Christenson (Chartered Accountant), M. Duncan (Toronto Dominion Bank), D. Larsen (Larsen Office Interiors), R. McBain (McBain Camera), H. J. S. Pearson (Bank of Montreal), G. L. Roper and J. Schlosser (Tri-Jay Investments), L. Bodie served as Chairman. The members of the Revisions Committee (Edmonton Building Code) were C. A. Skakun (Association of Architects), J. Ekert (Edmonton Housing Association), B. Alexander (Association of Professional Engineers), K. A. Byford (Edmonton Construction Association), the Fire Chief and the City Architect. H. Collins (Architect's Department) acted as Secretary. The Revisions Committee (Heating Ventilating and Air Con-
ditioning) was composed of R. Williams (Succeeded on 8 March 1971 by A. Rayner), J. Paskevitch and C. Bourbonnais (Master Sheet Metal Contractors' Association); R. H. Crawley (Association of Professional Engineers), the Fire Chief, the Building Inspector and the Supervisor of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning. E. N. Hill acted as Secretary. The Royal Alexandra Hospital Board was made up of Aldermen McCallum, Tanner, and Leger, A. Awid, Mrs. E. Wilson, J. Katzin (Chairman), T. Davies, Dr. •D. F. Cameron (Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta) and City Solicitor A. F. Macdonald. The Council representatives on the Board of Directors of the Royal Glenora Club were Aldermen McCallum and Bateman; and the Rules and Procedures Committee, authorized by Council on 8 February 1971, consisted of Aldermen Bateman, Evans and Purves. The Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Purves, W. Newbigging, J. L. Bodie and W. A. Plowman (Secretary). The Social Service Advisory Committee included Aldermen Ward and McCallum, Mrs. J. G. Sparling (Edmonton Social Planning Council), M. Dlin and J. D. Kirk (United Community Fund); Dr. G. H. Ball, A. V. Pettigrew and Dr. K. Grierson (Special Knowledge in Welfare, Education and Recreation); Mrs. C. J. Farrell (Chairman), Mrs. H. B. Barrett and Mrs. I. F. B. McBride (Citizens-at-large); and K. Wass (Social Service Department) and D. Milne (Secretary.) The members of the Twin City Committee were Alderman Weinlos, R. V. Johnson (Public School Board), R. Omoe (Separate School Board), G. Baril (French-Canadian Association of Alberta), J. Steel (Junior Chamber of Commerce), and J. Holgerson and Mrs. W. Schlosser (Citizen-at-large). A. W. Rowe acted as Secretary, and Alderman Weinlos as Chairman. A Youth '71 Committee, authorized by Council on 25, May 1971, included Mayor Dent (Chairman), Alderman Newman, Commissioner Hughes, K. Wass (Social Services Department), J. Janzen (Superintendent of Parks and Recreation) and L. K. Knudtson (Intergovernmental Officer). A sub-committee, under the direction of K. Wass, consisted of A. Goard (Social Services), H. Clark (Parks and Recreation), L. Densmore (Building Maintenance), A. Clough (Industrial Development), P. Kmech (Public Relations), Inspector D. Burns and Detective S/Sgt A. Osadchy (Juvenile Branch, Police Department), and D. Howatt (Management Services). 1972 In the election, held on 13 October 1971, Mayor Dent was re-elected for another three year term (October 1 971 to October 1974). The Aldermen, also elected for a three year term, were D. B. Menzies, K. G. 115
Newman, B. C.Tan ner, C. J. Purves, D. C. Ward, R.A. Fallow, E. H. Leger, R. Hayter, W. D. McLean, U. M. Evans, T. J. Cavanagh and L. 0. Olsen. The deputy Mayors for 1971, in order of rotation were Aldermen Evans, Leger, Tanner, McLean, Olsen, Cavanagh, Menzies, Fallow, Purves, Ward, Newman and Hayter. The Public School Trustees were Mrs. E. Rogers, Mrs. L. N. Campbell, J. F. Falconer, J. G. Paterson, R. V. Johnson, D. W. Kennedy and R. H. Jamieson; and the Separate School Trustees were G. R. Brosseau, J. Forest, R. Sabourin, L. J. Floyd, J. McDonald, W. McNeill and L. Messier. The standing committees on Council included a Legislative Committee of Mayor Dent (Chairman), Aldermen Olsen, Hayter and Cavanagh, and Chief Commissioner Hampton; an Economic Affairs Committee of Aldermen Cavanagh (Chairman), Leger, Newman and Purves, and Commissioner Adams; a Public Affairs Committee of Aldermen Hayter (Chairman), McLean, Evans and Tanner, and Commissioner Hughes; and a Utilities and Engineering Committee of Aldermen Olsen (Chairman) Menzies, Fallow and Ward, and Commissioner Burrows. For 1972, the Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals included Alderman Hayter, F. Martin (Chamber of Commerce), J. Schimmel (Edmonton and District Labour Council), W. Stutt (Better Business Bureau, and Chairman), Mrs. E. Nigro (Edmonton Social Planning Council), the Superintendent of the Social Services Department (Secretary), the Chief Constable and the License Inspector. The members of the Advisory Committee Re Anti-Litter Campaign were C. Add ley (Parks and Recreation), P. Kmech (Public Relations, and Chairman), H. Gray (Engineering Department), D. Cameron (Fire Department), R. H. Jamieson (Public School Board), J. E. Seaman (Separate School Board), J. Chesney (Chamber of Commerce) and M. Hodgins (Junior Chamber of Commerce). A •newly created Aldermanic House Committee consisted of Aldermen Leger (Chairman), Newman and Hayter. The Airport Study Committee was made up of Mayor Dent (Chairman), Aldermen Fallow, Purves, Leger, Cavanagh and Newman; J. A. Weber, G. E. Pearson and J. Barry (Chamber of Commerce); and the Board of Appeals (Edmonton Building Code) included D. Brock (Edmonton Construction Association), R. M. Kerr, (Association of Professional Engineers), Dr. A. 0. Minsos (Association of Architects), C. A. Kosowan (Law Society of Alberta, and Chairman), and R. H. Scheibelhofer (Edmonton Housing Association). E. McMorran (Planning Department) 116
acted as Secretary. Eventually, this committee was disbanded on the passing of a Provincial Statute, which took this matter out of the hands of the municipality. The Board of Appeals (Fire Bylaw) was made up of the Building Inspector, T. Bell (Alberta Safety Council), W. W. Butchart (Association of Architects), J. C. Newby (Association of Professional Engineers), K. A. Byford (Edmonton Construction Association), and Assistant Fire Marshall A. D. Cameron (Secretary); and the members of the Board of Health (Local) were Aldermen Tanner and Menzies, Dr. L. A. Koller (Separate School Board), Dr. J. G. Paterson (Public School Board), Rev. L. J. Floyd (Separate School Board), Dr. K. R. Paproski, Dr. B. Kredentser, Dr. S. G. Geldart (Edmonton and District Dental Society), and G. B. Lawrence (Secretary). The Board of Police Commissioners was composed of Mayor Dent, Alderman Purves, Judge W. J. Haddad (Chairman), T. A. Edwards (Edmonton Bar Association) and H. F. Wilson (Secretary); and the Boxing and Wrestling Commission included R. MacDonald, L. Shelton, 0. Kruger, Dr. H. A. Schwarz, T. W. Gallant and Alderman Hayter. H. D. Collins served as Secretary. The members of the Development Appeal Board were Aldermen Olsen and Newman (Chairman), D. M. McLeod, Miss I. MacMillan, K. Robertson, Mrs. K. McCallum, J. Sutherland and Miss V. Luchko (Secretary); and the Edmonton and Rural Auxiliary Hospital and Nursing Home, District No. 24, Norwood Hospital Committee members were Aldermen Evans and McLean, P. Gariepy, R. C. Easton, T. Nugent, M. R. Parker (Chairman), D. J. Flynn, P. Bakker and D. McBean (Executive Director, and Secretary). Alderman Hayter represented City Council on the board of the Edmonton Area Emergency Measures Organization, and W. B. Brown (Civil Defence Department) acted as Secretary. The Edmonton Court of Revision members were R. Gillespie, S. G. McAfee, J. Check and Commissioner Hughes (Secretary); and the Edmonton Cultural Committee included Mrs. T. Laing, Mrs. N. Faryna, R. P. Wekherlien, D. MacDonald and K. Higham (Chairman). The members of the Edmonton Exhibition Association were Mayor Dent, Aldermen Purves and Tanner, H. McCallum, D. Boyer, R. C. P. Westbury, C. Graefe, L. Perry, R. McBain, D. R. McArthur, D. Marshall, P.O. W. Kratzenberg, D. Hollands and G. L. Roper. Mrs. C. Helwig Acted as Secretary. The Edmonton Historical Board was made up of Alderman Fallow, T. Stickney (Northern Alberta Pioneers' and Old-Timers' Associa117
tion), R. Ludford (Chairman), W. Walker, Professor R. L. Lupul, Mrs. M. Lobay, M. E. Wolfe, Mrs. J. Moar and Mrs. J. Harrison (Secretary). The Edmonton Housing Authority consisted of M. English, Rev. V. Wishart, Mrs. D. MacFarlane (Chairman), A. Low, Mrs. K. Clarke, M. Friedman and I. Nicholl (resigned 8 December 1972, replaced by Mrs. S. Horn, who was appointed earlier on 15 October); and the Edmonton Public Library Board included Alderman Hayter and Olsen, Miss M. Gardner (Chairman), Miss D. Chapman, R. Lufkin, Dr. N. Berkowitz, J. L. Hallberg, W. D. Grace, A. McTavish and Mrs. E. Larsen (Secretary). Aldermen Newman, Olsen and Fallow were the City Council representatives on the Edmonton Regional Planning Commission, and R. N. Giffen served as Executive Director. The members of the Gas Approval Board were E. McMorran (City of Edmonton), F. M. Russell and G. L. Brown (Northwestern Utilities), L. Massey (Canadian Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors' Association), J. Dobbie (Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry), G. Murray (Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating), R. Baron (Master Sheet Metal Contractors' Association), R. H. Crawley (Association of Professional Engineers),the Building Inspector, the Fire Marshall,the City Plumbing and Gas Inspector, and the Heating and Ventilating Inspector. W. Newmeister (Northwestern Utilities) acted as Secretary. Aldermen Leger (Chairman), Cavanagh, Mclean and Newman represented City Council on the Greater Edmonton Foundation; and the Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board was made up of D. Collier, H. T. Lefebvre, R. Gillespie, M. E. English, Miss L. Hannley, M. Miketon, T. Baker and J. Donahue. The Liaison Committee Re Housing and Development consisted of Aldermen Evans and Tanner, J. McCracken (Urban Development Institute), E. Albrecht (Edmonton Housing Association), the Public Works Commissioner and the Utilities Commissioner; and the members of the Master Plasterers' Examining Board were H. Cote (operative Plasterers and Cement Masons), E. Kennedy (International Association), A. A. Riehl (Alberta Plastering Contractors), J. Wall (Association (Masters)), and the Building Inspection Director. H. Collins (Building Inspection Branch) acted as Secretary. The Memorial Hall Trustees were Aldermen Evans and Newman, R. F. Hanna and W. W. Gordon (Canadian Legion), and J. W. Ritchie (Canadian Legion) acted as Secretary. There is no record of who was appointed, by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, to replace the deceased Judge A. Bisset.
The Municipal Planning Commission, as always, consisted of the Commissioner of Public Affairs, the City Engineer, the Superintendent of Planning,the City Solicitor, the City Assessor, the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, the General Manager of Edmonton Water and Sanitation, the Superintendent of Property and Building management and the Superintendent of Social Services Department. S. C. Rodgers (Planning) served as Secretary. The members of the Names Advisory were Mrs. E. Rogers (Public School Board), Mrs. W. R. McDonald (Separate School Board), H. Ward (Edmonton Historical Board), S. Donaghey and Miss M. Hamilton (Citizens-at-large), and S. C. Rodgers (Director of Planning). Miss N. A. Diettrich (Planning Department) acted as Secretary. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board members were Alderman McLean, (Chairman), Mrs. E. Rogers (Public School Board), L. Messier (Separate School Board), R. C. Squair (Federation of Community Leagues), K. Macdonald, D. McColl, D. Adams and T. Jackson (Citizens-at-large). Mrs. H. Todd served as Secretary. The Provisional Board of Directors for Nordex '73 was composed of Mayor Dent, Alderman Ward, B. Alloway (Sunwapta Broadcasting Co.) R. Banister (Construction Consultant), Dr. J. Bond (University of Alberta), E. E. Bishop (Legal Advisor), J. K. Campbell (Chamber of Commerce), E. A. Christenson (Chartered Accountant), M. Duncan (Toronto Dominion Bank), D. Larson (Larson Office Interiors), R. McBain (McBain Camera), H. J. S. Pearson (Bank of Montreal), G. L. Roper and J. Schlosser (Tr-Jay Investments). J. L. Bodie served as Executive President. The members of the Revisions Committee (Edmonton Building Code) were K. Ekert (Edmonton Housing Association), B. Alexander (Association of Professional Engineers), K. A. Byford (Edmonton Construction Association), D. O. Monsen (Association of Architects), the Fire Chief and the City Architect and Building Inspector. H. Collins (Architect's Department) acted as Secretary. Eventually, this committee was disbanded on the passing of a Provincial Statute, which took this out of the hands of the municipality. The Revisions Committee (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) was made up of A. Rayner, C. Bourbonnais and J. Paskevitch (Master Sheet Metal Contractors' Association); R. H. Crawley the Fire Chief, the Building Inspector and the Supervisor of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning. E. N. Hill (Heating Inspection Branch) acted as Secretary. The members of the Royal Alexandra Hospital Board were Mayor Dent, Aldermen Menzies, Leger and Tanner, T. Davies, J. A. Cox, Dr. D. R. 119
Wilson, Mrs. R. Oleksky, Mrs. M. Lobay, J. Grotsky and W. Pasternak. R. Nye served as Executive Director. The two City Council representatives on the Royal Glenora Club Board of Directors were Aldermen Cavanagh and Leger. The Manager was R. S. Pitt. Making up the Rules and Procedures Committee were Aldermen Evans, Purves and Ward and the Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Purves (Chairman), W. Newbigging and W. A. Plowman (Secretary). The members of the Social Service Advisory Committee were Alderman Cavanagh, Mrs. J. G. Sparling (Edmonton Social Planning Council), J. D. Kirk (United Community Fund), Dr.G. H. Ball, A.V. Pettigrew and Dr. K. Grierson (Special Knowledge in Welfare, Education and Recreation); Mrs. H. B. Barrett, Mrs. C. J. Farrell (Chairman) and Mrs. I. F. B. McBride (Citizens-at-large); and K. Wass (Superintendent of Social Service Department). D. Milne (Social Service Department) acted as Secretary. Mayor Dent, Aldermen Olsen and Evans, and Commissioner Burrows made up the Telephone Mediation Committee; and the Twin City Committee was composed of Alderman Fallow. J. F. Falconer (Public School Board), J. L. Picard (Separate School Board), G. Baril (FrenchCanadian Association of Alberta), J. Steel (Junior Chamber of Commerce), J. Holgerson and Mrs. W. Schlosser (Citizens-at-large). P. Douville (Executive Assistant to the Mayor) served as Secretary. On 14 August 1972, City Council authorized the Review of the Joint Planning Agreement and Joint Use of Schools Committee. Its first members were Aldermen Fallow and Hayter, Mrs. L. N. Campbell and R. H. Jamieson (Public School Board), and G. R: Brosseau and L. Messier (Separate School Board). 1973 For 1973, City council authorized the creation of an ad hoc committee to provide leadership re the Financial plight of senior citizens across Canada. Although its members are not named, the aims of the committee are clearly expressed. Itwas to provide leadership in seeking a solution for the financial plight of senior citizens across Canada and veterans who are receiving a Veterans' pension. The committee was to direct its efforts towards getting the citizens of Edmonton to assist them in bringing this matter to the attention of elected officials of all national parties. That citizen involvement be sought to assist in obtaining the attention of government and private non-political organizations to carry out a massive publicity program across Canada regarding the financial plight of senior citizens; and that this ad hoc Committee enlist the 1 20
support of other major municipal governments and municipal organizations were also objectives of primary importance. The members of the Advisory Committee on charitable Appeals were Alderman Hayter, F. Martin (Chamber of Commerce), J. Schimmel (Edmonton and District Labour Council), W. Stutt (Better Business Bureau, and Chairman), J. Donahue (Edmonton Social Planning Council), the Superintendent of Social Services, the Chief Constable and the License Inspector. The Advisory Committee Re Anti-Litter Campaign consisted of C. Addley (Parks and Recreation), H. Gray (Engineering Department), D. Cameron (Fire Department), R. H. Jamieson (Public School Board), J. E. Seaman (Separate School Board), J. Chesney (Chamber of Commerce), M. Hodgins (Junior Chamber of Commerce), and a representative of the Federation of Community Leagues. The Airport Study Committee members were Mayor Dent (Chairman), Aldermen Fallow, Purves, Leger, Cavanagh and Newman, J. A. Weber, G. E. Pearson and J. Barry (Chamber of Commerce); and the Aldermanic House Committee was made up of Aldermen Leger (Chairman), Newman and Hayter. The members of the Board of Appeals (Edmonton Building Code) were R. G. Fowler (Edmonton Construction Association), R. M. Kerr (Association of Professional Engineers), Dr. A. Minsos (Association of Architects), C. Kosowan (Law Society of Alberta) and R. H. Scheibelhofer (Edmonton Housing Association); and the Board of Appeals (Fire Bylaw) included J. C. Newby and E. H. Kuechler (Association of Professional Engineers), K. A. Byford (Edmonton Construction Association), J. B. McWhinnie (Edmonton Safety Council), W. W. Butchart (Association of Architects) and D. A. Cameron (Fire Department, and Secretary). The Board of Health (Local) was composed of. Mayor Dent, Aldermen Menzies and Tanner, Dr. L. A. Koller, Dr. B. Kredentser, Rev. L. J. Floyd (Separate School Board), J. F. Falconer (Public School Board) and Dr. D. Lloyd (Edmonton and District Dental Society). G. B. Lawrence acted as Secretary. The Board of Police Commissioners was made up of Mayor Dent, Alderman Purves, D. J. Boyer (Chairman), M. D. Macdonald, Mrs. E. Hewes and Mrs. E. Kinders (Secretary). The Boxing and Wrestling Commission members were Alderman Hayter (Chairman), R. MacDonald, L. Shelton, 0. Kruger, Dr. H. A. Schwarz, T. W. Gallant and J. J. Krys. H. D. Collins served as Secretary. The Development Appeal Board was made up of Aldermen Olsen and Newman (Chairman), D. M. McLeod, Miss I. MacMillan, K. Robertson, Mrs. K. McCallum and J. Sutherland. Miss V. Luchko (Planning Depart121
ment) acted as Secretary. After 1971, we are not told the names of the members of the District Hospital Board, but can assume that the membership followed the usual format of the Mayor, Five Aldermen, three members of the Royal Alexandra Hospital Board, and one representative of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Alberta. The members of the Edmonton and, Rural Auxiliary Hospital and Nursing Home, District No.24, Norwood Hospital Committee were M. R. Parker (Chairman), W. J. Flynn, P. Bakker, Aldermen McLean and Fallow, P. Gariepy and T. Nugent. D. McBean served as Executive Director. The two City Council representatives on the Edmonton Area Emergency Measures Organization were Aldermen Hayter and Ward. W. B. Brown (Civil Defence Department) acted as Secretary. In January of 1 973 City Council decided that the membership of the Edmonton Court of Revision be increased from three to five. Later, in May, the Court itself was divided into three, each with three members. The members of Court No. I were R. D. Gillespie (later succeeded by S. A. McCord), J. L. Check and D. L. Liteplo (later succeeded by K. M. French). The members of Court No. 2 were R. E. Shaul (later succeeded by E. Towns), R. C. Propp and E. J. Shaske (later succeeded by R. D. Gillespie); and Court No.3 was made up of R. N. Craven, W. K. Broen and R. Warwa. The standbys were R. H. Galbraith, A. R. Brown, F. Hart and S. M. Beckhuson. The Edmonton Cultural Committee was composed of M rs. T. Laing, Mrs. N. Fayna, R. P. Wekherlein, D. MacDonald and K. Higham (Chairman). The members of the Edmonton Exhibition Association were Mayor Dent, Aldermen Purves and Tanner, H. McCallum, D. Boyer, R. C. P. Westbury, B. M argol us, C. Graefe, L. Perry, R. McBain, D. R. McArthur, E. W. Ewasiuk (Edmonton and District Labour Council), D. Marshall, P.O.W. Kratzenberg and M. Pierce (Secretary). The Edmonton Historical Board members were Alderman Fallow, T. Stickney (Northern Alberta Pioneers' and Old Timers' Association), J. E. Cook, R. Ludford (Chairman), W. Walker, Professor R. E. Lupul, Mrs. M. Lobay, H. Ward (ex-officio), R. Secord (Chief Factor of Fort Edmonton), J. G. MacGregor and Mrs. J. Moar. M. Sudam acted as Secretay. The Edmonton Housing Authority was made up of M. English, K. Clarke (Chairman), R. Kolbus (Secretary), Rev. V. Wishart, I. Nicholl (Resigned 8 December 1972), Mrs. D. MacFarlane and Mrs. S. Horn. The Edmonton Public Library Board consisted ofJ. L. Hallberg, Miss M. Gardner (Chairman), Miss D. Chapman, R. Lufkin (Vice-Chairman), W. D. Grace, A. McTavish, Aldermen Hayter and Olsen, F. Perry, S. McVittie
1 22
and Dr. N. Berkowitz. Mrs. E. Larsen acted as Secretary. The Edmonton Regional Planning Commission members were Aldermen Newman, Evans and Olsen. Aldermen Fallow and Cavanagh served as Alternates. R. N. Giffen acted as Executive Director. The members of the Gas Approval Board were E. McMorran (Building Inspection Supervisor), G. L. Brown (Chairman), H. C. Goodwin (Northwestern Utilities), R. Baron (Master Sheet Metal Contractors' Association), D. A. Hannaford (Inland Mechanical Services Ltd.,), B. Flowers (Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating), D. M. Deagle (Professional Association of Engineers), J. Dobbie (United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of Plumbing and Heating), the Fire Marshall, the City Marshall, the City Plumbing and Gas Inspector, and the Heating and Ventilating Inspector. W. Newmeister (Northwestern Utilities) acted as Secretary. The Greater Edmonton Foundation was made up of Aldermen Leger (Chairman), McLean, Cavanagh and Newman. J. D. Ritchie served as Executive Director. The Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board included D. Collier, H. T. Lefebvre, M. E. English, M. Miketon,Judge S. MacDonald (Chairman), W. G. Dougan and E. H. Pritchard. Mrs. M. Harasim acted as Secretary. Making up the Liaison Committee re Housing and Development were Aldermen Hayter (Chairman of the Public Affairs Committee) and McLean (Deputy Chairman of the Public Affairs Committee), Commissioner G. Hughes (Commissioner of Public Affairs), Commissioner D. F. Burrows (Commissioner of Utilities and Engineering) and F. Sagan. This Committee was disbanded by City council on 11 February 1974. The Master Plasterers' Examining Board consisted of the Building Inspection Director, H. Cote and E. Kennedy (Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association), A. A. Riehl (Alberta Plastering Contractors) and K. Gericke. H. Collins (Building Inspection Branch) acted as Secretary. The Memorial Hall Trustees were W. W. Gordon and R. F. L. Hanna (Canadian Legion), Alderman Newman and Alderman Evans. J. W. Ritchie (Canadian Legion) acted as Secretary. The Municipal Planning Commission was made up of the Commissioner of Public Affairs, the City Engineer, the Superintendent of Planning, the City Solicitor, the City Assessor, the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, the General Manager of Water and Sanitation, the Superintendent of Property and Building Management and the Superintendent of the Social Services Department. The members of the Names Advisory Committee were Mrs. E. Rogers (Public School Board), L. Messier (Separate School Board), Mrs.
