FGC Mission Magazine 2020

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The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields. Now go... Luke 10:1-3a (NLT)

这些事以后,主又另外指派了 七十二个人,差遣他们两个两 个地,在他前面,到他自己将要 到的各城各地去。 耶稣对他们 说:“庄稼多,工人少,所以你们 应当求庄稼的主,派工人出去收 他的庄稼。 你们去吧! 路加福音 10:1-3a (CNVS)

Chosen . Sent . Now Go! 01 Challenges Present Opportunities 03 #Pergilah Malaysia 19 #HumayoKayo Philippines 31 #ចូរទៅចុះ Cambodia: Phnom Penh 45 #ចូរទៅចុះ Cambodia: Siem Reap 53 #ไปเถิด Thailand 58 #NowGo Restricted Access Nation 62 Missions Budget 67 Be Part of It: Pledge Now

指派 。 差遣 。 现在就去!

01 挑战中的机会 03 #Pergilah 马来西亚 19 #HumayoKayo 菲律宾 31 #ចូរទៅចុះ 柬埔寨:金边 45 #ចូរទៅចុះ 柬埔寨:暹粒 53 #ไปเถิด 泰国 58 #现在就去受限制的国家 62 差传预算 67 参与其中:现在就认献

One of the recurring thoughts that came

Herein lies the opportunity that the

over and over again during these times we

recent “Movement Controlled Orders”

are facing is this – Joshua 3:4a “Then you

MCO has presented to us. Our families all

will know which way to go, since you have

over our city will have the opportunity to

never been this way before.”

reach out to their neighbours and friends like never before. We believe that we

We have never experienced this situation

have a mission which is at our doorstep

in our times, therefore the need for us is to

– the indigenous people groups and the

hold close to the LORD as He is our Way.

migrant workforces.

Proverbs 19:21 states “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s

Consequently the clear word for our over-

purpose that prevails.” God’s purpose is

seas endeavours has been “consolidate”.

still paramount in these times and seasons.

We are to maintain and do some “pruning” so that we can be better positioned for the

During one of the devotional times, the

future opportunities when it presents itself.

Lord spoke in Luke 10 and said that when He chose and He sent the disciples out,

In this year’s mission budget presentation,

even though it is in perilous conditions, in

we had to re-look and review, now we have

verse 3 it was clear that the instruction was

reduced and re-positioned. Continue to partner and participate with us.

“Now Go”.


Stay BLESSED in Christ!


在这个非常时期,约书亚记三章 4节是其中一个让我不断反复思 考的经文之—:使你知道所当走 的路,因为 这 条路你们向来没有 走过。

在我们走过的时代中,从未经历 这样的景况,因此我们更需要 紧紧抓住 神,因他是我们的道 路。箴言十九章21节说 “人心 多有计谋,惟有耶和华的筹算,

才能立定。” 在这个时刻,神的

旨意仍然是至高无上的。 我在某次灵修中领受神的话语, 在路加福音十章提到:当耶稣 拣选, 并差遣门徒出去时,尽管 当时的处境危险,但第三节中很 清楚的指示是:

这就是最近的“行动管令”MCO 提供 给我们的机会!我们城市的 每个家庭,都拥有前所未有的 机会去接触邻居和 朋友,我们 门前就摆着一个宣教使命, 即 本土居民和外劳移民。同样的, 我们在海外的努力明显“巩固” 了,目前 只需要保持,并进行 必要的“修剪” ,预备好,等 更好的机会来临。 今年的宣教预算案,我们重新审 视和 审查,已经缩减并重新调整 了,盼望 您 继续与我们同工, 继续参与。





#Pergilah Malaysia 马来西亚



Mission report: East/West Malaysia 东马/西马宣教事工报告 The voice of the Master and Lord is calling; God isn’t looking for people of great faith, but individuals who are ready to follow Him, Can you hear Him calling YOU, will you hearken and be obedient? In obedience to this call, 2 groups of brothers and sisters volunteered to

“ The spirit of Christ is the spirit of Missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become. ” - Henry Martyn


go and share His love to His people!! On the 9-10/12 last year a group of brothers and sisters from our mandarin service had volunteered to do Christmas celebration among the Orang Asli children at Kg. Tungkup at Mile 14 and Kg. Bahung in Cameron Highlands. Some among the groups are first timers to mission. It was a challenge but they all served, shared responsibilities and giftings together for one purpose, that is to glorify Jesus. It was an experience to cherish, a wonderful sight to behold and a fulfilling joy in our hearts.

到14英里的Tungkup 村和金马仑高原的 Bahung村, 在原住民儿童中主办圣诞节庆祝 活动。他们有些人是第一次参与, 这是一个 挑战,他们一起分担责任和恩赐, 为了一个 目的,就是荣耀耶稣。这是一次值得珍惜的 经历,一个值得纪念的美妙景象,也是我们 心中充盈的喜乐。 2012年12月12-15日,一批来自国度学校的 青少年, 首次被指派到金马仑高原Tungkup村 的原住民青年中举办营会。这是他们第一次 在那里的年轻人中露营, 兴奋的脸上看到急 切和恐惧;他们问了很多关于原住民面对的 问题,他们迫切想知道,学习如何以主的热 情和爱心服侍村里思想单纯的年轻人, 这是好的!在我们的好牧人所赐的恩典和 力量中,我们很高兴地看到了欢欣,看到了 对年轻人的关怀,看到他们在陌生的环境中 齐心协力。他们以耶稣的爱对纯朴的心说 话,甚至在营中,上帝向他们说话,让他们 与家庭成员的关系被修补。在营会结束时, 这是值得的,祝福和满足的。

“耶稣的灵就是宣教的 灵。当我们越与他亲近, 我们将更像宣教士。” - 亨利马丁 主耶和华的声音在呼唤,神不是寻找有大 信心的人,乃是那些愿意跟从他的人,你能 听见他呼召你,你肯听,也肯顺服吗?为了 服从这个呼召,两组弟兄姐妹自愿去和他的 子民分享他的爱!! 去年12月9至10日,华语堂一组弟兄姐妹自愿 6

On the 12-15/12 a group of youth from

Believing in the promises of a good Father

Kingdom School who for the first time

gives me the grace and joy to go further and

were given the assignment to conduct

deeper. Just as I have freely received, freely

a camp among the Orang Asli youth at

shall I give.

Kg.Tungkup, Cameron Highlands. They were excited, as this was their first time doing a camp among the youth there. I could see the eagerness and fear in their faces at the same time, but they were hungry to know when they asked a lot of questions regarding the Orang Asli and that’s good. Learning about how they could serve this simple minded youth in the village with a passion and a heart of their Master. It was wonderful to see the joy, the caring for the youth that came together and making every effort despite

“ Mission is the overflow of our delight in God because mission is the overflow of God’s delight in being God. ” - John Piper

of their unfamiliar conditions they pulled through, through the grace and strength that has been provided by our good Shepherd. They spoke to the hearts with such simplicity but graced with the love of Jesus. Even during the camp, God was speaking to them regarding their relationship that needed to be healed in their families. At the end of this camp, it was worthwhile, blessed and fulfilling.

That’s the call, can you hear Him ? I have been so blessed to take what I have been freely given to the people in a village called Kg. Data Bilah. When I first went there, there were a lot of questions running through my mind. The local pastor, Pastor Marepak had told me that he hardly had any people coming to this village to share and encourage the Christians here. The next day when I introduced the A01 Alive series in BM, they were

“ If a commission by an earthly king is considered an honor, how much can a commission by a heavenly King be considered a Sacrifice. ” - David Livingstone 7

hungry to hear, know and learn about the word of God. They even asked if I could stay a few more days.

“如果地上君王的委任 被视为荣誉,那天上君 王的委任能被认为 是一种牺牲?” - 大卫 李文斯顿 在天父的应许中,赐给我恩典和喜乐, 使我越行越深。正如我白白领受,我也该 白白给予。

“宣教是我们对神喜悦 的满溢,因为宣教是 神自己喜悦的福杯, 满溢流出。” - 约翰·派博 就是这个呼召,你听到吗?我很蒙福, 可以把我得到的全给了一个叫DATA BILAH 村庄的人。当我第一次到那里时,有很多 的问题在我脑海中萦绕。当地的牧师马雷帕克牧师告诉我,几乎没有人来这个 村分享和鼓励这里的基督徒。第二天, 当我介绍马来版的生命力系列A01课程 时,他们渴望听到、认真学习听上帝的 话语,甚至问我能不能多呆几天。 8

“ We must choose this day whether we will hide our eyes from the needy and close our ears to the call or whether we will tackle with new decisiveness, mixed with humility and devotion, the unchanging command of a faithful God who is still seeking.” - Ralph Winter. Before ending our 1st lesson, I gave them a memory verse on 1 John 5:11-12. Later in the afternoon an old brother, Deng Laing age 73 was able to memorize this 2 verses in Penan language within 2 hours!!. My heart was filled with gratitude for what God is able to do in the lives of His people who would trust Him in spite of little education, God was able to use for His glory. Even pastor Marepak join in the scripture memory and was able to do it. He said that it had been a long time that he had not done it but others have given him the encouragement to pursue this. There were some who tried, not fully but at least they tried and didn’t give up. God is so good.


我们必须选择,是要向 穷困的人闭眼掩耳, 还是 以新的决策,怀着谦卑 和奉献的心,寻求那位 信实神不变的命令。” ~拉尔夫·温特。

在第一课结束前,我给他们讲了一段关于 约翰福音五章11-12节的背诵经文。傍晚, 一位73岁的老弟兄 Deng Laing,在两小时 内就能用本南语记住这两节经文!!我心 充满感恩,感谢上帝在他的子民生命中 所做的一切,尽管他们受的教育不多, 却信靠上帝,上帝用他们来荣耀他! 就连马雷帕克牧师也加入经文背诵的行 列,他说他很久没有这样做了,其他人 给了他渴慕寻求的鼓励。他们当中有些人 尝试但没有完成,但至少他们尝试过, 没有放弃。上帝真好。

“ THE CHURCH MUST SEND OR THE CHURCH WILL END. 教会必须派遣,否则就会结束。” - Mendell Taylor 门德尔·泰勒 Will you hearken to the calling of your Father, Master and the Lord of the harvest? Let’s Go Together! 你愿意听你天父,主, 收割的主的呼召吗? 我们一起去!


