EABC activity report 2014

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2014 ACTIVITY REPORT This Project is supported by

the European Union


TA B L E O F C O N T E N T 04 05 05 06 08 09 12 13 13 15 15 18 18 20 22 22 22 European Association for Business and Commerce (EABC) 1 Empire Tower, 25th oor South Sathorn Road, Yannawa, Sathorn Bangkok 10120 Thailand Tel: +66 2670 0624 Fax: +66 2670 0608 Website: www.eabc-thailand.eu


Executive Summary Policy Advocacy Advocacy Working Group Meeting High-Level Dialogues with Thai Authorities Contribution to key Thailand-EU Policy Dialogues Seminars, Conferences and Workshops High-Profile Event on Thai-EU Trade and

Investment Relations

trade and investment in Thailand

Entry point for companies in Europe Knowledge-based repository database on

Sectoral Guidebooks EABC Outreach Activities to EU SMEs

Membership and Networking Membership and Sponsorship Development 2014 Events and Networking

External Communications Membership Directory EABC Daily News Line and Weekly News Update EABC in the Media


Executive Summary European Association for Business and Commerce (EABC) in 2014 – A year in perspective EABC in 2014 continued to increase and further diversify investment, opportunities and market access for European companies operating in Thailand and wishing to enter into Thai market and afar ASEAN. Our emphasis has also been put to facilitate market access for European industry, especially small and medium sized (SME) enterprises, in Thailand and to provide neutral information on Thai market as a high potential trade and investment destination as well as a gateway to ASEAN for European businesses. Interacting as the “Representatives of European Businesses in Thailand” EABC strongly envisages to promote, advocate and defend common European policy interests towards relevant Thai policymakers and authorities and to provide an active link between policymakers and private entities. Additional facet of EABC is also a facilitator and multiplier for European companies with an objective to add value, complement and forge collaborative relations with existing structures among European bilateral Chambers of Commerce in Thailand, European Member States (MS) Embassies and other stakeholders. Provided the emergence and development of key policy and regulatory issues in relation to trade and investment between Europe and Thailand, such as the commencement of the EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiation in March 2013, EABC have been underlying its effort since its establishment and in particular in 20132014 to support this important matter and other relevant aspects thereon. Given the political unrest in Thailand during the period from November 2013 to September 2014 that has directly affected the functioning of EABC Advocacy Working Groups and their policy outputs, EABC has attempted with its utmost effort to maintain its role as a facilitating platform on policy development and dialogue for European business in Thailand. This political development in Thailand has taken place in conjunction with the suspension of EABC’ activities under component 2 and 3 of the Annual Work Plan 2014 relating to promotional events and entry-point on trade and investment information for European companies. Both of the abovementioned occasions paring up with the staff turn-over in 2014 have posted tremendous challenges for EABC in 2014, particularly in delivering key outputs identified by the AWP 2014.

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Further to the suspension of component 2 and 3 under the AWP 2014, EABC has undergone through the process of requesting for no-cost extension of its Grant Contract to the EU Commission. The process has successfully been completed and signed by all parties concerned on 4 September 2014, providing EABC with additional 2 years to fulfil the requirements and deliverables laid down in the Grant Contract. With reference to this completion, the suspension of activities has been lifted with the objective for EABC to continue its promotion and interaction with members and to resume generating income from those activities. Retrospectively in 2014, EABC has conducted several activities to promote its activities and initiatives as done and supported by the working groups. EABC also strengthened an integrated business helpdesk with industry-driven mandate and a clearing house with provision of first contact point and entry-level legal advisory services that leverages on synergies and strengths of the Centre’s partners and MS Embassies. EABC has commenced the operation of Entry Point for Companies in Europe with the establishment of doing business in Thailand database and the publication of guidebooks/market studies and continuous series of leaflets on basic information on trade and investment in Thailand deemed of interest to European SMEs. In 2014, EABC also offered a complementary function in respect to business service provision provided by European bilateral Chambers of Commerce in Thailand with first-instance legal and regulatory advisory services. Also, outreach activities in Europe were performed as featured programs in events organized by business organisations in Europe such as Seminar on Doing Business in Thailand organised by BOI Offices abroad. Future EABC own roadshows in Europe would take place starting the first quarter of 2015. In coming years, we endeavor our tasks on 1) policy advocacy 2) entry point for European business and 3) promotional and networking events to our members and European business community already operating in Thailand and wishing to enter into Thai market whilst ensuring a sustainable deliverables for our organization in the future.


Policy Advocacy I. Advocacy Working Group Meetings EABC advocacy working groups now consists of ten (10 working groups) and undertake their tasks as a policy platform and advocacy tool representing the interests of European business community in Thailand. All ten working groups endeavour to contribute to the improvement of the trade and investment for European companies in Thailand through the key activities in Policy and Advocacy.

In 2014, forty-five (45) meetings of the ten Working Groups were held and mostly were at the EABC premises. Discussions and strategies on key actions and activities of EABC advocacy working groups took place with an objective to actively facilitate market access issues in Thai market for European companies as well as to engage in policy dialogues and technical discussions with Thai authorities.

Current leaders of ten Advocacy Working Groups are listed below:

Automotive Working Group Chair

Mr Michael Grewe

Mercedes-Benz (Thailand) Ltd.


Mrs Lyn Kok

Standard Chartered Bank (Thai) Plc.

Lead, Customs Sub-WG

Mr Emmanuel Cibla

Essilor Manufacturing (Thailand) Co. Ltd.

Lead, Legal and Employment Sub-WG

Mr Stephen Frost

Bangkok International Associates

Mrs Jayne Harvey

Diageo MoĂŤt Hennessy (Thailand) Ltd.

Cross Sectoral Issues Working Group

Food and Beverage Working Group Chair

Energy and Energy Efficiency Working Group Chair

Mr Choochai Eiamrungroj

Shell (Thailand) Ltd.


