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Utilization of Satellite Image To Improve Solar Ponds Production

Mr.: Zaid Halasah Senior Chemist - APC Jordan 24th AFA Int’l. Technical Fertilizers Conference & Exhibition

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Utilization of Satellite Image To Improve Solar Ponds Production By: Zaid Fajir Halasah‐ Arab Potash Company Abstract The use of satellite images is widely used in many applications all around the world. This paper reviews the usage of satellite imagery to improve the efficiency of the control and increase the productivity of the solar ponds system at the Arab Potash Company that used to produce Carnallite ( the raw martial of potash). Satellite images were processed using special software like Infogragh and Irdass to have density, thermal and depth profiles which used to improve the process control and predict for future actions. The data and the final images were saved in special software as an archiving and comparison system (ArcMap GIS) Infrared layer of the image was used to check for seepage of the brine from the solar ponds and to locate the areas of any suspect sink holes. The main benefits of processing the satellite images for the Arab Potash company are: 1‐ Improve the process control of the solar ponds system. 2‐ Plan the salt dredging works in the solar pond system by calculating the salt growth in each subarea, locating any closed area around high density brine and evaluate the dredged areas. 3‐ Locating any suspected sinkhole (coordinates) and the risk of these sinkholes on the system and the dikes. 4‐ Locating the reverse flow of the brine in the solar ponds system and set the right solution for this phenomenon.

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The Aim Insure that the solar ponds system production on the optimum conditions by improving the operation conditions of the system through the following actions Identifying areas where specific gravity is higher than should be and providing solutions for this phenomenon. Identifying reefs and salt mushrooms that are blocking or restrict the future brine flow in the ponds and providing solutions. Monitoring of the nature and amount of salt mushroom, salt floor growth in the ponds, and performing an updated evaluation for the continued operation of the salt ponds. Examining the compatibility of the dredging plans with the new findings that observed in the salt ponds and updating it accordingly. Monitoring new salt growths in areas that have already been dredged; Locating suspected sinkholes within salt ponds area and around the dikes.

Introduction Remote sensing is the technique of deriving information about objects on the surface of the earth without physically coming into contact with them. This process involves making observations using sensors (cameras, scanners, radar etc.) mounted on platforms (satellites), which are at a considerable height from the earth surface and recording the observations on a suitable medium (digital data). When electromagnetic radiation falls upon a surface, some of its energy is absorbed, some is transmitted through the surface, and the rest is reflected. Surfaces also naturally emit radiation, mostly in the form of heat. It is that reflected and emitted radiation which is recorded on digital sensor. Since the intensity and wavelengths of this radiation are a function of the surface in question, each surface is described as processing a characteristic Spectral Signature. If an instrument can identify and distinguish between different spectral signatures, then it will be possible to map the extent of surfaces using remote sensing. Satellite remote sensing is widely used as a tool in many parts of the world for the management of the resources and activities within the continental shelf containing reefs and nutrient rich waters associated with major estuaries. A Geographical Information System (GIS) is a system of hardware, software and procedures to facilitate the management, manipulation, analysis, modeling, 24th AFA Int’l. Technical Fertilizers Conference & Exhibition

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representation and display of geo‐referenced data to solve complex problems regarding planning and management of resources. Functions of GIS include data entry, data display, data management, information retrieval and analysis. The applications of GIS include mapping locations, quantities and densities, finding distances, mapping monitoring changes, and improving one’s ability to make decisions.

Site of the study The study area located to the south of the Dead Sea the lowest point at the surface of the earth with an area of about 112Km2. The main aim of the solar ponds system at the Arab Potash Company is to precipitate Carnallite (KClMgCl2.6H2O) which is the raw material for the potash production. The brine which is a saline water with a total dissolved salts of 340g/l is pumped from the Dead Sea with four pumps each pump capacity around 5m3/sec to the solar pond system which is composed of two parts the salt ponds and the carnallite ponds. The salt ponds of an area of 68Km2 with a main roll of evaporating the water from the brine using the solar energy to reach the carnallite point (the point that the solution saturated with K ion), after this point the carnallite start precipitate at the carnallite system. As byproduct table salt NaCl precipitate in the salt ponds of an amount of 16‐20 million tons per year. The carnallite ponds of an area of 43Km2 with a main roll of precipitating the raw martial the carnallite by evaporating the water by the solar energy then the carnallite is wet harvested and pumped to the refineries to extract the potash.

