Edmonton (Alta.) - 2005 - Smart choices for developing our community_2005 award for planning...

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2C0S award Iw planning EdmonHn Planning B

2005 Award

or Planning Excellence N—/

Submission to the Canadian Institute of Planners / Institut Canadien des Urbanistes

for developing our community Planning and Dtvslopment

LIBRARY of Edmonton

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mailing ADDRESS:


5TH floor,

10250- 101 STREET NW


February 7, 2005

2005 Awards for Planning Excellence c/o Canadian Institute of Planners/Institut Canadien des Urbanistes

116 Albert Street, Suite 801 Ottawa ON K1P5G3

Dear 2005 Awards for Planning Excellence Judges: Re;

City of Edmonton 2005 Awards Submission: Smart Choices for Develonine Our Community

I am pleased to submit the City of Edmonton's Smart Choicesfor Developing Our Community project for consideration in the 2005 Awards for Planning Excellence competition in the "Community Planning" category.

The Smart Choicesfor Developing Our Community project {Smart Choices) exemplifies the high professional standards that the Canadian Institute of Planners celebrates each year through the Awards for Planning Excellence. The project reflects the dedication of the Smart Choices project team - and the multi-disciplinary talents the team employed - to addressing the complex challenge of planning for and shaping the growth of a large urban municipality. The project design, management, research, and consultation methods employed, fostered the exploration of innovative planning ideas, while respecting the civic and regulatory environment. The process of developing and approving the Smart Choices project profoundly affected the behaviour, attitudesand priorities of civic leaders and industry stakeholders in Edmonton. These changes will have positive and lasting implications for Edmonton's urbanform for years to come.

Thank you for your consideration of this work. Sincerely,

Robert Caldwell, MCIP, ACP Manager

Planning and Policy Services Branch Enclosure



S^Kce&e4ic€. Application Information

In July 2005 the Canadian Institute of Planners will present its annual Awards for Planning Excellence. TheAward winners will be recognized foriheir achievements at the CIP Conference in Caigary, Alberta, July 17 to 20, 2005, The winning entries will befeatured ina multi-media presentation and in Plan Canada.

The projects beingsubmitted may have been carriedout duringtheperiodJanuary 1", 2003 to December 31", 2004. Submissions maycome from Full Members, provisional members, citizen planners, politiciansor communily groups, and may have been accepted by a client or community group and not necessarilybeen adopted by legislation or other formal mechanisms. Please note that multiple submissions are allowed perjurisdiction or principalplanner.

CIP strongly encourages submissions ofsmaller projects, as wellas submissionsfrom small communities. Seven copies of the completed application form and supporting documentation must be received in the CIP office by Friday. Febniarv 11. 2005 at 4:00 p.m.



Community Planning

Social Planning

Nei^bourhood Planning


Recreation Planning

Urban Design

International Development

Environmental Planning

Transportation and Infrastructure Economic Development

Downtown Planning

Flenserefer to theailachedforacomptelc

(Usaiplion o/ciue^oria

Your entry may consist of: ♦ ♦

a plan or a policy a physical design concept

applied research

communication materials

other i.e. photos, video, etc.

Your submission must include seven copics of: ♦

completed application form

summary explanation (maximum six pages) demonstrating how the submission meets the criteria for the category entered project documentation, which should include or be supported by plans or other illustrative material(s)

/ certify thattheentry wasprepared byme, oralternatively, wasprepared under my direction; and, during theperiod ofJanuary l", 2003and December 31", 2004the entry was;(please choose one ofthefollowing) adopted by by-law or resolution or by other formal mechanism; or

built or implemented; or

D published by a recognized publisher or planning agency; or D accepted by a client orcommunity group. I acknowledge that thesubmitted materials shall become theproperty ofthe Canadian Institute of Planners, and that thesubmission or

summaries ofthe su)»nission may be nyide^vailable by CIP tomembers orother interested parties.

Signature of Full or pwuiwonal member, or Project Leader

116AlbenStreet,SuiteS01,0tm\v4ON Kll'503Canada*Telephone(613)237-PLAN(7526)• 1-800-207-2138-rax(613)237-7045 116. rue Albert Suite 80!, Oiiawn (Ontario) KIP5G3 Canada •TdMphone (613) 237-PLAN (7526)* 1-800-207-2138 •Tdl6copleur(6l3)237-7045 Eceienil@cip-icu.ca • IUlp:/Av\vw.cip-ii:u.ca

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0^iarmlri^ Socce^nce Application Form

Title oFentiy:

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community, City of Edmonton


Community Planning

Entry prepared by orunder the direction of:

Robert Caldwell, Manager, Planning & Policy Services Branch

Company, organiiation orcommunity group submitting: Planning & Development Department, City of Edmonton Address

Contact Information


Planning & Development Department City ofEdmonton

.-owx .

(780) 496-6100


(780) 401-7050

5'" noor, 10250 -101 Street NW Edmonton AB TSJ 3P4



Other iruJiyiduaU orfirms who should be crediud on the etrtifiaUe in the event (fan award(ifuywiH receive an uit/hmed copy ofthecertificate)






Larry Benowski, General Manager

^fon-Member^'^^niiB ^ Development Department, City ofEdmonton

Heather McRae, Director

L^CIP/CIP jpianning &Development Department, City of Ednionton i'ull Member

Mary Ann McConnell-Boehm, Senior Planner Gord Jackson, Senior Planner Juliet Anderton, Planner


AACIP/CIP ' Full Member

^ Development Department, City ofEdmonton

^ Development Department, City ofEdmonton AACIP/CIP Planning &Development Department, City of Edmonton

Full Member

Ifselected ta afinalistyou may berequired tosubmit additional material and/or information. Please supply thename(s) and contact infarmationfor thefollowing materials: Materials/Information Required Photos depicting the project in various stages

Contact Name(8)

Mary Ann McConnell-Boehm

(780) 496-6063 maryann.mcconnell-boehm@edmonton.ca

Mary Ann McCoonell-Boehm

(780) 496-6063 maryann.mcconnell-boebni@edmonton.ca

Mary Ann McConnell-Boehm

(780) 496-6063

BeCacam SP video

(preTeued butVHS copy vnU beacceptable)

Sbon presentation text forbackground (media/write ups)

Electronic PC version of logos forall organizations involved in the project

Telephone Nuaiber(s) and E-mail Addies5(es)

Mary Ann McConnell-Boehm


(780) 496-6063 ' maryann.mcconnell-boehm@cdmDnton.ca

SmartChoices for developing our community

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2005 AWARDS SUBMISSION • Smart Choices



Edmonton, like many other large Canadian cities, is facing the challenges of economic and population growth. Edmonton is one of the fastest growing cities in Canada, with recent population growth of 1.5% and annual average job growth of 3%. For the past three years, Edmonton's job growth has surpassed Calgary and this is expected to continue.

In response to these g^o\^^h pressures, intensification, especially residential intensification, is occurring in Edmonton's mature areas and the downtown. Citizens are not convinced that intensification is, in itself, a good objective and they strongly express concerns that intensification will undermine the quality of life in their communities. At the same time, intensification is supported by Edmonton's development industry and environmental groups. Over the years, processes for approving development proposals in Edmonton's established communities have been reactive, adversarial, disruptive, costly and time consuming. Edmonton is also facing the feet that due to the lack of resources available through the 1990s and continuing growth pressures the Cit}' has fellen behind in its ability to finance and provide infrastructure and services.

Edmonton's Smart Choices for Developing Our Community project tackles the intensification question and brings community interests and industry desires together. Smart Choices offers high-level and long-term solutions for dealing with intensification and growth, with efficient infrastructure use, while sustaining Edmonton's qualit)' of life. The strategic Smart Choices process has resulted in community driven, relevant and accessible proposals that have changed Edmontons administrative focus and political direction. City Council's approval of the Smart Choices recommendations has changed the frame of reference for Cit)- Council, citizens, and the administration; and will ultimately change Edmonton's urban landscape. A Responsive Process

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community evolved from City Council's direction to prepare a "strateg)' for the intensification of land development". In response to that direction, Planning and Development staff initiated a three stage project.

In stage one, Edmonton's Urban Land Intensification Strategy, a ground breaking document, Edmontons Intensification Audit (2002)* was produced. This was achieved as staff collaborated in all civic departments to benchmark Edmonton's intensification situation and create a common information base. The Audit built the

case for reinvestment and intensification, citing the need to build on Edmontons infrastructure investment to sustain quality of life for citizens, as: •

Edmonton owned infrastructure worth $18 billion;

In 2001, Edmonton spent $184 million on infrastructure rehabilitation and $169 million on new growth; and The budget forecast showed necessary development and rehabilitation costs would exceed revenues by $3-2 billion over the next ten years.


. .


2005 AWARDS SUBMISSION • Mnan Cilnnas

PROJECT SUMMARY The Audit outHned Edmonton's current development situation and trends, compared Edmonton's intensification situation with other cities, provided community perspectives on intensification, outlined current intensification policies, provided a snapshot of other municipalities' responses to growth pressures and identified Edmonton's intensification opportunities and deterrents.

The Audit culminated in two key findings from the focus groups who contributed to ts development:

. the project name creates negative impressions and limited understanding; and i. drawing or crafting a physical vision for Edmonton would aid the community in making choices for our future.

A responsive administration and council redirected the project's focus to working with the community to make choices about the future of Edmonton to help sustain the quality of life Edmontonians enjoy, in addition to building on municipal and private infrastructure and involving intensification.

Developing Vision Pragmatically Stage two embarked with a new name — Smart Choices for Developing our Community. In this phase, it was vital to make realistic choices. The project was organized to nominate choices for Edmonton's future, to examine the choices, to

showcase the choices and to ensure that the community and the corporation supported the choices that would direct Edmonton's future.


ovMppng oui ccrfnynW


A Smart Choices Participation Committee, comprised of representatives of communit}' organizations and city departments and agencies, was created. Their task was to develop a set of smart choice fundamentals and principles for making Edmonton a good place to live.