Gelang Patah Christian Centre 振林山基督徒团契 As we enter into a new year, the Lord has impressed upon our heart the importance of succession. 11

进入新的一年, 神不断地提醒我们: 传承!

The Children’s service is ministered by 5 adult teachers and 13 teenagers, aged 13-19 yrs old. For the past years, the teachers were in charge of the teachings and planning of all the major events, assisted by the teenagers. During the second half of 2019, when we sought guidance from the Lord in prayer for the Children’s Day, the Lord showed us to let the teens organize the entire event, assisted by the teachers. It was a challenge for the

教会的“儿童之心”由5位老师和13位 青少年,年龄介于13到19岁服侍,一直 以来,老师们负责儿童会中的故事分享 和所有重要节目,而青少年们是助手。 2019年的下半年,当我们为儿童节庆祝会 祷告寻求时,神启示要让青少年来负责 整个活动,所有的老师成为助手;这对 青少年来说是一项挑战,但我们选择顺服 神的启示。

teens but we chose to obey the Lord. With the Lord’s guidance the planning went on smoothly. We split the teens into four teams with each team in charge of praise and worship, storytelling, games, food and gifts respectively. We witnessed the creativity, organization skills, sense of responsibilities and the servanthood spirit of all the teens.

在神的带领下,整个筹划过程都是恩典 满满的。青少年分成4组负责敬拜赞美, 故事分享,游戏,食物和礼物;从中看见 青少年们的创意、组织能力、责任感, 更可以看见他们之间互相包容的服侍精 神。 整个儿童节活动,从开始到结束都 做得非常棒,喜乐充满在我们当中。

The entire children’s day event was nicely executed, and all of us were bursting with joy. The attendance was over 90, including children and the ministry workers.


On the day of the event, every team was required to bring a party snack, they did it gladly and even prepared the snacks together: from sourcing of the ingredients to cooking. Even though this was not their forte, with unity and loving touches the teams presented an array of delectable snacks. We invited children from Kota Masai Church to attend the Children’s Day celebration. It was a great opportunity for the children to mingle with kids from another church. It was also a chance for the ministry workers to learn from one another. Praise the Lord for a chance to sow the love of Christ to other

活动中,每组青少年都要负责准备一份 食物,他们不但很喜乐的奉献食物,更 愿意花时间亲手烹煮。他们一起采购 食材,一起准备,虽然大家都不太会做, 但只要大家同心合意,爱心就呈现在一道 道的美食当中了。 之外,这个儿童节庆祝活动也邀请了Kota Masai 教会的儿童们一起参与;不但让 孩子有机会接触其他教会的孩子, 也让 两个教会的服侍者互相交流学习,让我们 有机会将耶稣的爱散发给主内的弟兄姐 妹。感谢神,这奇妙的恩典。


Besides relationship-building, the other goal of God’s ministry is for succession planning through a process of guiding, working alongside and releasing them into the ministry. 服侍,除了要建立关 系,另一个目的就是传 承。《带、陪、放》是 很重要的过程。


The teachers guide the teens, work alongside them, and finally releasing them to serve on their own by entrusting them. In this process the teachers ought to lower oneself and learn from the teens. Likewise, the teens ought to serve with a determined heart and a humble spirit. We have also started training the Primary 5 and Primary 6 kids as junior helpers in our weekly Children’s Heart Ministry, to take care of younger children and be part of a ministry. Through this ministry we hope to inculcate among the children the meaning of “home” so that they can grow up rooted in a loving church.

在服侍中,老师们要不断地教导青少 年,陪伴他们,最后更要学习放手, 信任青少年,还要以谦卑的心向青少年 学习,当然青少年也要有担当和顺服 谦卑的心来承接。 我们培养5和6年级的孩子成为小帮手, 学习照顾带领更小的孩子,我们希望通 过这样的方式,让‘家的观念’可以扎 根在儿童会中,成为一个有爱的教会。

顺服就蒙福! 在每一次的顺服中,我们看见上帝对 儿童会的带领,看见服侍者和孩子生命 的成长。 感谢神,求神不断地更新扩张我们, 使我们的生命更有耶稣的样式。

There are blessings in obedience! When we obey, God directs our steps and let us see the growth in the ministry workers and children alike. Praise the Lord! We pray that God will continue to unleash our potential and that His Holy Spirit will continue working in us to live out our lives and become more like Christ. 14

Mission report: Layang Layang Christian Fellowship 拉央拉央基督徒团契报告 The Lord Jesus Christ looks at the heart, not at appearance. As long as you are willing to serve with humility and obedience, God will help us to unleash our potential as this year’s theme for the church.

Romans 11:29 “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance”


主耶稣基督看人是看内心,不是看外表。 只要你肯委身 ,谦卑顺服的服侍,就如 今年教会的主题所强调的: 神能帮助你 “发挥你的潜能”!

【罗11:29】因为神 的恩赐和选召是没有 后悔的。

因感恩主耶稣基督的救赎,2017 年 4月, 我来到拉央拉央基督徒团契服侍,为主耶稣 多得一人。

【弗2:8】你们得救是 本乎恩,也因着信; Since April 2017 when I first began to serve in Layang-Layang Christian Fellowship, it has been my passion to “reach out one more for

这并不是出于自己, 乃是 神所赐的;

the Lord“ as I am thankful for my salvation.

Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God”

神的大蓝图就是要建造祂的教会,并使祂的 教会成长,感谢主,今天我还能被主用, 更懂得自己的使命是传福音。每逢星期二, 我会到拉央拉央那里住宿一晚。 感谢上帝让教会增长。


It is God’s desire to build His church and grow His church. My passion therefore is to preach the Gospel. I am thankful that I can still be used by the Lord till this present moment. Every Tuesday I will go to Layang-Layang and stay a night there. We thank God for the growth of the church. -Bro ALAN GUAN 16

CELL GROUP 1st and 3rd Wednesday 10:00am -12:00pm cell group. There is an average of 10 people who came regularly for the cell group. FREE MEDICAL CARE (Primal Point Therapy Ministry) Weekly : 2nd and 4th Wed week 09:00am to 12:00pm. Each time an average of 25 non believers came for treatment and the response has been very encouraging. It is also a gospel station to reach out to the non-believers. More and more of the residents of Layang-Layang are coming for treatment. This is a community project where free treatment is given to all.


家组在每个月的第一和第三个周三,早上 10点至中午12点。家组忠心出席的平均 人数是10人。 免费医疗保健 (原始点治疗事工)

每月的第二和第四个星期三,早上9点至中午 12点。这是一个进入社区,给予免费治疗, 接触未信徒的福音计划。每次平均有25位 未信徒出席和接受治疗,这些反应很鼓励 我们。越来越多的当地居民来接受治疗。 儿童主日学

每个星期五下午3.30至傍晚5.30。每星期 平均有12位孩子出席儿童主日学。固定出 席的人数有增加, 需要更多的儿童主日学 老师。

CHILDREN MINISTRY Every Friday 03:30pm to 05:30pm. An average of 12 children attends the Children ministry weekly. There is an increase in the number of regular attendance. There is also a great need for children ministry workers. WEEKLY SERVICE On Saturday 3:30pm to 5:30 pm. The average attendance is 30 local residents and a few from Yong Peng weekly. There is an increase in the average attendance. VISITATION - Chinese New Year Visitation - Visiting the sick 17


每个星期六的下午3.30至傍晚5.30。 每星期大概有30位当地居民和几位从永平 来的弟兄姐妹出席聚会,人数在增加中。 探访事工

- 农历新年探访 - 探访病人

A Cheerful Giver 甘心乐意奉献者 I am a sister from Yong Peng, l am very thankful to God for the opportunity to bless the LayangLayang Church with RM24,000 to pay off the

我是来自永平的姐妹,感谢神! 让我有 恩典奉献马币24千, 让拉央教会偿还 客货车贷款,非常的感恩!

church’s van loan installment. During the annual general meeting which was held on 7 March 2020, the chairman stated that the church was still owing RM24,000 for the van loan. I felt an enormous burden after hearing this. I don’t normally take note of numbers, but

在3月7日 拉央教会的常年大会中, 当主席报告说教会还欠小型客货车贷款 约马币24千后,我心中有很大的负担; 我是个对数字不敏锐的人,但回家后, 这个数目字一直出现在我脑海里。

after I reached home that day, this number kept appearing on my mind. I immediately prayed to God to seek His will. I asked God to provide the funds that I may fulfill this amount of money. After my prayer, something happened in my family that required a big sum of money. Feeling helpless, I prayed to God and asked Him to provide a buyer for a piece of land which we will put up for sale. An amazing thing happened! Within a week

当时我赶快向天父祷告,寻求主的旨意, 如果是主要我奉献,求主为我预备; 过后家里发生一些事情,需要用到一 大笔钱,在无计可施下,祷告求主尽快 让我卖出土地,很感恩神听了我的祷 告,就在一周里找到买主,而且三天就 办好所有的手续,更奇妙的是,事情就 在行动管制令开始前就完成,神预备的 时间永远都是最美好的!

I found a buyer for the land, and within three days the sales transaction was completed, and all these happened before the movement control order for Covid-19 was implemented. God’s timing is always right!

很感谢神,让我有恩典在有生之年能 奉献,而且是甘心乐意奉献,非常的 喜乐,一切都是神的恩典和美意。感恩!