Mr Gunnar Bertelsen

Telenor Asia (ROH)

Vice Chair

Mr Bob Fox

Navcomp AB

Mr Jerome Kelly

Lawtonasia Insurance Brokers Ltd.

ICT Working Group

Insurance Working Group Chair

Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Working Group Chair

Mr Nic Garnett (Interim)

Tilleke & Gibbins International

Vice Chair

Mr Patrice Vidon

Vidon & Partner Ltd.

Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Working Group Chair

Dr Thavirap Tantiwongse

GlaxoSmithKline (Thailand) Ltd.

Vice Chair

Ms Paranee Adulyapichet

Bayer (Thailand) Ltd.

Mr Georg Wolff

Civil Engineering Solutions (Thailand) Ltd.

Mr Thomas Tieber

DHL Global Forwarding (Thailand) Ltd.

Rail & Road Infrastructure Working Group Chair Transport & Logistics Working Group Chair

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EABC ACTIVITY REPORT II. High-Level Dialogues with Thai Authorities

Numbers of high-level dialogues and technical discussions on key trade policy and market access issues have been initiated and conducted by EABC ten Advocacy Working Groups. The dialogues and discussions were undertaken with the aim to introduce the EABC as representatives of European businesses in Thailand and to table trade policy recommendations on key issues of concern among European business with relevant authorities. Fifteen (15) dialogues and technical discussions on trade policy and regulatory have been held in 2014 as listed below: •

25 February 2014: High-Level Meeting with Secretary General of OPDC, Dr Areepong Boocha-oom

2 April 2014: Luncheon with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health, Mr Pradit Sintavanarong

10 April 2014: Meeting with Office of SMEs Promotion (OSMEP) Delegation

22 April 2014: Follow-up meeting with Permanent Secretary, Dr Surachai Srisaracam, and Senior Executives of Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT)

12 May 2014: Courtesy Call on Permanent Secretary and Acting Industry Minister, Mr Witoon Simachokdee

14 May 2014: Technical Discussion with President of Thailand Automotive Institute (TAI)

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26 May 2014: Technical Discussion with Director of Medical Device Control Division, Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

3 June: DIP Consultation on IP Enforcement with EU/US Industries

10 June 2014: Courtesy call on Permanent Secretary and Acting Minister of Industry, Mr Witoon Simachokdee

8 July 2014: High-Level Discussion with Director-General of the Excise Department, Mr Somchai Poolsawadi

10 November 2014: High-Level Dialogue with Deputy Secretary General of Board of Investment (BOI), Mrs Duangjai Asawachintachit

13 November 2014: High-Level Discussion with the Secretary General of the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC), Mr Pravej Ongartsittigul

14 November 2014: High-Level Dialogue with DirectorGeneral of Department of Intellectual Property (DIP), Mrs Malee Choklumlerd

25 November 2014: Technical meeting with Deputy Secretary General of Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), Mr Thainin Pa-aim

EABC ACTIVITY REPORT Highlights of 2014 high-level dialogues: •

Courtesy Call on Permanent Secretary and Acting Industry Minister, Mr Witoon Simachokdee

Meeting with Permanent Secretary, Dr Surachai Srisaracam, and Senior Executives of Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT)

On 22 April 2014, EABC/JFCCT ICT Working Group led by Mr Bob Fox, EABC Vice Chair and JFCCT Chair of the ICT working group, paid a courtesy visit to the Permanent Secretary, Dr Surachai Srisaracam and senior executives of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT). This was the follow up meeting to the dialogue held in December 2013. In the discussion on ICT issues, the Permanent Secretary provided some welcome news on planned reforms in the telecoms sector via a proposed merger of the two state-owned enterprises, and formation of a wholesale market. There was also discussion on SMART Thailand, service sector reform, broadband models which would avoid monopolies, Internet governance, IT Start Ups, skills development & transfer, Procurement, Data Protection & Privacy, and e-Government. Further dialogue is planned on a number of these challenging issues. •

High-Level Discussion with Director-General of the Excise Department, Mr Somchai Poolsawadi

On 10 June 2014, EABC Automotive Working Group, led by the Chair Mr Michael Grewe, made a courtesy call on Mr Witoon Simachokdee, Permanent Secretary and Acting Industry Minister. The Working Group expressed its confidence in Thailand’s position as the regional and global production hub, and its interest in working with the Thai authorities to further enhance the competitiveness of the Thai automotive industry, particularly in technical standardization and development of labor skills. •

On 8 July 2014, Mrs Jayne Harvey, Chair of EABC Food & Beverage Working Group, led the representatives from the Food & Beverage and the Automotive Working Groups in a high-level discussion with Mr Somchai Poolsawadi, Director-General of the Excise Department. The Director-General emphasized the NCPO’s directive that the tax reform should not incur additional burden on the taxpayers, and should be undertaken in a transparent manner, in order to align with the international best practice. The Excise Department remains open to comments from the private sector regarding the tax reform and the excise law amendment.

High-Level Dialogue with Director-General of Department of Intellectual Property (DIP), Mrs Malee Choklumlerd

On Friday 14 November 2014, Mr Rolf-Dieter Daniel, President of EABC, brought the EABC IPR representatives to congratulate Ms Malee Choklumlerd on her new assignment as a Director General of Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) under Ministry of Commerce. In this opportunity, Ms Malee updated the EABC representatives with the DIP’s forthcoming action plans as well as shared the related-IPR concerns from the EABC.