The committee used the smart choice principles as the basis for identifying ideas/scenarios that represented smart choices for developing our community. Forty-five ideas were submitted and consolidated into thirteen distinct suggestions. Two all-day workshops were conductcd with the committee members to examine the ideas; assess their validity as smart choices in the Edmonton context; rate them based on their suitability for detailed analysis and presentation in a smart choices showcase and catalogue of ideas. The workshop participants then added eight new ideas to the original set. Based on the work of the committee, nine ideas were selected for further examination

and presented in a Smart Choices Showcise and the enclosed Smart Choices Oitalogue ofIdeas (2003). Four consultant firms: EDA Collaborative Inc., IBI Group, The Dagny Partnership, and Urban Revision Land Development and Management were selected to interpret, describe and elaborate on the nine ideas from their perspective

for presentation in the Smart Choices Showcase and Catalogue ofIdeas. This approach allowed for expression of viewpoints and information that might push the envelope for citizcns, administration and Council. To ensure community awareness of the forward thinking work of the administration, four City initiatives (Fort Road Old Town, Creating a Sustainable and Healthy Downtown, Future School Sites Study, Urban Design Framework for Edmonton) were also showcased in the Smart Choices Catalopie ofIdeas.

2005 AWARDS SUBMISSION • .Smart Choices

PROJECT SUMMARY Building Community Consciousness and Concensus A major focus in stage two was communicating the smart choice ideas to citizens, administration, and Council, and obtaining feedback to the ideas. The ideas that were presented for feedback were: Land Use and Mobility • Idea One - Transit Oriented Mixed Use Development • Idea Two —Multi Use Trail Corridors and Mixed Use Development • Idea Three - Walkable City

Residential Development in Established Neighbourhoods •

Idea Four - Small Scale Ground Oriented Residential Infill

• Idea Five - Medium Density Residential Infill

Transformation of Business Areas and Neighbourhood Reinvestment •

Idea Six - Commercial and Industrial Transformation

• Idea Seven —Neighbourhood Reinvestment Strategy Consultation and Redevelopment Processes • Idea Eight —Consultation Process • Idea Nine - Redevelopment Process The 216 page Smart Choices Catalogue ofIdeas was distributed to City Council, administration, and the organizations that participated on the Smart Choices Participation Committee, as well as advertised to encourage general distribution. It and Edmonton's Intensification Audit were placed on the smart choices web page http;//v/ww.edmonton.ca/smartcholces .

More interactive communication was promoted through the six day Smart Choices Showcase of Ideas, held in June 2003 ac City Hall, open to the public, and staffed by the project team.

Additional public comment on the Smart Choices Catalogue of Ideas was solicited through June to October 2003, with displays, presentations to over 400 people, the Smart Choices webpage, hard copy, web questionnaires, radio, television, print media, direct mail, and electronic mail mediums.

Community and administrative feedback on the nine smart choice ideas was consolidated and forwarded to City Council to contribute to their deliberations as they debated the option of implementing the smart choice ideas. The smart choice ideas resonated positively with a large number of those who attended presentations and made comments.

Once approved, the Smart Choices for Developing Our Community recommendations have been promoted through a very popular brochure, and through participation at Edmontons World Town Planning Day, presentations and displays at conferences, and continuing media references.

2005 AWARDS SUBMISSION • Smart Choiccs

PROJECT SUMMARY A New Direction for Urban Pianning On Marcli 23 200*^, Ciry Council unanimously approved the Smart Choices for Developing Our Community recommcndacions (enclosed), fulfilling the goals of sustaining the quality of life Edmonronians enjoy, building on municipal and private infrastructure and achieving intensification. Council directed the administration to:

Develop a Comprehensive Transit Oriented Development Strategy; Make Walkabiliry a prime consideration in Infrastructure and Development Decisions;

Develop Develop Improve Develop

a Neighbourhood Reinvestment Program; a Small Scale and Medium Density Residential Infill Strategy; Planning and Development Consultation Processes; an approach to Redevelopment of Underutilized Commercial and

Industrial Lands;

Develop a Comprehensive Growth Scenario with the next Municipal Development Plan review; Develop Urban Design Guidelines; and Establish a Smart Choices Communication Strategy.

The level of City Council's support for the Smart Choices for Developing Our Community recommendations was demonstrated as they engaged in the development of an Urban Sustainability Action Plan (excerpt enclosed) through 2004. Their first urban sustainability motion directed that Smart Choices implementation initially focus on Neighbourhood Reinvestment, Transit Oriented Development, Infill Strategy (supported by the elements of walkability and urban design), and development incentives for the infill and transit oriented development strategies.

Action to Shape Our Sustainable Future

Stage three was initiated in December 2004 as City Council approved 2005 budgets for implementation of three Smart Choices for Developing Our Community projects — Transit Oriented Development, Neighbourhood Reinvestment, and Residential Infill (supported by walkabilit}' and urban design). As each project is implemented, it will be accompanied by a communication strategy. The approved budget will also sustain the creation of a full-time permanent position for a Smart Choices Program Manager.

The Smart Choices Program Manager will be responsible for; • leading and coordinating the implementation of the Smart Choices recommendations;

providing analysis and advice on matters of a strategic or policy related nature; and

preparing, communicating and promoting Smart Choices policies, plans and projects.

Implementing Smart Choices for Developing Our Community is identified as an initiative of Edmonton's 2005-2007 Corporate Business Plan (enclosed). Funding will continue through 2006 and 2007 for the initial three smart choices projects and funding is proposed to begin in 2006 to implement the remaining recommendations.

2005 AWARDS SUBMiSSlON • Sman Choices

PROJECT SUMMARY In the interim. Smart Choices for Developing Our Community is sponsoring initiatives that support the remaining Smart Choices recommendations.

Planning Academy As identified in Recommendation 5, there is a need to improve and change the status quo in terms of how the City communicates planning issues to the citizens of Edmonton. In that spirit, the Planning and Development Department has embarked on developing a Planning Academy, with three core courscs and several elective courses which will begin in Fall 2005. The Planning Academy is designed by the Planning and Development Department for citizens of Edmonton who want to understand and participate more actively and effectively in planning and development decisions. The objectives of the Planning Academy are; • to provide an educational service to the public; • to promote good planning practice; • to help participants understand that more than just their own interests must be addressed in the planning and development process; and • to help participants make their involvement in planning and development matters more effective and less confrontational. Walkable Edmonton Charette

Edmonton as a walkable city was identified as a priority in Recommendation 2. A Walkable Edmonton interdepartmental team has been created to communicate the benefits of walkability. A design charette lead by Walkable Communities, Inc.

organized by Walkable Edmonton and co-sponsored by Smart Choices is scheduled to occur April 11-17, 2005. The charette will focus on walkability concerns and community capacit)' building in t%vo Edmonton neighbourhoods.


City Council's approval of the Smart Choices for Developing Our Community recommendations has given a new frame of reference to City Council, developers, citizens, and administration. City Council's institutionalization of smart choices in Edmonton's Urban Sustainability Action Plan and recent approval of a controversial 17 hectare grey field residential intensification project in south Edmonton demonstrate their commitment. New development and redevelopment proposals cite and integrate the smart choices directives. At redevelopment workshops, citizens ask developers to give them the elements presented in the Smart Choices brochure. Implementation of each of the smart choices recommendations will be done as a corporate, interdepartmental project, while in the administration the smart choices perspective influences decision making. Smart Choices for Developing Our Community is changing the way Edmonton accommodates growth and redevelopment, and will ultimately change Edmonton's urban landscape.

--: .'•



for developing our community^






EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA T5J 2R7 PHONE (760) 496-8100 FAX (780) 496-8292 EMAILstephen.manctel@edmanlon.ca

January 12,2005

Canadian bistitute of Planners

2005 Awards for Planning Excellence 116 Albert Street, Suite 801 Ottawa Ontario K1P5G3

To Whom It May Concern:

I am pleased to give my wholehearted endorsement to the City of Edmonton, Smart Choicesfor Developing Our Community (Smart Choices) submission to llie Canadian Institute of Planners, 2005 Awards for Planning Excellence competition.

The Smart Choices project provides the City of Edmonton with an excellent framework for managing growth and building on the high quality of life Edmonton offers. I am confident that the implementation of the Smart Choices project will lead to healthy and vibrant commimities and will ensure that we are working effectively with Edmonton residents, interest groups and industry representatives.

As Edmonton enters the new millennium, it is proud to be emerging as one of Canada's most

exciting and growth-oriented cities. City Council's unanimous approval of the Smart Choices project in March 2003 demonstrates its commitment to shying future growth and to realizing a sustainable urban form. City Council will continue to monitor and support the implementation ofthe Smart Choices project in coming years. Yours truly,

Stephen Mandel Mayor

ITM QtyolEdmonlon's

iclore Technical Ad?fsory Commffiee

April 29,2004

Dear City Council:

This is the second submission ofthe Infrastructure Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC) to City Council's Four Pillars ofUrban Sustainability process.

As in our first submission, which dealt with aNew Fiscal Deal for Cities and the Strategic Use ofDebt, we have approached Urban Form from the perspective ofinfrastructure management Our submission is not exhaustive: ifCity Council should decide that it would like more detail from ITAC on any ofits

suggestions or comments, we would be pleased to provide the same on request to Council or its designate. We encourage City Council to acknowledge the existing expertise developed within the City administration on several sustainability issues, especially those staffwith the Office ofInfrastructure who

are responsible for implementing the Infrastructure Strategy, and the staff leading Planning and Development's Smart Choices initiative, particularly as both these efforts apply to Urban Form.

We commend Mayor and Council for embarkmg on this crucial exercise to articulate avision for the City in the new century and we look forward tothe results ofthis process. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly and I will actonITAC's behalf.

