3 minute read
Making your PAC effective
Most sub-branches in schools will be electing their AEU representatives on the Personnel Advisory Committee (PAC) this term. Ideally, sub-branches should also consider endorsing members for the positions of teaching and non-teaching staff representatives on the PAC.
Your PAC ensures consultation within a democratic decision-making framework and the sharing of responsibilities. It is also a very practical means of ensuring that schools operate effectively in a climate of equity and respect for all staff. PACs operate well when: • Representatives are provided with time to do the work (as set out in the 2020 Enterprise Agreement). • There are regular scheduled PAC meetings. PACs are required to meet at least twice per term but may need to meet more often at busy times to determine the allocation of resources,
develop leadership structures and describe staffing vacancies. (All staffing vacancies of any sort are to be discussed by the PAC.) • An agenda is distributed to staff before
PAC meetings to allow for meaningful consultation with members, and outcomes of meetings are regularly reported to staff. PAC business is not confidential except for consideration of personal issues. • The AEU rep communicates regularly with a strong and active sub-branch. • There is a sense of goodwill and trust between participants. • Members of the PAC have ready access to relevant documents including the Resource Entitlement
Statement and the Human Resources
Clause 3.5 of the 2020 Enterprise Agreement provides for genuine consultation, working in partnership, and decision-making. The PAC must act in accordance with the PAC Handbook, which is available to download from the AEU website.
It’s crucial that PAC members attend training which can be accessed via the department’s Plink site. Members may register for the face-to-face training once they have completed the online PAC training. AEU members can attend the new AEU PAC Rep training by registering on the AEU website:
Please advise our Membership section of your newly elected PAC Reps. AEU PAC representatives and subbranch secretaries are added to the AEU’s ‘PAC-Chat’, an email list to support each other in our work by sharing thoughts, ideas and information with PAC implications. n
We’d love to hear member stories of how your PAC has worked effectively. Please email us at: journal@aeusa.asn.au

Have you retired or are about to retire? Are you seeking opportunities to maintain or increase your level of fitness and want to learn more about your city and surrounding hills and bushland? Are you seeking companionship with other retired teachers and their partners as well as other walkers from a range of backgrounds—not just teaching? Our walks are organised at several levels. Rovers walk from 14-16 kms. Walkers- 8-10 kms, and Ramblers from 6-7 kms. The Retired Teachers Walking Group Inc. is affiliated with Walking SA – the peak walking body in SA. We walk in conservation parks, national parks and forestry reserves within the Adelaide Hills & Mount Lofty Ranges, Fleurieu Peninsula, suburban beaches and along the six creeks of the Adelaide Plains, the River Torrens Linear Park and other suburban, historic and country trails. It’s a great way to get to know your city and surroundings – as well as maintaining fitness! A camp is also organised each year in country areas within South Australia or Victoria. If you are interested in finding out more about our walking group, you are invited to email us – or phone us on our mobiles – as we’ll probably be out walking!
Co-ordinator: Carol Fallon: p: 0417 001 766. e: dave.fallon@bigpond.com Secretary: Kym Wenham p: 0412 408 568 e: wenhams@adam.com.au Walking SA Rep: John Eaton p: 8431 5460 e: joneaton@bigpond.net.au