Assessing & Reporting Outcomes Description:
This is the first installment of a Perspectives regular short feature that aims to dive more deeply into the AFA Core Competencies. Each issue, this section will be developed in collaboration with the AFA Professional Development Committee to further assist association members in applying the Core Competencies within their professional development. Each installment will focus on one competency and provide specific and tangible examples of how to apply the competency to enhance one’s development.
PHILOSOPHY When developing the Core Competencies in 2017, the workgroup had lengthy discussions about the question, “Who are these competencies for?” In the end, it was clear the Core Competencies were for all AFA members regardless of employer or membership type. Each competency was developed and evaluated from the perspectives of those employed to do fraternity/sorority work by inter/national headquarters, colleges/universities, vendors, graduate students, and those who serve as volunteers at any level. The Competencies are relevant to all positions and membership types, although they may be applied differently based on context.
Including defining learning and impact outcomes for every activity, developing data collection instruments (e.g., surveys, polls, journals, monitoring online and office traffic, time tracking, etc.), gathering data, analyzing and interpreting data, compiling assessment reports, incorporating results into communication systems, and using data to improve work. Application: HQ •
Using Google Analytics to reorganize and update the memberonly side of a website
Tracking completion rates of assessment/follow-up after a leadership program and sharing the information learned to the entire membership — not just internal leadership
Utilizing self-assessments for collegiate leaders to determine progress toward job responsibilities
Tracking office traffic and frequently asked questions to improve communications and services
Evaluating patterns and implications from chapter and community score cards
Preparing content for an annual divisional assessment report
Determining institutional priorities for annual budget proposals
Using chapter evaluation reports from the campus and/or headquarters to advise chapter leaders
Reviewing campus climate assessment reports on student health, alcohol, sexual misconduct to understand student concerns
Utilizing a 360-degree type assessment to assess advisor performance
Reviewing program evaluation results to identify and address low-quality experiences
To illustrate relevance and difference across roles, here’s one example of what the competency, “Assessing and Reporting Outcomes” looks like from four different positions in the fraternity/sorority profession.
Evaluating behavior trends across users/clients and adapting services to the industry
Reporting use rates and impact measures to clients to support their assessment plans