?)U Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta

580 Manulife Place, 10180 101 Street Edmonton, AB T5J4R2 Phone: (780) 486-5898 cc:

Konrad Siu, Directorof Infrastructure Planning, Office of Infrastructure ITAC members (see next page)

ITAC members

Keith Nunas, Alberta Association of Architects Andrew McCready, Alberta Association ofthe Canadian Institute of Planners

David Brown,Alberta Association of Landscape Architects Perry Nishiyama, Alberta Roadbuilders andHeavy Construction Association AlecWaters, AlbertaTransportation DanMcCosh, AlbertaTransportation Herb Kuehne, Consulting Engineers of Alberta

Ben Henderson, Edmonton Federation ofCommunity Leagues Larry Loven, Environmental Advisory Committee (City ofEdmonton) Jack H. McMahon, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta

TimMcCoy, International Facility Management Association Dr. Allan Warrack, University of Alberta, Schoolof Business

Dr. Simaan AbouRizk, University ofAlberta, Department ofCivil &Environmental Engineering Dr. Mohamed A1 Hussein, University ofAlberta, Department ofCivil &Environmental Engineering Leo Levasseur, Urban Development Institute NOTE:

The opinions expressed in this submission arethose ofthe individual members of ITAC anddonot necessarily reflect theopinion of their appointing organization.

The Urban Development Institute will also be making an independent submission.

Edmonton Federation ofCommunity Leagues 7103 - 105 Street Edmonton, AB T6E 4G8 Phone: 780-437-2913 Fax: 780^37-4710

e-mail: efcl@telusplanet.net website: www.efcl.org

September 9.2003 ^ '

Lairy Benowski, Gene^l Manager

Planning and Development Department City ofEdmonton 5*^ Floor, 10250 101 Street



GENERAL MANAGER- OFFICE c •-j j 2 2003 ^

peFSRKoiO-/ ^

Icopy to

Edmonton, AB T5J 3P4 Dear Mr. Benowski:



Re; Smart Choices Project

Thank you for the opportunity to participate inthis project over the last two years. We arepleased withthe workthat has been done to date. TheEFCL would liketo take this

opportunity to provide feedback on that work, namely the Smart Choices Catalogue of Ideas.

Inour view, the *Land Use and Mobility' ideas should function asthe goals of the

implementation. We want our city to develop by way ofthese integrated, mutually supportive concepts. None of these three ideas can or should be excluded if

implementation is to succeed. TheCatalogue's other seven ideas should be used as tools to realize Transit Oriented Mixed Use Development, Multi UseCorridors and Mixed Use Development, and Walkable City.

Much of the 'Residential Development in Established Neighbourhoods' section seems to

reflect what is already occurring in Edmonton. One problem with the present situation is that while density is carefully controlled through the Zoning Bylaw, theCity and the community lacka mechanism to exercise some degree of control overa development's place in thecommunity. In our view, design and neighbourhood function areequally important as density and should besubject toCity regulation and community input whether through a design review panel with jurisdiction, design guidelines or otherwise. In addition, by Edmonton's standards of medium density, the EFCL feels that there is a

significant amount of this type ofinfill. As a result, we only support Medium Density Residential Infill as it serves to realize the 'Land Use and Mobility' ideas and does not interfere with neighbourhood function. Small Scale Ground Oriented Residential [nfill should occur with the same goals in mind.

While the.EFCL certainly supports the conccpts ofbusiness, commercial and industrial

trMsformation and neighbourhood reinvestment, the section ofthe catalogue leaves us wiAsome reservations. Idea six is lowest on our priority list due to the relative lack ofa residential or community component. For idea seven, the goal should be the

improvement ofneighbourhood qualityoflife, which includes property value, rather than too heavy afocus on enhancing property value itself. When the latter approach is taken the result is often gentrification. To avoid this displacement oflower income residents,'

affordable housing mechanisms and other creative tools must be employed to protect the positive aspects ofwhat presently exists in these commtmities.

Throughout our discussions ofthe Smart Choices project, the importance ofconsultation

has always been acentral theme. We cannot overemphasize the essential need for

ron^tation to occur with the communities that wiU experience change as the result of the implementation ofany ofthese ideas. These interactions wUl ensure agood fit

between the development and the community.

In addition, we feel that the City Administration must take an active role in the

TOnsultation process. Rather than waiting until adevelopment application is made, the Planmng and Development Department, for example, should facilitate community disc^ion about planning and land development in all parts offlie City. One element of this IS the Smart Choices Planning Certificate Program, which we support and are willine to assist with its unplementation.

In inclusion, we strongly support the vision that is the 'Land Use and Mobility' ideas which be implemented assistance ofthe remaining ideas. wi believeshould that proper consultationwith andthe redevelopment process is critical to theSimilariy success of this project.


Don Kucl Presid

Cc: Maiy-Ann McConnell-Boehm, Planning and Development Department

Urban Development Institute (UDI) Greater Edmonton Chapter Submission to the Four Pillars of UrbanSustainability - Urban Form Session, May 20 & 21,2004


UDI values the close working relationship it shares with the City Administration and Council. As "Partners in Growth" we have a long-standing history ofworking together on thechallenges facing ourgrowing and prosperous city.

In addition to UDI and the City's successful initiatives, such as the Sanitary Servicing Strategy and the Arterial Roadway Assessment, UDI is closely aligned with the City's Planning & Development Department, collaborating on many areas, such as, their groundbreaking work on mature neighbourhood intensification, entitled Smart Choices. Choice

Affordability, range and competitiveness of choice, locational attributes and lifestyle choices are considerations made when selecting where to live. We believe a city must provide choice to its residents, both in an inner city and suburban setting. We must also provide the broad spectrum of housing choices from multi-family product, small lot starter homes to estate properties. In addition to master-planned suburban communities, UDI members are also responding to infill opportunities like Railtown and Riverdale, providing master-planned developments in our inner city. Unfortunately, opportunities like Railtown and Riverdale are limited and can offer only a small percentage of total new growth. Benefits of Growth

Homeowners are responding to this choice of locations. A recent city report entitled "Urban Sprawl' reported that "housing developed between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2002 represents just 6% of the total single family housing stock yet paid nearly 30% of residential property taxes." Edmonton's Socio Economic Outlook reports that housing starts in 2003 reached 8,956 in the City of Edmonton. In fact, total building permits issued in 2003 were valued at a

record setting $1,075 billion leaving the city in an enviable position of having a total property tax projection for 2004 of $15.98 million from new growth. Tax revenue that is needed to support the demands of a growing city.

Other positive results from growth include the expansion of the University and other post secondary educational facilities like Norquest College and Grant MacEwan; increased opportunities for employment for young people; and more and better facilities like the Anthony Henday Drive. Competitiveness in the Region

Edmonton City Council is to be applauded for their willingness to review and right size small lot product for starter homes and duplexes. Only 8 short years ago the City of Edmonton's shareof single family housing starts in the Edmonton Capital Region had

1 of 2

dipped below 50% to an all time low of 48%. This was down from the heady days of

1984 when itsat at a high of 78% of the region. Today, Edmonton has regain^ a large

share of that market at 61% in 2003 primarily because, unlike some of its neighbours, it allowed the development of starter product that enabled young individuals and families to more affordably own than rent a home. Interest rates are still at a historic low, continuing the trend to first home ownership.

Housing starts are expected to fall to 8,000 in 2004 and average 6,000 through 20062009. While lower than 2004, still robust numbers for the future. These new residents

will be looking for homes and jobs within the competitive Edmonton Capital Region. Housing choices, affordability and lifestyle will still be the determining factors in where to locate. Edmonton, with its wide choice of product in every quadrant of the city and at every price point is well poised to take advantage of thelion'sshare of this growth. Smart Choices for Growth & Development

Proper planning is the single largest element in creating a successful, long-term sustainable community. It cannot occur without the collaboration of the development industry, municipalities, residents and businesses.

Innovative strategies that are being deployed in the region and have proven successful include: developing pedestrian access to shopping; smaller scale town centres in different communities translating to increased accessibility; and integrating business and residential, providing more options for citizens to work and live within their inmiediate

community. The introduction ofjobs within a community contributes to its sustainability and quality of life, while reducing commuting time, traffic levels and impacts on the environment.

Smart Choices builds upon these concepts. Many new communities already allow for public transit corridors (LRT or bus). Transit oriented development and pedestrian linkages enhanced by the Multi-Use Trail Corridor are some of the practices already incorporated into developing new communities and translate well into inner city redevelopment. The use of specific plans forinner city areas identified for intensification

will provide the certainty needed by the community to gamer community buy-in and for the developer wishing to make an investment. This will ensure that opportunities for redevelopment can be achieved.

UDI members are creating new communities throughout the Edmonton Capital Region that are more compact and community focussed and where residents are within walking distance to services, green spaces and public transportation. The Cityof Edmonton is the major centre in the region and it is important that they continue to support the policies that provide for growth in all areas of the city - whether the downtown, inner city, mature or new suburban neighbourhoods. We welcome the opportunity to work with you and your administration to ensure that Edmontonians continue to have the ability to choose where and how they live and Edmonton remains a sustainable and affordable city in which to live.

2 of 2

Sent: Thursday, March 25. 2004 11 ;24 PM To: urban.sustainability@edmonton.ca Subject: urban form


I'm delighted to see that your are engaging public discourse on urban form - this is a timely and important topic.

Edmonton must focus on strengthening its urban form in developing downtown as a vibrant, healthy and dynamic living city. Downtown Edmonton is coming to life. More emphasis on the importance of Downtown to our Economic future.Sustainable urban form depends on implementing many of the Smart Choices policy recommendations - and more ! Sustainble urna form balances the needs of the human social

and natural environment, accounting for environmental function as well as aesthetics of form.

The Smart Choices report should be implemented in its entirety, as soon as possible. Intensification should start with downtown. The City has a significant investment In infrastructure in the Urban core - and yet much of our land between 95th street and 124th street is dedicated to asphaltcovered parking lots. The City's first priority should be to strengthen downtown. This may require reduced "powercentre" or "box store" developments. A moratorium on big-box developments for about a 5year period should be considered, to allow the downtown to re-develop. Urban form is linked to infrastructure needs, including water, sewer, roads and related systems. By making the most use of existing infrastructure, we create both an economic and architectural powerhouse. Edmonton is at a crossroads - and the time is now, to

focus on the importance of urban form and outstanding architecture and design to the health and well-being of our community.