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EABC ACTIVITY REPORT III. Contribution to key Thailand-EU Policy Dialogues EABC, along with its Working Group members, represented and made contribution in a number of key Thailand-EU policy dialogue and consultations in Thailand, ASEAN and Europe. Highlight of EABC participations in policy dialogues and consultations in 2014 include: •

22 January 2014: STI Days – Launch of Horizon 2020 and Food Safety Seminar

EABC together with Sociedade Portugues de Inovação and ASEAN IPR SME Helpdesk, recently co-organised a workshop Intellectual Property Rights in Southeast Asia on 22 January as part of the ASEAN-EU Science, Technology & Innovation Days held at the Thailand Science Park, held from 21-23 January. Pictured second from right is Dr Thavirap Tantiwongse, an EABC Board Member and Chairperson of EABC Working Group on Healthcare and Pharmaceutical who participated as a panellist at the workshop. •

25 February 2014: Public Hearing on Draft Excise Law Amendment

10 March 2014: Conference on International Trade and Health

20 March 2014: The Economist’s Health Care in Asia

for others. Panellists debated health-care financing, primary care and the hospital’s role as “gatekeeper” to the health care system. Discussions also tackled the role of public–private partnerships, ageing populations and new aged care services, universal health-care reform, and workforce retention and management. The event closed with an exercise involving “re-imagining” health-care systems in Asia. •

2 June 2014: FAO-AFD Regional Project on GI – National Protect Committee Meeting for Thailand

20 June 2014: AGM of the EU-ASEAN Business Council, Singapore

30 June 2014: BOI-JFCCT Consultative Meeting

19 August 2014: EU-ASEAN Business Council on IPR/Elicit Trade Advocacy Group Meeting

26 - 28 August 2014: South East Asia Summit, Indonesia

2 September 2014: EABC Advocacy WGs Meeting with Executive Director of EU-ASEAN Business Council

2 October 2014: BCCT Lunch Talk on NESDB Plan Eleventh

Copyright © British Chamber of Commerce Thailand

Copyright © British Chamber of Commerce Thailand On 2 October 2014, EABC took part in the Lunch Talk on the 11th National Economic and Social Development Five-Year Plan (Plan 11) at Sukhothai Hotel Bangkok, jointly organised by BCCT, AustCham, AMCHAM, TCCC, SATCC.

EABC proactively participated in the discussions at the Economist’s Summit on Healthcare in Asia. The Summit explored Asia’s lessons from reform, prospects and pressing issues at its fifth annual Health Care in Asia summit in Singapore from 20-21 March 2014. Health ministers from Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines shared insights into their countries ‘situations and offered lessons

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For NESDB’s Secretary General, Mr Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, one of the main issues in the long-term for Thailand will be to get out of the middle-income trap. With a 5% GDP growth, it would be possible for Thailand to become a rich country by 2027. However, increasing the GDP is not enough; the problem of the disparities between rich and poor must also be tackled. Low-income people must live better. Regarding the next plan or plan eleventh, continuing the development of infrastructure as well as developing human capital will be key issues.


2 October 2014: TICC-UNIDO Seminar on Myanmar: Strategic Investment Opportunity for SMEs

IV. Seminars, Conferences and Workshops

3 November 2014: ADB on AEC Work in Progress Publication Launch

Under the recommendations of six (6) of EABC Working Groups, eleven (11) events have been held in diverse format of roundtable discussion, seminar, and luncheon. The events can be featured below:

• 11 November 2014: Ministry of Commerce Public Hearing on FBA •

26 November 2014: Ministry of Commerce FBA Briefing session

27 November 2014: ASEAN-AEC Seminar

16 December 2014: DIP Consultation with EU/US Industry on IP Enforcement

20 January 2014: Luncheon with Director of International Cooperation -DG RTD

On 16 December 2014, EABC led by EABC President Mr Rolf-Dieter Daniel and EABC Interim Chairperson of IPR Working Group Mr Nic Garnett, partook in the Consultation on IP Enforcement with the DIP as well as other enforcement authorities alongside with the US industry on IP enforcement issues and related policies. The event was hosted by the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) at its premises in Nonthaburi. The Consultation was very well perceived by all stakeholders particularly on the development of enforcement and legislations relating to the protection of intellectual property rights as provided by the DIP. Important pieces of legislations such as amendments to copyrights acts and trade secret acts which have been passed by the National Legislation Assembly (NLA) in November 2014 were the key highlights of the discussion. Both EU and US industries, after aligning the common positions and concerns, tabled the questions and recommendations on IPR enforcement actions and legislations.

On 20 January 2014, EABC welcomed Ms Maria Cristina Russo, Director of International Cooperation, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission, to a working lunch held at Eastin Grand Sathorn. Representatives from EABC Board of Directors, EABC Working Groups and EU Delegation in Thailand participated in this meeting to exchange views on opportunities for European Commission’s Horizon 2020 project. •

19 February 2014: Discussion with Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Dr Surachai Srisaracam

1 April 2014: EABC Business Luncheon “2014 Thailand Economic Outlook amidst Its Internal Struggle -What to expect?”

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15 May 2014: Seminar on DIGITAL BROADCASTING and DIGITAL TV – a new era in high quality entertainment, education and learning

On 1 April 2014, EABC hosted a business luncheon themed “2014 Thailand Economic Outlook Amidst Its Internal Struggle – What to Expect?”, where we welcomed more than 70 guests from EUD, MS Embassies, EABC Board of Directors and members. Sharing their outlook at the luncheon were Dr Kirida Bhaopichitr, the World Bank’s Country Economist for Thailand, and Dr Somchai Jitsuchon, Research Director at Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI). Dr Kirida expressed optimism in the Thai economy in the longer term, despite the immediate term deceleration. With the current political uncertainties and high household debt, the economy is forecasted by the World Bank to expand around 3% in 2014. Concerns about the declining trend in overtime employment in the non-agricultural sector and BOI applications were raised by Dr Somchai, although he remained hopeful that the economic growth would rebound to around 5% in 2015, from 3% in 2014, if the political impasse is cleared in due course. •

2 April 2014: Luncheon with Transport & Logistics WG

22 April 2014: Roundtable discussion with Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Dr Surachai Srisaracam

25 April 2014: Luncheon of Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Working Group with Deputy Prime Minister Phongthep Thepkanchana

With an honourable participation of H.E. Deputy Prime Minister Pongthep Thepkanchana and H.E. Ambassador of the European Union Delegation to Thailand Mr Jesus Miguel Sanz, EABC hosted a private luncheon on 25 April 2014 at Mandarin Oriental Hotel. The luncheon brought EABC an opportunity to follow-up on EABC Courtesy Visit to the DPM in November 2013. The talk also covered the progress of Thailand’s healthcare and pharmaceutical policies, particularly in connection with the latest round of discussion of the EU-Thailand FTA Negotiation took place in April 2014, as well as future policy development for Thailand in light of the existing political movements.

