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The way we communicate is changing
We know members want to hear more from us, but how we deliver our information to you needs to be adjusted.
So we are making some changes. We are introducing more digital forms of communication, making sure we get the right balance between the convenience and speed of digital delivery and the familiarity and readability of print materials.
This is the second AEU Journal that has been distributed electronically. We will be tweaking the design to be easier to read on mobiles, tablets and computer screens in the future.
Limited printed copies of the Journal will be delivered to all sites to share.
What to expect
We know you are time poor, so here is how we will be communicating with you in the future:
SMS – For high priority messages. Used rarely, but a ‘must open’ item.
eNews – Each sector will receive a sector specific eNews monthly. No more scanning to find something relevant to you, as all information included will be of interest. A separate Union Education Update eNews will be sent monthly.
Social media – Regular posts about updates, campaigns, meetings and events as well as curated content about topics and debate around public education. Make sure you are signed up to our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts.
Website – The go-to reference point for information you may need. We plan to redesign the site later in the year to make it more user-friendly and able to be used easily on all mobile devices.
The Journal – One edition will be produced each term and will mainly be a digital delivery to members with printed versions to share sent to all sites. The first 2019 Journal will be in the old format, but the second edition will showcase the new redesign, including a more responsive digital version able to be easily read on mobiles, tablets and computers.
PAC Chat, HSR Connect, Leaders Chat will all be used in the same way in 2019.
Future communications
Later this year we will begin to develop an AEU Membership mobile app to give members the ability to manage their details, access news and information and receive messages and reminders in a convenient way.
In the future we will be introducing blogs and podcasts to showcase issues, ideas and policies and exploring the use of filmed content across YouTube and other platforms.
We want to understand your needs as members more, so we will be creating more short surveys. Pleaseparticipate to help us get our communications right.