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for developing our community ^




CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, March 23,2004


Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

MOVED M. Phair - E. Gibbons: 1.

That recommendations 1 to 8 as outlined in Attachment 1 of the

February 18,2004, Planning and Development Department report 2004PDP006, be approved.

Planning & Development

2. That Administration bring forward 2005 budget requests to implement the approved recommendations. 3. That the Smart Choices team report back on a yearly basis on the progress of the recommendations as approved by Council. 4. That the Smart Choices Catalogue ofIdeas (conveyed via memo June 9,2003), Implementingthe Ideas (Attachment 1 of the February 18, 2004, Planning and Development Departmentreport 2004PDP006), and Consultation and Public Relations (Attachment 2 of the February

18,2004, Planning and Development Department report 2004PDP006) be received for information.

5. That Administrationprepare a Smart Choices communication strategy for Council's consideration.

R. Caldwell and L. Benowski, General Manager, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions. CARRIED


B. Anderson, J. Batty, A. Bolstad, T. Cavanagh, E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, L. Langley, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel, J. Melnychuk, M. Phair, D. Thiele.


B. Smith.

City Council Meeting Minutes March 23,2004

Agenda Item No.: E.l.c.

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

Community) be received for




That recommendations 1 to 8 as outlined

in Attachment 1 of the February 18, 2004, Planning and Development Department report 2004PDP006, be approved.


At the March 20,2001, City Council meeting, the following motion was passed: That the Terms of Reference for the

2. That Administration bring forward 2005 budget requests to implement the approved recommendations.

Industrial Land Strategy, Attachment 1 (of the February 27,2001 Planning and Development Department report), and the Urban Land Intensification Strategy, be

3. That the Smart Choices team report back on a yearly basis on the progress of the recommendations as approved by

approved, subject to fiinds being approved by City Council.


4. That the Smart Choices Catalogue of Ideas (conveyed via memo June 9, 2003), Implementing the Ideas (Attachment 1 of the February 18,2004, Planning and Development Department

report 2004PDP006), and Consultation and Public Relations (Attachment 2 of the February 18,2004, Planning and Development Department report 2004PDP006) be received for information.

Report The Project

The Smart Choices project evolved from City Council's direction to prepare a strategy for the intensification of land development and Council approved a three-stage project. Stage One

In this stage, Edmonton's intensification situation was assessed. Edmonton's

Intensification Audit was publishedin 2002. It created a common information base,

Report Summary

This report assesses the nine ideas presented in the Smart Choices Catalogue ofIdeas, summarizes the community and

established benchmarks and suggested that the focus of the project evolve to making smart choices for developing our community.

administrative feedback and recommends

implementation actions. Previous Council/Committee Action


At the March 19,2002, City Council meeting, the following motion was passed: That the January 30,2002, Planning and Development Department report (Smart Choices for Developing Our

Routing: Delegation: Written By: February 18,2004 File: 2004PDP006

Stage Two

In this stage, the Smart Choices Participation Committee, comprised of community organization. City department and agency representatives, identified nine smart choice ideas for developing our community. Consultants explored and described the ideas in the Smart Choices

Catalogue ofIdeas. Public comment on the Catalogue's ideas was solicited through

Executive Conunittee, City Council L. Benowski/R. Caldwell

M. McConnell-Boehm/J. Anderton

Planning and Development Department (Page 1 of 6)

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

June to October 2003 - with displays, presentations to over 400 people, the Smart Choices webpage (www.edmonton.ca/smartchoices), questionnaires and information distributed through radio, television, and print media, direct mail and email mediums

(Attachment 2).

The Ideas Assessment background report integrates citizen and stakeholder input and administrative review of the ideas. The Ideas Assessment contains an overview of

the ideas, overall feedback, geographic suggestions for implementation of the ideas, action suggestions for moving forward on the ideas and potential implementation teams.

use an integrated team approach to build on existing capacities and create unplementation synergies. Recommendations 1 through 6 build on the original nine ideas outlined in the Smart Choices Catalogue ofIdeas. Recommendations 7 and 8 are put forward in response to feedback to the ideas received from stakeholders, the community and administration, and they support implementation. Recommendation 1: That a comprehensive Transit Oriented Development (TOD) implementation strategy be developed, based on the experience gained from the Fort Road Old Town Master Plan

implementation, to promote

The recommendations proposed in this report, and detailed in Implementing the Ideas (Attachment 1), build on the original nine ideas outlined in the Smart Choices

residential/commercial intensification

around existing LRT stations or bus transit centre areas. The strategy would apply to LRT station areas and selected bus transit

centre areas. The implementation strategy

Catalogue ofIdeas and the feedback from stakeholders, community and administration. The presentation of these recommendations concludes Stage Two.


• •

include options and funding mechanisms for stimulating the market for TOD, ensure the necessary TOD urban design elements are achieved,

Stage Three

With Council's approval of the recommendations in this report. Stage Three

will commence.

include parkingand access management plans, be coordinated with the efforts and

direction of the High Speed Transit Study, and


Three principles guided the preparation of

implementation recommendations. They

identify areas with the greatest opportunities for TOD success.

were to:

• •

build on community and administration support for an idea; build on current administrative projects

Cost Estimate: 2005: P&D - $100,000; T&S -$50,000

and initiatives; and,

(Page 2 of 6)

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

Estimated PTEs: 2005: P&D - 1 temporary PTE or equivalent consultant; T&S - !4 temporary PTE or equivalent consultant

Recommendation 3: That a neighbourhood reinvestment program be developed to identify and prioritize neighbourhoods for reinvestment. The program will; • identify and prioritize neighbourhoods with potential for reinvestment, building on opportunities available in the neighbourhoods and capitalizing on infrastructure opportunities for

Recommendation 2: That a coordinated

approach be taken to make walkability a prime consideration in infrastructure decisions and the review of new

development, redevelopment and plan proposals. The approach will focus on: • capital planning for maintenance, upgrading and installation of pedestrian


outline an approach for undertaking comprehensive community based land use, community economic development and social planning,

include, as a major component, the preparation of an implementation plan for reinvestment in public infrastructure and private structures, and


planning for pedestrian routes and pedestrian design guidelines in new suburban and urban planning documents,

streetscape, site design, and architectural design requirements for a pedestrian supportive environment for new development, major redevelopment and rezoning applications, development of pedways in the downtown, at LRT stations and major transit centres,

development of pedestrian linkages enhanced by the Multi-Use Trail

continuingsupport of development of the entire Multi-Use Trail Corridor

concept, and

public education and programming that communicates the benefits of walking.

address housing options for existing residents.

Cost Estimate: 2005: P&D - $100,000;

AMPW- $100,000, Community Services $100,000 Estimated PTEs: 2005: P&D -1 temporary

Corridor, with a focus on integrating the corridor with adjacent development,

PTE or equivalent consultant, AMPW - 1 temporary PTE or equivalent consultant. Community Services -1 temporary PTE or equivalent consultant

Coordinating the neighbourhood evaluation and prioritization activities of Planningand Development, Community Services and Asset Management and Public Works will ensure complementary action is taken.

Cost Estimate: 2005: T&S - $50,000,

Community Services - $100,000 Estimated PTEs: 2005: T&S - '/ztemporary

PTE or equivalent consultant. Community Services 1 PTE or equivalent consuhant

Recommendation 4: That a small scale and

medium density infill strategy be developed to encourage infill and enhance certainty in redevelopment situations for communities

(Page 3 of 6)

Smart Choices for DevelopingOur Community - Recommendations

and development proponents. The strategy will investigate better ways to align community and developer expectationsby: • identifying characteristics that indicate strong small scale or medium density redevelopment potential, • identifying geographic areas that meet those characteristics or neighbourhoods facing significant redevelopment pressure (or invite neighbourhoods to identify themselves), • undertaking community development or education exercises to raise community awareness of potential redevelopment activity, to discuss community expectations and to inform the community about urban design options for redevelopment that lessen the negative impacts on the community, and • developingneighbourhood specific urban design principles for potential redevelopment projects from those exercises.

Cost Estimate: 2005: P&D - $100,000

Estimated PTEs: 2005: P&D -1 temporary PTE or equivalent consultant

informationexchange on planning and developmentproposals on the City web site. Funding: 2004: within P&D budget 2005: request to be determined PTEs: 2004: P&D - '/2 temporary PTE

The Academy should be offering courses in fall, 2004.

Recommendation 6: That policy and procedures for redevelopment on under utilized commercial and industrial lands be

developed in order to facilitate a collaborative approach to redevelopment.

Pundine request to come forward with 2006 budget. This will result in collaborative

redevelopment ofunderutilized commercial/industrial parcels. Recommendation 7: That the terms of

reference for the preparation of the next municipal development plan will include the development of a comprehensive growth scenario developed by assessing a series of growth scenarios based on different land use

Recommendation 5: That the planning and development consultation process be improved through the establishment of the PlanningAcademycommunityeducation

and economic activity projections. The scenarios should:

provide direction to plan for the cumulative impacts of growthon City servicesand infrastructure provision (transportation impacts, effects on the delivery ofemergency response, provision of amenities etc.), and

re-evaluate guidelines for the ratio of

program. The program will increase

community awareness of the planning and development framework and the rights, responsibilities, scope and limitations

inherent in the land development process. TheAcademy will be supplemented through the implementation of an information process that includes education and

(Page 4 of 6)

singleto multi-family housing that would apply to the preparation of statutoryplanningdocumentsthroughout

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

the city, in order to develop new density targets or guidelines for new suburbs. The comprehensive scenario will be

supported by the development ofguidelines and protocols for the use of direct and indirect financial incentives, and

support the direction of the recommendations. Both the development community and neighbourhood communities will experience adjustment periods as these recommendations shape how Edmonton's growth will be accommodated.

infrastructure for encouraging specific types of development, or development in specific

Justification of Recommendation



Funding: 2005 request to be prepared. This will result in policies to direct growth. Recommendation 8: That urban design principles and guidelines be developed through community consultation to apply, through regulation, to all public and private spaces and built form impacted by land use planning, redevelopment and new development. The regulations will be communicated in graphic and visual mediums.