The half-day conference “Digital Broadcasting and Digital TV, a new era in high quality entertainment, information and learning” coorganized by EABC and JFCCT held on 15 May 2014 attracted more than 70 participants with interesting topics from both regulator and the industry. We welcomed various speakers including Ms Madeleine Kihlberg (First Counsellor - EUD in Thailand, Lao, Cambodia, Myanmar) for opening remarks, Col. Dr Natee Sukonrat (Vice Chairman- NBTC and Chairman Broadcasting Commission) on “Digital Broadcasting – the regulator’s vision”, Mr Allan T Rasmussen (Managing Director – Yozzo Ltd.) on “Digital Broadcasting and TV in a converged marketplace”, Mr Sebastian-Justus Schmidt (Managing Director - CNX Creative/Part of SPBTV) on “Digital Broadcasting and TV – What we can hope to experience”, and Mr Pana Janviroj (President – Multimedia Group) on “A Broadcaster’s perspective, vision and plans”. With Q&A sessions, the participants also had a chance to engage with the speakers and received clearer information on related topics. The event went successfully with a support of sponsors namely CNX Creative/Part of SPBTV, all supporters; MAAT, Chiang Mai Creative, ATCI and all speakers for their kind support and contribution, as well as all distinguished guests who participated at the conference. •

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3 June 2014: IPR and Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Working Luncheon


19 June 2014: Automotive Summit 2014 on Green Mobility Changing World (Co-organised with TAI on Panel Discussion “ASEAN the New Chapter in Global Automotive Industry”)

Mr Michael Grewe, Chair of EABC Automotive Working Group, spoke at the panel discussion on 19 June 2014, at the Automotive Summit 2014 co-organised by Thailand Automotive Institute and Reed Tradex, and co-sponsored by EABC. With the AEC being viewed by the European automotive industry currently as a grouping of ten markets, Mr Grewe emphasized the importance of harmonizing the technical standards and elimination of non-tariff barriers to trade among the member countries in order for the AEC to become a single market. On Thailand’s green mobility goal, he gave a few examples of supportive policies in the European Union which might be shared with Thailand, including among others, the fiscal subsidies for electric cars, CO2 legislation, the EU2020 CO2 target, and the entry regulation for city centers based on CO2 exhaust. He urged Thailand to also aim at the technology improvement in addition to production volume expansion, and anticipated that labor skills development would continue to be a crucial for the future development of the Thai automotive industry. •

19 June 2014: Insight Thailand Roundtable Luncheon on Anticorruption Series I on “How to ensure more transparent custom process and procedure”

EABC, supported by the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD) organised a roundtable luncheon on Insight Thailand Roundtable Series I on Transparency - How to improve transparency in customs procedures on 19 June 2014. Transparency and predictability in policymaking and the application of rules and regulations is regarded as essential for a stable business environment in a modern economy. The need for a robust and predictable policy framework and legal environment to serve fair market-based competition and wider societal interests becomes stronger as the Thai economy develops. On 19 June 2014, Dr Areepong Bhoocha-oom, Secretary-General of the Office of Public Sector Development Commission (OPDC), presided over Insight Thailand Roundtable Series I on Transparency – How to Improve Transparency in Customs Procedures at Sofitel Sukhumvit hotel. Participants shared their views and experience in dealing with Thai Customs and made recommendations on how to streamline the customs procedures so as to facilitate the expansion of trade and investment in Thailand and ASEAN. Dr Areepong expressed interest in hearing from the foreign business community on how to develop the public sector to be more business-friendly or more “customer-centric” and EABC was invited to share additional comments, if any, with the OPDC afterwards.

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EABC ACTIVITY REPORT V. High-Profile Event on Thai-EU Trade and Investment


On 30 October 2014, EABC organised a Lunch Talk on “Reviving the Thai Economy and Attracting Foreign Direct investment” honored by H.E. MR Pridiyathorn Devakula, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs. The event was held at the Ballroom, Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok. Participants in this event included representatives from EU Delegation to Thailand, European MS embassies as well as European MS ambassadors, Thai government officials, EABC members together with members of EABC consortium’s partners. The lunch talk went with a success with over one hundred sixty (160) participants. Among them were honorable guests as follows: • • • • • • • •

H.E. Miguel Jesus Sanz, Ambassador and Head of Delegation, EU Delegation in Thailand; H.E. Robert Bauer, Ambassador, Embassy of Luxembourg; H.E. Luis Barreira de Sousa, Ambassador, Embassy of Portugal; H.E. Christine Schraner Burgener, Ambassador, Embassy of Switzerland; Mr Chamroen Yutithamsakul, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office; Mr Takorn Tantasith, Secretary General, Office of National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission; Presidents and Directors from Chambers of Commerce; and Presidents and CEOs from European business in Thailand

The event would not have happened without a support of EABC members and consortium partners particularly 5 sponsors of this event namely: • • • • •

DHL Express (Thailand); Diageo Moet Hennessy; GlaxoSmithKline; Standard Chartered Bank; and Tilleke & Gibbins

With this event, EABC had placed forward its key messages on trade policy and regulatory as well as undertaken its role to feature Thai and European eminent person on bilateral trade and investment relations between Thailand and EU. The event also provided useful information on recent Thai economy, outlook of Thai government towards reviving the country’s economy as well as EABC key messages to enhance European-Thai economic relations particularly EABC support of economic reengagement with Thailand.

