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Standards update
National Manager, Advocacy, FPA Australia
FP-002 Fire detection and alarm systems
Resolution of the public comment on the AS 1670.6 revision and AS 3786 revision (an adoption, with modification, of ISO 12239) continues.
AS 1670.1-2018 amendment AS 1670.12021 is available for download.
FP-004 Automatic fire sprinkler installations
Progress continues on the revision of AS 2118.6.
FP-018 Fire safety
Progress continues on the revisions of AS 1530.1 (combustibility test) and AS 1530.4 (fire-resistance tests).
FP-020 Construction in bushfire-prone areas
Progress continues on the new handbook for Maintenance of construction in bushfire-prone areas (SA HB 208).
FP-022 Fire protection of mobile and transportable equipment
Resolution of the public comment on AS 5062 continues.
The next TAC meetings will be held remotely in March 2022.
TAC/1 Maintenance of fire protection systems and equipment
TAC/1 reconfirmed its work program for 2022. Work continues on reviewing comments for the draft project proposal for the revision of AS 1851-2012, as well as other projects to update or develop new technical documents. The NSW EPA sent out an email on Wednesday 10 November 2021 advising that it has published further guidance information on how to prepare for and comply with its requirements on PFAS firefighting foams. at TAC/11/22 given AS 5062 is near completion and a lull in the policy space regarding firefighting foam. Firefighting foams are expected to be a hot topic in 2022 with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority beginning a review of its requirements, the implementation of the Commonwealth’s Industrial Chemicals Environmental Standard Register and an expected new firefighting foam proposal at the European Chemicals Agency. As previously noted, the NSW EPA has published further guidance information on how to prepare and comply with their requirements on PFAS firefighting foams. This is available on their website.
TAC/17 Emergency planning
An update of the ‘Information Bulletin on Evacuation Diagrams’ is nearing completion, along with a new document on the requirement to have emergency plans. The ‘Information Bulletin on Evacuation Exercises During a Pandemic’ has been sent to our publisher for finalisation. Work also continues in earnest on the issue register that is to form the basis of a potential project proposal to revise AS 3745, as well as other technical documents that may also support this.
TAC/2 Fire detection and alarm systems
The TAC continues to seek to progress the draft ‘Good Practice Guide’ on speaker layout. The ‘Information Bulletin’ on building occupant warning systems is also almost at the stage for final editing.
A previous draft document on detection in carparks is under review.
The report commissioned by the Office of the NSW Building Commissioner was submitted to NSW cabinet with nine recommendations, six of which align with FPA Australia’s key strategic statements.
TAC/3/7 Portable and mobile equipment
The ACCC has released the updated mandatory standard for portable nonaerosol fire extinguishers.
There is a 12-month transition period during which people can meet either the current or updated mandatory standard. The mandatory standard is based on certain sections of the voluntary Australian New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1841.1-2007 Portable fire extinguishers. There has been much progress in this space with documents on extinguisher agent replacement and foam extinguisher marking in advanced development, as well as issue registers being created for a potential revision of AS/NZS 1841 and AS/NZS 1850.
TAC/4/8/9 Fire sprinkler and hydrant systems, tanks and fixed fire pumps
The TAC revisited previous work on pumpset checklists. The document will be made available to industry for free. There was much discussion on the requirements of different Australian Standards, including AS 2118.1 (concealed spaces, incidental storage and protection of high voltage areas), AS 2118.6 (water supply calculation) and AS 2304 (break tanks, test drain sizes).
TAC/11/22 Special hazards fire protection systems
There have been minimal developments
TAC/18/19 Passive fire protection
IB-18 Using polyurethane foams was published on 12 November 2021. Work continues on another possible document on unfilled frames in fire doorsets. Discussion on training and other documents continues, as does contribution to the work of FP-018.
TAC/20 Bushfire safety
An update and discussion on AS 54142012 Bushfire water spray systems was given at the meeting. Work continues on a BPAD practice note on conducting BAL assessments using method 1 of AS 3959-2018.