Funding: 2005 request to be prepared.


Council's approval of the Smart Choices recommendations will give clear direction on Council's priorities and initiate teams that will develop specific implementation policies, programs and projects. Initiation of approved recommendations is dependent upon providing budgets in 2005.


An annual report will allow Council to monitor the implementation and progress of the individual recommendations.

Background Information Attached 1,

Implementing the Ideas


Consultation and Public Relations

Background Information Available on

Regulation through a visual medium will provide certainty for design and built form at street level.

Request 1.

Idea Assessments

2. Smart Choices Questionnaire Summary

Action on the recommendations will give clear direction on Council's priorities and ensure consistent approaches are taken across the administration.

3. Smart Choices Catalogue of Ideas

4. Smart Choices Participation Committee membership 5.

Edmonton's Intensification Audit


Terms of Reference for the Urban Land

Intensification Strategy

Implementingthese recommendations will have significant impacts. Capital Priority Plan funds will need to be budgeted for increased servicing and infi-astructure to

Others Approving this Report •

W. D. Bum, General Manager, Asset

Management and Public Works

(Page 5 of 6)

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

D. Kloster, General Manager, Emergency Response and Community Services

R. Millican, General Manager, Transportation and Streets

J. Tustian, General Manager, Corporate Services

(Page 6 of 6)

Attachment 1

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

Implementing the Ideas

As the Smart Choice Catalogue ofIdeas was received and assessed by the community and administration it became apparent that Smart Choices implementation will hinge upon a coordinated approach to land use, transportation policy and community design, with the ultimate

objective of sustaining Edmonton's qu^ity of life. Implementation will require short-term

initiatives directed totangible, achievable opportunities within a comprehensive long-term policy perspective.

Implementation of Smart Choices will occur in tandem with the growth the City is experiencing, and may provide opportunity to shape the form of growth.

The nine ideas are not mutually exclusive. The greatest success will occur with inter-dependent idea implementation undertaken through planning, programming and actions of inter departmental teams. The following pages contain the implementation recommendations coming from the Smart Choices project. The 2005 cost estimates, implementation team leaders, and outcomes for each recommendation are outlined in Chart 1 at the end of this attachment.

Report 2004PDP006 - Attachment 1 - Page 1 of 11

Attachment 1

Smart Choices for Developing Our Commmiity - Recommendations

Transit Oriented Mixed Use Development (TOD) Smart Choices Idea One

Action on this smart choice idea should have priority asthis idea has the greatest level of community supportand it is an opportune time to buildon thestrong support of current administration activities.

Transit oriented mixed-use development takes a more aggressive approach than transit supportive development and thedistinction must benoted. Integration ofelements from theother smart choice ideas, such as medium density infill, reinvestment and consultation will beappropriate as the transit oriented mixed use idea is implemented. Administration iscurrently working onseveral projects that can

incorporate TOD concepts and move action forward. Projects include the High Speed Transit Strategic Review, Fort Road Old Town Master Plan implementation and pre-application consultation for Heritage Mall redevelopment.

Recommendation 1: That a comprehensive Transit Oriented Development (TOD) implementation strategy be developed, basedon the experience gained from the Fort RoadOld Town Master Plan

implementation, to promote residential/commercial intensification around existing LRT stations or bustransit centreareas. Thestrategy would apply to LRTstation areasand selected bustransit centre areas. The implementationstrategy should:

• include options and funding mechanisms for stimulating the market for TOD, • •

ensurethe necessary TOD urban design elements are achieved, include parking and access management plans,

• be coordinated with the efforts and direction of the High Speed Transit Study, and • identify areas with the greatest opportunities for TOD success, such as one of the existing LRT stations.

Joint implementation by:


Transportation and Streets

Initiation - January, 2005

Planning and Development Support from: Asset Management and Public Works Corporate Services Community Services Edmonton Public Library

Cost Estimate:


(P&D - $100,000; T«&S - $50,000)

Potential implementation areas (suggestions from consultation): • Future LRT Station at the South University ofAlbert Campus •

Future High Speed Transit stops

Report 2004PDP006 - Attachment 1- Page 2 of 11

Attachment 1

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

Walkable City Smart Choices Ideas Two (Multi Use Trail Corridors and Mixed Use

Development) and Three (Walkable City) Pedestrian friendly design and infrastructure that results insuccessful walkability can support vibrant neighbourhoods, community health, transit, education and public services and is related to mixed uses and

medium and higher densities. Conrununity support for this idea was strong and several supportive administration activities are underway. These include implementation of the Walkable Edmonton Charter andthe upcoming preparation of theSidewalk/Bicycle Strategic Plan. As theMulti-Use TrailCorridors andMixed Use Development ideaaligns closely with theobjectives and actions for walkability, action on walkability will include the multi-use trail corridor. Transportation andStreets is currently implementing the development of the Multi-Use Trail Corridor Strategy, which includes trails that accommodate

walkways, trails and bikeways and complements the Walkable City approach. Aggressive implementation of the walkable idea may require a shift in current approaches and may result in increasing funding requests to repair, provide or design infrastructureto enhance walkability. Recommendation 2: That a coordinated approach to making walkability a prime consideration in infrastructure decisions and the review of new development, redevelopment and plan proposals, be taken, with a focus on:

capital planning for maintenance, upgrading and installation of pedestrian infrastructure,

planning for pedestrian routes and pedestrian design guidelines in new suburban and urban planning documents,

streetscape, site design, and architectural design requirements for a pedestrian supportive environment for new development, major redevelopment and rezoning applications,

development of pedways in the downtown, at LRT stations and msyor transit centres,

development of pedestrian linkages enhanced by the Multi-Use Trail Corridor, with a focus on integrating the corridor with adjacent development,

• •

continuing support of development of the entire Multi-Use Trail Corridor concept, and public education and programming that communicates the benefits of walking.

Joint implementation by: Transportation and Streets Planning and Development Community Services


Support from: Asset Management and Public Works

Cost Estimate:

Initiation - January, 200S

Corporate Services

2005 - $150,000 (T&S - $50,000, Community Services $100,000)

Potential implementation areas (suggestions from consultation): •

At and around LRT stations and bus transit centre areas

• •

Downtown and mature neighbourhoods Newly developing areas

Report 2004PDP006 - Attachment 1 - Page 3 of 11

Attachment 1

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

Neighbourhood Reinvestment Smart Choices Idea Seven

There was general community agreement about the benefits of implementing this idea. Maintaining and improving socio-economic and housing diversity in Edmonton's neighbourhoods increases location and housing choices for all citizens. Current integrated administration projects (Fort Road Old Town Master Plan and the recentlyapproved North EdgeInfrastructure Project) providean impetus for reinvestment activities while other programs (implementation of HighPriority Neighbourhoods Charter and the

initiation of theEdmonton Police Service Quality ofLife Index) provide support forthisidea. Coordination of efforts was supported. As reinvestment is encouraged, the existing social make up neighbourhoods should bemaintained and diversified. It is noted that affordable housing strategies are important toreinvestment butthis iscurrently a parallel activity that will be incorporated at every opportunity.

Recommendation 3: That a neighbourhood reinvestment program be developed to identify and prioritize neighbourhoodsfor reinvestment. The program will:

identify and prioritize neighbourhoods with potential for reinvestment, building on opportunities available in the neighbourhoods and capitalizing on infrastructureopportunities for reinvestment,

• outiine an approach for undertaking comprehensive community based land use, community economic development and social planning,

include, as a major component, the preparation ofan implementation planfor reinvestment in public infrastructure and private structures, and

address housing options for existing residents.

Joint implementation by: Planning and Development Community Services Asset Management and Public Works


Initiation - January, 2005

Support from: Transportation and Streets Corporate Services

2005 - $300,000

Edmonton Police Service

Services - $100,000)

Cost Estimate:

(P&D - $100,000; AMPW - $100,000, Community

Potential implementation areas (suggestions from consultation): •

Boyle Street and McCauley neighbourhoods


Queen Mary/CentralMcDougallredevelopment areas

Report 2004PDP006- Attachment 1 - Page 4 of 11

Attachment 1

Smart Choices for Developing OurCommunity - Recommendations

Small Scale and Medium Density Residential Infill linked with Redevelopment Process Smart Choices Ideas Four (Small Scale Ground Oriented Infill), Five (Medium Density Residential Infill) and Nine (Redevelopment Process) Strong support for encouraging small scale and medium density infill in specific geographic areas was provided by both thecommunity and administration. Although implementation of the transit oriented

development and neighbourhood reinvestment recommendations will result in infill, there is pressure for infill investment throughout the City, both in mature neighbourhoods and new suburban neighbourhoods. Asuccessfiil infill example isthe row house project west ofthe Prince ofWales Armoury - previously vacant land is being used and the neighbourhood school and park are supported by the new residents. Enhanced certainty forcommunities and development proponents could beprovided through the identification of areas and/or criteria where infill can be supported inmature and new neighbourhoods. A redevelopment process thatprovides prior awareness of potential forredevelopment will aid neighbourhoods in understanding how thecommunity may receive future redevelopment proposals. The earlier that communities and development proponents consult, the better the potential for successfrom the perspective of both community and developmentproponents. Recommendation 4: That a small scale and medium density infill strategy be developed to encourage infill and enhance certainty in redevelopment situations for communities and development proponents. The strategy willinvestigate better ways to align community and developer expectations by: • identifying characteristics that indicate strong small scale or medium density redevelopment potential,

• •

identifying geographic areas that meet those characteristics or neighbourhoods facing significant redevelopment pressure (or invite neighbourhoods to identify themselves), undertaking community development or education exercises to raise community awareness of potential redevelopment activity, to discuss community expectations and to inform the community about urban design options for redevelopment that lessen the negative impacts on the community, and developing neighbourhood specific urban design principles for potential redevelopment projects from those exercises.