M. Lobay (Edmonton Historical Board), S. Donaghey (Chairman) and Miss M. Hamilton (Citizens-at-large), and S. C. Rodgers (Director of Planning). Miss N. A. Diettrich served as Secretary. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board included H. Jamieson (Public School Board), W. V. McNeill (Separate School Board), J. Hubler (Edmonton and District Labour Council), B. P. Logan (Federation of Community Leagues), Alderman McLean (Chairman), K. Macdonald, D. McColl and D. Adams (Citizens-at-large), and Mrs. P. Wishart. Miss H. Aitken served as Secretary. Members of the Provisional Board of Directors for Nordex '73 were Mayor Dent, Alderman Ward, B. Alloway (Sunwapta Broadcasting Company), R. Banister (Construction Consultant), Dr. J. Bond (University of Alberta), E. E. Bishop (Legal Advisor), J. K. Campbell (Chamber of Commerce), E. A. Christenson (Chartered Accountant), M. Duncan (Toronto Dominion), D. Larson (Larson Office Interiors), R. McBain (McBain Camera), H. J. S. Pearson (Bank of Montreal), G. L. Roper and J. Schlosser (Tr-Jay Investments). J. L. Bodie served as Executive President. The Revisions Committee (Edmonton Building Code) was made up of K. Ekert, D. Carlson, R. Alexander (Chairman), D. 0. Monsen, the Fire Chief and the City Architect; and the Revisions Committee (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) included A. Rayner, C. Bourbonnais and J. Paskevitch (Master Sheet Metal Contractors' Association), the Fire Chief, the Building Inspector and the Supervisor of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. E. N. Hill (Heating Inspection Branch) acted as Secretary. The Royal Alexandra Hospital Board members were Mayor Dent, Aldermen Tanner, Menzies and Cavanagh, Dr. W. Gainer, T. Davies, R. B. Marshall, J. A. Cox and Dr. D. R. Wilson. Alderman Tanner served as Chairman and R. Nye as Executive Director. Aldermen Cavanagh and Leger were the City.s representatives on the Board of Directors of the Royal Glenora Club; and the Rules and Procedures Committee was composed of Aldermen Evans, Purves and Ward. The Sinking Fund Trustees were Alderman Purves (Chairman), W. A. Plowman and W. Newbigging. The members of the Social Services Advisory Committee were Alderman Cavanagh, Mrs. J. G. Sparling (Edmonton Social Planning Council), Mrs. J. B. Morgan (United Community Fund), E. S. Bishop, Dr. K. Grierson (Chairman), Dr. J. F. McCourt, Mrs. J. M. Tweddle, Mrs. S. MacKay, G. N. Strickland and K. Wass (Superintendent of the Social
Services Department). D. R. Milne served as Secretary. The Telephone Mediation Committee included Mayor Dent, Commissioner Burrows, and Aldermen Olsen and Evans. The Twin City Committee was made up of Alderman Fallow, J. F. Falconer (Public School Board), J. L. Picard (Separate School Board), G. Baril (French-Canadian Association of Alberta), J. Steel (Junior Chamber of Commerce), J. Holgerson and W. Schlosser (Citizens-at-large). P. Douville acted as Secretary. The Joint Planning Agreement and Joint Use of Schools Board consisted of Aldermen Fallow and Hayter, Mrs. L. N. Campbell and R. H. Jamieson (Public School Board), and G. R. Brosseau and L. Messier (Separate School Board). 1974
For 1974, the Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals was composed of Alderman Hayter F. Martin (Chamber of Commerce), J. Schimmel (Edmonton and District Labour Council), W. Stutt (Better Business Bureau, and Chairman), J. Donahue (Edmonton Social Planning Council), the Superintendent of Social Services, the Chief Constable and the License Inspector. The members of the Airport Study Committee were Mayor Dent, Aldermen Leger, Purves, Fallow, Newman and Cavanagh; J. A. Weber, G. E. Pearson and J. Barry (Chamber of Commerce). This committee was disbanded by City Council on 18 December 1974. Aldermen Leger (Chairman), Newman and Hayter continued to serve on the Aldermanic House Committee. The members of the Board of Appeals (Fire Bylaw) were H. R. Skinner (Association of Professional Engineers), K. A. Byford (Edmonton Construction Association), J. B. McWhinnie (Edmonton Safety Council), W. W. Butchart (Association of Architects) and E. McMorran (City of Edmonton,) D. A. Cameron (Fire Department) acted as Secretary. The Board of Health (Local) was composed of Mayor Dent, Aldermen Menzies and Tanner, L. Messier (Separate School Board), J. F. Falconer (Public School Board), Dr. L. A. Koller and Dr. D. W. Dewhurst (Medical Practitioners), Dr. D. Lloyd (Edmonton and District Dental Society) and Dr. G. H. Ball (Medical Health Officer). G. B. Lawrence served as Secretary. The Board of Police Commissioners was made up of Mayor Dent, Alderman Purve,s D. J. Boyer (Chairman), M. D. Macdonald and Mrs. B. Hewes. The Secretary was Mrs. E. Kinders. The members of the Boxing and Wrestling Commission were Alderman Hayter (Chairman), L. Shelton. 125
Dr. H. A. Schwarz, J. J. Krys, R. Milner, A. Wilson and Constable R. Henderson. J. Hendry served as Secretary. The Development Appeal Board was made up of Aldermen Olsen and Newman (Chairman), D. M. McLeod, Miss I. MacMillan, L. G. Decore, Mrs. K. McCallum and J. Sutherland. Miss V. Luchko (Planning Department) acted as Secretary. The two Council representatives on the Edmonton Area Emergency Measures Organization were Aldermen Hayter and Ward. W. B. Brown (Civil Defence Department) served as Secretary. The Edmonton and Rural Auxiliary Hospital and Nursing Home District No. 24, Norwood Hospital Committee was composed of Aldermen Fallow and McLean, M. R. Parker (Chairman), W. J. Flynn, P. Bakker, P. Gariepy, T. Nugent and D. McBean (Executive Director). The Edmonton Cultural Committee included Mrs. T. Laing, Mrs. N. Faryna, R. P. Wekherlien, D. MacDonald and K. Higham (Chairman). The members of the Edmonton Exhibition Board were Mayor Dent, Aldermen Purves and Tanner, H. McCallum, D. Boyer, B. Margolus, C. Graefe, L. Perry, R. McBain, E. W. Ewasiuk, P. 0.W. Kratzen berg, D. Burns, D. Kuchinski and D. Goody; and the Edmonton Historical Board was made up of Alderman Fallow, J. E. Cook, R. Ludford (Chairman), Professor R. E. Lupul, Mrs. M. Lobay, H. Ward, J. G. McGregor, W. P. Wagner and Dr. J. W. Chalmers. The Edmonton Public Library Board consisted of Miss M. Gardner (Chairman), J. L. Hallberg, Miss D. Chapman, R. Lufkin, W. D. Grace, A. McTavish, Aldermen Hayter and Olsen, and F. Perry. Mrs. E. Larsen acted as Secretary. The members of the Edmonton Regional Planning Commission were Aldermen Newman, Olsen and Evans, and R. N. Giffen (Executive Director). Aldermen Fallow and Cavanagh served as Alternates. The Gas Approval Board was composed of E. McMorran (Building Inspector), G. L. Brown (Northwestern Utilities, and Chairman), D. A. Hannaford (Inland Mechancial Services Ltd.), B. Flowers (Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating), H. C. Goodwin (Northwestern Utilities), the Fire Marshall, the City Plumbing and Gas Inspector, the Heating and Ventilating Inspector, D. M. Deagle (Association of Professional Engineers) and J. Dobbie (Plumbing and Pipefitting Union). W. Newmeister (Northwestern Utilities) served as Secretary. Alderman Leger (Chairman), McLean, Cavanagh and Newman made up the Greater Edmonton Foundation. The members of the Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board were D. Collier, H. T. LeFebvre, M. E. English, M. Miketon, Judge S. MacDonald
(Chairman), W. G. Dougan and E. H. Pritchard; and the Master Plasters' Examining Board was made up of E. McMorran (Building Inspector), H. Cote, E. Kennedy, A. A. Riehl and K. Gericke. The Memorial Hall Trustees were Alderman Newman and Evans, W. R. Gordon and R. F. L. Hanna (Canadian Legion). The Names Advisory Committee was composed of Mrs. E. Rogers (Public School Board), Mrs. M. Lobay (Edmonton Historical Board), S. Donaghey (Chairman) and Miss M. Hamilton (Citizens-at-large), S. C. Rodgers (Director of Planning), L. Messier (Separate School Board) and Miss N. A. Diettrich (Secretary). The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board included H. Jamieson (Public School Board), W. V. McNeill (Separate School Board), J. Hubler (Edmonton and District Labour Council), D. McColl and D. Adams (Citizens-at-large), B. P. Logan (Federation of Community Leagues), Alderman McLean (Chairman), Mrs. P. Wishart and Dr. E. E. Bako. Miss H. Aitken served as Secretary. The members of the Royal Alexandra Hospital Board were Mayor Dent, Aldermen Tanner, Menzies and Cavanagh, Dr. W. Gainer, T. Davies, R. B. Marshall, J. A. Cox, H. F. Wilson, Dr. D. R. Wilson and R. Nye (Executive Director). Aldermen Cavanagh and Leger served on the Board of Directors of the Royal Glenora Club. Alderman Evans, Purves and Ward made up the Rules and Procedures Committee; and Alderman Purves continued as a Sinking Fund Trustee. The Social Services Advisory Committee was composed of Alderman Cavanagh, Mrs. F. W. Hewes, Mrs. J. G. Sparling (Social Planning Council), Mrs. J. B. Morgan (United Community Fund), Dr. K. H. Grierson (Chairman), Dr. J. F. McCourt, Mrs. A. Tweddle, Mrs. S. McKay, G. N. Strickland, Mrs. E. Thompson, K. Wass (Superintendent of Social Services) and D. R. Milne (Secretary). The members of the Telephone Mediation Committee were Mayor Dent, Commissioner D. F. Burrows, and Aldermen Olsen and Evans; and the Twin City committee included Alderman Fallow, J. F. Falconer (Public School Board), J. L. Picard (Separate School Board), G. Baril (FrenchCanadian Association of Alberta), J. Steel (Junior Chamber of Commerce), J. Holgerson and Mrs. W. Schlosser (Citizens-at-large), and P. Douville (Secretary). This committee was disbanded 28 January 1975. 1975 In the election held on 16 October 1 974 William Hawrelak was once again re-elected Mayor of Edmonton - defeating Mayor Dent and Alderman Purves. After his untimely death, on 7 November 1975, Mayor
Hawrelak was succeeded by Alderman Cavanagh, who was chosen by City Council to serve out the term. The Aldermen, elected for a three year term, were R. S. Matheson, K. G. Newman, B. C. Tanner, 0. Butti, L. G. Decore, D. Leadbeater, R. Hayter, E. Kennedy, E. H. Leger, T. J. Cavanagh, Mrs. E. "Bettie" Hewes and L. 0. Olsen. The order of rotation for deputy-mayors was: Aldermen Olsen, Leadbeater, Tanner, Hewes, Matheson, Cavanagh, Kennedy, Leger, Newman, Decore, Butti and Hayter. Elected to the Public School Board were M. Binder, J. F. Falconer, S. Forbes, C. Ford, R. H. Jamieson, R. V. Johnson and E. Lund; and elected to the Separate School Board were L. J. Floyd, J. Forest, P. J. Gibeau, J. McDonald, W. McNeill, L. Picard and R. J. Pinkoski. The standing committees were a Utilities and Engineering Committee of Aldermen Leger (Chairman), Olsen, Hewes and Newman; a Public Affairs Committee of Aldermen Hayter (Chairman), Butti, Kennedy and Matheson; an Economic Affairs Committee of Aldermen Cavanagh (Chairman), Tanner, Decore and Leadbeater; and a Legislative Committee of Mayor Hawrelak, Aldermen Leger, Hayter and Cavanagh. On 26 November 1974, City Council appointed an Adult Transportation For the Disabled Committee. Its first members, appointed for an idefinite period, were C. Ready, B. J. Whitbread, P. Wickman, G. McPherson, P. Gariepy, Miss J. Battell, Dr. G. McPhail, A. Kroetsch, G. Latham and R. L. Ervin. The members of the Advisory Committee on charitable Appeals were W. Stutt (Better Business Bureau), W. Kubersky (Edmonton and District Labour Council), Mrs. R. French (Edmonton Social Planning Council), F. Martin (Chamber of Commerce), K. Wass Superintendent of Welfare) H. Walmark (License Inspector), J. J. A. Love (Chief Constable) and Alderman Hayter. The Airport Study Committee was disbanded on 18 December 1974. Tthe Board of Health (Lacal) was composed of Mayor Hawrelak, Aldermen Decore and Leadbeater, M. Binder (Public School Board), R. J. Pinkoski (Separate School Board), Dr. D. W. Lloyd and Dr. W. R. Riddle. G. B. Lawrence served as Secretary. The Board of Police Commissioners was made up of Mayor Hawrelak, Alderman Hewes, D. J. Boyer, M. D. MacDonald and C. J. Purves. Mrs. E. Kinders acted as Secretary. The members of the Boxing and Wrestling Commission were Alderman Hayter (Chairman), H. D. Collins (Secretary), Dr. H. A. Schwarz, A. Wilson, R. Milner, Constable R. Henderson, T. Goldstick and J. J. Krys;
1 28
and the Development Appeal Board included Aldermen Newman, Decore and Butti, Mrs. K. McCallum, Mr. J. Sutherland, E. N. Dub, Mrs. I. Taylor and Miss V. Luchko (Secretary). Among others, Aldermen Hayter and Hewes, and T. Nugent and W. McLean (Citizens-at-large) were members of the Edmonton and Rural Auxiliary Hospital and Nursing Home, District No.24, Norwood Hospital Committee; and the City Council representatives on the Edmonton Area Emergency Measures Organization were Alderman Hayter and Leadbeater. The members of the Edmonton Area Air Services Commission were J. Weber and J. Barry (Chamber of Commerce), R. Bradford and D. T. Hamilton (Edmonton Airport Association), B. Bain, J. Milner and Mrs. M. Main (Citizens-at-large); and the Edmonton Cultural Committee included R. P. Wekherlien, Mrs. N. Faryna, Mrs. T. Laing, K. Higham (Chairman) and Mrs. C. Molstad. The Edmonton Exhibition Association members were Mayor Hawrelak, Aldermen Cavanagh and Olsen, P. Kratzenberg, R. McBain, D. Burns, D. Kuchinski, Mrs. D. Goody, D. J. Boyer, H. McCallum, B. Margolus, E. W. Ewasiuk, P. A. Giannone, and D. M. Hamilton; and the Edmonton Historical Board was made up of J. W. Chalmers (Historical Society of Alberta), W. P. Wagner (Northern Alberta Pioneers' and Old Timers' Association), J. E. Cook, J. G. McGregor and H. Ward (Citizens-atlarge), Mrs. M. Lobay, Professor R. Lupul, E. J. Holmgren and Alderman Kennedy. The members of the Edmonton Public Library Board were F. Perry, J. L. Hallberg, A. McTavish, S. McVittie, Mrs. T. Laing, R. McDonald, Mrs. H. Skirrow, Aldermen Hayter and Matheson, and Miss E. Larson (Secretary); and the Edmonton Regional Planning Commission included Aldermen Hewes, Kennedy and Newman, with Aldermen Butti and Olsen standing as alternates. The members named for the Gas Approval Board were W. 0. Newmeister, H. C. Goodwin, D. A. Hannaford, G. Murray, D. M. Deagle, G. Fargey and F. Marlett (Secretary); and Aldermen Leger, Newman, Kennedy and Cavanagh served on the Greater Edmonton Foundation. The Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board was composed of Judge S. MacDonald, H. T. Lefebvre, M. E. English, C. W. Pearcy, D. A. Stewart, R. J. Kolbus, Mrs. J. M. Compri and Mrs. M. Harasim (Secretary). The members of the Master Plasterers' Examining Board continued to be E. McMorran, K. Gericke, H. Cote, E. Kennedy and A. A. Riehl; and 129
Aldermen Newman and Leger were made Memorial Hall Trustees. The Municipal Planning Commission contained the same members as always - the Commissioner of Public Affairs, the City Engineer, the Superintendent of Planning, the City Solicitor, the City Assessor, the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, the General Manager of Water and Sanitation, the Superintendent of Property and Building Management and the Superintendent of the Social Services Department. The Names Advisory Committee was made up of J. F. Falconer (Public School Board), J. L. Picard (Separate School Board), Mrs. M. Lobay (Ed monton Historical Board), J. Bencharsky and H. Thomaschuk; and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board included Alderman Butti, D. McColl, D. Adams and Dr. E. Bako (Citizens-at-large), Mrs. C. Ford, W. V. McNeill, M. Wilkie, Mrs. P. Wishart and J. H ubler. The Royal Alexandra Hospital Board members were Mayor Hawrelak, Aldermen Leger, Tanner and Cavanagh, Dr. W. Gainer, R. B. Marshall, T. Davies, J. A. Cox (Chairman), Dr. D. R. Wilson and H. F. Wilson. Aldermen Leger and Cavanagh remained on the Board of Directors of the Royal Glenora Club, but Alderman Cavanagh replaced Alderman Purves as a Sinking Fund Trustee, for Purves had ceased to be an Alderman. The members of the Social Service Advisory Committee were Alderman Hewes, G. Strickland, Dr. L. Allan, Mrs. E. Thompson (Humans on Welfare), Mrs. J. B. Morgan (United Community Fund), Dr. J. Brousseau, G. T. H. Fuller, Mrs. A. Tweddle (Chairman), Mrs. S. McKay, R. Soderstrom, the Superintendent of Social Services, and D. R. Milne (Secretary). 1976 and 1977 For 1976, the Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals included W. Kubersky (Edmonton and District Labour Council), Mrs. R. French (Edmonton Social Planning Council), F. Martin (Chamber of Commerce), K. Wass (Superintendent of Welfare), H. Walmark (License Inspector), J. J. A. Love (Chief Constable) and Alderman Hayter. The Board of Health (Local) was made up of Aldermen Decore and Leadbeater, M. Binder (Public School Board), R. J. Pinkoski (Separate School Board), Dr. D. W. Lloyd and Dr. W. R. Riddle. The members of the Board of Police Commissioners for 1976 and 1977 were Mayor Cavanagh, Alderman Hewes, D. J. Boyer, M. D. MacDonald and C. J. Purves; and the Boxing and Wrestling Commission included Alderman Hayter, T. Goldstick and J. J. Krys. The Development Appeal Board was made up of Aldermen Newman, Decore and Butti, Mrs. K. McCallum, Mrs. J. Sutherland, E. N. Dub and Mrs. I. Taylor. 130
For 1976 and 1977, the Edmonton and Rural Auxiliary Hospital and Nursing Home, District No. 24, Norwood Hospital included Aldermen Hayter and Hewes, T. Nugent and W. McLean. The Edmonton Area Air Services Commission was composed of J. Weber and J. Barry (Chamber of Commerce), R. Bradford and D. T. Hamilton (Edmonton Airport Association), B. Bain, J. Milner and Mrs. M. Main (Citizens-at-large). The members of the Edmonton Cultural Committee were R. P. Wekherlien, Mrs. N. Faryna, Mrs.T. Laing, K. Higham (Chairman) and Mrs. C. Molstad. Among the members of the Edmonton Exhibition Association were Mayor Cavanagh, Alderman Olsen, D. J. Boyer, H. McCallum, B. Margolus, E. W. Ewasiuk, P. A. Giannone and D. M. Hamilton; and on the Edmonton Historical Board were Mrs. M. Lobay, Professor R. Lupul, E. J. Holmgren and Alderman Kennedy. For 1976 and 1977, the Edmonton Public Library Board included A. McTavish, S. McVittie, Mrs. T. Laing, R. McDonald, Mrs. H. Skirrow, Aldermen Hayter and Matheson; and the Edmonton Regional Planning Commission was made up of Aldermen Hewes, Kennedy, Newman, Butti and Olsen. The members of the Gas Approval Board were W. O. Newmeister, H. C. Goodwin, D. R. Hannaford, G. Murray, D. M. Deagle and G. Fargey; and the Greater Edmonton Foundation consisted of Aldermen Leger, Newman and Kennedy. The Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board was composed of Judge S. MacDonald, H. T. Lefebvre, M. E. English, C. W. Pearcy, D. A. Stewart, R. J. Kolbus and Mrs. J. M. Compri. The Master Plasterers' Examining Board included E. McMorran, K. Gericke, H. Cote, E. Kennedy and A. A. Riehl; and the Memorial Hall Trustees were Aldermen Newman and Leger. The Names Advisory Committee, for 1976 and 1977, was made up of J. F. Falconer (Public School Board), J. L. Picard (Separate School Board), Mrs. M. Lobay (Edmonton Historical Board), J. Bencharsky and H. Thomaschuk. Among the members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board were Mrs. C. Ford, W. V. McNeill, M. Wilkie, Mrs. P. Wishart, J. Hubler and Alderman Butti. The members of the Royal Alexandra Hospital Board were Mayor Cavanagh, Aldermen Leger and Tanner, T. Davies, J. A. Cox (Chairman), Dr. D. R. Wilson and H. F. Wilson. Alderman Leger was City Council representative on the Royal Glenora Club Board of Directors. The Social Service Advisory Committee was made up of Alderman Hewes, G. Strickland, Dr. L. Allan, Mrs. A. Tweddle (Chairman), Mrs. S. McKay, R. Soderstrom and D. R. Milne (Secretary). 131
In the election held on 19 October 1977, Cecil J. Purves became Mayor of Edmonton, defeating ex-Mayor Cavanagh and Alderman Decore. The Aldermen, elected for the term 1977 - 1980, were Lois N. Campbell, Kenneth G. Newman, Paul J. Norris, Olivia Butti, Gene Dub, Percy D. Wickman, Ron Hayter, Edward F. Kennedy, Ed. H. Leger, William Chmiliar, Bettie Hewes and L. 0. "Buck" Olsen. Elected to the Public School Board were M. Binder, J. F. Falconer, S. Forbes, C. Ford, R. H. Jamieson, E. L. Jones, E. Lund, D. L. Massey and J. Patrick; and elected to the Separate School Board were B. J. Cavanagh, J. Donahue, L. J. Floyd, P. J. Gibeau, J. McDonald, J. L. Picard and R. J. Pinkoski. The standing committees were an Economic Affairs Committee of Aldermen Hayter, Olsen, Hewes and Norris; a Public Affairs Committee of Aldermen Chmiliar, Campbell, Kennedy and Leger; and a Utilities and Engineering Committee of Aldermen Dub, Butti, Newman and Wickman. As usual, the Legislative Committee was made up of the Chairmen of the standing committees, the Mayor, and the Chief Commissioner as an adviser.