I am so thankful to God that I can give with a cheerful heart. What a joy it is to give during my lifetime. I thank God for His grace and His plan.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” 【罗8:28】我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱神 的人得益处,就是按他旨意被召的人。 18

#HumayoKayo Philippines菲律宾 孩

孩 孩


The sun rises; the sun sets. The earth spins on its own axis; and every 24 hours, we have a brand new day. God’s miracles are in front of our eyes every single day! Take a look at how God made miracles abound everyday through the lives of the following people.

God’s Miracles Happen Every Day 上帝的神迹, 每天都在 太阳东升西落, 地球绕着轨道 发生! 运转,每间隔24小时,我们就 迎接新的一天。上帝的神迹, 每天都发生在我们眼前!来看 看上帝如何在每天,透过以下 的生命创造许许多多的神迹。 20

An Unforgettable Experience 一个难忘的经历

This is my unforgettable experience with Daisy when we visited one of our ACTS parents. The parent welcomed us warmly and invited us in. At the house entrance, there is a wooden post I can hold while going up the stairs. The moment I touched the post, something bit my thumb but I didn’t see any insect crawling on the post. I couldn’t see any mark also but I felt the sting. The mother asked me, “Are you bitten? I replied yes.”

我与Daisy探访ACTS( 助养上学计划 ) 其中一位家长是我最难忘的经历。这位 家长热情欢迎,邀请我们进入她的家; 她家入口处有个能让人扶着上楼的木 桩,当我触碰木桩一霎那,有一只东西 咬了我的拇指,但我并没有在木桩上看 见任何昆虫,也没看见拇指上有任何被 咬的痕迹,只有被蛰的疼痛感。那位母 亲问我:“你被咬了吗?”我回答: “是的。”

When Daisy started sharing a lesson to the parent, the pain still persisted. As I looked at my thumb, it was red and swelling already. It became even more painful so I decided to pray intensely. Then I held my thumb tightly and rebuked the pain silently. After a few minutes of battle, the pain and the swelling disappeared. A miracle happened because of fervent prayer! 21

当Daisy开始与那位家长分享第一堂课 时,我的疼痛依然持续。看了自己的 拇指一眼,原来它已经开始红肿了, 越来越痛,我决定迫切祷告。紧握着 自己的拇指,我安静地斥责这个疼痛, 争战了几分钟,疼痛与红肿都消失了。 因着迫切的祷告,一个神迹发生了!

The family belongs to Moncadista, one of the religious sects in the Philippines. They don’t worship the True God but instead, a certain leader they called Master who was thought to be the Filipino messiah. I believed that it was their spirit that attacked me. But I thank God for the victory. After the pain was gone, I felt the eagerness to share the Truth about the love of Christ. The bondage might be strong, but our God is stronger!

这个家庭属于菲律宾其中一个宗派—— Moncadista。他们不敬拜真神,而是 拜一个被菲律宾人认为是弥赛亚,称 为“主人”的领袖。我相信刚才攻击我 的是这个宗派的灵,感谢神,我靠着祂 得胜了。当疼痛离去后,我极其渴望分 享基督的爱。灵里的捆绑或许很强烈, 但我们的上帝比它更强! —— Helen Dante

– By Helen Dante

God’s Beautiful Plan For Our Lives 上帝在 我们生命中 美好的旨意 When my parents had a big fight two years ago, I was devastated when my mother ran away from home. My heart ached so much when I see my father crying. I felt hopeless but attending ACTS mentoring sessions relieved the burden. The ACTS staff also visited us from time to time. Even more, Pst. Raymond Diego and his wife Marites also ministered to my father. I was so moved by the care and love we received from ACTS family. I remembered that ACTS Program started to impact my life when I was still in my 3rd grade.

两年前父母发生大冲突,当妈妈离家 出走的那一刻,我跌入了谷底;看见 爸爸哭泣,我的心也非常痛!曾感到 绝望的我,参与了ACTS所教导的课程 后,重担得到脱落。ACTS的职员时常来 探访我们, Raymond Diego牧师夫妇 服事我的父亲,从ACTS家庭得到爱和 关怀,让我感动不已。仍记得当我还在 三年级时,ACTS项目就开始影响我的 生命;至今已有8年了,因着这个项目, 我非常的蒙福。

For 8 years now, I’m blessed by this program. 22

“To think right, you think right about God. Do not interpret God based on circumstances. You must interpret circumstances based on who God is.” “要有正确的思想,你就要 正确地思想神。不要依据 环境解读神,你需要依据 神是谁来解读环境。”

These beautiful words truly comforted me in my current family situation. When one student in ACTS also experienced the same incident of mine, I was even more encouraged upon knowing that her parents got back together and the whole family attends service at Foursquare Gospel Church now. “The Lord is fully in control. Nothing can happen to us apart from God’s permission. So whatever circumstances we are experiencing is all part of God’s beautiful plan for our lives.” I have full hope now that God will do something and answer my prayers too! I, Jhodel Joy Baterna, believe that miracles do happen every day.


这番话成了我的安慰!当我得知一位在 ACTS跟我有相同经历的学生,他的父母 和好了,全家到Foursquare Gospel教会 聚会,这让我备受鼓励。上帝完全掌权! 未经上帝许可,没有任何事能临到我们身 上,因此不管我们处在什么光景,都是上 帝在我们生命中美好的旨意。我现在充满 了盼望,相信神也会回应我的祷告,并在 其中动工!我 Jhodel Joy Baterna,相信 神迹每天都在发生。

Yet, a miracle happened! 但神迹发生了! I’m Marissa Montilla, mother of Edelyn Montilla who’s sponsored by ACTS Program from Grade 7 to 12. I can testify that ACTS is really one of a kind. I thought that learning ends when I stopped going to school. But there’s no other school like ACTS Program. During our parents’ fuse session, I’ve learned good lessons on how to be a good mother and a wife. My daughter also became a better person through ACTS mentoring sessions because the program taught her to have good manners; and the importance of respecting and loving her parents are instilled in her. This program showed us how to walk extra mile to help the needy too. When I had to stop selling rice cakes and pan cakes because of my asthma and hypertension while my 64-year-old husband didn’t earn much from climbing coconut

我是Marissa Montilla,我女儿Edelyn Montilla是被ACTS项目从七年级到十二 年级资助的学生。我见证ACTS的确是 一个很好的项目,我以为一旦停学, 学习也就停止了,但ACTS项目不一样。 在家长交流会中,我学到如何成为 一名好妈妈和好妻子,女儿也因ACTS 项目的课程而变得更好,因为ACTS课 程教导她要有礼貌,也灌输她尊敬与 关爱父母的重要性。这个项目向我 们体现了如何为有需要的人多走一里 路:当我因哮喘和高血压,被迫停售 年糕与煎饼时, 64岁的丈夫只靠採椰 子赚取微薄的收入,当时我不敢奢望 Edelyn能继续求学;但神迹发生了!

trees, I almost lost hope that Edelyn could still continue her studies. Yet, a miracle happened! The program offers extra help so she can finish senior high school. For the whole School Year 20192020, ACTS shared a certain amount for Edelyn’s food, allowance, and transportation for school and ACTS mentoring sessions. What a touching act of

这个项目提供了额外的协助,以女儿 能完成高中教育。在整个2019-2020的 学年里,ACTS分担了Edelyn在学校与 ACTS课程的伙食费、额外补助金、交 通费和ACTS 课程。这份爱是何等地令 人感动!我因着这个项目而赞美神!

love it is! I praise God for having this program.


When 17 students finished university under ACTS, their gratitude towards the program motivates them to pay it forward. Three of them would like to share their testimonies below.

Pay It Forward 传递下去 当17名资助学生在完成 大学教育,对此项目的感 谢,推动他们把这份爱传 递下去。以下是其中三位 所要分享的见证:


Learn, Teach. Get, Give. 学到了,要去教。 得到了,要去给。

When I and my younger siblings were still studying, my father got sick and my mother had to do the laundry of our neighborhood just to support our daily needs. That difficult situation pushed me to train my mind to see the good in every situation for ACTS helped me change the concept of my mind. I was taught that negative mind will never give me a positive life. And God is so good that He let me succeed in life through ACTS Program. My 3 years in high school and my 5 years in

当我与年幼的弟妹还在求学时,父亲 病了,母亲需要为街坊洗衣,维持家庭 的日常开销。由于我的观念已在ACTS 帮助下改变了,因此我在这个艰难的 情况下,不断推动自己在每个处境里都 往好的一面来看。ACTS教导我:负面的 观念并不会给我带来正面的生活。上帝 真的很美好,他透过ACTS项目让我在 生命中取得成功。3年的高中教育及5年 的大学教育,都是ACTS资助的!

university were sponsored by the program. After getting my license as a Mechanical Engineer, I got a job at different companies and now currently working at Apex Mining Company, Inc. “When you learn, teach. When you get, give”, someone has said. So I thought that now that I am able, I would like to pay forward

拿到机械工程师执照后,我曾在不同的 公司上班,如今我在Apex Mining公司 上班。某人曾说:“当你学到了,你就 要去教;当你得到了,你就要去给。” 我现在有能力,我想要把这份爱传递下 去,并分享我所拥有的,就像之前资助 26

and also share things just like what my sponsors did for me before. As a result, I sent my two younger sisters to university. One already got her diploma in Business Administration. I also supported a high school student from ACTS for 3 years now. Before, I always dreamt of having a house that my parents can comfortably live. Now, I started to renovate our house little by little. “There

我的人如何帮助我一样!于是,我把两 个妹妹送到大学求学,其中一个妹妹已 获取商业管理课程的文凭;这三年里, 我也资助了一位ACTS的高中学生。之前 我一直梦想能拥有一间屋子,让父母过 舒适的生活,现在我已开始逐步装修屋 子。“成功没有捷径,只有着实地一步 一步登上阶梯。”当我在攀爬阶梯时, 我也学会珍惜通往成功的过程。

is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs”. When I took the stairs, I learned to value the journey towards success.