Implementation by: Planning and Development


Initiation - January, 200S

Support from: Transportation and Streets Asset Management and Public Works

Cost Estimate:

2005 - $100,000 (P&D)

Community Services

Potential implementation areas (suggestions from consultation): • inner city and mature neighbourhoods supported by transit and in proximity to large employment areas, services and facilities

land parcels along "major roads"

Report 2004PDP006 - Attachment 1 - Page 5 of 11

Attachment 1

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

Consultation and Community Education Smart Choices Idea Eight (Consultation Process) There was strong communityand administration agreement that an improved consultationprocess specific to the planningand developmentprocess is required to aid communitiesand development proponents as the City grows and redevelops. This type of consultationmay be distinct from consultation the City may engage in for city initiated projects, as the consultation exercise is initiateddue to private development applications. The consultation experience can be improved though understanding of the

regulatory environment, and the rights and limitations inherent in the development process. ThePlanning and Development Department has taken steps to improve consultation for planning and development through theEngaging the Public program and thefledgling Planning Academy project.

Recommendation 5: Thatthe planning anddevelopment consultation process be improved through the establishment ofthePlanning Academy community education program. The program will increase community awareness oftheplanning anddevelopment framework and the rights, responsibilities, scope and limitations inherent in theland development process. TheAcademy will be supplementedthrough the implementation of an information process that includes education and information exchange on planning and development proposals on the Cityweb site. Implementation by: Planning and Development

Timeframe: Initiation - immediate

Community education sessions to commence in fall, 2004

Support from: Transportation and Streets Asset Management and Public Works


2004: within P&D budget 2005: to be determined

Community Services •

Report 2004PDP006 - Attachment 1 - Page6 of 11

Attachment 1

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

Commercial and Industrial Transformation Smart Choices Idea Six

This was considered a valuable objective for the City, however it was not seen to be an immediate priority. Many suggestions for action focused on lands adjacent to majorarterial roads and older commercial strips. These areas could benefit from an approach that aids transformation and enhances adjacentneighbourhoods, either through replacement of agingbuildings with newercommercial or industrial buildings or residential infill. The Citycan contribute to transformation through its treatmentof public land, public rights of way, and public infrastmcture and through the developmentagreement process. The administration could collaborate with interested landowners that wish to initiate the transformation process on larger blocks of land. Recommendation 6: That policy and procedures for redevelopment on under utilized commercial and industrial lands be developed in order to facilitate a collaborative approach to redevelopment

Implementation by: Planning and Development Asset Management and Public Works Transportation and Streets Support from: Community Services

Timeframe: Initiation - 2006

Budget: 2006 budget request to be prepared

Potential implementation areas (suggestions from consultation): • Calgary Trail •

Stony Plain Road


118 Avenue

Report 2004PDP006 - Attachment 1 - Page 7 of 11

Attachment 1

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

New Recommendations

As the Smart Choice Catalogue ofIdeas was received and assessed by the community and administration, the concerns of both community and administration aligned. Both groups

conveyed the perspective that a comprehensive approach to Edmonton's growth was required. This would allow citizens to understand the approach Edmonton is taking to its growth. A comprehensive approach to growth would alsoassist the administration to act consistently to achieve Edmonton's growth objectives.

A strong voice regarding the necessity of urban design to support smart choices cameboth through the consultant's work on the nine ideas, and through community and administrative responses. Urban design will provide certainty tocitizens and development proponents and ensure thatthebuiltform and amenities that come widi redevelopment and growth fulfill the needs of Edmonton's citizens.

Report 2004PDP006 - Attachment 1 - Page 8 of 11

Attachment 1

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

Comprehensive Growth Scenarios New recommendation

Through the Smart Choices consultation process it became apparent that an understanding of Edmonton's future growth expectations that goes beyond whatis currently in Plan Edmonton is needed. Citizens want

to know what Edmonton should look like and how growth will be accommodated. A series of growth scenarios could build upon the recommendations provided in this report butcould alsoprovide direction for future decisions. Thiswillcomplement theproposed Four Pillars of Urban Sustainability initiative and build upon it.

Recommendation 7: That the terms of reference for the preparation of the next municipal development plan will include the development of a comprehensive growth scenario developed by assessing a series of growth scenarios based on different land use and economic activity projections. The scenarios should:


Provide direction to plan for the cumulative impacts of growth on City services and infrastructure provision (transportation impacts, effects on the delivery of emergency response, provision of amenities etc.) • Re-evaluate guidelines for the ratio of single to multi-family housing that would apply to the preparation of statutory planning documents throughout the city, in order to develop new density targets or guidelines for new suburbs. The comprehensive scenario will be supported by the development of guidelines and protocols for the use of direct and indirect financial incentives, and infrastructure for encouraging specific types of development, or development in specific locations.

Implementation by: Planning and Development

Timeframe: Initiation - 2005

Budget: 2005 budget request to be prepared

Report 2004PDP006 - Attachment I - Page 9 of 11

Attachment 1

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

Urban Design New recommendation

Throughout the consultation exercise and assessmentof the ideas, the need for clear urban design direction throughout the redevelopment processand land use planningbecame apparent. Communities are interested in and affected by what happens, built form and design at street level in their neighbourhoods. Clear direction will sustain quality of life and enhance certainty for the community and development proponents. Recommendation 8: That urban design principles and guidelines be developed through community consultation to apply through regulation to all public and private spaces and built form impacted by land use planning, redevelopment and new development. The regulations will be communicated in graphic and visual mediums.

Implementation by: Planning and Development

Timeframe: Initiation - 2005

Budget: 2005 budget request to be prepared

Report 2004PDP006 - Attachment 1 - Page 10 of 11

Attachment 1

Smart Choices for Developing Our Community - Recommendations

Chart 1 - Cost Estimates, Implementation Teams and Outcomes for Recommendations Recommendations

Recommendation 1 (Idea One)

Implementation/ Lead Departments

2005 Cost Estimates

Joint T&S, P&D

$150,000 (P&D $100,000; T&S $50,000) $150,000 (T&S $50,000.00; Com.Serv. $100,000) $300,000 (P&D $100,000; AMPW $100,000, Com. Serv. $100,000) $100,000 (P&D)

Comprehensive Transit Oriented Development (TOD) implementation strategy Recommendation 2 (Ideas Two and Three)

Joint T&S, P&D,

Coordinated Approach to Waikability

Com. Services

Recommendation 3 (Idea Seven)

Joint P&D, Com.

Neighbourhood Reinvestment Program

Services, AMPW

Recommendation 4 (Ideas Four, Five and Nine) Small Scale and Medium Density Residential Infill strategy linked with Redevelopment Process Recommendation 5 (Idea Eight) Consultation and Community Education - Planning Academy community education program Recommendation 6 (Idea Six) Commercial and Industrial Transformation - evaluation, revision to facilitate collaborative approach


Recommendation 7 (NEW) Comprehensive


Joint P&D, T&S,


2005 budget to be determined (currently within 2004 budget) 2006 budget request

Upon approval

Consistent implementation approach

Upon approval

Principles, capital planning, and coordinated approach

Upon approval

Coordinated and comprehensive approach and implementation plan

Upon approval

Principles and reconunendations for infill


Conununity education and enhanced understanding


Policy, protocol and procedures for collaboration

2005 budget request to be


2005 budget request to be prepared

MDP terms of reference will include

growth scenarios as major deliverable

prepared P&D




Growth Scenarios

Recommendation 8 (NEW) Urban Design Principles, Guidelines and




Report 2004PDP006 - Attachment 1 - Page 11 of 11

Principles, guidelines and regulations

for developing our community;!


T? .


-'&i¥ .u




2005 AWARDS SUBMISSION • Sman Clioiccs


Part of the success ofSmart Choices for Developing Our Community can be attributed to the communications work and continuing stakeholder engagement undertaken throughout the projcct.

Initially, stakeholder groups were engaged through participation in focus groups for Edmonton's Intensification Audit. These stakeholder groups and others continued to participate on the Smart Choices Participation Committee to develop and assess the Smart Choices Catalogue of Ideas. As implementation occurs, these groups will continue to be involved.

Citizen attention was focused to encourage community feedback with the Smart Choices Showcase held at City Hall (June 23-28, 2003) and a Smart Choices Catalogue ofIdeas. The catalogue was made available on the project web site {www.edmonton.ca/smartchoices), at Edmonton public libraries, to the Smart Choices Participation Committee, and others on request.

From June to October 2003, over 400 people attended interactive powerpoint

presentations to interested groups of citizens throughout the city. Questionnaires were distributed at presentations, displays, and made available on the project website. Hard copy and electronic information on the project was distributed through radio, television, print media, direct mail and email mediums. The feedback received through these efforts was used to develop the Smart Choices for Developing Our Community recommendations. The Smart Choiccs brochure, outhning the approved Smart Choicesfor Developing

Our Community RecommendAtions, and the placement of a direct link to Smart Choices for Developing Our Community on the City of Edmontons main web

page are the main communication vehicles at this time. Stakeholder involvement and public consultation will continue to be of primary importance in subsequent phases of project implementation.

Some communication samples and details of the consultation and public relation activities arc summarized on the following pages.