Assessment Appeal Board Edmonton Area Air Services Commission Advisory Committee on Charitable Appeals Aldermanic House Committee Airport Study Committee Advisory Committee Re Anti-Litter Campaign Architectural Panel Archives and Landmarks Committee Adult Transportation for the Disabled Committee Board of Examiners and Appeals Board of Health Board of Appeals (Building Code) Boxing and Wrestling Commission Court of Revision Edmonton Cultural Committee Development Appeal Board District Hospital Board Edmonton District Planning Commission Edmonton Exhibition Association Edmonton Housing Authority Edmonton Industrial Development Board Edmonton and Area Emergency Measures Organization Edmonton Police Commission Board of Appeals (Fire Bylaw) Gas Approval Board Grants Evaluation Committee Greater Edmonton Foundation Royal Glenora Club Board of Directors Garage and Service Station Board Edmonton Historical Board Interim Development Appeal Board Joint Industrial Committee Joint Use of Schools Committee Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board Edmonton Library board Liaison Committee re Housing and Development Memorial Hall Trustees 133
Master Plasterers' Examining Board Motor Vehicle Parking Advisory Committee Names Advisory Committee Canadian Native Friendship Centre Edmonton and Rural Auxiliary Hospital District No. 24, Norwood Hospital Provisional Board of Directors for Nordex '73 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Board of Police Commissioners Permanent Revisions Committee Edmonton Public School Board Royal Alexandra Hospital Board Revisions Committee (Building Code) Revisions Committee (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) Recreation Commission Edmonton Regional Planning Commission Rules and Procedures Committee Sinking Fund Board Trustees Social Service Advisory Committee Social Planning Council Edmonton Separate School Board Taxicab Board Twin City Committee Telephone Mediation Committee Technical Planning Board Town Planning Commission Advisory Committee re Urban Renewal Youth '71 Committee Zoning Appeal Board Zoo Advisory Board
Abbott, P.W., Alderman, 28, 29; EEA, 36, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52 Aberdeen, T.B. IDAB, 71, 73, 78, 86; ZAB, 88; DAB, 91 Adair, J. W., Alderman, 28,30,31; PSB, 31; LB, 44 Adams, D., PAR, 119, 124, 127, 130 Adams, T.E., City Commissioner, 110 Adby, F.J., EEA, 94, 97, 99,103 Addley, C., ANTI, 116, 121 ADULT TRANSPORTATION FOR THE DISABLED COMMITTEE (ATDC), 128 ADVISORY BOARD RE TAG DAYS, 52, 54 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CHARITABLE APPEALS (ACCA), 85, 87, 89, 92, 93, 96, 98, 101, 106, 116, 121, 125, 128, 130, 110 ADVISORY COMMITTEE RE ANTILITTER CAMPAIGN (ANTI), 106, 111, 116, 121 ADVISORY COMMITTEE RE URBAN RENEWAL (URB), 96, 98, 101, 106, 111 Agar, A.B., Alderman, 18; City Commissioner, 20 Aitken, W.T., TPC, 56, 58 AIN LAY, Harry D., Alderman, 37,39,40 41,51,54,55; elected Mayor, 56; reelected, 64; re-elected, 65; re-elected, 60; TPC, 39,43; EEA, 39, 42, 53, 56; JIC 42; BH, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61; LB, 57, 59, 60, 61 AIRPORT STUDY COMMITTEE (AIR), 107,111,116,121,125; disbanded, 128 ALBERTA AND NORTHWEST CHAMBER OF MINES 49, 51, 52, 53, 58, 59, 61, 66, 70, 74, 76, 85, 96, 102 ALBERTA GAZETTE, 5 ALBERTA HISTORICAL REVIEW, 8 Albrecht, E., LIA, 109, 112, 113, 118 ALDERMAN IC HOUSE COMMITTEE (AHC), 116, 121, 125 ALDERMEN, Length of Service, 11; increased from six to eight, 15; increased from ten to twelve, 91 Aldridge, A.G., LB, 43, 44, 47 Alexander, B., RCB, 114, 119, 124 Alexander, W.H., PSB, 29, 30 Allan, Dr. L., SOC, 130,131 Allbright, A.W., Garage Foreman, 39 Allin, Dr. E.S., BWC, 61
Alloway; B., NOR'73, 104, 109, 114, 19, 124 Allsopp, R., TPC, 60 Alston, C.W., AAB, 72; COR, 90, 92,93, 96, 99 Alton, D., Superintendent of Streets and Scavenging, 24 Anderson, Dr. A.F.A., BH, 36, 38; RAH, 40, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 49, 59, 60 Anderson, A.J., EEA, 18, 86, 90, 94, 97 99 Anderson, C., Alderman,•16, 17 Anderson, C., GAB, 68, 70 Anderson, Dr. T., EHA, 101, 103 Anderson, W.L. PAR, 86, 88, 91, 93 Andrews, Dr. J.H.M., PSB, 84, ARCHITECTURAL PAN EL (AP), 64,67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 87, 90, 92, 93, 95, 98, 102, 107, 111 ARCHIVES AND LANDMARKS COMMITTEE (ARLC) 53, 59, 61, 63, 64, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74,76, 78, 80,82, 85, 87, 90, 92, 94 ARMSTRONG, George S., Alderman, 17, 18, 19; elected Mayor, 20; reelected, 22; City Commissioner, 20, 22; died, 59 Armstrong, J., Building and Fire Inspector, 13 Ascher, G.R., AP, 70, 72 Askew, S., MPEB, 62, 63 Aspelund, A.E., LB, 48, 50 ASSESSMENT APPEAL BOARD (AAB), 65, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82,85, 87 Aston, C.W., AAB, 78 Atcheson, J.G., ZOO, 88, 91, 93 Atkinson, Dr. W.A., RAH, 52, 56 Awid, M., EEA, 92, 94, 97,99, 103, 108 RAH, 105,110; 115; DHB, 112 Ayriss, F., Master Painters' Examining Board, 62, 63, 64, 66 Baalim, ?, Strathcona City Councillor, 7 Babcock, E.P., TAX, 65, 67 Bagley, J.E., ZAB, 41, 45, 47, 48 Bailey, J. L., EEA, 88, 94, 97, 99, 103 Bailey, P.S., EEA, 41, 97, 99 Bain, B., AASC, 129, 131 Baines, E.T., Head of Municipal Information Bureau, 22 Baker, H., Alderman, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37 39; EEA, 37, 39; JIC, 37; SFB, 39 Baker, S.J., RAH, 86, 90, 97, 100 Baker, T., LAN, 118
Bakker, P., NOR 103, 117, 122, 126 Bako, Dr. E.E., PAR, 127, 130 Baldwin, W., EEA, 45 Balfour, H., LB, 60.61. 63 Ball, Dr. OH., BH, 85, 90, 125; SOC, 97, 100, 110, 115, 120; SPC, 105 Ball, G.R., EEA, 37, 39, 42, 44, 45, 48, 50, 53 Ball, Dr. R.G., BH, 96, 98 Ballhorn, R., EEA, 73, 75, 78 Banister, R., NOR'73, 104, 109, 114, 119, 124 Barbeau, J.L., SSB, 84, Barclay, L.T., PSB, 27, 30 Barford, J.C., ACCA, 89 Bargen, Dr. P.F., Chief City Commissioner 94, 97, 101; EPC, 113 Baril, G., TCC, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 127 Barnes, S.A.G., PSB, 20, 23, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 39, 41 Barnhouse, Mrs. D., REC, 61 Barnhouse, F., Treasurer, 22,24,25,29, 35, 39 Barnhouse, W., Superintendent of Electric Light and Power, 33, 35, Baron, R., GAB, 108, 113, 118, 123 Barrett, Mrs. H.B., SOC, 110, 115, 120 Barry, CE., SSB, 31 Barry, J., AIR' 116, 121, 125; AASC, 129, 131 Barry, M.D., GAB, 51, 54 Basken, R., Citizens' Advisory Committee on Omniplex, 102 Bassani, J., MPEB, 75, 77, 79 Bateman, J. W., Alderman, 94, 97, 101; ACCA 96, 98; GSS, 96; RAH, 97, 100; LB, 103,108; GLEN, 105,110, 115; SOC, 105; AIR, 107,111; DNB, 112; PAR, 114; RUL, 115 Bateman, W.C., SSB, 58, 59 Batson, C.C., EEA,36, 37,38, 41, 44, 47 Battell, Miss J., ATDC, 128 Beale, Major W., Chief of Police, 17, 18 Beaumont, W.J., BWC, 72, 76, 78 Beck and McNamara, City Solicitors, 8 Beck, N.D., Solicitor, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Beckhuson, S.M., COR, 122 Beckingham, J.A., APLC, 92, 94; HB, 96, 99, 103 Begg, Dr. H.N.C., BH, 88, 90 Beggs, W.S., Chairman of Calder Village Council, 5 Bell, Mrs. D.T., LB, 35 Bell, Dr. I.R., RAH, 60, 64
Bell, J., Airport Manager, 59 Bell, J.B., ZOO, 94, 97, 100, 105 Bell, T., FIR, 107, 111, 117 Bellamy, R.V., Alderman, 33, 34,36,40, 41; PSB, 30, 31, 32; BH, 37, 40,41, 42;TPC, 54, 58; RAH, 38 Bellamy, T., Alderman, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 20, 26; resigns, 27 Bencharsky, J., NAC, 130, 131 Bennett, Thomas, Mayor of Strathcona, 6 Berg, C., EEA, 36, 38, 41, 44, 48, 50, 53, 56, 58, 61, 64; EIDB, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63 Berkowitz, Dr. N., LB, 97, 99, 103, 108, 113, 118, 123 Berretti, Dr. M.R., PRC, 94 Beveridge, R., BWC, 85, 90 Bigelow, ST., PSB, 34 Bill, J., REC, 60; BWC, 66, 68, 70, 72 Binder, M., PSB, 128, 130; BH, 128, 130 Bishop, E.E., NOR'73, 104, 109, 114, 119, 124 Bishop, ES., SOC, 97,124; GEC, 104, 108, 113 Bishop, E.T., PSB, 27, 29, 32, 34 Bishop, Mrs. E.T., LB, 43 Bishop, Mrs. T.B., PSB, 30, 31 Bissell, W.C., EEA, 56, 58, 61, 64, 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78 Bisset, A., Alderman, 41,44, 45, 50,51, 54,55,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,65; M HT, 49, 50, 53, 56, 57, 60, 63, 66, 79, 83, 86, 91, 97, 100, 104, 109, 114; EEA, 52, 55, 57, 60, 63; LB, 49, 53, 56, 59; JIC, 42, 45; BH, 45, 47; Advisory Board Re Tag Days, 52, 54; RAH, 66, 68; SFB, 57; EIDB, 67; died, 118 Biswanger, C.W., Superintendent of Street Railway, 19 Bittorf, D., AP, 78, 80 Blackburn, H., AAB, 65 Blackwood, M., chief of Police, 53 Blaguiere, Dr. R.H., BH, 82 Blain, J.W., Strathcona Town Council Assessor, 6 Blake, D.E., GAB, 90, 96, 99 Blake, F.W., MVP, 75, 79,81, 83 Blakey, R.P., AZB, 43 Blanchard, Mrs. EM., PAR, 86 Blanchard, F., MPEB, 62, 63, 65 Blanchett, G.R., AP, 88, 90, 102, 107, 111; Master Painters' Examining Board, 62, 63, 64, 66
BLATCH FORD, Kenneth A., Alderman, 30; elected Mayor, 31; re-elected, 31, 32 Blayney,J.D., building and Fire Inspector, 17 Blowey, J.L., Alderman, 12 Blue, J., AR LC, 53 Blythe, GP., Auditor, 15, 16 BOARD OF APPEALS (EDMONTON BUILDING CODE) (BLDG), 102, 107, 110, 111, 121 BOARD OF APPEALS (FIRE BYLAW) (FIR), 93, 94, 96, 98, 102, 107, 111, 117, 121, 125 BOARD OF EXAMINERS AND APPEALS (BEA), 65,67, 68, 70, 74, 76, 78, 82, 85, 88, 90, 92, 93, BOARD OF HEALTH (BH), 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52,53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 82, 85, 88, 90, 92, 93, 96, 98, 102, 107, 112, 117, 121, 125, 128, 130 BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS (PC) 96, 98,102,107,112,117, 121, 125, 128, 130 Bodie, J.L., Alderman, 84, 87, 89, 91, 93, 94, 97; SFB, 93, 94, 97, 100, 105, 110, 115; EEA, 92, 94, 97, 99, 108; NOR`73, 104, 109, 114, 119, 124; EIDB, 81,83, MHT, 97,103; GLEN, 97, 100; I DAB, 86; EDPC, 88; ZAB, 93; RPC, 90; runs unsuccessfully for Mayor, 104 Boileau, A., LB, 31, 39, 42 Boileau, Dr. G.R., SSB, 89, 91, 93, 95 98; BH, 90, 96, 98 Boileau, J.L., EEA, 90 Boissoneault, Dr. E., BH, 44 Bond, Dr. J., NOR'73, 104, 109, 114, 119, 124 Booth, J., GAB, 60, 62, 63, 66, 68, 70, 73,78; B EA, 65, 67,68, 70,74, 76, 78 Booth, M.S., Committee for Health and Safety, 25 Bouchard, R.L., SSB, 49, 51 Bougie, G., BWC, 96, 98, 107, 112 Bouillon, A.V., City Commissioner, 19 Boulter, J.W., GAB, 81, 83, 86, 90 Bourbonnais, C., RCH, 104, 105, 110, 115, 119, 124 Bousfield, ?, Calder Village Councillor, 5 Bouy, H., TAX, 105 Bowcott, S.S., Alderman, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62; PSB, 38, 40, 43,
46,49; EEA, 56, 59, 58, 61, 64; GAB, 54,60,62; TPC, 54, 56, 60; ARLO, 61, 64; SFB 55; EIDB, 62 Bowen, D.H.,Alderman,75,77,79; EIDB, 76, 78,81; EEA, 78, 80, 85; PSB, 71, 73; EDPC, 76,78; REC, 77,79; GSS, 78, 83 Bowen, J.C., Alderman, 28,33; EEA, 37 Bowman, Mrs. D., TPC, 42, 46, 51 Bown, J.F.C., City Solicitor, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 35 BowneSs, E.W., Cost Engineer, 24 BOXING AND WRESTLING COMMISSION (BWC), 35, 37, 39, 40,41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 85, 87, 90, 92, 93, 96,98,102,107,112,117,121,125, 128, 130 Boyer, D.J., EEA, 112, 117, 122, 126, 129, 131; PC, 121, 125, 128, 130 Boyle, J.F1., Alderman, 15, 16 Bracco, J.D., PSB, 91, 93, 94, 97, 101; BH, 93; TCC, 100 Bradford, R., AASC' 129, 130 Bradley, F.E., Constable and License Inspector, 14 Braithwaite, Dr. E.A., Medical Health Officer, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15; resigns, 17 Bridges, A., Fire Commissioner, 108 Briggs, M.C., Health Officer and Constable to Calder Village, 5 Bright, J., BWC, 92, 96, 98 Brighton, J.W., Superintendent of Stores and Works, 22 Brock, D., BLDG., 116 Brodie, J., Superintendent of Gas, 22; Gas Engineer, 24 Brodie, J.A., BWC, 82, 85, 90 Broen, W.K., COR, 122 Bromham, L.P., EEA, 57, 60, 64, 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78, 86 Broome, A., Master Painters' Examining Board, 71, 73 Brosseau, CR., SSB, 95, 98, 101, 116; NAC, 96, 99; JUSC, 120, 125 Brousseau, Dr. J., SOC, 130 Brown, A., Alderman, 10, 11, 12, 13,51 Brown, A. J., RAH, 59, 63, 66, 68. JIC, 46, 51, 54 Brown, A.R., COR 122 Brown, B.G., ACCA, 89, 96, 98 Brown, Mrs. D.C., SOC, 97, 100. 110; SPC, 105
Brown, E., Alderman, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50; GAB, 50, 52; JIC, 46; BH, 50 Brown, Colonel E., M HT, 48, 50; EEA, 52 Brown, El., M HT, 63, 66, 71,73,79,83 Brown, G.H., MVP, 86, 88, 91 Brown, Dr. G.H., BH, 59, 61, 63; PSB, 59, 62 Brown, G.L., GAB, 103, 108, 118, 123, 126 Brown, G.L.W., LB, 91, 97, 99, 103 Brown, W.R., AP, 74, 76, 78, 80; NAC, 77, 79, 81, 83 Browne, Mrs. E.M., Alderman, 56; BH, 57 Bruce, A.D., RAH, 48 Brunelle, MM., Constable and License Inspector, 13 Bryan. G., DAB, 91, 96, 99, 102, 107, 112 Buchanan, G., TPC, 37, 41 Buchanan, Mrs. H., LB, 66, 69, 71, 73 Buchanan, J.A., BEA, 74, 76, 78 Buck, G.C., Inspector, 24 Buffam, J.E., GEF, 108, 113 Bullock, W.P., EEA, 47 Burgess, C.S.. TPC, 38, 42, 46, 51, 64, 58, 60, 61 Burke. R.G., SSB 80; REC, 81 Burns, D.. EEA, 126,129 Burns, Inspector D., YOU, 115 Burrell, A., GSS, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78 Burrows, D.F., City Commissioner, 120; TMC. 120, 125, 127; LIA, 123 BURY, Ambrose, U.G., Alderman, 30, 31 elected Mayor, 32; re-elected, 33; TPC, 35, 37 Bush. ?. Strathcona City Councillor, 7 Bush. 0.. Alderman, 26, 27 Butchart, A., City Commissioner, 18 & 19; PSB, 24 Butchart, W.W., FIR,107,111,117,121, 125 Butler, E.B., Superintendent of Stores, 20 & 22 Buttar, P., AP, 70, 72, 74, 76 Butterworth, Mrs. M.E., PSB, 56, 59, 62 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75; BH 57,; NAC, 77 Butti, O. Alderman, 128,132; DAB, 129, 130; PAR, 130,134; RPC, 131 Buxton, Dr. E.W., PSB, 89, 91, 93,94,97; NAC, 96, 99 Byer, G.R., MPEB, 83, 86 Byers, F.D., Police Magistrate (North Side), 23