—— NomelSastrillas, 第一批ACTS项目的学生,学年8年

– By Nomel Sastrillas, an ACTS student for 8 wonderful years, 1st batch

Dream Better For Others As Well 不只是为自己梦想 In 2017, I graduated Bachelor of Secondary Education at the University of Southeastern Philippines. Months before graduation, I had my first job as an online English teacher to Chinese students. I juggled working, studying, and having my review for the Licensure Examination for Teachers. All by God’s grace, I had the job; I graduated and passed the exam on the same year. On the following year, I transferred to another company that assigned me to be the incharge of kids and some administrative works. The phase of being employed started the journey of taking some responsibilities beyond putting food on my own plate. As an eldest child in the family, I supported them financially, especially my younger sister’s education. 27

2017年,我毕业于东南菲律宾大学中学教 育科系。毕业前几个月,我已开始我的第 一份工作——一位华裔学生的网上英文老 师。我需要同时兼顾工作、学业,和教师 证的考试。靠着上帝的恩典,我得到了一 份工作,并在同年通过考试毕业了。 隔年,我转职到另一间公司,成为孩子们 的负责人,并一些行政工作。我也开始负 起养家的责任,身为长女,我在经济上支 持我的家人,尤其是妹妹的学费。

Other than that, I learned the joy of supporting Philippine-based mission trips that aim to spread the Gospel to the unreached

此外,我也为着能支持菲律宾的宣教 团队而喜乐。我还与一位校友一同支持 一位ACTS项目的初中学生。

people groups. Also, I partnered with a co-alumna and started supporting a Junior High School student from ACTS Program with the hope of continuing to do so. I, Gladyce Marie Lañohan, was a privileged scholar of ACTS Program for 6 years. Because of the mentoring sessions and spe-

我,Gladyce Marie Lañohan,很荣幸 成为ACTS项目的学生长达六年。因着在 ACTS参与的课程与特别的活动,这些都 塑造了今日的我。在完成学业的过程中 得到的祝福与援助,教会我在其他层面 上也同样祝福他人。

cial activities we had in ACTS before, I was exposed to helpful situations that developed me to be the person that I am today. The blessing of getting an aid to finish my education taught me to do the same in many aspects.

Indeed, the LORD greatly used ACTS Program in shaping individuals like me not just to dream better for myself but for others as well.

的确,上帝大大使用 ACTS项目来塑造许多跟 我一样的人,不只是为 自己梦想,也是为他人 的梦想尽一份力。 自从加入ACTS项目直到现在,我真的 非常感恩!

For all that had been, while I was with ACTS Program up to the present, I am immensely grateful!


Learn, Teach. Get, Give. 学到了,要去教。 得到了,要去给。 I am Jireh Joy Pontongan. I’ve been in ACTS for 11 years — 3 years in Elementary as beneficiary student because my father is one of the ACTS Staffs, 4 years in High School and another 4 years in University. I took up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Business Economics and graduated in 2017. Up to this time, I’m still in awe on how God arranged every detail of my journey. One month before graduation, I was already hired as an Administrative Staff in a government agency where I also rendered my internship for three months. As a student and intern before, I did my best to comply every requirement and task. As a result, my supervisor was so impressed with my performance and hired me. I am now dealing with wealthy, influential and big time contractors in different part of Philippines. Yes, every time I talk in front of them, my nerves are shaking. But I really thank God because He already prepared me long time ago for this profession during my years in ACTS. I grew up mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually in ACTS. I owe the program much for helping me boost my confidence and nourishing my skills especially in leadership through varied activities. I also couldn’t forget our ACTS motto:

Do Small Things with Great Love. I am starting to support only one student to school since I want to assist my parents first in sending my two younger siblings to school. 29

我是Jireh Joy Pontongan。我加入ACTS 已有11年了,其中三年在基础班。由于 父亲是ACTS的职员,所以当时我是受惠 的学生;另外四年在中学,而剩下的 四年则在大学。我就读商业管理科, 主修商业经济学,毕业于2017年。直到 如今,我仍然为着上帝在我人生中安排 的每一个细节惊叹!毕业前一个月, 我已被一个政府机构聘请为行政人员, 这个机构正是我用三个月完成实习的地 方,身为学生及实习生时,我尽力实行 每一项任务,因此主管对我的表现非常 满意,也决定聘请我。

目前我正与菲律宾各地有钱有势的大承 包商合作。没错,每次在他们面前说话 的时候,我的神经线都在颤抖。但是, 我真的很感谢上帝,因为祂早在ACTS的 那些年就预备我进入这专业领域,透过 ACTS,我的身心灵与情感都成长了! 我欠ACTS太多了,它帮助我增添信心, 透过各种活动培养我的领导能力。 我忘不了ACTS的座右铭:

“用大爱完成小事” 。 我开始资助一名学生,我还需协助父母 负担两位弟妹的学费:弟弟是大学生, 妹妹还在高中。上帝知道我多么想要 帮助这些有需要,并渴望上学的孩子, 我现在充满动力,想要把工作与生意做 好,不只是为我的家人,更是为着那些 需要我去帮助的人。

My younger brother is in university while my younger sister is in senior high school. God knows how I really want to help children in need but desperate to study. I am motivated right now to do my job well and do business not just for my family but also for the people who need my support. Lastly,

I acknowledge that whatever I have right now comes from our Heavenly Father and the very key to success and to lack nothing is by GIVING. Give tithes, give a portion to the man and servants of God and give to those who need it! Blessings!

我知道我所拥有的 一切都是来自于天父, 达到成功且不至缺乏, 最重要的关键就是给。 无论是十一奉献、或是神的子民、神的 仆人,和一切有需要的人,都要给! 这就是祝福!



Protection 保护 In recent years, I came to experience the depth and width of God’s love, and that His will and ways may not be mine. Looking back on the paths I’ve taken, it is indeed a path of grace! Below are the two situations of how I experienced God

Last year one night at around midnight, Last year one night at around midnight, one of the neighbour’s house (about 30m away from the church) caught fire due to an electrical short circuit. Three of us were fast asleep and did not hear our neighbours calling. When we were finally awoken, I rushed to take important documents and cash with me. As it was pitch dark and the air was filled with smoke, we felt the threat of death on us. We constantly prayed to the Lord to help us. When we reached the ground level, we heard the voices of our neighbours. The moment we opened the door, we saw that all our neighbours were already outside with their valuable items. We were the last


three to leave the house. It is definitely


to escape the fire!

领悟 “上帝的意念非同 我的意念,上帝的道路非 同我的道路”,现在回头 看看走过的路, 实在是 一条满了上帝怜悯与慈爱 的恩典之路啊!与大家分 享下面两件上帝触动我心 弦的事:

by the grace of God that we were able

去年同条街道的邻居家(距离教会 大约30米)因电流超负荷着火, 凌晨12点半大火狂烧,我和两位 同工,熟睡得一点都没听见楼下 邻居的呼唤,过后从惊吓中醒来, 赶紧把重要文件和现金抱在怀里, 当时一片黑暗,炙热的空气带着 烧焦味,感受到死亡的威胁,心里 不住祷告,求主帮助我们能平安 走出这房子,好不容易走到底层, 人声鼎沸,感谢主,第一次感受到 邻居对我们的爱!这次能火里 逃生,实在是上帝的怜悯! 32

Faithful & Fruitful 忠心和 常存的果子 I’m an introvert, hence shepherding different groups had always been difficult and challenging for me. Thank God for His mercy. The Holy Spirit began working in the lives of a few sisters and they were fired up for God. These sisters had treated the church as their home. In the recent years, through much prayer and effort, they were instrumental in helping us purchase our current sanctuary for service and activities. These sisters are currently back in their home country. Whenever I look back at the past years, I am grateful for the faithful and fruitful co-workers God placed alongside to serve with me. I have to say that the God we serve is indeed an amazing God! During the end of last year, I had the opportunity to visit a few brothers and sisters in Fujian province, China. Most of them are influencing their families to believe in Jesus Christ, and for this I am grateful. May God receive all the glory! We would like to have brothers and sisters continue to pray for us that the Lord will guide us on starting the Khmer ministry here in Phnom Penh. - by Sis Loh Ah Kei Serving in PP FGC for over 10 years 33

我个性内向,不善言辞,牧养不同羊群常有 困难,有挑战。 感谢主怜悯我,圣灵开始在几位姐妹的生命 中动工,她们开始火热,非常爱神爱教会, 彼此沟通,彼此代祷,彼此鼓励,传递异 象,把教会当成自己的家。2015年,我们 一起寻求主,2016年圣灵一步一步带领我们 买下目前的圣殿,她们费财费力,热诚带动 整个教会同心奉献,加上母会弟兄姐妹的 全力支持,感谢上帝,我们终于达到目标! 今天我们在新圣殿聚会,只是这几位姐妹 因着家庭需要已经回国了,每当我回顾这些 年的服事,不得不赞叹我们事奉的上帝太 奇妙了!教会在这里是一个福音站,会友在 这里栽培一段时日就回国;去年底有机会去 中国福建省探访一些弟兄姐妹,大部分都还 在教会,没离开上帝,也有影响家人来信靠 耶稣基督,为着这一切我要感恩,愿主得 一切的荣耀! 请弟兄姐妹为我们代祷,也求主引导我们如 何开始柬文事工,愿上帝多多赐福与你们! - Loh Ah Kei 姐妹


Broaden…. Live…. Expand 开…活…拓 Thank God for giving me the opportunity to serve and participate in building the heavenly kingdom. Looking back at the past year, I could understand that I wasn’t the one serving God but it was Him, who was ministering to me. Seeing how God allowed me to experience his mercy, care

感谢主的恩宠,给我服侍的机会,能参与 未来天国的建设!回顾这一年的服侍,更 体会到“不是我在服侍神,而是神在服侍 我”。经历神说不尽的怜悯和看顾,一步 一脚印带领我进入新的领域。我以三方面 来概括我在服侍中的体会。

and guidance, to face a new environment, I would like to share about what I had gained during serving in the 3 points below-:

Firstly, “Broaden” – Broadening my perspectives and horizons Going to another country helped me understand the difference in culture, food, and language. For example: the hot weather, taking off shoes before

第一“阔”—— 开阔视野 来到异国他乡,深深体会到异域风情、 文化、饮食、语言的不同,例天气炎热、 进门脱鞋、婚礼隆重……在观念、认知、 见识上,神不断的更新我。

第二“活”—— 活出生命 (与耶稣同死的生命才有 与耶稣同活的生命)

entering a house and the solemnity of a wedding. God has been renewing my perspectives in terms of concepts and cognitive insights.