2005 AWARDS SUBMISSION • Smart C'hoiccs



SmartChoices 'UQ'Jfl^'ZVf'QIXII





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2005 AWARDS SUBMISSION • Smart Choiccs





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COMMUNICATIONS Media and Displays Advertising • •

Edmonton Journal - June 2003 Edmonton Sun -June 2003

Edmonton Examiner—June 2003

• •

Edmonton Journal Office of the Environment Insert-June 2003 Edmonton Journals Key to tlic City—June 2003

Articles ReferendngSmartChoices • Bill Smith's Urban Agenda, Edmonton Journal. November 1,2003 • Six Ideas to Improve Edmonton, Edmonton Journal, -Sepi9,2003 • Big Effort Needed to Battle Obesity-August 17,2003 Newsletters

• • • •

Urban Development Institute-July 2003 Review of Infrastructure-July 2003 City Link-August 2003 Edmonton Federation ofCommunity Leagues - September 2003

City ofEdmonton Monthly Economic Review - September 2003

Edmonton Real EstateBoard- September2003


CJSR Radio - June 2003

ShawTV - June 2003

Websites with Smart Choices Anicles or Information

• •

Edmonton FcderationofCommunityLeagues-www.efcl.org City of Edmonton Internet - www.edmonton.ca/smarfchoices

CityofEdmonton Intranet —Al's Message —fiffp://cifynet/


• •

Displays atEdmonton Public Libraries, June 23 —September 22,2003 Strategies for Urban Sustainability Conference, Shaw Conference Centre, September 8 & 9, 2003

• • •

University ofAlbcrta Week ofWclcome, September 3-5,2003 Alberta Association Canadian Institute of Planners Reception, September 7,2003 World Town Planning Day OutlookTower. November 8, 2004

Alberta Urban Municipalities Association Conference, From Survival to Sustainability,

November 17-20, 2004 Alberta Association Canadian Institute ofPlanners Conference, Common Futures,

September 23-25.2005

City Council's Swearing-in Ceremony, October 26,2004


Smart Choices Showcase, City Hall, June 23-28,2003

2005 AWARDS SUBMISSION • Smart Choices


Smart Choices Participation Committee Representation Alberta Environmental Network Society Alberta infrastructure

Alberta Municipal Affairs ATCOGas

Canadian Mortgage andHousing Corporation Capital Heath Authorit)' - Public Health Division City ofEdmonton Environmental Advisory Committee Council of Business Revitalization Zones Downtown Business Association

Downtown Edmonton Community Association

Edmonton Building Ownersand Mangers Association Edmonton Chamber ofCommerce Edmonton Catholic Schools

Edmonton Downtown Development Corporation Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues Edmonton Public Schools Edmonton Real Estate Board

EdmontonSocial Planning Council

Edmonton Transit Advisory Board Environmental Advisory Committee

Grant MacEwan CommunityCollege EPCOR-Watcr

Greater Edmonton Home Builders Association

Grant MacEwan CommunityCollege Northern Alberta Instituteof Technology Shaw Cable

Society fortheRetired andSemi Retired TELUS Communications

Urban Development Institute University ofAlberta Capital and Strategic Planning

University ofAlhcrra Students' Union West Edmonton Business Association

—Original Message— From:

Juliet Anderton

Sent: Wednesday, June 18.2003 3:13 PM Subject: Smart Choices Project Update

Hello Smart Choices Committee Member,

Today the Smart Choices Catalogue of Ideas was presented to City Council at an information session and the project team is now heading into the public consultation phase of the Smart Choices project.

From Monday, June 23, 2003 to Saturday, June 28,2003 the project team will be hosting the Smart Choices Showcase of Ideas at City Hall. The Showcase features the nine Smart Choice ideas prepared by the four consultants, and is designed to generate community discussion and comments. A copy of the newspaper ad has been attached, detailing the times when project staff are in attendance. Opportunities for public and stakeholder feedback will continue through to September 22,2003.

In the coming week, the project team will send a Smart Choices Catalogue and letter to

yourorganization. The letter will include a request forfeedback and an offer to present the ideas of the four consultants to your respective organizations. The project team will also send you a copy of the letter with a CD of the catalogue.

The catalogue is available on the Smart Choices web site

{www.edmonton.ca/smartchoices) and at all branches ofthe Edmonton Public Library. Stakeholder and citizen comments on the ideas will assist in the preparation of a report

to City Council this fall. The report will recommend the development of implementation strategies for some or all of the nine ideas.

On behalf of the project team, Ithank you for your contributions to date and look fon/vard to reconvening the SmartChoices Committee in early fall to report on the results of the consultation phase.

Please do not hesitate to contact Mary Ann McConnell-Boehm, Senior Planner (4966063), or myself if you have any questions or concerns. Smart Choices Ad.pdf

Juliet Anderton, M.PL, M.C.I.P.

Planner, Corporate Planning & Policy Planning & Policy Services City of Edmonton, Planning & Development Department

Ph:(780) 496-6214 Fx;(780) 401-7066


SmartChoices for deveiopihg:6ur communitY'i Showcase of Ideas The Ci^ of Edmonton invites you to City Hall to view a showcase of ideas for the city's future growth and redevelopment. The showcase features the work of four Edmonton consultants presenting nine ideas for discussion. The showcase summarises the "Smart Choices Catalogueof Ideas",which is available at all Edmonton Public Library branches and on the City of Edmonton web site at wvw.edmonton.ca/smartchoices.

These ideas were prepared to invite community discussion and comment. Questionnaires will be availableat Uieshowcase, Edmonton Public Library branches and on the web site. Pleasecomment by September 22, 2003. Comments on the ideas will be forwarded to City Council for their discussion on implementing these ideas. View the showcase


Monday, June 23, 2003 to Saturday, June 28, 2003


Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


(City staff will be in attendance from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. dally and on Thursday and Friday evening from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to answer questions) City Room, Edmonton City Hall, 1 Sir Winston Churchill Square

For More Information

Web page; www.edmonton.ca/smartchoices Fax:



496-6063 or 496-6214

Or write to: Corporate Planning and Policy Section Planning and Development Department 5'" Floor, 10250-101 Street, NW Edmonton, AB T5J3P4


SmartChoices developing

Like many North American cities, Edmonton is growing at a rapid pace. New infrastructure must be built and maintained: increased demands are put on existing infrastructure and services; and redevelopment pressure occurs in older areas. Altliough the problems associated with growth are not yet as serious as those of some

of Canada's other large cities, the choices we make nowwill affect the quality of life of Edmontonians for years to come.

Over the past year, stakeholders, community representatives, City staff and consultants have worked to explore ideas for accommodating the city's future growth and redevelopment.

The Smart Choices Catalogue of Ideas presents background on the project, identifies some of the impacts of growth, and aging of infrastructure and buildings that Edmonton is facing and features the work offour Edmonton consultants who present their ideas for:

• Idea One - Transit Oriented Mixed Use Development • Idea Two - Multi Use Trail Corridors and Mixed Use Development • • •

Idea Three - Walkable City Idea Four - Small Scale Ground Oriented Residential Infill Idea Five - Medium Density Residential Infill

Idea Six - Commercial and Industrial Transformation

Idea Seven - Neighbourhood Reinvestment Strategy

• •

Idea Eight - Consultation Process Idea Nine - Redevelopment Process

The Smart Choices Catalogue ofIdeas is available at all Edmonton Public Library branches and on the City of Edmonton web site at www.edmonton.ca/smartchoices.

The Catalogue ofIdeas is also available for sale on CD-ROM or in print at the Planning and Development Maps and Publications Desk. To order copies please call 496-6160. The Ideas were prepared to invite community discussion and comment. Questionnaires are available at Edmonton Public Library branches and on the project web site. Comments are invited until September 22, 2003.

Comments on the nine ideas will be forwarded to City Council to contribute to discussion on the implementation of the ideas. For More Information:

Contact: Mary Ann McConnell-Boehm at 496-6063 or Juliet Anderton at 496-6214 or check out the web site at www.edmonton.ca/smartchoices




SmartChoices i'tlylnit

SmartChoices for developing our

For more information about

Further contact information:

the Smart Choices for

City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department

Developing Our Community

5th Floor, 10250-101 Street

program visit the Smart

Edmonton, AB

Choices website at: www.edmonton.ca/smartcholces

SmartChoices for developing our c

Managing growth and preserving quality of life in Edmonton • i

T5J 3P4

Phone: (780) 496-6160 Fax: (780) 496-8450 Email: smartchoices@edmonton.ca

@mdnton (dfhbnton

SmartChoices for developing our CO0M


Edmonton is changing how it will grow and redevelop. The goal of Smart Choices is to build vibrant communities and a sustainable future.

Commercial Redevelopment How can deteriorated commercial areas be

In March 2004, City Council approved the following Smart Choices initiatives:

Improved? Some commercial and

Transit Oriented Development

industrial areas along our

Residential Infill

major road corridors are run

How can we provide more housing choices?

How can we build

communities that give

The City will develop a strategy to encourage

residents more

transportation choices?

townhomes and low rise

Edmonton currently has a high quality public transit system, including Light

apartments in a way that is

down. They are highly visible to visitors and affect

the character of adjacent neighbourhoods. Redeveloping these areas will bring back their vibrancy.

Consultation and Education

sensitive to the needs and functions of mature

How can we share

Rail Transit (LRT) and bus

neighbourhoods. Areas will be identified where this kind

transit. Encouraging the construction of housing

of development can add to the vibrancy of a

knowledge about the planning process?


A public Planning Academy

program will teach the

and business areas, close

to key transit stations, will give residents and visitors convenient transit access with

basics of the development

Urban Design

less reliance on the use of a car to meet daily needs.

process and present land

Urban design can add to the quality of our


Neighbourhood Reinvestment


Urban Design Guidelines will How can we meet the

be devdoped to shape the look,

needs of older

feel and function of new


buildings and public spaces.

Some of Edmonton's older

neiglibourhoods have had little investment in new

housing and home renovations over the years. In many of these same neighbourhoods public infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, etc.) is also deteriorating. Planning for reinvestment will

occur for the neighbourhoods with the greatest needs.

Walkable City How can we create a more

use planning knowledge. Everyone is welcome to participate.

Planning for Growth What does our future hold?

In the next few years, the Municipal Development Plan will be reviewed. How

Edmonton could grow, and the impacts of different

walkable city?

patterns of development on

The City will look at areas where

City services and

sidewalks or pathways are missing or deteriorated, and develop financing

infrastructure, will be

strategies to upgrade these areas. Making new communities walkable will also be considered.


for developing our community J






Second Century: Sustaining the Vision 2005-07 Corporate Business Plan 100 years old and going strong Edmonton's second century as a municipality kicks off on an optimistic beat.