Byers, R.H., EEA, 92, 94 Byford, K.A. ROB, 100, 104, 109, 114, 119; FIR, 107, 111, 117, 121, 125; BLDG, 102, 107, 111 BYLAWS AND PLEBISCITES, West Edmonton, 5; Strathcona, 6, 7; Edmonton (Town), 8, 9, 13; Edmonton (City), 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 44, 43, 46, 47, 53, 58, 64, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 80, 82, 84, 85, 89, 92, 95 Cahoun, A., MPEB, 91, 97, 99 Cairns, L.Y., LB, 52, 55; PSB, 38; BWC, 49 Cairns, T.J., runs unsuccessfully for mayor, 58 Calder, H.A., Alderman, 7 & 22, 23, 25, 26 Calder Village of 5; amalgamation with Edmonton, 5 Caldwell, ET., Superintendent of Telephones, 24 Calhoun, J.C., Alderman, 16 Ca It, Dr. R.B., ZOO, 83 Cameron, ?, Strathcona City Councillor, 7 Cameron, D., Chairman of Calder Village Council, 5 Cameron, D., FIR, 117,121, 125; ANTI, 116, 121 Cameron, Dr. D.F., RAH, 90, 97, 100, 105, 110, 115; DHB, 112 Cameron, J., Alderman 8, 9 Cameron, N.S., LB, 81, 83, 86 Cameron, W.E., Market Clerk, 19 Campbell, A.A., Comptroller, 45; SFB, 54, 55,57, 58, 59; ARLC, 67, 68, 71, 72, 74; I DAB, 66, 72, 73, 79 Campbell, A.B., Alderman, 25 Campbell, A.D., IDAB, 65 Campbell, C., GSS, 81, 83 Campbell, Mrs. C., ARLO, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78 Campbell, D.G., BEA, 85, 90 Campbell, G.A., Alderman, 45, 46, 48, 50; RAH, 49, 50, 52, 53, 57, 61; JIC, 46; SFB, 50; EEA, 50 Campbell, G.N., GAB, 73, 78, 83,86 Campbell, J.C., Al R, 107, 111 Campbell, J.K., NOR`73, 104,109,114, 124, 119 Campbell, L.N., Alderman, 132; PSB, 101, 116; BH, 102, 107; PAR, 104, 109; JUSC, 120,125
Campbell, P.D., Health and License Inspector, 8, 9; Constable, 10, 11 Campbell, Mrs. S.H., MHT, 86, 91 Campbell, T.K., EEA, 78, 80, 83, 86 Campbell-Hope, P., AP, 74, 76 CANADIAN NATIVE FRIENDSHIP CENTRE (NAT), 96, 98, 102 Candy, S.W., City Commissioner, 20 Carey, E.F., Alderman, 8 Carlson, D., RCB, 124 Carmichael,?, Strathcona Town Councillor, 6 Carnigan, E., SSB, 31, 32 Carpenter, S.H., Chief of Police, 22, 24 Carrigan, H.D., SSB, 81,84, 87, 91,93; PAR, 86, 88, 91; NAC, 86, 92; REC, 83 Carry, C.W., MVP, 75, 79; AP, 70 Carse, W., TPC, 48, 52, 56, 57, 61 Casselman, F.C., Alderman, 45, 47, 48 &49; PSB, 34,36,39,41,44; BH,46, 47 &48 Cautley, R.H., AZB 52 CAVANAGH, Terry J., Alderman, 116, 128; appointed by city Council to serve out remainder of Mayor Hawrelak's term, 128; runs unsuccessfully for Mayor, 132; GEF, 118, 123,126, 129; GLEN, 120,124,127, 130; RAH, 124, 127, 130, 131; AIR, 116, 121, 125; EEA, 129,131; SOC, 120, 124, 127; SFB, 130; PC, 130 Cavanaugh, B.J., SSB, 132 Cawker, E.A., MVP, 75 Chalmers, F., EEA, 86, 90 Chalmers, J., City Commissioner, 22, 24; Commissioner for Utilities, 25 Chalmers, Dr. J.W., HB, 126, 129 Champagne, N.B., Scavenger and Dog Poundkeeper, 14 Chapman, Miss D., LB, 103, 108, 113, 18, 122, 126 Chapman, R., Citizens' Advisory Committee on Omniplex, 102 Chapman, R.W., RAH, 76, 78, 83; REC, 71, 73, 75 Check, J.L., COR, 112, 114, 122 Chemago, P., ANTI, 106, 111 Chesney, J., ANTI, 116, 121 Chmiliar, W., Alderman, 132 Chown, R.C., Superintendent of Stores and Works, 25. Christenson, E.A., NOR '73, 104, 109, 114, 119, 124. Christiansen, J.A., JIC, 52, 54
Christie, R., Superintendent of Telephones, 29, 33, 35. Christmas, C.T., JIC, 48. CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON OMINPLEX, 102. CITY COMM ISS ION ERS, first appointed, 15. Clare, Dr. R.M., Alderman 62, 63,64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71, 72; EEA, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 75,80, 83; R EC, 66, 69, 71; GAB, 65; BH, 67 Clark, G. TPC, 62 Clark, H., YOU, 115 Clark, W.H., Alderman 15; PSB, 21, 23 Clark, E. I., Alderman, 22, 63; EEA, 47, 49, 52, 55, 57, 58, 60, 63, 66; BH, 63; BWC,63; El DB, 64 Clark, E.I. jr., Alderman, 65,66, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73; EEA, 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78; BWC, 66, 68,70, 76, 78,82; RAH, 66, 68, 70; SFB, 70; EIDB, 72 Clarke, Mrs. G.A., Alderman, 51; LB, 53, Clarke, H.G., Secretary-Treasurer of Strathcona City Council 6, 7 CLARKE, Joseph A., Alderman, 25,25, 31; elected Mayor, 27; re-elected, 28, 41, 42, 44; runs unsuccessfully for mayor, 26, 32, 40, 43; Commissioner for Finance 28; LB, 44; BH, 45 Clarke, J.D., Auditor, 9, 9 Clarke, Mrs. K., EHA, 106, 108, 111, 112, 122 Clarke, L. D., Master Painters' Examining Board, 64 Cleveley, WA., Alderman, 42,44; EEA, 44, 47, 53; JIC, 43, 45 Clindinin, J.M., PSB, 24 Clough, A., YOU, 115 Clough, Rev. Canon C.F.A., EEA, 36; RAH, 42 Coburn, M., LB, 77, 78, 81, 83, 86, 91, 97, 99, 108 Collier, D., LAN, 113, 118, 123, 126 Collings, K., Assistant SecretaryTreasurer, and Assessor, 13 Collins, O.K., Master Painters' Examining Board, 63 Collins, H.D., BWC, 85, 90 Collins, Professor, R.W., LB, 83 Collison, J.H.G., SSB, 20 Collisson, J.TJ., Alderman, 29, 30, 30, 31, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37; runs unsuccessfully for mayor, 32; EEA, 36,49, 52; JIC, 37, 38; SFB, 37; TPC, 60
Colwell, R., Superintendent of Street Cresswell, G., EEA, 36, 38, 41 Railway, 29 Cristall, Mrs. T., LB, 103, 108, 113 Compri, Mrs. J.M., LAN, 129, 131 Croft, C.H., BWC, 36,39, 41, 42, 45, 47, Congdon,?, Strathcona City Councillor, 49, 50, 52, 55, 57, 60, 63 7 Cronk, T., MPEB, 77, 79, 83 Connelly, W.J., Alderman, 73, 75, 77, Crosby, A.W., Superintendent of Electric 79; EEA, 63, 66, 68, 70, 75, 78, BWC, Light and Power, and the City 74, 76, 78, 87, 88; El DB, 81 Electrician, 19 Conroy, Mrs. F.A., ARLC, 67 Crosskill, F.M.C., Secretary-Treasurer, Constable, G., GAB, 88, 90, 96, 99 16, 17, 19, 20; resigns, 23 Cook, J.E., HB, 122, 126, 129 Crossland, R., SSB, 30, 31, 32, 33 Cooper, G.F., MVP, 86, 88, 91 Crossley, A.W., ZOO, 83, 86, 88, 91, 94, Cooper, W.H., Assessor, 11, 12 97, 100 Cope, C.E., Power House Engineer, 18, Crowan, C., Alderman, 20 19 Crowe, A.J., SSB, 34, 36, 39, 41, 44, 47, Cormack, J., SSB, 29 50,53,58,60,63,67,69,71,73; BH, Cormie, G.M., PSB, 55 52, 74; REC, 60 Cote, H., MPEB, 86, 91, 97, 99, 104, Cull, D., AP, 102,107; FIR, 102; GAB, 109,113,118,123,127,129,131 103 Cotterell, E.H., Superintendent of Build- Cumming, JO., Superintendent of Teleings, 19 phones, 17, 18 COURT OF REVISION (COR), 90, 92, Cummins, CR., PSB, 63, 67; REC, 66, 93, 96, 99, 103, 108, 112, 117, 122, 69 122 Cunningham, Dr. ?, Strathcona MedCowan, L.S., Police Magistrate, 12, 13, ical Health Officer, 6 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23 Cunningham, W.J., Superintendent of Cowie, I., Auditor, 9; Alderman 10 Power House, Pumping Station and Cowles, ?, Strathcona Town Councillor, Street Railway, 29, 33, 35 6 Currie, A., ROB, 100,104 Cowley, W.H., PSB, 69, 71; BH, 70 Currie, H., SSB, 46, 49; BH, 49, 50, 52 Cox, C.E.K., Secretary-Treasurer of the Curtis, G.W., SSB, 27 City of Strathcona,7; Edmonton City Curtis, G.W., El DB, 58, 60, 61, 63 Clerk, 5, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 35 Cushing, AT., Alderman, 13, 14; PSB, Cox, J.A., RAH, 97, 100, 119, 124, 127, 27, 33, 34 130,131 Dacre, C.V., Advisory Board Re Tag Cox, P.J., LB, 86, 91 Days, 54 Craig, F.W., PSB, 23 Dafoe, Dr. CS., BWC, 96, 98, 102 Craig, H.A., Advisory Board Re Tag Dale, J.G., GAB, 66, 68, 70, 73, 86, 88, Days, 52, 54 90 Crang, Dr. F.VV., PSB, 28,30,31, 32, 33, Daly, P., Alderman, 8 34, 38, 40, 43; BWC, 40, 42, 45, 48, Daly, T., Alderman, 16 53,55,57,58; BH, 37, 38, 42,44,45 Dandy, W.J., MPEB, 71 Crang, Miss M., Alderman, 40, 41, 42, Dant, N., AP, 64, 67, 68, 70, 72; EDPC, 44; RAH, 43, 45, 48 64, 66, 68 Craven, R.N., COR, 122 DANTZER, Vincent M., Alderman, 87, Crawford, ?, Strathcona City Councillor, 89, 91; serves out remainder of 6 Mayor Hawrelak's term, 91, 93; eCrawford, D., PAR, 97, 100, 104 lected Mayor, 94, 97; SSB, 75, 77, Crawford, H.H., PSB, 24 79, 81; BH, 76, 96, 98; GSS, 88, 90; Crawford, Miss M., LB, 40 MVP, 88, 91; PC, 96, 98; LB, 97, 99; Crawford, N., Alderman, 94, 97, 101; EEA, 103,108; GEF, 90 URB, 96, 98, 101, 106, 111; DAB, Davidson,J.,CalderVillageCouncillor,5 102, 107, 112; HB, 103, 108, 112, Davidson, R.G., Fire Chief, 15, 16, 18, BH,107, 112 19 Crawley, R.N., GAB, 96, 99, 103, 108, Davies, A., Strathcona Town Councillor 113, 118; RCH, 100, 105, 110, 115, 6; Mayor, 6; re-elected, 8 119 140
Davies, T., RAH, 105, 110, 115, 119, 124, 127, 130, 131 Dawe, H.J., PRO, 93 Day, J.H., REC, 77, 79, 81, 83 Day, L., ANTI, 106, 111 Deagle, D.M., GAB, 123, 126, 129,131 Deans, J.H., Constable, and License Inspector, 13; Chief of Police, 13 Dechene, A.M., SSB, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75; ARLC, 61, 64 Decore, L.G., Alderman,128; DAB, 126, 129,130; BH, 128,130; runs unsuccessfully for mayor, 132 Deer, F., M HT, 42, 47 Delong, J., GAB, 103 Deltombe, J., EEA, 63, 66 Demco, ON., SSB, 73, 75, 77, 80, 81, 84, 84, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 98; REC, 75, 77, 79 Densmore, L., YOU, 115 DENT, Dr. Ivor, G., Alderman, 89, 91, 93, 94, 97; elected Mayor (for a threeyear term), 100; re-elected for another three year term, 113; runs unsuccessfully for Mayor, 127; EEA, 97, 99,103,108,112,117,122,126; PC, 102, 107, 112, 117, 121, 125; RAH, 97, 100, 119, 124, 127; BH, 102, 107, 112, 121, 125; AIR, 107, 111, 116, 121, 125; NOR '73, 114, 119, 124; TMC, 120, 125,127; PAR, 94; SOC, 97; DHB, 112; EPC, 113; YOU, 115 DEPUTY MAYORS, first-adopted, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 63, 65,67, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 84, 87, 89, 91, 94, 94; each successively thereafter Derome, 0., SSB, 27 Devaney, T., LB, 93, 97, 99, 103, 108 DEVELOPMENT APPEAL BOARD (DAB), 91, 92, 93, 96, 99, 102, 107, 112, 117, 121, 126, 129, 130 Dewar, MC., Building Inspector, 54; GAB, 60; Master Painters' Examining Board, 62; MPEB, 62; BEA, 65, 67, 68, 70 Dewhurst, D.W., B.H., 125 Diachuk, B.W., SSB, 87, 89, 95, 98,101; PAR, 97, 100 Dickinson, W.R., City Clerk, 94 Dickson, G., AP, 95, 98 Dickson, Mrs. S., ARLC, 82, 85, 90, 92 Dickson, S.A., PSB, 36; RAH, 49,53, 57, 61
Dineen, L.S.C., Alderman, 32, 33 Dingwall, R.M., JIC, 42, 43, 45, 46, 51, 54; LB, 48, 50 DISTRICT HOSPITAL BOARD (DHB), 112, 122 Dlin, M., SOC, 110, 115 Dabble, WC., GAB, 103, 108, 113, 118, 123, 126 Dobell, C., Master Painters' Examining Board, 73 Dobie, Miss, G., LB, 44, 47, 48 Dobie, J.L., EEA, 103 Docherty, G.S., City Clerk, 56, 65, 67, 69, 89, 81, 84, 87, 89; retires, 94; AHC, 46 Dodds, Dr. L.R., BWC, 49, 52, 55,57, 60, 63 Donaghey, S., NAC, 104,109,114,119, 124, 127 Donahue, J., SSB, 132; ACCA, 121, 125; LAN, 118 Donnan, ?, Strathcona City Councillor, 7 Dougan, W.R.,LAN, 123, 127 Douglas,?, Strathcona Town Councillor, 6 Douglas, H.W.B., Alderman, 23; PSB, 26,27,28; JIC, 35,37,38,40,41,42, 43, 45, 46, 51, 54 DOUGLAS, James M., Alderman, 31, 31, 32, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60; elected Mayor, 34; re-elected, 36; runs unsuccessfully for mayor, 37, 44; EEA, 39, 41, 42, 45, 48, 50, 53, 56, 58, 61; BH, 35, 37; TPC, 38, 42; ZAB, 51; SFB, 53; GAB, 52 Douglas, Mrs. M.L., (as Mrs. D.J. Douglas, REC, 66, 69, 71), Alderman, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81; BH, 72, 74, 76,78,82; REC, 73, 75 EDPC, 80 Douglas, R.B., Alderman, 25, 25, 26 Dower, A., BWC, 52 Dower, J., RAH, 50, 56 Downes, G.F., Police Magistrate (North Side), 23 Downes, G.W.T., Secretary-Treasurer of Strathcona Town Council, 6 Downey, M.M., Alderman, 54, 55; PSB, 49, 51; EEA, 57, 60; ARLO, 59, 63; BWC, 55; JIC, 55 Drayton, F.H., Head of Civic Relief Department, 44 Driscoll, A., TPC, 38 Driscoll, J., Alderman, 23,25; SSB, 28: EEA, 36, 38, 41
Dub, EN., Alderman, 132; DAB, 129, 130 Dubensky, L., LB, 73, 77, 78 Dublanko, T., EPC, 113 DUGGAN, David M., elected Mayor, 28; re-elected, 30; JIC, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43 Duggan, E.M., PSB, 84, 87; PAR, 86 Duggan, J.E., EEA, 88, 90, 94, 97, 99, 103 Duggan, J.J., Strathcona Town Councillor, 6; Mayor or Strathcona, 6; reelected, 6, 7; PSB,27, 28; LB,35,39; Alderman, 31 Duke, R.F., GAB, 62, 65, 66, 68, 70, 73, 78, 83, 86, 90, 96, 99, 103; Master Plasters' Examining Board, 63, 64, 66,71,73; MPEB, 63,65,66,71,73, 75, 77, 79, 83, 86,99; AP, 64, 67, 68, 70, 77, 74, 76, 78, 80,88, 90, 95, 98; RCH, 100,105; ROB, 104; FIR 93 Duncan, A.F., EEA, 48, 50, 55, 58, 61; RAH, 55, 59 Duncan, D., RAH, 81 Duncan, Mrs. F., ARLC, 80, 82, 85, 90 Duncan, G.P., ANTI, 106, 111 Duncan, M., NOR'73, 104, 109, 114, 119, 124 Dunne, P.M., SSB, 30, 31 Dutton, A., Fire Chief, 35 Dynes, Mrs. FE., Advisory Board Re Tag Days, 52, 54 Eadie, Dr. W., RAH, 66, 68, 70, 72 East, E., Alderman, 42, 44; RAH, 47, 52; SFB, 44 East, J., Alderman, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 40, 41, 42; runs unsuccessfully for Mayor, 34; TPC, 35, 39, 43, 48; EEA, 37, 39, 42, 45; M HT, 42, 47, 48; SFB, 43 Easton, Dr. D.R., RAH, 61, 63, 64, 70, 72,78,83; BH,61, 63, 67; NOR,107 Easton, J., ARLC, 74, 76, 78, 80; NAC 79 Easton, R.L., Alderman, 77, 79, 94, 97; runs unsuccessfullyfor Mayor,100; EEA, 68, 70, 78, 80, 83,86,90; NOR, 96, 99, 103, 107, 112,117; RAH, 66, 68,70,72; NAC, 96,99; GEF, 96, 99; GAB, 96, 99 Eckstein, G.W., GAB, 73, 78 Edmiston, William S., Alderman, 9, 10; elected mayor, 11; re-elected, 11 Edmonds, WE., ARLC, 59, 61, 63, 64, 67
EDMONTON, incorporated as a City, 14 becomes provincial capital 16 EDMONTON AND AREA EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION (EMO), 103, 107, 112, 117 122, 126, 129 EDMONTON AND RURAL AUXILIARY HOSPITAL DISTRICT no. 24, NORWOOD HOSPITAL(NOR), 96, 99, 102, 107, 112, 117, 122, 126,130 EDMONTON AREA AIR SERVICES COMMISSION (AASC), 129,131 EDMONTON CULTURAL COMMITTEE (CUL), 117, 122, 126, 129, 131 EDMONTON DISTRICT PLANNING COMMISSION (EDPC), 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 85, 88 EDMONTON ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, 13 EDMONTON EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION (EEA), 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 76, 78, 80, 83.86, 88,90, 92, 94, 97,99,103,108,112,117,122,126, 129, 131 EDMONTON HISTORICAL BOARD (H B) 96,99,103,108,112,117,122, 126, 129, 131 EDMONTON HOUSING AUTHORITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (EHA), 101, 103, 106, 108, 111, 112, 118, 122 EDMONTON INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD (EIDB) 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 83 EDMONTON JOURNAL, 79 EDMONTON MUSEUM OF ARTS, 31 EDMONTON POLICE COMMISSION (EPC) 113 EDMONTON POWER COMPANY LIMITED, 26 EDMONTON POWER PLANT, 15 EDMONTON PUBLIC LIBRARY, established, 19 EDMONTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD (LB), 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53,55, 56, 59, 60,61, 63, 64, 66, 68, 71, 73, 75, 76, 78, 81, 83, 86, 88, 91, 93, 94, 97, 99, 103,108,113,118,122,126,129, 131 EDMONTON PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD (PSB), 20,27,28,29,30,31,