有一次,还有几分钟就要上台分享,在祷告 中圣灵提醒我: 要拿一袋米当作教材来表 达主题,经过一段 “向己 死,向神活”的 34

Secondly, “Live” – We can only live with Christ if we die with Christ

挣扎,我顺服圣灵的感动,把整整25公 斤的米背上,很形象的表达出当天神要 说的话;那次讲道,让自己和会众很多 得着:只有活出耶稣舍己的生命,才能 更深经历神的爱、能力、饶恕和洁净。

There was a time when I was to share. Just a few minutes before going up on stage, the Holy Spirit prompted me to use a bag of rice as an object lesson for that sermon. After struggling for a while, I decide to deny myself and obey the Holy Spirit. I brought a 25kg pack of rice on stage with me to express what God wanted to say that day. Indeed, many people, including myself, were blessed by the Lord’s word. In our daily lives, if we live out Jesus and deny ourselves, we will be able to experience God’s love, power, forgiveness, and purity at a deeper level.

Thirdly, “Expand” – Expanding our territory Harvesting crops is the responsibility and joy of the harvester, and sharing the gospel is the commission of a Christian. We should always grab every opportunity to share the gospel and save one more soul for Jesus. I want to thank God that we could teach Mandarin

第三“拓” —— 开疆拓土 收割庄稼是收割者的责任与喜乐,传福 音是基督徒的使命,要实际去做,能做 多少就做多少;愿抓住每次传福音的 机会,为耶稣多得一人。感谢主,我们 透过教导英文、及中文,接触附近的 高棉族学生及工人,在教导中文时、 我不断向神求新颖创新的教学方法, 让孩子来教会感受到不一样的爱, 不一样的学习方式。 在服侍中,我越服侍越甘甜,更多经历 神的同在。服侍是神给你我机会,他让 你我与基督一起承受产业,并给了你我 今世巨大的特权,即在扩张基督国度的 事工上有份。 - Jiang Yi Ting 姐妹

and English to the Khmer students and factory workers. While I was teaching Mandarin, I kept asking God to give me creative ways to teach, and allow the children to feel a different kind of love and teaching method when they come to church. I realised the more I served, the sweeter the experience of God’s presence. Serving is an opportunity given by God to you and I. He allows us to inherit what He has promised. It is a huge privilege in today’s society to be part of expanding the kingdom of God. By Sis. Jiang Yi Ting 35

I have stepped out, and I hope that you will too! 我跨出了一步,盼望你 也能再往前跨一步吧!

Walking With The Lord Is Amazing 与主同行,奇妙可畏… On 6th November 2019, a total of 14 brothers and sisters responded to the Lord’s calling, and embarked on a short mission trip to Phnom Penh.

2019年11月6日,14位 弟兄姐妹回应神的呼召, 前往柬埔寨金边短宣。


The moment we reached the airport, we realized it was unusually quiet. On the way from the airport to the church which took us 5 minutes, we saw a few military vehicles patrolling, and there were lines of soldiers holding weapons by the roadside, making the atmosphere tense. Pastor Chhay (pronounced as “Chai”) from Phnom Penh told us that the previous opposition leader of Cambodia, who self-exiled overseas – Sam Rainsy, threatened to lead the scattered members who were overseas back to Cambodia to incite rebellion against the current government on 9th November. Hence, the government deployed military soldiers and tanks and had them on standby to respond to any possible political provocation. Due to the

平安抵达金边机场后,发现机场格外安 静;从机场到教会短短5分钟的路程,就 看到好几部军车在巡逻,一队队握着真枪 实弹的军人排列在路旁,气氛仿佛有点紧 张。

situation, all activities including the Independence Day on 9th November, and the Water Festival from 10th to 12th November were cancelled by the government. Besides, the government restricted any form of gathering that involved more than 9 people too. As the citizens had experienced political rebellion many times before, they were extremely terrified about what might happen, and were worried that the country might break into war once again. The urbanites fled to their hometowns and forbade their children from going out. Pastor Chhay told us that the children’s ministry activities that were originally planned would be affected, and the parents of the 5 helpers who were going to help us, did not allow them to go out too. We entered Kg Cham on 8th November, and managed to serve 200 adults and children due to the help of the village committee, who was also Pastor Chhay’s brother. The villagers who were once filled with worries, were set free after we prayed for them. 37

金边人才牧师(Ps Chhay)告诉我们事情 的原由:原来一位自我流放到海外的柬埔 寨前反派领袖沈良西(Sam Rainsy),扬言 将在11月9日率领所有分散海外的党羽返回 金边,煽动叛乱,推翻政府; 这导致政府 出动军队和坦克部队,严阵以待,应对随 时可能发生的政治挑畔。因着这事件,原 本11月9日的独立日, 11月10日到12日的泼 水节(water festival )等欢庆活动都一 律取消,政府还规定民间不能有超过9 人 的聚会。由于金边人民曾历多次政变,对 这次事件也感到极度恐慌,甚至担心国家 再次陷入战火,城市人纷纷逃回乡村,也 禁止孩子出外。才牧师还告诉我们,我们 原定的乡村儿童事工也受到影响,原本答 应和我们一起到乡村服事的5 位助手也被 家长禁止出外。 11月8日,我们进入Kg Cham村,因着当地 村委是才牧师的兄长,我们顺利的服事了 200个成人和小孩。一群忧心仲仲的居民在 祷告医治后,都得到释放。

Through Pastor Chhay’s communication with the locals, we managed to enter Kg Chnang to serve the villagers on 9th November. We finally arrived at a church within the village after a 2-hour drive. After we alighted the vehicle, we saw an armed man standing at the entrance. He was engaged by the village head to protect us. What amazed us further was when we stepped into the premises, there were approximately 400 adults and children alike within that small space. The number of people who turned up were definitely out of our expectations. It turned out that the locals utilized all sorts of vehicles to ferry the children here. Initially, we wanted to involve all attendees to join in on the

11月9日,经过才牧师的多方沟通,我们终 于被允许到Kg Chnang 服事。开了近2小时 的车程,终于抵达村内的一所教会。下车后 赫然发现有个荷着真枪实弹的军人站在门 口,原来是村长请来保护和监督我们的。让 我们非常惊讶的是:踏入小小的会所,里面 竟然挤满了大大小小约400个村民。这个数 目完全超出我们的预料,原来当地的弟兄姐 妹很用心的,利用各种交通工具把郊外的小 朋友都载来。当敬拜赞美和话剧结束后,原 本打算带全体到户外进行游戏,但不被允 许,最后只争取到小孩可以出去,而大人必 须留在室内。虽烈日当空,但每位弟兄姐妹 都卯足全力服事每位小朋友,整个布道会在 充满欢乐和感恩中结束。

fun fair games outdoors after the praise and worship and drama ended. However we were not given the permission. Finally, we were only allowed to bring the children

11月10日,因戒严导致工厂员工不允许出 外,金边全备教会中国人的主日聚会出席的 人数虽少,但都领受上帝满满的爱。

outdoors but the adults had to stay within the premises. Even though the sun was extremely blazing and hot, yet every brother and sister gave their full efforts to serve the children. The rally ended with so much joy and thanksgiving.

11月11 日的行程是服事离市中心半小时外 的垃圾山居民。这是我们第二次来到这里, 迎接我们的毕牧师(Ps Pich)告诉我们, 原本的47家庭如今只剩8家,大部分村民


10th November was the Sunday service for the Chinese Nationals at Phnom Penh’s Full Gospel Church. However due

因害怕暴动都逃回乡下了。见到每间房屋都大 门深锁,留下来的10多个老人和小孩,脸上也 都挂满忧愁和恐惧,大伙的心都沉了下来!

to the martial law, the factory workers were not allowed out. Hence, very few turned up but all managed to receive the Lord’s love. 11th November. Today’s schedule was to serve the residents who lived at the garbage dumpsite just half an hour away from the city. This was our second time visiting this area. Pastor Pich greeted us and informed that there were only 8 families, instead of the initial 47 families as they were afraid of the riot, and hence they left for their hometown. Seeing as many homes were all locked and leaving with approximately 10 elderly folks and children, their faces were filled with worries and fears, and our hearts sank.

However the Holy Spirit prompted us to follow our original plan.