Orthophoto of the studying area

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SD 10 SD 4

SD 3

D 10

D 9

SD 2

D1 SD 1 SD 12

D5 D 8

D 7

D 14

D 6

D 15

D 16

D 2

SP 11

D 18

New Brine intake station Brine intake station



SP 15


C- 9

D 19

PD-2 PD-1 C- 8 C-8P.S.

SP 16

D C-10 17 PD-3 C11

SP 14

SP 13

SP 12

SD 5



C-3 P.S.


SD SD6 9

SD 7

SD 8

SP2- 2

SP2- 1

D 20


Numeral Mixed Salts & Mud Company


Solar ponds system

Methodology A satellite image was captured, downloaded, corrected geographically and geometrically then the image analyzed randomly using special software to locate the check points location to calibrate the image. Field calibration from the brine surface up to the 2.5m depth that it is the maximum dredging depth. Having checkpoints in order to verify the accuracy of image processing results. Estimating of salt growth during the year in SP1 and SP2. Field calibration was done in two ways:

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Identification of well‐determined objects in brine (by RTK GPS). In each point depth, temperature and density of brine were checked in interval of 0.25 cm. Total numbers of 54 point were measured. The following parameters were recorded at each point that was checked in the field during the surveys: Density and temperature from brine level to pond floor at 25 cm intervals. The depth and shape of the salt mushrooms chosen as representing a growth area or phenomena detected through visual analysis of the satellite image. An average depth of salt floor in each sampling point. Brine level on the sampling days. Flow directions at the various depths in the salt dikes’ weirs and in critical passages detected in the satellite image. Checking brine levels difference among the salt sub‐ponds. The principal of image processing is simple it is assumed that the color of pixel is reflecting change in depth. If we can confirm that each pixel gray scale representing one depth value, we can order the computer to search for this color and count the pixels of the same depth. Based on the depth values set for each gray scale value, computerized image processing has been done in order to determine the correct depth of each pixel of the QuickBird satellite image. From the 4 available bands of 2009 image it was chosen to make the calculation using the green and panchromatic bands which have the best infiltration to heavy brine and it is the most informative one. The Ground Sample Distance of each pixel in the panchromatic is 0.7m X0.7 =0.49m2 .As a result each pixel got its own depth value. Pixels that have been used to the depth value

The principal of image processing is assumed that the color of pixel is reflecting change in the density. If we can confirm that each pixel color scale representing one 24th AFA Int’l. Technical Fertilizers Conference & Exhibition

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Density value, we can order the computer to search for this color and count the pixels of the same density value. Based on the density values a set for each color scale value, computerized image processing has been done in order to determine the correct density of each pixel of the QuickBird satellite image.

Results When the project implemented for the first time 1998 there was areas with high specific gravity in the beginning or in the middle of the system and the brine in those areas some time passes the Carnallite point which mean a loss in the production also a loss in the evaporation area and a mess in the control so removing those areas by mechanical dredging leads to recover the trapped brine.

Density profile at the surface of the solar pond system in 2009

Density profile at the surface of the solar pond system in 1998

By analyzing the satellite image salt mushrooms and reefs that restrict or block the brine flow through the system where located and a suitable solution for each case was done to insure spontaneous brine flow through the system. 24th AFA Int’l. Technical Fertilizers Conference & Exhibition

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Salt mushrooms and reefs

Comparing to orthophotos that separated by a period of time (6months to one year interval) by the topography of the ground salt layer then extract the 3D model, the pond salt floor growth can be calculated.

Floor model extracted from the orthophoto

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3D demonstration of the deep area in west SP‐2/3.

By analyzing the infrared layer of the satellite image any sink holes or brine seepage from the dikes can be located immediately.

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Infrared layer that shows the location of the Sink holes in SP0‐A

Sink holes locations around SP0‐A

Conclusion Applying the suitable solution for the closed areas that contain the high specific gravity brine as dry equipments as a first emergency solution then the mechanical dredging of the accumulated salts this led to a uniform gradient profile of specific gravity along the system which means better control for the system and better productivity. The data extracted from the orthophoto used to issue a dredging plan for the salt ponds, this plan insure a clear brain passage to feed the Carnallite ponds with the needed amount of the brine and insure that the salt ponds system has enough brine inventory (stock) for production. Also the infrared layer of the orthophoto provides a good tool to locate the location of any sinkhole or seepage in the system or around it and also it is so efficient in predicting the location of any suspected new sinkholes.

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