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Entry point for companies in Europe I. Knowledge-based repository database on trade and investment in Thailand With reference to the recent conduct of EABC Mid-Term Review from end of 2013 to early 2014, EABC took note of the imperative of having a knowledge-based repository and advisory function to assist European companies particularly the SMEs to enter into Thai market and thus relevant ASEAN markets. Supporting the enhancement of this Component, it should be emphasised that there are more than 20 million European SMEs currently established in Europe and employed over 160 million people according to the data presented by the European Commission. This is a clear signal that there should be an expansion for European SMEs into overseas markets that exhibit stable growth and high business potential. The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) that would take effect at the end of 2015, will be an important step in the regional integration of the ASEAN economy. This also means that Thailand will need to become more competitive in the tertiary sector and key manufacturing sectors, if it is to continue playing an important role in intra-regional and international trade. With the entry of EU SMEs, the Thai economy will be able to benefit from important technologies and knowledge, which is critical for its development. Quid Pro Quo, the European SMEs would benefit from the liberalisation of the Thai economy and the support of the EABC knowledgebase repository and advisory services by being able to expand their businesses, not just in Thailand but also in the rest of ASEAN.

A. Online platform Continuing its mandate to provide companies in Europe with key market access and first-instance information on trade and investment climate in Thailand. In addition to EABC series of leaflets and publications on trade and investment in Thailand, an online platform with integrated diagnostic kit on business readiness and registration tool for European SMEs to identify their needs and readiness according to three topics to enter the Thai Market, as well as a Platform to serve as a medium for European SMEs to send inquiries to the EABC have been initiated. The initiatives derived from the result of EABC Mid-Term Review and its following re-assessment exercise on the issue, took place in the first two (2) quarters of 2014. Resulting from the initiatives, an online platform integrated into EABC website in lieu of its former section on Entry Point for European companies would feature the following sections: • • •

business diagnosis test; business library; and business support services section.

Preliminary design drafts and details of the online platform have been created and being processed before going live on the EABC website.

With this in mind, EABC has redefined its strategy on this Component in 2014 to act as a support structure and advisory avenue providing neutral information in regards to market access for EU SMEs trying to enter Thailand. In addition, it also endeavors to promote ease of access on technical and regulatory information for potential firms into Thai market. An integrated knowledge-based repository with the coordination platform with provision of first contact point and entry-level technical and regulatory advisory services should leverage on synergies and strengths of the EABC stakeholders. This is in accordance with the Grant Contract which foresees EABC to have close collaboration in respect of the provision of business support services with EU Member States, European national Chambers of Commerce in Thailand, and other EU business organisations. The initiative are supplemented by the EABC establishment of a technical and regulatory advisory function covering legal, regulatory data, market access analysis to fill the gap in addressing impending demands of European businesses in these areas.

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EABC ACTIVITY REPORT The establishment of the online platform featuring the diagnostic kit and registration tool that can identify the needs and readiness of the companies considered to enter into Thai market, as well as provide EABC with a recording and analytical tools of all request for services from European SMEs. The needs and readiness of European SMEs in 3 following stages, as preliminary indicated, should assist EABC in providing appropriate information and advices to the companies:

Once the requests are furthered screened via the diagnostic kit, EABC would provide first-line answers; sign-post to existing service providers as per the model operandi or mapping on business support service provision where the requirements be in relations to business support; or EABC would offer a fee-based individual advice on legal and regulatory service to preliminary assist the companies before entering into a business relation in Thai market.

a) Does not know about Thailand b) Considering Thai market c) Already doing business in Thailand

B. Enquiries Whilst upgrading our own business helpdesk, EABC also received enquiries from European Companies seeking for information on market access in Thailand. These requests have been answered and/or signposted to respective partners following the agreed upon clearing house provision. Starting from September 2014, EABC received and provided support to two business inquiries from companies in the EU following the clearing house provision namely Genera Inc from Croatia and Mlin Katic from Slovenia whist developing its revamped SMEs supported services. EABC leaflets and identified certain sections of the EABC Leaflets “Thailand: What you need to know” had been updated to support enquiries. Updated versions of the leaflets were uploaded onto the website. A snapshot of Thailand’s economic fact containing basic information on Thailand’s economic data and trade value with the EU was created to present to any SMEs inquiring about Thailand.

Integrated into the platform, a set of twenty (20) questions to diagnose business readiness of European SMEs were drafted. The test is aimed to assist the SMEs to narrow down and identify its need to enter into Thai market. In reference to the category a) and b), a first-instance package of information on trade and investment in Thailand should be provided to requests from European companies.

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EABC ACTIVITY REPORT II. Sectoral Guidebooks To promote a deeper understanding of and enhance business interests among European companies/investors in Thailand - and further in ASEAN markets, dedicated/sectoral guidebooks and market studies are considered as a very useful tool to communicate and provide relevant information in response to specific needs of targeted audiences.

Following the official launch of Thai Property Guide 2014 on 27 March 2014, distribution of the Guide was continued in Thailand through contacts with local institutions. Dialogues have also been initiated with foreign entities in Europe that might be interested to disseminate the publication. The number of copies of the Thai Property Guide disseminated and the institutions/companies.