但圣灵感动我们:照原定 计划进行各种活动。 赞美和歌舞之后,我们开在垃圾山进行的一场 欢乐游乐场(fun-fair),带着1 岁到 80岁的 居民一起进行各种简单有趣的游戏,在最响亮 的音乐声中,渐渐的,所有男女老少都投入游 戏,脸上露出的喜乐取代了忧愁和惧怕,小礼 物,小零食也让他们乐开了怀。居民都说这是 他们平生第一次参与游乐场游戏。当大家玩得 不欲乐乎时,竟发现人数越来越多了,原来是 邻近另一个垃圾场的居民被音乐声和欢呼声吸 引过来。毕牧师说这群邻村的居民都是第一次 来参与的。真是神奇妙的作为!最后,我们把 带去的礼物都派完,大家才依依不舍的结束这 场别开生面的盛会。 在整个短宣行程里,上帝让我们见证了他的信 实,是超乎我们所计划的。

After the praise and dance, we created a dumpsite funfair that was one of a kind. We brought residents of all ages to participate in simple yet interesting games, and we turned up the volume of the music to enhance the atmosphere. Slowly, all the residents began to enjoy the game and their faces were replaced with joy. Even lit-

他要成就的工,不是人或 环境能阻拦的,他必在险 境中彰显他的荣耀。 一切荣耀归给神!

tle gifts and snacks made them happy. The residents said it was their first time participating in fun and games. Whilst everyone was having the time of their lives, we realized more people were gathered. It turned out that the neighbouring garbage dumpsite residents were attracted by the music and laughter. Pastor Pich told us that this was the first time the neighbouring residents joined them. Indeed, God was working in marvelous ways! Finally, after giving out all the presents only did the residents bear to end this event. In this entire mission trip, God let us experience His faithfulness, and that His ways are higher than our ways. - by Sister Emily 陈玉桃姐妹

The mission He wants to accomplish will never be stopped by anyone or any environment. His glory will be manifested in times of trouble. All glory be unto God!


那几天一直看到军车从教会门口经过,虽 然当地人都说政府不会对付外国人,但我 还是有点担心,只有不断祷告。很感恩的 是,原本这几天是柬埔寨的节庆,以往要 到乡村肯定会大塞车,但因着实施戒严, 我们连续几天的行程都异常顺畅。

These few days, as we have seen military vehicles pass by the church, I was still a little worried and continued praying, even though

比较紧张的是在Kg Chnang时,才牧师告 诉我们必须另外付费,请一军人来保护我 们。当我们要进行户外活动时,这军人劝 告我们不可太招摇,因政府规定不可超过 9人聚会,否则会被捉。还好他最后通融 让小孩出去户外游戏,大人继续留在会堂 内。神的恩典够我们用!

the locals told us that the government will not take action against foreigners. What I’m really thankful for is that there was no traffic jam on the roads for the few days we were there due to the martial law implemented by the government. If it was as usual, the roads would have been jam packed as people would have headed back to their hometowns to celebrate the festivities. What was more nerve-wrecking was when Pastor Chhay told us that we had to fork up additional fees to engage a soldier to protect us while we were in Kg Chnang. While we were having outdoor activities, the soldier told us not to be flamboyant as we might risk getting caught due to the restriction laid by the government of having gatherings with more than 9 people. The wonderful thing was he allowed the children to participate in the outdoor activities ultimately, while the adults stayed within the premises. Indeed, God’s grace is sufficient for us. In this entire journey, we have seen how God has walked with us, opened ways for us, prepared and provided for us. Through what we have done there, God had also encouraged the faith of the believers. 41

在整个行程中看见上帝都与我们同在,为 我们开路,预备和供应。神也透过我们所 做的,震憾当地的信徒。 - by Bro. See Toh 司徒弟兄

What touched me was when we served the residents of the garbage dumpsite. Through the simple games we prepared and the joy of the Lord, it turned out to have directly comforted the needs of the residents at that time. Their joyful laughter brought peace and joy to a then lifeless atmosphere. This is indeed the Lord’s miraculous work.

We witnessed how the joy of the Lord could drive away fear and sorrow, bringing a breakthrough.

Since young, my parents mentioned to me about their experience under the martial law. And when I started seeing so many military vehicles and soldiers, I was worried. But I believe that since God had called us to Phnom Penh, He would protect us, and we could carry on doing His work worry-free. When we arrived at the garbage dumpsite and saw the number of people had decreased by many, we still gave our best to serve them. In the end, it attracted many neighbouring residents to join us. I believe that when we bring

我觉得感动的是:当我们服事垃圾场居民 时,透过简单的游乐场游戏,从神而来的 喜乐竟然很直接的安慰到居民当时的需 要,弟兄姐妹的欢笑声,让原本一片死气 沉沉的环境,恢复平安喜乐。这真是神奇 妙的作为!

见证到神的喜乐能驱走一切 惧怕和忧虑,带来突破。 - by Bro. Wong Siew Foo 黄秀保弟兄

由于从小听父母提过关于戒严的经历,开 始看到这么多军车和兵士,我有点担心, 但我相信神呼召我们来到金边,他必保守 看顾我们,就依然放心的照着安排去做。 去到垃圾场中心时,见到人数比去年少很 多,但我们仍然尽力的表演,舞蹈和玩游 戏。果然,最后吸引了大量隔壁村的居民 过来参与。相信当我们带着神的爱去服事 时,神必行奇妙的大事。 - by Bro. Eow 改进弟兄

God’s love to serve the people, He will definitely do wondrous works. 42

When we saw lines of soldiers by the roadside accompanied by a few tanks, I sensed the tense atmosphere but at the same time, it felt spectacular. On our way to the destination, we did not see many people on the streets and there were very few crowds at Central Market too. I can imagine that it was terrifying for the locals. While we were at Kg Chnang, we thought that the children may not be able to attend the service. Yet when we entered the hall, we saw the entire place filled with children and adults, and I was so excited. What I am most thankful for was during our trip to the garbage dumpsite, we had to go through a road where one of the factories was caught by fire, and the police prohibited us from moving forward. However the driver was alert. He took another way out, avoided the police, and finally, we safely arrived at the garbage dumpsite. I saw how God’s favour was upon us that he even allowed the driver who was an unbeliever, help us to accomplish what God wants to do.


看到马路边站了一排排的兵士,旁边还停了几辆 坦克车,场面很严肃壮观。一路上都看不到人, 在中央市场逛街的人潮也非常稀少,想象当地居 民一定很害怕。在Kg Chnang 时,原本以为应该 没有小孩会出席聚会,一进到会堂,看到满屋的 小孩和成人,让我感觉非常兴奋。 最感恩的是,当我们前往垃圾场中心时,必经之 路旁的工厂发生火灾,交通警察阻止我们继续前 往,还好司机非常机警,绕过加油站,从另一个 出口强硬的越过交警的阻拦,安全的把我们送到 垃圾场中心。 我看到神的恩宠让还没信主的司 机也愿意帮助我们成就上帝要做的工。 - by Sis. Susan Boo 巫淑珍姐妹

As I have always lived in Malaysia comfortably, I have never experienced any riots or coup problem. So when I heard that there was a martial law in place and saw the soldiers and military vehicles on patrol, I wasn’t very worried. Indeed, I did not understand the fear and worry of the locals. And I’m thankful that I live in Malaysia. And I’m also thankful that though we went during this tense period, the items and food that we brought there successfully passed through customs and immigration without

由于我们在马来西亚的生活一直很安逸, 从未经历过任何的暴乱和政变问题,所以 当我听说当时有戒严,看到一路上有军车 巡逻,到处兵士站岗,我还不觉得担心。 当然,我也无法理解当地人的惊慌和恐 惧。我为生在马来西亚感恩。 也非常感恩在这个紧张时期,我们带去这 么多的物品和食物都能安全的通过移民厅 和海关,不受任何阻拦。荣耀归给主。 - by Bro. Gan 颜庆泉

any obstruction. Glory be to God!



ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THOSE WHO LOVE GOD… 万事互相效力, 叫爱神的人 得益处 Hello, my name is Net Sen, I am 21 years old. I have two older brothers and a younger sister. Today I want to thank God for changing my

你们好!我的名字叫纳森,今年21岁, 有两位哥哥和一位妹妹。

life. My life was in a mess before I believe in Jesus. I grew up with my siblings in an orphanage, and we were later taken care by a Christian family. I came to believe in Jesus but I wanted my own ways. I got involved in smoking, drinking and was totally following the ways of the world. My relationship with God was not right. I continued to do wrong, even though God wanted me to turn back to Him.

我感谢神, 因为神改变了我的生命。未 信主前, 我的生命一团糟,我们都在 孤儿院长大,后来有个基督徒家庭照顾 我们; 虽然信了耶稣,但我继续过自己 喜欢的生活,抽烟喝酒,跟世界的人一 样,我没有跟神建立好关系,虽然神要 我转向祂,但我继续做不讨神喜悦的事。 45

God didn’t give up on me. He use Pastor Randy Odom to love and care for me and brought me back in the right path. He connected me to Madam Angela


and told her to “please look after him” At FGCCLC, my life became better. We have daily devotional using the Daily Bread. I am

祂让Randy Odom牧师用神的爱再次把我带回 正路,过后他联系Mdm Angela请她照顾我。

thankful for the people who help and guide me how to live my Christian life. One of them is teacher Davy who shared with me God’s word. I decided to give up my old way of living. In the past, I had anger, jealousy and attitudes that didn’t please God. Now I felt set free and experience His peace. I am thankful for the people who love care and guide me in this new family.

在全备福音生命线,我的生命开始改变, 每日以灵命日粮来灵修。我要感谢帮助我, 引导我,活出基督生命的老师们,其中一位 是Davy老师,她常跟我分享神的话,我就决 定放弃旧的生活方式,过去我经常发怒,嫉 妒,也有不讨神喜悦的态度,现在我觉得很 自由,有主的平安,我非常感谢这个新家庭 给于我的爱与引导。

I am also one of the students at MOD (Man of Dignity) During the last 2 years, I have learned a lot of skills from teacher Jhune Mar. I am now an assistant to him, helping to do repair work and also teaching some skills to the other students.


我也是MOD男人尊严中心的学生,过去两年 jhun Mar 老师教导我许多技术,现在我是 他的助手,协助他, 也教导其他学生技术。

Peace I Leave With You 平安赐给你们 I am always reminded by this verse in John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” 约翰福音14章27节常提醒我: “我留下平安给你们,我将我 的平安赐给你们。我所赐的, 不像世人所赐的,你们心里 不要忧愁,也不要胆怯”。 Hello from Siem Reap Cambodia, Kingdom of Wonder. I am Chhoeu Ousa age 22 years. I have been in ACTS for 8 years since 2012. I’ll be finishing my Bachelor Degree in Teaching English as Foreign Language this year. I would like to share about how God has changed my life.