32,33,34,36,38,39,40,41,43,44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 84, 87, 89, 94, 97, 101, 116, 128, 132 EDMONTON REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION (RPC), 90, 92, 93, 96, 99, 103, 108, 113, 118, 123, 126, 129, 131 EDMONTON SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD (SSB), 20, 27, 28, 29,30,31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 76, 77, 79, 81, 84, 87, 89, 95, 98, 101, 116, 128, 132 EDMONTON TELEPHONE SYSTEM, 15 Edwards, F.J., Alderman, 91, 93, 94; PAR 93; GSS, 94 Edwards, R., EEA, 78, 80 Edwards, T.A., PC, 96, 98, 102, 107, 112, 117; EPC, 113 Ekert, J., RCB, 109, 114, 119, 124 Elliott, ?, Strathcona City councillor, 6, 7 Ellis, B.A., MVP, 88, 91 Emery, ?, solicitor, 9 Emery, R.E., JIC, 49, 51, 54 English, ME., EHA, 101, 103, 106, 108, 112, 118, 122; LAN, 113, 118, 123, 126, 129, 131; URB, 96, 98, 101, 106, 111; EEA, 97, 99, 103, 108, 112; ACCA, 89, 96, 98 English, R., Secretary, 24 Erickson, D., TAX, 65, 67, 71 Ervin, R.L., ATDC, 128 Esdale, M., Alderman, 27; runs unsuccessfully for mayor, 28 EVANS, H.M.E., elected Mayor, 27; M HT, 42, 47, 48, 50, 53, 56, 57, 60, 63, 66, 71, 73 Evans, S., Chief of Police, 14, 15; resigns, 16 Evans, Mrs. U.M., Alderman, 94, 97, 101, 116; NOR, 96, 99, 102, 107, 112, 117; RUL, 115, 120, 124, 127; SOC, 97, 100, 110; MHT, 118, 121, 123; TMC, 120, 125, 127; DAB, 96, 99; LB, 97,99; ACCA, 106,110; LIA, 113, 118; RPC, 123, 126; Steering Committee Re Foundation of Cultural Heritage, 110 Evans, W.R., JIC, 45,46 Ewasiuk, E.W., EEA, 122, 126,129, 131
Fairhead, J., GAB' 60, 62 Falconer, J.F., Alderman, 73, 75, 77; NAC, 77, 79, 81, 83,86,96,104,109, 130,131; PSB, 69,71,87,89,91,93, 116,128; EEA, 76, 78, 86, 90, 94,97, 99,103; ARLC, 76, 78, 80, 82, 85, 92, 94; PAR, 88, 91, 93,94,97,100; H B, 96, 99, 103, 108, 112; BH, 72, 74, 121,125; RAH, 77, 78, 83; TCC, 120, 125, 127; MVP, 81, 83; REC, 71; EIDB, 74; GAB, 75 Fallow, R.A., Alderman, 116; PSB, 132; AIR, 116, 121, 125; HB, 117, 122, 126; TCC, 120,125,127; NOR, 122, 126; JUSC, 120,125; RPC, 118 Fargey, G., GAB, 129, 131 Farina, J., REC, 61, 66, 69, 71 Farmilo, A., Alderman, 3, 33, 34; JIC, 35, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 51, 61; RAH, 35, 39, 40, 43, 49, 53, 57, 61, 63, TPC; 52 Farrell, Mrs. C.J., SOC, 97, 100, 110, 115, 120; SPC' 105 Faryna, Mrs. N., CUL, 117, 122, 126, 129,131 Feehan, B., SSB, 89, 93, 95, 98 Ferguson, JR., GAB, 83, 86; BEA, 82 Ferrier, T., superintendent of Street Railway, 41 Ferrier, T., MVP, 75, 79; TAX' 79 Ferris, E.G., PSB, 30, 39 Ferris, S.B., Superintendent of Lands, 29 Ferris, S.B., AAB, 65 Field, C.D., GSS, 74, 76 Field, S.W., RAH, 60, 64 Field, Mrs. T.H., Alderman, 65,67; RAH, 64, 66, 68, 70, 74, 78, 83; 67, 68; ACCA, 89 Fielde, ?, Calder Village Councillor, 5 Findlay, J.W., Alderman, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39, 40, 41; BH, 35, 38, 42; SFB, 40 Finlay, J.C., Steering Committee Re Foundation of Cultural Heritage, 110 FIRE TRAINING ADVISORY COMMITTEE, 99,103, terminated, 108 Flowers, B., GAB, 123, 126 Floyd, L.J., SSB' 116, 128, 132; BH, 117, 121 Flynn, J., Poundkeeper, 9 Flynn, W.J., NOR, 103, 117, 122, 126 Foote, R.E., Alderman, 41, 42; JIC, 43; EEA, 44 Forbes, N., FIR, 96, 98,102
Forbes, P., ZAB, 49, 51 Gardner, Miss M., LB, 103, 108, 113, 118, 122, 126 Forbes, S., PSB, 128, 132 Gariepy, CE., Alderman, 50, 51, 54,55, Forbes, Mrs. S.E., PSB, 84; BH, 85 56, 57, 59, 60; SSB' 32, 33, 34, 38, Ford, C., PSB, 128, 132; PAR, 130, 131 40, 42, 46; BH, 52, 55, 57, 59; EEA, Ford, F.A., Alderman, 59, 60, 62, 63; 48, 55, 57, 60 PSB, 44, 47, 56; El DB, 60, 61; LB, Gariepy, J.H., Alderman, 10; SSB, 27, 61; BH, 63; GSS, 64 28, 29, 30 Forde, J.W., Poundkeeper, 14 Forest, Mrs. J., SSB, 101, 116, 128; Gariepy, P., NOR, 103, 107, 112, 117, NAC, 104, 109 122, 126; ATDC, 128 Gariepy, W., Alderman, 16, 17, 18, 19; Forrest, B., NAC, 96, 99 SSB, 20 Forster, F.W., PRO, 85, 88, 91 Garnett, CE., El DB, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, Foster, C., GAB' 93 67, 68, 70, 72, 74 Foster, JO., Assessor of City of Garside, T.E., Acting City Solicitor, 40; Strathcona, 6 ARLO, 59, 63 Foster, R.J., License Inspector, 54 GAS APPROVAL BOARD (GAB), 51, Fowler, H.B., PSB, 60, 63, 67, 69 52, 53, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 68, Fowler, R.G., BLDG, 121 70, 73, 75, 76, 78, 81, 83, 86, 88, 90, Fox, T.P., EEA, 94, 97, 99, 103; Citizens 93, 94, 96, 99, 103, 108, 113, 118, Advisory Committee on Omniplex, 102 123, 126, 129, 131 Fraser, D., BWC, 78 Gee, S., LB, 53 Fraser, D.R., Alderman, 8, 10, 13, 14, Geldart, Dr. S.G., BH, 102, 107, 112, 117 15, 17, 18 French, F.A., SSB' 27, 30 Gemeray, G.A., PSB, 53; BH, 55 Franch, K.M., COR, 122 Gericke, K., MPEB, 123, 127, 130, 131 Franch, Mrs. R., ACCA, 128, 130 Ghostley, R.C., PSB, 30 Friedman, M., EHA, 101, 103, 106, 108, Giannone, P.A., EEA, 129, 131 111, 112, 118 Gibb, R.J., Superintendent of Water. Frigon, OH., AP, 88, 90; BEA, 93 works, 39, 43; City Commissioner, 41,43,44,45,47,48,50,51,52,54, Frith, R.N., Alderman, 25,26 55; ARLC, 51, 53; JIC, 43, 45 Frost, CR., PSB, 27 FRY, John W., Alderman,39, 40, 41, 42, Gibbs, CL., Alderman, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40; EEA, 37 44; elected Mayor, 45; re-elected, 47, 48,50,51,52,54,55;JIC,40,41 , Gibeau, P.J., SSB, 128,132 42, 43, 45; LB, 47, 48,49, 50, 53, 55, Gibson, F.K., Clerk and Assessor, 11; 56; BH, 44, 47, 50, 53, 55; SFB, 42; dies, 12 EEA, 42; Advisory Board Re Tag Gibson, J., TAX, 71 Gibson, J., GAB, 103, 108 Days, 52; Dies, 56 Giffen, R.N., RPC, 113, 118, 123, 126 Fuller, G.T.H., SOC, 130 Fuller, Dr. W.A., ZOO, 88, 91, 93, 94, Gilbert, C., REC, 71, 73, 75, 77; BWC, 97, 100 66, 68 Gainer, A.G., Alderman, 34, 36, 37,39; Gilchrist, Mrs. M.A., LB, 44 Gillespie, Rd., COR` 112, 117, 122; JIC, 35; EEA, 38 LAN, 113,118 Gainer, Dr. W., RAH, 124, 127, 130 Gillies, C.C., EEA, 37 Gainer, W.D., PSB, 89 Gillies, J.B., Alderman, 56, 57; EIDB, Galbraith, R.H., COR, 122 57, 58; TPC, 46 GALLAGHER, C., Alderman, 8, 10, 13; Gilmour, RI., ACCA, 96, 98, 101, 106 elected Mayor, 10 Gallant, J.A., SSB' 53, 54, 56, 59, 62; Gleave, G.E., Alderman, 59, 60; PSB, 46; BH, 59, 61 BH, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63 Goard, A., YOU, 115 Gallant, T.W., BWC, 107, 112, 117, 121 Goldstick, T., BWC, 128, 130 Ganam, S., TAX, 71 GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION Goodall, G., Public Works Overseer, 14 BOARD (GSS), 64, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, Goodridge, A., Fire Department Teamster, 14 76, 78, 83, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96 144
Goodridge, H., Alderman, 12, 13 Good ridge, J., Alderman, 8 Goodwin, N.C., GAB, 123, 129, 131 Goody, D., EEA, 126,129 Gordon, W.W., MHT, 86, 91, 97, 100, 104, 109, 114, 118, 123, 127 Gorman, Dr. A.A., SSB, 84, 87, 89, 91, 93; BH, 85 Goruk, A., ACCA, 101, 106 Gosling, S., Claims Agent, 35 Gould, C., Alderman, 42, 44; BH, 44, 45; LB, 47; RAH, 48 Gould, J., Superintendent of Roads, 22 Gourley, H.C., LB, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 69, 71; ARLC, 51, 53 Gowan, C., Alderman, 22 Gowan, mrs. E.P., ARLC, 85, 90, 92, 94; H B, 96, 99, 103, 108 Grace, W.D., LB, 113, 118, 122, 126 Graefe, C., EEA, 103, 108, 112, 117, 122, 126 Graham, D., RAH, 83 Graham, H.C., ARLC, 70, 72 Graham, J., Fire Chief, 99; RCH, 100, 104; BEA, 92; PRC, 93; GAB, 103; RCB, 105 Graham, R., EEA, 80, 83, 86 Graham, S.A., PSB, 59; REC, 60 Graham, TA., BWC, 74, 76, 78, 82 GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY, $100,000 bonus and tax exemption, 16; continued to Princ Rupert, 19 Grant, C.H., Alderman, 26, 27 GRANTS EVALUATION COMMITTEE (GEC), 104, 108, 113; disbanded, 108, 113 Gray, G.L., ZOO, 93, 94 Gray, H., ANTI 116, 121 Grayson-Smith, Mrs. H., LB` 77, 78, 81, 83 GREATER EDMONTON FOUNDATION (GEF), 86, 88, 90, 93, 94, 96, 99, 104, 108, 113, 118, 123, 126, 129,131 Green, ?, Strathcona Town Councillor, 6 Green, B., IDAB' 65, 66, 71, 73, 79; ZAB, 61 Greenlees, C.E., AP, 88, 90 Greenway, Dr. G.A., BH, 55 Greer, W.E., El DB, 74, 76, 78 Gregg, A., Steering Committee Re Foundation of cultural Heritage, 110 Grierson, E.D., Alderman, 13, 14
Grierson, Dr. KM., SOC, 97, 100, 110, 115, 120, 124, 127; SPC, 105 Grierson, R.W., AP, 64, 67, 68 Grierson, W.E., Market Clerk and Poundkeeper, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18 GRIESBACH, William A., Alderman, 15 16; elected Mayor, 16; City Commissioner, 16 Griffin, W., BWC, 48, 52, 53 Griffith, W.R., Superintendent of Telephones, 18, 19, 20, 22 Grimble, L.G., BEA, 76, 78, 82, 85 Grindley, T.M., Alderman, 20 Groat, G.M., Fire Chief of City of Strathcona, 6 Grotsky, J., RAH, 120 Grout, D.A., Alderman, 45, 47, 48; JIC, 46; EEA, 48, 50 Gudlaugson, L., AP, 78, 80 Guild, N., ARLC, 87, 90 Gunderson, E., PSB, 50 Gunning, W.J., ANTI, 106, 111 Guynan, J., URB, 96, 98, 101,106, 111 Gwynne, P., M HT, 79, 83 Haddad, Judge W., PC, 96, 98, 102, 107, 112, 117 Haddow, A.W., City Commissioner, 28, 29; Commissioner of Public Works, 28; resigns, 29; city Engineer, 29, 35; BH, 35,37,39, 42, 44,45,56,57, 59, 61 Hager, B., LB, 40, 44 Haggarty, H.A., ZOO, 94, 97, 100 Hale, A.J., RAH, 36; EEA, 42 Haliburton, R., BWC, 43, 45, 47, 64, 66, 68 Haljan, P., LAN, 113 Hall, G.M., Industrial Commissioner, 22,24 Hallberg, J.L., LB, 112, 113, 118, 126, 129, Hamilton, D.M., EEA, 129, 131 Hamilton, D.T., AASC, 129, 131 Hamilton, G., ZOO, 83 Hamilton, G.C., City Comrnissioner, 84, 87, 89, 91, 93 Hamilton, M., EEA, 80, 83, 86, 90; I DAB, 86; ZAB 88; DAB, 91 Hamilton, Miss M.A., ARLC, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78; NAC, 104, 109, 114, 119, 124, 127 Hamilton, W., Alderman, 54,55; BH, 55; JIC, 55 Hampton, S., City Commissioner, 94, 97, 101 Hanley, Miss L., LAN, 113,118
Hanna, J.E., PSB, 73, 75, 77, 79; REC, 75 Hanna, R.F.L., Alderman, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67; M HT, 93, 99, 100,104, 109, 114, 118, 123, 127; EEA, 66, 68, 101, 103; RAH, 66, 68 Hannaford, D.A., GAB, 123, 126, 129, 131 Hardcastle, W.G., NAG, 86, 90, 92; AP, 88, 90 Hardy, Dr. A.W., RAH, 74, 78 Hardy, Dean R.M., BEA, 65, 67 Hargreaves, J.H., Engineer, 14; Public Works Commissioner, 15; resigns, 16 Harries, Dr. H., Alderman 69, 73, 75, 77,79; EEA 75,78,80; EIDB, 70,81, 83; BWC, 70; BH, 76 Harrison, A.G., City Commissioner, 22, 25, 26; resigns, 27 Harrison, H., RAH, 53 Harrison, Mrs. J., H B, 112 Harrison, Dr. AC., ZOO, 94 Hart, F., COR' 122 Hart, W., ACCA, 101 HAWRELAK, William, Alderman, 62, 63; elected Mayor, 65; re-elected, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 89; resigns, 81; re-elected and resigns again, 91; runs unsuccessfully for mayor, 94; re-elected, 127; dies, 128; BH, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 90,128;66,69,71,73,77,78,81,91; EEA, 64, 129; EIDB, 63; PC, 128; RAH, 130; I DAB, 65 Haynes, E.S., PSB, 56 Hayter, R., Alderman, 116, 128, 132; BWC, 102, 107, 112, 117, 121, 125, 128,130; ACCA, 116,121,126,128, 130; LB, 118, 122, 126, 129, 131; EMO, 117, 122, 126, 129; ANC' 116, 121, 125; JUSC, 120, 125; NOR, 129, 131; LIA, 123 Hayward, G.E., JIG, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42 43, 45, 46, 52, 54 Hazlett, G.W., Alderman, 32, 33; RAH, 35, 39 Head, F.F., GAB, 51, 54 Hebb, Dr. H.D., BH, 72, 76 Hedley, R.W., ARLC, 64, 67, 68, 70, 72 Heiminck, P., Alderman, 13 Heller, F., BWC, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 60 Henderson, J.D., GAB, 94 Henderson, Constable R., BWC, 126, 128
Hendrick, J., EEA, 88, 90 Hendrickson, Dr. M., EHA, 101, 103 Henning, W.J.M., Alderman, 79,81; 83, PSB, 73, 75; EEA, 83, 86, 90, 94; BWC, 82, 85; LB, 86; Citizens' Advisory Committee on Omniplex, 102 HENRY, William T., Alderman, 12,13; elected Mayor, 25; re-elected, 25, 26 Henwood, G.B., AAB, 65, 72, 76, 78, 86 Hepburn, C.F., Alderman, 27, 28 Heron, J.W., RAH, 36, 40 Hewes, Mrs. E., Alderman, 128, 132; PAR, 88,91, 93, 94, 97, 100; LB, 94, 97, 99, 103, 108, 113; PC, 121, 125, 128,130; SOC,127,130,131; NOR, 129, 131; RPC, 129, 131 Hickmott, E.G., AAP, 76 Higham, K., CUL, 117, 122, 12.3, 129, 131; GEC, 104, 108, 113 Hill, E.E., Superintendent of Stores and Works, 18 Hill, E.L., LB, 35, 37, 41, 42, 43; RAH, 36, 40 Hill, N., RCH, 100,105 Hilliam, E., Storekeeper and Timekeeper, 15,1 Hodge, G., BH, 96, 98 Hodgins, M., ANTI, 116, 121 Hodgson, J., Comptroller, 35; City Commissioner, 44, 45, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67; SFB, 58, 59, 61, 63, 66; EIDB, 57 Hodgson, S., AP, 87, 90 Hogan, E.J., Head of Billing Department, 51 Hohn, Dr. E.A., ZOO, 83 Hohol, Dr. A.E., SPC, 105 Hole, H., EEA, 94, 97, 99, 103 Holeton, R.O., REC, 77, 79, 81, 83 Holgerson, J., TOO, 100, 105, 110, 115; 120, 125, 127 Hollands, D., EEA, 112, 117 Holloway, J., EDPC, 64 Holmgren, E.J., HB, 129,131 Hooper, S.K., PRO, 88, 91, 93; BLDG, 102 Horn, Mrs. S., EHA, 118, 122 Horner, W.R., H B, 96, 99, 103, 108 Hosford, J.W., EEA 63, 66, 68, 70, 73, 75 Houston, T., Alderman, 10, 11 Howard, E.E., RAH, 44 Howard, L.H., COR, 93 Howatt, D., YOU, 115
Jardine, G.H., Superintendent of GarHowell, Dr. M., PAR, 93, 94 ages, 29, 35 Howes, Dean E.A., BWC, 36, 39, 41, 47 Howey, W.R., Constable and License Jeffers, A.M., City Architect, 22, 24 Jefferson, J.C., GAB, 60, 62, 65; EIDB, Inspector, 14 72 Hrudey, S., BEA, 65, 67, 68, 70 Jellet, St. G., Assessor and Collector, Hubler, J., PAR, 124, 127, 130, 131 8, 9, 10 Huffman, J.C., Superintendent of Electric Light,Watern and PowerStation, Jenkins, Dr. R.B., Medical Health Officer,35; BH,35,37,38,42,44,45 20 Jenkins, V., Master Painters' ExaminHughes, G., PAR, 94, 97, 100 ing Board, 73 Hughes, G.S., City Commissioner, 110; COR, 108, 112, 117; AP, 102, 107; Jennings, R., Chief of Police, 54 Jenvrin, P., SSB, 28, 30, 31 YOUR, 115; LIA, 123 Hulbert, ?, Strathcona Town Councillor, Jerry, J., BEA, 74, 76, 78, 82 Johnson, H.G., LB 64, 66, 69 6 Johnson, L.E., GAB, 66, 68, 70 Humberstone, W., Alderman, 11 Huntback, J.R., Plumbing Inspector, Johnson, R.V., PSB, 77, 79, 81, 84, 87, 89, 93, 94, 98, 101, 116, 128; 17, 18, 19, 20, TCC, 105, 110, 115; REC, 79; NAC, 'Hunter, Dr. M., RAH, 55 79 Hurlburt, W.L., IDAB` 86; ZAB, 88 Johnston, Dr. J.P., EEA' 39 Hyndman, J.D., Alderman, 19, 20 Hyndman, L.D., PSB, 51; ZAB 61, 62; Johnston, T.J., PSB, 31 IDAB, 65, 66, 71, 73, 79; M BP, 79; JOINT INDUSTRIAL COMMITTEE (J I C) 35, 37, 38, 40, 41,42, 43, 45, 46, URB, 96,98 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55 Imrie, Miss M., Citizens' Advisory ComJOINT USE OF SCHOOLS COMmittee on Omniplex, 102 MITTEE (JUSC), 120, 125 Ingram, J., C., Head of Employment Bureau, 50; Head of Market Board, Jones, E., Calder Village Councillor, 5 Jones, E.L., PSB, 132 51 lnnes, D.R., Alderman, 63, 65; ARLC, Jones, G.F.B., Poundkeeper, 11 61, 82, 85, 87, 90,92; LB, 56, 57, 59, Jones, G.W., EEA, 90, 94, 97, 99, 103 Jones, P.W., PSB, 84, 87 61; EEA, 66; REC, 66; NAG` 90 INTERIM DEVELOPMENT APPEAL Kaasa, W.H., Steering Committee Re BOARD (I DAB) 65, 66, 69, 71, 73, Foundation of Cultural Heritage, 110 75, 76, 79, 81, 83, 86 Kallal, J.T., GSS, 64, 67 Irwin, Mrs. J., PAR, 104, 109 Kane, J.B., SSB, 71, 73, 75, 77; BH, 72; Irwin, L. NAC, 86, 90, 92 EIDB, 72 Irwin, S., Secretary-Treasurer of Calder Kasten, H.L., AP, 72,74,76,78,80; BEA, Village Council, 5; chairman, 5 88, 90; BLDG, 102 Irwin, W.A., BWC, 36, 39, 41, 42 Katzin, J., RAH, 90, 97, 100, 105, 110, 115; DHB, 112 Jackson, A.E., Alderman, 10, 11, 12 Jackson, C.L., SFB` 68, 70, 72, 77, 80, Keays, S., MVP, 81 Keely, R.R., Engineer, 15, 16, 18; re82, 85, 88, 91, 93 signs, 18 Jackson, C.W., ZOO, 83 Keillor, Dr. F.A., Alderman, 32, 34, 36, Jackson, T., PAR, 104, 109, 114, 119 37; JIC, 35; BH, 37, 38; SFB, 36 Jackson, W.B., EEA, 88, 90 Jacox, D.C., EEA, 63, 66, 68,70; JIC, 45 Kellough, H. COR, 92 Jamieson, F.C., City of Strathcona Sol- Kelly, J., Poundkeeper, 9; Alderman, 9, 10 icitor, 7 Jamieson, R.H., PSB, 116, 128, 132; Kelly, M.A., SSB, 26,27 PAR, 124, 127; JUSC, 120, 125; Kelly, Dr. R., BH, 67,68 Kelly, ST., City of Strathcona ElecANTI, 116, 121 trician, 6 Janzen, J., YOU, 115; Steering Committee Re Foundation of Cultural Kemp, A., Plumbing Inspector, 15 Kemp, F.N., EEA, 86 Heritage, 110