Emphasis was placed to provide better access to in-depth information/ analysis on market situations and relevant access conditions, development of sectoral guidebooks and market studies has been envisaged since 2012 to provide invaluable insights and analysis on potential market and investment opportunities in Thailand and ASEAN which remain untapped for European businesses. In its continuous effort in 2014, EABC aims towards standardizing its future guidebooks and the undertaking of these sectoral guidebooks and market studies. In 2014, the draft of the Import Export Guidebook was reviewed and determined not to meet our standards for publishing. Expert companies in the practical field of import and export to and from Thailand were thus identified following a dissemination of a revised Terms of Reference (TOR) for reviewing the draft guidebook. Presently the guidebook has been redrafted and in the process of review prior to finalization and publication. The publication and launch of publication is foreseen to take place in 2015 respectively.

EABC Launch of Thai Property Guide 2014 was held at the St. Regis Hotel Bangkok on 27 March 2014. The event started off with delectable finger food and free-flow of drinks in a cozy atmosphere and a welcome remarks by Mr Jan Eriksson, EABC Vice President and President of Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce (TSCC). Our keynote speaker, Mr James Pitchon from CBRE gave a very informative yet enjoyable presentation with his experiences and knowledge on “Foreign Ownership and Investment of Property in Thailand”. The Launch evening went smoothly, thanked to the support of our member and event sponsor Ticon Industrial Connection PLC., TSCC, Mr James Pitchon and all guests.

III. EABC Outreach Activities to EU SMEs Continuous outreach activities in Europe through representation of EABC at seminar and workshop conducted by business organisations in Europe such as BOI Offices in Europe were undertaken in 2014. •

EABC Outreach to EU SMEs in Baden-Baden, Germany

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On September 25th 2014, Mr Michael Grewe EABC Chairperson of the Automotive Working Group, represented the EABC in a business seminar in Baden–Baden Germany, conducted by the Thailand Board of Investment, and the Investment Section of the Royal Thai Consulate. The seminar served as a platform to inform interested parties of the latest development in government policies, incentives and investment and business opportunities, as well as highlighting tourism activities in Thailand. The event included presentations by commercial section of the Thai Consulate and testimonials from from business leaders of German companies already established in Thailand. Mr Grewe made a presentation on the role of the EABC in Thailand and how it could help European businesses interested in doing business, in Thailand. The audience included several representatives of prominent companies in Germany, several important members of the Royal Thai Consulate in Frankfurt, as well as Mrs Marianne Zorn Honorary Consul of Thailand in Stuttgart. •

On September 24th 2014, Mr Patrice Vidon EABC Vice Chairperson of the IPR Working Group, represented the EABC in a seminar on Investing in Thailand, conducted¬ by the Thailand Board of Investment and the Danish Trade Council, in Copenhagen Denmark. The seminar served as a platform to inform interested parties of the latest development in government policies, incentives and investment and business opportunities in Thailand. Mr Vidon made a presentation on the role of the EABC in Thailand and how it could help European businesses interested in doing business, in Thailand. The audience included several representatives of prominent companies in Denmark as well as H.E. Vimon Kidchob, Thai Ambassador to Denmark. In addition, several coordination meetings and workshops have been carried out in 2014 by EABC to identify the need of assistance from European SMEs including: •

EABC Visit to EU SMEs Centre in China

EABC Outreach to EU SMEs in Copenhagen, Denmark

With the outcome of EABC Mid-Term Review aiming at strengthening and fostering its capacity in providing support to European business in Thailand, EABC as recommended by the EU Commission has carried out its mission to visit successful operation and obtain best practices from the EU SMEs Centre in China as well as other organisations such as European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and ChinaBritain Business Council from 4-7 March 2014. The experience sharing throughout EABC visit was very fruitful and beneficial to EABC process of revamping SMEs support function.

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Participation in a Regional Exchange and Experience Sharing Workshop in Tokyo, with other EU funded projects held on 17 October 2014

• Participation in a Regional Coordination Meeting with Regional ICI+ EU-ASEAN Business Networks in Jakarta on 17 November 2014

Jointly Development of the First EU-ASAEN Business Newsletter.

Each EU-ASEAN Business Network contributed material to a page dedicated to its entity. Responsibility of collecting and compiling submission from each network as well as coming up with the feature article and the editorial is rotated between all the networks each quarter. The First edition was launched in November 2014 and have been disseminated to EABC contacts primarily in Europe.

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Membership and Networking

EABC continued with our great effort in introducing its organisation and objectives through different channels including joint-networking events with our Consortium Partners, participation in key events organised by other organisations, promotion on EABC website, online business network, as well as direct contacts via meetings, telephone and emails.

I. Membership and Sponsorship Development 2014

The chart below illustrates the growth of EABC membership development in 2014 in comparison with previous years of operation.


From its first establishment in 2011, EABC was welcoming the member throughout European company from oversea and in Thailand for 11 members. In 2012, EABC successfully welcomed 181 companies as members reaching the total number of 192. The EABC membership recruitment effort has successfully shown in a dramatic increase of over 17 times in number of members from 11 in the year 2011 to 192 in 2012. In 2013, with the membership fees of 5,000 Baht, EABC acquired the new member for 51 companies. In 2014, many changes in and outside EABC has affected the functioning of membership generation and recruitment rather strongly. Prominent effect, as identified by cancelled members, was the increase of an annual membership fee rate of 100% from the previous year. Despite it being a marginal amount in comparison with the annual membership fee of other similar entities i.e. Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations etc., the increase has not always been perceived with a positive feedback. With this in mind, EABC strived to recruit additional members of 31. Therefore, EABC direct members in 2014 stood at 188 with the annual membership fee of 10,000 Baht. The chart illustrates the development of membership recruitment in 2014: EABC Members 2014 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 JAN








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211 188

11 2011




EABC ACTIVITY REPORT Throughout the 2014 year, with the great support of our 8 annual sponsors noted below EABC was able to generate an income amounted to 1,250,000 THB. Our true and sincere appreciation to the sponsors.