Edmontonians are proud of their city and its quality of life. They say the City of Edmonton does a good job in providing services and physical necessities, and feel they get good value for their tax dollar.* '

2003 Citizen Satisfaction Survey, independent 2004 citizen focus group sessions

Sustain: keep going continuously

They increasingly acknowledge the pressures on the City to sustain the quality of life they now enjoy. The message that the City needs a new deal is out there, and citi2ens expect City Council to deal with it. "Dealing with it" is the central focus in the City of Edmonton's 2005-07 Corporate Business Plan.

- The Concise

Oxford Dictionary of Current Engiish

The case for change Edmonton and other Canadian cities are working to get a "new deal" with the federal and provincial governments that assures long-term, reliable funding to keep the country's municipalities strong and viable.

Cities across Canada have a common challenge: their revenue sources are not keeping up with their obligations to citizens.

Federal and provincial governments have seen their revenues grow 25 per cent from 1996 to 2001, while cities saw revenue increases of only 14 per cent in the same period. The fimding gaps in municipal budgets are not going away.

The City of Edmonton has used a number of strategies to narrow its operating and infrastructure gaps. Over the past decade, a focus on efficiencies and new revenue opportunities added up to more than $100 million in savings. This is significant, but the City also needs new, reliable sources of funding to carry on.

2005-07 Corporate Business Plan

Meeting the challenge

tisuanc«S Pension Contribution



Food 10%

Ctolhing Transpoilabon


itxM Opsnton

In cities across Canada, councils and administrations are asking how to sustain their communities' quality of life into the future.


Edmonton City Council has posed three specific questions about this city's future: What kind of City are wc trying to build? How will we finance it? Other

How can our city co-exist within the larger region?

17% Fvderai Income Tai 15% Provincial Income Tax 6%-

City Property Tax 1%-

Average Household Spending In Edmonlon Source: Stattitict Car«da

Answers to these questions are forthcoming through Council's Urban Sustainability Action Plan. The plan initiatives, included in the business plan, focus on Council's three questions, dealing with urban form, a new fiscal deal and a regional strategy.

Business plan highlights Infrastructure, in the municipal context, means everything from roads and playgrounds to fire stations and sewers. The City of

Among the initiatives in the Corporate Business Plan,

the following are high priority for the community: • A process to divest ground ambulance responsibility to Capital Health.

Edmonton considers infrastructure as

all the physical assets developed to support the community's social and economic activities.

• Continued partnership work to increase the supply •

The 1990s were a particularly difficult time for Canada's municipalities. As part of their plans to cut back spending, the federal and. provincial

" •

governments passed some of the

pain down In the form of reductions in

grants. If that wasn't enough, municipalities were asked to take on

• •

added responsibilities, both directly, through downloading, and indirectly, through other governments vacating certain service areas.

• Mind the Gap: Finding

Ways to Upgrade Canada's Aging Public

of affordable housing and safe housing. A strong focus on the neighbourhood investment and urban development strategies in the Smart Choices program. Expansion of the LRT and implementation of high speed transit corridors. Continued work to reduce the city's impact on river quality. Basic road renewal in mature neighbourhoods. An aggressive set of regional initiatives, based on Council's Urban Sustainability Action Plan, including a regional strategy, annexation and amalgamation plans, a regional land-use strategy and a review of the City relationship with the Alberta Capital Region Alliance. And perhaps most critical to Edmonton's future, a New Deal with other orders of government.


TO Economics Special

A new deal for cities


The City of Edmonton is encouraged that cities and their concerns have been promoted to a topic of national interest.

2005-07 Corporate Business Plan

"our communities, our towns, our cities

are key to our social goals and our economic competitiveness. Large and Small, urban and rural, Canada's

communities are ^cing nchallenges, Our communities, our towns, our cities are key to our social goals and our economic competitiveness.... often without sufficient resources or the tools

they need.... the Government of

The federal vision that sees cities as economically sustainable, socially sustainable, environmentally sustainable and culturally sustainable complements the City of Edmonton's vision. The Government of Alberta's 20-year strategic plan also aligns with the City's vision. That plan focuses on strong communities, achieved through strategies the City supports and practises: unleashing iimovation, leading in learning and competing in a global marketplace, with the target of making Alberta the best place to live, work and visit.

Canada is committed to a new deal for

Progress toward a new deal for cities is happening. The Government of Canada this year relieved municipalities

Canada's municipalities ... a new deal that delivers reliable, predictable and long-term funding."

million per year that can go toward roads, sidewalks and transportation.

-Speech from the Throne, Feb. 2,2004

of the GST, which in Edmonton's case means about $12

The federal government confirmed its promised to share the fuel tax it collects with cities Oct. 4 in the Speech from the Throne. The sharing will begin in 2005 and, by reasonable estimates, work out to about $470 billion total over 10 years.

In its 2004-05 budget, the Government of Alberta announced new police and ground ambulance funding, and later announced plans to spend $3 billion on community infrastructure needs. The City of Edmonton is ready to work with other orders of government to secure long-term, reliable sources of revenue for the conmiunity ... to develop new partnerships and investments strategies ... to lead the way in sustaining Canada's "economic engines" ... the country's cities. That is the vision the City aims to achieve.

2005-07 Corporate Business Plan


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Urban Sustainability Action Plan

Background To ensure a vital, healthy future for the City of Edmonton, City Council held a series of workshops on the four pillars of urban sustainability in the spring of2004, The topics were Regional Strategy for Edmonton, Fiscal Deal, Urban Form and Debt Strategy. The workshops were designed to capture ideas and concepts from the successful Strategies for Urban Sustainability Conference hosted by the City of Edmonton in September 2003. Following the workshops. City Council approved 20 motions, providing direction to the Administration for developing an urban sustainability action plan. On August 31, 2004, City Council approved the Urban Sustainability Action Plan and its initiatives for further analysis and detailed costing and for inclusion in upcoming business plans and budgets.

The Urban Sustainability Action Plan The action plan is designed to improve the quality of life through urban form and infrastructure development, ensure adequate and sustainable funding into the future and maintain a healthy relationship with regional neighbours and other orders of government. A number of initiatives require further research

before theyare started. Others are already under way butare in the action plan because City Council considers them important to overall urban sustainability. The action plan outlines the

initiatives/programs, current status, proposed activities, potential start date and the required resources to achieve the motions approved by City Council.

On August 31, 2004, City Council also approved a motion for the Administration to report back with a strategy through which the City will promote smart growth initiatives in suburban areas. This report will be presented to City Council in December 2004.

Three Themes of Urban Sustainability The Urban Sustainability Action Plan is organized around three themes set out by City Council:

1. Urban Form - what kind of city we are trying to build? 2. New Fiscal Deal - how can we finance it?

3. Regional Strategy - how can we co-exist with our neighbours in the greater Edmonton region?

Focusing on these three themes will help ensure a vital and healthy future for the City of Edmonton.

Implementation The action plan provides direction for the Administration to address urban sustainability issues. Initiatives from the action

plan will be incorporated into the City's Corporate and Departmental business planning and budgeting process for 2005 and beyond. This ensures the action plan initiativesare incorporated into ongoing business activity. Because the action plan is comprehensive and manyof the initiatives cross department lines, it requires a collaborative

Page 1

Urban Sustainability Action Plan

approach to implementation. A sponsor department is identified to coordinate each initiative.

Monitoring and Evaluation The Administration will provide annual progress reports on the implementation of the Urban Sustainability Action Plan. This regular reporting will allow Council to review the progress of the initiativesand provide input and direction for further implementation.

Urban Sustainability Action Plan URBAN FORM

Smart Choices:

That Smart Choices implementation shall initially focus on the following priority areas: • Neighbourhood Reinvestment, • Transit Oriented Development,

• Infill Strategy (supported by the elements of walkability and urban design), and • Development incentives for the Infill and Transit Oriented Development Strategies, and that Administration shall take a balanced approach and initiate projects to take

advantage of opportunity, beginning in the next year in conjunction with development proposal or proactively by Administration. Initiatives


Current Status

Implementation Activities

Dent Initiative 1

Start Date




New Initiative


New Initiative

2005 budget proposal of


S400.000 Initiative la

Undertake corporate project, following budget approval

Neighbourhood Reinvestment

Approved as part of the Smart Choices

program (March 2004) Will be integrated with other initiatives, such as Community Services' High

Priority Neighbourhoods project, Transportation & Streets'

Neighbourhood Infrastructure Renewal Program and Police Services' Quality ofLife Index

Sponsor Department (for (lie purpose of coordination of tbe initiatives); AMPW - Asset Management and Public Works Deparlmeni Corp Serv - Corporale Services Department

ERD - Emergency Response Department T&S - Transportation and Streets Departmenl

OCM - OfTice ofthe City Manager

CS - Community Services Department

P&D- Planningand Development Department

Urban Sustainability Action Plan URBAN FORM


Current Status

Implementation Activities

Start Date


Required Initiative lb

New Initiative

Transit Oriented


Undertake corporate project, following budget approval

Approved as part of the Smart Choices program (March 2004) Will be coordinated with initiatives,

such as High Speed Transit implementation and tiic Fort Road Master Plan implementation initiative Ic

Infill Strategy (supported by the elements of walkabilicy and urban design)

New initiative

Undertake corporate project, following


budget approval Approved as part of the Smart Choices program (March 2004) Will be coordinated with the

forthcoming inquiry "Effect of Infill on Surrounding Communities —Smart Choices," the Walkable Edmonton project and the work of the Trails, Paths and Routes Advisory Committee luitiative Id

New initiative

Development incentives for the Infill and Transit

Oriented Development

Relates to the forthcoming inquiry "Cost Effective Urban Development"

Undertake In tandem with Transit

Oriented Development (Initiative lb) and Infill Strategy (Initiative Jc)

Strategies Will be incorporated with the renaration of Initiatives lb and Ic

Sponsor Department (for the purpose orcooriiination of the initiatives): AMPW- Asset Management and Public Works Department Corp Serv - CoiporateServices Department OCM- Officeof the City Manager ERD- Emergency Response Department T&S -Transportation and StrecLs Department

CS - Community Services Department P&D —Planning and Development Department

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