你们好,从柬埔寨的暹粒,奇迹王国 来的问安!我是册物莎,今年22岁, 在2012年就参加ACTS助养孩童上学 计划,已经8年了! 今年我将完成以 教导英语为外语的学士学位。我要与 你分享神如何改变我的生命。 48

I grew up in a Bhuddist religion and am the first believer in my family. My parents and siblings were against me going to church. I gave the excuse that I go to study English in order to go to church. Occasionally when I told them about my faith in Jesus, they were all angry and say I am crazy. I prayed to God and explained to them that Jesus will have a great future for me. Finally they agree, but stop me from sharing Jesus with them. I am always reminded by this verse in John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. Jesus gives me a bright future by living together with staff and students of FGC Community Link Cambodia. I learn many things spiritual, emotional and social. I learn how to care, love, give and make friends with other people. The most important thing is to be able to share the love of Jesus to my friends!

我在一个信奉佛教的家庭长大,是家中第 一位信主的。父母和兄弟姐妹都反对我去 教会,因此我总借口说我去学英语,其实 是去教会; 有一次我说漏嘴, 告诉他们我 信主了,他们很生气的说我入迷了,于是 我向主祷告,也向他们解释,耶稣会为我 预备更好的前途,最后他们同意了,但阻 止我向他们传耶稣,约翰福音14章27节常 提醒我: “我留下平安给你们,我将我的 平安赐给你们。我所赐的,不像世人所赐 的,你们心里不要忧愁,也不要胆怯”。 我和柬埔寨全备福音社区的同工和学生住 在一起,这是耶稣给我的一个美好的前 途,我学习很多关于属灵,情绪和社交方 面的事,我学习如何去爱人,关心人,祝福 他人, 和他人建立关系,最重要的是我能 跟朋友分享耶稣的大爱! 49

God’s Call in an Unknown Land 神呼召到 陌生的土地 I’m V’zl Jane Mejos Delicano. Most people know me by my nickname Indin. I was the first product of ACTS Samal, Philippines. I graduated in University of Mindanao Matina Campus, Davao City in 2009 with Bachelor’s Degree of Elementary Education. I have come this far because of so many people who have invested in my life and believe that I am able to do things with the talents and abilities God has bestowed on me. I am forever and more than grateful to those people who have taken the extra mile to develop me, teach me to walk in the ways of the Lord, and made me realized that

my life is not to live for myself only but I am created to serve and bless others. I have never imagined that I will be destined to serve here in Cambodia. Truly God’s plans are higher than mine; his ways are higher than my ways. In 2010, I stepped in the “Kingdom of Wonder”, Cambodia.

我是微柬爱,多数人昵称我Indin,我是菲律 宾samal萨马尔岛 “ 助养孩童上学计划” 的第一个成果,毕业于菲律宾UOM大学,2009 年我获得初级教育学士,能有今天的成就乃是 许多人愿意投资在我的生命,他们相信我能 借着神给我的才干和恩赐做事,特别要感恩于 那些多走一里路来引导我走在神道路的人, 也让我领悟到:

我的生命是为了服事他人, 不单是为自己活。 50

Everything was uncertain - what I am going to do here and how I am going to do what I am supposed to do. Like many other people, I also asked the Lord “why me?”. There are so many people who are more talented, gifted, good enough, smart enough and capable to do things better than I do. Who am I? A very simple and timid person, who live on a small island in a faraway place. I only know how to do house chores, take care of my siblings, and

我从未想过被神命定到柬埔寨服事,神的 计划高过我的计划,祂的道路高过我的道 路。在2010年,我踏入奇迹王国柬埔寨, 一切都是陌生:我要在此地干什么呢? 我 应该如何着手做呢? 就像一般人的反应, 我也问过主:“为何是我?”还有更多比我 有才干有恩赐,更卓越,更有能力的人, 我是谁啊?一位非常单纯又胆小的姐妹, 住在远方的小岛上,我只会做家务,看顾 弟妹,爱我的父母,顺服他们。

love my parents and obey them.

There’s nothing really special about me. I just do simple things every day. But when God called me, I simply obeyed and followed him. I asked the Lord to let me pass the teacher’s board exam as a confirmation of His call, and the Lord answered it. There were still doubts and fears in my heart. But God is so gentle and loving. He continued to comfort me and assured me to trust Him and to give my doubts and fears to Him. I remember I was attending the FGC teens camp before I came to Cambodia. During a night of worship with the huge crowd of teens, I felt the sweet presence of the Lord that embraced me. When we sang the song “Send me, I will go…send me, I will go. To this city, to this nation, and to the nations of the world”, I broke into tears and couldn’t stop crying. It was that time that I totally surrendered my heart to the Lord. I felt His audible voice whispering gently to my whole being. It was that time I was set free from my fears and doubts of the 51

我确实是没有什么特别 的,每天只做一些简单 的事,但当神呼召我, 我就单纯的顺服和跟从。 当时我求主给我一个印证,就是能通过政府 的师范考试,神回应了,但我心中还是有 惧怕和怀疑,我们的神既是温柔, 又是慈爱 的,祂不住安慰我, 使我有信心倚靠祂, 也将惧怕和对未知的疑虑交托给祂。 在还没到柬埔寨前, 我参加了全备福音的 少年营,在一个敬拜的晚上,我感受到神 甜美的同在包围着我,当大家在唱“差遣 我,我愿去,差遣我,我愿去,到这城市,

unknown. I was set free from my old self dwelling in my own shell for so long. I officially started my journey in Cambodia in 2010 in the capital city of Phnom Penh. I taught English to the Khmers in our neighborhood. My first student was Thai Sreylen and our first Khmer staff, Prak Davy. The struggle in learning the language and the new culture were so real that many times I wanted to give up and just go home and continue my life in my own land. But it was those times where God allowed brokenness and failures as part of His divine plan and purpose. My primary role is teaching. In the past years I was heavily involved mainly in teaching in the village and was given opportunity to volunteer teaching in a secondary school for 7 years. I was also helping our Khmer staffs and students to learn the basic skills in teaching. Curriculum planning was also part of my work together with the help of another teacher. And now I am so proud to see our junior and senior students and staffs serving passionately to their own people in the village. They can teach confidently by themselves, running ACTS classes in their assigned villages. And what makes my heart rejoice when I look at all of them is the truth that they have accepted Jesus in their lives. And now they are all touching lives and making a difference to their own people. I give all the glory and thanksgiving to the Lord because it is Him who makes all these things possible! I thank God for FGC Church, the people who are close to me. Your love and concern had impacted and changed my life.

到这国家,到世界各国”时,我大哭起来, 眼泪不停的流,就在那时, 我全然降服于 主,我听见祂的声音,柔和对我低语,那一 刻我从惧怕和疑惑中被释放。 2010年我开展在柬埔寨首都金边的服侍 旅程,我在社区教英语,第一位学生是 Sreylen, 第一位柬埔寨高棉族同工是 Davy。我学习新的语言和面对不同文化时 感到非常挣扎,好多次都想放弃,想回自己 的国土继续生活,但就在那些时候, 神允许 失败,允许破碎,为了成就神在我生命中 美好的计划和目的。 我主要的任务是教学,过去的岁月我时常 到乡村教学,也有机会在一间中学教了7年 书,帮助柬埔寨同工和学生学习教学的基本 技巧,也和另一位老师筹备课程计划,今天 我感到非常自豪, 看到我们的初级和高级学 生很热心的服事他们的同胞,也很有自信的 教学,在指定的乡下独立运作Acts课程 (助养孩童上学的计划),最令我欢欣的 是, 他们都接受耶稣做生命的主,现在他 们都在触摸生命,影响他们的同胞,一切荣 耀归给主! 因为是祂使这一切成为可能, 我为着全备福音教会感谢神,也感谢身边的 人,你们的爱心关心大大影响我改变我。

It has been a beautiful 10 years journey of serving the Lord in the “Kingdom of Wonder, Cambodia! God bless!

这10年在奇迹王国柬埔寨的服事是美好的, 愿神赐福大家! 52


If I were to die today, I will… 假如我今晚 离开世界, Testimony from beneficiaries of the Shalom Children’s home 我会… 以下就是来自平安之家孩子 的感人见证: Huang Yan Fen and her sister Yan Mei came to the children’s home when they were 9 years and 6 years old. Today, Yan Fen is 18 years old and studying in form 5. Everyone calls her “Big sister” as she is the eldest child in the Children’s Home. Yan Fen and Yan Mei have a younger brother named Hai Jin. Their family lives in PhaMi, a village in the Golden Triangle. Their father was sentenced to life imprisonment years ago due to drug trafficking, they left behind their mother and brother Hai Jin at home. A few years ago, Hai Jin also came to the home. During their birthday, the siblings will receive a letter from their father; they will read the letter with such contentment which is a relief to witness. Years ago when they visited their father in the prison for the first time with their mother, they were so excited that they couldn’t sleep the night before. They couldn’t recognize their

黄燕芬9岁和妹妹燕美6岁时就入住磐明教会 开办的平安之家,转眼间,燕芬今年已经18 岁,升读中五了;因她在平安之家中年纪是 最大的,所以大家都称燕芬为“大姐”, 她还有一位弟弟叫海金。 他们一家住的磐明村是位於金三角地带,爸爸 因运毒,被判终身监禁,只有妈妈和海金留在 家中。几年後,海金也入住了平安之家。 每逢生日,他们都收到期待已久,由爸爸寄来 的生日信,他们一边读信,一边笑咪咪,看到 他们,能感受到从爸爸的爱而来的满足,实在 叫人安慰。他们小时候第一次跟妈妈去探望 爸爸时,兴奋到前一晚都睡不著,第一眼看到 爸爸时,差点认不出来,因爸爸瘦了!加上很 久没有见面,当年三姐弟拥抱一起痛哭流泪, 三姐弟的心情很复杂,有太多说话想讲,但又 不知从何说起。他们俩轮流把在平安之家的 生活讲给爸爸听,爸爸苦口婆心的叮咛他们要 听马传道的话,要好好读书,以後贡献国家。 54

father because he had lost so much weight and they haven’t seen each other for a long time. The three siblings broke down in tears that they were unable to utter a word. The sisters took turn to tell the father how they were doing in Shalom Children’s home. The father advised them to listen to