SILVER SPONSOR Pantone warm grey 11 U

Pantone 207 U

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EABC ACTIVITY REPORT II. Events and Networking

A. EABC Networking and Promotional Events •

9 April 2014: EABC Annual General Meeting 2014 and European Networking Night

The EABC Annual General Meeting 2014 was held at the Sukhothai Hotel on 9 April 2014. The call for meeting has been circulated to all members via emails and letters, including documents to be discussed in the meeting. 47 members participated, representing their companies and holding proxies of other 18 companies. The meeting was followed by a business networking held at the same venue, where all guests had a chance to converse with their fellow members, while enjoying the food and drinks provided by EABC at free of charge as part of benefit of being EABC members. •

9 December 2014: Thai-European Social Night on “Escaping Middle Income Trap: Key Development on R&D and Infrastructure”

EABC organised a networking event, Thai-European Social Night on “Escaping Middle Income Trap: Key Development on R&D and Infrastructure” with Deputy Secretary General Mr Porametee Vimolsiri from the National Economic and Social Development Board as a key note speaker, on Tuesday 9 December 2014 from 18.30-22.00 hrs, at the Social Club, Sofitel So Bangkok Hotel. There are 108 participants in this event were EU Delegation, MS embassies representatives, Thai government officials, EABC members together with members from consortium’s partners and guests from Thai and European companies in Thailand. Success of this event took place with a strong support of our 2 sponsors namely: • •

Bayer Thai Co., Ltd. Scania Siam Co., Ltd.

B. EABC Visibility and Participation in Events and Seminars Throughout 2014, EABC have taken opportunities to promote its visibility by participating in several events and seminars. Highlights of our participations included: •

8 January 2014: Standard Chartered’s New Year to kick off 120 years in Thailand

Standard Chartered Bank organised its New Year Party in the theme to kick off its 120 years celebration in Thailand on 8 January 2014 at Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Bangkok. EABC participated in this event, together with several other bilateral Chambers of Commerce in Thailand.

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13 March 2014: FTCC Young Professional Networking

Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce and its Young Professionals Committee (YP) organized FTCC Young Professionals Conference & Networking Cocktail “Tips from an entrepreneur in Thailand”. Mr Jerome Le Louer, Founder of Wishbeer, the first online store delivering premium beers in Thailand, shared his experience and useful tips on how to set up a successful e-commerce startup in Thailand. EABC joined this event as to promote its visibility. •

5 June 2014: Sasin Graduate Institute Seminar on Emerging Market Opportunities-Insights from European Chambers of Commerce

4 April 2014: Diageo Moët Hennessy (Thailand) Expands Cooperation with Highway Police – Promotes Road Safety during Songkran

Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce (TICC), in cooperation with Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University, Thansettakij Newspaper, Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce (FTCC), European ASEAN Business Centre (EABC) and German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC) organized a seminar about the opportunities in lucrative emerging markets presented by the experienced business Executives. The event gave great opportunity to the participants to expand and strengthen their network. EABC joined Diageo Moët Hennessy (Thailand) Ltd (DMHT) in its CSR activity in cooperation with Highway Police Operation Division 8 by conducting a road safety campaign, aimed at raising public awareness of road safety and responsible drinking during Songkran. As part of its Songkran Road Safety campaign, DMHT is donating 2,000 Road Safety Kits – each of which includes fresh bottled water, a waterproof bag and DRINKiQ informational materials – which will be handed out to drivers during the upcoming Songkran Festival. DMHT has organized Road Safety projects since 2011 with the aim to reduce and prevent alcohol-related road accidents as well as to promote responsible drinking by cooperating with agencies such as the Highway Police and the Traffic Police. Under such projects, DMHT has conducted workshops to educate officials and the public on knowledge about alcohol content and its impact on the body, the concept of ‘standard drink’, and responsible drinking. DMHT has also continually provided safety equipment to support the work of officials who facilitate road safety during long holiday periods. •

24 April 2014: FTCC-NTCC Breakfast Talk on Going to Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility

Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce organised a Breakfast Talk on “Going to Strategic CSR in Asia”. The event was held on Thursday, the 24th of April 2014 at the Centara Grand at CentralWorld Hotel (MAP), from 8.00 to 10.30 am. In the presence of Mr Richard Welford, Founder & Chairman of CSR Asia and Mr Kees-Jan van Wees, CPA Plan & Deliver Director of Friesland Campina (Thailand) PCL. •

3 June 2014: GTCC and Joint Chambers Luncheon on Economic Outlook 2015

German-Thai Chamber of Commerce organised a Joint Chambers Luncheon on Economic Outlook 2015 on Tuesday 3 June 2014 at Chandra Ballroom, Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok. EABC assisted in the promotion of this event, together with several other bilateral Chambers of Commerce in Thailand.

EABC President Mr Rolf-Dieter Daniel was one of the discussants at the Panel Discussion on the topic of Emerging Market Opportunities “Insights from European Chambers of Commerce”. The discussion followed by networking party. •

6 June 2014: GTCC Lufthansa Catering Launch

German-Thai Chamber of Commerce organized a visit to Lufthansa Catering Launch at Suvanabhumi Airport. Commencing in 1940 as a family owned business operating out of an inner city restaurant, LSG Sky Chefs (Thailand) Ltd, part of the Lufthansa Group today operates a state of the art catering facility servicing 30 customer airlines an average 16,000 meals per day with a variety of cuisines including Thai, Asian, Indian, European and Middle Eastern. LSG Sky Chefs is focused on providing the highest quality of food and service to satisfy each airlines individual’s needs. With over 450 employees, 24 purpose-built catering vehicles, sole catering rights at Don Muang Airport and the LSG Sky Chefs’ global support network, LSG Sky Chefs (Thailand) Ltd, is well placed to ensure an excellent culinary experience for the airline passenger. •