Kemp, FW., EEA, 41, 44, 48, 49,52, 55, 57, 60, 63; BWC, 57, 58, 60,63 Kemper, T., GAB, 93, 96, 99 Kendall, E., Market Board, 35 KENNEDALE AND INDUSTRIAL HEIGHTS, annexed by City Council, 22 Kennedy, D.W., PSB, 116 Kennedy, E., Alderman, 128,132; H B, 129, 131; RPC, 129,131; GEF, 129, 131 Kennedy, E., MPEB' 63, 65, 66, 71, 79, 91, 97, 99, 104, 109, 113, 118, 123, 127, 129, 131 Kerr, R.M., BLDG 102, 107, 111, 116, 121 Keylor, L.T., SSB, 62 Kilburn, N.A., JIC, 35, 37 Killeen, F.J., SSB, 53, 55, 58, 60, 63, 67, 69 Kinash, M., ROB ' 100, 104, 109 King, ON., RAH, 43, 48 Kiniski, Mrs. J., Alderman, 89, 91, 93, 94,97,101; BH,90,96,98,102,112; GEF' 90, 93, 96, 99, 104; URB, 96, 98; GAB, 94; ACCA, 101; DHB,112; RPC, 113 Kinnaird and Henderson, Calder Village Auditors, 5 Kinnaird, G.J., Auditor, 9; Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, 11; SecretaryTreasurer,12,13, 14, 15,16; resigns as Secretary-Treasurer, 16; Town Clerk, 12; City Commissioner, 15, 16, 17; resigns as City Commissioner, 17 Kinney, J.A., Alderman, 25, 26, 27, 28 Kirk, J., GSS, 94, 96 Kirk, J.D., SOC, 115, 120 Kirkpatrick, G.R.F., Treasurer, 8, 9, 10, 1; SFB, 36,37,39,40,42,43,44,46, 48, 50, 51, 53 Kling, Dr. S., RAH, 78,83 Klingbell, L.C., AP, 80 Kmech, P., ANTI, 106, 111, 116; YOU, 115 Knight, Mrs. J.F., LB' 47 Knight, R., Superintendent of Street Railway, 20; replaced, 22 KNOTT' Daniel, K., Alderman, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 45, 47, 48, 50; elected Mayor, 37; re-elected, 39, 40; runs unsuccessfully for mayor 41; TPC, 41,44,49; RAH, 35; BH, 38; EEA, 49 Knudtson, L.K., YOU, 115 Kolbus, R.J., LAN, 129,131; EHA, 122
Killer, Dr. L.A., BH, 117, 121, 125 Kosowan, C.A., BLDG, 102, 107, 111, 116, 121 Kozak, T., GAB' 86 Kratzenberg, P.O.W., EEA, 117, 122, 126, 129 Kredentser, Dr. B., BH, 96, 98,102,107, 112, 117, 121 Kroetsch, A., ATDC, 128 Kruger, O., BWC, 96,98, 102,107,112, 117, 121 Krys, J.J., BWC, 121, 126, 128, 130 Kubersky, W., ACCA, 128, 130 Kuchinski, D., EEA, 125,129 Kuechler, E.H., FIR' 121 Kupfer, Dr. G., EHA, 101, 103 Kuzyk, Dr. B., BH, 85, 90 Laing, mrs. T., CUL, 117,122,126,129, 131; HB, 96, 99; LB, 129,131 Lake, D.B., Alderman, 36, 37; RAH, 39 Lambert, J., EEA, 39, 42, 45 Lambert, R., Alderman, 91,93; PRO, 92; GAB 93 Lancey, A.C., Chief of Police, 18, 19, 20, 25; resigns, 22 LANDLORD AND TENANT ADVISORY BOARD (LAN) 113, 118, 123, 126, 129, 131 Lansdowne, N., RAH, 86, 90 Larsen, D., NOR'73, 104, 109,114,119 Larson, A.J., Alderman, 65,67; REC, 66, 69; El DB, 67, 68; EEA, 68, 70; GSS, 67 Latham, G. EEA, 36 Latham, G., ATDC, 128 Latornell, A., Assistant Engineer, 17 18; City Engineer, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24 Latta, D.G., Alderman, 16 Lauder, A.J.G., PRO, 88, 91; BEA, 90 Lauder, T.G., Fire Chief, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 22, 24 Lauerman, Dr. J., BH, 92, 96, 98 Lavallee, M.L., LB, 60, 63 Lavoie, T.J., GSS, 74, 76, 78, 83, 90, 94, 96 Lavold, G., AIR, 107, 111 Lawrence, N.A., BEA, 68, 70, 74; ZOO, 97,100 Lawrence, P., TAX, 65, 67, 71 Lawrie, ST., ZAB, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60 Lawson, K.L., Alderman, 62, 63; BWC, 64,66,68,70,72; EIDB, 63; EEA,66 Lazarowich, P.J., LB, 57, 60 LaZerte, Dr. M.E., Alderman, 83, 84; PSB' 87, 89, 91, 93, 94, 97, 101; LB' 8, 91; GSS' 86
Leadbeater, D., Alderman, 128; BH, Love, E.T., JIC, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43; RAH, 36, 38, 39, 41, 44 128, 130; EMO, 129 Learmonth, mrs. C.E., ARLC, 82, 85, 90, Love, J.J.A., ACCA, 128, 130 Lovette, F.R., EEA, 44 92 Low, A.L., EHA` 101, 103, 106, 108, Leat, W.J., GAB, 60, 62 112, 118, ACCA, 96, 98, 101,106 Lee, CE., LB, 56,59 LEE, Robert, Alderman, 12,17; elected Ludford, R., HB, 108, 112, 118, 122, 126 Mayor 18; re-elected 19, City ComLufkin, R., LB, 103, 108, 113, 118, missioner, 18, 19 122, 126 Lee, S., Master Painters' Examining Lund, E., PSB, 128, 132 Board, 66 Lefebvre, H.T., LAN, 113, 118,123, 125, Lundy, H.W.B., Alderman, 22 Lundy, J.E., alderman, 18, 19, 20, 23; 129, 131 LB, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43 Leger, E.H., Alderman, 81, 83, 89, 91, 93, 94,97, 101, 116, 128, 132; RAH, Lupul, R.E., HB, 118, 122, 126, 129 131 97, 100, 105, 110, 115, 119, 130, 131; GEF, 104, 108, 113, 118, 123, mabey, R.H., GAB, 90, 96, 99 126, 129, 131; RPC, 90, 92, 93, 96, McAfee, S.C., COR, 112, 117 99; PC, 96, 98, 102, 107, 112; MHT, McAllen, J., Medical Health Officer, 18 97, 100, 104, 109, 114, 130, 131; McArthur, D.R.A., EEA, 97,99,103,108, AIR' 107, 111, 116,121, 125; GLEN, 112, 117, 122 120, 124, 127, 130, 131; DAB, 91, McArthur, W.C., Alderman, 25, 26, 29 96, 99; AHC, 116, 121, 125; EIDB, McBain, A.R., Citizens' Advisory Com83; MVP, 83; ACCA, 89; GAB, 90 mittee on Omniplex, 102 LEGISLATIVE BUILDING, erection of McBain, R., EEA, 108, 112, 117, 122, 17 126, 129; NOR`73, 104, 109, 114, Leitch, Dr. D.B., RAH, 66, 68, 70, 72;, 119, 124 BH, 35 McBain, W.W., PSB, 32; LB, 38 LeMaitre, R., RAH, 44; EEA, 45 McBean, D., NOR, 117, 122, 126 Lemieux, LG., SSB, 75, 77, 80, 81, 84, McBride, I.F.B., PRC, 35, 38, 91, 93; Lendrum, ?, Strathcona City CounAP, 87, 90; SOC, 97, 100 cillor, 7 McBride, Mrs. I.F.B., SPC, 105; SOC, Lenon, A., SSB, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75; 110, 115, 120 REC, 66, 69, 71, 73 McCallum, A., GSS, 64, 67, 68, 70, 72, LIAISON COMMITTEE RE HOUSING 74 AND DEVELOPMENT (LIA), 105, McCallum, H., EEA,112,117,122, 126, 109, 113, 118, 123 129,131 Lieberman, M., RAH, 81, 83 McCallum, Mrs. KM., Alderman, 91, 93, Lindskog, Dr. T., BH, 96, 98 101; RAH, 93, 97, 100, 105, 110, Linthicum, J.C., Superintendent of 115; DAB, 117, 121, 125, 128, 130; Stores and Works, 24 GEF, 93, 104, 108, 113; NAC, 92, Liteplo, D.L., COR, 122 104,109; BH, 107; DH B, 112; SOC' Little, Dr. G.M., Medical Health Officer, 115; GLEN, 115 45; BH, 47,48, 50, 53, 55, 57,59,61, McCallum, P., Pipe Fitter and Overseer, 63, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 82; 14 M HT, 86, 91 McCallum, T.M., constable and LicLivingstone, A., Alderman, 22,23 ense Inspector, 13, 14, 22, 24, 35 Lloyd, Dr. D.W., BH, 121, 125, 128, 130 M cCAU LEY, Matthew, Alderman, 10; Lobay, Mrs. M., HB, 118, 122, 125, elected Mayor, 8; re-elected, 8,9; 129, 131; N AC, 124, 127, 130, 131; elected to the Northwest Territories RAH, 120 Assembly, 9 Logan, A., Dairy Inspector, 19, 20 Macauley, M.W., Alderman 16 Logan, B.P., PAR, 124,127 McClary, G.F., Alderman, 81, 83, 84, 87, Long, C.J., EEA, 80 89; RAH, 83, 86, 90; NOR, 96, 99; Loughlin, ?, Strathcona City CouncilEl DB, 83; SFB, 85 lor, 7 McColl, D., PAR, 119, 124, 127, 130 149
McColl, M.B., Alderman, 47, 48; JIG, 48; EEA, 49 McConachie, W.G., PSB, 47, 50, 53 McConnachie, W.G., Chairman of Calder Village Council, 5 McConnell, C.J., FRC` 85 McCoppen, S.J., Alderman, 27, 28, 29 McCord, S.A., COR, 122 McCormick, Dr. J.P., BWC, 36 McCosham, R.V., Advisory board Re Tag Days, 52, 54; EEA, 38 McCourt, Dr. J.F., SOC 124, 127 McCracken, J., URB' 96, 98, 101, 106, 111; LIA, 109, 113, 118 McCreath, J.T., Alderman, 39, 40, 41, 42,44,45; RAH,42,47; BH,39; EEA, 42; SFB, 40; Superintendent of the Stores Department, 49 McCreath, R., ZAB, 43 McCuaig, Mrs. S., ARLC' 80,82, 85, 90 McCurdy, W.F., GSS, 76, 78 McDaniel, F.J., MPEB, 83, 86 McDaniel, P.H., MPEB, 71 McDiarmid, J.W., SFB, 68, 70, 72, 77, 80, 82, 85, 88, 93, 94, 97, 100 McDiarmid, R.G., BWC, 66, 68, 70, 72 Macdonald, A., TAX, 105 MacDonald, A.F., M HT, 63, 66, 71, 73, 79, 83, 86, 91; RAH, 86, 90, 97, 100, 105, 110, 115; DHB, 112; Steering Committee Re Foundation of Cultural Heritage, 110 MacDonald, A.G., PSB, 77, 79, 81, 84 MacDonald, A.M., EIDB, 57 MacDonald, D., CUL, 117, 122, 126 McDonald, G.A., EEA, 57,60,63,66,68, 70, 73, 75, 78, 86, 90 MacDonald, G.H., ZAB, 46, 54 Macdonald, N.J., Alderman, 41,42,44, 45, 47, 48; EEA, 44, 47, 49; SFB,48 MacDonald, IC., ZOO, 83, 86, 88, 91, 93 McDonald, J., Assessor, 10; building and Fire Inspector, 12 McDonald, J., SSB, 116, 128, 132 McDonald, Mrs. J., 558,87,89,91,93, 95, 88, 101; PAR, 93, 94 MacDonald, J.A., Assessor, 60; AP, 64, 67, 68, 70, 72 MacDonald, J.C., Alderman, 67, 69; PSB, 56, 58, 60; RAH, 68, 70; EIDB, 68, 70 MacDonald, J.D.A., BH, 63, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 85,.90; TPB, 64, 71 McDonald, J.M., Alderman, 22,25, 26, resigns, 27
MacDonald, K., PAR, 109, 114, 119, 124 Macdonald, M.D., PC, 121, 125, 128, 130 MacDonald, R., BWC, 112, 117, 121; LB, 129, 131 MacDonald, Judge, S., LAN, 123, 126, 129,131 McDonald, W.R., NAC, 90, 114, 119 McDonell, A.R., EEA, 36, 38, 41, 44, 47, 49, 52, 55, 57, 60 McDougall, E.., ARLC, 87, 90, 92, 93 McDOUGALL, John A., Alderman, 8, 9; elected Mayor, 10; re-elected,17; City Commissioner, 17 McDougall, J.C., M HT, 42, 47, 48, 50, 53, 56, 57, 60, 63, 66, 71, 73 McDougall, J.F., I DAB' 65, 66, 71, 73, 79 McDougall, Dr. W.D., LB, 66, 69, 71 McEachern, I.W.T., BH, 42 McFarland, ?, Strathcona City Councillor, 6 McFarland, W.E., Superintendent of Power Plant, 56 MacFarlane, Mrs. D., EHA, 106, 108, 111, 112, 118, 122 McGrath, Miss C., SSB' 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 84; NAC, 77, 79, 81,83; BH, 68 MacGregor, J.G., HB, 122, 126, 129 McGugan, Dr. AC., Alderman, 81, 83, 84, 87, 91, 93, 94, 97; EEA, 86, 94, 97, 99; BH, 82, 85, 92; RPC, 93, 96, 99; URB' 96, 98; LB, 83; ACCA, 85; NAC, 88; EDPC' 88 McGuire, J.B., REC, 57 McInnis, H.L., Alderman, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 McIntyre,?, Strathcona Town Councillor, 6 McIntyre, Dr. D.F., BH, 72, 74, 76, 78, McIntyre, J.L., RAH, 63, 66, 68; EEA, 73, 75; EIDB, 70 McIntyre, 0.C., Advisory Board Re Tag Days, 52, 54; EIDB, 57; RAH, 88 Mclvor, N.A., Superintendent of Buildings, 20, 22; Building Inspector, 24, 29 McKay, D., GAB, 96, 99 MacKay, Mrs. S., SOC. 124, 127, 130, 131 McKee, H.F., Head of Civic Relief Department, 39 MacKenzie, Dr. B.M, BH, 92 MacKenzie, C.D., EEA, 52, 55
McKenzie, J., AP, 102, 107, 111 MacKenzie, JO., PSB, 23 McKenzie, J.J., Strathcona Town Councillor, 6; Mayor of Strathcona, 6; Alderman, 28; PSB, 24 MacKENZIE, Kenneth, W., Alderman, 11; elected Mayor, 12; re-elected, 12; First Mayor of City of Edmonton, 15; City Commissioner, 15; PSB, 24 McKenzie, R.S., EEA, 38 McKernan, N., BEA, 74, 76, 78, 82 McKinley, J.H., Alderman 18, 19, 20 McKinely, TA., GAB' 83, 86 McKinnon, J.D., Building and Fire Inspector, 18 McKnight, Mrs. D., H B, 96,99,103,108, 112, ARLC, 93 MacLaren, ?, Strathcona Town Councillor, 6 McLaren, W.R., M HT, 48, 50 McLean,?, Strathcona Town Councillor, 6 Maclean, A., Waterworks Inspector, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 McLean, A.J., City of Strathcona Engineer, 7; Alderman, City Commissioner, 22, 23; Superintendent of Construction, 25 MacLean, D., GSS, 92, 94, 96 McLean, J., Scavenger, 12 McLean, R., ANTI, 106, 111 McLean, W.D., Alderman, 116; EEA, 92 94, 97, 99, 103, 108, 117, 122, 125, 129, 131; PAR, 114, 119, 124, 127; GEF, 118, 123, 126; LIA, 123 McLellan, A.R., Alderman, 28, 29; EEA, 36, 38 McLeod, D., PSB, 24 McLeod, D.M., DAB, 96, 99, 102, 107, 112, 117, 121, 126 McLeod, K.A., Alderman, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15; Fire Chief, 9, 10 McManus, Mrs. CE., RAH, 52, 56, 60 McMillan, D.M., Assessor, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20; resigns, 22 MacMillan, Miss I., DAB, 102,107,112, 117, 121, 126; RAH, 56, 60, 64 McMorran, EM., GAB, 86, 90, 96, 99, 103, 108,113,118,123, 126; MPEB, 127,129,131; BLDG, 107,111; FIR, 125 McNAMARA, William J., elected mayor, 24; Commissioner for Finance, 25; unseated over Viking gas scandal, 24
McNaughton, P., Power House Engineer, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19; City Commissioner, 18 McNeill, G., GSS, 83, 86 McNeill, W.V., SSB, 116,128; PAR, 124, 127, 130, 131 McNicol, A., Auditor, 9, 10, 11 McNicoll, C.W., BWC, 96, 98, 102 McPhail, Dr. G. ATDC, 128 Macpherson, F.S., PSB, 31, 32 McPherson, G., ATDC, 128 McPherson, J., Superintendent of Stores, 18, 19 McPherson, J.A., PSB, 26, 27, 28 MacPherson, L., ACCA, 110 MacQuarrie, L.E., GAB, 65 MacRae, AS., LB, 69, 71, 73, 77 McTavish, A., LB 63, 118, 122, 126, 129, 131 McTavish, A.D., PAR, 86, 88, 91, 93, 94; El DB, 74, 76, 78, 81 McVittie, S., LB, 122, 129 McWhinnie, J.B., FIR, 121, 125 Maddison, H.W.J., EEA, 49, 52, 55, 57, 60, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70 Magee, T.S., SSB, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 40; Head of Civic Relief Department, 35; BH, 37; LB, 66 Mahoney, R.H., GAB, 66 Mahony, V., ZOO, 83, 86, 88 Main, Mrs. M., AASC' 129, 131 Main, S.A., Sanitary Inspector, and Assistant Medical Health Officer, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 Main, S.G., Alderman, 71, 73, 75, 77; RAH, 74, 78, 83; GSS, 72, 74; REC, 73,75; El DB, 76,78; EEA, 75, LB, 78 Mair, J.H., BWC, 72, 76, 78, 82 Malbey, R.H., GAB, 68, 70, 73 Malone, T.P., Alderman, 30; SSB, 28, 38, 40, 42, 51, 54, 56, 59 Maltby, R., AP, 87, 90, 95, 98 Mann, W., URB, 101, 106, 111 Manser, Miss C., LB, 61, 64 Manson, R.J., Alderman, 16, 17, 18 Manuel, G.M., Alderman, 16 March, Dr. A.W., RAH, 83 Margolus, B., EEA, 122, 126, 129, 131 Marks, Al., PSB, 53 Marler, R.C., EEA, 50, 53, 56, 58, 61, 64, 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78, 86, 90 Marlett, D., El DB' 76, 78 Marchall, D., EEA, 97, 99, 103, 108, 112, 117, 122 Marshall, F., LB, 42