孩子们的妈妈是一位很勤劳的阿卡族妇女, 阿卡民族的信仰大多数是拜精灵,每年有 3个节期,都是由家中的男生去负责拜祭, 因此海金从小就参与家中的拜祭仪式。海金 到了平安之家後,节期到了,妈妈就来载 他回家几天负责拜祭。

Pastor Adison and study hard so that one day they can contribute to their country. Their mother is a diligent Akha lady. Most of the villagers are animistic and since young, Hai Jin took part in the religious worship of the family. During the three annual religious festivals, the males in the family will perform the religious duties for the family. Hence ever since Hai Jin came to the children’s home and during the

来到平安之家的孩子慢慢认识主耶稣,有次 Milky 姐妹(马师母)问谁已相信主时;荣耀 归神!大部份孩子都表示自己已信主,包括 大姐及燕美,只有几位男孩说自己仍未信 主,其中一位是海金。他很坦诚地分享原因 是需要回家拜祭;海金心中充满茅盾,又怕 妈妈不高兴,所以他在进退二难间,Milky 姐妹(马师母)便鼓励几位男孩,要多为家人 的救恩祷告。

annual festivals, his mother will fetch him home to observe the festivals. Most of the children at the children’s home know Jesus. One day Sister Milky (Pastor Adison’s wife) asked the children if they have received Jesus Christ as their personal savior, all glory to God that most of the children said yes, with the exception of a few boys including Hai Jin. Hai Jin told Sister Milky that because of his religious duty at home, he was in a dilemma to accept Jesus for fear of displeasing his mum. Sister Milky encouraged him and the other 55

boys to pray for their family’s salvation.

马师母在主日学中分享2020年世界各地 发生了不同的灾难,解释圣经中提及末世的 情境,引用马太福音3章2节:「因为天国近 了,你们应当悔改!」然後问了中学生一个 问题:「假如我今晚就离开世界,我会…」 马师母要每位学生思考他们生命中最重要的 东西,然後分享出来。他们都很认真,轮到 燕美分享时,她说她要回家与家人一起唱 诗,祈祷,最重要是传福音给妈妈,在主日 学结束祈祷时,马师母邀请学生们为家里 未信的父母代祷,求主打开家人的心,接受 主耶稣。

During one of the sermons, Sister Milky described the disasters that happened in 2020 to resemble the end time events mentioned in the bible, she quoted Matthew 3:2 “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” She asked the secondary school students a question:

3月初,泰国的华校因新型冠病毒疫情提早 考试,然後放暑假,连毕业典礼都叫停了。 海金今年刚好泰文及中文都是小六毕业, 他长大了!有自己的想法;没想到他回家后, 便鼓起勇气与妈妈分享:他不想再拜祭,因他 想信耶稣,他知道主耶稣不喜悦他去拜别神。

“If I were to die today, I will…”. She invited them to reflect upon their life and share their thought. All of them did so, and when it was Yan Mei’s turn to share, she said she wishes to go home and sing psalms and pray together with her family and to share the good news of Christ with her mother. Before the end of the service, Sister Milky invited the students to pray for their unsaved family members, asked God to open up their

三姐弟异口同声鼓励 妈妈信耶稣,在听了 马传道的分享后,黄妈妈 决定信主,哈利路亚! 荣耀归主!感谢主垂听

heart to the gospel.


At the beginning of March, due to the


pandemic in Thailand, the school had brought forward the examination and the term break, graduation ceremony was also cancelled for that reason. Hai Jin had just completed his standard 6 this year, when he got home for the term break, he courageously told his mother that he desires to accept Jesus and will not serve the idol anymore as that will displease Jesus.

在疫情前最後一次实体崇拜后,马传道连同 会友到他们家举行家庭崇拜及拆偶像,大家 都从黄妈妈的笑容中感受到从神而来的喜乐。 大姐与马师母分享她心中充满感恩,如果她们 没入住平安之家,就跟本没可能认识耶稣, 她明白主将咒诅变为祝福。


The three siblings encouraged their mother to accept Jesus as her savior. After Pastor Adison explained the gospel with their mother, she made up her mind to follow Jesus, Hallelujah! All glory to God! God listens to our prayers, the children’s testimony opened up the doorwayto the gospel. On the day that the church gathered one last time for physical service before the Covid-19 disruption, Pastor Adison along with other members led the family to worship at home and removed the idol. Madam Wong’s expression was full of the joy of the Lord. Big sister shared her gratitude with Sister Milky, if it had not been for the Shalom Children’s Home she and her family will still be lost. She is assured to know that God turns their curses into blessings. Since last year, elder sister took up the role as a Sunday school teacher and she teaches Akha students in their pre-form 1 class. She shared with Sister Milky that she desires to pursue theology studies and to serve God like Pst Adison & Sis Milky. We pray that God will direct her steps and she will walk in God’s will and the path that He has prepared for her. 57

後记:去年开始,大姐成为主日学的小 导师,负责教导预备班的阿卡学生。大姐 曾与马师母分享,以後很想如马传道及 师母一样读神学,然後在教会服事主。 求主引领大姐的前路,让大姐明白神的 旨意,及走在神为她预备的道路上。感谢 赞美主,阿们。


Raising Up Warrior of Next Generation 兴起新一代勇士 In early 2020, when the Covid19 was spreading here, schools and factories shut down and business activities ceased. For the children and teenagers we have been caring for many years, they all stayed at home to continue their online learning. Even till now, kindergartens and grades 1-5

2020年,迎接我们的是新型冠状病毒, 学校停课,工厂停工,商业活动停摆; 我们已照顾很多年的儿童和青少年都留在 家中继续网上学习。 到目前为止,除了 中学和小学6年级以外,其他年级1-5 (小学),幼儿园都不允许开课。

(primary school) are not allowed to open. Only secondary schools and Grade 6 of Primary schools are allowed to resume. Today I want to share with you a group of teenagers who have been following us for nearly six years. They have been doing activities with me since grade 4. I just realized that they are now aged 15 yrs old and soon they will graduate from Junior High School. One of them, the fat one, I call him 59

今天我要和你们分享一群已跟随我们将近 6年的青少年中的;他们从小学4年级就 开始和我时常聚集做活动,不知不觉中 他们已步入15岁,初中很快就要毕业了。 当中一位一直跟随我的胖子,名叫阿林, 如今长的比我高,体型健硕。 因为小胖(阿林)的缘故,我和他们家, 他的同班同学,及村里其他的家庭逐渐

A Lin, who has been following me, now not only taller than me but is very well built. Because of Xiao Pang (A Lin), I began to get to know his family, other families in the village and his classmates. This year, 15 students who will graduate from form 3 will begin the Junior High School unified examination on July 25. This examination is very important for them as it will decide whether they

熟络;这班初三,今年即将要毕业的15位 同学,将在7月25日开始初中统一考试。这个 考试对他们非常重要,将决定他们可否继续 就读高中,或是到职专就读。若考试成绩 不理想,他们就只有踏上找工作的路途。 他们当中有3到4位是学习很优秀又听话的 好孩子,现在和他们见面,分享的当然不是 小学时代的儿童主日学故事,而是当下年轻 人喜欢的话题,例如男生比较喜爱的球类 运动,女生的穿着打扮等。

can continue to study in high school or vocational school. If they don’t do well, they will have to find a job. Among them, there are 3-4 students who are good learners and obedient. As they are teenagers now, we do not repeat the children’s Sunday school bible story in their primary school days.

我们举办了《青春无悔》分享会,及室内和 室外的活动:男生-打篮球,女生-学习化妆 和如何保护自己。 这班青少年将会是我们在DG村的重点培养对象 和计划,他们将是这个村领导的接班人。尤其 是阿林–他们当中的领袖和召集人。

Our conversations center on topics that young people like to share - boys prefer ball games and girls like to dress up. We have conducted NO APOLOGY seminars as well as indoor and outdoor

虽然来了新校长和一批老师,我们仍会继续 在DG村小学的工作。感谢主,我们在2019年 12月的学校活动中和他们有良好的沟通和 互动。日后我们将会把重心放在这所学校 和这村。


activities. The boys play basketball, while the girls learn to make up and how to protect themselves. This group of teenagers will be our focus on training disciples and plans in DG village. They are the successors to the current leaders in this village. Especially A Lin, as he exhibits leadership traits and coordination skills. We will continue to work in DG village primary school. Although there are new principal and group of teachers, we are grateful to God we had good communication and interaction with them through the school activities in December 2019. We will focus on this school and village in the future.

Prayer Points 代祷事项: This group of teenagers will have good

We can continue to share and visit

results in their form 3 unified exam.

fellow villagers in DG village without


difficulties. The villagers will continue

DG primary school will continue to

在DG村的探访工作继续通畅无阻, 支持我们的分享工作

to support our work there.

welcome us to conduct activities in the premise although there are new teachers and school principal.

The children and teenagers have

虽然换了新校长和老师,DG小学对 我们继续接待和开放

a teachable heart.


Continue to maintain cordial and good relationship with villagers and village head. Pray for the open mind and heart of villagers to the good news.

继续保持和村民,村领导的良好关系, 对我们分享的好消息敞开 61


July 2020 - June 2021

Missions Budget 差传预算








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