12 June 2014: GTCC-DTCC Ice Breaker Meets the Nordic

Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce together with Nordic Chambers of Commerce including Swedish-Thai Chamber of Commerce and FinnishThai Chamber of Commerce collaborated with German-Thai Chamber of Commerce held “GTCC Ice Breaker Meets the Nordic” Networking Event, hosted by German-Thai Chamber of Commerce. The event took place at Chatrium Hotel Riverside and about 120 guests have joined. •

8 July 2014: GTCC Breakfast Talk on “Laos – what you need to know about the economy and how to do business there”

German-Thai Chamber of Commerce organised a Breakfast Talk on “Laos – what you need to know about the economy and how to do business there” on Tuesday 8 July 2014 at Astor I, the St. Regis Hotel Bangkok. EABC partook in this event, together with Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce and Netherlands – Thai Chamber of Commerce as well as assisting our partners in the promotion of this events among our Members and contacts.

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External Communications

II. EABC Daily News Line and Weekly News Update

I. Membership Directory The Membership Directory 2014-2015 features the following information:

EABC continued to disseminate its “EABC News Updates” every Friday to its members, Consortium Partners, EU member states Embassies and guests. The contents mainly included summary of EABC activities, upcoming/past events as well as news from members and Consortium Partners.

In addition, a daily news summary from the news related to EABC or key Thailand-EU trade issues was uninterruptedly distributed to EABC members throughout 2014.

III. EABC in the Media

• • • • • • • • • •

Message from Minister of Commerce of Thailand, EU Ambassador to Thailand and the President of EABC; Lists of EABC Board Members and Consortium Partners; About the EABC; EABC Membership Benefits; EABC Advocacy Working Groups; EABC Business Helpdesk for European SMEs; A Year in perspective: EABC activities in the year 2014; Directory of all EABC Member companies run by alphabetical order; Useful contacts; and Index

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EABC has been continuously engaging with Thai and foreign media to promote our activities as well as to publicized our policy interests towards relevant Thai policy makers/authorities and public. In 2014 EABC was also featured, interviewed or quoted on national radio, overseas newspaper, national and international televisions - indicating that the media has recognised EABC as representing European businesses in Thailand. Outcome of EABC external communications have shown in various formats including:

A. News Clipping From March to December 2014, EABC have collated a total of 14 news clips with the total PR value of 1,556,238 Baht.

EABC ACTIVITY REPORT EABC President, Mr Rolf-Dieter Daniel (Staedtler Thailand) gave The Nation an exclusive interview on Thailand’s political situation and how it effects the on-going Thai-EU FTA negotiations: To read the full article, please visit the Nation’s website: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/business/Stalled-FTA-talkshurting-30229351.html •

8 May 2014: Interview Chairperson of EABC Energy and Energy Efficiency Working Group on “How the EU can help Thailand’s energy challenge” in the Bangkok Post

Dr Nigel Gould-Davies (BG Group), EABC board member and Chairperson of EABC Energy and Energy Efficiency Working Group, shared his opinions on “How the EU can help Thailand’s energy challenge” in the BangkokPost on 8 May 2014. •

9 May 2014: Interview EABC Vice President on Thai Political Situation in Bangkok Post

B. Interview A total of 5 interviews have been undertaken by EABC in 2014. Summaries of each interview are listed here below: •

17 March 2014: Interview with EABC President on Thailand’s political situation

Mr Jan Eriksson (Spica Siam Ltd.), EABC Vice-President, in his interview with the Bangkok Post published on 9 May 2014, voiced concern among the foreign business community that the Thai economy has begun to realise the impact of the lack of fully-functioning government which has limitations to borrow money while facing falling tax revenue. He emphasised the urgency of having a functioning government in place and he remained optimistic that an election would eventually be held.

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5 June 2014: Interview EABC President in the Forum “Emerging Market Opportunities” Insights from European Chambers of commerce” organised by Sasin Alumni Association

On 5 June 2014, Mr Rolf-Dieter Daniel, EABC President participated as a panelist in “Emerging Market Opportunities Forum - Insights from European Chambers of Commerce”, organised by Sasin Alumni Association at Sasa Patasala building, Sasin Institute. Joining the panel discussion were Mr Phongsakdi Chakshuvej, President of the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC), Mr Lucas Boudet, Executive Director of the Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce (FTCC) and Mr Giovanni Quaratesi, Secretary General of Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce. Each speaker shared their experience and opinions as European organizations promoting investment in Thailand on opportunities and constraints for European investors coming to Thailand and in comparison to other ASEAN countries. •

4 July 2014: Interview “EU Businesses Reaffirm Commitment to Thailand” - EABC President on Krungthep Turakij

Mr Rolf-Dieter Daniel, president of the European ASEAN Business Centre (EABC), said THE European Union’s decision to scale back ties with Thailand and suspend official visits to and from Thailand are merely symbolic gestures as the EU fully supports the reform efforts in Thailand. The EABC president does not expect trade and investment relations between the Kingdom and the EU to be affected by the EU’s decision. EU investors will continue to invest in Thailand. The EU is also the biggest investor in ASEAN, accounting for 22.3% of all foreign investment projects. The bloc is also among Thailand’s top five export markets.

C. Press Release Issuance of 3 press releases relating to EABC function as a supporting platform for a better trade conditions between Thailand and Europe have been announced. The three issuances are as follows: •

23 May 2014: Press Release - EABC on current situation in Thailand

1 July 2014: Press Release: “EABC to Continue Its Support Towards Thai-EU FTA”

11 November 2014: Press Release: EABC advocates liberalisation of the service sector to jump start the Thai economy

Full details can be found on EABC website at: http://www.eabcthailand.eu/news/87/press-releases.html

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