Issue 1
October '96
Plan Edmonton Vision Begins
The Planning Team
Topic Highlights Released
ity Council and the City Manager have initiated the preparation of a Plan Edmonton vision statement. Three half-day vision sessions are scheduled for October 11th, 18th, and 30th.
he Plan Edmonton core planning team is comprised of the following Planning and Development Department staff within the Forecasting and Policy Development Section:
Ian Edmonton staff and departmental contacts from across the corporation have worked together to compile the Topic Highlights binder.
Lawrence Beaudry of Western Management Consultants (WMC) has been selected to assist City Council and the City Manager with the vision sessions. Kent Stewart and Dianne Lougheed-Keefe of WMC will provide background support as required.
Heather McRae, Director (496-6059)
Gord Jackson, Senior Planner (496-6117)
Mary Ann McConnell-Boehm, Planner (496-6063)
A council vision statement will be prepared before year-end. The Plan Edmonton Steering Committee will use the vision statement as a guide for the creation of the Plan Edmonton policy committees (see page 2 for the names of Steering Committee members). The committees will develop the strategies and policies that will implement the vision.
Angela Hingston, Planner (496-6061)
Janice Talbot, Planner (4966064)
Plan Edmonton fax 496-6028
A communication program is being designed to publicize the vision and encourage public discussion on ways to ensure a bright future for Edmonton.
The larger Plan Edmonton planning team consists of a network of representatives from civic departments. The planning network will be expanded as representatives from a wide range of community organizations become involved in policy committees. A list of departmental representatives and a partial list of community organization representatives are on page 2.
Topic Highlights is a collection of information describing situations and trends that are of long term significance to the City of Edmonton. Initially the binders will be used as background material for Council's vision sessions. Later the information will be used by Plan Edmonton policy committees. Copies of the binder have been distributed to the General Managers of all departments. Topic Highlights is a policy information base which will change and grow through the incorporation of new information and a wider frame of reference provided by City Council, members of community organizations and the public. If there are topics that you believe should be included in a future release, please contact Gord Jackson at 496-6117.
Plan Edmonton Update - Issue '1
Department Head
City Manager's Offices
* Bruce E. Thom, Q.C., City Manager
lqbal Jamal, Wendy Campbell
Community and Family Services
* Joyce Tustian, General Manager
Mike Kroening
Computing Resources
John Mills, General Manager
Blaine Steward
Edmonton Public Library
Penny McKee, Director
Pat Jobb
Edmonton Police Service
John Lindsay, Chief of Police
Sergeant Tom Peebles
Emergency Response
Frank Sherburne, Fire Chief
Dick Veldhuis
Finance Department
* Bob Ardiel, General Manager
Pat Moric, Ben Kashani
Law Department
Ron Liteplo, City Solicitor
Charlotte St. Dennis
Office of the Auditor General
Andre Bolduc, Auditor General
Joyce Aysan
Office of the City Clerk
Uli VVatkiss, City Clerk
David Edey
Parks and Recreation
Maria David-Evans, General Manager
Rob Smyth
Personnel Department
John Mills, Acting General Manager
Kay Calloway
Planning and Development
* Bruce Duncan, General Manager
Gord Jackson
Public Works
Al Mauer, General Manager
Dale Rhyason, Bill Burne
* Rick Millican, General Manager
Hassan Shaheen, Sid Lodewyk
* Denotes Plan Edmonton Steering Committee Member
KEY COMMUNITY CONTACTS (list to be added to) Organization
Edmonton Public Schools
Bruce McIntosh
Department Head, Monitoring and Planning
Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues
Debra Gillett
Vice President, Governmental Affairs