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Vale Bob Bell
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of FPA Australia Honorary Life Member Bob Bell on Sunday 27 February 2022 at the age of 83.
FPA Australia
Robert (Bob) S Bell was well-loved and respected by his peers and is described by many as faithful, loyal, reliable, trustworthy and a very kind and giving bloke.
A through-and-through fireman, he had a background in industrial electronics that he turned into a 42-year tenure at Wormald, specialising in alarms and detection systems.
He was an innovative designer and an early adopter of technology, who was able to bring people together by thinking differently. He invested time in people and was a natural and talented trainer, not restricted to the theory of fire protection but delving into the practical side of the trade, mentoring many up-and-coming practitioners who went on to become stalwarts in the industry.
But his real forte was his client relationships. He knew and was trusted by a lot of people, which made him a valuable and successful Senior Technical Sales Manager.
Bob was a consummate, disciplined and dapper professional who was never without a tie and always had a pot of coffee brewing in the corner of his office. His dress sense reflected his outlook on life—neat, professional, service-orientated and a little old-fashioned.
He was awarded Honorary Life Membership for his tireless contribution to FPA Australia over many years. He was nominated by Norm Winn, who chaired the Victorian State Committee while Bob served for 30 years as his loyal Secretary, with Rod Buncle as Treasurer.
The three of them turned a division that was on its last legs into one of the most successful in the country, contributing over $100,000 to FPA Australia.
Norm and Bob became inseparable and very close friends. They collaborated on initiatives such as the industrial fire officer course, and they were there to celebrate the successes of their students at every graduation dinner.
Bob was a strong supporter of the Association and its predecessors, and he played a pivotal role in the creation of FPA Australia through the merger of the Australian Fire Protection Association (AFPA) and the Fire Protection Industry Association Australia (FPIAA).
With the financial support and resources of Wormald, Bob took a leading role in turning around the affairs of the AFPA, building a community and working with other leaders to assist with the merger.
He saw the Association as a way of giving back to his industry, and he dedicated himself to it.
Bob’s other keen interest was dogs. An avid exhibitor since his teens, mostly of collies, he travelled extensively over many years, judging competitions in Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Africa and the Philippines.
Bob was not just an Honorary Life Member of FPA Australia. He was given the same honour by the Kennel Control Council/Victorian Canine Association, the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria, the Non-Sporting Dog Club of Victoria, the Caulfield and District Kennel Club and the Melbourne Royal, about which he said: “I’m very proud of that one—that’s the badge of an honorary life member of the society. I suppose that’s also got to do with age a little bit too—it means that you’ve been around a while.”
Bob was devoted to his family and is survived by his wife Jennifer, his daughter Louise, son-in-law Brett and grandchildren Joe and Harry.
FPA Australia offers its condolences to Bob’s family, friends and colleagues for their loss of a “jolly good bloke”. Below Bob and Jennifer Bell. Bob played an important role in the creation and success of FPA Australia.