Marshall, P., COR, 80, 92, 93, 96, 99, 73,75; EEA, 68,70, 73, 75,78; RAH, 103 64, 66, 68, 70; El DB, 67, 68, 72, 74; Marshall, R.B., RAH, 124, 127, 130 GSS, 68, 70, 76 Martin, A., MPEB, 83, 86 Miller, J., Alderman, 20 Martin, F., ACCA, 110, 116, 121, 125, Milligan, R., Master Painters' Exam n128, 130 ing Board, 64 Martin, H.M.,Alderman,27,28;TPC,37, Mills, G., Master Painters' Examining 38,39,41,42,43,44,46,48,49,51, Board, 71, 73 52, 54, 56, 57 Millsn, N.D., Mayor of City of StrathMartin, R., GSS, 86, 90 cona, 6, 7 Martin, W.H., Alderman, 26, 27 Mills, W.A., Liquor License Inspector, Martland, J., Building Inspector, 35; 12 ZAB, 60; I DAB, 65,66 Milner, J., AASC, 129,131 Massey, D.L., PSB, 132 Milner, R., BWC, 126,128 Massey, L., GAB, 96, 99,103, 108,113, Milner, S.A., Alderman, 84, 87; EEA, 88, 118 90, 94, 97, 99; LB, 88, 91, 97, 99; MASTER PAINTERS' EXAMINING MVP, 86; RAH, 86 BOARD, 62, 63, 64, 66, 71, 73 Minsos, Dr. A.O., El DB, 74, 76, 78, 83, MASTER PLASTERERS' EXAMINING FIR, 94, 96,98; BLDG,111,116,121 BOARD (MPEB) 62, 63, 65, 66, 71, Miskew, P., RAH, 70, 72, 78, 83 73, 75, 77, 79,83,86,88,91,93,94, Mitchell, D., Comptroller, 29; City 97,99,104,109,113,118,123,127, Commissioner, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 129, 131 37, 39, 40, 41 43; resigns, 44 Matheson, R.S., Alderman, 128; LB, Mitchell, E., TAX, 105 129,131 MITCHELL, F.J., Alderman, 50, 51, 54, Mathew, B.K., MVP, 81, 83, 86 155, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, Mattison, T., GSS, 64, 67, 68, 70, 72 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 87, 89; Maure, Mrs. A., LB, 66, 69, 71, 73 EEA, 58, 61, 64, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78, MAY, Charles, Alderman, 14, 15; elect86, 90; GAB, 66, 68, 70, 73, 78, 83, ed Mayor, 16; City Commissioner, 86; EDPC, 70, 72, 76, 78, 85, 88; 16 EIDB, 57, 58, 60, 61, 70; IDAB, 66, May, G.H., Alderman, 23, 25 71, 73, 79, 86; RPC, 90, 92, 93, 96, Mays, R., Alderman, 16 99; SFB, 54, 68, 74, 82; GLEN, 97, Mead, G.P., GAB, 60 100, 105, 110; COR, 96, 99, 103, Meadows, Rev. H.A., URB, 96,98, 101,108; RAH, 55, 59, 63; JIC, 51, 54; 106, 111 BH, 64; ZAB, 88; NAC, 90; DAB, 91; Meldrum, Mrs. A., ANTI, 106, 111 serves out remainder of Mayor MEMORIAL HALL TRUSTEES (MHT), Hawrelak's term, 81 42, 43, 45, 47, 48,49, 50, 52, 53, 55, Mitchell, T., ZOO, 86, 88, 91 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 69, 71, Moar, Mrs. J., HB 108, 112, 118, 122 73, 75, 77, 79,81,83,86,88,91,93, Mogridge, R., EEA, 55 94,97,100,104,109,114,118,123, Molsberry, V., AP, 92 127, 130, 131 Molstad, Mrs. C., CUL, 129, 131 Menzies, D.B., Alderman, 116; City Monsen, DiO., RCB, 119, 124 Commissioner, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, Moon, H., TAX, 105 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, Moon, J., LB, 35, 38 84,87,89,91,93,94,97,101; resigns Moran, P., BWC, 102,107 as City Commissioner, 110; BH, 117, Moreau, Dr. J.P., SSB, 77, 80, 81, 84, 121, 125; RAH, 119, 124, 127 87; BH, 78, 82 Messier, L., SSB, 101, 115; PAR, 114, Morgan, Mrs. J.B., SOC, 124, 127, 130 119;i NAC, 123, 127; JUSC, 120, Morris, J.H., Alderman, 12, 13 125; BH, 125 Morrish, Dr. W., PSB, 40, 43, 46; BH, 47, Miketon, M., LAN, 1,13, 118, 123, 126 48 Milden, E., EEA, 90, 94, 97, 99 Morrison, Professor,.?, AP, 64, 67 Millar, J.H., Alderman, 19 Morrison, A.E., Superintendent of Miller, A.W., Alderman 65, 67, 69, 71, Waterworks, 17
Morrison, A.G., City Commissioner, 24; Commissioner for Parks and Markets, 25, 26 Morrison, C.R., JIC, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46 Morrison, J.L., PSB, 58 Morrow, W.G., PSB, 59 MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MVP), 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 86, 88, 91 Mouat, A.N., Auditor, 24, 25; City Comptroller, 25 Mould, D.E., GAB, 51, 54, 60, 62 Mould, J.W., Alderman, 19, 20 Mount, W.R., Superintendent of Waterworks, 43 Mountifield, H.R., Auditor, 14 Mousseau, Dr. L.P., BH, 50 Muir, W., EEA, 53, 56, 58, 61, 64, 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78, 86, 90, 94; JIC, 48 Mullen, D.B., EEA, 41, 45 Mullen, J., Calder Village Council Caretaker, 5 Mullot, L., Master Painters' Examining Board, 63, 66 MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION, 104, 109, 114, 119, 123, 130 Munro, J.R., Alderman, 56, 57; BH, 58 Munroe, J.C., Poundkeeper of Calder Village, 5 Murland, J., MPEB, 66 Murphy, A.C., City of Strathcona Veterinary Inspector, 7 Murphy, W.J., Superintendent of Electric Light, 29 Murray, G., GAB, 113, 118, 129, 131 Murray, J.J., SSB, 28, 29, 30 Mustard, W.J.A., ZAB, 56, 57 Myles, Mrs. E., ARLC, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82 Naito, J., AP, 102, 107, 111 NAMES ADVISORY COMMITTEE (NAC), 77, 79, 81, 83, 86, 88, 90,92, 93, 96, 99, 104, 109, 114, 119, 123, 127, 130, 131 Neher, J., 65; MPEB, 71 Neils, E.S., EEA, 97, 99,103 Neumann, L., GAB, 73 Neville, E., SSB, 101 Neville, Mrs. R.M., PAR, 104,109 Newbigging, W., SFB, 94, 97,100,105, 110, 115, 120, 124 Newby, J.C., FIR, 93, 94, 96, 98, 102, 107, 111, 117, 121 Newby, L.R., ZOO, 86 Newman, K.G., Alderman, 91, 93, 101,
116, 128, 132; DAB, 92, 96, 99, 102, 107, 112, 117, 121, 126, 129, 130; RPC, 103, 108, 113, 118, 123, 126, 129, 131; MHT, 113, 118, 123, 127, 129,131; GEF, 118, 123, 126, 129, 131; AHC, 116, 121, 125; AIR, 116, 121, 125; RAH, 93; YOU, 115 Newmeister, W.O., GAB, 129, 131 Newson, F.J., PSB' 54 Nicholl, I., EHA, 106, 108, 110, 112, 118, 122 Nichols, Miss B.H., PSB, 23 Nicholson, R.H., AP, 98,102, 107,111; IDAB, 86, 91; ZAB, 88; DAB, 91 Nielsen, K., GSS, 64, 67, 68, 72, 78, 83, 86, 94, 96 Nigro, Mrs. E., ACCA, 116 Nilson, J.H., Auditor of Strathcona Town Council, 6 Niven, R., GAB, 83 Norris, P.J., Alderman, 132; URB, 98, 101, 106, 111 NORTH EDMONTON, village of, 20; amalgamation with Edmonton, 22 NORTHERN ALBERTA NATURAL GAS AND DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD., 26 Norton, J.A., FIR 93, 94, 96, 98, 102; BEA, 90 Nugent, T., Alderman, 101; NOR, 103, 107, 112, 117, 122, 126, 129, 131; URB, 101, 106, 111; LB, 103, 108, 113; RPC, 103,108,113; NOR'73, 104, 109, 114; AIR, 107, 111; BH, 102; ZOO, 86, 91, 93, 97, 100 Nye, R.C., RAH, 86, 90, 97, 100, 105, 120, 124, 127 O'Byrne, M.B., SSB, 77 Ockenden, P.C., City Comptroller, 60; SFB' 61, 63, 66 O'Connor, C.G., Alderman, 36, 37; JIC, 38 Oeming, A.F., ZOO, 83 O'Farrell, M.J., SSB, 27 Ogilvie, J.H., Alderman, 39, 40, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59; EEA, 41, 44, 48, 50, 53, 56, 58, 61; JIC, 40, 41, 51, 54; Advisory Board Re Tag Days, 52, 54; SFB, 49 O'Hara, J., SSB, 41, 44;47, 50, 53, 55, 58, 60, 63, 67, 69, 71, 73; BH, 70 Oleksky, Mrs. R., RAH, 120 Oliver, Mrs. R., RAH, 83 Oliver, W.A., Engineer, 10
Olsen, L.O., Alderman, 116, 128, 132; DAB, 96, 99, 102, 107, 112, 117, 121,126; LB, 118, 122, 126, RPC, 118, 123, 126, 131; TMC, 120, 125, 127; EEA, 129,131 Omoe, R., TOO, 100, 105, 110, 115 Omond, D.M.B., Secretary-Treasurer of Calder Village, 5 O'Neill, A.J., SSB, 62 O'Neill, J., SSB, 26 Ormsby, A.W., Electrician, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20; Superintendent of Electric Light and Power, 22, 24; City Commissioner, 27, 28, 29; Commissioner of Utilities, 28; resigns, 29 Orobko, Dr. W., PSB, 75, 77, 79, 81; BH, 70, 76, 78, 82 Orr, Dr. H., BH, 35, 37, 38, 39, 42 Osadchy, Detective Staff Sergeant A., YOU, 115 Ottewell, A.E., PSB, 33, 34, 38, 40, 43, 46, 49, 51, 54, 56; EEA, 37, 44, 47; BH, 49, 50, 53; ARLC, 50, 53 Ottewell, A.J., EEA, 70, 73, 75, 78, 86 Owen, E.E., RAH, 40, 44 Pace, W.J., City Commissioner, 16, 17; discharged, 17 Page, J.P., Psb, 75, 77, 79; ARLC, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76; REC' 77 Page, Mrs. P., RAH, 52 Palmer, M.F., BWC, 66, 68, 70, 72, 76 Paproski, Dr. K.R., BH, 102, 107, 112, 117 Pare, J., TAX, 106 Park, J., PSB, 23, 24 Parker, M.R., NOR, 103, 117, 122, 126 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (PAR), 86, 88, 91, 93, 94,97,100,119,104,109,114,119, 124, 127, 130, 131 Parney, GL., TPC, 51 Parsons, R.H. Superintendent of the Power Plant, 22, 24 PARSONS, Sidney, Alderman, 47, 48, 50,51,54,55,56,57,59,60; elected Mayor, 62; re-elected, 63; runs unsuccessfully for mayor, 65; RAH, 43, 50, 55, 59; BH, 48, 50, 53, 63; LB, 63, 64; SFB, 57; REC, 60 Paskevitch, J., RCH, 100, 104, 109, 115, 119, 124 Pasternak, W.P., PRO, 85, 88, 91, 93; BEA, 85, 90; RAH, 120 Paterson, A.B., Alderman, 45, 47, 48, 50; EEA, 49, 52, 55; LB, 48, 49; JIC, 51
Paterson, J., Superintendent of lands, 35 Paterson, J.D., EEA, 57, 60, 63, 66, 68 Paterson, Dr. J.G., PSB, 116; BH, 117 Patrick, J., PSB' 132 Patriquin, J.B., TAX, 79; MVP, 79 Patsula, J., AP, 102, 107, 111 Patterson, G., Alderman, 42, 44, 51; RAH, 48,55, 59,63; JIC,52, 54; EEA, 45 Patterson, J., EEA, 80, 83, 86, 90 Patterson, N., Scavenger, 12 Pattison, A.E., Night Constable, 11; Chief of Police, 12; Poundkeeper, 12 Paul, J., EEA, 48, 50, 53, 56, 58, 61, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78, 86 Paul, R., TPC, 52 Pavey, J.H., JIC, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 51, 54 Payment, D., LB' 78, 81, 83, 86, 91 Peacock, J., JIC, 37, 38, 40, 41 Pearcy, OW., LAN, 129, 131 Pearson, G.E., AIR' 116, 121, 125 Pearson, H.J.S.,NOR'73,104,109,114, 119, 124 Pearson, R., EEA, 78, 80, 83 Pearson, V., RAH, 52, 55,56, 57,59,60, 61 Peck, B., BWC, 85, 90 Peck, N.B., Public Works Inspector, 114 Pederson, T.W., MPEB, 75, 77 Peets, J., PAR' 86, 88 PERMANENT REVISIONS COMMITTEE (PRO), 8, 88, 91, 93, 94 Perraton, J.E., Poundkeeper, 15, 16 Perry, F., LB, 122, 126, 129 Perry, L., EEA, 103, 108, 112, 117, 122, 126 Peter, J., EEA, 66, 68, 70;73, 75; RAH, 78 Pettigrew, A.V., SOC, 97, 100, 110, 115, 120; REC, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83; GEC, 103, 108, 113; SPC, 105 Pheasey, G., Alderman, 26, 27 Picard, J.H., Alderman, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16,25,26; SSB, 20, 26,27, 28, 30, 31 Picard, J.L., SSB, 128, 132; TOO, 120, 125, 127; NAC, 130, 131 Pickering, J. H., Veterinary Inspector, 14, 15, 16 Piggott, J., GAB' 74, 78 Pilon, J.0., SSB, 32, 34, 36, 39, 41, 44, 47,50,53,54,56,59,62; BH,42,44, 45, 47; LB, 49, 52, 55, 57
Ramsay, J., Alderman, 25, 26 Pinckston, D., AP, 87, 90, 95, 98 Pinkoski, R.J,, SSB, 128, 132; BH, 128, Randall, A.G., Town Clerk, 8, 9; Assessor, 8, 10; resigns, 11; dies, 50 130 Pitfield, B.W., El DB, 61, 63, 67, 68, 70, Rankin, ?, Strathcona City Councillor, 6,7 72 Ratigan, F., MPEB, 63,65 Pitt, R.S., GLEN, 120 Plowman, W.A., City Treasurer, 60; Rattenbury, H., Superintendent of Stores and Works, 29; Purchasing SFB, 61, 63, 66, 68, 70, 72, 77, 80, Agent, 35 82, 85, 88, 91, 93, 94, 97, 100, 105, 110,115,120,124; NAT, 96,98,102 Rattray, Dr. A.J., ZOO, 86 Rault, N.A., EIDB, 81 Polansky, S.W., AP, 87, 90 PolaIrd,?,Strathcona Town Councillor, Rayner, A., RCH, 115, 119,124 Rea, W., PSB, 27, 28, 29, Alderman, 31 6, 7 Ready, C., ATDC, 128 Pollock, J., AP, 74 RECREATION COMMISSION BOARD Poole, G., PAR, 104, 109, 114 (REC), 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, Porter, V.A., RAH, 36, 38, 42, 43, 44, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83 48, 49, 53, 57, 61, 66 Redford, ?, Strathcona City Councillor, Porton, G.P., TPC, 44 Potter, A., REC, 77, 79, 81, 83; PAR, 86 7 Redmond, J.E., URB, 96, 98, 101, 106, Powers, D., EEA, 44, 47 111 Pratt, B., Alderman, 30 Prevey,W.W.,Alderman,27; JIC,35,37, Reed, J.H., ARLC, 80, 82, 85 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 51, 54; Reid, R., AP, 76, 78, 80, 88, 90 REVISIONS COMMITTEE (BUILDEEA, 36, 38, 41, 45, 48 I NG CODE) (RCB), 100, 104, 109, Price, R.V., EEA, 47, 49, 52, 55, 57, 60, 114, 119, 124 61,63 REVISIONS COMMITTEE (HEATPritchard, E.H., LAN, 123,127 INC, VENTILATION AND AIR Propp, R.C., COR, 122 CONDITIONING) (RCH), 100, 104, PROVISIONAL BOARD OF DIREC109, 114, 115, 119, 124 TORS FOR NORDEX`73 (NOR`73), Richards, ?, Strathcona Town Coun104, 109, 114, 119, 124 cillor, 6, 7 Prudham, G., Alderman, 79, 81, 83, 84 87; EEA, 83, 86, 94; ZOO, 97, 100; Richards, H.J., AP, 95,98 REC, 81; El DB, 83; EDPC, 85; SFB, Richards, VT., Alderman, 29,30 88; Citizens' Advisory Committee on Richards, W.C., REC, 56, 57, 61, 63; RAH, 66, 68, 70, 72 Omniplex, 102 PURVES, Cecil J., Alderman, 94, 97, Richardson, CL., auditor, 18, 19, 20, 22; Deputy City Commissioner, 25; 101, 116 runs unsuccessfully for resigns, 25 mayor, 127; elected Mayor, 132; SFB, 105, 110, 115, 120, 124, 127, Richardson, W.R., Auditor, 11 130; EEA, 103, 108, 112, 117, 122, Riddell, A., BWC, 85, 90 126; AIR, 107, 111, 116, 121, 125; Riddle, Dr. W.R., BH, 128,130 PC, 117, 121, 125, 128, 130; RUL, Riehl, A.A., MPEB, 10, 109, 113, 118, 123, 127, 129, 131 115, 120, 124, 127; GEF, 96, 99, 113; HB, 96,99; PAR, 97,103; EMO, Ringwood, Mrs. IC., RAH, 42, 47 Ritchie, A., Superintendent of Power 108, 112; ARLC, 94; EPC, 113 House and Pumping Station, 41 Rae, R.H., PSB, 58, 60,63, 67, 69; BEA, Ritchie, D.M., PAR, 97, 100, 104, 109, 65, 67, 68, 70 114 Ritchie, J.D., GEF, 123 Rafuse, A.D., ZOO, 86, 88, 91, 93, 94 Ragan, H.S., AP, 87, 90 Ritchie, R., Mayor of Strathcona, 6 Ragan, Mrs. H.S., SOC, 97, 100, 105, Roberts, W.G., PSB, 71; REC, 73 110 Robertson, B.F., PSB, 54 Raitt, D.C., Superintendent of Light Robertson, D.C., Market Clerk, 20, 22, Department, 56 24, 29 Robertson, K., DAB, 96, 99, 102, 107, Ramsay, W., PSB, 20, 23, 26 112, 117, 121 155
Russell, A., City Clerk, 39, 41 Robertson, W., TAX 105 Russell, F.M., GAB, 78, 83, 86, 96, 99, Robinson, J.M., RAH, 66, 68 103, 108, 113, 118 Robinson, W., GSS 90 Rutherford, A.C., Secretary-Treasurer Robson, C.G., Alderman, 32, 33 of Strathcona Town Council, 6 Roche, H.J., SSB' 27 Rodgers, C., NAC, 96, 99, 104, 109, Rutherford, Mrs. C., ARLO, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80 114, 119, 124, 127; AP, 93, 95, 98, 102, 107 Ryan, J.A., SSB, 32, 34 Roe, Dr. E.A.H., BH, 47, 48, 53, 55, 57, Rye, L.M., EEA, 49, 52, 55, 57, 60, 63, 59 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78, 86, 90 Rogers. Mrs. E., PSB, 81,84,87,89,91, Sabourin, Dr. R.J., SSB, 101, 116; BH, 93,94,97,101,116; NAC' 86, 90,92, 102, 107, 112 104, 109, 114, 119, 123, 127; BH, Sagan, F., LIA, 123 92, 112; PAR' 114, 119 Saks, Rabbi Dr. L.L., LB, 81 ROPER, Elmer, E., elected Mayor, 81; Samis, E., PAR, 88, 91, 93, 94; REC, re-elected, 83, 84, 87; PSB, 32, 33; 66, 69, 71, 73, 75 LB, 37, 39, 42, 83, 86; BH, 82,85 Sanders, G.P., Alderman, 10 Roper, G.L., EEA, 94, 97, 99, 103, 108, Sanders, L.O. MVP, 86, 88, 91 112, 117; NOR'73, 104, 109, 114, Sanderson, G., Fire Chief, 8, 9; Alder119, 124 man, 8 Rose, Dr. P., BH, 78, 82, 85 Saunders, B.J., Commissioner for Ross, Dr. C., BWC, 85, 90 Construction, 25 Ross, C.W., EEA, 75, 78, 80, 83, 86, Saunders, W.A., Citizens' Advisory 90, 94, 97, 99, 103 Committee on Omniplex, 102 Ross, H.J.M., Alderman, 81, 83, 84, 87, Scarth, Mrs. W.S., LB, 81, 83, 86 89; PAR, 86, 88, 91; EEA, 90, 94; Scheibelhofer, R.H., BLDG, 107, 111, REC, 83; BH, 85; GEF, 86; RAH, 90 116, 121 Ross, Mrs. I., Alderman, 30; PSB, 41, Schimmel, J., ACCA, 110, 116, 121, 44, 47, 50, 53, 55; RAH, 35, 39 125 Ross, J., Alderman, 9,11, 13,14 Schinke, N., Caretaker Nuisance Ross, M., RAH, 68, 70, 72, 78 Ground, 14 Ross, Mrs. S., AR LC, 92, 94 Schlosser, J., NOR'73, 104, 109, 114, Ross, W.S., TAX, 105 119, 124 Round, H., Poundkeeper, 10 Schlosser, Mrs. W., TCC, 100, 105, 110, Rowe, A.W., TCC, 100, 105 115, 120, 125, 127 Rowswell, G.H., EEA, 37,40, 42, 45, 48 Schwarz, Dr. H.A., BWC, 107, 112,117, Roxburgh, J.M., ARLC, 67, 68 121, 126, 128 Roy, C.A., Alderman, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, Scott, F., PSB, 28, 30 79; exonerated in court, 79; EIDB, Scott, H., RAH, 72, 78, 83 72, 74, 76, 78; RAH, 70, 72, 78; BH, Scott, J.H., GAB, 65,66 70, 78; EEA, 73, 76; SFB, 77, 80 Seaman, J., ANTI, 106, 111, 116, 121 ROYAL ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL Secord, R., Alderman, 11 BOARD (RAH), 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, Secord, R., HB, 122 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, Sereda, Dr. M.M., BH, 68, 70, 72, 74, 56, 57, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64,66, 68, 70, 76, 88 72, 74, 76, 78, 81, 83, 86, 88, 90, 93, Sereda, W., SSB, 65, 67, 69, 71; BH, 67 94,97,100,105,110,115,119,124, Seton, H., AP, 74, 76, 78 127, 130, 131 Shaske, E.J., URB, 96, 98, 101, 106, ROYAL GLENORA CLUB BOARD OF 111; COR, 122 DIRECTORS (GLEN), 97, 100, 105, Shaul, R.E., COR` 122 110, 115, 120, 124, 127, 130, 131 Shaw, A.J., BEA, 82, 85 Rudd, H.E., Constable and License Shaw, Dr. R.M., BH, 45, 47, 48, 50, Inspector, 13 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63 Rule, J.V., FIR' 93 Shearer, J.B., Veterinary Inspector, 18 RULES AND PROCEDURES COM- Shelton, L., BWC, 96,98, 102, 107,112, MITTEE (RUL), 115, 120, 127 117, 121, 125 156
Sheppard, ?, Strathcona Town Coun- SOCIAL SERVICE ADVISORY COMcillor, 6, 7 MITTEE (SOC), 97, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 124, 127, 130, 131 Sheppard, R., Alderman, 25, 28, 29,30, 31, 34,36, 37, 39, 40; runs unsuc- Soderstrom, R., SOC' 130,131 cessfully for mayor, 31; resigns as Solikoski, A., Citizens' Advisory Comalderman, 41; EEA, 36, 38, 41, 47; mittee on Omniplex, 102 JIC, 37, 38, 40, 41; SFB, 40 Somersall, ?, Strathcona City Councillor, 7 Sherwood, J., NOR, 96, 99 Shewchuk, J., EEA, 94 Sparling, Mrs. G., SPC, 105; SOC, 110, Shopland, R.W., EEA, 88, 90, 94, 97, 115, 120, 124, 127 99,103 SPECIAL COMMITTEES (ALDERSHORT, William, elected Mayor, 13; MAN IC), 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, re-elected, 13, 14,23; City Commis55, 56, 59, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 69, 72, 74, 76, 77, 80, 82, 85, 87, 88, 89, 92, sioner, 24 Shortreed, J.W.K., PSB, 62, 65, 67, 69 93, 95, 97 Shotton, J.H., Calder Village Coun- Spence, W.D., LB, 49, 52, 53, 55, 57 Spencer, D.M., AAB, 80, 86; COR, 90, cillor, 5 Shute, A.G., Chief of Police, 29, 35; 108 Spenrath, J., AP, 93, 95, 102, 107, 111 BWC, 55, 58, 60, 61, 64 Spooner, L., PAR, 93, 94, 97, 100, 104 Shuttleworth, A., AP, 95, 98 Silverman, N., PAR, 109,114 Spotowski, W.J., AP, 87, 89, 95, 98 Simmonds, C., Alderman, 69, 71; REC, Sprague, Dr. P.H., RAH, 50, 56, 60 66, 69, 73, 75; BWC, 70, 72, 76, 78; Sprague, W.S., EEA, 78, 80, 83, 86, 90, EEA, 70, 73 94, 97, 99, 103 Sinclair, Mrs. H., PSB, 87, 89; BH, 88, Squair, R.C., PAR, 114, 119 90 Stack, E.D., SSB, 80, 81, 84, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 98 SINKING FUND BOARD (SFB), 36,37, 39,40,42, 43, 44, 46,48,49,50, 51, Stackniak, P., AP, 78 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 65, 66, STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL, TOWN, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 77, 80, 82, 85, 88, CITY, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 91, 93, 94, 97, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 124, 127, 130 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, Skakun, C.A., RCB, 100,104,109,114; 36,38, 39, 40, 41, 43,44,46,47, 50, BLDG., 102, 107 51,53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 80, 81, 84, Skinner, H.R., FIR, 125 87, 89, 91, 95, 98, 101, 106, 116, Skirrow, mrs. H., LB 129, 131 128, 132 Skoreyko, W., URB, 96, 98, 101, 106, 111 Stanley, Dr. D.R., URB, 101, 106, 111 Sloane, A.C., Alderman, 32, 33, 34; EEA, Stanley, K., TPC, 62; AP, 64, 67, 68, 70,72 37 Stanley, R., REC, 61 Smail, C.M., Treasurer, 54 Smith, C.H.E., GAB, 65, 66, 68, 70, 73 Stanton, B.D., SOC, 97 Smith, Professor H.E., PSB, 73, 75 Stanton, G.H., Manager of Telephones, 14,15 Smith, H.R., Alderman, 23, 25 Smith, J., GAB, 78 Steel, J., TCC, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 127 Smith, S., GEC, 104, 108, 113 STEERING COMMITTEE RE FOUNDSmith, S.B., PSB, 40, 49 Smith, S.H., Alderman, 16; SFB, 36, 37, ATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 110 Stephen, T.A., Auditor, 11, 12 54, 55, 57 Smith, T., Pound keeper, 18, 19, 20 Stevens, W., EEA, 66, 68, 70, 73, 78 Smith, Dr. W.E., PSB, 84, 91, 93, 94, Stevenson, R., PSB, 69 97,101 Stevenson, R.G., BWC, 36, 39, 41, 43 Stewart, Professor A., PSB, 58; BH, 58 Smulski, Dr. J., BH, 82, 85, 90 SOCIAL PLANNING COUNCIL (SPC), Stewart, A.G., IDAB' 65, 66, 71, 73, 79; 105 ZAB, 44
Stewart, D.A., LAN, 129,131 Taylor, A.W., Advisory Board Re Tag Stewart, D.R., COR, 103 Days, 54 Stewart, Inspector, W.H., ACCA, 101, Taylor, C.E., Superintendent of Street 106; TAX, 105 Railway, 18 Stewart-Irvine, I., M HT, 42,47 Taylor, Mrs. I., DAB, 129,130 Stibbards, E.W., RAH, 66, 68, 70, 72 Taylor, J., Calder Village Councillor, 5 Stickney, T., HB, 112, 117, 122 Taylor, Mrs. T., RAH, 50 Stillman, Colonel W.G., LB 73 TECHNICAL PLANNING BOARD Stogryn, G.H., GAB, 92 (TPB), 64, 71, 73, 75, 79 Stokes, A.H., Secretary-Treasurer of TELEPHONE MEDIATION COMCalder Village, 5 MITTEE (TMC), 120, 125, 127 Stone, B.W., Citizens' Advisory Corn- Telmer, I., EEA' 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 92, mittee on Omniplex, 102 94, 97, 99 Stout, G.H., ANTI, 106, 111 Templeman, T., GAB, 86, 90 Strang, A.C., Alderman 12 Tern an, Dr. W.A.P., Medical Health Strang, C.F., Alderman, 8, 9 Officer, 17 STRATHCONA, City of 6,7; amalgama- Teviotdale, Mrs. D.J., ARLC, 67, 68, 70 tion with Edmonton, 7, 22 Thierman, V.D., AP, 95, 98, 102, 107, STRATHCONA PLAINDEALER, corn111 ments on proposed extension of Thomaschuk, H., NAC' 130, 131 Edmonton's corporate limits, 21 Thompson, D., PSB, 77, 79; NAC, 81, STRATHCONA RADIAL TRAMWAY, 83; REC, 81, 83 18 Thompson, Mrs. E., SOC, 127,130 STREET NUMBERS, first adopted, 24 Thompson, E.J., RAH, 42 Strickland, G.N., SOO' 124, 127, 130, Thompson, Dr. J.A., RAH, 86 131 Thompson, R.V., PSB, 81,84 Stumborg, J.J., TAX, 79 Thompson, IS., RAH, 38 Stutchbury, H., JIC, 51 Thornton, Mrs. H. REC, 61 Stutt, W., ACCA, 106, 100, 116, 121, Thornton, W.H., GAB, 65 125, 128 Thorogood, J.H., PSB' 62, 65, 67, 71, Sullivan, J., MPEB, 75, 77 73, 75, 77, 79, 81 Suss, J., RAH, 35, 39, 43, 49 Tidsbury, D., Constable and License Sutherland,J., DAB, 117,121,126,128, Inspector, 14 130 Tighe, R.D., SSB, 43, 49, 51; ZAB, 42 Sutherland, J.A., EEA, 37, 38, 40, 42, Tingley, A.P., ARLC, 78, 80 45, 48, 50, 53, 56 Tipton, ?, Strathcona City Councillor, 7 Sutherland, R.L., PSB, 49, 51, 54 Tipton, J.G. Alderman, 22, 23 Sutherland, S., MVP, 81, 83 Tomlinson, A.R:, Auditor, 13 Sutter, C.W., Alderman, 9 10 Tomyn, W., URB, 96, 98, 101, 106, 111 Swallow, Dr. G.E., RAH, 36, 40 Toole,?, Calder Village Councillor, 5 Switenky, W., TAX, 105 TOWN PLANNING COMMISSION (TPC), 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 61, Tanner, B.C. Alderman, 101, 116, 128; 62 RAH, 105, 110, 115, 119, 114, 127, 130,131; GEF, 104, 108, 113, 117, Towns, E., COR' 122 121,125; EEA, 117, 122,126; BLDG, Tracey, L., GAB, 66, 68, 70, 73, 78, 83 102; LB, 108, 113; LIA, 113, 118; Trainor, W.D., SSB' 32, 34, 36, 39; BH, DHB, 112 38 Tanner, H.E., Alderman, 57, 59, 60, 62, Tree, W.J., TPC, 54 63, 65, 67, 69, 71; M HT, 53, 56, 60, Tremblay, S., SSB' 26 69, 71, 73, 79, 83; LB, 64, 66, 69, 77, Trudgeon, J.S., MPEB, 75 78; EEA, 64, 66, 68, 70, 73; RAH, 72; Tupper, J.A., El DB, 58, 60, 61, 63, 67, 68, 70; JIC, 51 REC, 66; TPC' 60; BH, 61; SFB, 72 Tansey, B.J., SSB' 33, 34, 38, 40 Turgeon, C., Engineer, 11, 12, 13, 14 TAXICAB BOARD (TAX), 65,67, 71,73, Turnbull, R.H., GSS, 86 75, 77, 79, 105
Turnbull, T.R., Civic Relief Officer, 22, Ward, D.C., Alderman, 101, 116; RUL, 120, 124,127; RPC, 103, 108; PAR, 24 Turner, A.M., TPC, 48 104, 109; NOR'73, 119, 124; EMO, 122, 126; SOC, 115 Turner, H.G., PSB, 73; EEA, 36, 39, 42, Ward, H, H B, 96, 99,103,108,112,122, 66, 68, 70, 73; BH, 74; EIDB` 68 Turner, J.W., Superintendent of Water126, 129; NAC, 114, 119; ARLC, 94 works Distribution, 24, 29, 33, 35, Warwa, R., COR, 119 Turner, P.C., AP, 80 Wass, D.K., ACCA, 101, 106, 128, 130; Tweddle, J.M., City Commissioner, 69, SOC, 115, 120,124,127; GEC, 104, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 84, 87, 89, 91, 108; YOU, 115 93, 94, 97, 101; RAH, 86,90; resigns, Watson, D., GAB, 51, 54, 60, 62 110 Watson, H.C., RAH, 70, 72, 78 Tweddle, Mrs., J.M., SOC, 124, 127, Watson, R.G., Superintendent of the 130, 131 Power Plant and Pumping Station, TWIN CITY COMMITTEE (TCC), 100, 44 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 127 Weaver, C.Y., Alderman, 30 Webb, H.D., BH, 70, 74 Webb, Dr. R., ZOO, 88 Underwood, E., TPC, 35, 39, 43 UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA, creation Webber, Dr. W.E., PSB, 65, 67; BH, 67 68 of, 16 Weber, J.A., AAB, 72, 76, 78; EEA, 97, Usher, D., COR' 108 99,103; Al R, 116, 121, 125; AASC, Usher, W.D., I DAB, 86; ZAB, 88; DAB, 129,131 91 Webster, R.C., Fire Chief and Constable of Calder Village, 5 Vaage, C.R., MPEB, 79 Weinlos, Dr. M., Alderman, 83, 84, 87, Vaitkunas, J., AP, 102, 107, 111 89,91, 93, 94, 97, 101; GEF, 90, 93, Vanderhiese, C.A., Calder Village 96, 99, 104, 108, 113; EEA, 86, 90, Councillor, 5 94, 103, 108, 112; PC, 96, 98, 102, Van Slyke, J.H., M HT, 53 107, 112; BH, 88, 90, 96, 98; TCC, Van Vliet, Dr. M.L., REC, 66, 69, 71, 73, 100,105,110,115; MVP, 86,88,91; 75; ZOO, 93, 94, 97, 100; Citizens' MHT,104,109, 114; EM0,103,108, Advisory Committee on Omniplex, 112; SFB, 91; DHB, 112 102 Wekherlien, R.P., CUL, 117, 122, 126, VIKING GAS SCANDAL, 24 129, 131 Vogel,?, Strathcona City Councillor, 7 Von Aueberg, P.A., Superintendent of Welsh, A., PAR' 88, 91 Werner, W., Alderman, 31, 32 Parks 22, 24 West, W.R., EEA, 37, 40 Westbury, R.C.P., EEA, 112, 117, 122 Wagner, W.P., HB, 126, 129 WEST EDMONTON, village of 20, 27 Walker, J., El DB' 58, 60 Wetenkamp, H.A., AP, 88, 90 Walker, J.B., Alderman, 16 Whelihan, J.B., SSB, 46 Walker, Mrs. 0.J., ARLC, 61, 64, 67, 68 Whitbread, B.J., ATDC, 128 Walker, SR., FIR, 93, 94 Whitelaw, Dr. T.H., Medical Health Walker, T., Assessor and Tax Collector, Officer, 19, 20, 22, 24, 29 22, 24, 25, 29, 35 Wickman, P., Alderman, 132; ATDC, Walker, W., H B, 112, 118, 122 128 Wall, J., MPEB, 91, 97, 99, 104, 109, Wicks, R., GAB, 62 113, 118 Wiedman, E., AP, 93, 98, 102, 107, 111 Wallace, Mrs. E.H., TPC, 35 Wiedman, R.K., TAX, 105 Waller, C.C., LB, 77 Wilde, W.J., SSB, 43, 46, 49, 51, 54, 56 Walmark, H., ACCA, 101, 106, 128, 130• Wilder, E., EEA' 103 Walsh, T.J., Alderman, 22, 23 Wildman, J.H., EEA, 48, 50, 53, 56, 58, Walter, ?, Strathcona Town Councillor 61, 64 6 Wilkie, M., PAR' 130,131
Williams, G.R., REC, 79, 81, 83; PAR, 86 Williams, L., GAB, 83 Williams, L.S., EEA, 38, 41, 44, 47, 49, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 60,63, 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78, 86 Williams, Mrs. M., ARLO, 59, 70 Williams, R., RCH, 100, 104, 109, 115 Williams, W.J., MHT, 55, 56, 57, 60 Williamson, Dr. G.L., BWC, 50 Williamson, Dr. H.L., BWC, 66, 68, 70; EEA, 73, 75, 78 Williamson, S.W., Alderman, 25, 26 Willis, Dr. C.B., RAH, 47 Willis, J.N., PSB, 94, 97, 101; BH, 96, 98; PAR, 97,100 Willox, Dr. L., BWC, 90, 96, 98, 102 Wilson, A., BWC, 126, 128 Wilson, C., Assistant SecretaryTreasurer of Calder Village Council, 5 Wilson, CE., Alderman, 26, 27; EEA, 37, 39, 42, 45, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 64 Wilson, Dr. D.R., RAH, 120, 124, 127, 130,131 Wilson, Mrs. E., Alderman, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84, 87, 89, 91, 110; RAH, 72, 83, 86, 90, 97, 100, 105,110,115; LB, 73,77,78,81,91; B H, 68,70,72; NAC, 81,83,86; GEF, 86, 90, 93; REC, 69, 71 WILSON, Dr. H.C., elected mayor, 9; re-elected, 10; resigns, 10 Wilson, H.F., RAH, 127, 130, 131; PC, 107, 112 Wilson, J.A., Fire Chief and Inspector of Buildings and Nuisances, 14, 15
Wilson, L.E., EEA, 73, 75, 78, 86, 90 Wilson, Mrs. W.A., RAH, 38 Winter, R.S., GAB, 65,66, 68,70, 73, 78, 83, 86, 90, 96, 99, 103 Winterburn, L., TPC, 49, 54, 57, 61 Wishart, Mrs. P., PAR, 124, 127, 130, 131 Wishart, Rev., V., EHA, 106, 108, 111, 112, 118, 122 Wittaker, B.C., RAH, 76, 78, 83, 86 Wolfe, M.E., NB, 96, 99, 103, 108, 112, 118; Steering Committee Re Foundation of Cultural Heritage, 110 Wood, L.E., RAH, 38, 42, 47, 50 Woodroofe, W.T., Superintendent of Street Railway, 22, 24 Workun, M., AP, 95, 98, 102, 107, 111 Wrigglesworth, S., RAH, 70, 72, 78 Wright, W., AP, 102, 107, 111 Wynn, G.K., EIDB, 81, 83; RAH, 66 Wynnychuk, A., BWC, 61, 63, 64 Yorath, C.J., City Commissioner, 29, 30, 31 Young, A.W., Calder Village Councillor, 5 Young, J., RAH, 76, 78, 83 YOUTH '71 COMMITTEE (YOU), 115
Zinkan, WE., ZAB, 58 ZONING APPEAL BOARD (ZAB), 41, 42,43,44,46,48,50,51,52,54,56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 86, 88 ZOO ADVISORY BOARD (Z00),83,86, 88, 91, 93, 94, 97, 100, 105